
Story by Taki on SoFurry

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#1 of Invasion

Author's note: I know editing this is going to bump the story to the front page and make me look like an attention-whore, and I apologize for that. I wrote the original version of this in a single 24 hour period, which was a fun challenge. While it was decent given that limitation, I was never really happy with it (especially the parts I wrote at 2 AM)._ I cleaned it up a bit and added some detail that I thought I was a bit short on in the original. If you somehow can tell what was changed and prefer the original version, it's available on request. Just drop me a PM or IM. As always, comments make me want to write more, so please let me know what you think, be it positive or negative._

The otter squinted as he maneuvered the robotic arm arm. His right arm was encased in a sensor sleeve, allowing the mechanical limb to copy his every movement on the other side of the thick Lexan viewing window. He gingerly lifted a metallic cylinder from a large foam-filled box, setting it gently on the inspection table. It had the appearance of brushed aluminum, about a foot in diameter and two feet in length. "Hey Vickie, where did we get this one?" he called to his coworker.

"Some podunk town in Iowa. Fucking destroyed a farmer's tractor when it landed. We told him it was a part off an airplane, and we had to take it for a safety inspection," the lynx said from her computer across the room.

"People still believe that lame-ass story?" the otter asked with a chuckle.

"They do after you erase most of their memories of the event."

Bill picked up the cylinder again, searching for a sign of an opening. None of the other ones had any discernible features, but it was worth a shot. With a sudden hiss and a burst of steam, the bottom of the cylinder fell off, clattering onto the table below. A gelatinous goo slowly slid out, plopping onto the inspection table and jiggling slightly.

"What the shit was that, Bill?" Vickie yelled, glancing up at the metallic clang.

"The son of a bitch opened!" the otter shouted in surprise.

"Bullshit! None of them have ever opened before," the lynx insisted, walking over until she could see through the window. She blinked at the sight before her. A translucent pink cylinder quivered gently on the table, having retained the shape of its container even after hitting the surface. "Well, I'll be damned."

The otter poked at it with the robotic arm, causing a sustained jiggling but no other response. "This is a bit disappointing. We invest all kinds of resources into recovering these things when they land and all we get is an intergalactic Jello mold?"

"Don't underestimate it. We don't know what exactly these things are," Vickie admonished. She walked closer to the observation window, hoping to see more detail in the mysterious cylinder. When she got within a couple feet, the pink object leapt into motion, almost instantly extruding a dozen tentacles in the direction of the lynx and pounding against the Lexan window.

"Shit!" the female yelled as she leapt away. She stumbled backwards several feet until she was next to the otter, whereupon the pink entity ceased its movement, retracting the tentacles and returning to an immobile pink cylinder once more. "What the fuck was that?" Vickie gasped.

"I guess it likes females. Can't say I blame it," Bill said. "Why don't you go inside and get a closer look?"

"Fuck you Bill, I'm not going near that thing," the lynx said shakily, slowly recovering from the shock. "We're going to need a test subject. A female, obviously."

"I'll put in the request."

Mai fumed silently as she walked down the empty street. She had stayed after school for cheerleading tryouts, but had received only ridicule when she showed up to the field. She received enough teasing on an ordinary day for being slow to develop curves, but the cheerleaders had been absolutely vicious. They didn't care how good she was at gymnastics or how cute she looked doing routines with her long striped tail trailing behind her. They just told her there was no room for a little kid on the team and sent her packing.

Mai hated her figure, or rather her lack of one. Most people assumed she was much younger than she was out of honest miscalculation, but the girls at school treated her that way intentionally, purely to rile her. Of course, being a red panda, and therefore smaller than any of the wolves or large cats on the team didn't help. She knew if she could just grow a decent pair of breasts, most of the teasing would stop, but the front of her school uniform remained disappointingly flat.

She continued alone down the street. Her usual walking companions had all left school at the usual time, and Mai had expected to be able to find someone at the tryouts to make the trip with, but she couldn't stand to stick around and wait. She was so lost in her own self pity she almost missed the wolf approaching from the other direction.

"Excuse me young miss, but do you have the time?" he asked politely.

"Oh! Um, sure one sec," the surprised girl said, digging in her bag for her cell phone. As soon as she was distracted, a strong pair of arms gripped her from behind. "Hey! What-" she yelled before she felt a pinch in her arm and everything went black.

Vickie watched through the observation window as Mai was dumped through the test chamber's airlock. "What the hell? A young girl in a school uniform? How the fuck did she get chosen?"

"The collection team said it would be appropriate," Bill answered, watching alongside her.

"What a bunch of perverts. They were probably already parked outside a school when the call came in," the lynx scoffed.

Inside the chamber, Mai slowly awoke from her chemically-induced sleep. She sat up and took in the room, noting the nearly featureless metallic walls and the very sturdy looking metal door. She stood and walked over to the portal, yelling, "Hey! Where am I? Let me out!" No response came, so she attempted to bang on the door, succeeding only in hurting her hand. "Ow!" she said, shaking her arm vigorously.

Her gaze settled on the table under a mirrored section of the wall. The translucent pink cylinder stood proudly there, capturing her attention. "If you wanted me to try your new Jello flavor, you could have just asked!" she yelled to the empty room.

"I told you," Bill said smugly, elbowing the lynx.

"Oh be quiet."

Growing curious, Mai approached the strange object. It really did look like a block of gelatin, though she'd never seen any in light pink before. She reached out a black-furred hand to poke at it and suddenly found herself pinned against the nearest wall by several pink tentacles. The movement had been so quick that she barely felt it. She stared at the appendages stretching from her arms back to the Jello-thing and let out a piercing shriek.

The tentacles whipped back into the cylinder, which began vibrating as if in intense pain. Mai dropped to the floor as she was released, thumping against the hard surface. As soon as she paused her scream to take a breath the tentacles were upon her again. This time one of them found it's way into her mouth, sliding past her teeth and down her throat, muffling any further yells.

"Hmm, note that. It didn't like the scream," the lynx instructed.

"Maybe she has bad breath," the otter suggested, receiving a silent glare in response.

Meanwhile, the entity had resumed it's attack on the young red panda. Several tentacles wrapped around her body and lifted her into the air, making her kick her legs ineffectually. She took a few angry swipes ad the tentacles, but her claws passed through them like the gelatin they resembled. Four thick projections wrapped around her limbs, restraining her movements. Muffled cries filled the room as she struggled ineffectually against her attacker.

The girl pulled harder when the tentacle filling her mouth began pulsating down its length as it pumped a strange liquid down her esophagus. Mai whined, but could do nothing to stop it as the substance began to affect her. An odd weight filled her limbs, causing her struggles to weaken as a warmth built from her midsection. Her fur fluffed up and an intense tingling built up in some very private areas.

The panda's thoughts grew slightly fuzzy. She started to wonder how she could get more of the wonderful juice she was being made to drink. The bits that leaked onto her tongue were delicious, like a combination of every sweet fruit she had ever tasted.

She watched with mild interest as two smaller tentacles began doing an inventory of her, rubbing against every exposed bit of fur they could reach. Mai laughed lightly as they tickled the insides of her round ears and the tip of her muzzle. They traced around her fingers and across the sensitive pads of her feet, setting the girl giggling harder around the tentacle in her mouth. Running out of exposed sections to caress, the tentacles dove down through the collar of her uniform before pulling back, popping off the buttons and exposing her flat braless chest.

Mai struggled weakly as she was stripped. The thing was being mean again! The tasty liquid seeping onto her tongue and filling her stomach wasn't quite enough consolation for having her uniform ruined. A tentacle latched onto each of her nipples, coating them in a pink slime and causing them to tingle fiercely. The panda moaned at the friendly touch of the tentacles as they seemed to lick at her breasts. The creature rubbed across her erect nipples and bright lights seemed to twinkle across her vision. She didn't know what it had done to her nipples, but they had never felt like that before. Maybe it wasn't being mean after all.

Without letting up on the assault of her breasts, the pink cylinder extruded another appendage, this one ducking under the girl's skirt and pulling at her panties. Mai let out another muffled yell. Not there! Nobody else had ever touched her most intimate spots. No matter how good it made her feel, she wouldn't let the creature do that. She attempted to bring her tail down between her thighs to protect herself but it was quickly gripped and maneuvered out of the way. Her cute pink panties were torn fiercely off, allowing the creature access to her exposed nethers. The tentacle sprayed more of the pink liquid against her sex and tailhole.

"You think that's the same stuff it's sending down her throat?" Vickie asked the otter.

"I'm not sure, but I'm starting to wish I had brought some popcorn," he replied.

The red panda mewled as a fire erupted in her loins. The lips of her sex swelled and her inner moisture joined the liquid from the tentacle. She felt empty, needy. Her hips bucked involuntarily, seeking the penetration she had been primed for. Mai whined more loudly, desperate to be filled. The smooth gelatinous limb probed against her eager slit, gently spreading her sensitive lips. The heat and wetness doubled at the slight intrusion, cuing the tentacle to spear deep into her pussy. It tore through her virginity before increasing in size, stretching the girl's passage from inside. The sudden fullness and movement against her sensitized walls sent Mai into an immediate orgasm. Her arms and legs pulled violently against her restraints as she twitched in release.

The tentacles showed no sign of stopping. Even before her climactic shaking slowed, a new growth began pressing on her tailhole, coating it liberally with liquid before sinking deep into her tight, virgin rear. She felt a brief twinge of pain at the new entrance, but it faded quickly with the aphrodisiac effects of the creature's fluids. Mai moaned in heated pleasure, no longer caring how wrong this was as long as the creature kept up it's movements. The tentacles swelled, stretching her sex and tailhole wide as it pumped more pink liquid deep inside her. Her belly distended as her stomach and womb filled up with the entity's emissions.

She continued to thrust in time with the tentacles, helping them move in each of her tight passages. The deep internal rubbing sent her to heights of pleasure she didn't believe possible, even as she experienced them. Nothing she had heard about, nothing she had ever done to herself late at night under her covers could compare to this. The pleasure ate at her thoughts, chasing away any idea that might result in this wonderful feeling coming to an end.

With her eyes closed in rapturous delight, the girl didn't notice the other effect the strange liquid was beginning to have on her. Working from within, the substance started to alter her body, changing it's shape to better fit the creature's unknown purposes.

"Holy shit. Look at her breasts," the otter observed. The panda's flat chest was but a memory. Twin swellings grew slowly from her torso, small at first but inflating past what would be appropriate for her slim frame to a set of mammaries that would make a fertility goddess jealous. With her new breasts grown to full size and being fondled by the tentacles, the expansion spread down her body. Soon her thin waist spread out into womanly hips, her softening rear pressing into the wall she remained pinned against.

Suddenly the tentacles filling the girl ceased all movement. Two dark shapes coalesced inside the main body of the creature, the first indication of any difference in composition.

"What the fuck is it doing now?" the lynx asked in wonder.

Her answer came soon enough, as the darker round shapes began to migrate down the tentacles residing in each of Mai's orifices. The girl groaned in a mixed ecstasy and pain as the thick shapes pressed at her hyper-sensitive slit and rear. They were surprisingly large, and didn't give like the tentacles did. A bit of fear penetrated Mai's pleasure haze. Was it going to go about its task no matter what it did to her? She attempted to pull back, but any movement away from one intruder put more pressure on the other.

"What do you think, some kind of egg?" the otter guessed.

"No, it's just hiding some nuts for the winter." The lynx rolled her eyes.

The eggs pressed harder into the panda, slowly stretching her young sex and pucker wider. She squinted against the pain and silently urged the creature on. With a sudden surge, the round objects slipped into the girl, tearing another muffled scream from her. The eggs slid down her dual channels, squeezing her walls between them and carrying her to new heights of euphoria. She thrashed in the creature's embrace, longing for deeper penetration, to be filled more completely than she already was. Another shove pressed an egg firmly against her g-spot, and Mai exploded into another fierce climax. Several seconds or an eternity of pleasure later, both eggs were lodged deep within her, the tentacle in her sex depositing its payload directly into her fertile womb.

The peak brought on by her impregnation spiraled higher, colored spots filling Mai's vision as her body overloaded with sensation, finally causing her to pass out as she was gently lowered to the floor. Her final thought was of how wonderful it would be if she could do this forever.


Mai woke suddenly as a hiss of air signaled the opening of the door. She tried to stand and immediately fell back to the floor as her new breasts overbalanced her. Thankfully, the added padding around her hips and rear cushioned her fall. The girl stared in delight at her transformed body. The huge breasts and wide hips were more than she ever remembered wanting, but nothing could make her happier. Her new body was perfect for her what she had to do. The enhancement of her figure wasn't the end of her changes. Her coloring had been altered: the tan stripes on her tail had turned a vibrant pink, and her former reddish-orange sections were a deep maroon.

She reached up and squeezed her right breast, causing a thick spray of pink-tinted milk to erupt from the nipple along with a strong spike of pleasure. She felt a stream of liquid flow from her slit as thoughts of sex sprang to her mind.

A rustling from the doorway caught her attention, and she spun to face the otter, who had entered wearing an environmental suit. Only his face was visible inside the fully-sealed rubber suit, and Mai could see the nervousness in his eyes.

"Um, hi, young lady," he started, "I need to get a blood sample from you. Would that be ok?"

Mai nodded. She knew that she couldn't leave the room on her own, and playing along might be her only hope of escape. The otter crouched next to her, gently taking her arm and sinking a needle into her vein.

The sudden pinch of pain triggered a new instinct in the girl, and she lashed out at the man, scratching three deep furrows through his suit with her claws.

Bill dove backward and clutched his suit, feeling where it had been sliced cleanly through. "Fuck fuck fuck!" He dashed back toward the door. "These things are supposed to be more durable than that!" He banged on the door, wishing they had supplied emergency controls inside the test chamber. "Open the fuck up!"

The lynx spoke calmly over the intercom. "Sorry, Bill. I have to assume you're infected now"

"Dammit Vickie, you bitch! Don't leave me in here with her!" he yelled, the panic growing in his voice. He looked around at the panda, who looked back curiously from the floor. A delicious scent was reaching him through the tears in his suit, and he knew it was coming from her. Gods, she smelled good. It was like cinnamon, and citrus fruit, and sex. He saw the drops of milk leaking from her breasts and wondered what it tasted like. Surely it couldn't hurt to just try a little bit. The otter slowly removed the hood of the suit and moved closer to the girl.

Bill's eyes glazed over as he took in the panda's beauty. He needed to be closer to her. He would do anything she asked, follow her to the ends of the Earth, or further. A voice in the back of his mind was yelling that something wasn't right, that he was being controlled, but he payed it no mind. "Please, Mistress, can I..." he couldn't finish. He wasn't even worthy of speaking to a creature of such glory. To his delight, she nodded, and he moved his head down to her bust, encircling a large nipple with his lips. He sucked gently, treasuring the sweet taste of her milk as he drank of her.

Mai chirred in delight as the otter suckled at her breast. She somehow knew the effect this would have on him. Soon he would be bound to her, body and mind, the first of her disciples as she took over this world. Yes, she had a purpose now. Her previous worries and cares seemed utterly insignificant. The pink creature had shown her the way and given her this wonderful body with its strange and delightful powers. All it wanted in return was for her to share herself with others. How could she resist?

One hand drifted down to stroke her damp slit as the other caressed her swollen belly, still heavy with the alien's gifts. She admired her new appearance in the one-way mirror, sensing the female lynx watching her from behind it. She just needed to figure out how to get out of this lab, and she would finally be in control. Nobody would ever call her flat or childish again. In fact, she knew the first place she would visit once she escaped...

Ch. 4 - Hot-Headed Mistakes

"Ok, Lisa, your turn to tell your story," Jen said. "Um, I don't know if I want to," the brown haired girl replied shyly, her orange fox tail twitching behind her. "It's embarrassing." ...

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Silly Games

_Author's Note: This is just something short and fun I wrote to "cleanse my palate" after the dark story. I decided to challenge myself in a couple ways, one of which is writing about a kink I don't really share. I think it turned out...

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_Author's note: Those of you watching me because of my other stories should be warned that this one is a bit different. It's a lot darker, and I honestly feel like a horrible person for writing it. You deserve to be warned._ * * * ...

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