My Perfect Master

Story by Hidden Heart on SoFurry

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#1 of My Perfect Life

a story of a woman who is torn between the life of a submissive and the life of mate ship trying to decide between the two men she loves

this is a dedication to meri a woman who did something very special for me and who i will always be indebted to and love for her kindness and how she see's me, meri i hope this story series will be one you cherish always for you are to me one of the most perfect woman in the world and deserve every pleasure life can afford you.

I guess you might say my story started about three years ago, I had been looking for a lot of things back then maybe I was confused on what I wanted, maybe I just didn't know what I wanted. I am very confused now as to what I want. but what scares me is losing anything at all that I have. I live two lives, two lives that are both perfect as long as I have both but I don't know if I could be happy with either alone.

I am 31 years old, 5' 8" tall and I have smooth silky fur. I am an odd one a hybrid a mix of a stud deer father and a russet fox mother. My ears swivel my muzzle has a wide herbivore set with a black nose and my eyes are a deep green. I have nice feet instead of hoofs and where as deer have that little tail I have a beautiful long fox tail. My colors are of my father and mother mixed mostly a short tan, but with black longer fur on my forearms, calves, hands and feet and I have a fiery red mane which contrasts my other colors but looks wonderful. My body is a little on the chubby side and I am very self conscious about it and my breasts aren't perfectly perk but are mostly so. I have an odd feature that throws many men off at first but they like and that is my vagina. unlike a normal anthro fox my sex is tucked at my rear like most deer and it is tear drop shaped with my clit near the base instead of at the top and my black leathery lips are luscious and able to squeeze rather tightly. My name is Meri and I am very different from your average girl.

I am a submissive by nature and always unbelievably horny, I like the clubs looking for wild guys and I love such a huge variety of fetishes you would think I would have a really easy time finding what I want but, it just didn't feel right. I would find masters some caring some abusive but none looking for a real relationship, men have a lot of trouble separating their feelings that way they all had one thing in common they wanted the lusty submissive woman but at the end of the day they didn't want the lover and wife. I was everything they lusted after but they didn't want commitment.

Its with one of these naughty men that my tale begins. I was a frequent at the Tail Binder a club for hooking up with furs into anything as light as pet play to as heavy as branding and near torture. I had played my fair share of the field on the light stuff but was far too scared and shy to try the heavy stuff. The club was unique in that regulars registered with the club although names were kept anonymous for chat and messaging the club had the true identity of all registered members, you could list what you were into what you were looking for and what other people had to say about you and even a voting system. Now I never had any complaints about my performance as a submissive but unfortunately I had broken off with every master for about the same reason, after a while I just felt used and not wanted and although most of the guys I had been with wrote good reviews of me one comment always seemed to come up and they were honest about it they just couldn't keep me happy, not that my lust wasn't sated but that I couldn't stay emotionally happy. unfortunately this had left me at a 3.5 star rating where I would otherwise have been a 5 star regular. It had started to turn away the high end guys and had attracted ones looking for more of a quickie just for lust.


It was a warm summer evening there was a light rain outside the scent of it wonderful in the air. I was at the club that night and wearing a g string under a short skirt and a low hanging t-shirt that my breasts almost popped out of and no bra. It wasn't my normal attire I felt way to ugly to wear something that showed off that much normally but it was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. I had gotten a request from a six star regular one of only four in the cubs 14 year history. it was a shocker that he would be interested in me and more so when I looked at his page to find out he hadn't talked to anyone in 2 years to top it off he had registered almost 9 years ago where I had only been there for 2. he had given me very specific instructions, how to dress where in the club to be and what to expect when he first made contact.

I had ordered and drank two cinnamon sliders ass I was told and had gone down to the lower floor and waited in booth three leaving it open. the booths were for really quick stuff basically a ballet booth with a curtain only a 3 by 4 foot box and a counter, the floors were tile each with a drain and there was a small sprayer for cleaning a really bad mess, the rules were simple if you made a mess spray it away before you leave. I was horribly embarrassed I was leaning on the counter looking at an advertising display bent over with my legs spread a bit and my tail swaying a little with the curtain wide open to show off for anyone walking by. a few guys stopped, a few rubbed my rear making me moan and one even slid his fingers over my tail hole making me moan as I followed my orders and different move but none went further, they were disappointed when they asked and found out I was already spoken for. my heart was racing my sex wet and I was blushing so furiously I thought I would melt. it was the most humiliating thing I ever felt but at the same time all the guys stopping and wanting me in some strange way despite how I felt about my looks made me feel so damn desirable.

I was so lost in though that I gasped and my ears shot up when a finger slid into my sex deeply without me even realizing my g string had moved. I let out a needy moan as it pumped into me thick the soft fur tickling my lips as I gripped it and I heard a purr deep and unbelievably dominant as another paw slid over my rear and gripped it firmly digging sharp claws gently into it. I heard the curtain pulled closed and bleated with the realization I had been exposed to anyone walking by while I was fondled and pleasured. As his finger continued to softly thrust in and out of my now winking sex I felt him lean over me his body warm and strong feeling, I growl soft and dominant vibrated next to my ear making me shutter and a deep unbelievably sexy voice spoke to me softly.

"it's good to meet you Meri its rare I have been able to find so amazing a figure on a woman with such perfect reviews at the club," he said as his second paw slid around me and into my shirt rubbing my breast softly before his palm rested on my chest between them.

I let out a moan as I started to pant, "but my my reviews I only have 3.5 stars?"

A nibble on my ear and the finger thrusts changing rhythm made me let out a long moan and arch my back, "your rating isn't important its what your masters said about you about me knowing what you have longed for all this time and my desire to give you it."

I blushed unable to think as my mind clouded with the thrusts it was more pleasurable than before my sex seemed to wink in time with his thrusts and then I felt it and realized it he was feeling my heart beat with his paw on my chest and thrusting his finger in time with the beats I had never felt anything like it and as I got more excited and my heart beat faster so did his thrusts increase.

"oh god I... what is it you think I long for?" I asked.

His soft purr vibrated through my back as he nuzzled my neck licking at the fur softly, "you long for a master who wants to help and care for you, who wants to get to know you who wants you to be happy while you follow his every command."

I almost started to cry this man who I didn't even know had never even met had a perfect grasp from reading my reviews of what I wanted when no one else even I didn't fully grasp it, "ma.. master please please love me," I whimpered out.

His purr became deeper and his finger was suddenly joined by a second stretching me slightly as they both thrust with every third beat of my heart, "oh no my dear not yet you must prove to me you want me that you deserve me I am going to give you a test a testament that making me happy gives you the will to overcome your fears that you'll let me show you and help you past them."

At that moment I would have let him brand me and beat me senseless if only to have him hold me and tell me I was his I was so lost in my lust I couldn't think straight, "yes yes please I'll do anything *pant* I'm so close!" I cried out.

He suddenly increased his thrusting and I heard the curtain open just before he bit my neck and spread my sex wide with his fingers. I tried to stop myself but I couldn't I arched my back and screamed cumming like I never had in my life my sex tried to squeeze closed but his fingers wouldn't let it and I squirted so hard I must have made a mess all the way into the hall, he purred and whispered words of encouragement as I blushed deep crimson so embarrassed at who might be able to see that I felt I would die but he only soothed me calmed me and held me fast before finally letting his fingers leave my sex causing a moan as he wiped them on my puckered anus and rear fur. My head dropped to the counter as I panted softly and he held me up my legs to shaky to do it on my own, the curtain closed and I felt his paws as he untied my g-string and slid back from me to his knees and I bleated as his long wide rough tongue suddenly started to lick all over my now over stimulated sex and sensitive tail hole lavishing them with attention as I held firmly to the counter.

His attention stopped as suddenly as it started and I was left panting and drooling with my tongue hanging out for a moment, "now my dear if you wish to be mine to be claimed and loved by me you must do something to show your devotion. I want you to walk upstairs through the main club with your tail kept high to show off that sexy wet rear and I want you to take off your shirt, you'll walk to the coat room to get your large trench coat and walk out the front door with only that skirt and it on, oh and if anyone stops you as you pass a table to fondle or lick at you your going to let them just as any slutty submissive would when dressed like that in the club once your outside you'll head to the alley to your left where I will be waiting for you, do this my sweet Meri and I will be your master from this day forward."

I went to speak but he walked out reclosing the curtain. My heart was racing with the thought of what to do he was right about everything, he knew exactly what I wanted and he was so unbelievably good how could I possibly refuse but could I do it I was scared to death the stares the looks god the strangers touching me so blatantly, could I do it?

I needed to even if I was left crying from the shame I couldn't let him down this man who hadn't even given me his name yet this man I already was so infatuated with, I took off my shirt looking in the mirror at my breasts making sure they were perky and I spent a few minutes calming myself before rolling up the back of my skirt and lifting my tail so that I was fully exposed, there were several professional slave girls and men at the club which would wander around just to be fondled and suckled on by the members idly I would look like one no one would know the difference and would treat me just as the rules stated they could. I had to remember anyone who touched me or did anything to me while I was dressed like this wasn't a perv or a jerk copping a feel they were customers and didn't know I wasn't the product and he told me I couldn't tell them either which means I'd have to endure it.

As I walked into the main club blushing deeply my whole body feeling flush I walked towards the coat room near the entrance, I was fondled several times, I had been fingered lightly a few males had pulled me back to get a quick lick and one pulled me into his lap so he could nurse on my nipple for a few minutes. By the time I was almost to the coat room I had been brought to near orgasm but denied it three times my sex winking and leaking as tears of embarrassment but also of excitement and need pulled at my eyes to let them leave.

Only one more table and I was home free when a pair of large paws slid over my hips stopped me and I felt a pair of lips kiss my sex causing a whimper from me as I backed up. I suddenly let out a scream of passion as a long thick muscular tongue dived deep into my cunt like a tentacle on a mission I cried out arching my back and cumming so hard I coated his face in my juices. I panted and looked around to see many of the customers and staff staring at me the noise louder than normal and drawing their attention. A kiss to my tail hole and a gasp from me made people chuckle and go back to what they were doing and before I was allowed to leave the giraffe that had given me such a powerful orgasm told me I was very sexy causing me to blush profusely.

I made it to the coat room and asked for my coat putting my shirt in it and putting it on before taking one last look around to see many hungry eyes before walking out the door and immediately heading into the alley. before I am even half way down it I am gently tackled to the wall a deep resonating purr making me shiver but takes away all my fear of who it is and quick lick to my ear and soft voice make me smile and tears run down my cheek, "you did wonderfully Meri you are perfect and now I will claim you for my own and you will have your new master to look forward to, to care for and love you, is this what you wish?"

I moaned out like a whore, "oh god yes please make me yours sir."

He moved my trench coat aside and in a single pained thrust of his thick shaft he buried himself in my needy pussy all the orgasms having left me so wet he slid in easily although the stretching still hurt a bit. He almost immediately began to thrust into me firmly and solidly his cock spurting pre into me and his barbs scratching at my sensitive tunnel he growled and reached around to squeeze and massage my breasts as I felt his balls slapping my clit and his tip kept poking at my cervix so delightfully uncomfortably. That's when my eyes flew open and I cried out through the pants.

"Wait! I I am still in heat I am going to get pregnant," I tried to squirm from out under him.

He growled and held me fast thrusting faster as he bit my neck and dug his claws softly into my breasts, "no you won't have some faith in your master or I will have to punish you."

Before I could answer an orgasm tore through me squeezing down on my new masters shaft before he through his head back and roared slamming forward and forcing his cock tip into my womb the pain of his barbs digging in to hold him there and his hot seed suddenly flooding me causing me to let out a strained bleat and cum again so hard I almost passed out. he held me through our orgasms purring as I wanted to cry so sure I was pregnant now and so little I could do about it, when I whimpered he reached up and turned my head licking my cheek softly and smiling.

"You don't trust me my poor sweet Meri all that you just went through to reach me to gain me and you are so scared I would betray you so quickly that hurts me."

The words cut into me I was angry and upset but suddenly with his words I felt so ashamed so unfaithful to him yet here he was and was getting me pregnant against my will without even saying his name. Suddenly I gasped as my body was flooded with a new burning sensation as his cock throbbed and I was filled to the point of bursting and as it leaked down my leg I gasped and whined realizing from the scent he had just urinated in me he had marked my womb and with a gasp of realization had prevented any chance of my pregnancy from this encounter and I knew this had been his plan from the beginning to sate my lust and heat to claim me and let me feel his seed in me and to mark me as his own making sure not to impregnate me. He groaned and relaxed over me as I felt his musk running down my legs knowing I would smell of him as would my jacket and probably with the leaking the seat of my car as well by the time I got home and suddenly I needed to say something as I began to cry softly.

"Master, I'm sorry I should have never doubted your sincerity or your care for me please forgive me."

A deep purr was my response and a lick softly to my ear as his barbs softened and his cock pulled softly from me leaving his fluids to gush out over my trench coat as he stands up wiping his cock on my coat, "its okay Meri I understand and I won't punish you this time because I want you to see I am a compassionate master, my name is Marcus and I am your new master in your coat you'll find my address and my phone number I already know yours and will call you when it is time for you to see me again."


Just like that he disappeared and that was how I met my master Marcus and one of the greatest loves of my life. I don't believe I will ever find a master who could make me feel so fulfilled ever after him which is why I am so afraid of losing him. So many stories to tell so many things I have done and such a dilemma I still need to solve but that's for the next time I am ready to talk.

To be continued