Brotherly Love (Chapter2, Mini-series)

Story by KitKaramak on SoFurry

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#2 of Topaz: Romancing The Stone

This is the second chapter. I had a request for 'hot-dogging' and added it. Remember, this is all canonical to the MAIN story (linked at the beginning of chapter one.)

Sure Topaz's love life is a little messed up, but at least she's happy, now. And who doesn't want to be happy?


Brotherly Love

January 2, 2024 - 2pm Inside the Island Vault ...

Topaz Parker rolled down the metal door , and walked back from the entrance to the large training room, watching her brother work.

"No, no, like this." She guided him into a position and said, "Hold that posture." She placed her hands on his rump, and guided his leg up another inch. "No, like this. You can't swing your leg over the beam that low. It has to be higher. Now hold that position because you need to be able to do it several times during the trials. Ever seen Entrapment with Sean Connery? You're the babe from that scene."

"Wasn't that Catherine Zeta Jones?"

Topaz shrugged. "That movie came out the year we were born, Fox. I don't remember." She paused, keeping one hand on his thigh and the other on his rump. "No pithy comment?"

"You told me to behave," he chuckled. "You're in a really good mood today, by the way. Is it because we shared a kiss earlier or is it because you and Karla had fun?"

Paz licked her lips and thought back to the role-play session from earlier. "That was hours ago, hon. But both were nice."

"You really think I'll be ready to do the trails in just two weeks? I mean, y'know, I really want to be the best I can be, and I know that this training will keep me alive when we go up against Falcon but do you really think I can pull it off in time?"

"I do. I honestly do, Fox."

"Paz, your hand is still on my backside. I think I got it."

She grinned and gave his rear a playful swat. "You know you liked it, jerk. Now, from this point you just moved your leg over the beam. Now go into the rest of the maneuver, but this time I'll act as an attacker to slow your progress. Ready? On my mark." She tapped her foot loudly on the ground four times. "Go!"

Fox Parker grunted and tucked into the roll. He came to his feet facing a wall, put his foot up against it and bound from it then landed behind Topaz.

She pivoted and gave her brother a knowing smile. Her hands came up, blocked each of his attacks then she faked him out with a quick posture change. She ended on a kick at the side of his knee, then guided him up against the wall so that she stood taller than him, with his knees bent. "I've got you so that you have no traction on your feet, now."

She saw Fox's eyes lift, meeting her gaze.

"Keep your eyes on my body, not on my face," she scolded softly.

"Are we going to talk about that kiss?" he asked in a soft voice.

Topaz's pupils dilated. Her throat felt tight and her chest ached. She faked a weak smile. "What about it?"

"I just need to know you're not going to resent me for kissing you."

"Fox, I kissed you. Not the other way around."

"That's not how I remember it."

"Yeah, well, I'd been planning that ever since you got back from Japan."

"I put my hands on your face, I looked at your lips, then I looked in your eyes. And then I leaned forward and kissed you."

Topaz swallowed. "Fox, I need you to train before we go up against Falcon. I tried to fight him. I kicked him as hard as I could. He caught my foot and threw me aside like I was nothing. That man scares the shit out of me like nobody else can. And now Vincent is rumored to be working with him. I think I need to talk to Vincent. If we can have an inside man, we can learn more about Falcon before we make an attack. It increases our chances of getting through this alive. And I really, really need for us to get through this alive. Now that I know how you feel about me, I can't lose you."

"How are you going to convince Vincent Nevada to play on our team? If he thinks Aris Falcon saved his life, he's going to be pretty loyal to the guy."

"He had enough of a crush on me to get himself killed for me. I just need to talk to him. To feel it out."

"Topaz, can you separate emotions and sex?"

"What? Fox what kind of question is that? I mean, yeah, of course. I fuck Karla and I'm not attached to her. I dated guys when I was a teenager, and never loved any of them. What kind of question is that, anyhow?"

"Have you ever considered smooching on Vincent? Just hug him. Kiss him. Make him feel like a hero. If he already had a crush on you, you'll seal the deal. I've seen you use every resource you have as a means to an end at one time or another. You know I won't judge you for it, so you can get that thought out of your head right now. Just butter him up and tell him he's our inside guy. Don't forget, he really looks up to his brother, who is on our side."

She bit her lower lip. "Yeah. You're right, he has more allegiance to us than Falcon if you look at it that way. He likes me, he's related to Reno. I suppose I could call him. After all, he did tell Reno that we're both invited to go out there."

"Seduce him," said Fox with a sly grin.

"Yeah? So what do I do? The last time I saw him he had the biggest most awkward crush ... and then he died. I failed him. Besides, how would I even get out there? I'd need to hire a pilot to pick me up. We don't want anyone to know where this island is, remember?"

"You take the Chriscraft. Y'know that big beautiful motorboat with the wood finish that's hanging off the back of that big ass yacht dad bought for Karla? Don't worry about it; we'll get another one later or something. Whatever. Just call ahead, take the Chriscraft out to the shipping channel and someone will pick you up. A helicopter can take you to Hawaii, where you can fly wherever this guy will want to meet you."

"Still, what if he doesn't want to meet me? I froze up and sat there while he was ripped open by that creature. I wasn't strong enough to save him the way he saved me."

Fox shook his head. "No guy will think you failed to save them. He'll feel like a stud for having saved your life. I'm not even kidding, stick your tongue in that kid's mouth and he'll do whatever you want."

"Jesus, Fox."

"What? You can't kiss him after New Years?"

"No! That's not it at all!" She eyed her brother with a smirk. "New Years was a good kiss, but it wasn't that freaking good."

"Oh." Fox paused then offered her a wry grin. "Well, it was for me. It was my first. And now I have this 'biggest, most awkward crush' because of it."


"Sorry. You told me I could tell you whatever is on my mind anytime I wanted."

"No, it's not that. It's just the fact that ... New Years wasn't our first kiss. Remember? Our 18th birthday when I came in late at night, drunk as hell?"

"Oh, I remember. But we had to pretend that never happened. And we had to pretend like that accidental kiss on top the Museum in L.A. last summer didn't happen, either. So that means New Years was my first time kissing you. And I liked it."

She bit her lip. "Did you now?" She lowered her eyes then lifted them once more. "Maybe ... just one more little kiss wouldn't hurt, right? It might even motivate you to keep training while I'm visiting Vincent or whatever."

Fox put his hands on her shoulders and pivoted so that her back was against the wall.

Her hands went to his hips. "God this is so wrong."

"I know."

She arched her back against the wall, pressed away from it, and into his arms. Her lips met his and her palms came up, cupping either side of his face.

He tilted his head one direction and she tilted the other. They closed their eyes, immediately consumed by their passionate act.

She'd already had sex several times earlier that morning and couldn't understand why her body was so needy today. She wondered if she was ovulating and, off hand, couldn't recall the exact date of her last period. But, right now, she didn't care.

Instead, she reveled in Fox's hands on her hips and his chest against hers. She enjoyed the firmness of her back against the wall. Why was she letting this happen? After going out of her way, earlier, to ensure this wouldn't happen, she was all but throwing herself at him.

"Topaz," he murmured, "Did you really dream about us this morning?"

"Yes," she whispered. "And I'm really trying to fight my instincts, here."

"I'm not."


Fox shook his head and smiled at her. "Topaz, I'm done fighting it. I'm ready to fight for it. Everybody understands. Everyone we're now close with, they know that it's something we can't control. They know it's not fair to be stuck in a star-crossed situation. Not all of them are really comfortable with it, but they're all accepting. Let's just try it. Let's see how it feels. I want to know if it's going to feel as good as your kiss."

She licked her lips and swallowed. "How does my kiss feel?"

"Like a vacation from reality. And, at the same time, it feels right. Like I'm finally home. I need that in my life. I need to feel like I'm home."

She leaned back against the wall, eyeing him. "I don't understand, Fox." She understood, but she liked hearing his words and wanted more.

"If home is where the heart is, as the saying goes, then I've felt homeless for years. Ever since you moved out of my bed when we were younger. I just want to go home and see you lying in my bed waiting for me."

She swallowed. Earlier, she made the assumption that sex with her brother would never compare to sex with an immortal sexual savant. But even the words the succubus used during the role-play, earlier, weren't as powerful as the ones Fox said to her right now. She stood there, a deer in headlights, just looking at him.

Fox summoned up his inner courage and kissed his twin sister. Not lustfully, or forcefully, but lovingly. Passionately. With yearning and desire for something more than just a hard release.

It was the emotion that took Topaz's breath away. It was the love in his eyes and in his voice that captured her heart. "I love you," she whispered.

"I've always loved you. I love you now more than ever."

"Then shut up and kiss me."

Fox obliged with fervor. He pressed his lips against hers and pinned her against the wall with his body. Their tongues danced and dueled, swirling over one another. One hand lifted and ran through her hair, his other moved over her hip.

She guided his left hand down the front of her pants and, with a patient touch, showed his fingers where to begin. He responded by submitting to her touch. She could tell he was excited by the way his heart raced, felt against her chest. His skin became covered in goosebumps. The fact she had such an effect on him turned her on further.

"I'm sorry this isn't fairy-tale innocent, Fox."

He grinned at her then repeated her phrase from earlier. "Shut up and kiss me."

Their lips met again. She released his hand, leaving it in the front of her pants. She made quick work of her shirt and broke the kiss only long enough to pull off her sports bra.

Fox helped with her pants and pushed them down to her knees. Then she felt his knee move up between her thighs. His foot slid into her clothing and shoved them down her legs to the floor.

She stepped out of them and reached for him, now wearing nothing but her socks and shoes.

Fox used his free hand to capture both of hers. He guided her hands to his clothes while his other hand remained buried between her thighs.

She grinded her hips against his touch while working his training clothes off. A simple white tank top and running pants. Boxer briefs. In seconds, they matched - both undressed, both eager-eyed.

"We still have time to stop this," he whispered.

"I'll regret it if we do this, but I'll resent us both if we don't."

"Can't have that," he said with a measure of confidence in his voice that she only ever heard on a heist. It was a turn on to hear him speak with such a tone.

Their lips met again. She closed her mouth over his tongue, suckling softly then, without a word, she dropped to her knees in front of him. She gazed up and grinned, seeing the look of surprise on his face. She kept her eyes on his and then closed her lips around his cock and began bobbing her head while watching the expression on his face.

Fox groaned softly and slid his fingers through her hair with a guiding touch.

She loved watching his face in such a way. She loved watching the pleasure he experienced, knowing it was something she controlled. Her hands moved around his hips and cupped his firm, tone ass. She pulled him against her, guiding him into a hip-thrusting rhythm.

Fox put one hand against the wall, behind her, and his other remained in her hair, pulling her face into his crotch at a tempo matching her own pace. His breathing quickened.

"God that feels good, Paz," he whispered.

She murmured a soft reply, using her voice to vibrate his cock. She relaxed her neck, remembering a technique she learned with a lesbian lover in the past, involving strap-ons. And, with only a slight flinch, she pushed her face all the way down to his crotch.

Fox's cock slid down beyond her uvula, several inches into her throat. He gasped in delight and his arms and hands became textured with goosebumps again. "Jesus Christ, is that deepthroating? Oh my God."

She swallowed, using her throat muscles to massage his cock then moaned again, using her throat to vibrate the length of his cock in a way that caused him to curl his toes.

He didn't say all the delicious, dark, and dirty things she dreamed he'd say. Nor did he come close to saying some of the things that Karla said when pretending to be him, earlier.

But the sound of his moan was still music to her ears. She bobbed her head faster, careful not to gag herself. One hand came down to fondle her twin brother's balls, her other hand moved over his ass, tracing her fingers over the curvature of his firm, athletic rump.

"God, Paz, it feels so good," he said in a hoarse voice. "I'm ... I definitely going to cum."

"Mmm," she murmured, bobbing her head on his slick cock, trying to get him to reach release. She reached down, between her thighs, and slid two fingers into herself, trying to find relief from the burning sensation in her body. The desire to mate. She wanted this to be it. She wanted ... she didn't know what she wanted.

Topaz continued bobbing her head. She swallowed again, using her throat to clench over his cock. It swelled to full thickness, making it hard to continued. Instincts took over. She jerked her head back, coughed, then held her free hand up, gesturing for him to not worry.

She licked her lips then took his cock back into her mouth and continued where she left off. This time, she used her lips, clamping them down over the base of his cock like a vice. She felt his balls against her chin, and used her right hand, fondling them, to keep them from slapping against her chin so as not to hurt him.

"I can't hold back," he panted. And without any further means of warning, a thick, frothy cream gushed across her tongue. It filled her cheeks.

Her logical reasoning reminded her that his cum should have only been enough to fill a teaspoon. But the sensation of it filling her cheeks made it feel like so much more. She shut her eyes and swallowed.

Her fingers continued to dance between her thighs to reach a release that would hopefully stop her from going further with him. The taste of his cum was surprisingly sugary. She continued to finger herself in an attempt to orgasm. She came so close to the edge but couldn't get over the mountain.

Fox sighed in content then reached for her. She remained kneeling, so he lowered to his knees, facing her. "God that was nice."

She looked away with a thin smile. "Yeah?"

His eyes lowered to her hand then lifted once more. "Let me help?"

"Fox, I..."

"Shh. Just let me help. I want you to get off, too." He put his hands on her shoulders and guided her down onto the floor. "You didn't want to go all the way, did you? You were trying to shut it down, huh?"


He rolled her over, onto her stomach, on the golden-hued reflective floor tiles. He guided her hand down, beneath herself, and said, "Keep going. I just want to touch you to help you get there."

"Okay," she whispered. Topaz faced down on the floor and put her cheek against the cool tile. Her fingers danced against her clitoris while lying on her stomach.

Fox moved over her from behind and placed his knees between her thighs. He guided his cock between her ass-cheeks, then laid down atop of her and kissed the side of her neck. His cock, still dripping with pre-cum, slid back and forth between her backside.

"You're hot-dogging me, Fox?"

"If it'll help," he said.

His cock was still hard enough that it rubbed against her backside, and it was slick enough between the pre-cum and saliva, that there was no friction between the cheeks of her smooth, tone rump. He bucked his hips, delighted at the closeness.

His closeness felt so good. The cock between her cheeks was a tease if nothing else. So close to being inside of her, yet so far from stretching her walls the way she needed so badly. And the best, or possibly worst part of it all, was the fact that as he grinded his cock against her toned ass, it made him become firm again.

Every so often, she felt his balls against her slit. Then she felt his cock slip and brushed her pussy, only to move back into position, rubbing against her rump. She squirmed, wanting it inside so badly.

Fox reached around her, sliding his hand between her chest and the floor. He cupped her breast firmly, and his other hand slid around her waist, moving with her hand. "Can you teach me how to touch?"

She placed her fingers overtop of his and guided his fingertips from the hood of her clit down to that soaked little hole that needed him so badly. She shuddered, reaching a climax but not the earth-shattering orgasm she yearned for. "God I need to cum so bad," she whispered.

"Cum for me, Topaz. Tell me what to do to help you cum."

"I just need a minute," she whispered, using his fingers to stroke herself. "Just keep going, right there, just like that." Then she reached her hand down further and stuffed herself, three fingers, to the first knuckle. The feel of that swollen, pulsing cock against her ass drove her up the wall. She wanted so badly to cum and feeling him so hard was beyond distracting. "Almost," she whined, muffled against the floor.

She climaxed again, but it wasn't the earth-shattered cum she so desperately needed to reset her hormones and relax her body. If anything, it added to her desperate need to find relief. Her fingers worked furiously. Time and again, she got to the edge, but couldn't sail over the mountain the way she needed.

"Put it in."

"What Paz?"

"Put it in. Just ... just a thrust or two. Just put it in."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes!" she cried before he could finish his question, "Just put it in, please! I need it so fucking bad, please!"

"Okay." He reached down and guided his cock down from her rump and felt around, trying to slide it in.

Topaz reached her fingers outwards, took his cock in her fingertips, and guided it into herself, "Thrust, Fox. All the way."

He didn't say a word. Instead he bucked his hips then groaned in delight. It was tight. Wet and loose, yet she gripped every inch of his cock, from base to tip, better than the blow job earlier. Every throbbing inch was wrapped in a wet silkiness that he instantly adored.

Topaz moaned in delight. "That's it. Thrust again. Careful not to pull out."

"Okay," he whispered in a breathless way. Fox drew his hips back.

She whined at the loss of that perfect, pulsing cock, then groaned long and loud at the sensation of having her aching little fuckhole stuffed to the hilt again. She sighed against the floor, all but drooling. "God yes. Just like that. Again."

Fox complied, stretching those needy little lips with the cock she desired so deeply. The flesh of her twin brother. The dick of her soul-mate, whether she wanted to admit it or not. She murmured words but Fox couldn't understand. He leaned down and kissed her neck. "What did you say, Paz?"

"I said don't stop. I'm so close, Fox. Don't fucking stop. No matter what. Just keep going. I need this so bad."

"I won't, I promise." Fox began bucking his hips in a cadence that could only be described as perfect. His cock massaged the inside of her slick, tight pussy. It was finally happening. Not the way she dreamed it. Or the way she imagined it. But it was finally happening. Her brother was having sex with her and instead of being lusty or super hot, it was innocent. Gentle. Loving. He wanted nothing more than to please her. It wasn't fucking. It was love making. And it was better than she thought it would be. The climax that was building in her body threatened again.

There was so much pressure, like shaking a bottle of soda-pop. She wanted to cum like a champagne cork and that cock ... that perfect throbbing cylinder of her brother's flesh ... she wanted to cum on it. "Fuck me," she whispered.


Her voice rose up, a passionate cry of need and desire. "Fuck me, Fox. Fuck my pussy, baby."

"Are ... are you sure?"

"Don't stop!" she said. "You promised!"

"I won't," he assured her. Instead, his bucking became more insistent. His pace increased. He nibbled on her neck, clenched his hand over her breast and continued wiggling the fingers of his other hand over her clit. And all the while, he rutted his sister's pussy from tip to hilt with each thrust, riding her into the floor tiles.

Their skin, slick with sex and sweat, squeaked on the tiles. His cock created a similar squelching sound from penetrating her with such need and wanton abandon. "Don't you dare stop! Fuck me. Fuck me hard, Fox. I love you!"

He never said all those wonderful things she dreamed he'd say. Instead, he said something that made her heart race. "I'm close. Topaz, I'm ... I'm gonna fill you. I need to pull out soon or..."

"I don't care! Fucking cum in me, Fox! Fill me baby!"

"Are you sure? I just..."

"I love you, Fox. Cum in me."

"I love you, Paz. I fucking love you!" He continued bucking. Sweat forced his eyes to shut. He grit his teeth, pressing his nose against her neck. "Oh God," he groaned.

And all at once, time seemed to slow to a complete and total stop for Topaz. She felt every sensation for the duration of a split second, but it felt drawn out. She lived in that moment for a brief eternity.

It was nothing like the movies. His voice didn't become deep and dissonant.

No. It was perfect. She felt the gush of hot warmth geyser into her body. She heard his breathy sigh of relief ... but it wasn't just any sigh. She heard him stutter, as if breathing in on a shiver. Then he stammered his exhale.

All the moans in the world couldn't compare to the sound of his broken breathy sigh of content. She came instantly.

Time exploded forward, and she arched her back. She clawed at the floor, as though trying to grip at non-existent sheets. Her slick little snatch bared down, clinging to his cock, clinching it despite the slippery flood of their mixed juices.

And then, all at once, the longest, loudest groan of delight bellowed out of her lungs. She cried out in pleasure, in ecstasy, in delight, and in much-needed relief. Her body equalized, and the boil of her hormones returned to a mere simmer. Her eyes widened then snapped shut. Without even thinking about it, words escaped her lips. "Thank God. I'm cumming so hard." She gasped for breath. Between the exertion of their love making and the weight of his body on her back, she suddenly couldn't breathe.

Fox realized right away and pulled his hands free from beneath her. He placed his palms on the glassy tiles and eased up.

Topaz drew in a deep satisfying breath and came again. This last one took her by surprised and she squeaked in shock then dropped back down, flat, on the golden-hued mirror tiles. "Holy shit."

Fox beamed.

She saw his face in the reflection. "You did good. God that was ... wow. I thought you were a virgin?"

His vibrant smile turned into a playful grin. "Not anymore." He paused then tilted his head. His short bangs were splayed across his forehead from a light sheen of sweat. "You said you'd regret or resent. You okay?"

"I was wrong," she said in a muffled tone, her face still against the tiles. "I'm neither. Good God I needed that."

"So you don't feel guilty or weird? Thank God, I was worried there."

"Not in the least. I might later, but right now ... I feel like I finally let a weight off my shoulder."

"God, me too. Now that I shed that water weight, I bet I could do the trials blindfolded."

Topaz snorted with amusement. "Yeah? You better watch out. I actually own a blindfold. Don't make me use it."

Fox grinned. He leaned down on an elbow and brushed his lips against the corner of her mouth then whispered, "Promises, promises."

"If you weren't still inside of me, I'd roll over and grab you by the face, kiss you, then noogie the shit out of you."

Feeling confident, Fox teased by bucking his hips hard and deep. "Oh yeah? I'd like to see you," he trailed off for another thrust, "try it."

"Oh my fucking Christ," she whined. Her eyes watered up with tears as though about to sneeze but, instead, she came again. Another little unexpected post-orgasmic climax. "Fuuuuck," she murmured against the tiles.

"Wow. Once you cum, you just don't stop do you?"

"Not usually," she panted. "I could get used to this one-stop-pop business."

"Is, uh ... is this what you thought it would be like with me?"

"No." she offered him a weary smile. "It's better. I could stay like this forever."

Fox grinned again. He interlaced his fingers with hers and kept the weight of his chest off of hers then began bucking his hips again.

She writhed beneath him. It was over-sensitive, and difficult to handle but it felt so good she couldn't help but cry out again. Her winded wail of pleasure echoed off the walls of the grand hall.

"I want to try with you on your back, so I can see your face."

"Fox, you just came twice."

"Yeah? I don't think I can cum again either, but ... before it goes down, I want to kiss you while having sex. Roll over." He eased from her, causing her to flinch. Then he rolled her onto her back, causing the puddle of goo they'd created together to squish up the small of her back.

"Fox, do you judge me?"

"Only if you don't consent to this post-coital embrace," he said with a grin. He moved down between her legs and, with her helping hand, slid right back into her pussy.

She sighed as though delighted to receive something she'd been missing for years. He sank back into her body, and she wrapped her legs around his waist and crossed her ankles over his firm toned masculine ass.

Their lips met. Fox began bucking again, wanting to get as much as he could before his cock softened up. But, unlike the times he masturbated in the shower, his cock remained hard this time. And after only a few thrusts, with their lips mashed together, she began moaning again.

"Feel good?" he whispered against her lips.

"Mm, yeah. Why can't I get enough of you? And how are you lasting so long?"

"I wouldn't know. This is my first time." He grinned and met her lips again. Fox snaked his hands beneath her body and gripped her ass then began to ride her again.

She threw her arms around his neck and opened her mouth then slanted her parted lips against his mouth. She kissed him with hunger and a passion that was hidden away inside of her until now.

He kissed her back with equal intensity, plowing her gooey cunt, squishing through his own sloppy-seconds. He could taste his cum on her tongue as they kissed.

After a moment of wild thrusting and bucking, she broke the kiss and said, "God that's it. God my brother is such a good fuck. Pound your sister's pussy. Make me your slut, baby."

Fox placed his finger on her lips. "You don't have to remind me who we are. Just that you love me and love making love to me."

She grinned. "You are the biggest romantic I know. Sometimes, though, I like making it feel more dirty. More taboo. There's something exciting about how wrong this is."

"It's not taboo. How could anything taboo feel this right? This pure? This natural? This special..." Fox met her gaze. He saw in her eyes that she needed something lusty and passionate. He offered a smile, then, knowing she needed to hear it, said, "You like cumming on that dick don't you? You fucking little slut, be a good bitch and cum on your brother's dick."

It wasn't his words. It wasn't the fact he was trying to do something for her, or be something for her, or act a certain way for her. No. It was none of those things. In the end, it was his delivery of the words that made her gasp in delight. She tensed up and exploded, gushing on his cock and soaking it in that sweet nectar.

And Fox didn't let up. He took her hands and pinned them to the floor the way Karla told him to try a few days ago. He remembered the succubus' advice on how to prepare for this moment. He pinned Paz's hands down above her head and began thrusting into her wildly, pumping her pussy full with every hungry inch he had to give.

She replied with a long, lewd cry of words that echoed off the walls again.

They worked at one another and Topaz found another brief string of releases but Fox found himself to be tapped out for the moment and, within a short amount of time, he offered one last deep thrust before pausing to catch his breath.

She helped him to roll onto his side next to her and interlaced her fingers with his. "God. I've never had that much sex in my life. And I'm not talking about the dream or Karla. I'm talking about from two o'clock onward."

Fox grinned weakly and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "I wanted to get off one more time but, wow. I'm already tense. I don't get it. I work out and exercise all the time, but my body is sore as hell."

She grinned. "You don't use those muscles quite the same way when you stretch, life, or vault over something." She paused to catch her breath then continued. "You're going to ache tomorrow. Don't worry, I'll help you with a hot bath."

He laughed in reply and looked up at the tall ceiling above. "You'll be on the other side of the world tomorrow."

"What? Wait, you still want me to go see Vincent?"

"Inside man. Plus he saved your life. He deserves a moment of happiness, and you deserve to see him alive. It will help you heal after seeing him die. Come on."

Topaz sat up a bit and leaned against the nearby wall. She crossed her feet at the ankles and sighed. "Fine. You're right. You are absolutely right. Vincent is a good kid. And if we can get one step closer to Falcon's operation, not to mention me being able to see it with him, then we can win this thing."

Fox turned to her and kissed the side of her face. She turned to him and they shared a kiss together. "I love you. No matter who you decide to date. No matter who you decide to love. No matter who you want to kiss. I love you. I'm in love with you. And we're a team. Now, get your cute ass over to the other side of the world. And yes, I can say that now. I got a really good look at it a little while ago."


He grinned. "Sorry. I'm flying a little high right now. C'mon. Let's call Vincent on the SAT phone and we'll get you out there. This is good for everyone. And one last thing. Thank you."

She smiled. They embraced and held in silence for several moments before she kissed the side of his face and relinquished the hug. "Okay. Okay. But let's keep this between us. If Falcon finds out we're fooling around, he's going to come back after us in the future. Just like he did a few months ago. Let him think his stupid plan failed."

"Fine by me. We'll keep it between the group on the yacht and nobody else."

"Okay, thank you. And remember, Fox, you need to practice when I'm gone. When I get back, I want you to pass the trials."

"You got it."

She grabbed her clothes stood up and pulled them up her legs then over her head. "I'll meet you shortly. I'm going to go and call Vincent." She blew her brother a kiss and headed for the rolling door that led outside.

Next Chapter: (Comming soon)