The Kitsune's Lesson (Dark)

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Okay, for those of you that have been reading this Noguchi/Michelle saga since the beginning and wanting to see this kitsune get the snot kicked out of him, this is the chapter for you guys. He's going to be around for one more chapter after this, but he's finally starting to pay for some of the stuff he's done. I hope you enjoy this chapter; I liked kicking the ever living crap out of this guy and wish I could have done more.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5: (You are Here)

Part 6:

Part 7:

The Kitsune's Lesson

"Just what happened to Yumi after that? Did she get free?"

Akiko shook her head. The simple motion drew her hair over her face and legs like a white veil, and her fingers tightened against her knees.

"There was no escape for Yumi. After she was violated, she divorced my brother, Takakazu, and re-married the Ninja."

"He...he must have taken it hard."

"We found him dead not long after."

Michelle shook her head. It would have been unbelievable, if she didn't know Hideo as well as she did. Taking one's freedom and love in the same act was something he'd do happily. It was one of the few things he hadn't done to her. Perhaps she should have been grateful, but she wasn't.

She looked through the bedroom window of the apartment. It was completely different from the Seattle skyline that she was used to; the iconic buildings of New York City lined the horizon, keeping her from seeing much beyond the largest of them. Off in the distance a fireworks show was going on, but even that didn't keep her gaze for long. It was too far away to appreciate its beauty when tragedy was so near.

Hers was not the body the rest of the world saw. Rather than the sharp and strong reporter Michelle Karnoupakis, a woman in her prime, she was a child. There was no sign of her normal bosom, her chest as flat as a little girl's, nor any sign of maturity or womanly traits. Everything that the rest of the world saw during her few trips outside the apartment was stripped away, leaving her in the shape Hideo Noguchi, the Ninja, her husband, had chosen for her.

She wasn't even a human child. Fur covered her entire body, and a tail twitched behind her. Hideo's preference wasn't a wife, but a child, a kit he could control, and he kept her like this as often as possible. For more than four years she'd been kept as a possession of his, and most of that was in this form. Even after all that time, it still rankled her.

It left her amazed that she still could feel uncomfortable about being kept naked and a child. Even now, stuck as nothing more than a kit, there was still a bit of anger left under all the fear and abuse she'd suffered.

Akiko cocked her head to the side, catching her attention.

"Do you think he will be back soon?"

"Probably. He never stays out long anymore if it's not a game night."

"He will never stop. You know that, don't you?" Akiko shook her head. "He is why my family has been hunting him, and other kitsunes, for generations. With that power, there is no morality, no decency. There is only selfishness."

"And with all he's got, he can do whatever he wants."

They sighed, looking down at the floor again. It was just another reminder of how much their lives had changed. A reporter and a hunter, and they barely had the will to stand up to him anymore. She hated him for it, but without some way to act out again, she didn't know how much longer she could continue. It would only be a matter of time until her will broke completely.

Her last hope had been Akiko, and four years ago Hideo had taken the hunter, broken her, and turned her into the white kitten before her. All Michelle had left was her anger, and if she lost that...

"How long did Yumi last?" she asked, desperate for a distraction. "After Noguchi married her, how long did she last before he got rid of her?"

"Before he killed her."

"I said that."

"You sugarcoated it."

"Can you blame me?"

"Yes. It dishonors the dead."

"I, I'm sorry."

Akiko shook her head before putting her chin back on her knees. Her eyes glazed over as she let herself remember, the kitten momentarily looking much older.

"Yumi remained married to the Ninja for a few years. Though nobody was ever able to prove it, he abused her terribly. There were rumors that she would walk into a hospital begging for help, only to walk out as though nothing had happened. There were never any marks on her afterward, even if she had walked into the building blackened and bruised.

"Eventually, the pressure my family, the Nishimotos, was putting on him must have become too severe for him to take. He fled from Japan to this country, but not before killing Yumi."

"Just like that? Everything else wasn't enough?"

"She was no longer sufficient for his needs, and she was a risk to him. If he had kept her at his side, he might have been found before I tracked him down."

"And do you think that would've made any difference?"

"It might have saved you from this torment."

Michelle had no answer for that.

"We searched for Yumi's body after he fled, but we could never find it. The only clue my family ever found was a pair of fox ears, washed up on near the harbor after Noguchi fled." She pointed at the laptop they'd been left. "They looked just like the ones she used to wear."

The laptop was carefully locked down - Noguchi was no fool, and wouldn't allow them access to email or anything like that - but video sites like youtube were still allowed through. With a little work, Akiko had managed to find an older music video of Yumi's. It had played in the background while she'd told her story. The waving fox tail and long, fennec fox ears swayed mockingly, and Michelle could see the desperation behind the woman's smile. Even something she loved - according to Akiko - was robbed of its joy like this.

She shook her head. Yumi's story was done, but theirs was still going. If there was a moral there, it was that they needed to remain useful enough to Noguchi without losing themselves. She had to remember that.

As the song came to an end, Michelle reached out and pressed the laptop closed. It clicked shut and she slowly carried it over to the side of the bed, tucking it into the drawer Hideo said it needed to be in. She could feel Akiko's eyes on her as she closed the drawer, and she sighed as she turned.




"You may wish to think on Yumi's story, even though it's over."

"And why is that?"

"You are not the first one to fight Noguchi like this, and I am sure you have not missed how angry he is."

"S-so what?"

"I do not wish to lose the only friend I have here, Michelle. I would hope that you would not throw me away so quickly, either."

The white kitten's even gaze was enough to express everything that went unsaid, and Michelle shuddered as she tried to think of what hell she'd have without Akiko. The kitten was the only other person who knew what life was like under the eternal threat of Noguchi's wrath. As little as that support meant in terms of personal safety, it was one of the few things that still allowed her to function, knowing that she wasn't insane and that someone else knew about her. If that was taken away, her sanity would follow shortly.

The apartment door opened without no warning, hitting the wall with a bang.

"Do none of you American women know your place?!"

A wince tightened her face as her 'husband' walked in. Their momentary peace was over.

Hideo Noguchi was not happy. He seldom was, of course - unless he was raping one of them at the time - but today it was worse than usual. His lips were frozen in a tight grimace and his eyes were tight, the dark color almost completely hidden by his eyelids. His hair hung over his face and left it shadowed, making Michelle think of nothing so much as a crazed killer.

A strand of golden red emerged from behind him, glowing as it touched her forehead. Immediately her transformation to human form began, the tingling gurgle in her chest announcing the return of certain assets.

"Get dressed. You and I are invited to a party being thrown by my...employer."

"You mean your owner."

His tail slapped her hard enough to whip her head around before sliding back into him. A pointed finger wagged under her nose before she could protest.

"I do not have time to teach you another lesson, kit. No woman owns me, and you better not forget that."

The transformation from kit to human was quicker and less painful than the other way around. In seconds Michelle returned to her adult height, the other signs of womanhood 'popping' in one by one. Despite it being nothing that either of them hadn't seen a few hundred times already, she blushed and covered her breasts, shaking her head as she rushed to her closet.

Judging by Hideo's clothing, they were to attend a reasonably high class gathering, which drastically limited her choices. Most of her clothes were trashy or business-style, used when he wanted to show her off or when she was allowed to leave the apartment. What formal stuff she had was high quality, but very much 'kitsune' in color. She shouldn't have been surprised. Her 'husband' wouldn't allow her to think she could escape her status.

Eventually she settled on a strapless dress, orange and red streaking down the sleeves like fire, with a cream and red pattern falling down the front and skirt. The back was open, far more than she wanted it to be, but Hideo had bought it, not her. As she reached for some underwear, he stopped her.

"If I want you, you will be available, woman. You won't need this anyway."

Embarrassing as that was, she didn't fight him. If she was careful enough no one would notice, and it was better than him ripping up another pair of panties. She nodded, slowly pulling on the dress as he ogled her.

As soon as she was clothed, he turned to the kitten. She looked back at him with the same level stare she always wore, not looking away or down.

"If I have to chase you down again, pussy, I will not be so gentle next time. Your tail is not so important to me that I can't leave it severed."

"Without my equipment, there is little I can do in this form."

"Don't bother trying anyway. Unless you want the Nishimotos to have to dig another plot near dear Takakazu."

He laughed at the kitten's glare, taking Michelle by the arm and leading her out of the apartment. A soft whimper, quickly cut off, was all she had in way of goodbyes.

"Come, kit. We have a party to attend."

Barely given a chance to nod, she was dragged towards the elevator. His fingers dug into her arm, already developing bruises for the night. She sighed in resignation, wondering how many she'd sport before tonight's healing.


They left the apartment in a limousine emblazoned with the Turner logo. It had been waiting directly outside of the apartment building, and the driver explained that his employer, Cynthia Turner, wished to give her new acquisition a classy ride. Noguchi had resisted, but eventually stepped into the limo, his face scrunched up in a scowl as he pulled her in with him.

She snapped her seatbelt on in silence, her sympathies going out to this Cynthia. She couldn't know how Hideo responded to this sort of enforced control, or she would never have put herself at risk like this. If her husband didn't do something at the party, she'd be shocked. As it was, she knew to keep silent, particularly after he squeezed her arm with bruising force for a simple sigh.

She shook her head. He'd been furious ever since the Torrents had traded him. She doubted it would have bothered him normally, but with the owner of his new team a woman, his life had been turned upside down. Someone he considered totally inferior was placed above him, and he couldn't even contest it. The fact that she was either the richest woman in the world or at the very least one of the richest had him even angrier.

Their destination, coming into view after the next turn, showed off her wealth. Turner Tower and Turner Hotel, two buildings as opulent as anything around them, both belonged to Hideo's new employer. They screamed 'rich' at the top of their stone lungs, sporting top of the line reflective windows and gargoyles along the upper levels. Even the bottom floors were nothing to sneeze at, everything looking polished and new despite their age.

As the limo pulled up to the front door of the hotel, her husband growled. His fingers sported the slightest hints of claws, sending a shudder down her spine. If he was already this angry, violence was almost inevitable. Either she would be left bloody, or Cynthia would.

Unable to stomach the thought of someone else going through what she'd gone through, Michelle gently placed a hand on his arm.

"We don't have to go to this, you know. W-we could j-just stay -"

"Are you trying to tell me what to do?"

"No, of course not!"

"This 'Cynthia' has made it clear she considers herself above men. Above me." He grabbed her hand, his claws cut into her palm. "She will learn her place."

She shuddered at his tone, slowly nodding. He released her hand and she examined it. The pricks in her flesh were small enough to hide, barely bleeding, but it was still a reminder of what he could do.

Their driver opened the door just as she finished dabbing her palm against a disposable cloth. By then Hideo's smile was back, and he helped her out of the limousine surprisingly gently. Photographers were lined up around the front door, blinding snapshots capturing the famous baseball player as he walked down the red carpet. His smile grew under the flashes, but his grip on her arm got tighter, almost possessively pulling her forward.

Michelle didn't fight it. A learned smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she walked at his side, a smile that hid pain behind shining teeth, but it felt more forced than usual. A scream waited behind her lips, fighting her self-control in a desperate attempt to scream. Enough people were here that someone would have to ask why.

She squelched the urge. Nobody believed in magic anymore, and nobody would believe that Noguchi was an abusive kitsune rather than the loving husband everyone saw on television. Even if someone believed that she was being abused by him - something she knew he would be able to deny in court easily enough - there wasn't anything the human justice system could do. His power was too strong, and eventually he'd find her again.

So she played the good wife, her smile solidifying as they entered the hotel. She could endure - so she hoped - until a chance came to strike back. That was her only hope.

A bellman in a red suit bowed at the waist before giving them a welcoming smile.

"Hideo Noguchi, it's wonderful to have you as a guest here tonight. Do you need directions to the Turner party?"

"No, I know just where I'm going."

"Ah, fair enough sir."

She threw an apologetic look over her shoulder for her 'husband's' rudeness as she was tugged along. They hurried to the elevator in the lobby. His fame brought them to the front of the line and allowed them privacy, as well.

The doors to the elevator had barely closed before he shoved her against the elevator wall. The plush interior barely cushioned her against the blow, and he pressed her hard against it. His lips pulled back from his teeth as he looked up at her.

"This is what you are going to do tonight, kit. You will be the perfect woman. You will attend the party, drink little, and tell everyone how happy you are with me."

"Y-yes...I know what you want me to do."

"And if a man speaks to you?"

"I...I am married to Hideo Noguchi, and I...I am faithful to him."

"You speak the words, but you don't mean them."

His hand darted under her dress, a finger shoving between her legs. The violating digit wiggled inside of her, drawing a soft whimper from her.

"A whimper isn't a moan, but it will do for now."

He pulled his finger out of her again, shoving it into her mouth. It was mostly dry, tasting only of flesh, but knew what he wanted. She sucked on his finger until he was satisfied and pulled it back. Holding back a huff of disgust, she did her best to compose herself.

"If you are a proper woman, you may remain grown tonight."

She hated herself for the shudder that incentive gave her. It wasn't a fearful one, but rather one of anticipation.

As painful as his cock was when she was kept small, she was slowly getting used to it. On the few occasions that he took her as an adult, well, the pain was less but the shame was worse. He could make her enjoy it when they were adult sized. Even as her stomach rolled at the thought, she felt a slight hint of fire between her legs, and it almost made her want to disobey him.

Almost. She wasn't stupid enough to think that the pain he inflicted was something to be chased...or maybe she was deluding herself, and he had more control than she thought.

The elevator dinged and they stepped through the doors onto a lush, brilliantly patterned carpet. A pair of signs labeled the hallway to their left as leading to the hotel rooms, while the one on the right would take them towards the ballrooms. All his anger seemed forgotten as he pulled her to the right, forcing her to run to avoid a dislocated arm.

Other guests crowded the hall, their numbers growing from a few individuals by the elevator to a swarm at the doors. Some of Hideo's teammates on the Brooklyn-Queens Barons were in attendance, but the majority of the guests looked like well-to-do couples from all over the city. It wasn't surprising, she supposed; from what she heard about this Cynthia Turner, the woman was well connected almost world-wide.

Very few people didn't match the 'wealthy socialite' look, but even they were decked out in their best clothes. Their only give-away was the way that they acted, talking louder than everyone else and thrusting themselves into obviously closed social circles. There were even a few reporters, standing out with their nosy, sharp glances around the room.

"Ah, so the guest of honor has arrived."

They turned. Stepping out of the ballrooms was a heavily tanned tawny haired woman, shorter than her but still looming over her husband. Her dress flowed over her like a waterfall of diamonds, sparkling blue under the bright lights. With every step she took, her surprisingly large breasts swayed back and forth, somehow still looking supported in that slinky dress. Despite her thin waist, she had a swish to her walk that had nothing to do with the high heels she wore. The sheer cockiness she carried herself with, combined with the glimmering jewelry on her fingers and around her neck, named her better than any nametag.

"Ms. Turner, it's wonderful to be here."

"It's good to see you too. Michelle, right?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"And this, this must be the Ninja. Quite the player, and quite the...little...trophy for me."

It took everything she had not to wince. Even though her husband's face was blank, the grip he had on her arm tightened hard. Much more and the bone in her upper arm would probably snap.

"Ah, my husband -"

"Your husband is a fairly valuable player, but there's no hiding his height. I'd have thought he was used to it, the little imp."

She had to grit her teeth to keep from whimpering. If Cynthia kept this up, Hideo might just show his true self, and there'd be more casualties than just the two of them.

Her husband cleared his throat, speaking through clenched teeth.

"Height means nothing in this game, and you know it, considering the amount you paid."

"Yes, I do. And I hope you're worth the purchase price, Noguchi. From what I'm seeing so far, you might have been able to stand out among the teams on the west coast, but now you're playing with the big boys." The woman eyed him up and down. "Pardon me. You're playing with the men now."

"How dare -"

"Considering I'm your boss, I dare a lot." She chuckled. "I'll see you later in the party, but right now I'm told I have to welcome more of the guests. I'll see you two later, I dare say. Be a good little boy and enjoy the party."

She walked away, her dress sliding across the floor like a wave on the beach as she returned to the ballroom. As she disappeared into the crowd, Michelle felt more than heard Hideo's growl, and she could make out the slightest hint of orange among the hair on his arms. He was so close to turning.


"S-s-she couldn't have m-meant -"

"She meant...every damn word."

"B-but she -"

"She is learning her place. Tonight."

He released her arm with his teeth bared, and she followed behind him quickly, whispering in his ear.

"You don't have to -"

"If you think I'll let her talk to me -"

"S-she doesn't know you. S-she's just s-s-stupid."

"And I'm going to educate her."

"C-can't you just prove her wrong, on the field?" She begged, holding his arm as tightly as she dared. "S-she'll see how you do out there. Just...just do what you always do. It could prove her -"

"It's not enough!"

He grabbed her again, pulling her to a secluded corner. He shoved her against the wall, leaning in as his face stretched. For a moment his nose darkened and his muzzle formed before he got control again.

"You are no better. You say you learn, but you haven't. In four years, you haven't learned your place. I hoped you were close, but now you show your true colors. You still side with a weak, stupid woman over a man. Over me!"

"I just -"

"Shut up. Women do not speak. They moan." In the corner they had privacy, but his knee coming up between her legs still surprised her. "Remember?"

She whimpered, and his knee pressed up further, bunching her dress up against her bare sex.


"I remember, I remember."

"You remember, but you do not learn. After I put that rich bitch in her place, you're next."

He let go, his features becoming human again. His fury was replaced by the same look he had on the last day of her normal life. The smirk of a hunter completely assured of its victory, that was the look he had. Hideo turned away from her.

"Follow my commands. If you do well, I might not make you bleed tonight."

He disappeared into the crowd, leaving her alone. She slumped down the wall, her eyes slowly filling with tears. A wave of self-hatred threatened to drown her. Her descent into the role of Noguchi's wife; her loss of control; her inability to save anyone from the same fate; that feeling of regret of not being grown as Noguchi used her - especially that - loomed over her like a crushing tsunami, and as it fell on her, she wept. She didn't cry, because that would have marked her face; she didn't wail, because that would have been heard. Instead, she wept, silent shakes and soft tears running her face.

Nobody came to her as she shivered in the corner. Shadows and silhouettes blocked out the light as other guests wandered in, taking their places in their associated circles and mingling around the drink tables. In a way, Michelle was grateful for the solitude. Her tears were ugly, and with everything else wrong, she didn't need to look and feel terrible at the same time.

Eventually she stood up, walking over to one of the hotel staff. She asked for a bit of water, and he disappeared, returning a few moments later with a small glass. She nodded her thanks before stepping back into the crowd, sipping at the water to try and calm herself down.

It was a very strange environment for her. Unlike the press conferences before or after a baseball game, there was very little hustle and bustle. People tended to stay still, standing in one place while they talked rather than moving around and keeping active. Even when they moved to another circle, they seemed to slide along the floor rather than walk. It was like watching an alien race rather than just a different class of people.

She must have stood there for at least fifteen minutes before microphone feedback filled the room. Everyone looked at the small stage at the other end of the ballroom. A short little man with thick glasses blushed before picking up the handset from the floor. He ran his hands through his short black hair as he looked out over the assembled guests.

"Sorry for the feedback, just getting this set up for the speech."

Michelle shook her head as the sweaty little man stepped forward. In the lights shining down on him, his face looked almost as shiny as a disco ball.

"Anyway, thank you all for coming to the Turner Ball. I know it's not our annual event - or anything else regular - so thank you for making time to come here.

"Okay, so, before our host takes the microphone, who here is a fan of baseball?"

Surprisingly, most people raised their hands. Even the ladies in their diamonds and pearls, those in white hair and wigs threw a fist in the air and grinned. Michelle couldn't keep from smiling; finally, something they had in common.

"Heh, then I'm sure that you'll all recognize one of our guests of honor. He's a recent trade from the Seattle Torrents, brought out here to the East Coast for his amazing reputation as an acrobat and an excellent player in the sport. Let's have a round of applause for the Ninja himself, Hideo Noguchi!"

The spotlights shifted from the stage to the front row. She couldn't see her husband, but that wasn't surprising; most people here were shorter than him. However, the requested applause rapidly spread through the crowd, even reaching the people near the back of the room.

Her smile faded as the applause went on for nearly half a minute. Even out here, outside of Seattle, Noguchi had a huge fan base. He was so famous that he could rely on people knowing his name almost anywhere. It made it seem like even Cynthia Turner wouldn't be able to turn a crowd like this against him; this sort of fame was a weapon as strong or stronger than the best lawyer in a city. Unless people hated him already, nobody would want to see their idol fall.

The clapping faded, the echoes disappearing as the sweaty man smiled.

"Thank you for welcoming our guest, now let's put our hands together for our host. The diamond lady, the richest woman in the world, the one, the only, Cynthia Turner!"

The clapping was less raucous and more polite as Cynthia walked on stage. Her dress seemed to shimmer more than before, and the blue glitter threw sparkles on the ground and across the audience. It was surprisingly hard to look away. Soon, the entire crowd was staring at their host with their full attention.

Cynthia looked over the crowd with the smallest of smirks on her face. Her tawny locks caressed her cheek as she met the eye of every person in the ballroom, and when Michelle looked into those eyes, she saw mischief. This lady had something else up her sleeve.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's good to see all of you out here, decked out in your best and brightest. As you might have guessed, part of the point of this whole ball is to show off the latest acquisitions of the Brooklyn-Queens Barons, or, more accurately, my latest purchases. If you'd come up here like a good boy, Hideo?"

Michelle hissed through her teeth as her husband pulled himself onto the stage. His shoulders were hunched and his fingers were curling into fists. Cynthia was pushing every button he had, and she honestly wasn't sure how much longer Hideo would hold back.

As he stood on stage, Cynthia turned him until he faced the crowd, and to the shock of everyone - including Michelle and Hideo - slapped his ass.

"This boy here is the Ninja, I hear. Well, I've seen some videos of how he plays, and I think the Monkey might be the better name for him. Scrambling up a wall like it's a tree; seems a bit more appropriate, don't you think?"

There was some scattered laughter, but Michelle didn't join in. Her face turned white, all color bleeding away as she stared slack jawed at Cynthia. Even if she didn't know what he was capable of, didn't she know this would get most people angry? Or was she just so much of a rich, isolated woman that she didn't know?

"Of course, there's no denying his statistics, is there? Catching baseballs before they can leave the field, so many outs and denied runs. That's all there, and there's no doubt that he's quite a talented little monkey. But we'll just have to see how good this monkey does out here on the East Coast. This little boy is playing with real men now, isn't he?"

"Yeah he is!" some members of the crowd shouted back.

"He's not just on the East Coast now, he's in the concrete jungle." She chuckled, leaning on Hideo's arm. "What better place for a little wall climbing monkey boy, hmm?"

By now the entire crowd was laughing. So far, Hideo was keeping his cool, but it was obviously hard for him. His eyes flashed with hate, and his arms tightened from how tight he clenched his fists. Michelle shrunk into the crowd, not daring to meet her husband's eyes. If he saw she was giggling, he'd kill her.

Cynthia chuckled as she stood up again, walking in a circle around the Ninja. Every step was slow, sultry, and as smooth as a cat on the hunt.

"In all seriousness, however, he does represent a significant investment on my part. He's a lovely little trophy player right now, but a trophy that gets all rusty loses its luster and eventually has to be thrown out. Take a good look at him, people, before this sweet little boy has a chance to get ruined forever." She reached up and patted Noguchi's cheek. "Don't disappoint me, honey, or I might just have to ship you home like a banged up Mitsubishi.

"Anyway, that's all from me everybody. Enjoy the ball, and I'll expect a dance from at least a few of you later tonight."

She leaped off of the stage as the crowd kept laughing. After adjusting her dress over her breasts, she waved to her guests and - after throwing the microphone back on stage - strutted out of the room with a grin. It didn't take long for the large group to break apart into their respective little social circles again, but it was distracting enough for her husband to disappear. Michelle had barely looked away for a second, but when she turned to the stage again he was gone.

She wanted to chase after Cynthia, though whether to warn her or thank her she didn't know. Whichever it was, however, she couldn't bring herself to leave the ballroom. She was already in trouble, and there was no guarantee that she would reach Cynthia before her husband did. For that matter, she might run into him before he reached Ms. Turner, and if that happened, bruises would be the least of her punishments. She was risking a bloody night as it was; any further disobedience would cost her with at least a broken limb.

Against her better judgment, she remained where she was. She observed the different social circles, examining them and weighing whether she could join in without sticking out. Almost universally the answer was no. Most of their conversations revolved around trading and businesses, while the few non-business conversations focused on Broadway shows that she hadn't gone to or even heard of. She sighed, turning towards an empty corner -


She blinked and turned. Walking out of the crowd was someone familiar, bright blue eyes shining under shaggy brown hair. He didn't match her height, but the difference was less severe than with her 'husband'. He moved surprisingly quickly through the crowd, dodging between people in the way that professional athletes - or those that had to keep up with them - did on a daily basis.

"That is you, isn't it? My god, I can't believe you're here."


"And you remember me too! That's a relief, I was starting to think I was going to look like a bigger idiot than usual."

"Heh, from what I remember I'm not sure that's possible."

"Oh god, you remember. I'm doomed."

They laughed, the first genuine laugh that she'd had in years. She had to lean on a table to keep from falling, and Lucas had to pull her upright when she stopped giggling.

"Don't really remember being that funny, but always great to see you smile."

"You don't know how good it feels to smile again."

"Hey, I know you're married now, but can I get you a drink? I haven't seen you in forever, and I can't wait to hear how things have been for you."

"I -" She smiled. "I'd like that. Want me to get a waiter or -"

"One of the stuffies? I got a better idea. Why don't we go down to this little restaurant down the street? It'd be a lot more comfortable."

She froze up, her mind immediately remembering Noguchi's commands. She was to stay here, talk him up, and was forbidden to socialize too long with any one man. Those were his commands, and if she didn't follow them...

She would prove something to herself.

"L-let's go."

"You sure? You looked -"

"I'll be fine. Come on."

He smiled, taking her by the arm as she tried to calm herself down without being obvious. The thought of stepping out of the hotel almost sent her into a panic attack, but she had to do it. She'd come so close to just obeying him, and that scared her. The fact that she came so close to turning down Lucas's invitation on Noguchi's command was a sign that she was losing her will to fight. She needed to fight again, and this was her best opportunity.

It might get her killed. Hideo was so angry from Cynthia's speech that he might not hold back, and he might -

No, she couldn't think of that. Cynthia would have to take care of herself now, and if she didn't...if she didn't, Michelle would try to live with herself. Right now, she needed to focus on herself. If Noguchi could stamp out that last bit of willpower she had, if he could blow out that little whisper of fire in her heart, then he might as well kill her. Without that, she would be as good as dead, just like Yumi.

They stepped out of the ballroom. She turned, her eyes lingering on the connecting bridge between Turner Hotel and Turner Tower. Doubtless her husband was already closing in on Cynthia. Hopefully her security could stop him, but Michelle doubted it.

"There will be tears tonight."

"Hmm? Did you say something?"

"No, no. Just thinking about something."

"You want to -"

"No, let's just keep going."

When they reached the hotel doors, her steps slowed. Hideo's commands, his conditioning of her, demanded she remain, while her desire to stay free begged for her to flee. If Lucas hadn't been there, she wasn't sure she could have done it. As it was, she walked through the revolving door shaking like a leaf, clinging to him.

Rather than going to a car or calling a taxi, Lucas paused and looked at her. Gently guiding her away from the door, he held her close, looking into her eyes.

"Michelle, are you alright?"

Of course not, she thought, but it wasn't like she could say it. Anything she said would make her look crazy.

"I'm f-"

"If you say you're fine, I'm pulling out the yellow card."


"Warning for unsportsman-like deception."

The ridiculous reference shouldn't have been funny, but to her mind it was the most hilarious thing she had ever heard. She leaned forward, laughing hysterically as the line repeated itself. Tears flowed and she couldn't stop them. They dripped down her cheeks, her entire body shaking as she tried to regain control of herself.

Through it all, Lucas didn't say anything. All he did was hold her and help her stay up as her strength faded. Before long his arms were the only things keeping her up. The two of them slid down until they were kneeling against each other, and Michelle leaned her head against his shoulder. His arms wrapped around her, giving her comfort and warmth that she'd almost forgotten existed. Just the ability to cry on a human shoulder was wonderful.

"You're not fine, are you?"


"Do you want to talk about it?"

"...Not here."




"Gonna need...gonna need something."


Eventually they found a little tavern. It was something of a dive, not a place that would be allowed to associate with higher end establishments, but it was lit well enough for Michelle and Lucas. They were seated at the bar quick enough, and she called for a glass of Tennessee Whiskey. Lucas raised an eyebrow, something else she ignored.

She leaned on the bar, her head in her hands as the bartender poured her drink. He'd barely finished before she grabbed the glass and gulped her first mouthful. It went down quick but still gave a kick, reminding her just how strong it was. Logic got her to slow down, both so she could remain coherent now and so - if things got bad and he found her again -- she could fake some sobriety.

The glass clicking on the bar was quiet enough, but in the underpopulated place it seemed louder than normal. She winced before shaking her head. What did it matter now, really?

"Do you need to finish it?"

She raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry. Just...Do you want to finish it and talk, or talk while you drink?"

Tempting as the former was, the latter was probably the better idea. She sighed, holding the glass in hand and swirling her drink.

"You're not going to believe me."

"Michelle, we went through a lot back in SportsZone. Remember?"

"Yeah...I remember how hyper you could be, too."

"Hey, that's not - ooooooh, cheap trick. You're not distracting me with that."

"Worth a try."

"Not really."

She shrugged.

"But seriously, come on. You know me. I'm not someone that dismisses people, Michelle, and I can tell if people are crazy when they're talking to me. Can't you?"

"What reporter can't?"

"Exactly. So spill." She leaned towards him with the glass and he ducked back. "Not on me, not on me!"

It was exactly the right amount of awkward silliness to get her to smile, which almost made her wonder if that was his intention. Nevertheless, she nodded in thanks before taking another sip. She didn't dare put it down after she stopped. If she did, she was going to ask for refill after refill, and she didn't want to drink herself stupid.

"You can, well, you can probably already guess a bit."

"Past an unhappy and controlling marriage?"

"I wish it was that obvious to other people too."

"Noguchi's good. You're not."


"Just saying."

She sighed, taking another drink before continuing.

"It's worse than that. He...he beats me."


"That's...not the right word, actually. Beating makes it sound like it stops."

"It doesn't?"

"No, it just changes."

She pulled the sleeve of her dress up, showing the dark fingerprint bruises on her upper arm. Lucas winced, shaking his head as she pulled it back down.

"Those are from tonight."

"There are others?"

"...None I can show you."

He shook his head silently as she nursed at the whiskey. It was starting to affect her. She didn't drink much - wasn't allowed to, honestly - so it didn't take much to affect her. The words came more easily, too.

"Have you ever been controlled so totally that even choosing what to say is a victory for you?"

"I -...well, no."

"Most people haven't. But with Hideo, that's what I live with. He chooses my job, my food, my clothes...even...even..."

"Even what?"

"Even things you wouldn't believe." Another sip. "There are things about him, things that he can do, and will do, that are too, too much to say."

"Can you maybe describe it differently? Circling around it, saying what it's not?"

"That's just it. There is no 'not'."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean anything evil you can imagine a man doing to a woman short of killing her, he's done."

"Even -"


The alcohol must have been stronger than she thought. Her shoulders shook like she was crying, but there weren't any tears. Just something kinda salt -... Oh, right, those were her tears. She turned her head, rubbing her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, just...just..."

"You shouldn't be apologizing. Not for him."

His tone got her to turn around. Still fighting tears, she blinked through the blur to see Lucas's face had turned red. Not from embarrassment, not when he was shaking like this. No, this was rage, pure and simple, and it was rage on her behalf. It was almost flattering.

He took her hand as he leaned in. Gently nudging her glass aside, he looked into her eyes and whispered.

"What he's been doing to you, you don't apologize for. He's going to apologize, and he's going to do it from the middle of a jail cell while a very big cellmate introduces him to everything you went through."

"Lucas -"

"Michelle, the things he's done -"

"He -"

"And the things he will do in the future -"


Her shout stopped his rant. It also got the attention of everyone in the bar, but they quickly looked away after she stared them down.

"Hideo isn't going to be handled that easily."

"You have the evidence right there, and your testimony -"

"Won't matter against someone as famous as him, and the evidence on my arm is going to be gone in a few hours."

"Things don't heal that quickly."

"They do around him."

"What do you mean?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Look, there's a lot of things I can't say. Even you would call me crazy if I did -"

"Wanna bet?"

"No, because I'd win. Hideo isn't going to go down. He's...he's got ways of keeping people from getting back at him, and nothing as simple as a mob connection or anything like that. Even if you did manage to get me away from him, he'd come after you next, and I can't...I can't let anyone else suffer like we have."


"Another...another girl in Hideo's apartment."

" mean another woman, right?"

She shook her head.

"A girl? a little girl?"

She nodded.

"He's doing all this and you haven't told anybody?!"

"Who could I tell that would believe someone like that would do something like this?"

"More people than you think."

He stood up and pulled out his phone, pushing her dress sleeve up at the same time. A quick click confirmed that he'd taken a picture of the injuries, and he dragged her to her feet.

"We're going to head to his apartment right now and get that girl, and then we're going to the police station. We just have one stop to make first."

The bitch had a well-organized building, Hideo had to admit. The various floors of Turner Tower were laid out for maximum efficiency and minimum travel time between departments, not to mention supplied with enough security cameras to make him take it slow.

Despite their number, they weren't calibrated against kitsunes, and he found that weakness in under a minute. Not that he needed it; there were enough gaps in the camera lines that even humans might have been able to get through without too much trouble.

The lady must have designed it herself, he thought to himself. He smirked. Women. Don't leave it to a man, and you screw it up.

Most people would have started calming down during the half hour trip to the top floor. With cameras and security patrols and a ridiculously slow elevator ride, they just wouldn't have time to focus on being angry.

Not him. His rage needed an outlet. The elevator buttons weren't enough, no matter how much they sparked from the holes he left in the panel. He needed...he needed flesh, hot, unwilling flesh to take it out on, and nothing would satisfy save the woman who had humiliated him.

The elevator dinged as it reached the top floor. He didn't bother to hold back anymore, his clothes shredding as his tails emerged. As his growing fur covered his body, Noguchi forced the doors open. His toe claws clicked on the marble floor before he reached the red carpet, his sheath swelling in anticipation of what he'd do to his 'boss'.

Two humans stood between him and the office door. They looked up, shock in their eyes as they saw him coming for them. They reached for their weapons but were stopped by his tails. He slammed their heads together and threw them to the side, leaving them crumpled under one of the hall portraits. Ignoring the bloody marks behind their heads, he forced the office doors open. They swung around and slammed into the walls with a loud clang.

" Turner!"

He ran across the room on all fours. His legs pumped hard enough to launch the rug on the floor into the air, and the woman barely looked up before he lunged at her. His jaws were open and his tails flared out as he shot across her desk, his claws outstretched -


He saw stars before he shook his head. Yanking his claws out of the drywall, he pulled himself to his feet. Trying to ignore the pounding in his head, he looked at the woman. She must have ducked. No matter. He was Hideo Noguchi, and she would learn her place. With his tails swaying behind him, he advanced on her.

"So, the monkey thinks he's clever like a fox, hmm?"

A deep growl echoed in his chest, but it barely seemed to faze her as she turned back to her paperwork.

"I hope you know that's coming out of your pay. I have my office the way I want it, and any damage here is entirely on your head."

"Do you know why I'm here, woman?"

"I'd say that you're here because you're a stupid little kit that doesn't know when he's gotten in over his head."

"Are your brains all in your chest?! I'm here to -"

"Bla bla bla."

He grabbed her arm and spun her around. Her eyes widened as he shoved her back against her desk, sending the papers flying. As he loomed over her, her hair falling messily over her face, he grinned.

"You need to learn the same lesson my wife is learning, the same rule that all women must follow. You do not speak. You moan."

He pawed at her chest. Considering how much she showed off her breasts, she had to value them. A little show of his power would -

He blinked when his paws found nothing. His fingers fumbled at a dress that hung empty. No mountains of flesh awaited him, just tiny nubs that a pre-pubescent girl might have.

"You -"

"Well, we can't have that."

Cynthia shook her head and twitched her finger. A split second later he screamed as something slammed into his head. He stepped back, clutching his head, only to feel something else hit the back of his head. He retreated, shielding his head with his hands and his body with his tails.

The bombardment stopped as soon as it began, and he lowered his hands. His owner shook her head at him before lifting her hands to her chest. Cupping her palms to the buds, she closed her eyes. A soft blue light glowed between her fingers, and he stared as her chest bubbled outwards. They grew rapidly, rising from the tiny little A cup that he'd felt to Bs, Cs, Ds, growing bigger and bigger until they filled the dress to bursting. He believed the Americans called them triple Ks, but he just thought them enormous.

"It looks like you aren't going to be smart about this."

"Smart? What - You are no human, are you?"

"Oh, so the hateful little fox has a brain after all."

"What are you?"

"Oh, how do I put this in a way that your tiny little brain can understand?" She laughed. "Oh, why don't I let you figure it out as I teach you who's really in charge?"

"You bitch, I'm going to -"

She twitched one of her fingers again, and this time he saw the flash of magic surround a statuette before sending it flying at him. Two of his tails deflected it, another two blocking a bust carving of his employer. He barely avoided a box of stationery, ducking it just in time. Under the cover the paper explosion provided, he rolled against the side of the desk. It provided some cover, however scant due to its sheer thickness.

He took inventory of the situation. Her huge desk was the biggest piece of furniture in the room, reflective wood stretching out for a wide length and topped with a computer as well as a few other things. He'd noticed a chair or two in front of it that he'd knocked down before, and a leather couch against the wall. Other than that, she didn't have much to use for ammunition.

"Oh, are you giving up already, Noguchi? And here I was getting ready to bring out the big guns."

"The only 'guns' you're getting out are those ridiculous bags on your chest, woman."


He whipped his head around to see the couch screeching across the floor like a raging rhino. Throwing his arms over his head, he backflipped away from the couch...and right into the line of fire for this devil woman.

No sooner had he turned to face her before he was pelted by a dozen sharp points. He screamed as wood impaled his arms and legs. Each individual point was no wider than half the width of his smallest finger, but they hurt!

He slammed into the ground, panting as he looked at his wounds. Little pink buds stood on the tips of the things impaling him. He groaned.

"Pencils?!" He ripped them out en masse, throwing them to the floor. "Pencils?!"

"Hurts, doesn't it?"


One of her chairs launched itself at him, the wooden back colliding with his chin. It knocked him back a pace, only to freeze in place before he could take another step.

"I'm tired of this game, Noguchi. I think it's time for another one."

Cynthia's fingers lit up with magic, lifting him into the air. Not far, only a foot or so, but enough to demonstrate her strength. Even the glow of his tails was dim in comparison to the light of her magic. She floated him across the room until he 'stood' in front of her desk, the big breasted woman giving him a look halfway between bemusement and annoyance.

"Figured out what I am yet, my little five tailed pest?"


"Close. I'm a witch. And more than that, I'm a werecat witch."

His eyes widened. The fact that this woman could defeat him so easily was bad enough; if she actually was a were-creature, and he hadn't noticed it...

"You lie. No woman -"

"No woman, no woman, bitch this, bitch that. You really don't have much to say that isn't some desperate attempt to make yourself look good, do you?"

"You can't be a werecat."

"Hehehe, you want to bet your contract on that?"

The kitsune slowly shook his head.

"Oh, so you can learn a little bit. Maybe a good beating is all you need."

"That is what women need. I am Hideo Noguchi."

"Considering what I'm about to do to you, Noguchi-kun, you might as well be a woman."

The way she phrased that made him grit his teeth. Flashes of scarlet and white tugged at his mind, but he shook his head. No, that was done, gone, and there was no way that this were-bitch could do that to him.

"But first things first. Give me a moment to get into a form more suitable for this."

His ears twitched as he looked up again. The transformation of any creature was painful, and most people lost control of their magic during the process. Even his own transformations made other magic difficult to use, and he knew how to do it right. If he was lucky -

"Heh, no reason to look so excited, boy. I've been doing this for a long time now."

She pulled at the straps of her dress, and as more skin was revealed, Hideo's sheath swelled. Her body was skinny yet still full of curves, a strange mix of the smaller bodies of his kitten and kit and a grown woman. By the time the dress hit the floor, his cock was halfway out of his sheath.

Rather than being intimidated, she laughed and shook her head. Holding her hands above her head, she let her magic run free, blue light spilling over her body like a flood of water. It shimmered like a cluster of blue diamonds, forcing him to squint to make out details beneath the light.

As the glow spread along her skin, other colors began to emerge. He could barely make it out, but his eyelids twitched at the skill the witch revealed. She had a knack for it that few others could ever claim, not even him. A quick tug on his chains proved futile; even now, her concentration was absolute.

Tawny fur spread down from her neck, the shade almost exactly the same as her hair. It was shaggy at first before it fell in more even layers, growing like layers of snow on her shoulders and arms. Her mouth opened under the blue light, a toothy smile on her face as she continued to transform.

Her arms lowered to her sides and the fur fell along them like a set of sleeves. It grew fast, going from puffy to smooth over the course of seconds as the new fur aligned itself with the other patches around it. Her fur reflected the light of her magic and gave her an almost ethereal presence.

Other changes began as the fur sprouted. Blue points rose through her hair, and it took him a moment to realize that her ears were taking shape, losing the human roundness and forming points at the tips. They shifted quickly, going from human to feline in seconds without any of the grinding of cartilage and bone that he usually heard during a transformation.

Her face suddenly tightened. He half hoped that she was finally getting some pain out of the transformation - it would serve her right - but instead she moaned. She moaned, and he caught the scent of feminine arousal in the air. His eyes widened as he realized that she'd made the transformation pleasurable for herself rather than painful. He'd thought that impossible, particularly for were-creatures.

Evidently not for the diamond lady. Her moans got louder and louder as her face changed, her nose and lips pulled together and tugged outwards. A rounded muzzle pushed its way out of her face, her teeth sharpening by the second as the transformation flowed into her mouth. Her hands raised, fingers curling as her claws grew in, eyes closing tightly as her moan slowly changed to a long, high pitched mewl of happiness.

As black stripes ran from her eyes to her chin, leaving an outline of darkness around her muzzle, her whiskers started growing in. He could barely see them at first - they were very thin and fine - but they quickly grew in. Cynthia reached up and stroked them, helping them reach their full length. Even after they finished growing, she kept stroking them like a man might twirl a mustache.

Soon her entire body was covered in fur. It was mostly a tawny color, but her breasts - somehow looking even bigger than before - and her groin had turned blue instead. It drew the eyes to them, and despite himself Noguchi could feel his shaft getting harder at the show. If he'd been free to act, this witch bitch would have been bent over her desk, learning her place as nothing more than a toy for cock. As it was, all he could do was float helplessly.

Cynthia suddenly arched her back and stood on her tiptoes. Her feet lengthened, her ankles rising further up her leg. Her muscles realigned themselves beneath her fur, and her breath came in gasps as a thick blue tail pushed out from behind her. Growing longer by the second, the tail was fluffy and puffy in a way that the rest of her fur wasn't, almost exaggeratedly so. It had a more...feminine appearance to it, he supposed; one of the few bits of proper womanhood the witch embraced besides her ridiculous rack, Noguchi thought. As it reached its full length, she gasped and panted, and the smell of feminine musk grew much stronger.

She took a few breaths to still her shaking before walking around her desk. Her tail lifted up and wrapped around her neck like a fur stole, brushing away the slight red under her fur. With a feline face, her smirk was much more biting, and he barely kept himself biting at her as she stopped in front of him. His fierce growl was mellowed by the fact that his cock throbbed hard, fully erect from the smell of her arousal. The fact that she was visually wet didn't help, either.

"Is that proof enough for you, hmm? Not that it really matters, considering you came in here ready to rape me. Maybe even kill me. Now isn't that a joke, Hideo? You, killing me. As if anyone like you could ever manage something like that."

"I had you pinned. If I'd just -"

"You really think I was ever in any danger? You really are an idiot if you think all women are as pathetic as that wife of yours."

"At least she is closer to knowing her place than you. She, at least, follows orders."

"Oh, that's so cute."


"That you think she's doing what you tell her."

"What are you talking about?"

She rolled her eyes. With a flick of her wrist, she levitated a remote to her hand. One press of a button revealed a security monitor, while a second turned it on, playing a security feed.

He watched as his wife was approached by a human male. The face didn't mean much to him, but when Michelle started to talk with him, Noguchi growled. His lips pulled back as she walked with him, and as they left the hotel, he utterly lost it.

"That unfaithful, stupid whore! Don't you dare. Don't you dare do this, you, you -"

"Ah, there's that dreadful lack of vocabulary again. Threats, woman-hating comments, and 'learn your place.' Do you ever say anything else?"

"Shut up. She -"

"She's doing what any woman in the world does. If we get a better option than what we have, we're going to take it. And let's face it, my little trophy, you're nothing special."

"Do you think you're any better than me, woman? Riches, status, a big tower? It's just like that ridiculous set of fake breasts of yours. You got a tower for a cock to pretend and a pair of magic breasts to pretend you're a woman; you just can't learn your place and be what you a -"

He screamed. A heavy wooden block cracked between his legs, smashing his balls against his pelvis and almost lifting him further into the air. The pain disappeared shortly after impact due to kitsune magic, but it came back a second later, just as hard.

Looking down, he saw Cynthia's chairs taking turns leaping off of the floor and jamming their squared off backs against his balls. Each blow collapsed his sack in on itself, breaking them apart only to have them heal immediately.

The bitch barely exerted herself. Cynthia raised one finger and a chair leaped off of the ground, flattening his balls into his crotch before falling down with a sharp CLACK. Barely giving him time to whimper, she lifted another finger and bring the other chair up to do the same thing.

Up, down, up, down the chairs went, and his balls felt more liquid and less solid. It didn't take long before he couldn't even get the breath to scream, and his arms and legs hurt from trying to shield his crotch. Even his regenerative magic - having already fixed the holes in his limbs - was having a hard time keeping up with the consistent ball beating. They must have been black and blue beneath their fur coat.

Somewhere between his balls turning to bloody balloons and the verge of unconsciousness, he felt his tails get yanked out of the way. He yelped and looked over his shoulder, gulping at the sight of the witch. She had the biggest smirk he'd ever seen, and she brushed him with something, rubbing him under his tails. It was much harder than a finger, not to mention thicker, and very, very dry.

"I imagine this is where you usually tell girls that they don't need any lubrication except their blood or something along those lines." The feline chuckled, slapping a very large shaft against his ass. "An ass like you would never let a real man get this close behind you, I bet. It's going to be a real lesson to lose your cherry."




_Red and white fur spun around him, three tails pressed against his back and pinning him to the ground. One held his wrists together, the others positioning him for her pleasure. Even with his five tails, he couldn't fight back, not against her.

"No, please, I'll be good, I won't say no again!"_

"It's too late for that. You know what telling mommy no means."

"Not that, not that! Anything but that!"

"Yes, that," the soft voice said. She chuckled, pushing a rod thicker than his little fist into his hole, opening him and tearing him with its size. He cried as Sakura Noguchi taught her son his place again...

He was shaking in his fur when he slipped out of the memory, his face white beneath his fur. Shaking his head rapidly, he mouthed pleas of mercy, desperate to stave off his fate.

They didn't work. Cynthia chuckled before thrusting her hips forward. The tip of something cool - a strap-on, he realized - forced his ass open hard, ripping him apart. Warm liquid dripped between his ass cheeks, running down the backs of his leg and turning his fur red. He snapped his jaws together, stifling the whimper in his throat.

"Heh, you feel that, kit? I bet that's just how all your victims felt the first time that you jammed it into them. Maybe if you'd offered me a drink or something first, I might have given you a bit of lube."

Restrained as he was, his squirms were futile. Her power held him still as she thrust forward, burying her strap-on in his hole. Every inch opened him up a little further, hollowing him out like a drill. He tasted blood as he bit his tongue, and it got harder and harder to keep from screaming.

Her hands roamed over him, her claws sliding through his fur and scratching him as she forced the fake shaft in further. She nipped at the back of his neck, and he shuddered.

"Mmm, you make a good 'girl', Noguchi. If you fail to live up to your baseball contract, I know where I can put you to keep a profit coming."

"I am a - OOF!"

"You're bent over with a big toy rammed up your ass. You're close enough."

"I will...I will kill you..."

"Feel free to try. My usual toy is out of the country and I need some fun."

Her sudden thrust shut him up, filling his guts with a goodly portion of her strap-on. He shuddered as she pistoned back and forth, feeling more hollowed out by the second. He swore that her 'cock' was better suited for a mare than human or fox, let alone a male.

Humiliatingly, his cock was still hard, dancing in front of him, dripping from the assault on his ass. Memories, suppressed and squelched, threatened to return. Thoughts of those three tails, the red and the white milking him while a rod slammed deep into his guts...


He screamed at the top of his lungs as the bitch slammed into him again, filling him enough that he could actually see a bulge in his gut. It was small, but there was just enough of one for him to make it out. It sickened him to see it, to see something he'd only ever done to others happen to him. Despite that, he didn't feel the feline's crotch against him; there was still more of the strap-on to fill him.

His claws dug into his palms as he rocked back and forth from the sheer force of the feline's hips. She wasn't taking it easy on him, the blunt shaft punching into him like a stallion into a mare. He shuddered, barely able to catch his breath, his eyes closing down to slits as she forced herself deeper.

Then, to make matters worse, she moaned. The fact that he was being taken from behind like a woman - by a woman, for that matter - was bad enough, but this was too much.

"So this is what a tight hole feels like, hmm? So hot and dry...I can almost see why you rape girls rather than make love, my little trophy. They're tighter, hotter, and feeling them break is just so delicious..."

Noguchi shuddered, shaking his head as her hands roamed up his chest. The tingle of her magic was all too obvious as she rubbed him, and for a moment he feared that she would give him breasts and turn him into a woman. With all she'd done so far, he didn't think he would be able to take it.

To his relief she was only teasing him, fondling him, but that brought its own humiliations. Feeling her hands roaming over his body, combined with the immense pressure inside him had his cock throbbing harder. He could feel every little twitch running through his shaft, every pulse of excitement running from base to tip. Already inflated, his knot bulged with every beat of his heart, and his cock was soaked in his own pre. The bitch was playing him like a fiddle.

Soft fingers wrapped around his cock, the woman chuckling as she jerked him off in time to her thrusts.

"So this is the cock of the great Noguchi. Not much, is it?"

"It's...I've made women scream...with it..."

"Only in fear...never in pleasure." She laughed. "Look at it. I barely need one hand to stroke you, and I'm barely moving it. Oh, it's just pitiful compared to most of the were-cocks I've seen."

"I'm a kitsune...not a...stinking lycanthrope..."

"Mmm, making me angry. Not a bright one, are you?"

If there had been any breath in his lungs, he would have screamed. The bulge in his belly suddenly grew as she forced strap-on further in, but that wasn't the important thing. The base of it was coming closer - at least he judged it was by the body heat near his tails - and there was a bulge there. It grew by the second, surpassing even the width of his own knot, and Cynthia pressed it to him with every intent of tying with him.

"What...what are you doing?!"

"Do you really think making a witch mad is a smart thing to do?" Cynthia shook her head. "And here I thought New York City would take a few weeks to ruin you. After this, I might even have to put you on the disabled list for a week to recover...Nah, you can take it."

She stroked him faster, lubed by his pre. Her other hand went lower, grabbing his knot and squeezing it hard. He gasped, the pressure around it making his body strain to respond. The knot slamming against his ass actually had him afraid. There would be no mercy; there was only the question of whether he could walk afterward.

It slammed into him again, her fuzzy hips grinding forward in an attempt to force the knot in. His bleeding hole stretched around it for a second or two before she pulled back, pulling so far back that he felt empty on the inside. His body responded instinctively, pushing back for a half second before he stopped himself, but not before she laughed.

She slammed forward again, the shaft filled him with an ease that sickened him. He shuddered as it filled him to capacity. His belly stretched out as she thrust in and deflated as she pulled back. The full length of the strap-on was used, and he felt every inch.

It didn't take him long to moan again, his knot as big as it could get and his balls throbbing with need. His cock bounced in her hand, dripping for her. He was ashamed of how quickly and how easily he'd lost control.

She squeezed his knot tighter than ever, pushing him over the edge. He threw his head back in a silent moan, his cock twitching wildly as he came. It sprayed rope after rope of cum, splattering the ground and even the desk in front of him with his thick seed. His musk filled the room, getting stronger with every squirt.

Halfway through, he felt the knot break through. It ripped his hole apart, his ass bleeding from being stretched so far, and he howled in pain.

Rather than loom over him, however, the witch pulled back. The strap-on remained in him, but she wasn't attached anymore. Wet schlick-schlick sounds echoed in the room, just loud enough for him to realize she was fingering herself. A moan louder than his announced her own orgasm, and he could just make out the sound of her juices hitting the floor, making her own little puddle.

He wasn't sure how long their orgasms lasted, but he knew that his continued a little bit after the witch's. She walked around him as his cum slowly stopped shooting and continued to ooze, and he blushed as she lowered him back to the ground.

"I'll leave that shaft in your ass for the next couple of days. If you try and pull it out, you might as well cut off one of your tails now, because I'll be taking it off for you if I find out about it."

"This is...humiliating."

"It's also a lot less than what I could do to you, you asshole."

Cynthia turned to her desk, waving her hand. The cum flew off the wood at the gesture. A few strands splashed against him, and he growled at being marked with his own seed even as he fought to catch his breath.

His ass was in excruciating pain. It was bleeding and stretched out beyond convenient imagination. Yet, he barely was aware of that. All his thoughts circled around hurting, breaking, even killing someone. This witch was too strong for him to challenge again. As much as it pained him, he might never be able to take her down.

But there was someone else that he could take his vengeance on, and no one would care.

"You'll be on the field tomorrow, I trust?" Cynthia asked as he turned away.


"Good. Now, go buy a prostitute or something; I have things that need doing."


Michelle couldn't stop shaking as she opened in her purse for the third time. The thing Lucas bought her could very well get her killed if Noguchi found them.

But at this point there was no turning back. After doing something against his commands, she had signed her death warrant. If she didn't follow through, not only would she die, but Akiko would have to deal with that evil creature alone. She couldn't leave the former hunter to that, not when they had gone through so much together. They had a chance, and they had to take it.


"Are you sure that the police can do anything?"

"Come on, you're kidding."

"No, I need to know for sure that they -"

"I know they have a reputation sometimes, but do you really think there's anyone else we can go to? If we don't show a little trust, all we got is vigilante stuff."

"Give me a gun and I'll do it myself."

"Tempting, but let's not get you charged with homicide if we can help it."

They were halfway to the apartment now. She could see the rounded top of it among the surrounding buildings, and she wondered if Akiko could see her. Unlikely, really - considering how conspicuous a white cat would be in a window - but it lifted her spirits. Soon, soon they might just have their lives back.

As they crossed a street, Lucas looked back at her with a smile. He squeezed her arm gently.


They whipped around, looking down a nearby alley. Garbage cans were rolling around and the dumpster was shoved out from the wall. Rats ran from the alley, squeaking at the tops of their lungs as they fled from a short silhouette. A short silhouette with five tails.

"Run!" Michelle shouted.

"What is -"

"Shut up and run!"

She pulled on his arm but it was too late. One of the writhing tails shot out and grabbed her by the neck, yanking her into the alley. Grabbing her furry collar, she fought its grip even as she was yanked along. In the darkness, she wound up face to face with her 'husband', garbage hanging from his ears and his breath ragged. The smell of blood was thick on him, and she saw red lines running down his legs.

"One thing. I told you to do one thing, and you deliberately ignored me.'re worse than a woman. Worse than a kit."

"N-no, I'm -"


He slammed her against the brick wall, the impact almost enough to make her black out. As it was, she felt herself fading. She heard a voice, and she realized someone else was running into the alley.


Her whispered warning did no good. Her friend sprinted into the alley holding a pocketknife. He managed a single swipe at one of Noguchi's tails before he was grabbed. Slammed against the wall beside her, he was bashed against the wall until he dropped the blade. The slightest hint of blood could be seen along the tail before it healed itself.

Noguchi leaned forward, looking from one to the other. The snarl on his face was almost feral. Next to this, the rage he'd shown for Cynthia had been a candlestick beside a bonfire.

"You, woman, swore to obey me. You failed, and now I will extract the price." He turned to Lucas. "And you...You tempted my woman away. And for that, you die."

Throwing Lucas to the ground, Noguchi lunged forward and kicked the human in the face. His sharp claws ripped through the human's face, the impact spinning Lucas around onto his back. He gasped for breath, only to suffer another kick to his neck. Gagging and grunting, he grabbed for the kitsune's ankle, trying to fight back, but with four tails to worry about as well as powerful kicks, there was nothing he could do.

Kick by kick Noguchi wore down the human, breaking down the man who had given Michelle her final hope. She watched as he broke Lucas's nose, ripped off an ear, and blooded his mouth. Teeth and fragments of teeth hit the ground before the kitsune wrapped his tail around the human's neck. He lifted him higher and higher until he was at least four feet off of the ground.

"If you weren't going to die already, I'd show the world how you are not a man. No real man takes the woman of another."


He whipped his head around, glaring at her before roaring. He threw Lucas down the alley, the reporter hitting a wall before collapsing into a limp heap. The kitsune rounded on her, his claw scratching her cheek as he grabbed her.

"Now, it's your turn. You. You are going to die. And it's going to be your worst nightmare."

Idiot, she thought to herself as his tail tightened around her neck. She looked at Lucas, catching the slightest hint of movement. Why do I...still have hope? she thought as she blacked out.

The End

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