Changing of the Holiday Guard

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Nothing in this world is immortal.

You'd think people would have a handle on that by now. Sure, some great monuments from the past are still standing, but even they're slowly crumbling away.

Yet they show such surprise when things in the background start changing!

There always have been and always will be those occasional kits who actually manage to stay up late enough to see Santa or whatever they call him locally. But you see, a couple of decades ago, baffled parents in certain parts of the world - about half of it, all told - started getting reports from those kits that gifts were being delivered by Mrs. Claus instead of him. Then, ten years ago, things got even more confusing when parents in western and southern Europe started hearing that the one delivering gifts was another kit, who many of them thought looked even younger than they were - though the few who did so more than once noticed that the two looked pretty similar.

That was me. The young one, I mean.

The reports changed location every year after that, as I rotated through the various parts of the world to get used to them. When Mom and Dad had decided to split the job, they'd divided the world into eight sections, each of them taking four; when they decided I should start learning it, I took a different one each year. Now, on the second cycle, I'm taking two a year - again, a different two each time.

The one saving grace as far as getting to all the homes goes is that people have a few different traditional gift-giving days. They're all in the same basic area, obviously, but some do it right on the Solstice, while others do it a few days or even a couple of weeks to one side or the other. Timezones are a small help, too - but this is all a tangent, really.

This was the one night of the entire cycle when I got to stay closest to home: the North-American run. Have you ever been to Iqaluit? Not many have; it's pretty out-of-the-way and not very big, despite being a provincial capital. It's also the first city on that run, assuming a few thousand people are enough to make up a "city"; it's pretty nice for us arctic types, though, and the people are just lovely. Mmm, yeah...absolutely lovely...

Oops...kinda zoned out for a minute there. Where was I?

Right, Iqaluit, the second run.

Despite only having been there once, the first house in my path was kind of a big deal to me - I looked down at the half-asleep kit next to me in the sleigh and reached over to ruffle hir hair, getting a small giggle and a nuzzle at the hand for my trouble. I really shouldn't have brought hir along, but I couldn't resist...

Outside, the place was just as I remembered it - just like before, the rounded structure meant to retain heat since it was originally meant for non-arctics. along with cutting down on the materials used. Just like before, "WELCOME" spelled out with multicoloured lights in the front yard.

And just like before, I was in heat. Which was why, _un_like before, I'd left about half-an-hour earlier than I normally would.

Of course I knew that one person in particular still lived here, but it was nice to see that person keeping up what the family had been doing before. Once inside, I almost gasped at what my senses brought to me. The place was toasty warm and surprisingly familiar - the arrangement of the furniture was different but similar, tree in the middle of the room rather than up against one wall, and a couple pieces of it - including the big couch - had even stuck around despite the owners changing. But before I really noticed any of that, I realized that the room already reeked of vixen in heat. I wondered which of the three I didn't know was causing it, since the timing was wrong for it to be the one I did know...

Just like before, there was a beautiful young kit laying on that couch. That caught me off-guard; I'd expected the four people now living here to be two couples, or maybe a couple and two sisters - but no, apparently it was either a trio with a kit or a couple with two kits. Or maybe a couple, a kit, and a room-mate.

I crept closer to the couch, almost craving a good look at the little vixen - shi was asleep, though I don't think deeply. Gods, shi really was gorgeous; so much so that I actually whined a little looking at hir, especially with hir being completely naked - long black hair, so much like a certain other person's in the house, perfect and plush white fur with markings matching the hir height and the look of hir face, shi was probably only seven or so, which made sense given what had happened before; but hir body looked like it had been ready to go for months - full breasts that looked really big on hir small chest, a full hard-on down below that was only a little smaller than the one I had hidden under my coat, and I could tell the heat scent already in the room was hirs. I whined again as I realized that, a little louder, and untied the sash holding my jacket closed - which revealed my entire front to whoever might be able to see it, since I was naked myself underneath. I'm an arctic, and it was warm in there, not even counting our heats.

Before I could take any further action, though, I heard a small gasp from the end of the hallway at one end of the room; looking over there, I saw an older vixen, though I couldn't tell just how old until shi emerged from behind the corner of the wall. My tail started moving even more as I recognized hir with a big smile: this was Elaine - or Lainey, as shi'd introduced hirself to me back then - the kit who'd greeted me the last time I was here; but now shi was a nearly-full-grown woman of nineteen and apparently a mother.

"It's you!" The quiet exclamation caught me a little off-guard as shi rushed toward me, stopping almost right in front of my nose and kneeling down to cut the difference in height. " hardly look any older! How does that even work?"

I giggled as shi looked back and forth between me and the kit on the couch, comparing us - I really only looked about a year older than hir, maybe not even that. "The North Pole's a special place. Wanna know how old I really am?" Hir head tilted and an ear flicked quizzically, making me grin. "I'm almost forty now."

The wide eyes that revelation got me made me wish I had a camera. "So...the whole elf thing..?"

"Complete crap." I shook my head. "Those're actually normal people just aging really slow, like me!"

Shi grinned back then, reaching toward my chest. "Not everything ages that slow, though - looks like your boobs've gotten a little bigger. And they were already huge for someone the age you look!" Hir hand squeezed gently, making my toes curl and my eyes close for a moment as I let out a loud murr.

Once recovered from that, I looked down at the kit, panting even more. "Shi's not...mine, is shi?"

"Nope - shi's mine" This was a lighter voice from behind the vixen I'd been talking to, belonging to a shorter vixen who looked about fourteen. "And shi takes a whole lot after hir sire."

I looked back at them just in time to see the teenager's hands reach down to grope hir mate's breasts; the older one murred hotly, standing up - and speaking of standing, being in the same room as two other vixen in heat had definitely affected them. "That's our Tara," Lainey informed me. "...And shi's all yours if you want hir."

My eyes couldn't have widened any further, I'm pretty sure - I definitely wanted hir. Dear gods, I wanted hir! Sure I was in heat, but right then shi was the most-beautiful thing I'd ever seen, even including hir mother. I started to answer, but got distracted by Tara stirring - I shot hir parents a quick questioning look; getting a small nod from both of them (and an eyeful of teenage shaft being slid into Lainey's slit, with a small accompanying moan), I knelt by the couch with a grin.

"Mmm...Santa? Is that you?" Hir voice was almost a younger version of hir mother's. I was already pretty sure I'd never get tired of it.

And that question, well, I'd gotten it a lot over the past decade; I couldn't help but snigger at it, tail dancing about behind me in amusement. "Sorta? My name's Nikki; I'm...basically Santa-in-training. He's my daddy."

Tara sat up, peering at me with a small smile. "You're pretty. Why's he need a helper though?" Hir eyes were just amazing...

"Well, Tara...he's old. Really old. Mama's actually been helping him for better than twenty years now. Eventually I'm gonna replace him. For now, though..." I shrugged my coat off completely and dropped my hat onto the coffee-table behind us with a grin. "You and me, we have something we need to take care of."

I heard a couple more small moans behind me as Tara tilted hir head, not sure what I meant. "Take care of..? Both of us..?"

I couldn't resist turning my head to giggle at hir parents for that attitude - and when I did, I stared for a moment as I saw hir sire not only still fondling the mother's bust, but now slowly sliding hir shaft in and out between the mother's thighs! The fact that they could even do that standing up surprised me a little until I realized that shi was a little longer-legged than hir mate, proportionally. Once I could wrench my eyes away from that little spectacle, I slid up onto the couch in front of Tara, reaching for the young vixen's maleness. "Yeah...know how you feel all hot right now? Well, we both do, and that's what we need to take care of."

Shi let out an adorable little moan as I took hold of that stiffness, arching hir hips a little up off the couch. "Ohhhh...and...I'm guessing it involves those?"

That got another giggle from me as I shifted myself onto hir lap, pressing my slit up against the spire in front of me. "Smart kit. Hope it won't be too overwhelming for you..."

About the same time, I heard a bit of conversation behind me, starting with Lainey: "Mmmmh...Kelly, you mind if I..?"

"Heh...what, for old times' sake?"

"Something like that."

I didn't much care just what it was they were talking about since by that time I was lifting my hips up along Tara's length, then pausing a bit at hir tip before sinking down on it, covering my own loud moan by leaning toward hir and pressing a heated (if you'll pardon the pun) kiss to hir lips, eyes closed. It wasn't my first - that had actually gone to Lainey - but it was close, and I was pretty sure it was Tara's as hir voice responded to mine in kind.

Another chuckle from behind me. "Yeah...I guess that's fine. Just get your ass in bed soon and make sure you've got some left, 'kay?"

"Sure thing, hon." I'm pretty sure I heard Lainey giggle, which I hadn't heard in eight years. "Ya horny-ass teenager."

Kelly's voice sounded a bit further away as I started lifting and dropping my hips along Tara's rod, already having a hard time controlling myself. "Hey, I'm in a room with two kits in heat - can you blame me?!"

"No, but you're always horny, Kelly!" Another giggle, and I felt more weight settle on the couch behind me. "Nikki? Turn around."

That took me by surprise; I cocked one ear in curiosity, then with some effort managed to pause what I was doing and fulfill the request - and when I did, my eyes widened hugely as they were met with the sight of Lainey reclining against the sofa's opposite arm, legs spread and arms held out toward me invitingly.

For obvious reasons, my head had a little trouble processing what that all meant at first, but I finally managed. "I want..?" I couldn't manage any real coherence, pointing first to myself, then to hir. So that was what they were talking about?!

Luckily, shi still got what I was asking, responding with a nod. "Come'n get me, big girl. I mean, you've been waiting eight years for it, right?"

I'm pretty sure my face got as hot as the space between my legs at that point. "Well...kinda, yeah..." I decided not to question it any further, pulling Tara's arms around my chest so shi'd come with me as I leaned forward, finally ending up stretched out on hir mother with hir laying on top of me - though I did wonder if I was still asleep in my own bed, having one amazingly-naughty dream!

Almost before I knew what was happening, I'd sunk up to the hilt inside Lainey and started pulling my way back out again while nuzzling down at one of hir breasts. After a couple moments of this, Tara seemed to get the idea of what we were doing and started rocking hir hips behind me, opposite my own motions. Then shi surprised me by nosing down alongside my muzzle, watching me closely as I wrapped my lips around Lainey's nipple and mimicking me on the other one. This was hir own mother! ...And I'm pretty sure I'd never even come up with something that hot inside my own head.

Lainey certainly didn't seem to mind having both of us sucking on hir breasts, either, grinding hir hips up all the harder into mine as I was already starting to losing control, never having had someone on both sides of me like this. Then Tara apparently decided shi didn't have enough boob to play with already, bringing hir hands up to cup both of mine. All three of us were pretty much moaning constantly by this point.

Tara and I both seemed to hit a breakpoint at the same time, simultaneously shifting gears to start hammering the one in front of us as hard and fast as we could. I don't think I can even describe how it felt to be wedged between an old crush and a new one, one of them the other's kit and physically just a bit younger than you...

Thanks to that, I started feeling both our knots starting to swell up basically as one, making it hard for both of us to get inside the ones we were mating. We both managed again after a few moments though, just before it would've become impossible, getting locked inside the ones before us but still finding just a little room for motion. A few seconds' worth of making use of that room, and all three of us spilled over the edge, Lainey's and my channels cinching down tightly around the shafts inside us, coaxing as much of the others' essences as they would jet out into us, three vulpine voices all raising an orgasmic howl before collapsing into a panting, murring heap.

Then I let out a small "eep" as Tara tried to pull out of me and found it way too hard. "Oops...I think I'm stuck somehow..."

"It's alright, kit - that's supposed to happen. 'S just how we foxen are," I reassured hir. Then giggled as I realized that, just like before, here I was getting pregnant on Solstice Eve. Though this time I was prepared and looking forward to it.

Tara nuzzled around my ears as we all relaxed for a little while, waiting for the knots to go down. They perked as a thought slowly occurred to me: "Hey, Lainey?" I called hir by the nickname shi was going by when we first met. "When you said 'Shi's all yours' far did you mean that to go?" Shi tilted hir head, one ear folding down in confusion, so I elabourated, unable to keep my face from turning red: "Well, I uh...I'm kinda thinking I might like to take hir home with me..."

I heard a small gasp behind me as Lainey's face took on a shocked look, complete with ears standing straight up. "You mean like...make me the next Mrs. Santa?" Yeah, Tara was definitely quick on the uptake; I nodded, then tilted my muzzle up to nuzzle at hirs.

"I...don't know. I'll hafta talk it over with Kelly. I'd say with Tara too, but I think it's obvious what shi thinks of the idea." Shi reached over me to ruffle Tara's hair, drawing a giggle from the younger vixen. "Matter of fact, if you can pull out of me, why don't I go do that now." Then hir muzzle took on a cheeky grin. "...And go do Kelly, while I'm at it."

Managing to do so with a little effort, I snickered loudly at the play on words; as I slid back to let Lainey up, I felt Tara slide with me, apparently not interested in coming out of me just yet. We stayed like that as Lainey headed for hir and Kelly's bedroom, a nose poking around my ears again, until shi managed to remove hir shaft from me with a tactile >pop<; I then turned around as shi laid back against the arm of the sofa on hir side, sliding overtop of hir and nuzzling at hir chin. "So, you really wanna come home with me? Why?"

Hir tongue slid out, licking at the bridge of my muzzle. "'re really pretty, and you're obviously really nice if you're gonna be Santa...and besides, we're talking about the North Pole here!" Shi giggled loudly.

Estrus being the kind of thing it is, I couldn't resist the temptation to press my tip up to the opening waiting for it, despite having mated the other way so recently; but I had to let hir know what would happen first. "This might sound random, Tara, but...are you ready to be a mommy?"

Tara blinked several times, hips squirming in anticipation. "A...a mommy? But how? Am I even old enough?"

I nodded, managing to hold myself back for the moment. "That's what it means when you feel hot like this - it's your body saying it's time to have a kit."

Another giggle, hir arms crossing behind my neck. "I like the idea. Especially if it's yours. My mommies are so good to me and my sis; it'd be great to be able to pass that along."

"Alright then." I grinned, sliding my way in between hir walls as my hands found those fantastic breasts of hirs, kneading gently. I didn't have enough control at that point to pause after getting my full length inside like I would've liked, but shi didn't seem to mind hir first time being a little crazy, hir legs almost immediately wrapping around my hips much like hir arms had done up above.

Our breath already starting to quicken again, I found myself craving and pursuing another kiss, then getting it returned without hesitation - maybe being Santa makes it easier to tell when someone's right for you or something. Hir nipples felt almost like stones as I ran fingers across them, similarly pressing my stomach in toward the hardness below to give it as much sensation as possible, to make it as close as possible to what I was feeling inside hir.

I'd figured from the beginning that neither of us would last that long under the circumstances, and that got proven as I felt my knot starting to return only a couple minutes in. Not that I think you'd have heard any complaints from either of us; I could already feel hir walls closing in around me, and I thought I could also feel hir own knot inflating again against my torso.

Time was something of a blur for me at that point - almost before I knew it, I found I couldn't pull back out of hir, and barely a heartbeat later we were howling together again as my seed rushed into hir womb; I also felt sudden spots of wet warmth on the bottoms of my breasts and below them.

We spent the next few minutes just enjoying the feelings left from our shared peak along with each-other's company, murring and nuzzling almost at random around getting our breaths back. Once I could pull back out of hir, I considered going and checking on Lainey and Kelly, but the interesting sounds coming from that direction told me it wouldn't be worth the effort yet; that being the case, I figured it was as good a time as any to do what I'd actually come there for, digging into the sack I'd brought in with me and distributing around the tree the gifts I pulled out of it.

Tara just watched as I did that, tail dancing behind hir at one point as shi giggled and commented: "I'm guessing you're not one for giving spoilers, huh?"

I beamed back at hir in response. "No way! What fun would that be?"

Hir parents came back out around the time I finished, dusting off my hands before turning toward them. "Ah! Hey, you two."

They flopped side-by-side onto the couch, looking at me intently. Then they glanced at each-other before Lainey opened hir mouth: "So, we made a decision..." Probably the most-important decision of my life, and I wasn't even the one making it; I tried to hide my nerves, though I was pretty sure my tail was showing it if nothing else.

"We think you should take hir with you."

Tara's reaction to that could only be called "ecstatic", and mine wasn't far behind - that is, until an idea occurred and my expression turned more tranquil. "Actually...I kinda disagree." The shock on all three of their faces was priceless until I dropped the other shoe: "I think I should take all of you with me!"

Lainey and Kelly looked at each-other again, clearly not sure what to think. "Er...why?" Kelly questioned.

I just shrugged with a bright smile. "Why take Tara away from hir family? Especially when I'd kinda like to see more of said family..." I couldn't quite keep the suggestive leer off my face.

They both shrugged as well after another shared look, Lainey commenting: "Well, I don't see why not..."

"Great, then! And that reminds me: There's someone you should meet, Lainey. I'll be right back." I winked, transporting myself back to the rooftop, where I picked up the kit who'd now fallen asleep in the sleigh, though shi stirred as I did. I then popped back inside, hir slowly waking back up, and handed hir over to Lainey. "This is Heather."

As I handed Heather over, the little kit sniffed over Lainey's neck and upper chest thoroughly, then smiled hugely with hir tail swishing in a wide arc. "Mama Lainey!" I'd told hir about hir sire, of course, and Lainey obviously smelled familiar to hir.

Lainey, for hir part, just stared at Heather for a few moments before cuddling hir tight - almost too tight - and letting out a long "Awwwww!" as Heather gave hir a happy yerf. Lainey looked to be on the verge of tears, to top it all off.

Then Heather poked hir nose over Lainey's shoulder and peered at Kelly with a curious "Hmm?". Lainey heard that and nosed Heather's shoulder with a grin. "That's my mate. I guess you could call hir Mama Kelly."

"Mama Kelly..?" It's always hard to tell what's going on in a little kit's mind, but shi peered at Kelly for a moment longer, then quickly licked the teenage vixen's nose. I guess shi approved.

Heather's muzzle turned around and down after that as Tara tapped hir on the back, grinning. "And I'm your big sister, Tara! You've also got another big sister, Lori, but shi's asleep right now."

"Tara!" Heather mimicked, reaching out a hand to bop Tara's nose playfully, probably because shi couldn't manage a lick.

All four of us giggled at that, drawing another happy little yip from Heather. I then walked over to retrieve my coat and put it back on, along with the hat I'd left on the table. "Well, then...why don't I leave Heather here since shi's having trouble staying awake anyway, and then I'll come back here once my job's done for the night?" I snickered as Tara suddenly wobbled, then yawned loudly. "I'd offer to take you with me, Tara, but it looks like Heather's not the only one having trouble staying awake!"

Tara grumbled loudly, leaning against hir mother. "Yeah, you're not fair..."

I nodded. "I'll join you for the day and grab sleep wherever I can around the festivities, and then we can start making preparations for you to move!"

Big Blind

It was the witching hour. Nothing so crude as midnight, of course - anyone can be a witch at midnight, with the full Moon at its zenith - no, here it was past 3am, and he'd been awoken by a hand on his shoulder, shaking him urgently. His eyes opened to...

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Lana's Customer

I'd never considered cheating on a lover. We wolves rarely think that way; you know how we are - loyal, stoic, traditional, all those sorts of things. In fact...that day, I considered quite a few things that I never thought I would. I had no need for...

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Misplaced Kitten

# **War of the Wolves** **Chapter I: Misplaced Kitten** A gentle breeze ruffled the long fur and hair of a young lynx kitten, standing lost in thought on a balcony suspended some two-dozen feet in the air. The building to which the balcony...

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