Return to Minasato ~ A personal continuation of Morenatsu

Story by Ossanlin on SoFurry

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , Hey. I haven't posted in quite some while, I apologize, but it's very fitful with me right now. As for this submission...well the muses were not only with me, they were quite insistent.

I recently played through one of the story-lines of Morenatsu. I'd heard of it before, but never managed to find a safe place to download a functional copy, until now. Thanks to a recent post on FA by dragondrawer and a comment left on said post by geowolf17, I now have the visual novel, and I must say it touched me deeply. Yes, I became emotionally involved with a fictional character from a Japanese gay furry dating sim. I'm lonely and desperate, okay?

Aaanyway...I was dissatisfied with the ending. It's not a bad ending, it's just bittersweet and didn't wrap the story up for me, so I was compelled rather forcefully by my own brain to write this. I just spent four hours writing it in one sitting. Yeah. But anyway, I hope you guys might enjoy it, though it might not make much sense if you haven't played through the appropriate story-line of Morenatsu.

The writing style in this one is also different, I tried to write it in the style of Morenatsu, which is to say with Japanese culture that reads like Japanese-translated-to-English. Note that all credit for characters and intellectual property contained in Morenatsu goes to the Morenatsu Project team. ~Appropriate disclaimer inside

One last note, this story is more about love and romance than sex. It has both, but I've really emphasized the feelings in this one over everything else, because of how Morenatsu made ME feel. Yup. Anyway, hope you guys like it.

Author's Note: Hey everyone. Been quite awhile since I've posted, I know. I'm sorry, it's just really fitful with me right now. BUT, here's another story. I really debated whether or not to share this one since I wrote it for myself, but I thought maybe some of you guys might enjoy reading through it too. This story is based off of the game called Morenatsu. I recently played through it, and was dissatisfied with the ending. Not that it was a bad ending, not at all, but it was bittersweet, and as most of you know, I don't do bittersweet.

The events of this story take place right after the end of the game (in my own little world anyway). And yes, like the sad, desperate, lonely person that I am, I became emotionally involved with a fictional character from a Japanese gay furry dating sim. Thus, I had to cap it off in a happy way. I literally sat down this morning and typed this out. It kept flowing. I just finished the first play-through last night and went to sleep. I woke up early and wanted to go back to sleep, but I couldn't, because this story wouldn't let me. I had to put it to paper and get it out of my head.

Please note that this story does not follow my usual writing style. I recommend you guys play through Morenatsu, otherwise the story might not make as much sense. For those of you who have played it through, I hope you'll get all of the references and tie-ins I tried to make. Those of you who've played through it know that the visual novel has been translated from Japanese, as such, the language is a little different than one might expect. I tried to copy the style, that is to say I tried to use Japanese culture and write in such a way that would resemble Japanese-translated-to-English, if that makes any sense. Despite being a JP culture fanboy, I'm not much more than an amateur with it, so if I made any incorrect cultural references, please forgive me. Also please forgive me if I mis-quoted the game, after all I've only played it through once. Otherwise, I hope some of you guys enjoy this.

Oh, and my name isn't actually "Lee," though it's close to my real name. It's a handle I often use in RPG's.

Disclaimer: I do not own the copyright to Morenatsu or any of its content including locations, characters or any other artistic renditions. I am not making any money with this story, and it is meant to be a personalized cap to the story that satisfies my personal desires. There is no intention to make money or personal gain with this story. All credit for Morenatsu and the characters, art, and intellectual property therein-contained goes to the Morenatsu Project team. And just to be safe, the characters in my story are considered to be completely adult. The Japanese suffix of "kun" is used as a familial endearment. Please do not re-post, alter, or in any other way modify this story without my express-written consent. Thanks. ^^

Return to Minasato

As I watched all of my friends chase my bus down the road, my throat caught. My relationships with each of them were so special and unique. There was no one in the city that would see me off like this. I knew some people in the city. Kids I'd say "hello" to or sit with in the common area during lunch time, but no one I had such strong bonds with. Leaving felt wrong. Somehow it felt even worse than before, even though I knew we'd all parted on great terms. What was this feeling within me? This tightness in my hurt. It hurt more than before. Slowly I started to feel numb. Why was I leaving again? I should stay, had always been my home. I realized that now more than ever before. Despite living in the city for years, it had never felt like my home. What was there for me in the city? A better school? Maybe. My parents? Yes. But that was it.

It wasn't as if the school in Minasato was bad, it was just much smaller. They had less class selection, but despite that, they were still ranked near the top for schools of their size. Going to school there felt right in my mind as I thought about it. I didn't need a city-sized school, and besides, there was a city a mere short bus-ride away from Minasato, so I'd have some selection if I wanted.

But what was I saying? My parents lived in the city. I wanted to live with them, didn't I? I felt a warmth spread throughout my body as a silent tear rolled down my cheek. I didn't know if it was a tear of sadness or of joy. Probably both. I loved and respected my parents deeply, but as I thought about it, that love was being overshadowed by a brighter flame. A beautiful, passionate blaze that had burst into flame over the last month. Who would've thought that such a thing could be waiting for me in Minasato? I thought about him and immediately yearned for his touch, his warmth. I wanted to kiss him again...I needed to. Winter break was not nearly soon enough. Oh...Kouya.

The husky dogman filled my thoughts. My head felt fuzzy. I loved him and he loved me. Not just as friends, but as lovers, possibly even mates. I thought about it...yes, that love with Kouya, it was more powerful than the love with my parents. I clutched the dog-tag hanging against my chest..."We are forever with..." I knew what he meant...that he and I would always be connected now in a special way, and that was true. But I was being especially selfish...I wanted to be with him. I wanted to be with him every day and every night. I wanted to feel him, to touch him and caress his fur. I blushed as I thought of what else I wanted to do with him every night. If I wasn't careful, I might get a nose-bleed!

I allowed my thoughts to calm down. Yes, I wanted to be with him. I felt guilty for thinking that. My parents would be pained that I wanted to leave, but as I thought more and more about it, wasn't that what was supposed to happen anyway? The first time we left Minasato, I was just a child. I couldn't make my own decisions, even though I never wanted to leave. I had to rely on my parents to make the decisions for me. But now, now I'm older. I'm old enough to make some decisions on my own. That was what happened. The love between a child and his parents never ended, it was always there. But that love was eventually overshadowed by the love one shared with his mate. Kouya and I weren't mated, at least not yet, but that was how I felt. It was right to leave one's parents and find the love of a mate.

But then there was the problem of where to live. I couldn't impose on Kouya like that...he had a hard enough time making ends meet just for himself. But my grandparents...I thought about what they'd said right before I left. "It was wonderful having you, Lee-kun. Please come back again." "Yes, it's never too soon, you come back as soon as you want, and you may stay as long as you like, it's no trouble." Another tear rolled down my cheek. Somehow they'd seen...they knew how I felt about Minasato without me saying even a word about it. I hadn't realized it at the time, but they were giving me an invitation. If I wanted to come back to Minasato, I'd have a place to stay.

And Kouya...a certain memory flooded back to me of when we'd been children. I'd been caught in the park in a downpour. I'd been careless about the forecast, but I'd been a child...that was some excuse. Kouya, my little husky dogboy friend had come to my rescue with a big umbrella. The same umbrella he'd brought when I'd been caught in the same situation merely weeks ago, this time without an excuse. This memory I'd refused to share with him. I'd been afraid of sharing it with him, I was sure he'd forgotten. He'd walked me home that day when we were kids, and when we got home, I'd kissed him. It had been an innocent kiss, of course...we were only children after all. But it had felt so right. I remember he'd blushed, but then gave me a kiss back, licking my nose. I'd just giggled in response. Then we hugged and he went home. It had all been so innocent, but as I thought about it, since then I'd been closer to Kouya than I was to any of the others...even Tora. I just felt warm and safe with Kouya around...of course I didn't know it was love as a child, but that's what it had been, and that's what it was now. Love...bright and pure and strong.

So I soon as I got home, I would talk to my parents about it. I would tell them everything...I would tell them that I wanted to go back to Minasato for school. Of course I'd throw in a word about the city too, my father would be put further at ease knowing that I could attend a city school if I wanted to. I felt a sudden determination spread through my body. Yes, it's what I truly wanted. I felt as though I'd come to a revelation as Kouya had...a determination about my path in life. Kouya...I'll be back soon, you can count on it.

I woke up as the bus-driver announced my city over the intercom. I blinked a couple of times and then pushed the button for the stop...apparently I'd fallen asleep. The tightness in my chest had eased after I'd reached my decision. It was still there...I didn't want to leave my parents, but I was willing to for Minasato. For my friends. For Kouya.

A new chapter in my life, that's what it would be. I left the bus and the driver came out to help me unload my travel bag. As soon as that was done, he smiled and nodded, a bit of a twinkle in his eye, and drove the bus away down his route.

I pulled my bag behind me as I walked, my nerves starting to pique. I'd resolved to do this as quickly as would start within a couple of weeks, if I was going to do this, I needed to submit a transfer order as soon as I could. But that didn't help what I was about to say to my parents. They would be hurt, especially my mother, and I felt bad for it. I had the utmost love and respect for them, but I needed to do this for me. Maybe that was selfish of me, but there was no denying it...Minasato was my path. Kouya...Kouya was my path.

I climbed the stairs to our small home. It was somewhat rare to have a house in the city, most people lived in apartments, but the extra space was nice. I was filled with apprehension. How would this go? What would happen? If I was unable to convince my parents, I wouldn't be able to go back. They would have to sign the transfer order and give their blessing. My nerves ratcheted up another notch. I could run away like Kouya had...but no, he was so much better after talking with his parents again. But would I? I tried not to think about them saying "no." The thought was much too depressing.

As I opened the door, my mother greeted me brightly. "Lee-kun!!" She hugged me with my hands full. I would've returned the gesture, but I was still carrying all my bags. "I've missed you!" She backed up and smiled at me.

"I missed you too, mother." I set one of my bags down by the door.

"So, back from Minasato, eh?" My father smiled and patted me on the shoulder.

"Yes." I couldn't say much more as I picked up my bag again and moved toward my room. I set my bags down and flopped on my futon. I needed to say it...I needed to tell them about what happened, but somehow the words wouldn't come.

My mother came in a few minutes later and frowned, looking at me. "Lee-kun...what's wrong? Don't you want to shower after your trip?"

I blinked my eyes a couple of times and nodded. "Yes, yes that's a good idea." I'd missed showers...they were a luxury, and one wholly unavailable in Minasato. But that was merely another thing that paled in comparison to the brightness of my love for Kouya. I would easily give showers and anything else up for him.

I got up and pulled some clothes out of my suitcase. "Dinner will be ready in a bit, don't rush, but please don't take too long." My mother called to me as I walked to the bathroom.

Before long, I was standing underneath the flowing water. It seemed to clear my head and wash away my emotional funk. It felt good, the warm water cascading down my skin. My thoughts turned unbidden to Kouya once again. His warm fur tickling my body as I sat on his lap moaning over the hunk of husky flesh imbedded deep within me. "K...Kouya..." I bit my lower lip as the memories returned and my body began to respond. "Please Kouya....Kou...ya...more. Kouya..."

My hand traveled to my cock, giving it a few strokes when my mother's voice pierced through my haze of lust. "Dinner will be ready soon, Lee-kun. Please finish up!"

I sighed as the reverie was broken. I quickly rinsed off and got out, drying and clothing myself. My face was still blushing from my thoughts, but I figured it would look like I'd just had the water a little too hot. I'd lost control for a moment...thinking about that...NO, don't think about it right now. I admonished myself. There was something more important I needed to discuss with my parents.

As I opened the door, the delicious smells of home-made chicken yakisoba filled the air. So...she'd made my favorite for my homecoming. My chest tightened a bit. This was going to be painful for everyone. But I'd already decided.

I made my way out to the table and sat back on my knees. My mother and father were already there. "It's about time, Lee-kun. It's been ready for a while now." My mother smiled good-naturedly letting me know she was just joking.

"Sorry about that. I guess I just needed to organize my thoughts." I replied meekly. My father said a small prayer and we began to eat. It was seemed my mother had put in extra effort to make my homecoming special. The words I wanted to say...needed to say...wouldn't come. I needed to be done, but I remained silent.

My parents asked about my trip and what I'd done. I told them that I'd had a lot of fun. That the visit had been long over-due, and that I'd be going again sometime. It sounded lame to my ears, knowing the truth of what I wanted, but I just couldn't muster the courage.

Finally near the end of the meal, my mother spoke up again. "Lee-kun, what's wrong? You've been acting depressed since you got home. It's more than just your vacation ending."

I raised my eyebrows. " did you know?"

"I'm your mother, Lee-kun. I can see things, and you're more depressed than you have been in awhile. What's wrong?"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. She'd provided me with the was now or never. "Mother, father...I..." I struggled to find the words, even though I'd run through them time and again on the bus-ride home. "I...I want to transfer back to Minasato. I want to go back to Minasato this year."

"Haha...don't be silly, Lee-kun. It's not nice to play tricks on your first day back." My father chuckled. "The schools here are so much better, why would you want to go there? And where would you live?" He chuckled again as if it were a fine jest.

But my mother didn't say anything. She just looked down at her empty bowl. "Lee-kun...why do you want to leave us?"

My father's chuckle cut off as he looked between my mother and I.

"I...I just...I'd forgotten so much. But I remember it all now. I never wanted to leave in the first place. When we moved, I was just a kid, I didn't have a say in the matter. I had to rely on you, my parents, to make the right decisions for me. I cried so much...I never let you know how much I cried. Being with my friends again, being in Minasato again...I remember what I gave up." I continued on in a rush. "Well now I'm older, and I can start making decisions for myself. I want to go back to Minasato. I want to stay there...I have to be there."

My father looked pole-axed. "Son, that's absurd! We live here. Your school is here."

"Father...I can take a bus to the city near Minasato if I want to go to a city school. If that's what it takes to make you feel better, I will do it, but I want to live in Minasato. I want to be with my friends."

"What about your friends here, son? Don't they count?" My father continued on.

"I don't have friends here, father. Not like my friends in Minasato. I'm not close with anyone here. I don't have...I don't have what I have there here." My words sounded confused and jumbled to my own ears...I wished I could've spoken more clearly, but my throat seemed to be twisted shut.

I felt tears begin to flow down my cheeks. "I...I don't want to leave you. I love you both, I respect you, but I...I just have to be there right now."

I suddenly felt my mother's hand on mine, caressing. I looked up and she was smiling sadly. "Who is it, Lee-kun?"

"I...I don't..." I choked back a sob.

"Who is it?" Her soft voice soothed me. It always had, and my tears started to dry. How could she tell? How did she know?

"I...K-Kouya. Kouya Aotsuke." I said his name in a rush, but a warm feeling spread throughout me just at saying it.

My mother looked surprised for a moment, but then smiled again and nodded. "I always wondered. You and he were so close, Lee-kun. love him. And he loves you?"

"What? The husky-boy? What are you saying?" My father looked back and forth between my mother and I. He had never been all that intuitive.

I nodded in response to both my mother and father. "Yes...I love him. He is my best friend, and more. I need to be with him." I looked pleadingly into my mother's eyes. "Please..."

"I...I don't. Lee-kun, if you like men...well I can't say I'm happy but that's okay. But you're not old enough to know what love is." My father's voice was gruff and uncomfortable.

"It's not like that, father. I is, but not like you think. I don't like Kouya because I like men...I love Kouya because I love Kouya. He is who he is...and I love who he is. I've never felt this before." My chest is tight...I feel a pulling, a tug. It says I have to be near him, I need be near him. "It hurts to be away from him. I can't stop thinking about him. I just want him to be happy...if he's happy, I'll be happy."

My mother smiled sadly again and squeezed my hand. "That sounds like love to me." She glanced up at my father who now sat silent. "It's much sooner than I thought...but you're right, Lee-kun. You have to go back. I don't see a choice in the matter."

"What? What are you saying? He can't give up his chances here for..." My father fell silent as my mother arched an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, and what about when I left University to be with you, hmm?"


"No different, and you know it." My mother nodded. "I gave up University to be with you because we were in love. You of all people must know how much Kouya-kun is hurting. And you know how he'll feel when Lee-kun returns to him. And I can see how much Lee-kun is can you if you care to pay attention."

My heart jumped in jubilation. Could it be? Had I truly convinced them?

My father sighed and shook his head. "I...I can't say I approve of this, but are you sure?"

"Yes. One-hundred percent."

"You understand the consequences of the choice, and you're willing to face them?"

"Yes, father, without question." I nodded resolutely.

My father sighed again. "Very well. So be it. But you have no place to stay."

"His grandparents called before he got home. I didn't quite understand at the time, I thought they were just being polite." My mother spoke up.


"Well, they said that Lee-kun could come back any time and stay as long as he wanted. It was no trouble. It seems almost like they knew something." My mother smiled a bit to herself.

I grinned and leapt up, hugging her.

"Lee-kun...I can't breathe..." Those were her words, but she hugged me back just as fiercely.

I turned to my father and extended my hand. He took it and unexpectedly pulled me into a hug. "I...understand, Lee-kun. You have to follow your heart, wherever it leads you. There really is no choice in the matter."

"Thank you father, mother!" Tears streamed down my face, but this time they were pure joy.

"But you'll stay for a few days won't you? I want some time with you if you're going back to Minasato for the school season." My mother's demeanor had changed...asking me how long I would stay. She was treating me more like an adult.

"Of course, mother. I'll stay until the weekend. But what about school?" I paused, thinking about it.

"We'll...take care of it." My father spoke up. "I know some people at the school, we'll get your transfer order put through, but I ask of you, please at least go to the school in the city. You will have better opportunities if you do."

I nodded. "Yes father, that would probably be for the best. I can spend time with my friends outside of school." I smiled. That seemed to satisfy him.

* * *

The next few days seemed to drag by at an interminable pace. Of course I enjoyed being with my parents, and it hurt a little to think about leaving them, but the dull, burning ache in my chest grew stronger each and every day that I was away from Kouya. Every moment felt agonizing in a way. I avoided trying to contact him...I probably wouldn't be able to get in touch with him, and I wanted it to be a surprise anyway.

Finally the day of my departure came. I shared a tearful goodbye with my parents before boarding the bus. It was the same bus-driver, and I noticed the twinkle in his eye as I boarded, as if he knew of everything that had transpired. It was a little eerie, but nothing could dent my buoyant mood. If everything went well, I would be in Kouya's arms tonight, and that thought was enough to flood me with happiness.

The bus ride seemed to take forever. Every moment dragged seemed like the bus was moving in slow-motion. I just kept thinking about my sweet Kouya, trying to act all tough, but really being gooey on the inside. Finally the call came for Minasato. The bus-driver stopped before I even had a chance to push the button. No one else had pushed for a stop either. I frowned a bit as I got out. The bus-driver got out and helped me unload my bags. He smiled again and nodded, as if to say "this is where you're meant to be," before getting back on his bus and driving on.

It was the afternoon stop. No one was here, of course. I hadn't told anyone I was coming, and it was a Friday after all. They'd likely all be out. Kouya would still be at work at the music shop. I took the opportunity to walk to my grandparents' house.

"Lee-kun!" My grandmother smiled knowingly. "It took longer than I thought."

"Yes, welcome back, Lee-kun." My grandfather smiled as well. I think they actually liked having me there.

We talked some about the spell of Minasato. Apparently everyone always came back eventually. I'd never heard this particular legend before, but my grandparents both assured me it was true. I kept glancing at the lonely clock, waiting.

My grandmother noticed and smiled. "You'll be staying with Kouya-kun tonight, won't you Lee-kun?"

I raised my eyebrows. "I...uh, I mean..." How did everyone know?

"It's alright, Lee-kun. Young love is powerful. You can't resist it, we should know." My grandmother smiled and glanced at my grandfather, who returned the smile. "You should go now and make sure you pack an overnight bag, we won't worry." She smiled again.

"Th...Thank you grandmother, grandfather." I stood and bowed my head before running to my room and packing the bag. It was almost supper-time...Kouya should be home by now. I couldn't wait any longer. My excitement bubbled out of me, I couldn't contain it.

As I made my way to the door, my grandmother handed me a bowl. "Bring this. As a gift. He might not have enough for two people if he's not expecting you."

I blushed a bit. "Right...thank you again." The scents of chicken yakisoba drifted up to my nose. The same recipe my mother had...this is where she'd gotten the recipe after all.

I hurried out the door and was actually glad I didn't run into anyone. I wanted Kouya to be the first one to know everything. It seemed right, especially after he let me hear him play his vintage guitar for the first time right before I'd left.

The journey seemed to take far longer than I remembered, but then I was standing in front of Kouya's door. His motorcycle was in the driveway, so he must be home. I set the bowl of yakisoba down next to me, and knocked on the door. There was no answer. My heart fell a little, so I knocked again, this time a little bit louder.

"Just a moment, please!" My heart leapt as I heard Kouya's lovely voice through the door. The knob turned. The door opened. And there he was, the love of my life in his dark tank-top and gray fur.

"Hey sorry, I..." Kouya's mouth fell open as he fell silent. "L-Lee? Is" Kouya blinked a few times as if not believing his eyes.

My heart melted and I grinned so wide I thought my face must look split in two. I threw myself into him, hugging him tightly. "Of course it's me, Kouya!"

"Ooof!" Kouya took a couple steps backward. "Lee...Lee what are you doing here?"

I looked up into his eyes...he was trying to act cool, but I could see the glimmer of unshed tears in those beautiful golden eyes of his. "I came to see you, silly husky dogman." I hugged him tightly again. It was intoxicating. His unique scent, a musk I'd been missing since we'd parted. His warmth flooding over me. His fur tickling my face. I started to cry into his shoulder...tears of joy I couldn't contain. I'd never felt this way before...I was so happy just to be with him. I felt his strong arms encircle me and I felt hot tears on my shoulder.

"Lee..." His soft voice, usually so calm and confident, wavered. I looked up into his eyes, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I couldn't bear to be away from you Kouya. I know you were still with me..." I felt the dog tag pressed into my chest. "But I just...I had to be with you."

"Lee...I..." Kouya's body trembled and I hugged him tighter. It was hard to breathe, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was us.

We stood there like that for what seemed like forever, before I felt Kouya's hand guiding my mouth to his. We kissed...we kissed more passionately than we ever had before. His tongue dove into my muzzle and I tongue-wrestled him, moaning into the kiss, my fingers entangling themselves in the exposed fur of Kouya's shoulders. I heard music in my swelled dramatically as we kissed, then faded to a gentle melody as we parted lips. powerful.

"Kouya...I love you. I never want to be apart." I looked into his eyes as I spoke.

"Lee. I love you too. Lee I can't...I can't tell you how happy I am right now." He smiled and the whole of his apartment seemed to light up. This little apartment, a little shabby, a little run-down...but I wouldn't be anywhere else.

"But Lee...what about...?"

"Shh...I'll tell you over supper, okay?"

Kouya suddenly looked crestfallen. "Oh...but I didn't make enough! I'll have to start..."

"It's okay Kouya." I glanced down at the bowl, sitting forgotten outside his open apartment door. "Grandmother made this for me to bring. She...knew...that I'd be coming to see you."

"Ah..uh...I see. Well, thank her for me." Kouya smiled sheepishly as I picked up the bowl and brought it in. My grandmother had packed it well, so it was still warm despite the small chill in the air. I set it on the table, but I noticed that all of Kouya's bowls were dirty.

I chuckled to myself. "I'd like to eat it family-style, if that's alright with you." I grinned.

Kouya smiled back at me apologetically and brought over some chopsticks. "Sure, it's not like we haven't exchanged already." He grinned wickedly.

"Mmmh. True." I grinned back.

We ate for a bit in silence, the only sounds Kouya's comments on how much better yakisoba was than curry. I had to agree. Of course, it was my favorite, so I was already a little biased.

"Alright,'s going on?" Kouya's look had turned serious. I smiled...he was concerned about me. It made me feel warm and happy.

"I...transferred schools. I'll be going to school in the same city where you work at the music store." I smiled.

"'re going to be living in Minasato?!" Kouya seemed a bit incredulous. I just chuckled to myself. "I...I don't know..." Kouya took my hand from across the table and pulled me into a quick kiss before continuing. "But what about your parents? You didn't run away did you?" He suddenly looked apprehensive.

"No, I didn't Kouya. I just told the truth. About Minasato and my friends. About you. You know, how I happen to love you with all of my heart..." I grinned. "They filled out and filed the transfer papers themselves. I'll ride the morning bus over to the city and attend class, then come back on the evening bus. I'm staying with my grandparents."

Kouya was silent for a long time before he spoke up again. "Lee. I want you to stay with me...if that's okay with you." His eyes were serious, but soft. Full of love and feeling. My heart jumped and I felt the warmth spreading over me again. "I'm serious...I want to be with you as much as possible. You don't have to ride the hours are about the same as my work hours. You can ride with me on the back of my motorcycle to the city before I go to work. Then after I'm done, you can ride back. And we'll both be there for band practice...but it'll only work well if you stay with me."

I smiled, grateful to him for the offer. I knew it would be an imposition, but I couldn't turn him down. We both knew it. "I...I think I'll take you up on that, then."

He squeezed my hand and I squeezed back. I could've teased him, but it didn't feel like the time for teasing. I didn't want to spoil this beautiful moment. It dawned on me then what had just happened, and why I didn't want to spoil it. Kouya had asked me to live with him, and I'd agreed. So simple, yet so monumental. Without any words, Kouya stood and pulled me gently to my feet. He scooped me up in his strong arms and carried me to the bed, the remainder of our dinner forgotten.

He laid me down gently and got over me on all fours. He bent down and kissed me deeply. I moaned as his long tongue worked its way around the inside of my mouth. It was so sensual and arousing, yet full of feeling and passion. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and did my best to kiss back, though my tongue was woefully inadequate when compared with his own. I was already growing hard when Kouya ground his hips into mine. I moaned loudly into our kiss, tangling my fingers in the shoulder-straps of his tank-top. He ground his hips again before breaking our kiss. "So hard already, Lee-kun?"

I shivered, his smooth, sexy voice stroking my brain in so many pleasant ways. "K-Kouya...I want to...go all the way again. And again and again!" I brought our mouths together again and this time it was Kouya who moaned into the kiss. The desperation grew between us...the need. Yet we took our time. This wasn't something urgent. It didn't need to be hurried.

Kouya broke the kiss and began to undress me. I let was something he seemed to enjoy, like a kid opening a present at the festival, or a hunter unwrapping a particularly juicy morsel for consumption. My body shuddered as I felt his paws roam freely. He removed his own tank-top and pants down to his bikini-briefs which were tented lewdly, a wet spot glistening at the tip in the low light of the room. Then he finally removed those, and his red cock bounced lewdly as if begging me to wrap my lips around it. I shuddered again as his soft fur caressed my nude body. He smiled. "So...does that mean you want me to leave a mark in you?"

I shuddered again and nodded. "Oh yes, K-Kouya."

He turned around and suspended his dick directly over my lips while simultaneously placing his muzzle at my own appendage. I moaned as I gently guided his husky cock into my hungry mouth. This taste...I'd missed this taste too. So unique and wild and forbidden. I couldn't get enough of him. He, in turn, devoured my own member and I moaned again. Goosebumps spread down my whole body at the intense pleasure, and heat radiated through my mouth as I suckled his husky-hood.

It didn't take Kouya long to move his long tongue down to my rump. I moaned even louder as his tongue pierced me. It was easier this time, even though it'd been a whole week since my first time. I relaxed much more quickly this time, knowing the pleasure that was to come.

"K-Kou...ya..." I called his name around his member, the pleasure ripping its way through my body. This moment, I could only think about my lover and our bond. It dominated my mind. This feeling...this intense feeling...this was love on its most elemental level. I couldn't do without him, that's how it felt. Everything in this moment was right and pure and perfect. It was the "truest" I've ever felt, if that made any sense.

"Lee...are you ready?" Kouya smiled back over his shoulder at me. I nodded. He turned around so we were in a missionary position and he kissed me deeply. I could only mewl and moan impatiently. I wanted him...I wanted him in me. I wanted his seed in me again...that was where it was supposed to be...I needed it.

In the middle of the kiss, the music was playing in my head again, and then it crescendo'd as Kouya gripped my shoulder and guided his canine appendage inside of me. I moaned loudly into the kiss, but Kouya muted me with his tongue as he slowly pushed himself into me. I burned with a heated pleasure I'd only known once before, but never so intensely. My body felt as if it were on fire and being jolted by electricity at the same time. My hands tangled uselessly in Kouya's fur as I lost myself to him. The feelings were so overwhelming, but that was all that existed in that moment. Kouya, my lover, and I...sealing our bond once more. That moment seemed frozen in time...eternal...until I felt Kouya's sheathe pressed up against me, his entire length embedded inside me. We were one once again.

He broke the kiss and whispered in my ear. " feel so I love you so much."

"K-Kouya...oh yes...It feels so good, Kouya. It doesn't even hurt...oh Kouya I love you." And it didn't hurt, much to my surprise. There was pain, but it was so muted as to be nothing, and it was strongly over-ridden by the powerful waves of pleasure washing through my body. This was my purpose, this was where I was meant to be, there could be no denying it.

Kouya started a rhythm, slow and steady. This didn't need to be rushed, it was no longer desperate. It was as it was meant to be. The only sounds in the room were our breathing and the slow, soft 'sclopping' sound of Kouya's member massaging my insides. I caressed his face with a hand and bent up to kiss him again. This wasn't just was making love. It was the best way to describe it. I stared into Kouya's eyes and he into mine for what seemed like an eternity. Everything just felt right.

The room was growing warmer though, despite the chill in the air outside. Kouya began to pick up the pace, and his cock began to brush over a spot in me...a spot that scent spikes of lightning up my spine and made my whole body shiver. I moaned and cried out as the animalistic slapping noises of Kouya's hips against my butt became more audible. He raised my feet off of his shoulders and stood up a bit, the new angle causing his husky cock to push deeper into my backside. I moaned and watched as a stream of precum oozed its way out of my cock and onto my belly. Kouya ran his finger through it and brought it to his lips, licking it clean. I moaned loudly, expelling more pre at the incredibly hot sight.

Kouya, for his part, sped up even more, as if my pre had urged him on. He fucked me now with wild abandon. This was no longer the sweet love-making portion, no, this was rutting as rutting was meant to be. I squeezed around his girth, moaning continuously, gazing at Kouya with hazy, sex-glazed eyes. "K-Kou...ya...yes...oh yes...mmph...nngk...ah..."

"Lee...kun...mmf...mmf...ah...nng...oh feels so good...I'm gonna mark you hear me? You'll be...lucky...if you don' pups." Kouya grinned in spite of himself...what a time to be making jokes.

"MMph...oh...I'd like...that...K-Kou...ya-AH." I bit my lower lip...I was getting close, and I hadn't even touched myself. The musk in the small room was playing tricks on my face was slack as the pleasure dominated my mind. I screwed my hands up in his chest fur as I stared into his eyes...those beautiful golden eyes. So gentle and kind. Feelings of love overtook me. "Oh...K-Kouya! I'm cumming, K-KOuya-AH...NNG!" My body jerked and convulsed as I shot my load all over my own stomach and chest. I writhed in ecstasy as I bathed myself in my own essence. Then I felt it...

"L-Lee...oh Lee...Oh Lee-EE AH" Kouya rammed his cock home and I felt his hot load of husky cum spilling into me, filling me with warmth and pleasure. He pushed his hips forward a little with each shot of canine spunk, jetting his living essence deep within me. I rode my own orgasm out in the throes of pleasure as Kouya filled me, feeling closer to him than ever before.

After I emerged from the sexual haze of my orgasm, my belly covered in my own semen, I noticed that I felt incredibly full...way more than last time. I looked up at Kouya, and his face was a bit red as he looked at me sheepishly. I arched my eybrow in question. I could still feel his canine cock pulsing little jets of husky seed deep into my ass.

"I...sorry. I just...I got so...turned on." He looked off to the side sheepishly...why did I feel so full?!

"I...I sort of...put my knot in you." Kouya gave me an apologetic look.

"Kn...Knot?!" It didn't feel that bad...I just felt really REALLY full.

"You...didn't know? I...canines have a...well...our cocks swell up at the base when we cum." Kouya looked a little awkward as he explained it to me. "I...we...well I'll be stuck in you for at minutes."

I arched my eyebrows again. Stuck? Then he shivered and I realized he was still getting all sorts of pleasure from my backside, so I squeezed down hard. He gasped and I felt a big spurt splash into me. "Well, I don't mind cuddling." I smiled.

"R-Really? You don't mind if I tie you?" Kouya got the cutest look on his face, like a kid in a candy store. I smiled back.

"Not if it makes you this actually feels really good for me too." I grinned and he bent down to kiss me deeply. I grunted as his cock tugged on my insides, but it wasn't was more just...unique.

He broke the kiss and spoke up again. "I love you so much, Lee. Don't ever leave me again, okay?"

My heart melted. "Of course I won't, Kouya. I'll do whatever it takes to be with you, because I love you too." I smiled and he turned with his cock still inside of me. I grunted, but soon he was laying behind me and we were spooning with his hard dick still throbbing inside of me.

" you remember that day in the park in the rain?"

"Hmm? Of course I do, lover."

I felt a greater warmth spread over me again. He'd called me "lover." I smiled to myself and pushed back against him. "You know how I wouldn't tell you what I was thinking about?"


"Well, I was remembering the time before, when we were kids. It was the same situation. I was caught in the gazebo by a downpour. You came with that same big umbrella, and you walked me home."

"Oh, yeah, I do remember that." Kouya rumbled a chuckle against my back.

"When we got to my house...I kissed you, and then you kissed me and licked my nose." I paused a moment before continuing on. "Kouya, I've loved you since then. I didn't really know it, I was just a kid, but I can see it now. I've loved you all this time, I just had to come back here to realize it."

I felt Kouya lay his chin on my shoulder, his arms wrapped around me and hugging me tight. I felt a spot of wetness on his cheek. "Oh, Lee. I remember that too...I...I think I've always loved you too. I'm just so glad that you decided to come back. I'm so happy."

I smiled and squeezed his arms with my own. "There's no place I'd rather be, Kouya. I love you with all of my heart, and now we can make up for lost time."

"Yeah." I felt Kouya's lips curl into a smile as he hugged me even tighter. "Yeah we can."

Everything felt right again in that moment. I knew everything would be wonderful. This was the right choice. There had never been any doubt in my mind, but it was certain now. "Kouya, I'll be with you forever."

Kouya rumbled against my back and gently caressed my chest with his hands, still hugging me tight. "I'll hold you to that."

With that, Kouya's deep breaths soothed me into a contented sleep. I've never felt such perfect and absolute contentment. Kouya, there's no way I'll ever leave you again.


This may be a standalone as it wraps up the story for me and my mind, or I might write another containing some after-stuff with the band and other friends and whatnot. I don't know. Again, all credit for Morenatsu and the intellectual property contained therein goes to the Morenatsu Project team. Hope everyone enjoyed reading it. ^^

Bond Unbroken IV

Copyright and Such: The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic 'yiffy' scenes between male anthropomorphic furs. If any of this offends you, please avoid reading any further or develop an open mind. If you're a sensible being and do enjoy...

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Lian's Outcoming: Part II

Copyright and Such: The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic 'yiffy' scenes as well as zoophilic scenes between feral animals and anthropomorphic furs. If any of this offends you, either skip the prologue and first fourth of the story,...

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Lian's Outcoming: Part I

Copyright and Such: The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic 'yiffy' scenes as well as zoophilic scenes between feral animals and anthropomorphic furs. If any of this offends you, please avoid reading any further or develop an open...

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