WITD Part 10: The Attack

Story by TakiroRyn on SoFurry

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#2 of Whispers In The Dark series

Next one up!

Next part I haven't even started yet. x.x I don't know where to go from here actually.

Takiro Ryn, Tao, Aimee: © Me~

Dax: © Dark58

Leon Embers: © FlareLeon on FA

Ryn yelped loudly, the door closing in front of her as she was pulled back farther into the dark alleyway. She struggled against her captor, laughs reaching her ears that there wasn't just one person with her at the moment.

"Look at what you caught Daniel! A pretty little thing too!" One laughed, coming around to face her as the other guy held her in a tight hold, her arms pinned at her sides. He was human, maybe a few years older than her.

"Yeah, and looks just like the girl we're looking for." She could hear the grin that the Daniel guy had on his face, and that sentence made her skin crawl. It wasn't a good idea to go out at all. Tao knew that Evan had been looking for her all over the surrounding area, why bring her out when it was unsafe? Ryn realized that this was a big mistake.

She squirmed and writhed even more against Daniel's hold on her, but no luck. She was starting to panic as the guy in front of her leaned in and pulled at the metal collar around her neck. He examined it for a moment before he broke out into a grin. "She has his seal all right! This has to be the one." He grinned, only to be cut off by Daniel.

"Well, make sure! Look to see if she has the mark." He told the other guy, not even sounding out of breath as he kept up the tight hold on her.

That was when she panicked. She screamed and cried out, kicking her legs out before she was silenced with a hand snapping her muzzle shut. "Shut up or we will bring you back with a few injuries instead of unharmed." Daniel hissed in her ear, causing her to whimper in defeat. The other guy in front of her reached out and quickly unbuckled her pants, pulling them down slightly to where her left hip was exposed, revealing her unique mark.

"Yup, this is definitely her. Lets bring her to Neil before anyone else notices." The guy muttered, nodding to Daniel as he pulled her pants back up. They looked around the alley for a moment. Takiro, hearing that name, went into defensive mode in an instant and as they were distracted, she reared back one leg to kick directly onto Daniel's crotch. He cried out, letting her go immediately as she elbowed him in the face, knocking him to the ground before quickly punching the other guy to the ground also.

She didn't think, she just did that and ran. She took off in a full sprint down the alleyway and onto the streets. She was on the opposite street that the Paw Pad entrance was on, so there wasn't any open buildings in sight. But she still ran anyways. She didn't even look back to see if those guys were following her.

She took a quick left down another alleyway, hiding behind a dumpster that smelled of straight sewage, and quickly took out her phone with shaky hands. She wished she had Dax's phone number, but she had to work with the three contacts she knew. First she tried Tao, and no answer. Then she tried Kane, with no answer also. And then there was Leon, which only rang two times before someone picked up.

"Hello?" A brisk voice sounded on the phone, and Ryn wasted no time in explaining.

"Leon? I need help, no one else will answer, and I'm really scared. There's some guys that are after me, and I'm not too far from this place called the Paw Pad. Please hurry before-" She was cut off as someone grabbed her hair, pulling her up on her feet as she cried out and dropped the phone from her hands.

"Gonna run away from us, huh?" Takiro recognized that voice of the other guy, and she whimpered when they tugged on her hair even harder, causing her to hold onto the arm attached to her hair.

"P-Please don't-AH!" Her head whipped back as a loud snap echoed down the alley, tears appearing in her eyes as her cheek prickled with the sharp sting.

"Just shut up! Before I'll do more than slap you." The guy growled, pushing her down onto her knees. "Daniel, hurry up!" He hollered behind him, and Ryn just kept her head down, staring down at the gross concrete.

"Don't rush me Matt, I'm coming!" Another voice rang in her ears, and she noticed the phone not too far from her, but too far from her reach. The screen was still lit up as the call continued on. She turned away and closed her eyes tightly, wishing that she was safe in her room or playing video games with Kane. 'Anything but here.' She thought with a small whimper as footsteps echoed in her ears, the sound coming towards her.

"Look at what we have here." That all too familiar voice made her eyes pop open immediately, her form trembling in fear. Her head was pulled back roughly, the hand still firmly grasped in her hair as she faced the human that she never wished to see ever again.

Neil smiled at her, almost like a grin, as he reached out and traced a finger along her jawline. "You've been a bad girl, Takiro. Running free like that, when you know where you really belong." He spoke, which this confused her as he almost spoke in one of Evan's riddles. But she knew what was going to happen after a sentence like that.

She didn't see it before it finally registered what happened. He reared back his free arm and punched her hard in her stomach, the breath exiting her lungs almost immediately. She crumpled onto the dirty concrete, coughing and trying hard to breathe as she curled up in a protective fetal position.

"Pathetic as usual." Neil muttered, taking a step towards her right as her vision blurred and blacked out.


Tao got up to leave, Aimee already passed out leaning on the table next to her, figuring that she kinda partied a bit too hard. She glanced around, trying to find Takiro in the crowd of people, but noticed Dax sitting with a few other furs at a table. She tilted her head and made her way over to them.

"Hey, have you seen Ryn anywhere?" She asked Dax, kinda having to yell over the throbbing bass of the music. He looked up at her and gave her a puzzled look.

"I thought she went home with you." He frowned, getting up as he glanced around, still looking confused. "I was just with her a while ago, and she seemed to have disappeared. I thought she went to find you or to go home." He explained, turning back to her.

Tao's heart seemed to drop. Kane was going to kill her if she doesn't bring Takiro home safely. She lost her already, and she has no idea where to look. She took Dax's arm, dragging him along with her as she went back to the table where she was sitting before, Aimee still sleeping. Tao shook the sleeping cat to wake her up.

Aimee squeaked and sat up quickly, her eyes wide with surprise as her fur stood on end, the feathers on her head extended to make herself look bigger. As soon as she noticed it was just Tao, she visibly relaxed and sighed. "What was that for? I was having a really good dream." She yawned and then noticed Tao's serious look.

"We lost Ryn, I need help in finding her as quick as possible!" She yelled over the music, pulling Aimee up out of her chair to lead both the cat and folf out the front door.

"Wait, should we be checking inside first?" Dax asked, pulling out of Tao's grip while Aimee did the same as soon as they stepped outside in the dark of night. Once the door was closed behind them, the music was softly muffled through the thick walls and they didn't have to yell at each other anymore.

"She's not really gonna be inside if she's by herself. She doesn't really like being out in public, surrounded by people." Tao explained, pulling out her cell phone to try to call the emergency phone she gave Ryn. It went to a few rings, then to voicemail. She tried again, but it went straight to voicemail this time. Something was wrong.

"Come on! We have to check the streets and alley ways nearby, she might be around." Tao spoke authority, showing that this was very serious. Dax and Aimee nodded, taking off in separate directions. Tao sighed and ran off in another direction, passing up her parked car to look down the other streets and alleys.

There was a sudden crash that made her almost jump out of her fur. Her ears twitched as she pin-pointed where the sound came from, turning to run in that direction. Once she was closer, she heard voices. Actually, one guy was cussing up a storm, and then two more metallic crashes came from an alley she wasn't very far from.

"C'mon, lets get out of here!" A male voice cried, sounding panicked before she saw a human male run out of the alleyway, his nose bleeding and looked like a black eye was forming on his left eye. Another guy followed after, walking bent over holding his stomach, his cheeks red and already bruising. A third guy ran out, a lot larger than the other two, with only a bloody nose while cussing the whole way towards their car a few blocks away, near the club.

Tao glanced back at the guys as they took off, turning back while Dax was running up to her. She made her way towards the alley, glancing down in the semi-darkness to see a crouched figure near a dumpster, hovering over something leaning against the wall. With a closer look, She recognized the back of the Flareon that was nice to Ryn that day at the gym. Her heart clenched as she glanced around him, seeing the slouched form of the silver fox.

"Ryn!" She cried out, rushing over to the fox's side immediately, ignoring the Flareon's presence. She leaned in to examine Takiro, the fox passed out and looking as if she was in a fight. Both of her cheeks were red through her white fur and her hair and fur looked very ruffled.

"She's fine. Very few injuries and just passed out from the blow to her stomach." Leon spoke, the black lenses covering his eyes before they whirred and retracted, revealing his blazing orange eyes.

Tao glanced at him for a moment before her attention turned back to Ryn, before she heard a surprised gasp from Dax. "Whoa! look at that!" He exclaimed, Tao turning to see what he was talking about. She stood up, moving to stand next to her friend to look at what he was talking about, and her eyes went really wide.

The dumpster next to them was clearly bent in three different places, The large dents formed a thin oval shape, and if Tao guessed, she would have fit the dents if she placed herself against one. Dax had glanced back towards Leon, who had picked up Ryn carefully in his arms to gently hand her over to Dax.

"Take her home, or somewhere safe. Those guys really wanted her." He told them, his eyes still slightly blazing from the fight. Tao seemed a bit awed and simply nodded, turning her gaze to Dax before following him out of the alley, staying close as they made their way to her car a few blocks down.

Tao fished out her keys from her pockets and quickly unlocked the doors, opening the passenger door so Dax can climb in with Takiro still out in his arms. Once they were safely in, she closed the door and got into the driver's seat, making sure the doors were locked before driving off back towards Kane's home. She knew Kane was going to kill her for this.