Ball Coach

Story by Heuvadoches on SoFurry

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#4 of Tails from the Foxx

Ball Coach

by Heuvadoches Naumova

(DISCLAIMER: This is a work of pure fiction. Any resemblance to any actual person, place, situation or event is purely coincidental. All characters and actors are at least 18 years of age.)

"You wanted to see me, coach?" Xero asked, knocking on the frame outside of Marsten's office.

"You're late," the wolf said gruffly, not looking up from the paperwork scattered about his desk. "Not only that, you've been late to class three times this week."

"Sir, I can expla ..." he said, walking into the office.

"And, you've been constantly late to practice," he continued, setting the thin sheets face-down on the blotter, next to a pile of thicker papers.

"But, coach, I was ..."

Marsten looked up and pierced through the pup's comment with a cold glare. "No excuses! I can't have students on my squad that don't take this seriously." The wooden office chair squeaked on old springs as he shifted in it.

"I do!" Xero exclaimed, trying not to tear up. "I do take this seriously!"

"You do not!," he said, pointing a finger. He glared at Xero for a moment, letting the younger wolf fidget. "But," he continued, "if you do, there is a way to prove it." Marsten removed his glasses and set them on the desk. "Shut the door, son." One claw tapped lightly on the stack of thicker paper while he watched the pup turn and quietly shut the office door. His eyes roved lustily over the soft black fur, the gentle curve of the young rump, the hot, teenage bulge hidden beneath the school's sateen uniform shorts.

"I don't understand, why do I have to ..." he began again, nervous at the odd turn of events.

"Because I am still your coach, and I told you to do it, that's why. Now, come around the desk," he ordered and turned in the chair. He leaned back, resting one elbow across the desk, the other paw travelling slowly to his crotch.

Xero walked around the side of the desk. He saw a bare lower leg first. Not unusual, he thought, the coach often wore shorts after school while on the field. More and more leg slid into view; however, as he continued around. The lighter grey fur of Marsten's inner thigh was the first clue, but it became completely clear a moment later. Coach sat there naked from the waist down. His thick, pink cock already jutted halfway from his sheath and pulsed softly. Xero's eyes opened wide in surprise. "Um, coach?" he began, looking quickly up into Marsten's face. "What's going on?"

"We're finding out how serious you are about staying on the team," Marsten said softly.

"No, I'm not going to do that, I'm not ..." the younger wolf stuttered, his eyes straying back to the throbbing rod, nervously licking his lips.

"You will if you don't want this to be your last season, boy!" he growled.

Xero shook his head. "I ... this is ... wrong," he stammered, backing around toward the door.

"If you go out that door, you can forget about any time off the bench, and you can forget about any OxFur University scholarship," Marsten said, picking up the smaller stack and holding it up. "Oh, yes ... the scouts were here last week, watching you. They were very impressed. All I have to do is sign the form."

Xero's jaw dropped. "They're giving me a scholarship?" he asked, forgetting about his half-naked coach for a moment.

"Yes. They said you 'excelled at your position' and would be 'excited to add you to the team.' But, I don't think they'd be very happy to see what other positions you excel at, boy," Marsten said, turning over one of the thicker pieces of paper. "OxFur has a rather ridged ... moral standing."

"Where did you get that?" he gasped, staring at a glossy black and white closeup of his face. Though the picture was somewhat grainy, and the lens fish-eyed, it definitely showed his face. His face, with closed eyes and his muzzle wrapped around a fleshy caprine cock set against a background of the locker-room shower.

"The same place I got these," he said, turning over more photos. In each picture, Xero's face was always visible. One of the sets showed him dripping wet and masturbating in the toilet, but most were of him in the shower. Frame after grainy and distorted frame, various other young males fucked his face, but in all of them, he clearly enjoyed each and every moment. Marsten nodded and one clawed finger pointed at the door. "You can leave. That's fine. I could honestly care less," he said with a shrug. "But if you do, you will use that mouth to kiss the rest of the season and your scholarship goodbye. Or? Or you can bring that mouth over here and suck my dick," he finished, pointing at his crotch. "It's your choice, but either way, you are going to get fucked. Strip."

"I can't ... I've never ..."

"I said strip!" he barked, slamming a paw onto the top of the desk. Paperclips jangled and pencils bounced, each in its separate container. "I'm through playing," he said. He took a blank sheet of paper and put it into the shredder next to his chair. The machine hungrily chewed the paper in and spat the mangled pieces into a clear wastebasket. "Your scholarship is next."

Defeated, Xero hung his head and reached for the hem of the shirt, pulling it over his head. He looked up briefly, eyes wet, before pulling the green shorts down, leaving them in a heap at his ankles.

Marsten leaned back in the chair again, pulling the grey furred sheath back, exposing the swollen ruby cock. Thin, watery precum drizzled from the tip and down the shaft. "It's not getting any softer, boy," he sneered.

Xero stepped out of his shorts and took a step forward, sinking to his knees at the same time. He leaned in, closing his eyes and tentatively licked along the trail of precum. He inhaled its sharp musk and the powerful scent of of his coach's sweat. The shaft pulsed heavily, squirting a thin fountain of the warm fluid from the tip. It splashed on the youth's nose and he sat back, looking up at his coach, pleadingly. "I ..." he stammered.

Marsten glared down at the kneeling pup. "Shut up and get on with it, he-bitch," he growled, reaching forward. He grabbed a pawful of orange headfur and shoved the little one's muzzle onto his throbbing rod.

Xero nearly choked as he gagged on the sudden mouthful of flesh. He closed his eyes and pushed back against Marsten's paw, trying to unbury his nose to breathe. His stomach heaved slightly as the cock-tip poked the back of his throat. Tears squirted from his eyes, as his coach relaxed his grip slightly, and began to rock his hips in the chair.

"Mmmm," Marsten moaned. "Yes, like that." He guided Xero's face across his crotch, slowly relaxing and letting the pup take over until his arm was supported only by the locks of hair his fingers tangled in. His other paw gripped the arm of the chair and he watched his cock slide in and out of the teen's muzzle. "Oh shit, yes! Suck it like a popsicle, he-bitch."

Xero tried to push the thought of his coach's dick between his teeth from his mind and treat it like one of his lovers in the photos. He worked the flesh like he had the others, pulling gently at the shaft, pushing the rod deep into his muzzle and using his tongue across the tip to lap up the precum. He descended deeper into his fantasy, almost missing the tell-tale signs that his coach was near release. Suckling softly, he pulled off the shaft and then stroked it with his paw, staring at the quivering tip. "Cum for me, daddy," he whispered softly.

Marsten's legs quivered and then tensed up as he pushed back in the chair. Suddenly, a loud yipping moan escaped his lips as his balls heaved.

Xero quickly moved forward again, latching his muzzle around his coach's shaft just as the first shot exploded from the tip. Blast after sweet and salty blast flooded into the youth's mouth to disappear quickly down his throat, though a small dribble did manage to escape and drool down Marsten's shaft.

Marsten slowly relaxed and let Xero sit back. He cracked his eyes open, watching the youth lick his lips, and stare hungrily at his cock. The grey wolf sat up in his chair and smiled at the boy. "Mmm. Yes," he said while looking down. Xero's fully exposed penis throbbed softly in the youth's lap. "And I think you liked it too, didn't you, boy?"

Xero blushed, looking down and away. "Ye ... Yes, sir," he said softly.

"Stand up," Marsten ordered, rising to his feet. His shaft still twitched and drizzled, dripping onto Xero's nose.

Xero hesitated, looking up from his knees at that pole.

"I said, stand up, boy!" Marsten barked, reaching down and grabbing Xero's hair again, yanking him to his feet.

"Ow!" he whimpered. "Stop that!" he cried, batting at his coach's paw.

"Stop that!" Marsten mocked. "I will do as I please. You are forgetting who's giving the orders, he-bitch. Just for that," he said, shoving the pup at the desk, "I'm going to teach you another lesson."

Xero landed on the wooden top and slid across the surface until his bent knees caught the edge. His head thumped against the stack of unturned photos with his legs parted. On his face, a horrified look when he realized what his coach was going to do. "No!" he cried. "I ... I've never been ..." he sobbed.

Marsten grinned. "Even better," he said. "Now, just relax and everything will go easier for you." The coach stepped forward, aiming his rod at the pup's virgin tailhole.

Shaking and sobbing loudly, Xero turned his head and looked at the drawn blinds. When the warm, wet cock tip touched his anus, he whimpered and closed his eyes, trying to resist the urge to clamp his pucker shut. He inhaled sharply, gripping the edges of the desktop as Marsten slowly sunk his shaft into uncharted territory. He whined and squirmed, but his coach didn't stop. "Ahhh!" he bawled as the gentle swell of the older wolf's knot widened him out farther than ever before.

"Oh yes," Marsten groaned, crouching over the pup as his knot slipped in. His nails scrabbled against the blotter as he reached under the boy's waist, pulling Xero closer. He shivered, almost loosing his control as he felt the virgin hole clench around his cock. "So ... damn ... tight!" With each word, Marsten gave a short, quick thrust, finally hilting completely in the teen's guts.

Xero's clenching eyes squeezed tears down the soft fur of his face. Taking a shuddering breath, he shifted slightly, changing the angle of the hot poker in his bum. When he did, the swelling bulge pressed against his prostate. "Uhmf," he moaned, the pain washing into a spike of pleasure. His claws dug into the desktop's edge and he moaned again, arching his back slightly as the older male's knot massaged his button.

Marsten grinned and thrust ever faster into the groaning pup. He could feel the pressure mounting as his balls tightened again. He reached down and squeezed Xero's rod, pulling out another loud moan and shudder. The hole clenched hard as a pulse of precum pumped out across grey fingers. Marsten closed his eyes, panting softly and slowing down, working the youth's cock.

Xero squirmed under his coach's paw, his hips making short quick thrusts as his breath gasped. Now mostly forgotten, the pain ebbed away in a tidal rush of pure orgasmic pleasure. Wave after wave crashed across his mind as his juices sprayed across his chest.

The pulses of Xero's orgasm squeezed against Marsten's shaft in a quivering embrace. With a low growl, he threw his head back and unloaded again into the boy's body. Thick globs of wolf spunk pumped into the husky's ass, staking a claim for the older male.

Slowly, the rush faded from the pair. Marsten remained locked in the boy, tied in place by his swollen knot. He groaned slightly, leaning over the other's chest, tracing a pattern in the seed splattered fur before he slipped his hand around to the desk drawer and fished out a pack of cigarettes. A thick, blue-grey cloud of smoke puffed from his lungs as he exhaled the first drag with an "Ahhh." The tendrils sucked quickly out through an air return vent. He stuck the butt end in his side teeth and sneered down at Xero. "You're a good little fuck," he said, playing gently with the other's cock. Another cloud joined the first.

Xero panted, laying on the desk with his arms akimbo. He barely looked at his coach, feeling the blush tinge his cheeks. He shivered with each gentle touch of Marsten's paw across his spent shaft. He squirmed slightly, feeling Marsten's seed slip around in his backside. He moaned loudly though when, after his knot deflated enough, the older male pulled free.

"Get off my desk, bitch, and take a shower," he said gruffly. "I need to sign your paper."

Xero got up, stiffly and wobbled out the door, seed dripping from his battered tailhole. He glanced back once, to see Marsten scratching a pen across his acceptance form. Then he walked out to lose himself in a cascade of hot, steamy water.

Spring Break III

Spring Break III (same beach, yet another story) by Heuvadoches Naumova The pair walked past the bar, hand in hand, tails entwined, and giggling softly. The shepherd looked up from his third beer in ten minutes and watched them...

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Spring Break II

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Spring Break

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