Sweet and Gummy

Story by Oside on SoFurry

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Request for Pardio on FA. A transformation from a crux to a gummy crux. I didn't know what a crux was til I wrote this story.

Artwork by GrandStorm

Sweet and Gummy

"Can I help you with something?"

A raspy deep voice came from behind the gloomy store's front counter. A grey haired man watched angrily as the purple furred crux browsed the shop's shelves. His small beady eyes stayed glued on him, watching every move Pardio made.

"Yeah, uhh...just looking." The crux looked unamused at the old man's hostile demeanor. As if he were really there to steal some fake magic candles and a phony spell book. Pardio didn't even know why he was there in the first place. Maybe he was just bored or maybe he was curious since the store concealed something he had never really seen before. All sorts of spiritual and magical artifacts were displayed throughout the poorly lit shop. It was definitely interesting and with time to kill at the local shopping center, the purple crux couldn't help but wander in.

"Well, I'm keeping a close eye on you." The old man grunted, coughing vigorously after he spoke. "Young hooligans..."


Pardio continued to examine a few hanging dream catchers at the back of the shop. His soft finger pads traced along the spider webbed thin strands of leather that bound the circular artifacts together. Bright colored feathers twirled and swayed between his fingers catching the crux's curios eyes. His purple striped furry tail swayed subtly, seemingly unaffected by the man's obvious judgement.

"Ahem! Anything in particular you are looking for?!" The old wrinkly human gave a flemmy yell from the back, hunched over the counter to get a better view of what Pardio was doing.

"No..." The crux rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Just looking, old man."

"Old man!" He rose a wrinkly fist into the air and waved it. "I'll teach you to call me 'old man!'"

"Whatever, this place sucks anyways!" Pardio glared at the old man angrily. Ever since he stepped a paw inside the magic shop he had gotten nothing but insulting stares and rude comments from the shop keeper. The crux had enough.

"Fine!" The old man took a moment to clear his throat. "Extne hingte ote terene ourye uzzleme ouye omece ote ebe!" He shouted from the counter, raising what looked to be an awful recreation of one of the wands from the Harry Potter series.

"Really! Pig Latin?!" Pardio looked confused and astounded at the same time. "You really must be crazy! I'm getting the fuck outa here you crazy old kook!" The crux scowled back at the man as he padded towards the door.

"Mark my words, you good for nothing furry. You will pay for that disrespectful tongue of yours!" The old man's harsh words found their way into Pardio's twitching soft purple ears.

The rest of the day was very uneventful for Pardio, taking his time making his way home. Every once in a while stopping at a store that looked amusing to him but finding nothing worth buying. It was his day off after all and what better way to spend it than to parade around the town, browsing different shops and getting some fresh city air, if there was such a thing.

All in all it was a routine walk home from downtown, saying hi to a few of his friends that lived along the way made for a longer than anticipated stroll. The air was starting to chill and then sun now showed it's brilliant red colors across the smoggy skyline. It was times like these Pardio was glad he had fur, seemingly unaffected by the cold breeze of the soon to by night sky. It was his last stop of the day and the bright neon sign of the liquor store front was like candy to his eyes.

Pardio waved to the chubby lion clerk that sat behind the counter as he padded towards the usual isle. Out of habit his purple furry fingers grasped a package of gummy bears and some Oreos before walking to the front.

"Hey Pardio, the usual?" The lion greeted with a deep rumble, looking up at the crux with a slight grin.

"Yeah..." His hand clutched a wad of money before dropping it on the counter. "...how's business?" Pardio continued the small chit chat.

"Oh, you know. Steady as usual." The lion gave back his change, scratching his thick lion mane before picking up a hot road magazine. "How's your day?"

"Not too bad." Pardio shrugged, putting the candy and cookies into his pockets before departing from the counter. "See ya later Tommy."

"Yup, have a good one my friend." The lion looked up briefly from his magazine, waving as the crux left the store.

The last few blocks seemed like miles long, the door to his apartment still seemingly far away. His legs and paw pads were a bit sore and his tail swayed in exhaustion. All that walking and prowling around the city really took it out of him and his mind had only one goal; to get inside, sit down, and eat his candy.

Before he knew it his finger pads were searching for the cool metal of the door key as he approached his apartment.


Pardio spoke to the empty apartment, heading straight for the small couch in his living room and planting his rump right on the fluffy brown cushions.

The next thing only came natural, pealing the layers of clothing off one by one. His tight shirt first, revealing his soft stomach fur, light purple stripes and well defined lines contrasting the dark purple fur that splayed the majority of his belly and chest. His clawed fingers struggled at the button of his pants, eventually slipping the constraining fabric from his tail and waist, kicking them to the spongy carpet bellow him. He smiled, his plump sheath and round fuzzy balls staring back at him as the familiar stench of sweaty musk filled the air. It was quite relaxing for him to finally be undressed, his purple striped tail freely waving along the couch as he kicked his meaty paws onto the cushions. Pardio laid across the living room furniture butt naked as he gave a big sigh in satisfaction.

First things first. Grabbing the remote for the TV as his padded finger tips pressed the usual buttons, Pardio navigated through the channels until he found something worth watching. It had been such a long day and his heavy drooping eyelids that hung low over his glazed blue eyes only confirmed how tired he really felt. Out of habit the crux grabbed his pants, fidgeting through the pockets only to pull out the bag of gummy bears he had recently bought from the liquor store. The claws on his fingers easily tore through the top of the bag, the juicy and fruity fragrance instantly flooding his nostrils, teasing his taste buds of the sweetness that was soon to come. He peered into the bag, tightly pinching the best flavored gummy bear between his fingers. His mouth already filling with saliva as if he was one of Pavlov's dogs as the clear colored bear neared his open maw. The sudden burst of sweet fruit struck his tongue as his sharp teeth punctured the white gummy bear, tearing it to soft gooey pieces.


Pardio smacked his lips, letting the flavor marinate his tongue and slowly slip down to his throat. One by one, the crux indulged himself and gobbled the multi colored gummy bears as he watched TV. Pretty soon the bag was empty, crumpling up the plastic bag into a ball and lazily throwing it to the side. The thoughts of the earlier day lingered, silently chuckling to himself about the predicament he put himself through with the old man at the magic shop. The thought of it just made him shake his head and easily shrug it off. But something about what the old man said stained his conscious. The blabbering magic spell the old fool mumbled out of his wrinkled lips could still be heard faintly ringing between the crux's purple pointed ears. He just laid on the couch, eyes directed towards the bright screen of the TV but still dwelling on the incident.

"Aaaahhhaaammm." Pardio yawned, satisfied and relaxed. He felt a warming glow envelope his body from the tips of his plump clawed toes to the ends of his long twitching ears. Even his long curling tail felt oddly heavy and pleasurably limp pinned against his legs and the couch cushions. His clawed furry fingers found their way to his supple soft sheath and balls, rubbing gently as any guy would, once alone of course. It was weird though, the urge to massage, touch, please himself was growing stronger by each tug and squeeze of his own widening sheath.

Soon he was groping himself harder, working his finger tips along the base of his furry sheath with precision. The friction of his own thin skinned sheath against his hidden stiffening cock caused a gasp to escape from Pardio's quivering lips. It was overbearingly thrilling to say the least and to Pardio's surprise his animalistic sexual need had taken complete control of his stroking fingers. It didn't take long for the tip to escape from it's moist and musky confines, brushing gently against his thumb pad as it grew stiffer. The black glistening tip of his cock dripped pre with every throbbing pulse, leaving Pardio to tremble in delight as it completely slipped out of it's velvet tightened sleeve into the crux's awaiting fingers. Everything seemed to be more intense, sensitive as Pardio gave himself a generous and firm stroke slowly squeezing out a globe of clear pre as his grip neared the tip. The warm fluid dripped over his fingers, cascading slowly along his length and coating the throbbing veiny warm skin of his hypersensitive cock. Grunting as the pace increased to a steady rhythm, his free hand groped and kneaded the voluptuous fuzzy sack that sat bellow his twitching shaft.

With his head thrown back and eyes closed, Pardio gave into the sensations, gratefully losing himself in a euphoric ecstasy and licking his lips as he neared climax. His finger pads slipped easily now over each inch and vein of his pleading cock, slowing down the strokes to a minimal finger swivel around his own piss slit to keep from orgasming.

"Oooph shit!"

A sudden burst of electricity shot throughout his body, muscles burning as an invisible current pulsed through his veins. Paws flexing as his tail tensed, Pardio moaned, his whole body felt the mysterious blissful pressure grow within his furred skin.

"Aaaaarrrggghhh, fuuuu..."

He groaned to himself grasping his pulsing cock even harder. He knew something wasn't right but it felt so good as if his body was as sensitive as the stiff slick meat he was gripping and stroking. Pardio began panting now, tugs and pulls on his cock turned to rapid wet smacks that pleaded for release but no matter what he did, he was held on the cusp of orgasm.


It was subtle at first, nothing but a trickle of a juicy fragrant hidden in the robust layers of his own musky stench and pre. But with each dribble of clear pre that came out of his black tip, the familiar scent increased, sweetness gradually overtaking the manly musk that wafted into the air. It was the smell of gummy bears.

A curious whiff as Pardio's muzzle neared his own member confirmed where the juicy smell was coming from. It was unreal, and impossible. The crux could only give a huffing chuckles as he brushed his tip with his finger pads, leading a thick string of the manly nectar to his maw.

"Mmmmmm...shit. Taste goood."

Pardio smiled, stroking himself with one hand while placing his muzzle within licking distance of his own meat. The urge to taste himself was too strong and soon he was licking, his tongue lapping as much of the juicy flavored pre as possible. The texture of his own tongue across his sensitive skin made him shutter, still so near but still not enough. Even his plump balls were churning and aching, bouncing every time Pardio gave a good gripping pump of his cock.

He couldn't help himself, now producing a steady stream of sugary goodness as he continued to indulge and pleasure the swollen rod that protruded from his legs. His stomach filling with his own seed it began to swell, unnoticed by the young crux he was shivering in delight and lost in the intense tingle that radiated from his body. It wasn't the only thing that began to swell as his arms and legs soon followed, growing steadily at a slow pace. The fur seemed to melt onto his skin and turned green before his eyes and the pressure that radiated through his body grew to a blissful chill.


Pardio could only moan and gasp in pleasure as his legs and arms started to inflate, billowing out as the texture of his fur turned to a smooth and rubbery soft coat around his whole body. He wiggled on the couch, almost giving way like jello and before too long the crux could no longer lick his aching member. He reverted back to vigorous pumps, his seed pouring out of his cock and dribbling back onto his smooth exterior. Pardio's eyes went wide, watching as the thick pre absorbed into his skin and added more mass to his growing body. It was a struggle but eventually with a couple rocks from side to side the fattening crux was able to get to his paws, taking a few clumsy steps with his round heavy body. The light emitting from the television shone through his skin, clear through his green gummy stomach showing a heavy thick liquid trapped inside.

"Mmmmph, god. Why does...*huff*...it feel so goood?!"

Pardio continued to paw his now gummy stiff cock, his other stubby hand rubbing his engorged smooth belly. A steady stream of juicy pre continued landing on the carpet and his thickening rubbery toes and with every step his paws seem to stick slightly to the floor bellow him. With a tight clench with his hand, Pardio's finger sank easily into his belly, his form now exactly like the consistency of a gummy bear. It didn't matter though, for the crux was too lost in his own euphoric intoxication to care. He studied his own new body, flicking around his heavy smooth sticky tail in satisfaction as he rubbed and brushed his arms and chest with his fingertips. A few globs of thick sticky fluid started to flow out his stomach where his fingers had previously entered. Just a brief moment of uncertainty crossed the crux's mind but the sensations were overpowering, his mind focusing on one thing only. His aching balls and leaking messy cock had finally given into what Pardio longed for. It was so abrupt it sent him to his knees. The same electric chill pulsing through his whole body as before, erupting into a climax that was felt through every inch of his gummy skin. It was as if his entire self was orgasming, cock throwing generous jets of his cum onto the carpet before him.


He gave a trembling cry, giving into his own pleasurable ejaculation. His arms and legs burst, fruity thick fluid escaping from various locations on his body causing his smooth clear skin to deflate as his cock continued to convulse and pump into his hand. He trembled in ecstasy, his erupting orgasm slowing to a twitching dribble.


It was too much for Pardio to handle and just as quickly as the blissful explosion of the orgasm came, it receded, replaced by a fuzzy warmth that enveloped his exhausted brain and body. And then...blackness.



Pardio grumbled, the light shining through the a small crack in his living room window. He stirred a little before taking a paw to his muzzle and rubbing it. The short soft fur sticking to his paw pads as he did so.

"Holy shit."

Pardio was now wide awake, sitting up and looking down at his sore naked body in confusion. He still had fur, but something covered it like mud and jelly. A big puddle of sweet smelling goo caked his body and the carpet.

"Fuuuuck! What the fuck was that?!"

Last night was such a blur, still uncertain of what happened as flashes of the transformation came to him. From eating the gummy bears to masturbating, and then turning into something bizarre. Pardio couldn't even fathom. It all seemed like a dream but the evidence was so clear. He had so many questions, the goo on the floor, the gummy bears, the old man in the magic shop. Pardio's head was spinning but his curiosity outweighed everything. The pleasure he felt, the transformation; intense. Pardio got up, the sticky mess making him feel uncomfortable against his fur. The room still smelled of fruity goodness and it only made his cock twitch slightly as he made his way to the shower. He needed to clean himself before heading back to the shop. He needed answers and the old man was going to give them.

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