I was his first Client

Story by Kharn on SoFurry

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Hey Hey ( ) Indicates a thinking phase you will only see a ( ) and a I Thought 1 time since i felt like it belonged there :) Also someone asked me to do a story not based on cubs, Here you go :) Well anyway have fun, hopefully someone enjoys it byez 8)

  • * * It was close to 6pm as I headed towards the shower leaving the pool behind. I wanted to get home quickly so I washed myself in the public shower which I found was luckily empty. Somehow I hate to have company while washing my body, it gets kinda, well you know awkward. Five minutes passed as i left the shower with somewhat clean scales. Heading for the stalls to get dressed I grabbed my stuff from the locker and closed the door behind me. I caught myself staring in the mirror admiring my dark blue scaled body. No trace of fat but not to skinny either. ( Why did she break up with me ) I sighed. Deciding it was time to head home I Put on my yellow boxers, a pair of black socks, my favorite T-Shirt with the tribal i loved, followed by the tight jeans. One last check in the mirror and I headed outside grabbing my jacket and backpack. It was a tough day at work and I wanted to get some rest at home. I went to the cashier, near the exit to get my change also to return the key, for the locker. "Hope you enjoyed your time here" I heard the otter say behind the counter. "Yea I like to take a swim in the evening, feels refreshing." I said and handed her the key She smiled and handed me my change "That's 2,50$ for you hope to see you again" She twinkled ( Is she flirting with me? ) "Bye" was all I managed to answer, and waved as I walked out. I was stunned, as I exited the warm building. SNOW ! everywhere... White pure Snow. It was at least 2 feet, and I Wondered how this happened, I was inside for like 2 hours. Never really liked the cold particular snow... Not a lot of dragons liked the cold most of us prefer warm well, HOT places... I shrugged and hurried home. Since it was snowing like crazy, I couldn't fly, so I had to use the bus to get home. This was annoying Traffic jam everywhere. The streets white accidents nearly at each corner. ( Man all I want is to get home safe and relax a bit, with a book ) 45 minutes later I Arrived at my final destination. Getting out of the bus, I sighed in relief. Turning my head I was happy, as the bus drove off, since it was packed with people. Breathing fresh air I smiled and walked my usual way to get home. It was freezing, and it took me 10 minutes, well usually 5 but oh well with all the snow around... I stared up the tall building, and spotted my apartment on the roof. It was dark and all the snow that filled the sky looked beautiful. Entering the building I saw the concierge, his name was Drew a big brown bear who waved at me. I nodded and closed in to his desk. "Hello Mr. Vilar, Please use the stairs the elevator is out of use I apologize." "How many times did i tell you, to call me Nick ? I'm only 19 Mr. Vilar is my dad! anything else?" i said with a serious face. "OkOk Nick well there was a problem with the heating appliance at the upper level of the building" "Oh man no way... Well them I'm off kinda tired you know... take care Drew!" "Take care sir, and call me if there is anything I can help you with!" The brown bear shouted after me. I just waved and headed for the stairs. Now i had to walk upstairs, as a dragon I preferred flying but there was not enough space to spread my wings. ( Damn narrow stairway ) Finally 10 minutes later i reached the 20th floor. A Bit out of breath i opened the door to my penthouse and almost froze on the spot. It was so cold in here, I saw my own breath. Heading to the windows, I closed the one in the living room, and in the kitchen. As I started the heater... nothing happened. ( Great ) Heading to the phone and dialed 0 for the call handling. "Hello this is Drew how can I help you" I heard the voice say on the other side of the phone. "Yea hello Drew, this is Nick, I need a plumber can you get me one? Its freezing up here!" I said in an annoyed way. "A friend of mine runs that kind of firm, do you want the number, or should I call ?" "No ill call them, just give me the number." "Your the Boss" He said and i wrote down the number, as he told me. I headed into the kitchen and fixed me some hot water, to get at least a fresh hot tea. Some minutes later I returned with a hot can of water, and some tea bags into the living room. Pouring in some water, I fixed the number and dialed. "Hello this is Q&R how can I help you ?" a male voice said "I need someone to fix my heater I'm freezing here!" "Oh well yea, I'm sorry but all our employees are underway, most of the city hast that problem." He claimed "Is there really no one around ? Drew told me you guys could help me" "Drew huh? Well if its for Drew, I might have one to help you out but... he is kinda clumsy." I heard him chuckle "I could care less, as long as my heater gets started, I'm fine with anything!" "Okay sir may i get your address and name please?" He asked "Sure" I explained him how to get here and gave Drew a quick call, letting him know someone is coming. I also thanked him for the tip. I hung up and returned my attention, to the tea in front of me. Filling it with 3 spoons of sugar, just the way i liked it. 40 minutes later I was watching the news, seeing the snow chaos, accidents and stuff, wondering when the guy would show up, to fix my heater. Waiting impatiently and freezing on my couch, now rolled in a blanket. Some minutes later the telephone rang. It was Drew. "Hey Nick there is someone heading upstairs, he told me that you called him to fix your heater, I let him in, that OK?" "Yea, thanks a bunch Drew, hopefully I'm not freezing to death tonight!" I laughed and hung up. I knew he would take some minutes to get up here, so I cleaned up my mess and waited for the guy to show up. Only 5 minutes after Drew called the doorbell rang. Surprised how fast he was I headed to the door and opened it. My mind was blank for a few seconds, and I must have stared at him, as I heard him chuckle and wave his paw close to my eyes. "Hello? Someone there?" he said smiling. "Yea... sure!" I said and snapped back to reality He was a Fox! I Always loved foxies. There is something about em, and he was the perfect example. Tall for a fox he was about 6,4 looked well build around 160lbs. I could only imagine through his cloths. His bushy tail was chestnut-red, the tip was White like his paws. His ears also had a small white tip on the end. And the rest I could see was the same sweet chestnut-red. "So? are you Mr. Vilar? I'm here to fix your heater!" He said "Ah" I managed ( what was I supposed to say? ) "Yes!" ( good you look like a retard now ) He laughed a bit and pointed behind me "This is your apartment right?" "Yea" I answered ( Why can't I form any sentence at all? ) "Am i allowed to come in or?" He asked puzzled "Sure come in" I opened the door fully to allow him entrance. What the hell was I nervous about ? ( I'm not even into guys ! ) I led him into the living room, noticing that I checked out his ass. Did the cold drive me crazy ? He looked around, and placed his equipment down. "Kinda cold in hear" He said laughing "No way, you noticed?" I said sarcastically, returning to my normal self. He responded like i hoped he did. Laughing. "So, where is your radiator module?" "Bathroom, follow me" I said and led the way Looking around, he quickly found what he was searching for. Wasting no time, he got his equipment and started right away. I was quite happy to see him work, since I wanted to get it warm in here asap. "Fancy place you got here, you live by yourself ?" He asked "Yep my dad spoiled me, but I do love it here!" "I bet you do, I would love it too. Where is your girlfriend ?" He asked suddenly "Uh she left me months ago." ( Why did he ask that ? Why did I even answer it? ) "Too bad man, but a sexy dragon like you, gets couple of chicks I bet!" "I'm not really into that kind of relationship, you know." ( wait did he say I'm sexy ? ) "What kind of relationship are you looking for then?" "Well just one where i can trust my partner, you know I'm kinda the romantic type" I laughed and wondered why he asked all that. "That's rare, nowadays everyone wants fast love, I don't like it either!" he said winking. I watched him repairing my heater, and didn't quite knew what to ask. I felt this awkward silence, so I had to come up with something. "I'm Nick!" I said and extended a paw to him. "Allen! Nice to meet you!" He said shaking my paw. His grip was tight at first, but soft and warm moments later. "So... hows your girlfriend ?" ( He asked me why should I not ask? ) "Dunno never had one!" He laughed and scratched the back of his head. "So your? G.. Homosexual ?" I asked blushing "Yep gay that's me! no worries, we can even fix technical problems!" he laughed hard this time, so did I "But to answer your question, I'm single" He sighed "Hard to find someone, who's at least a bit normal you know" "What do you mean? Normal?" I asked puzzled He laughed, as he saw the expression on my face "Someone without all these, crazy, fetishes you know.." He sighed "Something with socks and stuff ? I read about that yea" ( Now why am I telling him this? ) "That's not worth mentioning, believe me, that's pretty normal. There are far more worse things out there, people like" He sighed. I Nodded and told him I would be right back, It was so cold in here, I just wanted to get another tea. Inside the living room, I fixed my cup with tea and sugar, returning to the bathroom with it. "If you want anything just let me know, I can fix you a tea or coffee anytime!" I offered "Maybe when I'm done" He said with a soft smile on his face "How does it look ? You figured out whats wrong with it?" "Nope not really, I'm kinda... new to this, your also the first client, I came home to" He said and blushed "No problem with me, you look like you can handle it!" "Thank you!" He smiled from ear to ear "Just telling the truth, but how old are you?" I asked curious "I'm 20 my dad had me come since he said it was Drew who recommended us" "I'm 19 and yea Drew really saved me. The man on the phone said all his employees where off to work... only one clumsy left" He smiled at me "Yep the sudden snow... and the clumsy one, is me I'm his son" he said I laughed a bit "Well, I'm in the living room, yell if you need something. Its kinda cold like this" "Ok I will" I heard him say as I left the bathroom. I sat down on the couch and pulled the blanket closer to my body, sapping through the TV. Nothing of interest, and my mind wandered back to Allen. He asked me all that stuff, was he into me? All i knew was, he was at least gay. Also I kinda liked him for some reason. I snapped back, as I heard a loud sound, coming from the bathroom. Seconds later I was inside the door and saw Allen dripping wet. "If you wanted to shower, you could have asked" I laughed "Funny!" He was a bit mad but still laughed and told me the pipe had a crack. "So that's why I don't have any hot water or heater ? right ?" "Yep I shut down the water pipe so you won't drown in here its because of the cold" He explained "So now i have to wait for a new pipe ?" I sighed "Well nothing you can do about right now huh?" "No, I'm sorry but this is serious, you have to fix it properly, or it will get worse!" "Ok so, how about you ? Want some dry clothes ?" I smiled "Only if it doesn't bother you!" "Nah ill get you some, wait here" I said and went into my bedroom. Inside my dresser I looked for some clothes he could fit in. We where about the same size, OK he was a bit taller, but it should do the trick I figured as I found an old training suit, that I didn't wear at all. I Pulled it out and headed back to him. I was very surprised to find him naked in my bathroom. His fur drenched and dripping on my floor. His perfect body was analyzed by my eyes. Great chest and abs, muscular legs and arms, his chestnut-red fur had a shiny tone from the water. His belly was white like his paws and tail tip. I loved the sight of it. I must have stared at him again, as he chuckled and waved a paw close to my eyes again. "Got a towel ?" He asked "S.. Sure! Behind you first drawer." He turned around and I saw his muscular back. A white shaped V was running across his back. I was stunned. If I ever felt something for a guy, it was Allen. My eyes wandered a bit lower and I saw his tail swing in excitement. Did he do this on purpose ? He turned again and smiled as he caught me checking him out. "I.. I'm in.. the living room" I managed to say, turned and walked right out, hearing him giggle. Why did I check him out ? Did this mean I'm gay ? I Never considered myself even Bi. This was getting serious for me. Maybe, he was just playing with me. "Hey it fits perfect, just a bit cold on the back." Allen said, entering the living room, in my Grey training suit. "Guess you don't have wings, to worry about" I laughed "True" He smiled "Can i sit next to you ?" He asked "Oh... Ok" ( This won't make me gay, just to sit next to him, nothing gonna happen calm down ) As he sat down to my left side, he smiled a bit as he saw me blushing. My usually blue scales turned into a green when I start to sweat or blush. My dad has the same problem. My mom immediately knew, if something was up with us. "So did you like, what you saw?" He said and I felt my heartbeat rise "Uh-huh" I blushed even further "Your cute!" He giggled "Mind if i come a bit closer? kinda cold here" I couldn't say anything, and he must thought of it, as a yes. He was now shoulder on shoulder with me, and put the blanket around both of us. "Im sorry you have to freeze" He said in a caring way "It's okay, not your fault" I managed to say ( Ok he is just cold, he doesn't want anything from me ) I sighed a bit "I know, how to keep you warm" suddenly I felt his bushy, warm tail around my waist. "That feels good. I always envied you guys, for your warm and soft fur!" "Heh, but you have wings! I love my fur but wings are cool too!" Allen said, moving his paw under my shirt, "And your scales are also really cool" Petting my abs and laying his head onto my shoulder. "Oh" I moaned a bit, since his paw felt like it belonged where it was. Sighing a bit I laid my Head onto his. "If you don't want to do anything, I'm cool with that, since your straight" Allen said with a sad sound. "You already had me after *hello*" I said and pulled him closer to me. We where laying on my couch, and he held me in his muscular arms, wrapped tight against me. His soft warm fur touched my scales and I felt warm and safe. "This is better then a heater any day!" I said nuzzling into his chest. And for the first time he did something that changed my whole life in an instant. Holding me close to his chest hearing his heartbeat. Beat after beat interrupted by the words "I Love you Nick". I Found myself seconds later as he kissed me right on my lips. Everything he said and did felt so right in this moment. I opened my maw and found a wet flat tongue entering. As my serpent like tongue and his met, everything I knew about being gay or gay people renewed. I never had anything against it, but also, never was looking for something like that. Until now. This one guy next to me changed me, my picture of the world, everything! Nothing made sense but everything was clear at the same time. A feeling that i never had experienced before. ( Could this be love? ) I thought. I explored his maw with my tongue and he did the same. Sharing our saliva. I loved his taste. I never felt anything like that while kissing a girl. After what seemed like forever, I pulled myself away from him. Looking into his blue eyes I saw he was troubled, and feared what I would say. "I'm sorry" I said and saw his face saddened "It's okay I kn.." Allen said but I interrupted him "I'm sorry I didn't met you before" As I kissed his forehead and continued "I Love you too" His face went bright red, and his look turned from sad into pure happiness in less then a second, as he engaged me in another long and deep kiss. "But I thought.. you where, straight?" he asked puzzled "I thought so too" I laughed a bit "Guess there are, exceptions" as I looked into his eyes, I could see how happy he was. "Do you know, how much this means to me? thank you Nick!" Allen said while hugging me with all his might. "Your one strong foxie!" I said while making sure my wings are out of the way. "So how about you spend the night over? I don't want to send you home, dressed like this, and into the blizzard" "If that's okay with you sure! just have to call my dad since he send me here, and I'm glad he did" Allen said with a bright smile "So am I" I wrapped my arms around him, and we kissed again. It was getting late, and Allen wanted to inform his father, that things went a bit out of control here. I needed a new pipe and his father would maybe send some people over, to fix it up some days later. While he was on the phone, I was in the bedroom preparing the bed. It was really cold by now as to my surprise a familiar looking bushy tail wrapped around my waist. "Uh warm, I love that" "I know you do!" Allen laughed and hugged me from behind "Careful with the wings" "Yes sir!" Allen laughed and threw me into my Queen sized bed. "What a big playground you have!" He giggled and threw the covers over us. "Allen?" I said concerned "Your not playing with me right?" "No, I'm not that type of guy and I would be stupid to leave someone like you!" He said what really calmed me down "Thanks foxie!" I said holding his right paw in mine "Tell me if there is anything I should not do, and also tell me if there is something that I should do" He giggled "Okay" I said "If its with you, ill do anything" He kinda liked that and started kissing me. It took us only 15 minutes, and the majority of our clothes where gone. I was in my boxers and he was in my training trunks. I felt his paw enter my boxers through the hole for my right leg. Gasping, as his paw found my sheath and his tongue my chest. He knew I was already semi hard from all that kissing, and as his paw made contact with my sheath... only seconds later I was in full bloom. His paws grabbing the waistband of my boxers and with one pull they came of. Allen gasped, at the sight of my fully erected 11 inch member and wasted no time, to suck on it. The warmth of his maw and the soft texture of his lips felt so good. This was clearly, the best blowjob I ever got. His flat tongue around the head of my cock and his flexible maw. He gagged at first, but soon he had all of me inside of him. Deapthroating my cock and licking the head of it, i rarely felt this good before my entire life. Normally I lasted longer, but for various reasons I was about to cum. As I felt my orgasm approach I told him. "Whoa watch out.... Allen! gonna... cum" He just gave a confirming sound, and bobbed his head up and down even faster than before. Leaving me behind with such a fantastic feeling, I grabbed the back of his head and gently rubbed the back of his ears. He must have loved it as he made a purring sound, which gave my cock the final hit. I moved my hip into his maw as deep as I could, the feeling he gave to me took over and ruled my body. Stream after stream he gulped my cum down. I never felt any orgasm hit as hard as this one. I made a hell of groaning noises, as I felt him suck it down and licking my cock clean. Falling back onto my pillow, as I felt something amazing. He pulled me into a passionate kiss, but what was even more amazing, that he had his maw filled with my cum and shared it with me. I didn't expect this, nor had i ever done something like that before. It didn't taste bad at all, creamy and a bit salty. I loved it and the kiss made it even better. "You have no idea, how good that was foxie!" I said wrapping my arms around Allen. "Hon, you taste so good, I can't get enough of it." He giggled and placed his right paw on my belly, looking into my eyes. "I love you hon, your jade green eyes are hypnotizing" "Allen, I love you too and I think, I owe you one." Moving my paw down the cotton waistband, placing it on his sheath. "Only if you want to, I wont force you into anything" He said caringly I knew he was serious about us but I also wanted to return the favor. With one thrust I had the trunks removed and looked at his happily swollen cock. It was about 7 inch but a little wider then mine. Loving the view of it, I reached around it with my right paw, and started to go up and down in a slow, but steady rhythm. Lowering my head to his crotch, I licked his head with my tongue. It felt good, tasted better and he loved it, as i heard another of his purring sounds. As I put all of it into my maw, it was kinda tricky, to keep my teeth out of the way. But i got the hang of it slowly. In an experimental way I Pushed my tongue into his little hole. His reaction was priceless as he screamed and groaned, loving every millimeter of my tongue inside of his cock. "GOD this... is new !!" I heard him scream humping my maw. As I started to bob my head a bit, and placed a paw down his balls to play with he nearly exploded on the spot. I stopped "You okay Allen?" all I could hear was his whimper so I decided to continue as I saw his sad look. Immediately, his whimper turned into groaning. ( OK he sure loves that ) was all I could think of and laughed inside. Seconds later, I found his paw's on my head. His soft pads on my scales, the touch of him, he cared for me. After I continued this for some minutes, he came close to his climax. "soon...." was all he mentioned. I was kinda nervous, should I swallow it or just paw him of? Guess I thought about it too long, as I suddenly felt him cum inside me. I Pulled my tongue out of his hole, swallowed as much as i could but some eventually slipped out my maw. He tasted different then me, sweet and warm it felt so good. ( God if I had missed that and pawed him of.. I would had a regret more. ) I opened my maw to take a quick breath, as I felt a wet thing across my face. He was licking my face. Every last drip of cum that I couldn't swallow, he licked it off of me. Loving the feeling of his tongue I pulled him into another kiss. "You liked that, huh" He said with a devilish smile on his face. "Look who's talking, Mr whimper" I answered and started laughing. His smile faded into a blushing "It felt so good don't stop in the middle of it" "Ok just wanted to check on you, horny foxie" I said, rolling onto my belly. "Look how cute you are" He said and layed on top of me, sharing his warmth. "Your so soft and warm. Can I keep you ? wouldn't even need a heater, if your around!" "Don't worry hon, I wouldn't leave, even if you asked me to!" He whispered into my ear. I just sighed slowly drifting into sleep. With him on top of me, my wings where so warm, the pressure of his body, just thinking about him made me happy. As I woke up, I noticed the sun in my eyes but also something else. A pleasure I had never felt before. "WHAT!" I screamed in pleasure "are you... doing?" I continued suddenly realizing what was going on. Allen stopped "Nuffin hon, just having a good morning" He closed in to me and gave me a long kiss, I could taste myself in his maw and on his tongue. That was exploring my behind, just seconds ago. He quickly pulled away and returned to his previous area. Leaving me gasping on my pillow. Pushing my tail away, he slowly entered his tongue inside of me. That alone made my cock twitch in excitement. He stopped for a brief moment and I thought, he was finished. Little did I know he was far from finished. Suddenly feeling pressure against my outer ring, I saw him push two fingers inside of me. "OOH!" Was what I yelled, as found his fingers slowly sliding deeper inside of me. "Don't worry hon, you'll like this even more, believe me" He said, sliding his fingers even deeper inside of me. I couldn't reply anything. It truly felt good after a while. The initial pain left, as fast as it came, leaving nothing but pleasure inside of me. Making all kind of noises I never made before, Allen finger fucked me slowly. Driving me crazy every time he pushed inside, he twisted his fingers. Sending waves of pleasure through my body, He was an expert at teasing me. He knew just how to hit the spot I loved and also not to hit it. "You... enjoy... teasing me... don't you?" I managed to say panting heavily. "God yes your so cute!" He laughed and pulled out of me, giving me a kiss. "Good morning foxie, got some sleep?" "Mornin hon, slept like a stone with you in my arms. Now are you ready for the real thing?" He grinned "You won't hurt me right ?" I said with some fear inside me "Don't worry hun, ill be gentle you know I love you, how could I ever hurt you!" "Okay I'm also eager to try this" I giggled "Any position you can recommend ?" "Hm I have something in mind don't worry hon, how about a quick blow, to get me all slippery?" "Sure" I said placing his already hard cock inside my maw and licking it wet. "Good, now lay on your back and raise your hip a bit." He commanded. I did as I was told. He grabbed my knees and threw em over his shoulders. Moving my wings a bit I finally settled down, for what was next. He positioned himself against my hole and pushed gently inside of me. It went inside without much resistance since I was really relaxed, also his tongue and fingers made me loosen up a bit. "Your still very tight" He said in a shaky voice obviously loving the feeling inside of me. "I feel really... full... that normal?" "Yea just relax, like if you have to take a crap." He said but I had to laugh and did what I was told. Finally he pushed the rest of him inside of me. It hurt at first and I yelped a bit. But the pain gradually faded. "Ok..." I panted and told him to move a bit. Losing no time he started to pull out. No doubt it really felt like taking a crap at first, but as he suddenly pushed back inside of me, I kinda lost it and moaned in pleasure. I could see the grin on his face. He knew I loved the feeling and I could tell, he enjoyed it too. He build up a fast rhythm and sometimes pulled out completely, just to hammer it back inside. I however, loved that also if not even more then him. He came close to me licking my nose and started to kiss me, while pushing inside of me. I was so hard and wanted to paw me of but Allen stopped me. He pulled out of me and started to suck me of. "Why.. did you.. stop?" I said disappointed. "Wait and see." Was all he said as he stopped sucking. What he did next surprised me even more. He positioned himself above my cock and slid down on it, impaling himself. "GOD!" I shouted in pleasure. "See... hon" he said pulling me into another kiss. I pushed inside of him, and he yelped a bit at my size. ( Guess I'm a bit larger then what he is used to ) I giggled Our paws wandered around each other's body exploring every point that we could reach in that position. He definitely loved it, to be scratched behind his ears. And he found out, a certain scale on my belly, was very special too. I humped inside of him for some minutes, as he got off of me. He mentioned me in the position he wanted me to. Soon I found myself on all four and him above me. One of my favorites. Doggy! As he pushed inside of me, it felt quite good. Now I knew how it felt, to give and take. He humped inside me like a mad dog. His speed was like a rabbit but his force was more like a bear. I Growled in pleasure every time he pulled out completely, just to push back inside. At that point he could have asked anything, I would have done it as long as he continued with what he was doing. Lost in my lust I returned pretty fast, as I felt his paw on my cock and pawing me off. He was chewing on my right ear, licking it and moaning into it. My body was shaking from the pleasure I was getting. "I'm... Close..." I somehow managed to say.. "MeeeToooo" He said it like one word, it was kinda cute. I pulled him out of me and placed him into a seat next to my bed. He was surprised, but loved the idea. "I want to see you, when you cum in me" I said and impaled myself as I sat down in his lap. "One.. horny.. drag..on.." He said thrusting back inside of me. He pawed me off again and I knew, I couldn't handle this any longer. I worked my muscle every time he pushed inside, I squeezed around his cock. He moaned in pleasure and pawed me off, even harder and faster. Watching him closely as I pushed down with all my weight on him. His eyes popped open and made contact with mine. He stared at me as I Pulled myself up and down so hard, he never dared to do before. Panting and growling we kissed, but never closed our eyes. One last time I thrust down on him with all my weight, as I felt him hit my prostate. It never made contact before this was extremely good. I never felt anything like that before. I screamed in pleasure and screamed even more as I felt him cum deep inside of me. Every spurt of his cum hitting the spot next to my prostate. I came about 3 seconds after him. My cum hit his chest, stomach and myself everywhere. In my excitement I scratched Allen's back a bit. He felt a bit of pain but liked it. His cock deep inside of my now filled ass. His fur and my scales covered in my cum. We both just stared, at each other. Loving every second and still embraced in a deep kiss. As we broke the kiss you could see a lace of saliva running from his tongue, to mine. It split in half and hit both our chin's. I licked his strain away and he licked mine. I couldn't find any words to express myself, so I just hugged him. But he was also speechless, and held me close to himself. We stayed like this for some minutes, as i heard the phone rang. "I'm way to spend to get it, lets ignore it and sleep some more." I suggested. "Your command is my wish" Allen said and lifted me up but didn't pull out of me. I felt his cum oozing out of me and loved it. He put us back into the bed and held me close to him, pulling the covers over us. "Ill keep you warm the rest of the day, week, month, year and my life." He said gently kissing my forehead. "Please" I said drifting back into sleep, after one hell of a good morning. Guess what, yep, thats it :)

White + Black = Grey

1+2 was more story related 3 gets kinda yiffy enjoy "Dad! Let me go!" TJ barked at his father The Brown wolf didn't say a word closed the door leaving Kevin outside, who was in shock and didn't know what to do. Releasing his sons...

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White and Black pt.2

Had so much fun writing the first part even if you guys don't like it.. i did enjoy writing it :) Kevin was heading back to the Nurse Office with two big portions of Lasagne on a tablet. He was a bit nervous how to explain to TJ what...

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White and Black pt.1

Ok This is my First Story EVER if you like it let me know if not.. well too :) It was 6o'clock as TJ heard the alarm ring on his radio but all he could do was yawn and didn't give it to much thoughts, dreamily he was fast asleep...

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