Chapter 5: Special Delivery, or Do You Believe in Sandy Claws?

Story by Espera on SoFurry

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#5 of Shadina's AO Video Game Adventure

Shadina's AO Video Game Adventure

Chapter 5: Special Delivery, or Do You Believe in Sandy Claws?

Life has been getting quite exciting for our feline heroine. After being browbeaten into continuing her quest, she set forth to use her new magely powers to save yet another town from tyranny. On her way through the Morningwood, she met and teamed up with the lovely raptoress Talon, who informed her that the plot of the nefarious villains was to enforce abstinance on the undeserving people of Talon's home town. Arriving on the deplorable and depressing scene, they quickly found the leader of the heartless brutes and defeated the boss monster which was his largest military asset. Following that, they freed the goddess Anaconda, trapped in her own temple, who promptly ran the villains completely out of town, freed the townspeople from their sexual captivity... and then claimed Shadina and company as her servants?!


Surrounded on all sides by a serpentess who easily rivaled a train in her dimensions, Shadina felt it would be wise to hear the goddess's request. She wasn't completely opposed to the idea anyway. She had to admit, she found snakes fairly sexy, and macro things as well, and so a macro snake goddess scored major points on her hot-o-meter. Glancing at her raptoress team-mate, she noted that Talon seemed to share the sentiment, perhaps even more so. Of course, this was Talon's goddess, after all.

"How may we be of service?" Shadina asked, trying all at once to sound respectful, maintain her dignity, and keep her arousal under control. Talon nodded emphatically to back her up. Anaconda smiled broadly, leaning her head down to get a little closer to the two.

"Take off your shorts and lay down." She said in her amazingly gentle voice. Talon nearly fainted. Even Shadina felt a little light-headed. What was this lovely serpent goddess going to do to them? What COULD she do to them? Still, there was no denying her request. Stowing her magely staff for the time being, the panthress began to strip off her tight, cotton shorts. Talon didn't wear any clothing anyway, so she simply, somewhat awkwardly, settled herself down, legs spread submissively. Once her shorts were off, Shadina settled to the paving stones beneath them with a bit more grace, but likewise spread her legs. Anaconda smiled at them. "Very good. Now relax, don't be alarmed, and don't fight this," she advised them.

The two found out what 'this' was rather quickly, as a writhing mass of snakes poured forth from a slit between the scales of the goddess's underbelly that the adventurers hadn't really noticed, with all their attention focused on the giant serpent's face. Many of these snakes were comparitively slim, with one exception. They were all quite long, it seemed, none of them ever completely leaving the goddess's body. All the slim ones made their way to Talon, and without exception, began pushing their heads into her vaginal slit and slithering their way up towards her womb. Shadina found that one exception, a monster of a snake a full four inches in diameter slithering at her slit, and with no consideration or preparation, pressing itself in, spreading her intensely wide, making her yowl in mixed pain and pleasure as it slithered into her body.

"Very good. Are you enjoying it? I am. Those are all a part of me. I can feel all of them. Your insides feel very nice. I'd love it so much if you came for me. It'd be such a wonderful offering," Anaconda told them. Hardly had she said the words 'came for me' that Talon tensed hard thrusting her hips up, crying out her lust and worship as her cunt gushed hot orgasmic oils over the multitude of snakes, who, for their own part, pushed their heads into her womb. Shadina required a little more coaxing. She played with her tits, felt the snake slither and squirm in her sex, stroked the protruding length of the soft-scaled creature, and gazed longingly at the massive serpent-cunt from which it emerged, and finally, bucking in the air, moaning in crescendo, she finally hit her peak, her cunt clenching down just a bit on the snake filling her so completely, and covering it in her essences, feeling it swallow some of them down, and grunting as she felt it force its way into her womb. Anaconda sighed happily.

"Mmm... that was wonderful. Now, for the real task I wish of you." she intoned. Neither Shadina nor Talon could imagine what the goddess had in store for them, but it became much more obvious when bulges began moving down the bodies of the snakes whose heads were buried in their wombs. Still recovering from their orgasms, they could only watch as the fat lumps made it to their vaginal lips, spreading them yet wider and pushed into their bodies. It was a bit of a different experience for each of the two. Talon was being bombarded by a swarm of small lumps randomly slipping into her, being deposited in her womb in the form of small spheres. Shadina found herself nearly split over the single spherical object being pushed through her birth canal up into her womb, being deposited there and making her look a fair bit pregnant. Once all the things, undoubtedly eggs, were deposited, the various snakes began their retreat back from the two adventurers into Anaconda's body.

During all that, the goddess's face had been somewhat strained, as if feeling the effort of pushing each and every last eggg into them, and yet it seemed like a pleasurable exertion, and when all of her snakes had retreated, she let out a mighty sigh, and a thick, heavy gush of serpentine essence flooded from her cunt and soaked the flagstones below her. The two adventurers, now with swollen tummies, were once again brought to the edge of passing out from the sight of her orgasm, and the divine scent of her cum, especially after what they'd just been through, but luckily, they managed to maintain their consciousness.

"Now..." Anaconda began again "to the east of here, there are mountains, and beyond them, a desert. In the midst of the north of the desert, there is yet another mountain with a cave. You are to deliver my children to that cave, and in its cool depths, lay them. You shall not want for water or nurishment while in the desert, for my children will provide. Do this for me, and you will be rewarded."

Shadina looked down at her swollen tummy somewhat forlornly. "oooh... I'm knocked up..." she grumbled, but then nodded to the goddess. "Alright... sure... doesn't look like we got much choice anyway... Besides, that was really hot... and who doesn't want to do favors for sexy goddesses?"

"What she means to say is that we're greatly honored, divine mistress," Talon chimed in, earnng her a somewhat sharp look from Shadina. Anaconda smiled again. The two adventurers picked themselves up, and Shadina put her shorts back on.

"Very good. Farewell for now. I look forward to your success," the serpent goddess replied, and with amazing speed and grace, she slithered back into her temple, leaving the pair to face a crowd of onlookers, many of whom promptly dove upon the big puddle of divine cum to taste their share of it. Many of the rest ran after Anaconda, going into the temple. The remainder watched in awe as Shadina and Talon made their way to the Equiptment shop, previously closed by the mysterious villains, and proceeded inside.

A handsome raptor male a rich emerald green in color stood behind a brod counter, waiting patiently for customers to come along. When Shadina and Talon approached, he smiled. "What can I get you ladies?"

"Do you have any staves for Seduction mages? And do you have any weapons for raptor fighters?" Shadina asked.

"As it so happens, we do have a staff called the Serpent Staff. It has 3 more Attack then your current staff, and a 25% chance to inflict poison on enemies you strike with it. As for your lovely friend, we have Iron Talon Caps, which should increase her Attack by 7." the shopkeeper answered. Shadina payed the appropriate amount of GUCUs and exchanged her old staff for the new one, which was decorated at the top with a cobra's head. Talon got a set of caps for her toe claws which she applied immediately.

"Also, I want 5 Okay Potions, and 2 Friend Revivers," Shadina ordered. The shopkeeper retrieved them, and Shadina paid appropriately.

"Thank you for shopping, come back soon, and congradulations!" the shopkeeper told them. Shadina grumbled a bit. Talon rubbed her tummy and thanked the shopkeeper blissfully, and the two headed out.

Having collected their supplies, the two left town and proceeded the short way to Bold Pass, the only way into the desert through the mountains. Despite not having any real civilization in it, the two found they had to cross the pass in real time, trudging their way through the barren and rocky path with the towering walls of ancient rock to either side of them. It was dull and uneventful until they came across another person blocking the path. It was a tall, thickly-muscled and well-endowed goat man weilding a spear.

"Haaaaaalt! This is a toll road." he told them as they came into speaking distance. Shadina rolled her eyes and huffed.

"You've GOT to be kidding me! Can't you see we're... " She grit her teeth in frustration. "... BUSY?!"

"Surely, the nice man can tell we're on important business from Anaconda herself. He wouldn't want to interfere with a divine quest," Talon said, still rubbing her tummy proudly.

"Are you kidding?" the goat replied. "I don't caaaare what you're doing, or how much you've been eating. This is still a toll road."

"If you think we're gonna screw you, you're outta your mind!" Shadina snapped back.

"No waaaaay!" the goat protested. "I just waaaaant your money and vaaaluables! I don't screw faaaaat chicks!"

"Fat?! FAT?! THAT'S IT! YOU'RE GOING DOWN!" Shadina stormed.

"Oh no..." Talon mumbled quietly. Reality fluttered, and the three ended up on the battlefield. It was Shadina's turn, and she was pissed more than she'd ever been pissed before.

"Pregnant Beatdown!" she declared loudly as she began beating the goat every which way with her new staff. It was fast, it was brutal, and it would have made even the most vicious warrior wince as again and again, her staff crashed into another part of the goat's anatomy. When finally, she was done, she returned to her spot, panting, and the goat was in critical condition. "Finish him off, Talon! He can't talk to us like that!" she ordered her friend.

"Well... alright..." Talon said, more intimidated by her irrational companion than she was inspired to perform brutality on the goat. She moved into attack position and gave him a solid side kick that put him squarely on his back. At that point, the battle ended. As the two passed by the still supine goat, he could hear the panthress grumbling about how lucky he was they went easy on him.


The trip through the desert was marked by a couple of strained battles with scorpions, antlions and mobile cacti, not to mention Shadina's grumblings, mood-swings, cravings and nausea, as well as Talon's bliss, maternal fantasizing, attempts to count the number of eggs inside her, and naming each and every one of them. Finally, after an unknown period of this torment, they arrived at Mt. Shykunt, the lonely mountain in the midst of the Aggoni Desert.

What Anaconda had described as a cave in the mountain seemed to Talon and Shadina to be little more than a cleft in the rock, just large enough for the two to slip in sideways. So they did, pressing their way carefully between the jagged rocks, careful for their swollen tummies, glad the eggs they were carrying weren't larger or more numerous yet.

"You'd think... by the feel of it... that the cave doesn't WANT to be entered..." Shadina grumbled. She proceeed up the gentle upward gradient as she did her best to avoid sharp outcroppings at inconvenient places.

"Ooo, I hope it doesn't scratch any of my babies..." Talon whined as she followed, taking particular care not to let the tight passage of rock compress her tummy as best she could.

"Don't worry about it... You've got you between the rock and your babies. It can't scratch them." Shadina reassured her. Finally, she slipped into a much more open chamber, lit by a shaft above that let in some sunlight. "Oouf... we made it. Yeesh." She helped Talon out of the narrow passage as well. The chamber was the size of a modest room with a raised area, which they were standing on, and a smooth depression all around them which seemed like it was meant to be filled with water, but was currently dry.

Suddenly, Talon gasped. "Something's happening!" She gripped her stomach, trembling. Shadina turned to watch her, but soon felt something in her own womb. The egg inside her was squirming violently. She thought she was going to be ill, and then she heard, and even felt a crack as the large egg inside her broke open. Talon was already stepping into the depression, laying down as a slim, sleek snake head began to slither from her slit. Shadina felt the same impulse, moving to the middle of the depression and settling down, her legs spread wide as she felt the squirming in her womb intensify. The snake was pouring out of its egg, was eating its egg, and was growing.

The panthress breathed hard, her breasts heaving in their magic sports bra as she watched her tummy swell further and further. She wasn't even sure how she could hold it all, and yet it felt very erotic, her cunt getting very wet from the feelings inside her. She began to truly sense the life, even the mind, the presence of the creature in her womb. It was female, sensual, a young goddess in her own right, and she was sending waves of pleasure through the panthress's body.

Talon cried out as a mass of snakes poured from her cunt all at once. It seemed like there were dozens of them, maybe close to a hundred slim, sleek snakes covered in her juices slithering forth from her body. The black raptoress looked like she was in heaven as she gave live birth to the lesser children of Anaconda.

Shadina began bucking her hips and moaning instinctively from the pleasure eminating from her womb, from the young goddess who, without even touching any of the flesh of her sex, was bringing her to the heights of orgasm with her magical, divine presence alone. The panthress shivered and tensed, and just as a mind-blowing, body-rocking orgasm had marked the egg's entrance into the big kitty's body, so too did it herald her exit. A long, sleek blue-green constrictor, not unlike the snake-tentacle that had injected the egg in the first place slithered smoothly from Shadina's cunt, coated in the panthress's orgasmic cum. It took many long moments for the new serpent to pull completely free from Shadina's body, and every moment of it was bliss for the adventuress.

When finally, the newborn goddess was free, she turned to face her surrogate mother. Even now, water was beginning to collect under her, very slowly filling the basin. The snakes Talon had delivered slithered over to surround their new divine mistress.

"Thank you," said the new river goddess. "You have fulfilled the task my mother set before you, and as she promised, you will be rewarded." As if summoned, an image of Anaconda appeared in the air above the adventurers and the snakes. She smiled down at Shadina and at her newborn daughter.

"It is through performing the task that you earned your reward. I need do nothing more. A tiny bit of my daughter's divine essnce has merged with you, and granted you a new transformation, should you choose to use it. The invocation for the new transformation is 'River Merge'. You will find that in that beautiful form, not only are you strong and venomous, but able to breathe under water and swim as well." the image of Anaconda told Shadina.

"What about me? Did I get anything?" Talon asked. The image turned to her as if a little surprised.

"Oh... right... you... Um.. yes, you got a special attack that inflicts poison, and the ability to swim and breathe underwater, too." Anaconda told her before turning her attention back to Shadina. "Thank you for what you have done. Not only have you given my daughter a new home and birthright, but you've made possible the transformation of the Aggoni Desert into a place of life and fertility. Give Night my regards, and visit my temple whenever you're around." With that, the image faded.

Shadina scrambled to the upper part of the chamber as the water filling the basin threatened to soak her. "Night... almost forgot about you. Any other secrets or plans you want to inform me of before volunteering me again?" she thought accusingly at the shadow goddess residing in some of her garments.

"Nope." Night replied coyly. "I think I'll keep a grip on my secrets for now, but I will tell you that your task here in the desert is done, and its high time we go item hunting. We've got a lot of side-quest stuff to take care of if we're going to get the best items and such later on." Shadina sighed in exasperation, collapsing on the rock below her.

"When will it end?!"

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