Daring Clothes

Story by dismas on SoFurry

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#1 of Club Dragon

Two women go to a strange new fetish club on a dare and get far more than they anticipated

Shelly's broad grin grew wider. "C'mon, it'll be fun."

Kara started to shake her head in disagreement before responding with a frown, "It sounds weird and uncomfortable. I don't think that sounds fun at all." She went back to typing slowly on her computer.

"I think it will. So there, you scaredy-cat. But it's no fun alone so you have to do it with me. In fact, I dare you to try it and go with me." Shelly leaned in closer pulling the keyboard cord and subsequently the keyboard away from Kara's hands.

Kara's frown deepened. "That's right, I dare you! I bet you'd never do it. You're far too conservative, some might even say boring..." Shelly's eyes twinkled conspiratorially, her grin softening to a smirk.

"Which club is it that you want to go to? Why can't we just go to a regular dance club for fun like normal people? And why dress up in rubber? Of all your crazy ideas on what to do for the weekends this is by far the weirdest. Why, of all people, did I decide to befriend you upon coming here to work?" Kara slouched over the desk waiting for her friend's usual glib minimizing answers.

"You should know, I was the one who befriended you; you looked lost, so I decided to be your friend and guide. Anyways, I heard about this new club called 'The Dragon,' it's like a fetish dance club. So you have to wear something 'fetish' to get in. But I heard nothing weird happens there like freaky sex or drugs. So I thought it would be fun and different, and still safe. Loosen you up a little, baby! Besides I always kind of wanted to try something like that on. But I need company. Which is you. So you are coming. End of story."

"I don't know. I'll have to think about it." Kara's tone didn't sound too hopeful for Shelly. "Now give me back my keyboard so I can finish my work."

"Fine. Here. You better think about it. You're going to do it if you know what's good for me. And you." Shelly slid the keyboard back while pouting theatrically.

"Ok, ok. Get back to work already."

For the rest of the day whenever either of the girls passed each other Shelly made pleading motions. She sent numerous e-mails with single line messages like, 'Going?', 'Decided yet?', 'You are so going.' to which Kara never responded.

At the end of the day as Shelly and Kara were walking out of the lobby, Shelly cornered Kara for one last pitch. "I was hopeful, you know. I thought maybe you'd do it, but I guess not. That's ok, there will be other, more boring, clubs we can go to. Now I'll never see the inside of a place like 'The Dragon.' I bet you didn't even consider going, you just said you'd think about it to get me to stop."

Kara's eyes rolled so far back in her face it looked like she was passing out. She let out the longest sigh before jabbing what she considered was the nearest approximation of a "best friend" in the stomach with her finger. "Fine. Look. I'll go, but you know what? I'm only going if you wear something super slutty. You're going to pay for my company. Oh, you're going to pay big time."

Shelly's face betrayed a fraction of a frown before the huge grin from earlier in the day returned. "That's my girl, I knew you'd come around. Here is the address of The Dragon, they have a boutique where you can rent clothes connected to the club, so meet me there at 10pm. You're the best, Kara." After passing Kara a note with the address, she hugged her quickly and ran off to her car.

Kara shook her head and trudged to her own vehicle to go home for the day.

The taxi dropped Kara off outside a featureless black building, the nearby street lights seemed dim, but overhead the full moon shone brightly. A large green and gold sign reading "The Dragon" painted like scales illuminated two entrances. She walked towards the entrances, no sign of Shelly yet and Kara was 10 minutes late. One of the doors read boutique, the other was featureless. Maybe Shelly was inside the boutique waiting.

Kara hesitantly pushed the boutique door open, a strong smell of oil, leather, and rubber wafted out to greet her. Inside the lighting seemed a little off, and fairly dark. Walking inside she stepped past racks of strange outfits in leather, then racks of lycra and velvet, and finally, towards the back she spotted all the latex. She wandered nervously, pausing, almost daring to touch a few garments, before resuming to move and look. There was no sign of Shelly or someone who might be working there. Suddenly the door burst open and Kara whipped around to spot Shelly appear to explode into the building. She leaned over huffing for a few seconds, short of breath, and then stood up and brushed her blond hair out of her face. Her eyes lit up upon spotting Kara and she rushed over.

"Sorry I'm so late. My taxi didn't show up so I decided to drive. And then my car broke down like three blocks away so I decided to jog it a little. You came. You really came."

"May I help you?" Kara gave a short shriek and turned to see who had snuck up behind her. The girl was probably in her early twenties, she had short black hair and dark eyes. She wore a simple, black, leather, halter top, black rubber mini-skirt, black fishnet stockings, and black, leather, platform, heeled boots. "I am Raven, I will be your guide here." The girl smirked slightly as she said "guide." She was certainly black enough to be a raven, Kara thought.

Shelly leaned over Kara's shoulder, "My friend and I are looking for some, umm, rubber to wear to get into the club tonight."

Raven nodded, "Renting or buying?"

Before Shelly could respond to the question, Kara quickly interjected, "Just renting for now, thanks."

"Follow me then, our selection is in the back room."

After a few seconds of walking in silence, Kara couldn't hold back her concerns any longer, "These clothes are cleaned, right? I'm not looking for anything too provocative."

"Everything is very carefully hand cleaned and carefully taken care of. We take a lot of pride in what we create."

"You make them yourself here? Is it hard? I always wondered a little how this stuff was made," asked Shelly. They walked down a short hallway before turning into a small room that was lined wall to wall with racks of different clothing. "Say, why is the lighting so weird in here?"

"We don't make the clothes, though there are a few enthusiasts in the area that do. The lighting is weird, as you say, to protect the clothing. Latex is sensitive to some forms of light. Plus it helps the mood." Raven stopped to turn and face the two girls, "In here is all that we offer to rent. As a condition of renting and entering the club, you must wear nothing but latex and you must wear an undergarment. If you do not agree to this I must ask that you come again when you are ready, or buy what you'd like in the front room. I'm sorry, but there are no exceptions. In most cases, one size fits all, and you will find that as you progress right to left in the room the clothing becomes more 'provocative'," her eyes twinkled slightly as she said the word.

Kara stepped behind Shelly and whispered in her ear, "I almost hate you for this. But I'm still going through with it. And you had better too. Remember our agreement." She shoved Shelly to the left side of the room and walked to the right.

"Have fun." Raven's teeth shone brightly like the Cheshire cat's from the semi-darkness of the doorway. "Change rooms are through this door, I'll be waiting out front." Raven silently receded from the doorway like a mist.

Ok, kind of creepy, thought Kara, turning to browse the selection of latex.

Shelly laughed nervously from the other side of the room, "I don't..."

"You don't what? After all that talk and now you're the one not going through with it. If you can't decide, I'll decide for you."

Red and black cocktail dresses, skirts, what looked like basically a long tapering tube of rubber, jogging shorts, catsuits, long fishtail dresses; all sorts of colours, bright and smooth to the touch. Still, not really what Kara was comfortable wearing. She found some interesting jade green pants to wear. They were seamless, but had large holes running down the outside of the legs. After a few more minutes she found a yellow blouse to match it. It had a keyhole in the front, and similar holes down the outsides of the sleeves. "I think I found something I can wear. How about you?"

"I just can't decide, can I come over there to look please?" Shelly came rushing over.

"No. Now I get to decide for you." Kara laughed with delight, finally she was the one putting Shelly on the spot for once.

She picked out the first thing that caught her eye. A red and white striped corset. It was hung with a matching thong. "Here, this is for you. Now, what else."

"But I can't wear this!" Shelly started to protest trying to put it back.

"Don't you chicken out on me now. We'll find you a little more coverage." Kara walked back to the right side of the room and found a black mini-skirt with several ovals cut out along the sides. "This too."

For the first time Kara really noticed the large circular rack in the middle back of the room. On it were gloves, stockings, and underwear. She walked over and found some red stockings and long white opera gloves. "There. Now go put it all on. And no complaints!"

Kara picked out a couple small black gloves and socks for herself.

Shelly shuffled into the change room, her head hung low. While Kara waited outside for her turn she heard numerous loud grunts and small curses. After what seemed an eternity, Shelly re-emerged, looking a little sullen. At first Kara wanted to laugh. What a sexy looking stop sign. But she didn't want to hurt Shelly's feelings or try to find something to replace her selection. "Turn around, girl. Let's take a look at you."

Shelly turned around slowly. "I don't know if I got it right." Shelly's outfit was bunched up and twisted all over the place, looking fairly uncomfortable.

"Let's ask Raven for a little help then. Just wait here, mommy's going to make it all better."

Shelly stuck out her tongue and patted her ass in response.

Kara walked to the front where she found Raven reading a novel behind a glass case. "Raven, could you help my friend get clothes stuff on properly? We're not sure how to wear this... stuff."

"I always enjoy helping if it involves touching a woman's body." Raven smiled lecherously to which Kara hmmed inwardly.

Raven followed Kara back to where Shelly was pulling on various parts of her outfit. "Oh my, you poor little thing, you're all twisted up. Come with me." Raven took Shelly by the hand into the change room.

After a few more minutes of grunting and cursing, and unexpectedly some sneezing, Shelly and Raven re-emerged. This time Shelly looked a little happier, and a whole lot more stunning. Starting from her red stocking feet Shelly had become a vision in latex. The shiny red accented Shelly's long legs, outlining them perfectly. A thin band of bare skin showed where the top of the stockings fell short of the black mini-skirt. Shelly turned around slowly, wiggling her butt for show. The mini-skirt followed the sweet curve of her ass, each globe encased in smooth luscious black. Above this the red and white corset squeezed her waist in sharply and lifted her large breasts enticingly. Kara hadn't noticed before, but the corset's cups didn't even come close to fully covering Shelly's breasts, and Shelly was trying futilely to cover them with one arm. Kara could see that she had black nipple shields on, though, and smirked, this will teach Shelly a lesson. The white of the corset ran down the center, growing wider at the breasts, several white straps, outlined in red, served to tighten the corset in place in the front. One of Shelly's red gloved arms glided slowly over her latex covered body, while the other hung nervously over her front. Her expression was a mixture of awe, pleasure, and discomfort at being so revealing.

"Shelly, I hate to say it, but you're almost making me wish I enjoyed girls." Kara patted Shelly on the ass teasingly. "You look amazing."

"Would you like help as well? I notice you have no underwear for yourself. Don't forget our policy." Raven's expression became stern.

Kara had been hoping to get away with wearing her regular underwear without anyone noticing. Damn. She sighed inwardly to herself and went back to the central rack. The plainest looking panties she could find were black tangas, and a black tube top to match it.

"I recommend using the powder provided in the change room. It helped a great deal with your friend to get her outfit on right. It acts like a lubricant. If you need help just call out, I'll be waiting outside." Raven swung the change room door open for Kara as she approached and winked.

Inside was dimly lit like the rest of the store, but full length mirrors surrounded Kara on all sides giving her a good view of herself. In a corner was a shelf with some hooks under it to hang clothing. On top of the shelf was a tub of white powder like Raven had mentioned, beside it a small brush and a cloth. Kara carefully locked the door behind her and slowly started removing her clothing. When she was left with nothing but her black, lacy underthings, one of the very few and very secret pleasures she allowed herself, she paused, doubt growing. Her hands slowly reached behind to unclasp her bra, normally very dexterous, she fumbled clumsily unable to unhook it. She lowered her arms to her sides and looked at her almost naked reflection in the mirror. Her expression became firm and she chided herself. She couldn't back out now. Her hands went back to her bra and unhooked her bra, letting the straps fall down her shoulders, it slid off her breasts, to be caught by one hand. She stared a little absently at her dark reflection, the strange light giving her bare skin a blue-purple tinge. The bra fell from her hand, and she hooked her thumbs in the straps of her panties. Another pause, followed by a sigh, and she slid them down her long, toned legs.

Kara stood naked in the room, flooded again with uncertainty. The powder. She looked at the tub. 'Powder on with brush to ease the use of latex and vinyl products. Wipe away excess afterwards with cloth.' proclaimed the side of the tub in large block letters. She picked up the brush gingerly, her outfit pretty much covered her entire body, so she began to dust her entire body lightly with the powder. The powder shone luminescent in the room, accenting her soft curves. She picked up the black tangas, rubbing them between her fingers. It was an interesting texture, she got a small thrill at the prospect of wearing it.

She stepped her legs into the panties and pulled them up quickly. They slid smoothly and firmly into place, eliciting a small shiver. They were a little cold but quickly warmed up. Kara examined herself in the mirror while pulling her bra out of the bundle of clothes. It seemed her ass had never looked so perfect, glowing softly in the light. She pulled the bra on overhead, struggling for a little to slide it down over her breasts. With a pop it snapped into place in the front, only needing a little adjustment in the back. It's a good thing she had used the powder, she thought. The black latex contoured to the shape of her breasts, pushing them together a bit. She could see her nipples outlined perfectly in lustrous black, they were pert and stood out wantonly, making her feel doubly naked.

Kara picked up the jade trousers and wriggled them slowly up her legs and over her black clad bottom. They settled firmly into place and she slid her hands down her legs smoothing any wrinkles out. The dark green material was like a second skin over her legs, hugging them tightly. Along the sides her dark skin glowed from the white powder where the holes ran from just below her waist to above her ankles, showing bare skin. She examined her reflection, flexing and posing her legs. She looked pretty good, it was tempting to just go as is. But her turgid nipples concerned her. She picked up the blouse and slid it over her head, and tried working her arms down the sleeves. Her arms were becoming a little tired when she decided a different approach. She inserted one arm at a time in the shirt, and then bunched it over her head, pulling it down to her midriff. The sleeves needed adjusting to get the decorative holes lined up properly, but it fit snugly and amazingly comfortably. Before getting caught up in her appearance in the mirror, she decided to get the gloves and socks on. They rolled easily onto her feet, only taking a little more effort to fit properly on her fingers.

Kara took the cloth and wiped her body completely down, clothes and all, and then stood up to examine her new appearance. Standing in the mirror was a new person. Her dark asian looks, and shoulder length black hair adorned a body of beautifully toned latex. She licked her lips, partly out of nervousness, partly out of a budding desire. In the mirror the asian latex goddess licked her lips in sultry invitation. She leaned back and ran her black gloved hands over her body. Her pert breasts crowded out of the keyhole in the blouse, showing a hint of the black strapless bra. Her fingers left delicious feeling trails of sensation, gliding effortlessly over her sides then her hips, to rest on her thighs. Her reflection seemed to lean closer to the mirror, hands resting invitingly towards the inside of her thighs, her cleavage quivered momentarily. She looked amazing. Like waking from a dream, Kara stood up straight and remembered that her friend was still waiting for her outside. She picked up her clothes and nervously opened the door, stepping outside.

"Oh my god," Shelly breathed, "you are so incredibly hot. We are going to have some real fun tonight!" Apparently Shelly had gotten over any apprehension. She bounded over and hugged Kara quickly. "Come on, let's go already. I can't wait."

"Before going, there is the small matter of paying, ladies." Raven's voice was teasing, but as cool as ever. "But, I must say you did a good job of dressing yourself. It can be tricky sometimes."

"That powder helped a lot, I think. Let's go pay then."

While the rental fees were fairly steep, Raven assured them it was very cheap compared to buying, especially since it was only for the one night. "Be sure to bring the clothing back by 10PM tomorrow night. Or the late fees become rather steep. Have fun, ladies. Use this door."

Raven indicated a door to the side of her counter, haloed in red. With a light touch it swung open, leading down a short, dark corridor. As the two girls approached, the slow pounding of music resounded through the walls. The far door swung open to admit smoke, pulsing lights, and the heavy beat of music.

The girls peered about in the smoke and dancing lights, stumbling cautiously forward. Like a fog lifting, the smoke thinned and before them was what at first seemed a writhing orgy of glistening bodies. Creatures of latex performed a strange dance in time to the music. A bar with skeletal chrome stools stood to either side, with gasmasked bartenders. Kara took Shelly by the hand and went to the nearer bar, incredibly self-conscious again.

The bartender nodded his head silently forward, impressive in all black latex, waiting for their order. "Something strong please. Her to." Shelly was mostly gawking in wonder at the patrons and the interior of the bar. The bartender nodded, and produced twin silver goblets that appeared to be smoking lightly. She downed the drink in one motion, motioning Shelly to do the same. It had a flavour like anis and slid down her throat effortlessly. She motioned to the bartender to refill her cup. And promptly downed the second.

Men and women clad in a rainbow of colours, leather harnesses, simple to bizarre clothing, wandered, chatted, and touched each other. In the dance pit, bodies seemed to become indistinguishable, moving and gyrating to the music. Shelly had finished her drink, the alcohol gave Kara a growing courage. She dragged Shelly to the dance floor and as the alcohol overcame her inhibitions she found herself dancing increasingly erotic with those around her. Shelly's face, her bare breasts, some guy's tight ass, another women's lips all blended together in the smoke and lights drowning in music.

Her head was a sea of agony. She slowly rolled to her side and wiped her eyes out. She moaned and rolled about a bit before deciding to get up and get it over with. She came to a sitting position and realized she was still wearing the latex. She must have been really drunk.

She fumbled for a moment and then got a good grip on the bottom of the blouse, peeling it up over her head. Her gloves followed shortly. Then her bra worked it's way free of her body. She stood a little weakly, rolling the pants down. She peeled off the tangas and stumbled towards her bathroom. The water of the shower roared in her ears, slowly muting to barely tolerable. As she slipped a foot over the edge she realized she hadn't removed the socks yet. They quickly found a corner of the room and then she was being caressed by the hot water.

The hot water massaged Kara to a proper state of wakefullness. Her skin seemed to be stained by the nights activities. She took a bar of soap and began lathering her body, scrubbing gently at first. The stains weren't coming out. With an increased furver and panic she scrubbed her skin until she felt something give. Her skin had torn, but no blood was coming out. In fact, it didn't feel painful either. With a mixture of terror and wonder her fingernails picked at the rent. Beneath was bright yellow, like that of the shirt she had worn. More of the skin fell away, revealing bright yellow skin, flaky and pearlescent. Her fingers touched the yellow underneath, discovering it wasn't flaky but scaly. Scaly and rubbery feeling. Her knees lost all strength and she fell to the floor of the tub. The skin over her knees split, revealing jade green beneath. The split slowly spread up her thighs, dead skin falling away. She bent forward and started to sob into her hands, choking back after hearing a rip along her back.

Angry hands tore ferociously at the loose pieces of skin, pulling long translucent strips from her body. The pieces piled limply in the bottom of the bathtub, starting to clog the drain. Her breath came in short gasps, her black scaled hands rubbed fitfully at each other. Kara stood quickly and exited the shower, leaving the water running. The full length mirror along the back of the bathroom door startled her with an alien reptile vision.

Her face remained the same, but starting at the neck was bright yellow scales, going to black over her breasts, back to yellow down her navel. At her arms, her skin alternated yellow and flesh coloured scales where the holes had been. Her hips and vagina were purest black, and now hairless, changing to jade running down her legs, with the same flesh coloured circles. Her feet still had a few fragments of her old skin hanging to them, but were clearly black like her hands. She ran her hands over her stomach and felt the texture of scales, but supple and giving like the latex she had worn the night before. She looked like a brightly coloured, exotic snake women. Could the same have happened to Shelly?

Kara ran out to her room to pick up the phone, and began frantically dialing her friend's number. While it was ringing she heard a soft moan behind her. She turned, the phone falling away from her hand. Under what she had thought to a large pile of clothes, a red hand emerged. Kara reached over, dropping the phone, and pulled the blankets slowly away. Under it Shelly grinned sheepishly.

"I think we drank too much. You're still wearing your clothes. Oh, so am I." Shelly laughed nervously. She sat up, letting the blankets fall away. She too was still dressed. "How did I end up here?" Again the nervous chuckle. She turned to stand up, Kara could see what looked like fractures running up and down Shelly's back. Kara couldn't help but moan softly.

"Oh my god, not you too."

Shelly turned back to Kara, a concerned looked on her face. "What?"

"I'm not wearing the clothes anymore, Shelly. Look at me!" Kara gestured wildly at her own body, tears welling in her eyes again. "I'm some kind of freak. And it's happening to you too."

Shelly leaned over to look more closer, it wasn't until she was close that she realized Kara was serious. She reached out a hand to touch Kara's thigh and felt the strange latex scales. They were incredibly smooth and soft to the touch, but with the feel usually associated to snakes and reptiles. Shelly found herself enraptured by the feeling of Kara's new skin. "It's real." She breathed.

She turned over to crawl closer to Kara and in the process felt her skin strangely give way across her legs, arms, and the back of her torso. She stopped to examine herself, but her clothing covered the areas in question. Shelly quickly removed a one of the gloves from her arm, a large amount of her old skin came away with it. Under was a sensuous white scaly latex skin. She flexed her arm in surprise, splaying her fingers wide. She pulled off a stocking, more skin peeled away with it, revealing red scales. With growing alarm Shelly stripped off all her clothes. Her black nipple shields came last, revealing large black nipples quivering on a mound of flesh coloured scaly breast.

Shelly's fingers slowly ran all over her body, squeezing, pinching, and caressing her new rubbery flesh. Her movements slowed as well as her breathing, soft breathy exhales built to very low moans. Her fingers rolled and caressed her nipples, one hand sliding to stroke the inside of her thigh. She looked over at Kara slowly.

"I never told you before, Kara. But I'm bisexual. I've always really liked you." Her hand crept inside the juncture of her thighs, idly stroking her pearly white crease. "I feel like never before. God you look so hot."

Shelly leaned towards Kara, crawling across the bed. Kara found herself recoiling in horror but unable to move. What was happening to her and Shelly. "Please stop. Let's think about this. Are you ok, Shelly?"

"Never felt better, darling." Shelly's hand reached out to Kara, brushing her thigh. To Kara it seemed like Shelly slithered across the bed like a snake. Shelly's fingers firmly gripped Kara's thigh, her other hand crept around to cup her ass. She pulled Kara closer, burying her face in Kara's crotch. "You smell so good." Her tongue flicked out and licked Kara's outer lips.

Kara shivered, fear overwhelming the heightened feelings of pleasure emanating from Shelly's ministrations. "Please... don't. Please stop. This isn't right. We should be looking for help." Her hands weakly tried to push Shelly away.

"No no no, I can tell that you want this. You need it." Her white thumbs parted Kara's new black lips, showing in stark contrast. Her tongue buried itself in Kara's folds and slowly flicked over her nubbin of pleasure. Kara felt the strength leaving her legs and slowly slid down the side of the bed and onto the floor. Shelly pouted at losing her meal, but slithered over the edge of the bed, taking care to give extra attention to Kara's ebony breasts, licking each erect nipple, her tongue glided over her stomach, before settling back in the black valley between her thighs.

"Uhnnn, please Shelly, stop!" Her words rose to a yell but she found herself unable to resist. Shelly just smiled, her tongue delving deeper. Kara's breathing quickly grew ragged as her will to resist crumbled. As she approached her first orgasm, her hips began bucking and her whole body shook from the sensations building from her pussy. Shelly looked up with a grin, licking her lips.

"Kara, you taste wonderful. But I'm not done." She slid fully off the bed, and crawled over Kara's prone form, positioning her thighs to either side of Kara's head. Her fingers wormed back inside Kara, white snakes wriggling in the moist cleft of her dark sex. As Kara quickly built to another orgasm, she breathed in the heady aroma of Shelly's desire. A few drops dribbled over her lips, and she inadvertently tasted it. She found her mouth parted, almost against her will her tongue reached out and touched the moist folds. Kara was rewarded with more of the same strange delicious flavour. Her second orgasm struck leaving her breathless and weak, and her hands reached up to grab Shelly's scaly bottom for support. Her face almost instinctually buried itself in Shelly and she lapped at Shelly's juices in earnest.

Both girls laid across the floor, their legs entwined. Kara had a hand buried in her snatch, slowly pleasuring herself, while the other rolled her budded scaly nipple. She moaned softly in pleasure, rubbing Shelly's leg with hers. Shelly watched Kara raptly, one of her own hands slowly stroking her own breast.

"You know Brad in accounting? What about him?" Shelly tilted her head in question.

"No, honey, unnhh, how about Jason the shipping boy?"

"He's too skinny. James, the IT guy?" She leaned over and nuzzled against Kara's side.

"Ok. You call him, I'm busy." She laughed lightly. "Tell him blue and black. Or white. Blue and white. I don't know. What do you think?"

Shelly found the company directory listing and called James. "James, this is Shelly, remember me? How would you like to go out dancing tonight? Kara will be with us. We'll be coming back to her place afterwards, you know." Shelly gave James all the details of The Dragon, including the strict dress code. "Relax, it'll be lots of fun. Try to pick out something in black or blue. And another colour of your choice. We'll be waiting inside the club. See you there."

Kara had crawled over to Shelly, and her black fingers parted Shelly's white folds as Shelly hung up the phone. "I think I owe you a couple yet, baby."

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