Miles Low

Story by GreyKobold on SoFurry

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#2 of Miles

After what would have been a one night stand turns into a pleasent lust filled relationship, Michael finds that he needs a job. Thus, his newly acquired gryphonic girlfriend offers to land him a job working for the Ranch...

Art is (C) CadiumTea

Character is (C) GreyKobold

This story is dedicated especially to all of my friends and fans who kept on me to write. Thank you, Hyratel, Sovendaar (sorry, I can't find your name anywhere!), and everyone else who cared. Especially Nagadra, Vik, GK, Aellynh, and all the rest who gave a damn during my low points.

Thank you.

Miles Down

The glow of the morning sun, and with an open window in a high rise, was a wonderful way to wake up. I basked as my ancestors must have back in the trees, savoring both the heat and the open breeze. I gave a small grunt, stretched out with a mighty yawn, and sucked in a deep breath of crisp air. The spicy musk of lady gryphon filled my lungs, and I drifted on the edge of awakening. Blinking my eyes slowly, I awoke, and then turned my head into the warm feathers of the large, snoring lady gryphon which draped over me. She had a paw stretched across my chest and a wing draped over me. Heavy, she pushed into my stomach and disturbed my bladder. I really had to go urinate.

After a few moments, I untangled from her body and rose out of her cloth nest. Walking through her flat with the windows open and the world beyond quite visible left me a bit on the self-conscious side, but as she had so violently stripped me before fucking me I really didn't have a leg to stand on. I entered her restroom, gaped at the strangeness of the adapted plumbing, and looked for a spot to relieve my bladder at. I didn't know one of the quads would have such unique needs. Finishing my business, I washed my hand and exited out, and went to her kitchen - this too built for a quadrupedal creature to manage.

She liked her meat. I sorted through fifteen different racks of frozen meat before settling on a nice hunk of deer, and settled it out to warm up in the oven. I flipped the oven on and took a walk around her flat, pausing now and then to linger upon a few photographs hanging on digital frames. The images changed periodically, from an image of her, to a dragon I did not know, to other folk of the fantastic breeds. I smiled, and continued my exploration as Ember slept.

I found the controls to her sound system and checked the music set on a small display. I turned it on, and grooved to the music, a rather fiery mix that sounded like Celtic metal had a bastard child with a drunk, naive Arabic folk song. I grooved to the music, and turned the it up to a tolerable volume. There was much to see and admire, and my lover slept, grinning and lewdly spread.

Gryphons, I was coming to understand, have absolutely no modesty.

It took another half hour before she awoke, and the smell of cooking venison was probably a major factor to that action. I had left it cooking at low heat while I'd prepped a few vegetables, though honestly, I was wanting more than just food. I smiled to her, and she eyed me up and down, before scooting over to brush against me in a luxurious feline greeting. I welcomed it.

"Good dreams?" I asked her.

"Of course, Michael." She mused, and gave my cheek a firm lick with her raptor tongue. I rubbed her solidly between the ear tufts, then settled myself down at a low table, while waiting for the food to finish cooking. She gave a musical note and nestled in against me. "I dreamt of flying."

"I dreamt of warm feathers." I stroked the back of her head and hugged her close and warm. "I think it was you."

"So, what do you have planned to do today?" She asked me inquisitively, and gave the side of my neck a nip. I felt an electric charge pass through me, and sighed pleasantly. She really had a nice bite when she was feeling playful. "And hopefully they include me. It would be a very boring life indeed, without a gryphon to keep it exciting."

"Only a fool would get tired of an exciting lady like you. But, first, I'm thinking of getting some pants. Unlike you, I can't get away with my genitals flapping in the breeze."

"A shame." A strong forepaws up and pushed in against my groin, squeezing once with nimble digits and the lightest brush of claws. I grunted, stiffening up in response to her forwardness on my bare flesh. I tried to steady my thoughts, then shook my head out in response. She was quite the flirt. "Must you?"

"Well, I must. I've got to hit the streets again. I've only a few more months of unemployment left, and this economy is making it a rather bestial affair to try and find a job." I stroked over her jaw, then bumped nose to nares. "Then maybe I can swing by tonight, if you'd like me to, you know, come hang out."

"Mmm. I'm not sure hanging is the type of out I'm looking for right now." Her eyes narrowed thoughtfully, while she lowered her beak down and flicked her tongue through my pubic hair. I stiffened further, and she seemed to enjoy the more masculine scents that came from my groin. Her tongue was quite agile, and it touched me and cleaned away the sweat of our evening copulation. "What did you do?"

"Everything, basic IT, the ledgers, repairs around the shop. Really, whatever the ol' pointy eared bastard wanted me to do." I said, trying to focus as her tongue went lower, and stroked me very intimately. It was hard to think when blood rushed lower.

"IT and accounting and repairs? Hm. Varied. You have many talents. As well, you not only showed initiative in bed play with someone like I, you did so quite exceptionally. I've never been eaten out by a human. Or anything not a dragon." From someone who worked at the Mustang Ranch, that was a hell of a compliment, I thought. "Maybe I'll talk to the boss, maybe there's an opening you can fill. Besides mine, that is."

I blinked in surprise. She smiled with a soft gape of her beak, and gave the side of my penis another long, wet lick, making my knees tremble. For having a beak, she was very good with her mouth, and she didn't have to stop talking while applying that beak to me. I groaned, lowering my head and pushing up against her mouth with a soft thrust, even as she slid me into her throat and down her crop. I grunted sharply, and rolled my head back, sighing with a low pitched moan.

Her mouth gripped me, and I pushed my hips against her tongue and throat, moving forward slowly and softly as I worked myself against her. Her throat squeezed and clenched on me like her vulva had the night before as I gripped her head, my own rolling back as I shuddered with a quivering shake. She had an amazing tongue, and I couldn't think straight. I panted, eyes rolling back when she squeezed twice as hard.

Up and down went her head, that tight throat and wet beak not losing their pace as she worked on me. She was merciless on my cock, my glans soaked with her spit, and my balls wet with her saliva. They began to tighten up and my abdomen rocked - a roar running through my head when she gripped my flanks and pulled me directly against her maw. I lost myself in her delight, my backside clenching up again and belly rolling again, especially when she slid down to the root. I gasped, and then began to spurt into her beak, wet and copious.

"Mmmh." She murmured, letting me finish into her crop. Her eyes were closed. "Humans, delicious."

I grunted, and sagged over her. I hugged her around the fore-shoulders, and sighed. It was good. Very good.

"Well. I suppose I can discuss with my boss about it. I am not supposed to go in today, but, I suppose we can go visit him. I like you, Michael. You are good people." She gently stroked a fore-paw along my lower back, and squeezed softly. She liked to touch. Frankly, I liked her touching me. "And we have had trouble getting someone who knows IT in at the ranch. I don't know why."

"Because it's a brothel and we humans generally have very uptight moralistic views on everything that doesn't fit our pre-defined views of the universe?" I suggested, to which she sighed, but gave a nod in agreement. "I mean, even I'd be hesitant to show up in the modern day and I'm dating one of the girls."

"Dating one of the girls?" She asked, her crest lifting. "Since when?"

"That is, uh, I'd like to." I tried, lamely. "If she'd want to go out with me, I mean. If she's available."

"She might be." Ember said thoughtfully, and pulled back from me. Rolling onto her side, and then her back, she looked up at me as her hind legs spread open, and gave me a clear view of just how much she liked going down on me. I knelt down, and placed my hands on the underside of her thighs, while looking at her. And as I lowered my face to her sex, I heard her croon out: "I'm sure she can be convinced."

It appeared Ember had a pair of pants that fit me, as well as a rather nice shirt, which she suggested I wear. I did, because who would argue with a girlfriend who could put away 10kg of meat in a single sitting and still eye the slice that her human boyfriend had taken? She gave me a flight to my small one bedroom studio, and gave me just enough time to shower and to change into a 'business casual' outfit, before grabbing me and whisking me away again. It appeared she didn't like my apartment, and didn't expect to take me back there. Frankly, the lease was up in a week anyway.

The Ranch occupied a rather finely kept forty acre spread, with plenty of outdoor areas hidden by high hedges and a goodly fine touch of illusionairy enchantment. Up above, several pairs danced in flight, ad were much too high to see, exactly, what they were doing. The main house itself was a three story home with pillar columns and a definite early-western townhouse look to it. The ranch was finished up rather nicely by a rather elaborate system of hedges and gardens for secret rendezvous.

We landed at the flight field, and I enjoyed the cool chill of a Nevada evening, though the higher atmosphere had been a little numbing to some parts of my anatomy. I would have to remember to pack double in the future. My arms around her neck, I slid off of her back and stretched my legs, then walked with her towards the front of the house. A few folk waved a greetings and exchanged pleasantries with her, but were mostly keeping to themselves, as business wouldn't begin picking up for a few hours yet, or so she told me. I counted three dragons and a number of avian types out in the field, simply basking in the sun. After that flight, I wanted to do the same.

"High Flight is a new concept for the ranch, but the uniqueness of it has played popular with a number of folks. How many people get to claim to a ride at ten thousand feet, eh?" She grinned in that saucy manner of hers, and I gave a nod of contemplation. It'd certainly taken me by surprise, but, I would have to try it again. Properly. "In about three years we think it'll turn a profit after all the renovations and airspace control. But, the ranch isn't in danger of going down."

"Just the employees, eh?" I nudged her, and she swatted me firmly with her tail. It moved airly and light, but packed a rather powerful wallop with the muscle of her haunches playing into it. It'd ache for a few minutes. Still worth it.

Inside was lush, plush, and warm. The floor was hard wood and a brass chandelier hung over head, lit with electric lights that were modeled to look like candles. A number of girls were visible out by the bar, and talked with a few male clients. A black elf, with rich purple skin and eyes of chilled blue, quietly played a piano in her skivvies, her breasts full and on display. A gryphon lacked these wonderful assets, and I could only count it the price for the rest of the wonderful girl that I could lay claim to.

"Mizzandra" The gryphon spoke, pointing with her beak to the elf on the piano. "She's been playing the piano for eighty five years and hasn't lost her skill. She'll be three hundred years this July. Looks no older than thirty."

A very young thirty. Possibly a 'twenty two' year old 'thirty'.

I stroked Ember between the ears and continued on behind the bar, and into the back chambers.

His name, as far as I could pronounce, could be better sounded out as 'Thezeirandrezadenon', or, as he preferred: "Ceaser:. He coiled around the back room and stretched out at an even thirty feet from nose to tail root, and an extra fifteen by way of that tail. He stared at a massive 240" high definition wall screen that broke into nearly thirty different views going on at one time. I gave it a look over and whistled, to which the great red swelled his chest up, and puffed out in response.

If the wall behind his perch was any indication, he loved his electronic toys.

"Hail, Ceaser." The gryphon clucked, and sat herself down. The dragon tipped his head marginally in her direction, and resumed watching the monitor, his eyes darting between three news pages, five music stations, a comedy news agency, The Onion, the stock market, and several security streams of each room. I tried to ignore the orgy on panel 26.

"Hello, pretty birdy." The dragon rumbled, and I felt his voice shiver my bones. "Is it thanksgiving time? You smell as though you've been stuffed. Who is your guest?"

The dragon turned his head, and his great golden eyes stared down into my own. In that moment, my heart stopped, and my mind went blank, for his eyes were everything, and the powerful will behind it was the will of conquerors, of monsters, of gods and men of legend. I stared up at him and my mouth went dry and my heart began to thunder, as every instinct was confused between awe, worship, and abject terror. The reptilian hind brain told me to run and flee, the rational brain was trying to pick itself up from the situation, and the rest of me was just locked in place, staring into those wondrous eyes.

"Michael." I forced out. My soul was laid bare before those powerful eyes. And then it broke, and my knees wobbled. I shook my head as I counted down from ten in my head, and sucked a deep breath in to steady myself. "I am Michael."

"He handles the freeze very well." The dragon rumbled again, before reaching to dip his sixteen inch claws into a bowl of very hot wax, and idly let the heat leech out impurities in his nails. My tongue was like lead in my mouth. "Why did you bring him? He's not a client who wants a refund, is he?"

"He's my boyfriend." The gryphon stated, her crest laying down irritably. A rise of steam rose from his snout and he eyed me critically. I didn't know if he liked that thought, or found that I was poaching from what he considered his.

"Awful small, isn't he? He can't be all that satisfying." The dragon said, and snorted the steam over me. It was at once wonderful, like a steam bath, and terrifying, for it could have easily been a noxious smoke, or a flame that would have ashed my bones before my nerves would have been able to signal pain. "He have a big paycheck? Bigger apartment? Big..."

"He satisfied me last night. Three times." The gryphon tutted and trotted forward. "That's not the point. He does IT. And handy repairs, he didn't balk at going down on me this morning, and, well, you know how rare that is amongst humans. I'd like to see about getting him a job."

"Only time you ever bug me is when you need a favor, birdy." The dragon grumbled, while looking at me a second time. His eyes wandered over me, narrowed in thought. I felt my hands tighten up, and rolled my shoulders once to try and steady myself. "He's straight?"

"Uh, I..." I said, swallowing. "Yes?"

"You don't sound too sure about that You'd be surprised how many creatures just want a human male in their arms. Other males, even, at that." The dragon sighed, and lifted a leg, stretching it up before returning to his watching. That dragon had quite a bit to show, and I felt my face flush. "Ever been with a male?"

"I, uh, yeah. In college. A couple of times."

"Did you enjoy it?" The dragon asked next, as though it were his business. The gryphon gazed at me as well, just as curiously, her eyes wandering over me for a moment, then down. He squinted, sniffing at me. "You need to shower better. I still smell her cunt on your breath."

The gryphon laughed. My face felt like it were about to burst into flame, and I gave a small nod of my head.

"So he's bisexual. Excellent. Every member of my crew is expected to be able to perform a full range of function. That includes clients of either gender, even if you are only here for tech. If I hire you, you will be expected to do so. The pay is standard, and can be negotiated depending. Blood tests are monthly, STI twice a week. Condoms are mandatory."

I looked at Ember, who looked quite smug.

"I'm aware of who you are, the feather ball faxed the resume over this morning." He said as I put my resume down. He gave it a quick look over, then tapped something into a massive keyboard. In moments, my profile popped up and spread out over half a screen. He looked at it, gave me a look back, and shrugged. "Why did you lose your job?"

"Economy took a down turn. Business went out. No use for someone who can do everything without the proper education." The dragon studied me, then gave me another snort. My clothing felt wet. I gave it a push down and sighed, head shaking. "I have been out for six months. Got another six before I start to really panic."

"Fascinating." The dragon said, dryly. I really couldn't tell if he was being honest or not. I couldn't read him a damn bit. Gryphons, at least, had cute ear tufts to help read their moods. "It was a small time tax office that I'd applied for one day and got it."

"Right." The dragon dug his claws into the wax and pulled out, before gazing at her fingertips again. Squinting, he grunted, and broke the wax off and re-dipped into the bowl. "None the less, it's not that important. You are here. You are not too bad looking, and you've got the approval of a rather tough bird who doesn't approve of anyone I've tried to set her up with."

The gryphon looked too damn smug.

"Well, you have the right resume, and you are vouched for. I suppose I could hire you. But you will be called on to please males and females on occasion. Not too often, but it will happen. Will this be an issue, my little monkey?"

The dragon stared down at me. The freeze didn't feel quite so heavy anymore, though it still made me a little on the nauseous side. My mouth was gummy.

"No. Not at all. Lizard."

Ceaser's brow lifted, and his jaw tucked a bit, thoughtfully. His eyes focused, one then the other, before his tail swiped his mouse and he turned back to look at the screen. Steam rose from his snout.

"Come back in a few hours for a clothing fitting." The dragon waved a hand towards Ember and myself, and turned back to his machine. I frowned, but decided not to argue. Ember drug me by my belt out of the room.

"Are all dragons that arrogant?" I asked, sitting out in the front garden with the lady gryphon curled up against my back. I stroked my thumb along the underside of her tail in soft, gentle caresses over the rope-like tail. She provided a slow little rubdown, and stroked the back of a thigh. "I mean, really? He's a jackass."

"Not really. He's the most social dragon that I've ever met, and he was quite amused when you shot back that lizard comment." She bumped her beak against the back of my shoulders, and nuzzled in. "He's actually quite a modern dragon, what with an embrace of technological wonders and a look towards the future and modern social arrangements. It's why he's hired a few men for testing purposes. And, he's actually polite and very sweet. You know, for a dragon. Plus, he likes you."

"If you say so, my dear." I'd known her for almost a day now, and I was giddy with thoughts of her. I turned myself and faced her, then laid down so I could bury my face into her chest feathers. I really couldn't help but breath deeply off of her musk. It was making me feel drunk. "Why did you pick me, in the bar?"

"You bought me a drink, and gave me a smile. Because you danced with me. Because you have a good aura."

"Aura, huh?" I asked, giving a look up at the garden. A beautiful topiary depicted a pair of dragons in play, and it wasn't the least of the pleasures of the garden. It was heavily flowered, and felt closer to eighty degrees. The magic was rich in this part of the country, but I'd never seen what that magic actually meant.

"Yeah. You are a good soul. You have a nice flow to your spirit, and it's got this nice shininess to it that I like. Of course, I like shiney things. It's the bird part of me." She teased, and tickled me right under my chin, before giving a pleasant little chuckle. Her tail brushed my leg. "I like you, Michael. I feel I can trust you to not purposefully hurt me or those I care about."

That much was true, I wouldn't purposefully hurt her, or anyone, if it came down to it. Gently, I ran my fingertips through her feathers, and slid my touch over her belly, kneading away at the muscle and flesh with careful little pushes of my fingertips.

"I like you too, Ember. You are, well, you smell good."

"That's all you like, huh? How I smell?" She teased me, and drug a claw under my chin. I leaned down and kissed her pad, and gave a pleasant hum in response. I welcomed the tickling touch of her talon. "Just my smell?"

"You taste good." I said, as though it were a defense. "You smell and taste good. And your ass is just magnificent, and magnificently fuckable. Maybe I should sometime. Oh, and your eyes are really pretty. And it's the best sex I've had in -ack!"

She pounced me onto my belly and chewed on my scalp. I flailed and tried to get out from under her, but she was deadset on punishing me for my obnoxiousness. I deserved it, but didn't want to give her the satisfaction of admitting she was right. She was smug enough, any more and she risked exploding from it.

"Just don't forget who the boss is, you hairless monkey!"

"Yes, Mistress!" I flailed and tried to get free, only for her claws to run up my ribs, and send me into laughter and struggles renewed. I was quite ticklish. "Anything you say, featherbutt!"

"That's right." She said, giving me a rather solid 'harrumph' before standing up and looking down at me. "I am the mistress, hear me roar."

"I thought gryphons squawked!"

She bit me again, before sitting down on my head. I was sure to distract her from irritation for the rest of the hour.

An hour and a quick shower later, we received the call to return to Ceaser's chamber. I entered, finding the screens having changed, but still in the same collective arrangement. I gave it a casual look over and then beheld the mighty red, who gave me just a blink. His eyes still held me when I stared into them, before being stage-whispered to look at the bridge of his snout instead of his face. It proved to help considerably.

It was after the stare that I noticed a very pretty avian standing at the tail of the dragon. She stood around six feet tall, and gave me a look over, before gesturing with her lovely beak towards a uniform that had been set out for me. It was made of silk, and was a conservative black with a weave of red at the wrists, neck, and ankles. A uniform, I stripped to my skivvies when indicated I should, and dressed into it. It clung to me very warmly, and breathed like nothing I'd ever felt before.

"A good fit, Miss Rotheschild." The dragon murmured to the bird. She turned her dark eyes from me to the dragon, then back. I was drawn to predators, it seemed. The gryphon gave me a nip on my shoulder, then rested her beak on my shoulder, purposefully. She had claimed me, that much was visible. "Take it in at the hips a little, I think."

"Of course, Mister Thezeirandrezadenon." She could enunciate like no ones business, and her accent was pure Midwestern. I highly approved. "I will have a secondary ready by tomorrow. Otherwise, Mister Michael is ready for work, pending his blood tests."

I frowned, and rolled the arm of my uniform sleeve up to offer my forearm for a needle. The redwing looked at me, and lifted her crest.

"He's clean." The dragon said, snorting out a brush of steam at me. I ducked it down. "I checked him this morning."

"Of course you did, Thezeirandrezadenon." She said, that musical voice of hers still quite enchanting. I shook my head out and tried to blink it off. "None the less, we need to have something for the board of health. You do not want to anger these people."

"No, of course not. Very well, I will call the hospital to set up the tests for tomorrow." The dragon rumbled deep in his breast, and he looked, dare I suggest it, anxious. She plucked at the golden rim of her glasses, and then gazed me over again.

"Tight anywhere? Enough room in the crotch? Tight around the neck?" She asked me, before nodding when I simply smiled my response. "Good. I have some confidentiality papers for you to sign, as well as a few statements for tax purposes. When you are ready, of course."

"Right." I said, my head throbbing for a moment. "I'm sorry, I'm Michael, and you are?"

"I am Alanya Rotheschild. I am Mister Thezeirandrezadenon's Lawyer."

A dragon's lawyer. I had heard rumors of lawyers who were attached to dragons, and this one made the mighty beast meek. I was impressed, intimidated, and glad that I wasn't facing her questioning.

"Right. Right. Uh, evidently I will be working for Mr. Ceaser. And, uh, I'll admit I've not really done, uh, brothel work before."

"Of course not. Most here have not, barring those over a century old. There is very little to it, beyond pleasing the client. You, yourself, were also hired to perform technical and repair services as required. I believe you will be a benefit to my client. I'm glad to see he finally listened to my advice about hiring men to this job. You understand, he is very heavily biased in the draconian manner."

I gave a bewildered nod of my head in response to that, blinking.

"Harems, Mr. Michael. He likes his harems. Females, genuinely, inhabit said harems. It is why there are only a handful of males in this place. But, that said and done, I believe you will be an asset." She smiled at me, and I nodded slowly in response. Giving her one more look down, I nodded, and stroked Ember soothingly on her crest. "Though, perhaps he'll simply add a male to his harem. I'm sure you'd enjoy it."

"I don't mind sharing him." Ember said. "But, I do like to be asked. He IS mine."

"Don't I get a say in this?" I asked.

"No." Was my response from all three. I threw my hands up and leaned back against Ember, and waited for her to continue.

"Miss Ember here was one of the first hires we made when we acquired this property, and thus, her words have a lot of weight, and I trust her to do what is best for this group. Many of the ladies here use this to better themselves, and we run an organization dedicated to the betterment of our employees." The bird could talk. "Second to this, Mr. Michael, we wish everyone, client and customer alike, to have a healthy, and enjoyable experience. If you cannot, or will not, enjoy this, there is no shame in backing away. But do understand, this is a rare opportunity, and we do not associate homosexual activities as a negative light. Gryphons, dragons, and even Phoenii engage in it, often as a healthy period of growth."

"But I've only done it a few times." I said with a hesitant exhale. "I'm not, well, really that way."

"Maybe not, but I do not think that would bother you as much as you think it would. I suggest giving it a shot. You have done so before, and I believe you will be able to do it again. But, let me tell you what, Mr. Michael, if you permit me I will find a male who can satisfy and help you explore it. If it should come to it that you simply are unable to derive pleasure from, and able to perform in that manner, you will not be asked to do so. Is that a deal?"

"I suppose." I said, and gave the cheek of Ember a stroke. I felt like the mouse before a mighty bird. I wasn't sure that I was going to survive the pounce. Of the four people in the mighty dragon's chambers, I was the only one without wings.

"Excellent. I will find a client." The phoenii said, while giving Ember a nod. The look passed between themselves, and I nearly protested. They both looked to me, then went their ways, leaving me alone with the great drake.

"I just hope I won't regret my decision."

The red dragon snorted and shook his head in amusement.

In a room painted a hot cherry red, and with a fine dark wood bed as the centerpiece, I sat in uniform, and waited the arrival of my client. In a room warm and comfortable, I laid my head back and relaxed against a pillow, and stretched myself out quite comfortably. My heart beat a heavy thump that only compounded with the nervous tightness left in my guts. I'd not done this in some six years, and here I was, waiting for a man to come into the room.

I closed my eyes and drifted through the darkness of empty thought, and perhaps a little fatigue from the day so far. Music was playing over head, a soft jazz that would have done well in a night club, or maybe one of the blackjack rooms on the Strip. I liked it. It helped me relax.

When the door opened, I was a bit more relaxed, and I might have dozed off in the comfortable, scented, silk pillows. Sitting up, and straightening down the front of my black and red trimmed uniform, I looked up at my client, and gave a smile, bright and welcoming. If I was going to be employed, I would give it my all.

My client looked back at me with bright golden eyes, and a quirk of large, canine ears. An Afrikaner fuzzy hyena-man. Or, in polite society, a Gnoll. His spotted figure approached me and the red jacket he wore swept like a cape would have. He studied me, and tapped a black claw-tip to his nose, and let out a soft hum.

"You'll do." He said after a moment, and then sat down across from me. His heavy tail flopped out behind him, and he gave me a large, toothy grin. "Miss Rotheschild recommended you, and she's right, you are kinda cute. New hire?"

"Obvious?" I asked, while scratching at my chest. I looked him over - he cleared me by eight inches and was broader than I was, though lithe, as far as a Gnoll went. He laughed softly, and his south-Afrikaner accent carried through. I had to say, it really was very pleasant. "I just got hired today. I mean, a job's a job. I was hired for IT support."

"Really? And yet, here you are." He gestured to the nearby fridge that was set in the room. I stood and got him a beer when he gestured again, and myself a bottle of water. He popped and took a swallow, then looked at me again. His ears perked with interest. "Get naked. I'm partial to humans."

"Really?" I asked, conversational. "I thought most of the tribes were more insular."

"Nah." He laughed, and leaned back as I bent down, and pushed my pants off my hips. I was nervous to be naked, but he didn't mind as I stood, hands clutched behind my back. He twirled his finger in the air, and I slowly turned for him. "Appearances, brother, are not always the truth. My tribe is more modern, you know. That and we immigrated in the early 20th."

"Plus. Taboo is a nice thing to break." His paw stopped me, and gripped my backside. I tensed, and his fingers dimpled the flesh with a nice little squeeze. I felt my face heat up as he explored with touches of those soft pads, up and down my thighs and back, then a lingering squeeze to each cheek before spreading them, and getting a look at my backside proper. "Very nice."

"What is?" I asked. I felt a little dizzy, and my penis grew erect from the casual manhandling of my body. He didn't say much as he stroked and caressed me, and then stood, and pressed his chest, still clothed, against my back. I was uncomfortably erect, and his scent, primal, obscured my thoughts for a moment.

"You've got the most fuckable ass I've seen on a human." He murmured into my ear, then curled his long tongue across the edge of it. I shivered, and he stroked my chest and belly in turn. He cupped and fondled and squeezed me, and his hips bumped my flanks gently. "I'll say they've made a good choice. Rare to meet a human who is this willing."

"Well it's a job." I said, and his hand lowered down, gripping my penis almost too tightly. He squeezed and pumped me a few times, laughing.

"This says otherwise." He murmured, before pulling back. I turned my head to look at him, as he pushed his jacket off, and tossed it onto the nearest chair. His body beneath was lean, and I found my eyes roaming the spots on his chest and belly while he worked his clothes free. His belt came next, and he looped it around my neck and held it there like a leash. And standing, he undid the two buttons on his pants, and pushed down, freeing himself.

He had a darker line of fur running to the pubis, and a nice, dark brown warmth on his sheath. I bit my lower lip, and he pulled me forward by his belt, and bent his head down to kiss me. His tongue found my mouth unguarded and he shared his breath with me, musky and hot and lung-tingling. I responded in kind and kissed him quite eagerly - my hands lowering to his hips and thighs, tracing the spots that made him growl in pleasure.

The kiss broke with a bite to my tongue, and he bumped his snout to my forehead, before both of his hands rose up onto my shoulders, and pushed down firmly. My knees bent, and I swallowed, finding myself nose to sheath with a hyena who I didn't even know the name of. I doubted he'd give it to me even if asked, and it was growing clearly that he wanted my mouth doing something other than talking.

"Miss Rotheschild tells me you haven't done this before." He said, stroking my cheek with his left hand, and gripping his sheath with his right. He teased it over my lips while the black length slowly stretched out from his groin. He prodded it against my cheek and smeared a small trickle of his wetness there. "But don't worry. I'll guide you. Start by licking me."

And so I did. I licked him, with my tongue sweeping along the tip, then down into the soft fur of his sheath, which housed him. I licked him and kissed his flesh, my instincts confused by my need to please - and I went down, lowering my head to his large testicles, and I serviced them with my tongue. I licked and kissed, I sucked on the tawny flesh and breathed from them directly as my mouth busied over those heavy, loose orbs. He sighed in pleasure and grew fully erect as I toyed with him, both of my hands working up and over his spotted rear end. He liked my touch and loved my tongue, and I was generous with both all across his intimacy. His golden eyes closed as I nursed one testicle into my mouth, then pulled off with an audible slurp.

His shaft stood tall from his groin, longer than mine and noticeably thicker - and my jaw ached at the thought of taking it down. But as I stared, my mouth found its way up his groin after I nursed on his scrotum for a steady minute, and went up along the underside, and ran my tongue across the lip of his peeled back sheath. He chuffed when I licked his bare flesh up to the candid tip, and moaned into it, before he pushed between my lips and into my mouth. His eyes rolled back and his snout pointed heavenward as I began to suck.

My cheeks dimpled and I took him half way down, then pulled up and pushed back down. Each time I worked he shifted up against my lips, and I took him, four, five, six inches deep with room to spare. His hands held my head as I ran him over my inner cheek and across the roof of my mouth. My tongue didn't keep still, and I replayed every blow job I'd ever gotten and replayed it onto his erection, which spat another line of precum against the back of my throat. Without thinking I swallowed it, and found it agreed with me. If I hadn't been so turned on I'd have been worried about my sexuality. As it was, I was too busy to think, and I looked down at what was left, then pushed him to the back of my throat.

With a grunt, I took him down, until his testicles were pressed against my chin and his groin flush with my face. He made happy sounds at that, and his tail was arched up high. Grunting, perhaps in surprise that I'd dare go so deep, his balls lifted and he jerked, and began to ejaculate. I pulled back and tasted him over my tongue, each wet shot splashing and bitter and slimy on my tongue and teeth, and the hyena proved to be copious, coating my mouth and shivering as he held my head still. I licked each shot out, and he sighed.

"God damn natural." He said, and then nodded to me. "Swallow it."

I didn't disobey, and I felt the bitter slime slide down my throat, and he smiled when I did so. It coated my throat and slid down slowly, and it left me feeling flush. But I liked it. God damn, I liked it.

He pulled out of my mouth and stroked my cheek, then used the leash to guide me to the bed, where I laid, and he settled down across from me. His balls hung low from his orgasm and shaft half-masted as he looked me over, and he blinked, as though getting his bearings once more. I'd enjoyed myself something fierce and I didn't feel too much shame about it - though I would have to think long and hard about what THAT meant.

"Give me a few, and I'll try out your other end." He said, and ran his fingers across the underside of my jaw. I nuzzled into his hand and turned my head to look at the camera watching the room, then back to this Gnoll, who nuzzled at my face. "You'd be a popular male at my tribe, tell you that."

I blushed, and he liked it, if his stiffening erection told me anything.

It took ten minutes of rest before he slid his body over mine, and pulled my legs up and spread. Nudging himself against my genitals, he rubbed himself slowly against my erection, and looked down my body with a casual, curious interest. He looked up at my face and stroked me in tandem with himself, and I shuddered. I was too turned on to think straight, and thus could only moan. After a moment, I pulled his hands up onto my shoulders, and looked up at him with a bite on my lower lip, then nodded.

He smiled. It was a genuine, warm, accepting, and very patient smile - and he slid himself over my body, and spread my legs with his thighs. He pulled a bottle of lubrication from the nearby drawer and coated himself with a hand, then lowered two fingers between my thighs, and trailed down, against the tight clench of my anus. I tensed up and gave him a soft moan, to which he slid both fingers up against my anus, and rubbed slowly, teasing that flesh, that unbroken, unclaimed ring of tight flesh. I gasped, then grimaced as the lubed fingertips slid up into me, and clenched down tightly.

"Relax, mate." He whispered. His fingers continued to play, stretching and slowly wiggling up inside, until he had the first knuckle against me. I had to admit that it felt very good, but the pain was there too, despite the lube and his patient touches. I didn't expect this of a client, and knew this Gnoll who held me was something special. He worked deeper, until the second set of knuckles were in. And he prodded, loosening me up and helping me relax, though I still clenched very tightly around him. He smiled.

And then he pulled out and angled himself down, and a quick spurt of precum signaled he was ready. I moaned and he pushed in, wider than his two fingers and hard as anything I'd ever felt. He pushed in, the blood-engorged flesh stretching me hard enough to make me moan out and winces. But he pushed, and slid into me, until he ground directly against my prostate, and in that moment I understood. I moaned loud, as my entire body convulsed, and he pushed over me until his spit-soaked balls smacked up against my flanks.

It felt painful, and it felt like nothing else I'd ever had before. I'd done oral, I'd been on a guy in college, but I'd never actually taken it, and now I understood why my roommate let me. I felt so full, and each motion, each beat of his heart, stimulated me deep inside, and made my body quiver like so much jello. I sank my fingers into his back fur and squeezed him close, moaning loudly while he pushed and pulled back again, then pushed in a second time, a little more eagerly. And then a third push, and a fourth, and I wasn't able to speak coherently any more.

I was being fucked by a Gnoll, a male Gnoll, and I liked it. No, I loved it, and it felt right, as right as it felt to curl up and fuck my girlfriend, as right as it felt to cuddle into that lady gryphon that I'd fallen in love with, as right as it felt to wake up in the morning. God above, it felt wonderful to have myself stretched by a long, hot, hard knoll cock, and each push of his hips slapped his balls against me again and again. The Gnoll knew it, and he kept a quick, steady pace as he fucked me, using my body with all the eager need of the horny, needy male he was. I squeezed down around his arousal and stroked his fur, and he kissed my jaw and throat, each time barking out when I squeezed down tighter on him. He was certainly enjoying the use of my backside, and I encouraged him to go deeper, and he rocked me on the silk sheets of the four post brothel bed.

After a few minutes of steady fucking, he rolled me onto my belly and slid back into me, he crouching on the bed over me and driving himself down into my rear end. I bit a pillow and rubbed myself against the cool silk sheets, each push making me writhe while my nervous system was lit up with his energetic, eager motions. He growled as his balls clapped against me, the sound lewd and bestial and so very wonderful. I liked it, I liked being his bitch, I liked feeling a powerful male use my ass. I blushed at the realization, and then moaned again when his cock hit me just right. With the silk sheets and his thrusts in perfect harmony, I suddenly squeezed and my head was thrown back. I cried out, ejaculating. Each pulse of my penis was repeated by my anus, and he barked loudly, before beginning to throb himself. It was messy and hot as he flowed into my rump - and I welcomed the heat, though I could already tell I would be very sore for at least the next few days. Still, the Gnoll clutched me, and held me, and flowed into me, and I knew what Ember felt every time I'd lain with her.

And I knew why she was insatiable for more.

I laid there for fifteen minutes, laid there in my cooling cum, and held down by a large, warm furred hyena, a Gnoll. His arms held me and his face was buried into the crux of shoulder and neck. Inhaling off of my throat, he nibbled and nuzzled and made me sigh in pleasure. It was a beautiful feeling, having been broken in by this wonderful, and well endowed, male. His palms warmed on my belly and chest while he curled in close. I sighed, and he smiled.

"Was it good, mate?" He asked me, though he knew, and could smell, the fact I'd been driven to a climax from just being fucked. I chuckled, tiredly.

"Yeah. I did. My girlfriend was right."

"Girlfriend, eh? I didn't take you for het." He mused, and nuzzled my neck. I grunted.

"I'm not sure I am any more. I liked it. I liked fucking her this morning, and I liked being fucked by you this afternoon. It's a bit of an eye-opener."

"Good." He murmured, and held me warm. "Though it was a pleasure opening more just than your eyes."

I groaned and reached back to swat him on the ass. After what we did, I thought I'd earned the right to it. He didn't mind, and he shoved into me in response, my over-sensitive prostate responded and made me shiver. He was a bastard.

"I don't know the etiquette, but, I wouldn't mind again, sometime." I said, hesitant. "I mean, if you'd like. You are a rather nice guy. I have never met a Gnoll before." "Miss Rotheschild will give you my information then. I'd like to meet that girlfriend of yours. She must be a real keeper to catch you." He said, and nuzzled against my scalp. "When you are rested up, let's go again. You are a fun one."

"I don't know, I feel like I've been fucked half to death." I said, and looked back at him. He slowly pulled up and withdrew from me, his shaft dribbling across the cleft of my backside, and he scooted around to lay beside me, eyes down onto my face. I looked at those pretty gold eyes, "You know I'll walk funny for a day or two from that, right?" He lifted his own tail up as he gave me another look over, and 'tsk'd' gently at me.

"You assume that I am exclusively a top?" He asked, and then looked back at me. He rose up from his side onto all fours, and gazed down at me again. "I expect a few things from you, more than just you making me do all the work." I looked up at him, then let my eyes trace over the curved muscle of his spotty butt. I gave it an appreciative nod, and then rose up onto my hands and knees in turn, though it made me ache so deliciously. I would leak for a while too, and heavens knew I'd want to have this experience again sometime. I thanked God for my luck, and then thanked my girlfriend for wanting me to work with her. I owed her good for this.

And still the Gnoll looked at me, his tail lifting. As I rose up behind him, I knew, I owed my girlfriend good, and, after a moment, I knew I owed him just as much. I slid up behind him and placed both hands on his hips for a secure grip, and looked down at a pleasing view in front of me. I swallowed, and to my amazement, found I had it in me to go for a second round. I stroked his flanks and caressed along his thighs, and gave him a pleasant caress up and down on the warm, musky cleft of his rear end. My hands traced patterns in his fur and I trailed through each spot on his rear end, making designs as I readied myself to fuck a male.

"Use your tongue." He said to me, and lowered his chest down onto the bed. Relaxed, he wiggled his rear end, and I looked down at the tight ring that continued to flex as I stroked him. I swallowed, this was new territory, as I'd never done that kind of thing before. At least, I'd never done so with a male, Ember rather enjoyed it when I licked everywhere on her hind end. I gave him a kiss on the right cheek, and then leaned in, nuzzling my face against his rump.

He was quite clean, if one dismissed the heady musk of a Gnoll male. Clean, he'd evidently made sure he'd be ready for this, and I could smell only his flesh as I nuzzled down the cleft, and kissed him on that ring. His taste was stronger here than anywhere else, but it was only of flesh and musk, not the bitterness of what I'd feared to expect. My mouth open, I breathed deep and kissed him again, and spread the muscled curve of his rear open with my hands, and licked slowly along the cleft, up from just behind his balls up to the underside of his tail, then back down again. I was gentle with my tongue and dutiful with my attention - both of my hands not pausing as I squeezed, massaged, and kneaded at his flesh.. From the way his tail was wagging, I was doing a good job, and kissed his ring again, my tongue busily lapping over and prodding it. I was very thankful of his cleanliness, and I knew I could get used to doing this more often, if given the chance

I continued my tongue work, kissing over the spotted rear end of that Gnoll, before I was overcome with a sudden need to fuck him. It came out of nowhere, an intensity that I wasn't expecting, and I slid my body over his and angled myself up against that dusky ring without further notice. He grunted, and then groaned deeply when I pushed up into that slick end-passage. His breath came quick as I pushed, and I met his flanks with a solid push against his rump, finding that I could fit myself better in he than he in me. I still squeezed up against him, my jaw quivering as I sucked in a deep, heady breath. He was wonderfully tight, tightly gripping, and I couldn't help but savor the swampy heat of his backside.

But I didn't simply rest on him. My hips rose and fell as I widened my feet, and my thighs clenched as I began to take him, first slow and strong, and ever deeply. His fur was just as delightful against my front as it had my back, and I sat up to watch the handsome hyena squirm, moan, and paw at the bed. He took it well, wonderfully well, and he wasn't a stranger to this side of things. My balls smacked against the lower curve of his rump as I rode him, and my lower lip ached from biting it again.

I couldn't help biting my lip - it was the only thing that held me from moaning out, especially when he squeezed and gripped me. I filled his rump and set myself to a steady forward and back sawing into his upturned rear and my groin began to tighten up again. My balls, still sore from the earlier ride, protested mildly then gave in, and I hammered away at the male in front of me, my body shuddering as I gave in, ready to surrender my seed.

And with his golden eyes looking over his shoulders, his snout open and jaw half parted, he gave me that last push I needed, and I gave him every ounce of lust I had left. I filled him and I held him, I clutched him, and I bred him - and in the end, I tangled his body and mine in the sheets and pillows, and held him as we both rode the moment to a pleasant, warm oblivion.

I aced the performance, Ember told me later. If how she jumped me was any indication, she really liked watching the disc that had been given to her for 'Performance Review'. I would begin on Monday, and Ceaser was already certain I'd be a good draw for a few males in the future. All I knew was I was sore, tired, and drained by the time sleep finally claimed me, and I stunk of both Gryphon and Gnoll. All in all, I suppose there were worse ways to pass out, than smelling of sex.

At least I was happy.

Miles High

Miles High The 'Miles High' club was a small bar on the outskirts of town. A place that required as much an invitation as it did the right clientele, it was a place for fliers, for the winged and ethereal folk to meet and greet, and rarely opened it's...

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Miles High

Miles High The 'Miles High' club was a small bar on the outskirts of town. A place that required as much an invitation as it did the right clientele, it was a place for fliers, for the winged and ethereal folk to meet and greet, and rarely opened it's...

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Auditions; The Fox

The couch, black leather, creaked under the slender weight of an arctic furred fox. His fur was well groomed and his ears tall, standing erect with a hint of nervousness spoken of by the way of the flicking tips. He was handsome, if one cared for a...

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