A Stitch in Time

Story by Duxton on SoFurry

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#2 of Chainrings of Love

Well, here you have it, folks, the latest installment in my idiom series and the latest misadventure for our well-hung coyote hero. Ewan goes to Hayley's house to tune her bicycle, and winds up getting more than he originally bargained for. Enjoy! :)

If there was one thing that irked Ewan Rickard, it was a rider who neglected to maintain their equipment. For several, biking was merely a hobby. An occasional dalliance upon which to spend a Sunday afternoon. He couldn't blame them though; most of those people were wholly unaware of how to maintain a bicycle of any kind, aside from perhaps checking the tire pressure, and even then, it was often beyond them to know the correct pressure just by looking at the tire's sidewall. But for the coyote, it was a way of life. Little else mattered when he was whizzing past familiar trees, and dodging their roots, a machine of aluminum and rubber between his legs.

And speaking of things between his legs, Ewan couldn't help but reminisce and grin a little to himself every time he did.

Ewan pinched the chain of the inverted bike between his thumb and forefingers, cycling the drivetrain by hand and feeling every bump of the chain links pass through the degreaser-soaked rag. A light, citrus-like smell wafted up from the soiled shop towel, the grit and grime formerly on the chain now at rest in the baby blue fabric. Throwing the rag into a nearby trash pail, the coyote grabbed a small bottle of oil and unscrewed the cap. He cycled the pedals again, this time slower, carefully and meticulously administering a drop to each link.

Sweat dripped from his forehead. A fan in the garage did little more than to cycle hot air around, but it was better than nothing. Outside, the heat index rated in the triple digits. It had been a long, hot ride, but substantial canopies and a Camelbak full of ice water had mitigated the blazing temperature on most of the trails. Though his heart rate had returned to normal, his shirt was still soaked, and his matted fur looked a fright.

Behind him, the garage door creaked open. A short blast of air conditioning from inside the house chilled his back, and turning, Ewan smiled to see Hayley delivering a tall, sweating glass of ice cold water. No sport drink or fancy vitamin-enriched water could replace the original.

"Just thought you might need a little extra hydration after that ride."

"Yeah, thanks." He said, much obliged as he took the glass and raised it to his lips, reveling in feeling the liquid chill his parched tongue and throat.

"No prob. Thanks for coming over and tuning my bike up. You're saving me a trip to REI, and I always wind up spending too much money every time I go there." She said bemusedly, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, I know right? I love that store."

"Yeah. I'm going to uh...go take a shower, clean up a bit. You almost done?"

"Yeah, I'm just going to check your tire pressure and air 'em up, they're feeling a little low." Ewan said, turning and pressing his thumb into the rubber, feeling it give only slightly.

"All right. Well, you're welcome to use the shower if you want to wash up before you go home."


With that, Hayley turned and reentered the house, closing the door behind her. Tire gauge in hand, Ewan paused for a brief moment, looking up at nothing in particular while the gears (or perhaps chainrings) began to turn between his big, coyote ears. One of them twitched, and he smiled a little to himself.

The tires could wait.

No one else was home at the Schuler residence, and he wasn't about to pass up a chance to have a little fun, at least not after she'd been hinting at it. Standing up, Ewan turned and walked quietly into the house, closing the door behind him and treading softly through the mud room attached to the spacious garage. It was a nice house, much larger than his own, and the further into it he got, the more apparent it was that the Schuler family did pretty well for themselves.

Never having been to her house before, Ewan's ears pricked, listening intently for the sound of running water, hoping that it would lead him to where Hayley was indubitably shedding her sweaty clothes. He could see it now: pulling her shirt up and off over her head. Peeling those hip-hugging bike shorts down past her perfect, plump rear-end. Tugging sweaty panties down and kicking them off...the very thought of it made his manhood twitch in his shorts. Suddenly, there it was. Just around the corner and up the stairs, the sound of a showerhead could be heard. Grinning, he prepared himself to go in for the kill. Right then and there, Ewan crossed his arms in front of him, peeling his sweaty shirt off and revealing his lean, muscled form, quite unaware of his audience.

"Well, hello there."

Ewan's heart dropped into his stomach, which consequently bottomed out and bounced it back up into his throat, his ears going flat against his head the moment he turned to see a middle-aged woman standing there in the entrance to the mud room.

"You must be Ewan." Said the lady, approaching him. Hearing his name allowed the coyote to ascertain that the lady in front of him must be Hayley's mother, which really didn't help the situation at all. He coughed into his fist.

"Yes, I-I am. I was just tuning Hayley's bike for her, she asked me to do that for her."

"Mm. She ask you to do it shirtless?" Inquired Mrs. Schuler. Behind his fur, he blushed heavily, realizing now that he'd been busted. Doffing the sweaty, blue shirt inside of her house must have made his intentions seem nothing less than angelic. Human-hybrid relations were still tense on several accounts, and for this obviously wealthy woman to walk into her own home to see one half-naked must have been rather jarring.

"No ma'am." He said, not sure of what else to say. To his surprise, Mrs. Schuler's red lips turned up at one corner, and she chuckled a little bit.

"I'm surprised. I would have."

Ewan's train of thought derailed, spontaneously combusted, and promptly faded to black as his mind went blank and his mouth opened and closed dumbly a few times.

"I-I was just...I was just looking for the shower. Hayley said I could...wash up before I leave..." He motioned with his thumb to where the showers hissed behind him, and looked briefly in that direction, "...it sounds like she's using it right now, so I'll just...wait outside. I need to check the tire pressure in her bike anyway."

"Nonsense, you can use the one in the master bedroom, come on, I'll show you. I insist!" Mrs. Schuler said amiably, her tone affable and friendly as she walked past him, a bit of a pop in her hips to accompany her sashaying stride. Confused, but not wanting to dissent, Ewan followed and didn't pass up the chance to sneak a peek at her butt in the charcoal grey, pinstriped pencil skirt she wore. It was obvious where Hayley got it from...

"You know, Hayley told me about you." Mrs. Schuler said, opening the door to the master suite and beckoning him inside.

"She did?"

"Mhmm. Said you're quite the gentleman."

"I try. God, I must not have seemed that way a moment ago when I was undressing myself back there. I'm really sorry about that, I hope you don't think..."

Ewan stopped short after having finally collected himself enough to both speak and remember his manners, as Mrs. Schuler simply waved a hand with an accompanying expression to let him know it wasn't of any concern.

"Don't worry about it. It's not every day I get to see a show like that." She winked, eyeing him up and down for a moment, taking in his lean build all the way down to his legs and back up again, pausing for a moment at about crotch level. Disconcerted, Ewan wet his lips and tried to find something appropriate to say, but before he could, she had closed the gap between them and pressed her lips roughly up against his, the waxy taste of lipstick mixing with the cherry soda taste of her breath in his mouth. Pulling off, her hands cupping his cheeks, she breathed heavily for a few moments.

"Mrs. Schuler..."

"Call me Jayda..."

"Um..." He swallowed, his heart racing, "...Jayda...wha-what about Hayley? What about Mr. Schuler?"

"He won't be home for another hour or so, and Hayley takes long showers, trust me."

"No moral objection to infidelity?" Ewan inquired while curious hands inquired about what was enclosed within his shorts.

"I haven't had a man treat me the way I want to be treated in the bedroom in a long time, and he can barely keep it up for more than a few minutes, let alone give me the kind of experience I've been wanting."

"M-Mrs. Schu-I-I mean Jayda, I really don't think this is appropriate, maybe I should just go."

"Why? Little doggie afraid to have some fun with a more..._experienced_partner? You were putting on quite the show for me when you took off your shirt. I'd go as far to say I think you knew I was there the whole time."

Ewan's forehead broke out in a cold sweat, and he gulped again. Worst-case scenarios played out in his head. What if Mr. Schuler came home early? What if Hayley came in and saw them? It wasn't like he was trying to go steady with her; but then again, it probably wouldn't be too conducive to their friendship for him to bang her Mom. All things considered though, for someone who was a few years shy of fifty, Jayda was quite a fox. Hips for days, big breasts, no wrinkles, and a million dollar set of legs. Ewan attributed it to money; figuring cosmetic procedures had something to do with her visual longevity. Pumps, pantyhose, a pencil skirt and matching blazer over a black, silken blouse only accentuated her body all the more, making her physical form extremely enticing, but the essence of the situation was still apprehensive.

"What do you want from me?" Ewan asked awkwardly. He didn't want to sound defensive, but he didn't want to sound like he was acquiescing to her lustful desires, either. Needless to say, the question wound up making him sound even more nervous.

"I want to be used...abused, treated like a piece of meat, thrown to a dirty, mangy dog...push me to my limits, make me scream, beg for mercy. You came in here to fuck anyway; you might as well do it with me..."

"And if I don't?" He asked. Jayda leaned in until she was mere inches from his face, lowering her voice and speaking very slowly.

"Then I think you'll find that coming in here without a shirt on wasn't a very good idea after all."

Ewan took in a deep breath and let it out with a sigh, raising his eyes to meet hers. Jayda's eyes burned with a visceral need for rampant, unbridled sex, not pleading, but demanding. A look behind which lay a threat that put the coyote between a rock and a hard place. No turning back now.

"What do you say to that? Mutt?"

"I say that it seems to me like you might need that pretty mouth of yours fucked." Ewan said quietly and impotently, his attempt at being tough shot down by his own natural tepidness and the trepidation brought on by his predicament. Fiery eyes narrowed to thin slits and red lips puckered slightly in the precursor to what may very well have been a stinging slap from the woman. Her ample chest expanded as she huffed hotly, staring him down from several feet away.

"What did you say to me?"

"I said I think there's nothing better than a good throat-fucking to keep a bitch like you quiet!" Ewan snapped off, his burning loins and racing heart finally pushing his inhibitions to the side. In sub-second time, the coyote cleared the gap between them, wrapping a hand securely around her throat and pinning her to the taupe-colored wall with a thud.

Teeth bared, Ewan put his face close to her neck, one hand planted on her midsection, the other enclosed tightly around her throat, his claws digging dangerously deep into her flesh. Jayda's chest heaved and her mouth hung agape with breathing labored, the coyote's hot, humid breath tantalizing her neck. He spoke once more as the hand on her midsection traveled upward to grope her breast through the jet black, silken blouse.

"No one...calls me a mutt."

Jayda was unable to respond with more than a gasp as Ewan pulled her blazer down to her elbows, using the garment as an ad interim restraint while he tore her blouse asunder. Buttons popped off, and black silk was parted to reveal Jayda's large breasts, held unnecessarily upright by a black lace and leopard-print bra. It was this undergarment that Ewan used as reins of sorts, pulling hard on the center of it and jerking her around to the king-size bed in the center of the room. Further manhandling reduced her stature to the floor, and the coyote began to fumble hastily with the button and zipper on his bike shorts.

"C'mere, I'm gonna show you how much you love doggie dick..."

She did not move from where she sat nearly topless, but instead, watched in anticipation while the shorts came down to reveal the form-fitting, padded shorts underneath. A frighteningly thick impression bulged the front of them out. The coyote tugged the shorts down by the elastic waistband, the human watching as the girth contained within was revealed inch by inch. It was like watching a magician pulling a scarf out of his sleeve; she wondered when it would end, and when it did, Ewan's impressive erection cleared the elastic with a boing, bobbing comically up and down a few times before coming to rest in front of her shocked, slightly apprehensive, and extremely amorous face. Ewan gave her no time to think about it, but instead, grabbed her under the chin with one hand, his cock with the other, and forced his girth into her ruby-red-lipped mouth.

For a time, there were no words spoken between either of them, only grunts, moans, and the wet sucking sounds of Hayley's mother deepthroating her daughter's fuck buddy's dick. Ewan, fully nude, forced his member mercilessly into Jayda's mouth again and again, his knot long-since having emerged from his sheath and bumping into her plump lips with each thrust. Spittle coated the coyote's rock-hard erection, and ran down her chin where his heavy, furry sack slapped against it, thin, wispy strings of saliva connecting them each time the latter receded.

Ewan panted, tossing his head back and feeling himself start to go weak in the knees. With one hand, he gripped the back of her head. With the other, he cupped it over her face and pinched her nose shut with his thumb and forefinger, giving several more unrelenting thrusts before letting go of her head and pulling his soaked, dripping dick out of her mouth, watching while she gasped for air, her busty chest rising and falling violently with each breath. Even so, she couldn't seem to take her eyes off of the massive, red dick in front of her, twitching every so often and dripping a combination of saliva and precum from the tapered tip.

"Like...what you're getting...so far?" Panted the coyote, grabbing his penis behind the knot and wiping it off on her cheeks, smearing the aforementioned concoction across her concealer-covered complexion. Before Jayda could even begin to answer among bated breath, the winded coyote grabbed her up by her now disheveled hair, nodding her head for her.

"Yeah? You do? Good..." He huffed, and mercifully granting her one more breath, he shoved his Gag-Master 9000 back into her hungry mouth, picking up the pace of his thrusts even further. Jayda ulp-ed and ump-ed around the thick, throbbing cylinder of canine cock in her pie hole, drooling profusely onto it and doing her best to avoid contact between it and her teeth. Ewan's pre-ejaculate was coming in such quantity she couldn't tell if he had come yet or not. In the back of her mind, she hoped he had, because if not, his impending load would undoubtedly be a force to be reckoned with.

"Yeah, taste that musk, you know you love it..." Ewan cooed, keeping in time with his rhythm and wondering if that sounded a little bit too cheesy. No words were said for obvious reasons, nor did any facial expressions allude to a sour reaction to such a thing, so he went with it. Even his own sweaty, humid musk could be overpowering at times; he could only imagine what it was like for her, with the source of it filling her inadequate, human mouth. He had to time it just right. If he brought himself to orgasm now, it would be a waste of what would surely be a fantastic fuck, but if he could edge himself in her mouth for just a few minutes longer, the final product would be nearly blackout-inducing. Climax welled up inside him, and just in time, he pulled himself from her mouth, feeling the orgasm recede back into his loins to lie dormant until he was on the home stretch.

"If you think that's good, you ought to see what it does to your pussy." He growled lowly, grinning down at the mess that he'd made of her. Jayda's lipstick was smeared across her face, her graying, blonde hair was in ruins, and the sweat from her brow was threatening to turn her into a virtual Picasso. Ewan's twitching member drooled onto the carpet, and wishing not to stain it, he noted that it might be well within the interests of personal safety to move things to the bed. Sheets, at least, could be washed.

"You won't last ten seconds inside me..." She jeered with narrowed eyes, using the back of her hand to wipe the precum from her chin. Ewan would make her eat those words, but first, he had to get her into prime position for screwing the daylights out of her. Pulling down sharply on the blazer and blouse, the coyote rendered her torso devoid of all garments with the exception of her bra, but a firm tug and an audible snap revealed her perfectly-shaped, large breasts. Jayda's nipples were hard and just begging for attention; a request Ewan would gladly oblige, but in time.

Tackling her down onto the bed, the coyote found the zipper along the side of the pencil skirt she wore, and pulling it down, he grabbed the garment around the waist and pulled it off. He grinned. The hose she wore were not conventional pantyhose, but only stockings, held up by a garter belt of black lace and silk, a perfect complement to her panties. Ewan chuckled as he spread her legs wide, looking down at the duly dampened crotch of the animal-patterned undergarment.

"I would make you beg for this, but it looks like your pussy is already doing a pretty good job of it."

"Just shut up and fuck me, you mongrel!"

Ewan thrust his hands at her, grabbing the fabric in both fists and ringing out a chorus of popping seams as he ripped her panties off, tearing the cloth straight from her nether regions and throwing it to the floor. With that, he climbed onto the bed and forced her legs open again, pressed the pointed tip of his dick right up against her entrance, and there it stayed. Jayda moaned and writhed wantonly on the sheets while the coyote slid his tip up and down within her glistening folds, smearing his running precum liberally over the sensitive flesh. He chuckled again at her vocalizations, but it was short-lived. Suddenly, something happened that nearly made his heart stop.

Upstairs, the sound of running water promptly ceased.


Jayda screamed into the palm of Ewan's hand the moment he forced the full length of his girthy dick into her pussy and began to slam it in over and over again, bumping his knot into her entrance each time. He wouldn't be able to tie with her like he'd hoped to do for the sake of giving her the full experience, as every moment counted now.

Despite the time setback, the coyote intended to give the woman as much of his manhood as he could before he blew his load and rendered himself powerless in the inevitable post-orgasmic impotency, and he did exactly that right there in her bed. Even the sturdiest of bed frames couldn't handle the speed and power with which Ewan was thrusting, pushing his cock into the tight sleeve as hard and as fast as he could manage. Juices leaked copiously from her penetrated opening, coating the hybrid's scrotum, which deposited the same onto her anus as the balls within slapped furiously against it. Jayda's moans were complimented by the sound of the headboard bumping against the wall, as well as Ewan's grunts and groans. He couldn't help but find it unusual that she was as tight as she was, especially for being well into her forties and having had a child at one point. His presumptions about vaginal tightness may have been naïve, but he wasn't complaining one bit; Jayda's walls squeezing away at his shaft felt amazing, and had he been able to think straight at that moment, he may have tried to compare the feeling of mother to daughter. Pussies were on par with one another, surprisingly enough, but breasts were no contest. Hayley's, being natural, felt better in the hands, but the erect nipples of her mother's were just too tantalizing to resist. Lowering his head, Ewan sealed his lips around the right one, suckling and biting gently at it, grinning to himself at the reaction the action garnered.

"I think...I think Hayley's about to get out of the shower..." Ewan panted out, quickening his pace in the interest of time and giving a final nibble and lick to her nipple. Jayda could not be reached for comment, as the massive canine cock that was currently railing her was too much a deterrent to coherence. Ewan panted like crazy, his tongue hanging out of his mouth. They'd been going for several minutes already; that would be enough, right? For the sake of his time hack, the coyote focused his mind on the feeling of his shaft being compressed by her pussy. Watching those big, fake tits bouncing and undulating with each revolution. Listening to her moan and cry out in sheer ecstasy. It threatened him with early ejaculation, but he would rather deal with the shame of filling her up too early than run the risk of Hayley finding out what was going on just beneath her feet.

Upstairs, a hair dryer could be heard starting. Ewan had enough experience with women to know that once that sound began, it would continue for several minutes. He had time enough.

With wet onomatopoeia, the coyote slipped his slick cock out of Jayda's pussy, making her whine for more before he rolled her over, delivering a hard slap to her shapely ass, chuckling to himself as he watched it jiggle from the contact. Hooking his hands under her hips, Ewan pulled her up onto all fours, licking his fingers and rubbing them up against her opening, further moistening it. Not that it needed it, but good measure never caused any harm. He scooted up behind her, pushed his tip into her entrance, and gave a savage push. Ewan's knot bumped hard into her folds, nearly clearing them for entry, but failing as intended, for getting caught was the last thing he wanted.

Now in the doggy style position, the coyote was on the home stretch for blowing what felt like what was going to be the most massive load of his life. He'd been going long enough, he reasoned, and it would soon be time to finish. Jayda was not a squirter, apparently. Ewan had been able to ascertain this by the fact that while her pussy did not erupt with orgasm, it certainly did become much wetter, indicating that she had come at least once during their encounter. Little did he know just how much pleasure he was actually providing her. Heavy, full balls slapping against her clit were one thing, but soft, tickling fur was quite another. A big dick was great, but the thick, fat knot bumping up against her labia had her reeling.

Once Ewan finally realized that trying to focus on both the sex and the sound of the hairdryer was detrimental to his ability to cum, he put all of his focus into the fact that his dick was sheathed in the vagina of one of the hottest MILFs he'd ever seen. Leaning forward, he cupped both of her big breasts in his hands, squeezing them and pinching her nipples, bringing him ever closer to orgasm. Within seconds, it was upon him.

"Oh-h...oh, God..." Ewan grunted, unintentionally signaling his impending climax to the recipient. Pulling herself from the thick, canine penis inside her, Jayda rolled over and quickly thrust herself forward, taking his cock into her mouth and sucking vehemently on it, begging with her eyes for his seed. It was all too much for the coyote. Ewan tossed his head back and barely managed to stifle a yell into a strained whine as he released, his dick twitching violently in her mouth. Jayda moaned around his member, swallowing a generous mouthful of semen before pulling off for a breath, stroking his length and milking several more ropes of hot, canine spunk out onto her voluptuous chest, covering her cleavage with opaque, white streams.

Ewan panted after nearly having blacked out from the orgasm, chest heaving, and gripped his dick, using it to smear his spooge all over her breasts, chuckling lowly to himself as he pushed it in between them, watching her squeeze them around it. As if that were not enough, she pushed her busty chest up, licking at the semen that covered her sizeable mounds.

"So, uh..." He began, plopping down to his haunches on the sheets, his erection rapidly deflating. "...was that okay? Was I abusive enough?"

"No, not really, but the sex made up for that." Jayda breathed out, laughing a bit, her cum-glazed chest bouncing slightly in tandem. Nodding, the coyote laughed a bit, and noticed that the hairdryer had long since cut off. A voice from outside the door made his heart skip a beat.


"Shit!" Ewan swore mutedly, jumping off the bed and grabbing his shorts and undergarments, pulling them on in extreme haste and ignoring the inevitable, future discomfort that was dried semen in one's underwear.

"Yeah, hon?"

"Have you seen my friend Ewan around? Coyote guy?"

"Yeah, I saw him in the garage when I came in; he was working on your bike!"

It hadn't been Ewan's first time to squeeze through a window, and it probably wouldn't be the last.

In the heat of the late afternoon, dispelled marginally by a dusty, old fan, Ewan gripped the hose of the nearby air compressor with a shaking hand. It would be one of those times, he figured, that he would lie in bed later that night wondering if what happened earlier had actually happened, or if he had simply conjured it up in his own stereotypically horny, male psyche. He'd actually scored with a woman twice his age, if not older; sex widely considered within his demographic to be elusive, and to be bold, a tally mark on one's man card.

"Y'know, I was kind of hoping you'd join me for a shower, if you know what I mean."

Ewan fumbled the joint between the adapter and the stem on the inner tube, thanking his fur once again as he turned around, blushing at the sudden, familiar voice. To his relief, Hayley did not appear angry or even disappointed at the fact that her plans for a romp in the shower fell through, but it made the fact that he'd just has sex with her Mom no less galvanizing.

"Oh. You uh, should have said something." He said. Act natural. Act natural. Act natural. She laughed, joining him as he busied himself with the air hose.

"You don't seem to be the type to pick up on subtleties."

"Nope. I'm a straightforward kinda guy. You want something; you better let me know what, where, and when."

Hayley bit her lip, her eyes flicking downward to the coyote's crotch. If that's the way he wanted it...

"Well. I want your big, thick cock inside me. Right here...right now." She said amorously, sliding a hand over the top of his thigh and down to his crotch, cupping his spent, aching package and giving it a firm squeeze, making him jump slightly. A deft thumb and forefinger encircled his well-packed sheath, and three other fingers curled around his emptied balls, gently rolling and squeezing at them.

"Hayley..." Ewan whined, laying his ears flat and trying to get the message across to her that now was not the time, nor was here the place. "...your Dad's gonna come home any minute!"

That seemed to do the trick. Hayley removed her hand and looked up at him inquisitively and disconcertingly so. Oh, shit.

"How did you know that?" She asked.

"You told me..." Blurted the coyote, looking her square in the eye before turning back to check the tire pressure in the one he'd just filled. "...when I first showed up here. I asked you if your parents were comfortable with you having a hybrid over at the house."

Hayley furrowed her brow.

"Huh. I don't remember that."

"Yeah, it's just something I always ask when I'm going to a human friend's house, not everyone is okay with having someone like me around. I lost a lot of potential friends back in my school days that way." Ewan steered the conversation, appealing to her heart with a bit of sob story versus changing the subject altogether, and before Hayley could respond, there was another car pulling into the driveway. Speak of the devil.

"Hi, Dad!" Hayley said, running up and giving him a hug before pulling him over towards the garage, insisting that he meet her coyote friend. Ewan looked at him, concealing his fear, as Mr. Schuler was a rather imposing man. Certainly not the type of person the coyote would ever guess had a difficult time pleasuring his wife. Thomas Schuler stood about a head taller than Ewan, and was nearly twice as wide with broad, muscular shoulders and a trim waist; his tailored-fit dress shirt and silk tie an anachronistic contrast to his almost barbarian, gladiatorial appearance. Ewan swallowed. For some reason, everything he'd said to the man's wife in their bed began to play through his head, followed up by what sort of torture he would face should he ever find out.

"Dad, this is my friend, Ewan Rickard. Ewan, this is my Dad."

"Tommy Schuler, it's a pleasure." Said Dad with an affable smile and a firm - no, crushing - handshake. Likewise, Ewan said, queasily grinning back at the large man. Before their conversation could continue any further, Jayda Schuler appeared in the doorway, having changed into a pink sports top and a pair of grey, tight-fitting yoga shorts.

"Hey hon." She said, kissing her husband on the lips.

"Hi sweetheart. What're we having for dinner tonight?"

"I've been marinating some steaks; I thought we'd have those. I'm going to make some vegetable skewers; you want to get the grill fired up?"

"Sure, just let me change out of my work clothes." Mr. Schuler said, lugging his briefcase inside and shutting the door behind him, Hayley in tow with the intent of finishing with her hair. Then, and quite awkwardly so, Ewan and Jayda were alone in the garage.

"I suppose it would be the acme of bad manners not to invite you to stay for dinner." She said, grinning and leaning down, pecking him on the lips and giggling teasingly. Beneath his fur, Ewan's face flushed once more and he nodded, smiling up at her.

"Sure. That sure was a close call earlier, wasn't it?"

"Oh, trust me; I wouldn't have let you take that fall. A stitch in time saves nine, right? Look, I can tell you like Hayley, you're not as opaque as you might think." She said, winking. Ewan's abashment was apparent in his sudden tenseness, an apprehensive smile gracing his features.

"Hayley's into canine guys, you know. And I since I can tell you're wondering, no, I don't have a problem with that, and neither does Tom. We're a very hybrid-friendly family. And there are no secrets between me and Hayley." Jayda finished with a wink, grinning devilishly and turning towards the door to reenter the house. Ewan's stomach dropped.

"So...you know about..."

"Oh yeah. She's a kinky thing; trust me on that. Public sex, exhibitionism, you name it. I dunno where she got all that from, but hey, she's my kid. Gotta love her."

"Well, obviously she got her taste for canine men from you." Ewan smiled, thinking he had bested her. Jayda smiled back, and not to be outdone, served him an ace with another wink, just before re-entering the house and leaving him standing there in utter and absolute shock.

"Who do you think she got the condom from?"
