Serious Ceno

Story by Jevin on SoFurry

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#4 of Shorts

A story for Cenotaph which involves Startide, Noxxy, and Myself.

Kwandry and Dragonien are mentioned but never make a showing in this specific tale :)

All of them are copyright their respective creators and the story was written by me

"Ugh, what a day," Nox states as he walks in and flops on the couch, sprawling and staring off at the wall opposite. "Ceno? Where are you?"

"I'm playing Killing Floor, give me ten minutes," the other bat shouts.

"I need you noooowww! Come on, you gotta do your job. You know when I get off."

"We're almost done," Ceno responds only to hear the other bat stand and begin walking towards him. Quickly, he tries to hide the hand with his cloaker on but it requires him to take his palm off the mouse which would lead to him dying for certain. "Dammit," he mumbles; particularly when it's apparent that Nox is standing behind him. Having been trained well, he simply gives a slight sigh and closes the game window. "I have to go, guys," he says into his headset before setting it down and exiting the Skype call. He stands and walks over to the slightly shorter bat, staring down at him before holding the hand with his cloaker out to Nox.

"That's better," Nox states, reaching to take it from Ceno. In a blink Ceno stands at Nox's feet, barely four inches tall before the pair of chucks. Obediently, he stands there and waits for Nox to go through his usual routine. The larger bat wraps his fingers around Ceno and tugs him into the air before walking to the couch and sitting. There, Nox drops Ceno back to the ground and holds his shoe out. Already Ceno could smell the scent from the warm feet inside but he says nothing; silently enjoying the musky-warm air lightly emanating from beneath the fabric.

"Where's Jevin?" Ceno asks as Nox pushes his shoes off, unveiling his feet to the air and filling it with a humid, powerful scent. Ceno winces a little but even as his knees tempt buckling he can't help but feel oddly attracted to the smell. He moves forward to the oddly-shaped, toe-less socks Nox wears and presses his nose in beneath the arch separating Nox's toe from the ball of his foot. He plants a few licks.

"Mmmf." Nox grins a little, peering down as he starts to hook one of his toes beneath the fabric of the sock. "He'll be back soon. Let's just say he got overtime," the bat mutters a little; grin fading for a moment.

"Doesn't sound good."

"It never is. Startide agreed to bring him back, though." Nox pulls his sock down and pushes it forward so that the damp, warm fabric drapes over Ceno. The smaller bat manages to hold it up for a moment but Nox forces him back with a little toe-bump and then presses his foot down over Ceno. "I'm sure he'll have some stress to take out on you when he gets back~," Nox states before grinding his foot down above the sock-smothered Ceno struggling a little to get into a comfortable position while his fur dampens with leftover sweat seeping from Nox's sock.

"I look forward to it," Ceno grunts only half-jokingly. He splays his wings to keep from from being crushed and tries to bear the powerful foot grinding into his little frame. Nox eventually removes the sock and takes the other off so he can grip at Ceno with his toes, tugging him backwards and dropping before settling his feet down on their heels so that the soles loom over the smaller micro. Knowing what to do, Ceno climbs onto Nox's foot up to the toes to press his head between and start licking. Sweat and dirt are swept away as the bat's muzzle buries into the crotch; tongue working over fur and flesh and throat flexing as the collective is swallowed. The sounds of Ceno working are rather audible; the sonority of muffled slurping combined with flesh dragging over fur.

"Good boy," Nox says with a dopey smile on his muzzle. He leans back and flexes his toes in against Ceno's head, burying and smothering it entirely between his digits so that it's unseeable to the outside world. From there he just listens to the sounds: *SCHLRK* *SCHLCK* *SCHLRK*

Each toe is done with care as Ceno shifts his way across the crevices, each time burying his muzzle and allowing the strength of Nox's toes to hold his skull in place and bury his muzzle in built up combinations of sweaty lint. "Too bad you don't have your own cloaker or you could go out there with us," Nox comments idly while Ceno drags his tongue in place to finish another pair of toes. As soon as he's done he pulls backwards and breathes a little; the scent of Nox's toes still filling the air but he's used to it by now.

"Give me yours."

"You're lucky Jevin gave you his to use while we were gone."

"You're just mad that I'm taller than you when we both have one."

Nox narrows his eyes and grabs Ceno with his free paw, clasping him with his toes and dropping the other bat to the floor. "Well now you're not going to get it."

"You fit the short stereotype well."

"What? I -do- not--..." Nox stops, then just mutters. "Whatever, even if I do I'm still bigger than you now," he states as he lifts a foot above Ceno.

The doorknob rattles and Startide walks in carrying Jevin in his palms, closing the door behind him and walking in. "Hey guys! I brought Jevin."

"Er," Nox lowers his foot again, letting it thump the ground next to Ceno and straightening himself up. "Hey, Startide. Thanks for bringing him back."

"Of course, I was happy to do it! So this is your place huh?" He looks around, shifting on his paws. "It's... efficient."

"It's functional," Jevin says while Startide sets the wolf down. Soon as he has his cloaker back he stands up and rubs over his neck. "Glad that's all over. So! My turn with Ceno? Oh, Startide this is Ceno." Jevin motions towards the bat standing next to Nox's feet as he sits down and starts peel one of his boots off.

"Nice to meet ya," Startide states, stooping down and holding his fingers out to shake Ceno's hand.

"And you," Ceno says politely, bowing his head somewhat before looking at Jevin. "I'd be honored."

"Suckup," Nox states before sitting next to Jevin. "I wasn't done with him buuut... fine. Take him."

"Good. How about some time on the insole?" Jevin asks, tipping his boot over and watching as Ceno obediently climbs in.

"Just be gentle," the smaller bat states as he enters. Soon enough Jevin slips his paw back in so that his damp pads lie across Ceno's body. Within the footwear the air becomes hot; lacking enough oxygen that it takes Ceno a moment to get used to it. Soon as he's on his back with his wings safely positioned he feels Jevin's foot slide back in; sandwiching him between damp insole and damp pawpads. The wolf wiggles his toes and clasps Ceno's face between a pair so the bat can get to work while he chats with Startide and Nox.

"Mind if I stay a while?" Startide asks, shifting to sit down next to the two.

"No problem. You okay with walking home on your own at night?"

"If I don't, Kwandry'll pick me up. And anyway I haven't gotten to visit you guys before. So... why's he in your shoe?"

"Ceno doesn't have a cloaker," Nox answers, crossing his legs and leaning back. "He's my pet."

"We have him stay here just in case something does happen," Jevin explains. "That and since he doesn't have a cloaker his job is primarily to help us out when we get back." The wolf visibly relaxes as he feels Ceno's tongue grinding against the pit of his toes, shifting his foot occasionally to make it easier for the smaller micro to get between another pair. Each shift does have the effect of smearing Ceno's fur with sweat from Jevin's foot so even after only a few minutes in the wolf's boot the bat's pelt is pressed to his flesh and scented very powerfully with a mixture of wolf and bat foot-musk.

"That sounds fun." Startide grins a little. "If you ever want any help I'd be happy to pitch in too!"

"Well he's already mostly done mine but I wouldn't disagree with getting more attention," Nox offers, peering at Startide.

"Oh, sure!" Startide states, shifting so that his back is to Jevin and his lap faces Nox.

"Oh come on, guys, not here," Jevin states. "We could go to the room, though. I'm sure Ceno could use some fresh air. Nox can rub my feet and Startide can have Nox's."

"Sounds good to me!" replies the orange cat.

"Who said I wanna touch your paws?"

"You like my paws," Jevin says simply as he stands up, pressing some weight down on Ceno and forcing the bat to splay out a little.

Nox huffs and frizzles. "A -little-. I like them a little." He walks off towards the bedroom and Startide just chuckles, moving after him. Ceno feels Jevin's foot shift as he follows; paw swinging up into the air and then coming down with a THUMP that forces the air from his lungs "Uug...". Sweat seeps from Jevin's insole and surrounds Ceno's little frame with even more dampness before the pressure lightens and Jevin's foot swings forward again. He adjusts himself and braces with each footfall while Jevin's large toes shift and grind around his muzzle.

Soon enough the pressure is gone and Jevin pulls his foot out of his boot with Ceno stuck to the bottom. The wolf chuckles and wiggles his toes around Ceno's head before settling on the bed and patting his lap, peering at Startide. "Cloaker on or off?" He asks as Ceno struggles and starts to pull himself free.

"Off, definitely!" Startide exclaims, climbing into the bed and slipping his cloaker off. He climbs up between Jevin's legs and settles right in front of the bulge in the middle. Nox sits opposite of Jevin and presses a foot up between Jevin's legs so that it looms over Startide, giving the kitty a heel to lick and nuzzle into. Jevin shifts his paw over to Nox's lap just in time for the larger bat to help Ceno peel himself off of Jevin's pads.

"Just like a big piece of lint~" Nox teases as he pulls and holds Ceno in his hands before bringing his muzzle down to lick beneath Jevin's toes; grinding his tongue into the space between each scented digit.

"Don't be rude," Ceno pants out while he watches the comparatively giant bat tend to the sole he was just stuck to. He sighs and tries to relax, happy he's getting some help today.

"So why -do- you guys do what you do now?" Startide asks; the cat having climbed up Nox's enormous foot to settle with his legs on either side of one of the bat's toes. He rubs his palms along it and squeezes himself to the warm digit, enjoying the texture and now very light scent. "If you dislike it so much."

"College," Jevin answers, reaching down to roll his thumbs along the bottom of the same foot Startide is clinging to. "Costs money; we have to pay somehow."

"Ah. Makes sense."

"And we don't ~dislike~ it," Nox says, wiggling the toe Startide clings to and giving the kitty a little ride. "We just have to find the right employer. We had something good going last year but we changed owners twice recently."

"Employers." Jevin corrects.

"Right," Nox states. "Gotta get used to that."

"Why do you call me a pet, then?" Ceno asks, peering up at Nox from the larger bat's hands.

"Because that's what you are."

"Wants to be treated equally but makes a fellow micro subservient, calls him pet," Ceno states.

"Except you like it," Nox smirks.

"Beside the point," Ceno responds.

Jevin shakes his head and grins, moving a finger to pet down Startide's back. "How're things with Kwandry?"

"Great! Now that I know where you guys live I'll have to invite him over sometime."

Jevin and Nox peer at one another for a moment before the wolf shifts his ears down towards Startide again. "Well, if you like him I'm sure we will too. It'd be nice to meet him sometime," Jevin replies.

"S'long as Dragonien doesn't find out," Nox mutters.

"Well, he's actually been a lot better than.. er... y'know. That one time," Jevin mutters, noticing Nox rubbing at his chest; recalling likely much more vividly what happened than Jevin.

"True. He has his good days," Nox says even as he continues rubbing the spot. Ceno leans in and nuzzles into the larger bat, pressing into his stomach and chrrling softly which brings a smile to Nox's face.

"You can be sweet when you want to be," he says as he reaches down to pet over Ceno. The four spend the rest of the night chatting and relaxing with one another. Startide decides to stay the night instead of going home; it'll be easier to get back in the morning. He calls Kwandry to let the panda know before promptly going back to Nox's paws. Jevin takes Ceno to get some food since he nor the bat had eaten all day; leaving Nox and Startide together.

"This arrangement is okay with you, right?" Jevin asks, settled at the table of a nearby restaurant with Ceno set next to his plate. "The whole being a 'pet' thing."

"Of course," Ceno states as if nothing could be more obvious. Jevin shakes his head a little at the candidness of the little thing but can't help but grin.

"Well, as long as you're okay with it. You and Startide are a bit alike; he's more energetic about it but, like you, I've never heard him complain. Well, okay, I've heard you complain but you're apparently never serious."

"I am the height of seriousness," Ceno states while snacking on the strawberries Jevin had pushed aside for him. "When I want to be. Besides, this is a good situation. Home, warmth, food, internet, friends. What am I missing?"

"Fair enough," Jevin chuckles, petting down the smaller bat's back before going back to eating. "I thought most micros would hate the position, or at least the title. The more I meet, though, the more I find that we're as varied as the norms."

"It's as you like to say so much. We're people," Ceno states simply.

Jevin's ears perk for a moment before a smirk appears across his muzzle. "That we are."

A Micro’s Place

Both Noxxy and Jevin squirm, arms held above their heads in the clasp of an enormous, grinning red dragon's hand; thick, powerful fingers more than large enough to fully hold both arms in place without much effort. Even with their cloakers on the wolf...

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A Small Vacation

Sofurry doesn't like the formatting so here's a google docs link if you'd like to see things formatted. If you don't care, feel free to skip the link...

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