Miles Away

Story by GreyKobold on SoFurry

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#3 of Miles

Working a Brothel's IT department can be a real pain in the ass, especially when you are more of a 'RTFM' type of guy. Join Michael as he has another exciting working day! Featuring Love! Romance! Plot (dat plot!) Social Comentary! World building! Pizza!

*contains no actual pizza

A special note; a certain character displays other than normal gender. If you are like this character, and are offended by the portrayal, understand that absolutely no offense was meant by it. If I did so properly, then please let me know. It is a bit sensitive, but was done with the best of intentions.

Another day, another god-damned problem at the Ranch.

"Don't worry, I've got condoms." I said, passing by the long haired Mizzandra, the dark elf who liked to play the piano in her skivvies. She shot a purple-lipped pout at me as I stalked into a back room and went to my tech area. I had to do another check of the drives and read the light codes to see if anything new had popped up in my two days off. The house was pretty well rigged, and the Ranch had an extensive network of cameras, sensors, and alarms for emergencies, but something was always going wrong with the servers.

I crouched by an older server and checked its readout with a plug in on my pad, then the plate with a finger. It read right on one device, but the master system continued reporting a general fault with the device. I smelled no smoke, and the voltage was accurate. I jiggled the wires and glanced behind the databank - and sighed. Another bug. I wasn't trained to code, and could barely guess my way through the console, but as long as the damn thing worked, I'd just leave it the way it was, be damned what the daemons said.

Wiring up a new room had taken all of yesterday and was still needing a few touches, but would never not be a pain in the ass. Ceaser, that damnable voyeur he was, wanted all twenty six rooms with working cameras, never mind getting sound recording if he ever decided to 'Pay-Stream' online as he had talked with me about. I bit into a loose coaxial cable that I had laying around, and scurried around back to the monitor at my work station. Ceaser was not a bad boss, but sometimes he could just be a goofy fucker.

"Of course there's a fault. The wires are fine, the program has been installed three times and I've manually checked everything. There's nothing wrong, so of course there's a fault. What do you want from me, you plastic piece of kitsune crap" I explored the root and squinted at the error pop again, and closed it. The data continued to clear back and forth without corruption. "I wish I'd finished studying comp-tech." "Problem?" A voice rose up behind me, and I glanced back at a familiar sight. With a smooth South-African voice to match his hyenic build, the Gnoll from so many months ago stood in his long, loose red jacket and snug black jeans. Glad he had pants on, I nodded. He had a rather roughish grin, and he was damn handsome.

Okay, so I was a little gay for him.

"The seventh database is reading a fault error with the system - it transfers right, I just can't figure out what the problem is. I've troubleshooted everything it's supposed to do, there's nothing wrong, but it keeps popping up wrong. But, what can I do for you? This is employees only, you know?" "Oh, I know." He fished out a card and tossed it to me, and I caught it. Apparently he did computer repairs and owned his own shop. "I'm the fuzzy bastard who set the system up in the first place. Good to see you again, Michael."

"You too, uh..." I squinted at the card. "Shakram Al'Jassan. Shakram?"

"I am from Africa, as are some of my folk. My father and mother immigrated there. I decided I wanted better chances than tribal life, and so here I am." A South African who spoke exceptionally fluent English, he really was a smart cookie. "The boss wanted me to take a look at the build. He says that you've been trying to work with it for a day and a half and can't find anything wrong with it." "Hey, I wasn't educated to do anything beyond reading the instructions. If you can figure it out, be my guest." I slid back in my roller chair, and used a foot to roll a second seat over for him to settle on, and he did. A Gnoll, his frame was large and slightly hunched, and this was emphasized even more as he bent forward to look at the screen.

"I will take a look. It has not exploded, so you must be doing well. I teach a class three nights a week over at the Adult Education Center, if you would like to expand on what you know." He looked up at me, and grinned that big, toothy hyena grin. "How is the job treating you?"

"Well, I was sore after that first time." He had taken me several times that day, and really broke me in to the service of the brothel. Of course, I had tried to match him time for time, and had wore myself out front and back. Rolling my shoulders and back, I put my hands behind my head and gave him a brighter smile. "But I'm doing better. I've gotten nothing but hell for forgetting to use a condom though. You'd think they'd forgive me what with it being my first time." "It was not your first time, neither physically, or with a male." He replied, and tweaked his tail under my chin. "But, it's no excuse. Always wrap, to avoid the clap. I know I'm clean, but who knows what a human can pick up."

"Right, we dirty, dirty humans." I replied, dryly. "So, yes. It's not nearly as awkward as I thought it'd be." "What, getting mounted? You did pretty well, I thought." He clicked a few keys and squinted at the screen again. "You've got this nice shapeliness to your haunches that really sets me off."

"Talking to the guy who did it." I said, and reached into a low drawer to fish out some water bottles, and handed him one. He bit the lid off and drank it down in two large gulps, then tossed me the plastic. I had just managed to pop the lid on mine. "Thirsty?" "I like the taste of clean water." He said, and continued to work. "I'll be here a while, but will call you if I need you. I'm not trying to push you out of your territory, far be it, but, I've got this if you want to do other things."

"Right." I said. "Alright, call me if you need me, Shakram."

"I can think of a few things I need..." He slapped my ass as I walked past. I couldn't help but feel myself blush. "But I'm working right now. How about after?"

I smiled over my shoulder, and stepped out.

Deciding to be different, Ceaser chose to settle himself outside of the Main House, and was relaxed into a most regal and feline pose.. His forelimbs were stretched out infront of himself and his long claws had casually dug neat, deep furrows in the dirt. Sunning himself, he let his magnificent wings open up to the sky, and basked in the heated early may weather. His head bobbed slowly at the Gaelic Folk-Rock that was Omnia. The dragon had taste, I'd give him that..

"Shakram is working on the software while I'm out and checking on everything else. Never thought I'd see a Gnoll do technology." I sipped a glass of white wine - though Ceaser was very much much against his employees drinking on the job, he considered white wine to be an exception to his rule. "He's pretty smart. I guess I was told wrong." "Your sire and dame do not sound as though they believed in a full education." The dragon stirred his own bowl with a hand, then lapped the liquid up with long washing licks of his great tongue. "Why would someones species dictate how intelligent they are?"

"My father had a lot of hate for anyone who came through the Gate." I sighed. "He was fifteen when the thing opened and let you folk from your old world. It was at both the best and worst time, right during all those civil rights movements. The cold war, social upheaval, all that fun stuff never sat right with him. He'd go on long rants about the ways that the 'Portalers' were ruining his great country, like it was his country alone."

I gazed up at the thin dance of clouds over head, and shook out a bit. I opened my top shirt up and let the sweat cool in my undershirt. I hated hot weather.

"My mother was meek. You don't get strong women with a father who was very traditional, you understand?" The dragon nodded, but said nothing. "She went along with everything he said. He wasn't abusive physically abusive, but you didn't argue with him just the same. If you did, you'd miss out on dinner, or sometimes breakfast."

I took another swallow of my wine.

"I still remember when my brother came out as gay. He got kicked out of the house and disowned that day. He's living in Reno now, and has shacked up with a black-skin elf. My father nearly had a stroke when he found out. My relationship with my brother really isn't all that great, but it's been getting better, especially since I told him about Ember." I looked down into my drink again.

"We had a very Traditional church. Very hellfire, and I was taught that these new species coming over were demons. My father even joined a few burnings, and destroyed a few shops in down town before getting caught. My mother divorced him, and I haven't talked to him sense. He's still doing time, got another ten years on his sentence." I finished my cup and placed it back on the small table nearby. I felt better. "Let's say the fact I'm with Ember is a surprise to me as much as it is to anyone else in my family. It's why I am trying to learn and do my best. It's for her."

I looked at the grass and dug my bare toes into it again. The dragon's head bobbed to the music. I had no doubt he was paying attention.

"I love her. I love her like life itself. I can't think of leaving or doing anything to harm her. I want to do right by her." I looked up at the dragon and we met eyes for a moment. He still had the stare, though it had lessened as I became more comfortable with him. "She's helped me turn my life around. She helped me get a job, and she's just wonderful to me. I'm thinking of asking if she'd like to bond with me."

"You do know that it is tradition for a suitor male, when courting a female gryphon, to request permission of her father and clan head, correct?" I shook my head at that, and listened attentively. "But being as I am not head of a clan, much less going to follow such insulting practices, I won't expect you to ask me permission."

"You've sought to learn everything about her, about me, about our individual species. In learning, you prove you wish to do right. For that, I am pleased with you, Michael. I would not have picked you as her mate, but I believe you are more worthy than any I would have put forth."

"Thank you, Ceaser." "Don't interrupt me." He growled. "I would have you respect Draconic tradition, though. If you truly mean to become her mate in law and in truth. It is as such that you would perform a service and duty for me, and so I charge you thus: I would have you research Gryphonic culture, and learn their ways. Study rituals and gods and paths of power that they take and choose amongst themselves, and how an outsider might gain acceptance among them. Learn, and become, so that she might learn what she never had a chance to under my care"

He finished his bowl with a belch, and sighed out pleased. "And lastly, Michael. Study to see if there are any form-altering magics which you might use, to become even more suited for her. I am not telling you to become a form-shifted creature, only that you learn the cost and bring a formula to me."

"And before you ask me why I care, I raised her since she was a hatchling. Her mother died in birth, and her father was killed on the other side." He closed his eyes, and seemed to rest. "I am the only family she has. And if you intend to truly go through with a mate-ship with my daughter, you will respect and undergo this trial."

I nodded mutely, surprised to find this information out.

"She's your daughter, and you let her work in a Brothel?"

The dragon chuckled to me with a shake of his head.

"She is not human, and does not have the same taboo as you. Plus, if I would not permit her to do something, she would do it anyway. You yourself know how hard headed she really is." The dragon sighed, content. "That does remind me. I've had a special client come in, who needs a delicate touch. Will you handle him for me?" I nodded in thought. I could use a challenge.

"Of course, Ceaser."

"I'll be home late, Ember. Ceaser has a client for me to see, and I've got late night work. I'll see you later tonight. I'll bring chicken, I love you, Birdy." I sent a phone message to my girlfriend, and tapped the display to close the phone off. Placing it on my working desk, I gave myself a quick look over, and pushed my hair back with my fingertips. I looked rough, but I doubted the client minded too much. I smelled alright. "Alright. Let's get this show started." I mounted the steps after checking in on Shakram, who was still busily working on perfecting the system. He gave me a thumbs up and whistled at me, because I looked good in my working uniform. I mounted the steps and took the second floor, and entered into the room where my client awaited me, patiently.

Sitting upon the bed, adorned in a cloak and tunic, was a lizard. Of course, calling him a lizard would have been an insult and I was careful not to insult my clients. His scales were a fiery red with an edging of orange along his throat, and horns were settled upon his head, giving him a faintly draconic look. I approached and bowed low to him, then reached to pour him his wine.

This, I had come to understand, was a nobleman from his old world, and now just an every-day citizen in the new. He wore jewelery of exquisite caliber, and his demeanor was imperious. He was enjoying the music that had been chosen for him upon signing in to the register, as Sir Nihlius. It was not his real name, but we were discreet enough not to ask for actual identities here. His long tail brushed the bed and he observed me passively. He liked to be treated like royalty, and thus I had been instructed to be his servant for the evening.

"For you, my lord." I knelt as I handed him his wine, and inclined my head down. Who knew a semester in theater studies would have real world use? "Welcome."

When he took the wine, I rose and lit the candles nearby, and turned the overhead light down so as to provide a better atmosphere. Setting up a few incense sticks, I lit them, and their heady aroma filled the room, and chased away any doubts I had. He sipped his wine and looked at me, his attention singular and consuming. I hid my nervousness as the dancing candles cast shadow through the room, and turned once more to the Draconian on the bed.

"Would my lord like some refreshments? We have a selection of cold meats and cheeses, as well as sweet bread." I smiled brightly, though kept my eyes from his own. That would have broken a few rules in this little role play.

"No." He spoke. His voice was softer than I'd expected, given his intimidating size and spread. He ruffled his tail and then stood, a hand lowering to rest on his belt for a moment. "You are a handsome servant. You are given over to me for the night." "Yes my lord." I bowed my head. "I am yours for the night."

"And privacy is guarded?"

"Confidentiality is unentered. My emp..." I paused, remembering my role. "My Master would sooner surrender his horde than risk his name. Anything said here, anything done here, is between us."

I smiled and approached him with a tray of sweet meats, and knelt once more. My knees were getting a work out. I held the tray up and the draconian nodded once more, and lowered a hand down to touch my cheek. His hand was soft padded, and his claws scratched along behind my ear. It made me shiver, especially when that hand went up against my scalp, and pulled my face to his thigh.

"Good." The draconian said. "You may strip me."

I did. I rose the tunic from his hip, and began to pull it up, lifting the green garment from the soft red scales, and I pulled high, exposing myself to the golden trail of scales that ran belly and lower. I pulled the tunic up and laid it upon the bed near to his hip, and smiled up to him. His face was immobile, but for a faint darkening of scales around the jaw. I reached up and stroked his cheek, and trailed my fingers along the small nubs that lined the underside of his jaw. He shivered, stiffly.

"Have no fear, my lord. I am no stranger to males." I lowered my hands to the draconian's belt, and pulled it open, and then undid the button snaps on the soft wool trousers. Pulling the garment open, I began to tug it down, and remembered the snap for the tail behind. Making it easier, I pulled the garment free from the surprisingly shapely hips, and slid it down, leaving him only in his boxers. For a noble, I supposed comfort wore out when it could be managed.

I took a breath, and leaned in to nuzzle against the thigh once more, and kissed the fabric softly. Inhaling, I was struck by how sweet the musk of this male was, and brushed my lips higher against that thigh, until coming to investigate and nuzzle into his groin. There was a hiss and stiffening of that reptilian frame, and I knew I'd struck my blow well.

I tugged my fingers into the fabric on his hips, and gazed up, towards that handsome face. Fingers trembled, and I was struck with pleasure at the nervousness on that form. But nodding once, I pulled down, and lowered my eyes to behold his nudity.

He wasn't biologiacally male.

I paused, dumbstruck a moment, and blinked at the sight before me. Looking down, where I'd expected a penis, or at least a more masculine slit, was the unmistakable sight of a vaginal slit. The vent was wet and had a very nice aroma to it, and I blinked again - struck confused for another moment. Opening my mouth up, the eyes of the Draconian were wider, with a mix of lust and hesitation and perhaps fear.

"Ah." I said, then tried to recover. I rose my head up from their thigh, and kissed very gently upon the wetness between those long, strong legs. "Well, my lord is quite a surprise. But fear not, I am no stranger to pleasuring even this."

"I'm a... This isn't...?" The draconian asked, and I waved a hand.

"If I might be frank, my lord?" The draconian nodded, and I leaned back. "I am the boyfriend of a gryphon, and befriended to a Gnoll who is a lover of mine. I have been with men, and women, and found both exciting. I find nothing difficult with you. Male, or female, or otherwise. What is important, behind these doors, and in these walls, is making you feel good without fear or reservation. What is it that you desire?"

The draconian wrapped his legs around me and held me, both hands soon came down to stroke my face and caress my jaw. I smiled up at him.

"Thank you. I'm transitioning into a male. Thank you." Draconians do not cry. But there was thankfulness in those eyes. Ember would be proud of me.

"There is no worry, my lord. Simply tell your servant what it is you desire, and I will fill it. We have a selection of tools to assist. Perhaps I could find my lord a strap on to assist?"

"Yes." The nobleman said after a moment, trying to recover. "That would please me considerably. Be about it."

His smile made me feel good. I rose up from my kneel and approached another drawer, and opened it. Inside were a selection of plastic-wrapped toys, which were cleaned after use and sealed for each room. I elected to bring out a toy I could handle, as well as a selection of other things - a crop, a collar, and a selection of scale-friendly oils. I returned and presented them to the draconian, who studied each piece, and nodded.

I stripped, and my throat felt the touch of the collar, before the crop was stroked against my cheek. I pulled the toy up and fastened it around her hip, and carefully inserted the knobbled other end up into his vent. There was a pleasant hiss, before he looked more complete. A mild illusion magic hid the presence of a female sex with the view of a hefty male penis, which stood in a heavy forward jut. Beneath it dangled a low set pair of testicles, and gave this effeminate male a nice contrast. It was not a cheap toy, but Ceaser did nothing by halves.

"My lord Nihlius." I said, and lowered my head to kiss the tip of his penis. He grunted, eyes quite wide. Apparently he'd never felt a toy like that. There was another grunt, as I slid my lips down, and suckled. The toy still tasted of latex and plastic, but the draconian did not seem to mind. Laying back, there was a soothing groan as I pushed down, and began to bob and stimulate the toy, and in turn, him. His legs spread, and his toes curled into the air.

I was doing a very good job.

It only worked to get him more excited than he was, and I pulled my head from the toy, and leaned in to kiss upon the belly of that lovely reptile in front of me. Kissing my way up, I nuzzled against the abdomen, and slid my way up to kiss his chest, and slid my hands up and down the lean muscle of his body. I climbed my way up and settled astride his hips, and pressed in closely.

"You are very handsome." I spoke softly, and reached back to adjust the toy to stand upright. The illusion was nice and warm in my hand. I pulled a condom up and slid it down the toy, then rose myself up and pressed back - and slid down onto it. He moaned deeply, and thrust up against my hips with a solid nudge and push - intending to get that toy nice and deep. It slid against my prostate and I groaned deeply. I'd gotten used to simply enjoying things like this.

"You are not so bad yourself." Sitting up, the lizard hugged me, and we shared a momentary kiss, before I was rolled onto my back. I gazed up and found myself rubbed against, and tightened up again with a deep, heady moan. Those hips rose and fell with a steady need, and his hands stroked my back, tenderly. "You are not my first human. But, you are the first to let me do this." "I live to serve." I whispered, and gave another kiss to his mouth. He squeezed in closely and lifted his hips again and again, each time offering steady pressure on my prostate. My head swam, and I arched my belly against his, grunting. It felt good, incredibly good. "And I live to please you."

"Good." He hissed, shoving deep and fast against me. My body shook with each push, and I heard his breathing catch deeper. I caressed his back and ran my fingers up thorugh his scales, and forced another kiss. He moaned into my mouth. My rump ached from his forceful thrusts - but my if I didn't enjoy the heat His tongue and mine danced. I squeezed my legs around his hips again, and moaned out loudly. My response fed off of his, and my oh my if he wasn't quite enjoying my responses.

He came, and the toy inside of me all but vibrated with the heat and fire of his release. His lap grew wet and he clutched to me as he shook - and I welcomed the wonderful wetness that was his release against my body. He shook, and I felt his heart racing.

"Feel better?" I asked of him, and gave him another soft kiss. He liked that, and nodded firmly in reply to my question. His eyes did look clearer, and less filled with the hungry need to copulate.

"Good." I replied. He smiled, and laid his head back on a pillow. He grunted, as I started to ride him again.

Two hours later, and ten minutes after the last session, found me holding his sleeping form. I waited until his breathing became the deep whisper of honest sleep, then began to strip him of his belt and remove the toy from his soaked thighs. I removed and tossed the condom as well, then neatly folded his clothes to rest near his dozing form. I pulled a blanket up and over his form, and gave him a smile as he slept, though still painfully hard.

I let him sleep though, much earned. I left a note for him on the nearby table and stepped out into the hall. The Ranch House was quiet except for those dedicated nocturnal. I passed by a sandy-gold colored mantis of the desert breed. We shared a look and I smiled, before making my way out into the night, and eventually, back home again.

"What do Gryphons worship?" I asked of my golden feathered girlfriend when I finally made it home. "Who, of what god?"

Five months. We had been dating for five months, and I had moved in after one. Though it was different learning to adapt to a gryphons preferred method of living, I was not finding it unappealing. Indeed, it saved us both considerable amounts of money, and I found the arrangement pleasant. We divvied our chores, shared the bills, and introduced friends to each other.

Five months, two fights, and the best angry sex I'd ever had. My belly still grew fluttery when she passed me by and my tongue became lead when she smiled at me. I had loved before, but I was drunk on her, and every part of her. I hadn't thought a quadruped would be my ideal mate, but this winged beauty was in my thoughts and dreams.

"I do not know about others, but I've taken to a more draconian view towards worship. Ceaser's really influenced my own faith." She said after a moment, and peered at the tattoo I had finally convinced myself to get. It was a gryphon in mid flight. It was her, in mid flight It was pretty well done, and had cost almost a thousand dollars. "If there's a god, let them judge me on my actions and circumstances. A just god will understand and rule justly, and an unjust god won't be worth pissing on. Also, he's a dragon, he's half divine in his head anyway."

Ceaser, our boss, a mighty red dragon of indeterminate age, arrogant stuffiness, and a wicked sense of business. Having worked retail, I rather work for a dragon - at least I could get the occasional reach-around at a brothel.

"What about the old world?" I asked, stroking her tail and leaned in, carefully trimming away some fur that was out of place. She liked it when I groomed her, and after this I had claws to trim and polish. "What did you worship there?" "I was born this side, almost, what, nearly fifty years ago? The first Gryphons came through early on. Plus, I wasn't really raised by a gryphon in the first place. I was adopted out by a dragon after my mother died of injuries and complications. It wasn't too good for us over there from what I'd heard.." It'd been a part of the history courses in high school, the 60's and the tumultuous times that were the change over. A grand dimensional rift had torn itself open in the middle of the Plumas National Forest, during a regular training exercise of some National Guardsmen. It had been studied and observed for nearly two weeks before the first folk came through - and it had gotten quite hairy when the first dragon roared through.

And then the gryphons, phoenixes, black-skin elves, lizardfolk, kitsune, and so many others came through the rift. It had turned a forest into a humanitarian hotspot, and the eventual passing of an amendment to grant temporary residency to those who passed through.

Fifty years since then, it'd turned into citizenship, and I was laying in the grip of my girlfriend, a naturalized citizen of the United States.

"What about you, Michael? Do you worship anyone? Besides me, that is." She preened, and I slid down her leg to grip a paw, then started to shave the callouses off of her foot. The pads were thick and needed plenty of oiling to avoid chafing.

"Well, I was raised Baptist. Now I don't know, I've not given it a whole lot of thoughts though there aren't as many traditionally religious people now as there were pre-portal event. I wouldn't want to say either way. So, that's why I'm curious. I mean, not that I won't bow down and worship you, oh goddess of sky and sun." "Ahh, theology is an interesting subject. You might talk better to Ceaser about it. He's the one who taught me about his faith. Really, he taught me almost everything." She slid her toes wide, and I dug between them, tending the small oily pads and squeezing the glands to help them relax, then began to trim up her claws again. It was a weekly ritual for us. I was just glad she didn't have the usual complications that cats had with other glands, I wasn't sure I could handle it yet.

Okay, I probably could.

"He does seem to care more than he lets on." "He does, especially where I'm concerned." She kneaded at my chest with her freshly sharpened claws, and I had marks without cuts. I switched to another foot, and repeated the performance. "After all, he is the dragon who adopted me."

"And lets you work in a brothel." I teased. "I know, he let on that he was your father. Well, adopoted father anyway. I'm not sure a female gryphon could handle someone of his size. Or attitude." "Well, why shouldn't he let me work in his brothel? He's not biological, and that taboo isn't nearly as uptight with dragons, or gryphons for that matter! But even besides that, he makes sure no one takes advantage of me, or anyone other of the ladies or gents there. He might be distant, but, he's still my father."

I returned to trimming her claws. I pulled back to the skin around the bases, and scraped downward until the claws remained but a nice black, and set to polishing them.

"Maybe someday he'll be yours too." She suggested. I gave her a smile that I hoped came across as enigmatic, but probably looked more dopey.

"You know, think I'd like that. I'd happily call him father. He's a sure sight better than mine" I said, and leaned down to kiss her paw when I'd finished cleaning the claws. It was a weekly ritual that we'd come up with, and I didn't think she minded me grooming her. I know I quite liked it myself. It was empowering, I thought, to give a lady a nice set of nails, even if said nails could rip a bull open. "That reminds me, I've got some research to do for Ceaser." "Oh? And what does he have you doing now?" She questioned me with a prod of her beak.

"Oh, it's nothing that important." I lied about that. It was very important, to me. "He just had some tasks he wanted me to look up when I wasn't busy, so might as well do it now, right?" "Not busy, hm?" Her crest rose, as she stood up and pushed against me. She was still very strong, and her size made my loving her both more ridiculous, and also more exotic. "I must disagree. You are about to become very busy."

She drug a freshly sharpened claw over my chest.

"Well, you do have a good point." I glanced at her paw. "Five of them."

Well, research really could wait, especially when your mate wants love.