To capture a new pet

Story by zanian on SoFurry

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Commission for a client on SF

The air was dense and humid; it was another in that lost jungle, far from civilization, away from anything. It was home to multiple species and living creatures, which used it to hunt, survive and watch the passage of time.

However, this wasn't only the habitat of beast and other mindless creatures; there were also intelligent beings that made it their residence. The most known of them all were the numerous tribes of lions living around. One could think these were simple lions, like the beast living in the Savannah, prideful predator and king of the animals, but these were different from the image could have in its mind.

Contrary to their feral counterpart, these could stand on two legs, able to walk, run and use items with ease. They had a blooming civilization, but since they had the tendency to move a lot around, it was constructed around that notion, emphasizing on creating light and practical items that could serve anywhere.

Sometime, their traveling would bring them near a human settlement; it was the case with the Skelycia tribe, which lived near the town of Gemios. The village itself was small, unlike the bigger cities located the mainland. Although isolated, it was still in contact with the world with the help of merchants and travelers, bringing tales and items with them.

The people of the city knew about the existence of these tribes and were careful about them; they weren't aggressive, but they had some rather unfortunate tendencies, which resulted in the disappearance of people.

Nevertheless, this didn't bother Jake; these stories were nothing more than old wife's tales, made to scare the children, to keep them in the village. He knew that some people traveled without any problems, thus why it would be different for him? Why would he face difficulties where the others succeeded?

The path in the jungle was stepped and treacherous, but he was sure he would be able to cross it; it's not like he was going to fight for his life or hunt for buried treasures, while having to disarm trap and avoid deadly obstacles. This was just a little walk, nothing that could stop him from reaching the other city in time for the Festival of Lights.

He was unaware that he was being watched from afar; this wasn't an element he cared about, for he could imagine the pleasure he was going to have at the festival, the people he was going to meet and all the treasures he would be able to bring back home. Each year, he surprised people with the most exotics' items he could find; this year wasn't going to be different, he hoped, unless the merchants were going to be stingy with him.

There were two lions observing him, on a top of cliff while he was walking on the trail leading into the jungle; they could have jumped on him, but they preferred to observe him for a while, desiring to see if this human male could fill the role that they had in mind. Perhaps he could, but it served no purpose to rush thinks ahead; they had plenty of time before he left the jungle, his journey taking him further ahead...

It has been days since Ari has been watching this human; there were several males who seemed interesting, but this one stood out of the crowd. However, this one wasn't for him, but for his son Liam. The first days, he was alone, but after noticing that this male was good enough for the task ahead, he brought with him his son, letting the task of observing the human. This was part of the ritual that would conclude his rite of passage to adulthood.

As the day passed, the excitement took over the young fellow; he was an adult, but this was the first time that he was able to feel such tension in him. The human he was observing made him nervous, and more he tried to think about something, longer the wait was unbearable.

The only he found to calm himself was to caress himself; his body was already ready, his malehood standing proudly to be caressed. He laid on the ground, grabbing his cock in gentle fashion; he started to stroke it, feeling the hardened flesh under his paw. He teased the tip, pinching it a bit before focusing on the body, letting his paw guide the rhythm.

His mind was filled with the images of that human they were following; he was undressing, submitting to him, the desire to be nothing more than a toy between his paws, one he could play for the rest of his days.

``When will we catch this human, father? I fear that I cannot restrain myself much longer; my body ache for him...'' said Liam, stroking himself vigorously, feeling his edge closing in, trying to stop it a bit to enjoy the sensations a bit more.

``We will have to wait until night fall, to surprise him; you don't want him to run him away back to village and stay there, terrorized, now don't you?'' said Ari, watching his son masturbate furiously with a smile.

It didn't take long for Liam to reach his climax, cumming on the ground and on his chest, panting a bit from all the energy he spent on such an activity. Without a word, Ari kneeled near him, grabbing his cock in paw; he gave it a few quick licks before he let his tongue wrap around it, cleaning the member of his son from the cum. The taste was marvelous, a taste that none succeeded to equal yet while seeing his son pleasured look was enough to satisfy him. Of course, he enjoyed the moment when his son returned the favor, feeling his hesitant yet passionate tongue giving him the same treatment.

Night was falling on the jungle; Jake knew he wasn't going to make it to the city in one day, but he didn't plan on bringing expensive camping material. He was going to make himself something rudimentary but efficient, that could permit him to be protected from the element but would last for one night, since he would be on the move and would leave it in the morning.

He gathered wood, leaves and vines, that he assembled to make something that resembled some sort of tent; it didn't look good, but it was sturdy and that was the only thing he cared about.

It was supposed to protect him from the rain, the wind and the cold, not to be beautiful to the eye; maybe it could even be useful, to make it so offensive. It could make potential threats go away, their sense of esthetic offended by such a crude construction. But that wasn't the main goal...

He crawled under the makeshift assembly, proud of himself, but knowing that this was a useless feeling to have; the thing he produced wouldn't survive long in nature. It was still fresh under his survival shelter, but it wasn't cold enough to stop him from sleeping. Anyway, he would need the sleep to cross the jungle the day after...

He fell asleep not so after, the silence of the jungle soothing him; it was surprising that he wasn't hearing any insects or animals trying to sneak around, but since he wasn't used to sleep in the wilderness, he didn't asked himself any question about it.

In the middle of night, he woke up, feeling something observing him. The silence was still surrounding him, but from a distance, he could have sworn that a tree branch cracked, as if a wild animal was trying to get closer to him. He would have to check around, to make sure that the beast wasn't a dangerous one; he didn't desire to end up as lunch for a nocturnal predator, because he was unable to fight sleep.

He escaped the hut, determined to find the reason of the mysterious sounds he was now hearing; it was like some sort of creature was standing near, trying to study him. Perhaps it wanted to attack him, maybe it wanted to actually avoid him, by finding a pattern in his behavior. Whatever it was, he had to find you...

What he saw surprised him, if he could call it a surprise; in front of him stood two lions, the same kind that he was so warned about in his village. He could see all their form, for they didn't wear any clothes at all; it didn't take him long to notice that the younger one, who seemed to be about his age, was sporting an impressive erecting, while licking his lips.

The sight of such an impressive member made him shiver for a moment; surely, the creature had some plans in mind, and they could involve him. However, with the size of the shaft he was seeing, it could more than he could handle...

``Don't be afraid now; we won't hurt you. It is not in your custom to hurt your people. But it is something that you enjoy a lot; today, you will have the joy of becoming a pet for my son. I know that your culture has some resistance to that notion but don't worry about it, he will treat you in such a way that you will soon forget all possible opposition you could have formed against it in the first place'' said the older lion, watching his son approach Jake, content with the plan they devised together. Sometime, one didn't need to use complicated tactics and trickery when a simple ruse could work...

Jake wanted to run away from the encounter, not desiring to end up as a play toy for the lion, but a part of him was interested by the offer; why was he chosen? There were so many young men in the village; the fact that he was chosen by these creatures, to serve an obscure purpose, made him rather curious.

Before he could talk, he was pinned to the ground, the younger feline purring; it reminded him a cat, but in a size that it could never hope to reach. The weight was also a concern for him; although the contact of his fur was a feeling he was enjoying, he was afraid that in his enthusiasm, he would be crushed, for it seemed that this young fellow wasn't concerned with his own strength.

Maybe the creature sensed, perhaps he even heard him, as he moved a bit, slowing down his pace, giving a chance to Jake to catch his breath. But this short moment of respite was a trap; the moment he let down his guard, Liam took the opportunity to embrace him with a passion he never felt before.

It was the first time Liam was embracing a human, and he was enjoying each moment of it; the feeling was different of when he was making out with a male of his kind. It was softer, almost sweeter to the taste; he wondered if it was because he was kissing him for the first time, or it would be the same taste always. Either way, it was an exciting element; he wanted to discover more about the human he was about to keep for himself, more about the pet that he would cherish and keep near him for the rest of his life.

Liam took his time to explore the human that was now under him; he had to make him feel comfortable, before he could engage in any sort of activity with him. But he wasn't sure what to do; there was so much his mind suggested to him, while his loins desired one and only one thing; to breed the human, with passion and force.

He pinned his human and while staring at him, he moved toward his chest, removing his shirt; the sight of the nude chest was something that was new to him, but it was quite satisfying, as he passed his paw on it, caressing it, feeling the soft skin under his fur, shivering from the contact. It was more than he dreamed about...

Jake couldn't believe what was happening when he saw the lion remove his shirt, caressing his chest; the touch was delicate and caring, like the one of a lover. He had to restrain himself not to moan in the face of his captor, but the caresses were better than any he experienced before in his life.

His human was quite receptive to his exploration, but he knew he was just beginning; without hesitating, he started licking the chest of his pet, trying to find the most sensible areas of it, while being watched by his father, who enjoyed the show. Ari didn't want to intervene in his son fun, although playing with a human was rather tempting.

He was amused when he saw his human blushed, the change of his skin color making him wonder if it was a permanent side effect, or it was a temporary status. He could live with the temporary option, but he was wondering what he could do with a permanent situation. Maybe there things he could do, rituals he could perform, or it would just pass with time; he knew little about humans, but he wanted to learn so much more about them...

His paw passed on the lower stomach of his pet, teasing the soft skin; he didn't want to grab the tempting member yet, but more he looked at it, the more plans started to germinate in his mind. The more he thought about it, the more they seemed tempting; but for now, he would have to put these ideas to rest.

It was rather visible that his work was having quite the effect on his pet, even though he was trying to hide it. He couldn't understand why he would want to hide it; it was a beautiful thing, which needed to be shared, explored... and played with.

Without giving an opportunity to his human, he grabbed, feeling the soft, warm skin under his paw. He could feel it pulsating softly, as it was waiting for his caress. He didn't want to play too much with him, to make him lose his excitation.

He took his time to tug him, to feel the skin move with his paw; it was a whole new sensation he was experiencing, something he was glad to feel. He could hear him moan, a sweet sound to his ears; he wanted to hear more, but he knew that he would play too much with him, he wouldn't be able to enjoy the moment to its fullest.

Moving one of his paw, he grabbed the ball sack for a moment, fascinated by the texture and the resistance he was enjoying; he had to explore him deeper, when he would have more time, but for now, he had something better in mind.

It didn't take until he found the region he was seeking; there it was, the entrance he was searching. He couldn't take him like that right now; he needed to prepare him, to make the experience memorable...

Jake felt the lion explore him, with a passion he never saw before; not that he did test some things with some guys back in the village, but it was the first time he was seeing such tenderness toward him.

Although he wasn't prepared to the next step, when the creature removed his pants; he wanted to protect himself from the shame of being nude in public, but it seemed like both lions enjoyed the sight of his body. He looked at them, blushing at the fact that both were visibly aroused; would they take him together? One after the other or would it be the older that would be watching them? Whatever would happen, he knew it he was going to enjoy it...

He gasped when he felt the lion prod his entrance, feeling his digit prod his entrance; it was rough, but gentle at the same time, as if he knew that it would give that sort of reaction. The exploration didn't last longer; it was almost disappointing, for he desired the moment to last into an effervescent bliss...

The penetration took him by surprise; it was a pleasant, yet tantalizing ordeal as he felt his legs being lifted from the ground, giving the lion more space. The first thrust was deep and powerful, but soon was replaced by softer one, as his master was trying to enjoy the warmth of his flesh, the tightness of his hole.

His pet was tighter than he expected, but his was a blessing; he had to control himself, not to finish too fast. He wanted to enjoy each movement, feel his shaft rub against the soft, hot flesh while hearing him moan.

``You are the perfect pet; docile, submissive and able to take my length without resisting. I will treat you well, oh that I can assure you'' told him the lion as he plunged deeper in him, thrusting faster and harder.

The scene was quite arousing for Ari, who starting stroking himself to his son enjoying his pet; he could feel the pleasure of them both, smell how wonderful it was. More he focused on it, harder he was and faster his strokes were; he needed to release this tension from himself, for the more he looked, the more it filled him.

Liam could feel his edge closing in, as his pace was now a frantic assault on the rear of his pet, who was moaning like no tomorrow. The sound was only stimulating him into a deeper frenzy, filled with the desire to breed his pet.

With a roar, he came into him, feeling his seeds flow into him; he heard another roar behind, as his father reached his climax as well, covering them with his essence.

Jake couldn't think anymore; his mind was flooded by pleasure and nothing else mattered. Harder his master took him, louder he wanted to tell him he enjoyed it and more he wanted it. When he felt his proprietor hilt him, it was the element that pushed him over the edge; a moment after Liam, he climaxed as well, trying to carve the moment in his memories.

Liam look at his pet with a warm smile, as he removed himself from him, licking the cum away from. The mixed flavors made him drool for a moment; he could taste experience, exoticism and so much more; he wanted more, but this was all he could get, for now.

There was so much he could, so much he wanted to explore, he thought as he wrapped his arms around his pet, falling asleep with him.

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