[COMMISSION FOR MeisterLi] Misfortune Of A Magic Mouse

Story by RamsusXIII on SoFurry

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#7 of Commission Stories

Note: This is a commission. This may or may not represent my interests or your own, read the description to know what you're getting into.

Contains: Growth (:P), Bigger Female/Smaller Male, Teasing, Minor Nudity

My fourth commission for Meister_Li starring another char of mine and another of his. Matthew, a magic pursuing mouse and his friend, Chenn, a lively bunny from an alien planet.

This story represents how a typical day of theirs can go, going against their guardian's wishes to not go into her study and mess around with her magical stuff while she's away, the two uncover a spell of large proportions. And antics happen.

It's pretty simple, and fluffy. A fun little piece.

Matthew & Matilda belong to me.

Chenn belongs to Meister_Li

Story written by me.

"Okay look you two," spoke a tall, female, gorgeous black furred mouse anthro, "I'm heading down to the city to do some shopping, there's a few things I need to pick up." She had bright blue eyes and long blue hair done up and wrapped in a red handkerchief. She wore a simple white tanktop that fit snuggly over a large, lovely pair of breasts, with a pair blue denim shorts, showing off her long legs but keeping her appearance simple to hide who and what she really was.

"Now Matthew," She regarded her younger brother, a short, nerdy looking white furred mouse anthro with short, messy blue hair and a large pair of glasses resting in front of his eyes atop his short muzzle, "Stay out of my study, or else," The latter two words said with deep venom that made Matty's fur stand on end, "Understood?"

"Y-yea sis, I hear you loud and clear," Matty replied sheepishly.

"And Chenn," the older mouse looked to a perky bunny anthro with snow white sporting nothing more than her pink and white undergarments, with her own lively set of endowments and figure with bright green eyes, "I would like you to respect my rules. I know you're not from this...well planet and you came here through unusual and...ridiculous circumstances," She shot a glare at her younger brother before looking back to the bunny, "But no magic, understood? I'm tired of undoing all the messes you two cause."

"Sure thing, lady round ear--err I mean Lady Matilda! I won't cast any spells, promise!" Chenn said proudly.

Matilda sighed, "I should certainly hope not. I'll be gone for a few hours, please, PLEASE, for my sanity, stay out of trouble you two," She said before she finally left the house.

The young mouse and bunny duo watched from the window as Matilda drove down the road and off into the distance toward the city, Chenn putting on a wide grin once she was out of sight.

"Now's our chance, round ears!" She exclaimed as she looked to Matt with a giggle, "Let's check out those secret books!"

Matty took a deep, heavy breath, "Okay, if we're going to do this, we have to make sure to put everything back just the way she had it, or who knows what kind of punishment we'll get. Did you take care of the wards already?"

Chenn nodded rapidly and took hold of Matty's arm, rushing toward the other side of the house to Matilda's study. One couldn't tell by looking at her, but Matilda was an accomplished sorceress with magic knowledge far beyond her years. There were even rumors that she was immortal and lived for more than a millennium, or that she discovered magic that allowed her to move through time and space and that she came from a different time period. Even though they weren't blood siblings, Matilda looked after Matt ever since he was abandoned as a baby. He respected her and aspired to become as good a magician as she was, despite her reluctance to deal with anything magical, just wanting to live a normal, regular life. But Matthew was persistent, eager to study and learn, his determination overriding his shy and sheepish nature.

With any security and protective wards taken care of, the two walked into Matilda's study, which was a veritable library of magical sources. Stones, potions, artifacts and books as far as the eye can see with a lone mahogany desk near the back bookshelves.

"Ooooooh! Whooooa!" Chenn grinned brightly and hopped about the room; going from one thing to another while Matty looked among the books before picking one at random and flipping through it.

"Wow, neat." The mouse mused to himself as he flipped through the pages, "A bunch of transformation spells, all with their own intricate incantations. Mess any of these up and something could go horribly wrong.

"Hmmm?" Chenn hummed curiously as she rested her head on Matthew's shoulder, peeking at the book and pressing closer against him, squishing her ample chest into his back, "Lemme see, lemme see!"

Matty's eyes widened as his ears started to blush heavily from pink to red, the lenses on his glasses fogged up as a strong blush rushed to his face, "Uhm...Chenn...you're a little close wouldn't you say?" He nibbled at his lower lip as he could feel those soft mammaries squish into his back.

"What are you talking about?" She said with a teasing grin, shifting ever so slightly to rub her bust against Matthew's back, leaning in forward to press them in further as she kept her eyes on the book. If there's anything she enjoyed doing, it was teasing this mouse. She found his squirming adorable, the way his body would blush red, the lenses of his glasses fogging up, it was oh so enjoyable.

"I...um..." Matthew fidgeted a bit and just held the book tighter, trying to focus purely on the words on the page, "Oh nothing...n-nothing at all. But yeah, there are all sorts of different stuff in here. Transformations into different things, shapes, sizes, how to undo them. Difficult spells though."

"Hey we should try some of them out!" Chenn exclaimed.

"Are you crazy?! What if we get it wrong? One of us could end up with six heads or a dragon tail or even worse!" Matt replied.

"Or bigger breasts!" Chenn teased, causing Matt to blush once again. "Okay we don't have to direct any of the spells at us; we could just get a rock or something and try it."

"I don't know..." He said as he flipped through pages, "It's still dangerous. Plus I don't want something getting out of hand and sis finding out--oh wow, this spell here..."

"What? What?" Chenn asked, leaning closer to get a look at the page.

"The words for this one are so tiny, but it seems to be a size altering spell, but the words are really small,' said Matt.

"That's silly, maybe it's for a tiny person to read?" asked Chenn.

Matt set the book down, "Hold on, I'm gonna go get a magnifying glass. Don't touch anything, please." He said as he scurried out of the study to go and find one.

"Okay! Okay! I won't mess with anything, geez," Chenn mumbled as she looked to spell over, her lovely teal colored eyes looking over the fine written incantation, "Hmm, it's not that hard to read...let's see now. ..Unoi-Arkana-Paglaki-Boji-Opu-Ajupo-Bari! Round ears must have bad eyes cause I can read this no prob---eeep!" Chenn dropped the book as she felt a strange sensation overtake her. Colorful, glittery sparkles emitted from her fur, her eyes widening as a result. "Oooh so tingly..." She giggled, "It almost tickles." She churred with delight until she noticed a brand new feeling; that tingling moving towards her center mass and then spreading outwards, as if it was filling her up from within.

"Ooh!" She squeaked, starting to feel her body stretch outwards, and swell slightly larger. She didn't quite notice she was getting taller; she was more focused on that enjoyable sensation from within. The growth spell had taken effect.

"Found it!" Matthew chirped as he ran back into the study with the magnifier in hand, not noticing Chenn's changes or Chenn at all as he went right over to the book. "NOW I can read these words, but first we she analyze the incantation first. If we're gonna do this, we need to do this right."

Chenn looked over at him from behind and blinked; something about him seemed different, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Okay let's see," Matty mumbled as he looked over the words, "If I understand this correctly, 'Unoi' means to target yourself. So it'd be 'Punoi' to target something else. 'Paglaki' is growth and 'Pag-Urong' would be to shrink. 'Arkana' is a magic channeling word, usually meant for invoking magical energy. Hmm... 'Boji, Opu, Ajupo'...I'm not too familiar with these words, they have channeling roots. Maybe they're what makes the spell work properly? 'Bari' finishes the incantation. Hold on, let me see if I can figure out these other words."

Matthew's theories weren't too far off, as each channeling word filled Chenn with that wonderful magical feeling once again, filling her up and spreading outward through her body, causing to unawarely grow even larger. She bit down lightly on her lower lip and now noticed things more clearly. She stepped closer behind the mouse, who now only came up to her stomach. Matt was short, but was he always this short? Not only that, everything seemed smaller, even the large room in which her head was reaching the ceiling.

Oh no.

Everything wasn't shrinking.

She was growing.

And it felt good .

Matthew flipped through a couple of pages, dark eyes quickly scanning all over the words, "Oh I see now! These words keep the spell controlled, however if they're not spoken properly or if the incantation is incomplete, it can cause the spell to go haywire." He lifted his head back from the book, his big round ears brushing against the white fur of Chenn's thighs. "Geez, Chenn, how many times do I have to tell you not to stand so cl--oof..." Matt turned around toward the end of his sentence, his face meeting the crotch of a pair of stretch and strained panties; the thinning fabric hiding something warm and sweet scented.

Time seemed to stop for both the bunny and the mouse as Matthew tried to process just where he was. He brought a hand up along Chenn's thigh, running his fingers through her fur. His pink ears turned a bright red color as his glasses fogged up. "Ah..." He uttered out as he slowly glanced upward up along her stomach to a pair of breasts jiggling lightly against a bra that struggled to keep them in as Chenn giggled.

"You're pretty adorable at that size, round ears," She snickered and reached down to rub behind them, inadvertently nudging his head further against her groin.

"Ch-Ch-Ch-Chenn! Wait!" Matthew yelled as he squirmed backwards up against the desk, "H-how?! W-why? Why are you so big? Don't tell me you cast the spell on yourself!"

"Oh...mm...this? Well I was trying to read the words and then I felt something, and then you said more words, and I got this big..." Chenn nearly purred.

"Oh crud. When I was saying the words it invoked more magical power and made you grow bigger! We need to reverse this!" Matty exclaimed.

"Why? This is kind of fun, and you're just so cute down there." Chenn replied.

"Because not only is it dangerous to leave you in this state, I don't want sis coming home and seeing you like this! We're reversing this right now!" Matt said while holding up the book, "Punoi-Arkana-Pag-Urong-Boji-Opu-H-HEY!" Matt found himself interrupted when Chenn started reaching for him, the mouse ducking down and running in between her legs as she bent down for him, overshooting it and losing her balance with a yelp, crashing down onto the desk.

Her body began to expand again, the increasing weight of her body causing the desk to crumple and break underneath her swelling breasts that finally broke free of her confines. Matthew found himself back against the wall behind Chenn, dodging her lengthening legs and enlarging feet that pushed into the walls on both sides of him before breaking through entirely onto the inside. He looked on ahead in horror as he saw Chenn's heart shaped, wiggling rump coming right towards him.

"Ch-Chenn! Wait, slow it down or something, j-just hold on, hey! Help!" The mouse squeaked, holding out his hands in defense as an ever growing buttcheek pushed into him and pressed him back against the wall with its soft, fluffy goodness. He pushed his hands up against the growing rump pushing against him in some futile attempt to push it back, but couldn't help but notice just how...soft it was and warm and...and...his glasses started to fog up again.

"I have to get out of here! Before my body breaks before the wall does!" He squeaked out, trying to squirm away, but ended up nestling in between Chenn's big soft fluffy cheeks that pressed down upon him as Chenn squirmed about. "Oh heavens...I'm going to die here..." Matthew lamented while dramatically reaching a hand up as if someone would pull him out from this rather pleasant hell.

While Matthew was heavily conflicted with Chenn's growth, the bunny was greatly enjoying hers, especially the magical energies that tickled at her body as she grew larger and larger, finally breaking through the walls in front of and behind her; rising up to her knees and pushing her head through the ceiling as she moved to stand up to her feet with the remains of the study just crumbling around her ankles.

Luckily for the rest of the house, the study was an addition to the building, leaving the rest of the household intact, but that was the last thing on Chenn's mind. She was now 40ft tall, nude and feeling absolutely amazing. Thanks to her thick, fluffy white coat, none of her bits were exposed, but this is how she preferred to be. Clothing wasn't something she was used to, or completely comfortable with, and on her home planet, she simply wore loose, comfortable robes, completely free underneath.

"Whooooa! The view is amazing from up here! You should check it out, round ears!" Chenn exclaimed while looking down by her feet for Matthew, blinking a few times upon realizing he wasn't there.

As Chenn shuffled around to find Matthew, he found himself dangling with a death grip on her tail, wondering how to get out of this mess. It was at that moment he looked down at her shifting feet, and noticed the spell book laying on the ground. It was a good chance as any: if he could hurry up and cast the spell without Chenn interrupting him, this nightmare would be over!

Casting a spell to guarantee a safe landing, Matty threw himself from Chenn's tail toward the ground, landing gracefully and scurrying over to pick up the book, quickly flipping to the page he needed. "Aha, here we are! Now I just need to get to a safe---OH CHEEZUS!" Matty cried out as Chenn's massive white paw came crashing down right behind him.

"Found you, little round ears!" Chenn exclaimed proudly.

Matthew gulped and slowly turned around, to look up at the big white naked bunny, his own white fur standing up on end, "S-seriously Chenn, c'mon now. Let's get you back to normal and reverse this mess before sis gets home or before anyone sees you!"

"Awww, that's no fun!" Chenn lowered herself down to her knees and laid down on her stomach in front of Matt, smiling and giving his stomach a little poke, "I like this! You're so adorable! This reminds me of when we first met."

Matthew's glasses fogged up once again as he blushed, watching those giant white breasts squish lightly underneath Chenn as she laid down, also remembering when he first met and just how...close he had gotten to them. "I...remember but that was also temporary, this might be permanent! We don't even know the ins and outs of the spell which is all the more reason we should reverse it!"

"Hrrrrmmm...." Chenn leaned in closer with a thoughtful look on her features, kicking her legs up behind her and rubbing her feet together while shrugging, "Oh alright round ears, you win. Go ahead and cast the spell." She said with a smile.

Matthew hesitated a bit, but nodded and took a rather unnecessary casting pose as he held out the book before him, his clothing starting to flutter as if a strong wind was picking up and his body shined with magical energy, "Okay! Here we go! Punoi-Arkana-Pag-Urong-Boji-Opu-Ajupo-Ch-Chenn! What are you doing?! Ack!"

Chenn tried hard to sit still, but couldn't help that outstanding feeling that surged through her once Matt started to cast. It tickled her to the very core and drew her in towards the very source of it all: the little mouse before her. She leaned in close towards him with her lips pursed, pressing them against his blushing face in a sweet kiss.

"Mmmm," Chenn moaned lightly, sending a vibrating feel through Matt's body and parting her lips slightly to snake the tip of her tongue up against the young mouse's facial features. She opened them further, her lips sliding over his head and drawing him in further as she held that kiss.

Matthew was completely drawn in by the action, flicking his long skinny tail back and forth as he pressed his face into Chenn's lips, giggling lightly as her warm, wet tongue brushed over his face, matting down his fur. All the while she was getting larger in size, her lips encompassing Matthew's entire head, Chenn soon slurping him further into her mouth and running her tongue up and over him repeatedly.

It took a sharp exhale of strong fruit scented breath bashing against him to realize what was happening: he was seriously half way inside of her mouth. "Chenn!" He sputtered as she continued bathing him with her tongue, soaking his clothes with her sticky saliva as her lips pressed down on his body and vibrated over form, tightening as she suckled on him, giggling delightfully to herself as she did so.

She finally let him go after a minute or two, letting him fall back into her hands, now 100ft tall, smiling down at him. "Aww, sorry round ears! When you were casting that spell I couldn't help myself!" She turned her head slightly to nuzzle her cheek against his now smaller-in-comparison form.

"Augh! Now you're even bigger!" Matt yelled while leaning back against her fingers as her cheek grazed up and down against him, "Seriously! This is getting out of hand!"

"Aww don't be a little party pooper, round ears. You're so cute like this, and check this out!" She slowly stood up to her feet, glancing out into the distance, "Isn't the view awesome? You can see the city from here!"

"Which means someone in the city might be able to see you! Someone might call the police! Or worse, the media gets out here! And then we're really screwed!"

"All that worrying is gonna give you white hair, round ears!"

"My fur is already white!" Matthew exclaimed as he looked around for the book. Oh no! The book, where is the book?! I must have dropped it when Chenn kissed me, crap that means its back on the ground!

"Looking for something?" Chenn boomed from behind him as she caught him peeking down in between her fingers, the breath tickling at his fur causing the hairs to nearly stand on end.

"O-oh me? I uh...I'm not so great with heights Chenn, mind putting me down?" Matthew asked nervously while rubbing the back of his head.

"Really? Aww, I didn't know that little ears. Don't worry," She started to grin brightly, "I'll put you somewhere nice and safe."

"Somewhere nice and safe? That doesn't sound anything like--hey! Whoa! Hey what are you doing?!" Matthew exclaimed as Chenn pressed her thumb and middle finger on both sides of Matt's body with her index finger resting against his back. He found his view heading downwards as Chenn tilted him forward, finding himself staring at the inward curves of her breasts and the cleavage they formed. Satisfied with giving him enough view time, she pushed Matthew in between her breasts, tucking him in nicely between to the white fluffy walls with soft, warm, yielding flesh underneath.

Matty fumbled about in his confines, squirming against the generous yet tight fit, "This is not what I meant!" He yelled up to the face grinning down at him.

"Aww you are just the cutest , little round ears!" Chenn giggled, pressing her biceps in together against her jiggling breasts, squishing the little mouse harmlessly in between them, "I think being smaller suits you, what do you think?"

Matthew couldn't utter anything more than muffled cries and groans as she repeatedly squished her breasts in against him, pressing them against his body while rubbing and jiggling them about; Chenn all too pleased with her playful torture and the feeling of that squirming mouse against her sensitive chest, it all felt too good to ignore.

The mouse couldn't believe how ridiculous this situation has become, if under less worrying and stressful circumstances, he could have possibly enjoyed this, but he was far too worried over his sister showing up and Chenn losing her mind. If only he had the book.

The book.

The book.

That's when it hit him.

He didn't need it.

He had read the spell over so many times, he remembered the words in his head and the arcane energy he needed to provide to cast it. He couldn't let anything distract him this time, even through all this, he was focused and ready. He took hold of handfuls of Chenn's fur to help him concentrate as he closed his eyes, starting to speak the words...

"Punoi-Arkana-Paglaki-Boji-Opu-Ajupo-Bari!!" He shouted the incantation, smiling proudly afterwards as he started to feel the energy radiating from Chenn's body and hearing her moans overhead.

"Oooh, round ears...what did you do?" She cooed, standing there holding her breasts and closing her eyes, her body swelling in size once again.

Matthew yelped as Chenn's chest swelled larger around him, crying out as he was soon surrounded by white fluff. "Why is she growing?! I said the spell properly!"

He ran it through his head a million times in roughly three seconds, widening his eyes as he realized his error, "Crap! I said Paglaki instead of Pag-Urong!" He looked up with a whine as Chenn's breasts rose higher, the area around him darkening as less light shined in from above.

Chenn's sounds of pleasure echoed into the skies as her body swelled larger and larger; the once 100ft bun now up to 300ft and still climbing. She dropped down to her knees with a heavy thud and tilted her head back while arching her back as she continued to grow, wallowing in the sensation of those magical energies filling her up.

Matthew clung to Chenn's fur until the growth finally subsided, leaving the alien bunny topped out at 500ft. "Well I really goofed this time," the mouse muttered to himself as he looked upward, starting to scale Chenn's breast until he reached the top, smiling a bit at seeing her gigantic facial features lost in ecstasy. He figured himself to be hardly any bigger than one of her toes, unsure if she would even notice him easily among her fluff, but it was quite the sight to see. He was more fascinated than he was frightened, taking in the vision of a magical marvel far beyond his imagination. It was truly breath taking.

"Oooh..." Chenn cooed as she slowly came down from her height, opening her eyes and looking to her surroundings. "Everything is so much smaller," She said with a giggle, the vibrations of her amusement causing the soft and already unstable footing underneath Matthew would wobble and vibrate, causing him to lose his balance and send him falling down into Chenn's cleavage again.

"Hey round ears, where are ya?"Chenn asked, staring down at her chest, "Hee, you're probably so small now I can't see you or hear you." She pushed her breasts together with a smile, "But I know you're here somewhere!"

"Someone get me out of here!" Matthew yelled as those white walls pressed in on him again, "Urgh, I better cast the spell properly before it's too late!"

And it was at that moment, his worst fear was realized.

Chenn's playing came to a pause as she suddenly found herself cast in shadow. She blinked a few times and tilted her head, "Huh...how'd it get dark all of a sudden?" She slowly looked behind her, spotting an even bigger black furred female mouse with her hands on her hips, tapping her foot angrily.

"H-hey uh...round ears? Your sister's home!" Chenn said with a nervous laugh as she was caught in the glare of the angry giantess mouse.

Matt himself almost wished he could shrink away and out of sight.


In her rebuilt study, Matilda sat back in her chair with her feet propped up on her desk, reading through a newspaper. She paused for a moment and looked over the top of a page at her feet, clearing her throat, regarding the shrunken bunny and mouse painting at her toe tips with pink polish, "Hey you two, no slacking!" She commanded.

Matthew just grumbled to himself as he brushed away at her toe with a little paint brush fitting for his one inch form, sighing, "I was always told magic would be my undoing..." He muttered.

"Oh come now, round ears! This was a great experience! I had fun!" Chenn exclaimed, ever the optimistic.

"This is a _punishment_you two, pipe down before I have you wash dishes at that size," said Matilda.

"Yes sis."

"You got it older round ears!"

[COMMISSION FOR Kamaria] Fighting A Losing Battle

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