This Charming Klee Kai

Story by Duxton on SoFurry

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This was an experiment in doing a 'song story', taking a ballad of sorts and using it as inspiration to write a story. Those who know me know that I am a huge fan of 80's music, particularly that of The Smiths. One of my favorites of theirs is 'This Charming Man', a song with homosexual undertones (and is exceedingly fun to play the bass guitar to), so I figured that since I haven't done an M/M story in quite a while, this would be a fun way to crank one out. Listen to the song first, it will help you understand the story a little better:

A fox trudged up the hillside with his bicycle beside him, the mode of transportation rendered useless by some sod's careless littering. A broken glass bottle. A nail, maybe. Whatever it was, he cursed its existence as he watched the flattened rubber of his front tire squish beneath the weight of the frame.

This was perfect, he thought. Dusk was approaching, and it would be dark by the time he got home. It was in situations like these, he noted, that people got abducted, mugged, or raped - at least in the stories that he'd read online. The fact that he was a fox would be of no help at all. He breathed a sigh, convinced himself that he was being irrational. He'd been experiencing culture shock ever since he'd moved to the small, mountain town from the urban metropolis where he'd grown up. He'd balked at the reported crime rate, or lack thereof. It was almost nonexistent. But there was a tradeoff. It was not the cheapest place to live, and the fox had been forced to choose between shelter and transportation. With no MTA to speak of, the town had left the fox with no other option than to stay in shape, riding a bike to and from his job as a waiter.

The fox reached the top of the hill with a sigh and a tired-eyed look out at the expanse in front of him; the gently sloping decline into the rest of the town a welcome reprieve from the hill he'd just ascended. After the day he'd had, he thought it proper to treat himself, and so he secured the bike to a lamppost and entered a small coffee shop. He smiled at the scones and pastries, but simply ordered a small coffee using some of his tip money from that day. It was always tight, and he had to make it last - just getting a coffee could mean scraping for rent that month. He gave his name for the order and waited patiently at the corner for them to deliver.

"Justin?" A barista asked, holding up a sleeved cup and setting it down onto the granite top.

"'Scuse me." Someone said, attempting to squeeze by the fox, who quickly stepped out of the way to make room for whoever Justin was. Apparently, Justin was an Alaskan Klee-kai who favored beverages of the stronger variety - the fox had watched the barista put about four espresso shots into whatever he had ordered. The fox snuck a furtive look out of the corner of his eye at the Klee-kai walked away, his husky-like tail swishing a little bit more than what came naturally with one's stride. The satin-y sheen of his leather jacket rippled over his lean body with every swing of his arm, and the horseshoe-shapes emblazoned on the flapped back pockets of his designer jeans that draped perfectly over his snip-toed cowboy boots accentuated his firm rear all the more. His hair was impeccably styled at whatever angle it was seen from, and the fox tore his gaze away as the door beeped with the dog's departure. He was way out of his league anyway.

He hadn't even heard the barista call his name for all the ogling he'd been doing. His coffee sat there on the counter, his name written on the cup in magic marker, waiting for him to pick it up. The fox scooped up his beverage and exited the shop, watching as Mr. Justin the Klee-kai piled into an obviously very expensive truck. Suddenly, he was struck with an idea and the bravery to execute it. It was no more than to simply have the opportunity to talk to the dreamy canine, but if nothing else came of it, he would be happy with that. The Klee-kai was just setting his coffee into the cup holder when the fox approached the window. He was noticed, and was received with a confused expression and a rolled-down window.

"Hi, sorry to bother you, but I've got a flat and I was just wondering if you've got an air pump or anything like that?" The fox asked, smiling weakly and motioning towards the bike with his head. The Klee-kai turned to look.

"You don't have a spare, or a jack, or what?"

"What? Oh, no, I'm on the bike, right there. On the post, see?"

"Oh..." The dog turned back to the fox, "do you live nearby?"

"Just down the road a ways," He replied, pointing, "...but it'll take me half the time to get there if I can get my tire fixed."

"I'll give you a ride. Just throw it in the back. Don't scratch my truck, though." He said, the last bit carrying with it stern undertone. The fox hesitated for a split second, taken aback by the stranger's kindness, but then again, he was still getting used to these small town ways. He lowered the tailgate of the truck gently, and after retrieving the bike, he lifted it into the bed and laid it down, securing the gate and walking around to the passenger side where he climbed in.

"Where to?" Klee-kai Justin asked of the fox, who busied himself with the seat belt.

"Um, up to Primrose, and take a right, my apartment complex is right there at the corner."


The fox couldn't help but notice the fact that this had been the first time he'd ridden in a motor vehicle of any kind since he moved there. Everything he needed was within walking or at most biking distance, so while the desire for a car was there, the need for it was not. It was a chilly evening, not cold, but brisk nonetheless, and he was thankful he didn't have to ride home with the wind whipping at his face and making his nose run. He fell into deep thought as he watched the buildings roll past him through the tinted window of the truck. Life's complexities ravaged his conscious mind, and he found himself wondering for a moment by how much he would make rent that month. It was coming up soon, and he was going to have to make preparations for it.

"Don't say much, do you?"

He was snapped out of his trance by the dog, who glanced momentarily towards the cup holder in which he placed his coffee. The fox realized at that moment that he hadn't touched his coffee the entire time.

"Sorry, I've just got a lot on my mind."

"I see. So what's your story, you live with your folks, or...?"

"Up until recently, I did. I was born and raised in Chicago. I moved out here to get away from it all, I just never really thought about how expensive it is to live here." The fox said. In his periphery, he saw the Klee-kai give a small smile and nod in concurrence. He continued, running a black-furred hand over the smooth, chocolate-brown leather of the passenger seat.

"So now I'm just living by myself in a small apartment that costs more than it should, working a job as a waiter and dealing with impatient people who don't know medium-rare when they see it."

The driver chuckled.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Kenton. Kenton Mathis."

"Justin Marks." The Klee-kai replied switching hands on the steering wheel to shake the fox's firmly. Kenton could feel his cheeks flush the moment their hands came into contact. He'd known the dog for all of five minutes and he was already crushing. He wished he were better at conversation; if he were, he might've dreaded the rapidly-approaching Primrose Street, but its arrival was going to be the release that he needed - release meaning a new figure to grace his imagination while masturbating in the shower that night. There was Primrose, two lights ahead. Inside, Kenton was about to explode. All the little workers in the cubicle farm inside his brain were running rampant, ripping open filing cabinets and throwing paper everywhere, searching for something, anything to say. So far, all that they had established was a name, a city of origin and some complaining about his job.

"Yeah." Is all that issued from his muzzle when asked to confirm that a right turn on Primrose was the correct destination. Justin swung his pickup into the parking lot of the complex, throwing the vehicle into park and disembarking to help the fox remove his bicycle from the bed.

"Thanks for the ride. I really appreciate it, that wouldn't have happened in Chicago, that's for sure." Kenton remarked, chuckling a bit. The Klee-kai grinned a little at the corner of his mouth, shutting the tailgate.

"Sure. See you around, huh?"

"Yeah..." Kenton said, looking down at his bike for a second, then back up towards the dog, who had almost disappeared behind the cab, "...Justin?"

He popped out from behind the cab with a quizzical expression.


"Do you want to have a drink sometime?" By the time the fox had got to the end of the last word, his voice had given out on him, a late, autonomic attempt at stopping him from saying something stupid, and how stupid that was! There was no guarantee that the Klee-kai had any interest in men, what if he was offended by the question? A more appropriate question would have been to inquire as to if the dog would like to join him for a couple of beers, as beer ruled out the mental image of brightly-colored, fruity cocktails. Justin appeared to think for a moment, and then shrugged. Kenton waited to be let down.

"What're you doing tonight?"

The fox looked up, shocked. That was definitely a good sign, but there was little to no time to prepare for a night out. He was after all, still in his work clothes, a T-shirt with the restaurant's emblem, khaki's, and non-slip, nondescript black shoes. Hardly the kind of thing one wants to be seen in at the club.

"I mean, I would go out tonight, but I don't really have anything to wear." The fox laughed uneasily, looking himself over. Justin scoffed.

"It's stupid that someone as good looking as you should care. But hey, we're here, right? I'm sure you've got something you go clubbing in, don't you?"

"I...could probably throw something together." He said, finally acquiescing to the dog's suggestion. He scolded himself mentally. If he was going to get anywhere with anyone, he was going to have to start having a little bit more confidence in himself.

"Sure. You want me to wait out here for you?"

"Nah, you can come in. I shouldn't be long."

Justin parked the truck, and coffees in hand, the fox led the two of them to his apartment door. Kenton's heart pounded in his ears. His cheeks burned underneath his fur. A shaking hand squabbled with him as he inserted the key into the lock and twisted it, opening the door and bidding his guest inside.

"Nice place." The dog remarked.

"Thanks. Can I take your coat?"

"I'll just leave it on, I'm pretty comfortable."

"Sure." Kenton said, and proceeded to empty his pockets of the things he carried daily, the usual - keys, wallet, phone, a small pocketknife... The fox stopped for a second, not in motion so as to cause worry, but in thought - there was a stranger in his home, someone he hadn't even known for an hour. Could he trust the dog not to steal everything he had to his name while he was in the shower? It wasn't as if he had anything that the Klee-kai didn't have already, his three hundred-dollar jeans and his fifty thousand-dollar truck made that readily apparent, but what if he was secretly some kind of serial killer?

"So of all places to move, why here?"

Kenton tore himself from the triangulations of thought that were leading to dead ends of absurdity and turned towards the dog, who had taken a seat at the small kitchen table.

"Well, it was kind of a no-brainer for me. I hated the city, I hated the crime and the noise and everything, I just needed somewhere to go where I could get some peace and quiet. I always loved Colorado, I went camping here a few times when I was younger, and I just figured that one of these small towns would be the best option for me. Originally I had looked into Aspen, but-"

"You saw how expensive it was to live there?" Justin finished the sentence for him with a smile. Kenton chuckled and mouthed an emphatic 'yeah', feeling more at ease with the Klee-kai each passing minute.

"Man, it looked so nice in Dumb & Dumber, I thought to myself 'that's the place, that's paradise'!" Kenton said exaggeratedly, eliciting a laugh from the dog.

"All you need to do is find a briefcase full of money like those guys did and you'll be set!" They rolled with laughter for a few moments, the fox beamed at his new friend. Justin groaned lightheartedly and stifled his laughter with a sip of his espresso. Things got quiet for a moment or two, and Kenton drummed his fingers on the counter, tapping his claws to a beat in his head.

"That wasn't the only reason I moved out here, though." He said poignantly as the tone in the room fell, his eyes unfocused.

"Parents?" The dog guessed, cocking an eyebrow. Kenton exhaled sharply through his nose and nodded a couple of times. It was remarkable how well the dog was able to read him.

"Yeah, among others."

"Let me guess, religious zealots? Didn't agree with your lifestyle?"

"More or less."

Justin cocked his head, spinning the coffee cup on the table with his hand.

"Sounds like there's more to the story than that."

"There is. I uh..." Kenton waved a hand and pulled a chair out from the table, plunking down in it and looking down at the laminate wood floor in front of him, "...I was actually engaged to be married at one point in time." It was something of a painful memory for the fox, but it gave him a little bit of satisfaction to see that he had thrown the Klee-kai a curveball.

"I certainly wouldn't have guessed that."

"Yeah. I had a girlfriend, and after we'd been dating about a year...I asked her to marry me. I didn't have a ring for her, at least not yet. She understood. She didn't expect me to, considering I didn't have a lot of money at the time. Still don't. But I promised her that I would eventually buy her one. So I saved up my money, and I bought her the wedding set. Since I didn't have one when I proposed to her, I was planning on being somewhere special when I gave it to her."

"So what happened?"

"I was working for a car dealership at the time, in the service department. We had a new hire that I was in charge of training, and while I was doing that, we got to talking, and we realized that we had a lot in common, we enjoyed a lot of the same things, so we started hanging out here and there. I started spending more and more time around him, aside from the time I spent around him at work. I didn't want to think that I was falling for him, but that's the way things seemed to be going. It hurt hurt me because everything that I thought I knew about myself felt like it was about to come crashing down around me. I wanted to stay with her, and get married, and have children and just live the American Dream, you know? But this guy, he came into the picture, and just...fucked everything up!"

Justin sat silently, waiting for the fox to continue.

"But I can't blame him. It's not his fault. I never even told him about having a fiancé. I thought that maybe it was something that would eventually just go away. I cut ties with him. I quit my job to get away from him, but it plagued me for months and months on end. It changed me, and she noticed that. Eventually, I realized that I was never going to be able to love her the way she deserved to be loved. So I called it off. It was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do. In a way, I think she understood. It hurt us both to part ways, but I keep hanging onto the idea that one day I will find myself and go back to her. I still have the rings. I haven't been with anyone since. I miss it, but..." He trailed off, waving a hand for a moment and proceeded to finish his coffee with a single gulp.

"I'm going to clean up real quick before we go, make yourself at home." Kenton said, tapping the table with his knuckles before tossing the cup into a nearby trashcan. He walked into the bedroom, and into the bathroom where he peeled off his work shirt and tossed it into the nearby hamper.

"Where were you thinking of going?" He asked from the bathroom.

"I was thinking about The Knot Hole. They've got a lot of good beer on tap, and the food's not half bad, either."

"I may not be able to eat or drink very much while we're there, like I said, I have to watch how much I spend." Replied the fox, busying himself with his belt and jumping when he felt a pair of arms encircle him from the rear.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of you." The Klee-kai whispered into the fox's black, fuzzy ear, both of which instantly swiveled around and laid flat against his head. Kenton melted in the canine's arms, feeling the blood rush back to his face. He could feel the cool leather of Justin's jacket against his back, and in the center where it was open, the warmth of his chest and abdomen underneath the black T-shirt. Kenton did a one-eighty in the Klee-kai's arms, standing up on tiptoe to press his lips against the larger dog's muzzle. Both canines parted their lips slightly, deepening the embrace as they held one another. Kenton broke away for air.

"This...we barely know each other! I mean, an hour ago I didn't even know you existed."

"I know. Crazy, right? To be honest with you, it's been a while since I've been with anyone myself. I'm not big on casual sex or anything but...I think everything happens for a reason. Too many things happened in the right place at the right time tonight, and...if you want to spend this night together, let's make the most of it."

Not a word was said in reply, only another kiss. Kenton leaned up once more to snog the Klee-kai, only this time deeper, and with far more contact between them. Every anterior surface of their bodies that could be pressed together was, including two sheaths that were rapidly failing at containing the flesh within them. By the time they had to break for air, Kenton's dick was fighting against his trousers, long since having slipped free of the fuzzy sheath that encompassed it. The same went for Justin, only on a much larger scale. The fox's hand slipped between them to cup the dog's bulge, filling his grip with a package that made him scared to look down. The Klee-kai was a triple threat. Looks, personality, and quite the stud to boot. Despite his foolish fear of doing so, Kenton looked down at the handful of distended denim he so gently held. Nothing about the prestige of the brand made it any more enticing; they could have been a thirty dollar pair of Levi's for all the fox cared. A bulge in any other jean would look as hot.

"You're...big. Like...really big." Kenton mumbled, feeling the canine's package through two layers of clothing. Justin appeared to blush slightly, cute for a guy whose outward appearance was so confident.

"I guess so, for my breed, anyway. We're kind of small, actually. I must have some malamute in my lineage. Then again I think all Klee-kais do." He explained, and shrugged off his jacket, hanging on a nearby hook and going for his shirt thereafter. Kenton tore his gaze from the crotch of his jeans and watched as the black fabric cleared the snowy white front of the dog he so desperately wanted at that moment. The fox rose from his kneeling position, gliding his palms up Justin's sides through the fluffy coat of fur until they were nose to nose again, their lips meshed together in another kiss, though shorter.

"In there." Kenton said, motioning towards the adjacent bedroom with his head. Grabbing the dog by the hand, the fox led him towards the queen-sized bed in the center of the room where he instructed his new friend to lie down. Justin obliged, only to have his belt unfastened, followed immediately by his jeans, which were pulled clear off and tossed into a nearby chair, leaving the Klee-kai in nothing more than a pair of tight-fitting, grey boxer briefs. It was in this garment that the size of Justin's manhood was more evident, maybe six inches, as the fox estimated it. Not huge by any means, perhaps about average, but definitely with more girth than any of the others he'd seen in his day. Suddenly, he felt very self-conscious about his own equipment.

"Bigger than me, anyway..." Kenton grumbled a little, continuing his earlier statement and fiddling abashedly with his fly. Justin rolled his eyes playfully.

"Pfft, you know where that comes from? Watching too much porn. I'll tell you one thing; huge dicks are like Desert Eagles. They're fun to watch in action, fun to look at and hold, but when it comes down to it, they're just too big and bulky and heavy to be practical. It hurts when it's inside, you can't fit the whole thing in your muzzle...I dunno, call me crazy, but I'm actually a fan of smaller dicks."

"Then you'll probably like mine." Kenton replied sardonically, the testament from the dog giving him the confidence he needed to shed his own trousers, leaving him in only a pair of boxer shorts, tented marginally by the erection within. In a flash of bravery, he decided to beat him to the punch, dropping his undergarments to the floor and resisting the urge to use his hands to conceal his stiffy. Instead, he simply hid them behind his back, inadvertently pushing his front out.

"Oh, like I'm so much bigger!" Justin teased, sitting up on the bed and gripping the fox by his waist, pulling him down onto the bed and on top of him where they resumed making out, their tongues wrestling for domination in one another's mouths while Kenton blushed at the fact that he could feel the wetness dripping from his own cock on the dog's shorts. Obviously, Justin had not brought a change of clothes on such short notice; it would have been rude of him to dirty up the only pair of underwear he had at the time. Easy fix. On his knees in front of the Klee-kai, a devilish grin plastered across his muzzle, the fox grabbed the boxer briefs by the waistband and pulled them down past the prize within. All six inches of Justin's pinkish-hued cock lay throbbing against his stomach, a small bead of precum having appeared at the tip.

"Well, I'd say it's just the right size for me." Kenton said and grabbed the other male's penis by the base, holding it upright before he shamelessly went in to scoop up the precum with his tongue, making the Klee-kai groan and squirm on the sheets. It was a small taste of salty sweetness the fox really wanted, but it would do for the moment. Justin figured Kenton would do exactly what he began to do, and simply laid back and gripped at the sheets while the fox serviced him and appeared to enjoy doing so. Kenton curled his long, agile tongue around the shaft, tasting the flesh and teasing his new friend with each crest of his tongue and lips near the throbbing tip. Was it going in? The dog pondered the question with each stroke. Nevertheless, he was enjoying it, and just when he began to forget about the fact that he wasn't being sucked off, it happened.

Justin grunted slightly as Kenton slid all six inches of his hard-on into his hungry muzzle, sealing his lips around the base and enveloping the shaft in his face, warm and wet. The fox wasted no time, considering that as far as he knew, they still planned to hit the club that night. Barring any circumstances of post-coital exhaustion, the night was only going to improve. Kenton kept the vacuum going as he pulled back on every inch of the dick in his maw before sliding back onto it with ease. Had he kept it going, he'd have made quick work of the Klee-kai's orgasm, but he had gone down on enough people in his time to know the tell-tale signs of when one was about to blow their load. As much as he wanted that load in his mouth to swallow greedily, Kenton was far from being through. He wanted to make this one last. It was the first time he'd done anything in bed with anyone of any gender in quite some time, and it was nothing short of magical.

Kenton gasped for air as he forced his brain to tell his mouth to get off of Justin's dick, the latter panting in sheer ecstasy from the blowjob he'd just received. It hadn't ended in the earthshaking orgasm he'd felt coming on, but it would come soon enough. With a swipe of his forearm, the fox wiped the saliva from his chin and clambered across the bed to the nightstand where from a drawer he produced a bottle of clear liquid, a familiar label hinting at the fox's intentions just as much as what the liquid was.

"Spit's one thing, but I always prefer a little extra help." Reasoned the fox, popping the cap off and squirting a copious amount of it into his palm, rubbing his hands together and proceeding to kill two birds with one stone. With one hand, he further slicked up the Klee-kai's cock, and with the other, deposited as much lube as he could onto his own tailhole, sliding a finger into himself to prepare for the girth that would soon penetrate him. It was a sex act in its own right, such that the fox almost didn't want to stop. Again, priorities took effect. He wasn't going to allow himself to cum without Justin inside of him, nor would he allow Justin himself to explode outside of him. One way or another, he was getting it, and the dog had no qualms about delivering.

Kenton sighed in a mixture of lust and fear when he climbed onto the dog, straddling his hips and looking down at the tip of the spear. Justin placed a comforting hand on his thigh and smiled up at him, grunting a little once he felt the tip of his dick come into contact with the tight pucker. The fox wet his lips and nodded in reassurance to himself as he began to shift his weight from his knees to his hips, using gravity to lower himself onto Justin's cock.

"Ah...ngh..." He gritted his teeth. It was a lot different from the soft, silicone toys under his bed that he needlessly hid. This time, it was real. It was harder than any toy he had. It didn't flex as much, but simply spread him wide; pushing its way inside more and more with each amount of weight Kenton allotted himself. It was hard to tell just how far he'd gone, as for the dull pain in his anus; he hadn't been counting the inches. It seemed like it took forever, but eventually the stiff, fleshy rod was hilted deep within him, and the soft fur of the Klee-kai's sheath was coming into contact with his, tickling him between his cheeks and making him giggle slightly.

"Sorry I'm so bad at this, it's been a while for me..." He excused himself as he sat there, receiving an aloof and understanding reaction from Justin.

"Then why don't you let me take care of everything? Come here." The dog said, pulling the fox down close to him until their chests touched, sliding down far enough to facilitate remaining inside of him. Successfully positioned, Justin began to roll his hips gently, drawing himself from the fox and pushing back in with only enough force to reinsert it swiftly, not so much as to hurt the unseasoned canine.

Kenton unf-ed and ngh-ed at random intervals, burying his muzzle into the dog's neck, his scent, the smell in the bedroom and the feeling of his dick inside of him nearly a sensory overload in and of itself. It took a few minutes, but eventually, the fox managed to time his motions perfectly with that of the Klee-kai's, making the experience that much more titillating. That, combined with the sandwiching of his cock between their bellies nearly pushed Kenton over the edge with every revolution, but he fought to keep his climax down - he wanted that moment to last forever, but even he knew that eventually it would have to come to an end. For the moment though, he was going to enjoy it as much as possible. He lifted his head but slightly, and nuzzled the side of Justin's muzzle with his own, an act that would inevitably lead to kissing, which they proceeded to do. It was in that moment that their muzzles were meshed together that Kenton felt the grip of the dog's lips tighten around his own. He pulled back.

"Are you gonna cum?"

"Yeah, I - ngh - I dunno how much longer I can hold back..." Justin grunted out, and both of them picked up the pace slightly. Kenton started to pause for a moment as the dog beneath him slammed his hips up into him, mere thrusts away from spilling his load. Suddenly, and inexplicably so, Kenton was hit with a pang of guilt. Not intensely so, only as a subtlety, but it was enough to tell him that he wasn't ready to have someone he just met cum inside him as though only one's mate should be allowed to.

"Ah!" Kenton gasped a little as he pulled off, swinging one leg over and rolling to his knees off of the bed and onto the floor where he looked up with mouth wide, eyes begging for what the Klee-kai soon delivered. Justin knew exactly what he wanted, and rolling up to a standing position in front of him, he stroked his cock hard and fast, feeling it well up inside of him. Kenton watched his balls tense up in his white, furry sack and a split second later, a stream of sticky, white spunk shot forth from his dick, landing in an oblique pattern across the fox's face. Kenton recoiled slightly, closing both eyes while he waited for the end of the barrage. A second stream landed perfectly across his tongue, as did the third and fourth, the fifth the final petering out of the canine's climax. Kenton swallowed the modest load and licked up whatever he could that was clinging to his muzzle, giggling all the while. Justin, panting and chuckling, collapsed back onto the bed, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

"Well, that was fun."

"Yeah..." Justin concurred, "...I think we've still got plenty of time to hit the club tonight, but first, how about that shower?"

Kenton turned to see steam emanating from the bathroom door, the mirror having fogged over significantly, and he promptly groaned.

"Oh, shit, that was running the whole time wasn't it? Man, that's going to drive up my water bill, too..."

"I wouldn't worry about it. Utilities aren't that bad around here. If you lived in Arizona, then maybe it would be an issue. I know a way we can conserve water, though." Justin said, having caught most of his breath, pulling the fox up from his kneeling position and walking nude to the bathroom with him.

"Well, like I said, money's tight."

"I know a way you can get a little bonus check."

"How's that?"

"Return the rings."

Kenton chuckled at the suggestion, never having considered the option before. It would probably be an effort in vain, considering how long it had been since he had purchased the set, but the precious metals and stones only appreciated in value. Perhaps that's what the dog was hinting at. Maybe he was hinting at more. Kenton watched as Justin stepped into the shower and worked at scrubbing his cum out of his fur before it dried. He smiled to himself as he joined him in the shower with a final, fleeting thought.

He knows so much about these things...

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