Coils of Passion

Story by Empty Shadow on SoFurry

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*WARNING* Do not try this at home.

It was the end of another long day at the state zoo for Joe. A gentle buzz filled the room while he held the button down to close the shutters to the anaconda exhibit. The room was now dimly lit as the over head lights were now set to a comfortable level for the animal to wind down after a day of showing off her sleek and powerful body to hundreds of guests. The soft light glittered off of the surface of the water as well as the large rock that served as a bed for the resting snake. Joe grabbed hold of the bucket of fish and entered the habitat of his friend, Gabriella.

Joe was a lonely man. Through his years of college earning his degree in herpetology he had mostly kept to himself and focused on his passion for reptiles. He was lucky to have landed a job at the zoo, they had good benefits and moderate pay. The thing Joe most appreciated about his job was the honor of tending to and befriending Gabi. That's all he ever really wanted, she was like his personal pet and the zoo paid all her bills and his.

He carefully sat down on the edge of the small patch of sand that occupied the corner of her domain. After removing his shoes he slowly let his feet dip into the shallow water. As he took a deep breath of air, he noted that the smell of her pheromones had continued to grow more potent over the last few weeks. She was ready to mate but despite his best efforts Joe could not secure a male anaconda from another zoo. The zoo was obviously sabotaging his attempts because they didn't have the capabilities to take care of the large amount of offspring that she would give birth to. He had been suggesting an upgrade for her exhibit since she had arrived, yet the zoo wouldn't even put out the money for that.

Joe laughed quietly to himself as he recalled his first encounter with Gabi. In fact, it was a year ago to the day that they had transferred Gabi into his care. She wasn't exactly happy about being shoved into a metal box and shipped half way across the world and was expressing her displeasure. The idiots that planned the trip had blatantly disregarded the fact that she needed to be given a certain type of habitat. It didn't make it any better that the zoo was behind on preparing her new home and it would be another day until she could be allowed to enter it.

Concerned for the snake's condition, he peeked into an air hole and got his first glimpse of the beautiful creature as is stared back at him with those intense eyes. He felt her pain and discomfort through her stare and knew that he had to do anything he could to make her comfortable. In an instant he demanded the zoo assistants to give her some mud and for her to be set in some sort of shallow pool. Within an hour he had upgraded the cage into something more comfortable and when he peeked back into the hole she stared back up at him and let out a gentle "hisssssss" that he interpreted as a thank you. It was from that day on that their relationship had grown into the one of intense trust that existed today.

Joe's thoughts came back to the present as Gabi poked her head out of the water and slithered slowly beside his leg and rested her head in his lap. This had become a daily habit of theirs; he would gently stroke her before feeding and stare into to those now loving eyes. The water rolling off her scales could now be felt through his pants as he leaned over her and placed his cheek onto her cool damp scales. He took another deep breath and felt the full effects of her pheromones that strangely and inexplicably rattled his senses. The pressure of her weight began to rub against him and an erection began to make its presence known.

He couldn't -- he wouldn't -- but he wanted to, he REALLY wanted to. He knew the risks of the encounter both for him and for her. But she wanted this just as much as he did, she was in season and was craving sexual attention. This was the centerpiece of all the herpy dreams he had had over the years, and he wanted nothing more than to make it reality. As she lifted her head and nudged his belly with her snout he had made his decision: he was going to offer himself to her.

Much to Gabi's displeasure, Joe gently took her head off his lap and set it down into the forgiving sand. He settled her down by taking his hand and running it down her body gently, feeling the scales pass under his palm. Thankful for the act of attention she began to make her way towards his leg. Seeing where she was headed Joe quickly relieved himself of his pants and tossed them over by the door. Her tongue snuck out from between her jaws and caressed his toes with its forked splendor. He began to unbutton his shirt and it was also cast aside as he now stood nude in her exhibit, completely vulnerable to her scaly touch. As the weight of the moist air of the environment fell onto his bare skin, his body felt like he was in a real jungle just before dusk.

Before she could get a hold of his ankle he slowly lead her into the water where she would be more comfortable. He could feel the warm water lap around his ankles as he backed in and the water worked its way past his member when he waded into the deeper water. Gabi followed his lead and floated casually around him in the water while he reached out to pet her yet again. This time he ran his hand under her and caressed the vulnerable belly as he worked his way down her entire length as she circled around him like a bird does their prey. As he expected his hand soon ran across her vent which was partially open from her arousal. He carefully led his fingers into her and could feel her inner workings throb around his fingers.

She began to move closer around him as he confirmed his intentions to her. He knew that he was going to have to get to a more convenient place before she began to coil around him. If she were to wrap him too tightly, there was a great risk that he would lose his balance and drown. Carefully he weaved himself steadily out of her advances and made his way over to the rock that was the centerpiece of her home. He carefully lifted himself to a comfortable spot on the structure where the lower portion of his body remained submerged while the edge of the rock barely supported him from below.

This was the point of no return, he had made his intentions clear and was now leaving the rest up to Gabi as instinct had taught her. She started at his right ankle and began to coil herself around his leg as she made her way towards him. As she approached the top of his leg she ducked under the water with a quiet splash that caused a gentle wave to pass over his body. She slid over his anal crevice and he could feel the scales tickling the fragile tissue as her body worked its way past. As he continued to feel her body slide gently against his, she poked her head back up out of the water around his shoulder and rubbed her cheek up against his.

Her head hovered in front of his as her body continued to weave itself around his body coiling limbs and tightening her grip around him. Their eyes met and the power displayed in her confident gaze sent his heart rate soaring, he was now completely at the mercy of an unpredictable creature. Knowing that she expected some arousal in return he took his fingers and began to prod her body in multiple areas so that she would feel like she was being mated in a traditional manner. He could tell this was working, she flicked her tongue gently upon his lips. She leaned forward and he gave her a kiss on the snout while her tongue now fluttered gently upon his neck, sending shivers down his spine.

At last her vent wandered between his legs and discovered his genitalia as she gently lowered herself onto him. While he stared at the marvelous creature in front of him he could feel her warm vent closing around his bulging erection. She lay her head over his right shoulder while he embraced her neck with his free arm. The couple cuddled as waves of pleasure made their way through their bodies. He startled her for a moment as he flipped over and took control of the pace, but calmed her down as he began to move himself within her, using the improved leverage of his new position. He felt her vent tighten up around him along with the rest of her body as she entered into uncontrollable fits of orgasms. As the delicate vent squeezed his member he pushed himself deep inside of her and was met with the most exhilarating orgasm imaginable as he gave his new mate a loving embrace and released his seed into her.

The pair lay there on the rock as they recovered from the intense pleasure they had just shared. She made the first move as she steadily removed her grip on him while she continued to lay her head next to his. He ran his hand down her body as he reluctantly pulled himself out of her vent. Not wanting to end his experience he gave her a long kiss as he began to slide himself off of the rock and back into the pool. Gabi hung lightly around his body as he made his way towards the door, but she knew that when he got back to the land that it was time to let him depart. Joe went over what had just happened in his head and he almost didn't believe it. He kneeled by the edge of the water while Gabi stuck her head out of the water and they shared one last kiss before he had to go. He took a fish from the bucket and fed it directly to her before tossing the rest into the pool and leaving Gabi to rest and recover from her exhilarating experience.

Special thanks to my friends Blindsight and Kon for helping me shape the story and iron out all the errors.

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