Belial: Catastrophe

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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Belial: Catastrophe

By Von Krieger

Sonya sighed and looked at the vial on the table once more. It was not yet too late to return it to the alchemist and get her money back, to go on with her life as it had been before.

She had a good, steady client base, but there was room for expansion. The new establishment down the street had a nicer working environment, higher pay, a better location. It also lacked the history of an occasional incident that had taken place infrequently over the years of the club's existence.

Though Sonya didn't think that the new place would manage to avoid collecting... unpleasant customers forever, at the moment there was nothing to dissuade shy clients who had heard the stories of what had happened, and would like to avoid the place, just because of the slim chance that a misbehaving demon might show up when they went.

The problem was that the club and the brothel associated with it was one that featured transformed dancers and prostitutes. With her reputation and client base, the new club had wanted her in an instant; the only problem was that she needed to be... something else.

It wasn't the altering her body thing that bothered Sonya, it was the fact that transformational magics were expensive, and also very difficult and easy to go awry. If she could have just gone from being a normal human one moment, to something else the next, it wouldn't have been a problem.

But there were possibilities of side effects. Not least of all turning into something like some of the patrons and staff had become during one of the... incidents at the club.

The small vial in front of her, filled with a purple-white pearlescent fluid that glowed softly, had been prepared by an alchemist that her potential new boss had recommended. It had dug into Sonya's savings to acquire it, it was worth two months pay, but the owner of the new club would reimburse her for it.

The alchemist had been kind, helping her to plan a form for herself that she would enjoy; something cuddly, inoffensive, and unlike several of the other workers at the club, lacking gratuitous additional genitalia.

Sonya was comfortable with her selection, rather confidant that the form she had chosen would help her a great deal in her work. Though it was not forced, it seemed to be implied from all the other prostitutes at the club that being of a hermaphroditic nature.

She let out a soft sigh and gritted her teeth as she reached for the vial. She'd heard varying accounts of the transformation process, it had been painful for some, incredibly pleasurable for others.

Closing her eyes, Sonya removed the cork and drank the contents down.

Though left out, the prepared d-cum mixture was still body-heat warm as it entered her mouth. The warmth seemed to spread over her tongue as she swallowed, the sensation spreading down her throat and belly.

Sonya began to remove her clothes, although she had not mentioned any sort of changes in size and wasn't expecting any radically different shape changes; she figured she might as well play it safe. Plus she would get to watch all the changes as they happened.

She looked over every inch of her toned, lithe, well-built body, trying to locate the first hint of the change. But oddly enough the first hint that the substance was affecting her came as a feeling, not as an alteration.

Sonya drew in a deep breath as her body broke out into a flush, her skin reddening with internal heat. She sighed as she felt herself overcome with arousal and need. She had somewhat expected this, and she withdrew to the bedroom so that she could slake her body's thirst for pleasure in comfort.

The covers were quickly stripped from the bed, allowing Sonya to recline on the soft, cool silken sheets. It was then that she felt the first change.

As she looked down she saw the small nub of her clitoris, suddenly not quite so small, and no longer a nub. It was about two inches long and looked well on its way to becoming a cock.

Deciding to coax it along, she took it between her thumb and forefinger, stroking it gently. Even the small, gentle sensations caused Sonya to moan and buck her hips with delight. It was incredibly sensitive, but it was not the sort of over-sensitivity that made one suffer discomfort rather than pleasure.

If this was what having a cock would feel like, Sonya thought that the change would be well worth it. The caresses seemed to spur on the growth of her new member, and within moments Sonya was stroking it not merely with fingers, but with her entire hand wrapped around it.

Her length was not quite human, but then again Sonya hadn't expected it to be. Though it retained some human features, the shape overall was bestial, thin and tapering. It had already begun to take on the dark pink-blue tone that Sonya had decided to have the sensual portions of herself colored.

Looking down at her chest Sonya saw that the coloration seemed to be taking effect all over, as her nipples now showed the exotic shade as well. She let out a soft moan as the pleasure from her new organ seemed to increase as the skin upon her palms began soft and smooth.

Sonya inspected her other hand, seeing the pink-blue skin upon it puffing out slowly into a pad. She smiled at the sight and put the softness to work massaging one of her breasts.

She had never been the bustiest worker at her club, but her rack was rather generous, if she had anything to say about it. The soft leather of her palm pad felt heavenly against her bare skin and sensitive nipple, she could only imagine how her female clientele would feel.

Oddly she had more female clients than male, and from her experiences she found that they came to her because she had the reputation of being exceptionally skilled. She seldom used anything but hands and tongue to grant her clients wonderful pleasures. The kind of women Sonya seemed to attract wanted softness, sensuality, caring, and kindness.

They wanted to be held, cuddled, and caressed. Those clients were why Sonya had chosen the feline form that she had. A domestic feline was a very soft, cuddly, and rather feminine creature. It wasn't scary, it wasn't unnatural, and it wasn't slimy, or scaly, or fearsome, or anything of the like.

She could easily enjoy being part feline, being soft and slinky and oh so sensual. Sonya felt a tickle at the base of her spine and rolled onto her side to allow her tail to grow. Her handpaw left her breasts and began to explore the new appendage.

Much like her cock, her tail seemed to respond to her touch, the two foot length seemed to almost be pulled from her body as Sonya gripped the end. Her ears developed a similar tickle and they too found Sonya running her fingertips over them.

She giggled as she felt the triangular tips, felt them grow larger and form into smooth shapes, felt them move high on her head.

Sonya shivered as a strange sensation crept into her muscles and bone; it felt like a nice, luxurious stretch mixed with the pins and needles feeling of an arm or leg fallen asleep. Her muscles and bones let out soft popping sounds as her frame shifted a bit, adding a few touches to her body.

Her fingers and toes grew a little bit, their shape changing to add small, retractable claws, replacing Sonya's nails. Her hips and rump widened and her waist narrowed, an alteration that Sonya had asked for to give her a bit of improvement that her body type wouldn't allow her to proceed beyond.

But the biggest change of all was her fur. Bright pink, thick, and soft, it covered Sonya from head to toe in and instant. She ran her hand over it in delight.

A soft tickle upon her scalp told her of another change she'd asked for; giving herself a long mane of honey-gold hair, the same shade she kept dying her own. Her natural had had a bit of a problem with split ends and in general not being very thin and fine, but the golden tresses that reached down the her thick, fluffy tail were the hair Sonya had always wished that she had.

She purred loudly as she grinned, showing elongated canine teeth as she leaned down, bending herself with feline flexibility in order to see if she could accomplish the feat of taking her member into her mouth.

Sonya found that she could indeed, and what began as an experiment quickly became a new way of pleasuring herself. Her rough tongue felt heavenly on her hybrid shaft, the texture filling Sonya with electrifying delight as she put all her practice and skill at pleasuring a male with her mouth to work upon herself.

The new feline gleefully suckled upon her length, feeling herself approach climax. She felt the last vestiges of her change flowing through her. The soft pulling at her netherlips as a pair of testes formed, the skin puffing outward to contain them, a sheath appearing to contain her member and keep it clean and protected when not in use.

She felt her climax build, and build, and build, and then suddenly it was upon her, an explosive, vibrant, surging pleasure trapped inside her, forcing its was out. Her climax felt strange, she had male clients on a daily basis, and she knew how long the male orgasm was supposed to last.

But her own climax seemed to go on and on, thick torrents of seed filling her mouth, eagerly gulped down her throat. It wasn't until the sensations of both climax and change left her body did she realize what had happened.

As she uncoiled, she suddenly felt the lack of a familiar weight; her breasts had vanished entirely. Eyes wide in horror, her handpaw darted between her legs, hoping that she had retained at least some portion of her femininity. But there was nothing, nothing but smooth, lightly furred skin.

With a soft cry Sonya leapt from her bed and darted to the bathroom, checking herself in the mirror.

She looked almost exactly like she had imagined; a beautiful feline body, pointed ears, a small, cute muzzle with puffy pink-blue lips, waist length golden hair, soft pink fur, a feline-human hybrid member between her legs, wide hips and rump, and a narrowed waist.

She retained a feminine body shape, but completely and utterly lacked all of the parts that identified a woman as a woman. Her body was male, completely and totally male, yet with her hair, her coloration, and her still present curves, she looked just about as feminine as you could get.

Sonya wasn't sure if she wanted to laugh or cry. It was true that the majority of her clientele was female, so she wasn't really lacking there. With her tongue, handpaws, and cock she'd most definitely come out ahead in the woman-pleasing department.

But she was completely and utterly lacking the one portion of anatomy that made a woman a woman. She didn't think that most of her male clients would be visiting her. Some might, though it would shame her to no end having to tell them that she wasn't quite a woman anymore.

She sighed and shook her head, continuing to look herself over in the mirror, aside from the two pieces of her human body that she had wished to keep; her new feline form was everything she had hoped for.

Sonya still felt horny as hell, but first things first, she would need to visit the alchemist and see if he could restore her missing assets.

Second would be a trip down to the club to show off her transformed body to her new boss and work out the details of her employment.

If everything went well, she ought to have her missing femininity restored in a week or two.

Worst case scenario would essentially mean focusing exclusively on female clientele. Her new body wasn't horrible, just strange, different, and unexpected. It would work just fine for the career choice she had made.

As she dressed herself, Sonya caught herself instinctively fetching a bra. She looked at the article of clothing in her handpaw for a moment before shrugging and tossing it aside.

Though a little snug in the hips, the casual clothes she had selected fit just fine. She made a note to pick up new belts for her smaller waist, as some things wouldn't hug her hips and stay up.

With her fur, she didn't really require makeup, though she knew she would be using some when she went to work. Sonya merely applied a bit of lip gloss before leaving her apartment, rather enjoying the way her feline body moved.

Every step was smooth and graceful, her tail and rump swaying instinctively from side to side. She admired herself in the bureau mirror by the door. Just looking at her you couldn't tell that she was essentially a male, she looked even more delicate, curvaceous, sensual, and feminine than she had before.

All that was missing that one could see on her clothed body were the breasts, but that in and of itself was not at all unusual. After all, there were woman who were naturally flat chested, after all.

Put her in a skirt, throw on a halter top, or a corset, and put her in a pair of heels and she would be as a stunning of an example of feminine beauty as anyone else.

Sonya's facial fur fluffed in a blush as she felt her arousal rise at the thought; she wasn't sure what it was. The thought of what would essentially be cross-dressing now? The thought of a beautiful woman in skimpy clothing? The possibility of fooling men into lustful thoughts about her?

The new sex kitten wasn't sure at all about the desire her body felt at the thoughts that went through her head. Sometime later she could explore them, but for now she needed to go and see if her issues with a lack of any female gender aspects could be dealt with.


Sonya sat at the table, looking over the piece of paper in her handpaws one more time. She had visited every alchemist and transformation specialist in the area. They had all given her the same answer.

She snuffled softly and blew her nose onto a napkin. She shook her head and sighed. The latest medical report cinched it. She was going to be stuck a shemale for the rest of her life.

It hadn't upset her up until she'd gotten the first results back from her tests. She didn't put an ounce of effort into dealing with her altered gender because she had thought it to be temporary.

She had adjusted her client base a bit upon switching employers, at first deciding on oral sex only with men, and after having several customers later discover that she was a shemale and swear off the club entirely, she'd cut men from her clientele outright.

Of course there were some that were interested in her, but she didn't feel comfortable with men anymore. Not at work. It felt... weird. She was essentially male now, and she had begun to feel sexual longing for her female clients.

Before it had been all business, and while Sonya had fun, she wasn't into it as much as she had become. She dreamed about it, her member ached when she awoke, her body eager to start the day.

Just thinking about it made her shaft stiffen. Sonya blushed, wishing she had worn pants and not a skirt.

Though she supposed it didn't really matter, after all she was planning on...

She felt a hand on her head, rubbing her playfully behind the ears, before slipping down to her cheek and turning her head into a kiss that made Sonya's tailfur stand on end. She did her best not to cry as she embraced her soon to be ex-boyfriend.

She had been hoping that it wouldn't come to this, that she could have her gender issue fixed and have Kaye be non the wiser about having dated a shemale. But all the alchemists said that she couldn't be fixed.

It didn't take Kaye very long to realize that something was upsetting Sonja. He sat down next to her in the booth and put his arm around her shoulders. "C'mon, let it out, what's bothering my shy little kitten?" he said with a smile, playing with the tip of Sonya's tail.

The feline looked at him, and raised a handpaw to his cheek. His looks appealed to her, with his lithe body and long hair he looked equal parts handsome and pretty, and he was nice and liked to cuddle, and shared her taste in books and he wasn't intimidated at all that she worked in the sex industry, nor did he assume that since she gave out pleasure all day, she would be an easy lay, or anything like that.

Sonya couldn't help it, tears darkened her pink fur, "I... we can't date anymore." She said softly, "I.... I've been... trying to fix something about me and..."

Rather than get out the words she merely took his hand and placed it in her lap. "I look like a woman, but I'm... I'm a guy. I've been this gender since the day we met. I've been trying to get it changed, become a herm like I was supposed to, but.." she snuffled loudly.

"But they say I have an unstable morphogenic field. Any transformational effect on me could very well do something completely and totally random. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry."

The feline slipped away from Kaye, quickly standing and bolting out the door. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going, she merely ran until she found herself deep in one of the city's parks, a place where she could be all alone.

She began to sob, letting out all her anger, her frustration, and her loneliness. She was sexually male, but still thought of herself as female. When she looked for a lover, not merely someone to make love to, she still looked for a man. She supposed that in time her mentality might shift over to someone who was...

Her thoughts were detailed by a gentle caress behind her ears. She turned to see Kaye behind her, a bit winded. Her eyes were wide as he reached down and scooped her up, hugging her tightly.

"I know, Sonya. I've known that for weeks now. I've just been waiting for you to trust me enough to tell me about it. I know you're a shemale, and I don't care. I don't love you for your body, I love you for you." He said, kissing her short feline muzzle.

"I don't care if you're a male, female, shemale, herm, neuter, or if you turn into a hulking saber-toothed monstrosity every full moon," he said, helping to improve Sonya's mood with a little teasing, "I want to be with you, no matter what."

"But... but..." Sonya protested.

"But nothing, Sonya; I love you, all of you. And I can prove it to you." He said with a mischievous grin, reaching beneath her skirt and caressing the catboi's still half-erect member.

"You've done this for me a couple of times, and you've never let me do anything for you in return. Like it says on your business cards, 'Leave your pleasure to me.'"

Sonya began to cry once more as Kaye's lips found her own. She leaned back against a tree as her boyfriend embraced her. She began to turn, but Kaye's hand on her shoulder ceased her movement.

"I mean it, kitten, this is for you, only for you." He said, his hand slipping inside Sonya's panties, his fingers curling around her member as he began to coax her to full erection. The catboi mewled softly, resting her head on her boyfriend's shoulder.

Kaye's other hand reached up, stroking Sonya's hair and rubbing a feline ear, making her lean into the caress. He tilted her head to the side, kissing her softly furred neck. The feline clung tightly to him, letting out soft mews and snuffles as her member reached complete arousal.

"This silly thing is what you were afraid to show me? The way you ran off, I was expecting you to be packing something the size of a tree trunk with fearsome spikes that breathed fire." The human teased.

Sonya didn't say anything; she didn't want to say anything. Any words that came out of her mouth were likely to ruin the moment, the beautiful wonderful moment. She couldn't believe it was real, she didn't trust herself to do anything but hug her lover tightly.

Her emotions were a mess, she had been prepared to deal with the crushing devastation of losing Kaye, but instead he had embraced her revelation of gender. She pulled back, just a little bit, looking up into his warm brown eyes.

She couldn't take it any more; Sonya mashed her lips against Kaye's, pushing his hand aside so that she could wrap both her arms around him, and allow him to do the same. She wanted to make love to him so badly, but she wasn't sure how. As he looked into her worried eyes, he seemed to sense the question.

"Don't worry about it; I've had more than a little practice." He said, blushing a little, "If I hear one word out of you about what I'm about to say, I'm going to tickle you senseless."

Sonya couldn't help but giggle as his fingers found their way to her ribs with malicious intent.

"A demon spiked the water supply in our village. It was diluted enough that the changes were relatively minor, and took a few days before they happened. But it was enough to give my mom and sisters some bestial traits, and sex drives like you wouldn't believe."

"My dad couldn't stand what had been done, and left us. I was in the hospital a few towns away, after having my tonsils removed. Everything was cleaned up by the time we got back, but... well... from the age of 14 until I went to college, family fun time was a rather... unique event. I'm used to girls with guy parts, Sonya."

The feline found herself instinctively lifting her tail, the fur on her face fluffed in a blush as she realized what she was doing, "Umm... Kaye?" she said softly, "I... I've never had anal sex before."

She sounded rather embarrassed; she'd never been particularly interested in it. Vaginal sex had some enjoyment for her, and she could do more interesting things with her lips, teeth, tongue, and throat, which made things interesting there as well. There were other girls there that loved that form of penetration, and took on the clients that shared their mutual interest.

Kaye smiled, reaching down and pulling down Sonya's panties, "Don't worry about it, I'll go slow and gentle." He said, stroking the feline's tail.

Sonya gasped as he slid into her, the sensation not at all like she imagined. It was a strange feeling, but also rather good. Her change had altered her mind and her libido a bit, she knew that quite well.

She had always been afraid to act out her fantasies, or give voice to them. She felt wrong in feminine clothing, but it also made her feel horny. Her body said she was crossdressing, and her libido loved the fact.

As Kaye reached beneath her skirt and began to rapidly stroke Sonya's rock-hard shaft, she began to howl with delight. She liked men, she found men sexy, even though her body was in and of itself male. Her mind as still rather feminine, but she supposed that such might be the case for a lot of homosexual males.

Gay sex while dressed up in girly clothes was just about the biggest turn on she could imagine. The contents not matching the wrapper, the way her prick rubbed against the pre-cum slicked leather of her skirt with each thrust, and more.

Sonya had learned that the change had increased her libido and made her a bit more open to certain things that would have shamed her before. Fucking in a public park, where anyone could walk by and see them, or hear them, having sex was something she had never contemplated before. But now the potential for possible publicity heightened her pleasure even further.

Kaye growled playfully, taking the scruff of Sonya's neck in his teeth, biting down hard enough for her to feel it, but not hard enough to cause pain.

The feline let out a startled little gasp, the bite had been enough to send her over the edge. She felt her seed surge forth, spattering as it hit her skirt, splattering her shaft and Kaye's hand.

But rather than taking it as a hint to stop, Sonya's lover only stroked faster. "Something fun I learned, typically when you get a female to male transformation of any type, the subject retains the greater refractory period of a female. Don't worry about going off before me, I'll catch up."

Sonya let out a soft mew of pleasure as her body tensed once more, blossoming into her climax for a second time, and then a third, and a forth.

It was only as she approached her sixth climax did Kaye increase the pace of his thrusts. Sonya knew her boyfriend's own climax was approaching, but she had no idea how to spur it on.

She felt him tense, there was a long missed liquid warmth inside of her, and then she went over the edge herself as her lover hugged her tightly.

The two parted, hugging each other tightly, enjoying the comfort of their embrace. The lovers took a seat on the grass, Sonya's head resting on Kaye's chest as she purred her happiness and contentment.

"Don't leave me, ever." Sonya said softly.

Kaye grinned, "I don't plan on it." He said with a chuckle, "Once we get out of the public eye, I'm going to show you what I can do with my tongue. I think I'm better with my mouth than my hands."

Sonya licked her lips and gave a cute, predatory growl, "Oh, I'm going to hold you to that, Kaye. Though I don't know if I could take feeling any better."

"Well, then you probably shouldn't come out to the farm with me this weekend when I go to visit the family. My mom tends to get infections if she doesn't climax the right way and get everything drained. Honestly I think she prevents my sisters from learning how just so she can force me to visit, you know?"

He chuckled, "Just wait until you see what I can do with the family toy chest."

Sonya quivered with pleasure, "Dammit, Kaye, are you going to tease me all the way home? I don't want to walk around with an erection!"

"Oh sure you do, your turn to chase me now!" he said with a laugh, darting off through the park foliage.

"KAYE!" Sonya called, laughing, "Dammit, Kaye! Wait for me!" she said, doing her best to run, pull up her panties, and hold down her skirt at the same time.

"I'm going to tickle you to death the moment I get my paws on you!" she growled, giving chase.

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