A New Day

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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#2 of The Night Sky

Here's a quick bit of introspection on Anthony's part.

I've decided that stories in this series will switch point of views between third and first--hopefully it works out haha

Also, M/M gay sex with a dragon ahead as usual, involves frotting and docking just in case that's not your cup of tea.

A New Day

So here I am, wandering the universe with a humanoid dragon.

Actually, the fact that he was humanoid or a dragon didn't seem so weird now. Nature, as Zack had explained to me, is actually pretty lazy. The vast majority of sentient life in the universe either walks on two legs and has two arms, or walks on four legs period, quite like the life found on Earth, and they're generally between three and eight feet tall.

That said, there are plenty of exceptions. I've seen quite a lot of exotic life-forms in the short amount of time I've spent outside of Zack's RV-styled ship. His doctor, for example, had turned out to be some sort of floating jellyfish much akin to a human-sized version of the ones from the first episode of Picard's Star Trek. It had spoken by glowing, I think, but the translation chip attached to my brain had still given me English to go off of.

Luckily, the nurse had an adorable dog face, and she'd kept the whole check-up from becoming a fiasco. She had installed my ocular implants and explained in a nice way that my brain was highly adaptable, but still too primitive for the fancy kind Zack had. I would have visual translation of all text, but no overlayed heads-up display or enhanced vision beyond better sight in the dim environments.

Afterwards, I was also scanned and screened by a bunch of lights. I'm pretty sure all the colors had been used, and then some. After all the scans and lasers, I was put into a tank of...something, with a breather obviously, but it wasn't wholly creepy since the entire set-up reminded me of Luke Skywalker when he was in the bacta tank.

Speaking of which, I probably would've been less creeped out by the doctor if he were of a more sensible shape. I like to think I could've dealt with someone who looked like Admiral Ackbar instead of a floating jellyfish better.

Well, the possibility of seeing something like a Mon Calamari was probably guaranteed considering the fact that I had most of the universe to explore, and if there was an anthropomorphic dragon, then there'd definitely be a humanoid fish somewhere out there.

Once I was sufficiently disinfected and "processed," the doctor had registered me as a neutral citizen of the known universe, which I think just means I have an ID in case I get lost or separated from Zack. I mean, I take it that's why my intelligence level was bolded and highlighted as class three.

Uplifting individuals of a class three species from their home planet was legal, from what Zack had told me, but it was a rare thing for people to do, rare enough to warrant certain safety precautions. But when it was all said and done, and we were back in Zack's ship, I didn't feel awkward, go insane, or reject everything I'd seen. Even after he'd told me the bacta tank treatment had extended my life about a thousand years, I didn't flip out.

I should've been more freaked out by it all, but I wasn't really. Maybe I'd just gotten so disillusioned and bored with life on Earth that I'd simply stopped giving a damn. That said, the first thing Zack did after we'd left the atmosphere was to show me the obligatory view of my homeworld. Despite having seen the reactions of people from a multitude of sci-fi shows to their first viewing of the globe from the stars, I'd unexpectedly felt no less awe and scale than what those actors were trying to convey on a screen.

There was a bit of pride too. Hey Armstrong, you stood on the moon, but I stood on another fricken planet! And, according to Zack, I was on some order of 10^9 light years away from Earth (he thought he was sounding smart, but I used to be a computer technician! That's a billion light years, silly dragon)!

Gods, I don't even know how I should feel. Everything was just brilliant, awesome, and mind-boggling, but at the same time it was so familiar. Zack had told me how curious it was the way life developed; not only did nature often follow the same evolutionary paths, but also, as he knew from his field of study, social interaction often developed in much the same ways across the universe.

Sure, there were some differences. Broad ones like a species being raised on a world where society was relegated by an honor-bound warrior code was common, but overall people did very much the same things humans did on Earth.

For instance, we were currently flying to a supermarket since Zack had needed to refill the food stocks and the ship supplies. Except the difference was that a whole planet was the store.

Yeah, it's a space Walmart or Costco, seriously. And apparently, Zack had said that they'd been controversial because they were killing local businesses on the planets people actually lived on.

Funny how life works out, eh? I'm looking forward to my first foray to life out in the universe. And I wouldn't have to relearn proper etiquette or act like a complete fool at a restaurant, for the most part. It was great, really, all of it, and I have my dragon to thank for this new life.

And the sex! Oh, it was wonderful, and it happened quite often. I mean we were both horny young men stuck on a small ship together, so how could it not? Traveling a billion light years still took about a week even in a space ship which, to my primitive understanding, might as well have run on magic, and that gave us ample time to talk, read, play some crazy video games (which used a controller since Zack couldn't afford fancy virtual reality or mind-controlled gaming systems, as he'd complain about), mingle, and fool around.

Still, while the sex was satisfying, there was still that lack of a special something. He'd never taken me fully yet. We would do everything else but that: oral, mutual handjobs, sixty-nine, and most recently after being released from the doctor's office, we tried frotting.

I didn't have a watch or phone or anything, not since I had dropped all vestige of a normal life and moved into an isolated cabin on a mountain, but I guessed we had done it about six hours ago, almost right after I'd finished with the doctor. We'd set out for a gas station, an orbiting sun platform, and we'd done it in the back bed while Mary, the ship's AI, absorbed all the processed solar energy she'd need for another month.

I didn't quite understand it, but Zack explained that solar energy was fuel for the engines while bio-nutrients provided the ship's hull, and a lot of its metallic interior, with its regenerative ability. I'm not convinced he entirely understands how the metals work either. Anyway, the sun we'd stopped at had multiple platforms for docking at, some for huge starships and many for smaller personal ships like ours. We were in a busy urban part of the galaxy, I guessed, since Mary had to queue up for about an hour before she could start taking in energy from a processing port.

I remember thinking that I could've spent the hour just looking out and staring at the various spaceships, but instead I'd only taken a quick gander. Some were sleek, like they'd been designed for atmospheric flight, and some were in simple geometric shapes like ours. Their engines all hummed with varying colors and idle intensity, patiently waiting for their turn at the metaphorical pump.

I could see why Mary acted the way she does towards my dragon--our ship looked lame and uninspired compared to the shiny ones outside, but it was completely practical.

"His parents could afford to buy him something much better," the disgruntled AI had said to me while I was watching out the cockpit, "but they don't like the path he's taken."

"What do you mean?" I'd asked.

Her avatar, a female Alorkin (I still like calling them space elves), appeared on a small screen near the middle of the dash. It was the only way she could physically appear, and that was part of why she was annoyed with the ship. "Everything since college," she said. "His major, his career choice, his meandering. They don't approve, and they're trying to encourage him to do something more practical."

"I know the type," I said, "but not personally so. My own path was happily approved by my parents."

"Lucky," she said, her digital avatar pouting as if Zack was sitting next to me and not in the restroom.

"They're his parents, though. Shouldn't they encourage him to live life his way?"

Her image raised an eyebrow and flattened its ears. "I'm being questioned about this by a class-three primitive."

"Hey," I said, frowning. "You're attacking the person making the argument instead of the argument itself."

She raised her arms. "Oh confound it, I hate that stupid dragon. He taught you to say that, didn't he?"

"No," I said. "If you hate him so much, can't you just, you know, quit or something?"

Her image turned its back on me, and then she turned back. "Look, I don't actually hate him. The vitriol between us is all sarcastic. I just think he could do better is all. He's got the connections. His mother is a dragon, and his father is the co-owner of an asteroid mining corporation. That's what annoys me."

Dragons had been rich since forever, as Zack had told me a few days ago, and the capital they owned allowed them to make oodles of profit just from sitting around and making investments. His mother was no exception to the hoarding dragon stereotype, so I understood what Mary was saying.

"Still," I said, "you never know what can happen. Just because Zack's a sociologist and not a CEO doesn't mean he'll live in this ship forever."

Her image faded from the screen. "Statistically, it's more than likely he will."

"But you're going to stay with him, aren't you?"

Before I could hear her reply, Zack bombed through the cockpit. "Heya!" he shouted, and then he pressed a few buttons. "Cool! Everything's looking good, we're just going to be in line for a while!"

"Alright," I said. "Maybe we could look at some travel brochures."

He grinned at me and nudged my shoulder. "Or we could, you know."

Mary popped up on her screen again. "Ugh, you two are always doing that. Just because I don't have any sight in your bedroom doesn't mean I'm not monitoring your heart rates."

I blushed when she said that. Damn, our ship knew we were screwing around in the back. It was kind of awkward considering we were doing it inside her, in a weird sense.

"Hey," Zack said, "life and urges and all that! It's a natural thing, you know."

She rolled her virtual eyeballs and sighed. "Organics. Pah. I'll ring a bell when I'm done fueling."

Well, as you'd guess, next thing I knew my clothes were off and I was on the bed in the rear of the ship, hidden behind a curtain. This time, Zack set himself down on the queen-sized bed first before pulling me down on top of him, and I wasn't exactly sure what he wanted.

I was getting hot and bothered already just from seeing him exposed like that, his wings open and inviting me to do something. His tail brushed along my butt cheeks, and I hoped we were about to take things to the next level.

"Let's try something different," he said. "Something I've always wanted to try."

I imagined him letting me make love to his tail hole, but I wasn't sure he was leading me up to that. "Oh? What?"

His hands went down to fondle my balls, and then I felt one clutch my hardening cock. The exotic scaly texture on his hand brought me to full mast in no time at all. He started lightly tugging on my shaft once it was rock hard. "Let your hips follow my hand," he said.

My mind started screaming with joy. He was going to lead me to his hole--that was the only place I could've thought of!

Well, as it turned out, there was another I didn't even think could be used that way. His cock slit. Sometimes I forget he even has that, what with the hefty pair of balls he has under it.

His hand told me to put myself inside that strange ring, and I remember I sort of resisted.

"Don't worry," he said while trying to coax me into entering him. "I can hold my cock inside for a while. Go ahead and fuck my slit."

Well, when he said it so bluntly, I had no choice but to try it at least. I felt his fleshy slit part around my thick head, but I knew it wouldn't hurt Zack. I've been face to face with the dragon's black knot before, so I knew the fleshy hole could accommodate something much larger than my own pink flesh.

It felt better than I thought it would. The inside of his slit was wet, but there was a lot room before my cock felt something hard inside. His dick was hardening, but he was keeping it in through some dragon ability, I assumed.

Once I was in all the way, my cock sliding under his and my balls touching his softly scaled scrotum, his hands went up to grasp my sides by my pecs. His thumbs went over my nipples, rubbing them over and over, while his tail continued to brush against my bubbly butt.

His musk was intensifying now too. When he wasn't aroused, he had almost no body odor thanks to his scales, but something about sex increases the smell of pure male around his genitals and armpits tenfold. I inhaled, taking as deep a whiff of it as I could from over his shoulder, and my cock twitched from the sweet smell even if it wasn't as strong as it could've been if I could move.

I was pretty much in heaven right now, and I hadn't even started humping him.

Well, that was remedied soon enough. I rocked my hips back and forth, his hands holding my upper body mostly in place, and my cock rubbed all along his textured shaft. I had gotten more familiar with it by now, and I knew the top side of my cock was rubbing against the underside of his wonderfully designed dragon dick, the faux scale texture there similar in pattern to his thick neck and frontal scales.

I went slowly at first, but soon I could hear Zack moaning the word "faster."

So I did. My balls bounced against his until it was almost painful to go any harder or faster. I jack-hammered into his opening as if I was taking his ass, and my mind floated in a sea of sexy bliss.

After another minute or so, Zack stopped caressing my chest nubs and groaned. "Ah, stop," he said. "Pull out."

I retreated my hips, taking my cock out of his slit and into the cold disappointing air. About a second later, a rigid piece of flesh pressed against my cock. I took a quick glance down and saw his large black dragon shaft had risen out of his slit and was pressing along the length of mine.

Taking the initiative, I reached down and grasped both our cocks in one hand. His knot was already inflated--evidently, my docking had brought him closer to the edge than I'd thought. I relaxed my legs a little so that our balls were rubbed up right along each other, their warmth passing directly through our sacks, and then I pumped our entwined shafts while slowly sliding mine against his lovely texture.

"Ungh," he moaned, "keep going. I'm not gonna last long."

I kept on stroking our cocks, but I made sure to give his knot a good extra squeeze with each pump.

Pretty soon, my balls could feel his larger ones begin to churn and shudder. His cock started convulsing along mine, and then I felt his cum flow through it and fly out onto his sexy body, his first batch reaching all the way to his thickly scaled neck. His hands clutched my sides with a hard grip, his dull claw-like fingernails digging into my skin with a bit of pain, but I focused on the pleasure instead. His tail was wavering uncontrollably all around my backside, as it tended to do when he came, and his muzzle was gaping from pleasure.

I loved watching him when he was in the throes of climax. I was happy I was the one who sent him to such heights of pleasure, just as he must've thought the same when he would bring me to orgasm.

Speaking of which, my hand had unconsciously moved to my sensitive head and started stroking faster. I came at just about the time his pulsing cock stopped pumping out his copious seed, my own relatively smaller load mixing with his like paint on a palette.

And then I swept my body along the palette as if it was a brush, swirling our messy seed all around our bodies. A lot of it sank into the crevices between his scales, but there was plenty enough to fill up those gaps and leave puddles.

His hands gripped my sides again and pulled my body up and close to his muzzle. I felt a wet piece of flesh slather all around my cum-stained belly while I kept my head above his shoulders by the side of his horns.

"Mm," Zack said, "we taste good."

Heh. I've tasted our intermixed cum before, and I wholeheartedly agreed. "Yeah."

"We've still got some time," he said. "Wanna try something else?"

"Nah. I'd like to lie here for a while, with you, if that's alright."

He let go of my sides, letting my wet stomach back down near his chest. "Sure, anything you'd like."

Zack was so considerate and accommodating, but my heart kept feeling troubled.

Don't get me wrong, everything was wonderful, but we were still lacking that certain spark. I knew we were doing it for fun, for relief, and it wasn't anything serious, but I always wished it would be something more. You know. That thing.

I wanted him to cuddle with me without being asked. I wanted him to curl his wings around me reflexively.

Gods, I love him. I love him so much. But he's an honest man, err, dragon man, and he's told me several times already that he wasn't ready for a relationship. I understand, and I love him all the more for his honesty, but it leaves me wanting, and I can't help how I feel.

Time. Time. I have so much of it now that I'm not terribly worried about it. I can be patient--for now, there's a whole universe out there for me to digest!


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