Tales - Employee Benefits

Story by SagaDC on SoFurry

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#7 of Tales from the Cat House

Hey, it's that one story that I wrote and then forgot about! I guess that's what happens when I write too many different things at once, eh? I'm even a bit embarrassed to note that I actually updated my Cheat Sheet at some point a few months ago, in preparation for this story's release, and STILL completely forgot about it.

Regardless, it's done now. This tale is a direct sequel to the last entry into the "Tales From..." series ("How You Play the Game"), and starts off just a few short hours after that story ended. It's also part of my ongoing efforts to inject a bit more pornographic material into my writings, mostly because I really need the practice. Also, it gave me a great excuse to dust off a few neglected characters, and to explore their backgrounds and personalities just a BIT more. Other loosely related stories include "Cats and Dogs" for Tanner's first appearance, and "One Night at The Cat House" for the first appearance of Mia and Tia.

Anyway, the usual warning: This story contains objectionable material, including but not limited to Ballbusting, Sexual Situations, and Anachronistic Fantasy. If any of these things make you shake your head in disgust, then this probably isn't the story for you. For those who are still on the fence, scope out the ever-growing list of Tags that I keep attaching to these things. Seriously, I think I've almost run into the character limit on the tag list, from time to time.

Oh, and as has become more and more common lately, Poiu helped with editing this story. And, uh, reminding me that it existed. So many thanks to him. :)

Tales from the Cat House

Employee Benefits

Kinuta emerged from her chambers a good twelve hours later, bright and groomed. She had worked off her excess energy, taken a nap, and then gone on a cleaning binge. Her clothes had been cleaned, her fur had been cleaned, and her practice blade had been cleaned - twice.

It was only after she had eliminated every last trace of any potential impropriety that she set foot back into the common area.

Almost instantly, she couldn't help but note that something was missing. Her brow furrowed and her ears flicked bolt-upright. Wasn't there supposed to be a tiger in here? She could have sworn that she had left him right here.

A faint frown tugged at the corners of her mouth, and she quickly paced about the room. Maybe he hadn't heard her say that he was hired? Or perhaps he had changed his mind, and decided to forfeit his claim to the job?

She shook her head. No, no, it had to be the former. The payment she was offering was more than generous, and the benefits of employment were...

Kinuta strode toward the front door of the rented loft, noting that it was ajar. She breezed into the outside world, her nose wrinkling slightly as the stagnant stench of the open sewer assaulted her nostrils. There was a reason she had been able to rent this room for so little coin.

"You there!" She called out, hailing a passing sand cat. "Have you seen a tigerkin? Perhaps seventeen hands tall and walking with a limp?"

The raccoon sighed as the sand cat quickly shook his head and hustled away, and Kinuta turned her attention to the next beastkin in view.

"You there!" She called. "Have you seen a tigerkin?"

This was going to take forever.

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Tia absently chewed on the end of her pencil, thoughtfully. After several long seconds of concentration, the siamese catkin made a quick series of marks on the checklist in her other hand.

"Hm," she purred. "If we purchase the replacement dishware at Ahan's Discount Pottery, and buy the antibiotic healing salve in bulk from Tucker's Apothecary, we can save twelve silver and fifteen copper."

Mia displayed a distinct lack of enthusiasm at this announcement, instead thumping her forehead lightly against the nearest wall. "Yaaaaaay," she moaned sarcastically. "We're rich!"

The elder twin frowned, glancing over at her younger sister reproachfully. "Well, granted, it's not a fortune, but it's still better than nothing. Mother said that we can keep the change, and goodness knows that we don't have any other sources of income right now. We're not allowed to work clients until Elin comes back."

Mia said nothing, instead thumping her forehead against the wall again. She couldn't really argue with her twin's assessment, but that did nothing to assuage her boredom.

Tia quirked one corner of her mouth downward, eying her sister for a moment longer. The younger siamese was almost exactly the same age as she was, minus a few minutes, but she could still act so childish at times. "Well fine then, you go ahead and pout. I'll be in the market right over there picking out fresh produce. You can join me, if and when you decide to grow up."

And, that said, Tia strode into the crowded marketplace.

Mia, for her part, reacted in an entirely mature manner. She groaned theatrically, made a face, and then slumped onto a nearby bench to sulk. Gods, the past few days had been SO BORING!

Granted, the catkin fully understood that she was being punished. Tia, too. Their mother had been very clear on that point. No alcohol, no sex, no money, and no fun in general until their younger sibling had been returned safe and sound.

And, to make matters worse, the twins had been burdened with carrying out all of Elin's chores! Although Mia had often made light of the lynx's workload, she was now forced to admit that the young feline actually did quite a lot around The Cat House on a day-to-day basis.

And, by the Gods, every one of the things she did was boring. So very, very boring.

Mia rubbed at her muzzle wearily, her ears twitching back as she displayed all the patience of a kitten a quarter her age. Her fingers drummed against the seat of the bench, her feet tapped arhythmically against the cobblestone street, and her tail flick-flick-flicked like a snakekin that had just binged on fifteen pounds of raw sugar.

"Er," some hapless sand cat paused near her. "Ma'am? Are you alright?"

"RAAAGH!" Mia shouted! "SO BORED!"

And she paused, her ears twitching forward. Maybe she was over-reacting a little. "Er, sorry about that. I just-"

The siamese blinked, peering about in time to just barely catch a glimpse of the skittish sand cat fleeing to a minimum safe distance, and he quickly disappeared from sight. She sighed again, slumping back onto the bench as she cast her baleful gaze about. Maybe she could find someone ELSE to chat with.

Or, at least, someone to whinge at.

Her eyes flitted from beastkin to beastkin, gauging each one briefly. No, too fat. Too ugly. Too poor. Too ugly again. Too-

Her ears perked, and a sly grin snuck onto her petite muzzle. Oooh, that one would do.

She slipped to her feet quietly, then flitted through the crowd like a living ghost. She could be noticed when she wanted to be - which was almost always - but she still had the stealth and grace that came with being both lithe and feline. And goodness knew she'd had plenty of practice in the back of The Cat House, when she'd sneak boys or booze up to her room.

"So," her quarry murmured, as of yet unaware that he was being stalked. "You can put it on my tab?"

The canine behind the counter - a grizzled coyotekin with lensless brass spectacles and one missing fang - bobbed his head amiably, pushing a pair of stoppered bottles across the countertop. "Course. You're always good for it, Tanner. Just pay me back when you're up on yer feet again."

The tiger smiled wearily, eagerly scooping up the bottles before giving one last thanks. Then, with the goods in hand, he quickly retreated before the merchant could change his mind.

Mia was quick to pounce, lunging forward to embrace him from behind. She practically squealed, squeezing him tight. "Tanner!"

The aforementioned tiger uttered a startled squeak, his entire body going rigid as he reflexively tried to defend himself. One hand darted to the hilt of his sword, the other to defend his crotch, and the bottles went sailing from his grip.

The younger, smaller female giggled, her hands lashing out as she snagged a bottle in each hand before they could dash against the ground. Holding one up, she studied the label. "Huh, this is...?"

Tanner blinked several times, squirming about as the siamese cat's arms fell from about his waist. "La-... Lamiah!"

Mia scowled reflexively, quickly correcting the tiger. "Mia! Only call me Lamiah if you want me to kick you in the balls!"

And a pause, as she glanced back over the bottles. A cheshire grin spread across her muzzle, her triangular ears slanting forward. "Or... maybe you do? Is that what these healing potions are for?"

"I, ah..." Tanner hesitated, wavering slightly before he finally shook his head. "N- no, La-... er... Mia. These are for, ah, business."

The siamese flicked her tongue over one long fang as she squinted at the labels. Once upon a time, just a few short years ago, peddlers and merchants had sold all manner of mysterious potions - both real and fake, and often with side effects that heavily outweighed their benefits. Now though, thanks to sweeping new regulations made by the Freetrader's Guild, ingredients were often listed right on the bottle. Sure they were often obscured, hidden under the label or etched in nearly invisible letters of some foreign tongue, but they were there. It was the law.

"Tch," Mia uttered a dismissive sound, then studied the other bottle in turn. "Well, you're not gonna get much use out of THESE. The ingredients are diluted at a ratio of one to thirty, and they swapped the dragon seed for a cheaper wyvern substitute."

Tanner blinked, staring blankly at the feline. "What? How in the world do you...?"

The younger feline giggled, pushing the bottles back into the tiger's hands before she playfully swatted at his chest. She giggled. "TAN-ner, you know that I was apprenticed to an Alchemist for six months! You know, before I found out that working at The Cat House paid better!"

"I-..." the warrior blinked, an ear skewed. "I do?"

Mia rolled her eyes, giggling again as she now threw her arms about the male's shoulders, practically dangling from his neck like an absurdly sized necklace. She actually rivaled him in height, but she had long since learned that most men liked to feel both larger and stronger than the women they slept with. "I told you, like, a million times! You know, when you used to come visit me?"

Tanner paused, peering down at the siamese for a moment longer. It was true, Mia had often talked at great length during their past sessions, but it had always been AFTER they had... ah... well, suffice to say it had generally been when he was half passed-out from pain or sexual exhaustion. Or both. Still, against all odds, the tiger actually felt guilty at having not tried harder to pay better attention.

"R-... right," he nodded slightly. "Of course. Ah, well, it's the best they had to offer. Apparently some noble came through and purchased all of the higher quality healing elixirs just a day or so ago, and they've not had time to restock."

"Well..." A plan began to formulate in Mia's conniving brain, her hips cocked as she grinned up at the tiger. One delicate finger traced along Tanner's chest, and the female's long tail swayed back and forth in broad, hypnotic strokes behind her. "You know, we DO keep a decent stock of healing potions at The Cat House, for emergencies. We could probably spare a bottle or two..."

Tanner arched a brow, but his ears twitched forward. He wasn't about to admit it, but goodness knew that he was still in rather significant pain, even after spending an entire night in recuperation. Still, he was at least familiar enough with the young siamese to know that she was working an angle.

He sighed, "Is that so? And how would I go about procuring these potions? I suppose you have some errand or task I would need to perform, first?"

Mia giggled again, rolling her neck as she tried to look innocent. She was actually quite good at it, despite her nature, and within seconds she could tell that the tiger was struggling with unfounded guilt all over again.

"We-ell..." she drawled, stretching out the word playfully. "You WOULD have to make it worth my time, I suppose. I've been awfully lonely as of late, and you haven't come to visit me in aaaaaages."

Tanner frowned slightly, his striped tail twitching behind him. All this conniving, the heavy-handed manipulation, just to drum up some business? That actually disappointed him a little. "Ah, Mia, I can't really afford that sort of thing right now. I'm a tad coin-shy at the moment."

"Tanner!" Mia gasped dramatically, her eyes wide and her body drawn back as if she were offended. "I would never- no, I just miss your company! I wouldn't dream of CHARGING you for it!"

"... this time..." she murmured beneath her breath, so softly as to be inaudible.

The tiger drooped a little, guilt eagerly flooding back into his gut to eagerly gnaw at his insides. "Oh, well... yes, I suppose it HAS been a long while. I'm... sorry about that, Mia. Of course I'd be happy to... ah..."

And just like that, all the feigned hurt and disappointment vanished from Mia's petite little muzzle. She grinned again, one arm unfurling from behind the tiger's neck, the paw unsubtly dipping lower to cup the startled male's groin. "Good, 'cuz I've really missed playing with these."

Tanner gasped, reflexively folding just a little against the female - and Mia quickly braced her stance to help support his weight. It was a well-practiced pose, since her sessions with the tiger had often left him distinctly... weak in the knees. He groaned, his ears slicked back as even that gentle contact sent renewed pulses of agony through his recently abused nethers.

Mia took it in stride, snickering now. She had already had her suspicions, but that just confirmed it. And it certainly explained the tiger's sudden need for healing potions. She leaned up to whisper in the warrior's closer ear, her lower placed paw gently fondling those aching nuggets. "And don't worry, I can play nice. We won't even need a safe word this time."

The tiger swallowed hard, shivering just lightly against the siamese as he tried to regain his bearings. He nodded mutely, and the two remained close for a long moment, at least until Tanner had once again found his voice. "R-... right," he moaned faintly. "Y-.. you have a deal, Mia."

The female pulled back so quickly that the tiger almost tumbled right to the ground, an eager bounce in her step. "Good! I'm gonna go get Tia, and you can meet us at the back door of The Cat House in an hour!"

Tanner blinked again, stumbling slightly before catching himself against a nearby pottery booth. The vendor behind the counter stared daggers at him, and he quickly righted himself. Looking after the swiftly vanishing female, he gasped. "W-... wait, ah... Mia!"

The siamese paused briefly, flashing a broad grin over her shoulder as she called back to the male. "And don't be late!"

And, that said, she waded into the crowd before the tiger could blurt out another word. Somewhere in the distance, her eager voice rang out over the thrum of the crowd-

"Hey, Tia! I got us a client!"

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

An hour later, the Tiger was dutifully waiting for Tia in the alley behind The Cat House. Mia had met him right on time, and the two had navigated through the back halls of the brothel in oddly stealthy fashion. Tanner was a bit perturbed by that, but every time he tried to ask a question, he was quickly hushed to silence.

Still, it was a curious experience. Especially after Mia shoved him into a closet for five minutes just so he wouldn't be seen by Lena, the lioness who often tended bar.

Finally, they reached a room tucked into one corner of the sprawling building. Mia shoved the tiger through the door, then doubled back out into the hall to make quite certain she hadn't been spotted.

"Oh," Tia purred brightly. She was already in the room, lounging on one of the beds in little more than a silken nightie and white cotton panties. Much like her sister she was lithe and thin, but curved in all the right places. "Tanner. It's a pleasure to see you again."

"T-... Tiamat, a pleasure as always." Tanner swallowed hard, a blush rushing to his chiseled features as he wrestled between the urge to stare and the decency to avert his gaze. Decency won out, and he quickly tried focusing on everything else in the room, instead.

"Just Tia," the siamese purred pleasantly, amusement sparkling in her black and hazel eyes. She had spent time with the tiger in the past, but it always tickled her when he stubbornly played the gentleman. "Please."

"Ah, right." Tanner murmured apologetically, his gaze still averted as he took in his surroundings. "Of course, Tia. My apologies."

It was a somewhat peculiar room, unlike any of the other rooms he had ever rented while staying at the establishment. It was slightly larger, and sparsely furnished with several pieces of furniture. There were three beds - two stacked vertically as bunkbeds, and another single bed tucked out of the way in the corner near some bookshelves. A dresser was set against the far wall, and a small reading table was surrounded by wooden chairs near the room's only window.

"I don't-" he furrowed his brow, glancing around again. "I don't think I've ever been in this room before. Where are-?"

Mia slung her arms about the male's waist from behind, giving him a squeeze as she nuzzled into his back. "'Course you haven't, silly! This is my room! I mean, like, me and Tia's!"

Tanner arched both brows in response, his muzzle opening to ask another question, but the younger twin quickly herded him toward one of the beds. With a rough shove, he was deposited none-too-gently onto the plush surface.

"Ssh," Mia grinned lewdly. "You owe me an hour, so stop wasting my time with silly questions."

The tiger blinked, but then nodded. "Er, right. My apologies, Mia. Shutting up now."

Tia pursed her lips, the elder twin cocking her head slightly as she eyed her sibling. "Really, Mia? On Elin's bed?"

"Pff," Mia snorted. She was already in the act of stripping off her modest 'public' garb in quick, practiced motions. Beneath it laid very little, but for pronounced curves, silken fur, and a pair of black, lacy panties. "It's not like she's using it right now!"

Tia scowled, her voice lowered conspiratorially as she hustled her sibling off to one side. "That might be so, but it doesn't make it appropriate! Elin is missing, and here you're trying to-"

Mia rolled her eyes, one corner of her mouth quirked downward as she tried to verbally head her twin off at the pass. "Hey, this is, what, the third time Elin has run off to become an adventurer? The fourth? Even if she DID manage t'get herself lost this time, Veri's out there looking for her! Plus, that weird panther guy! She'll be fine."

The elder siamese paused, considering that, then sighed. It was true, this was hardly the first time their adoptive sister had run off seeking fame and fortune, but it didn't feel right to just- Well, it WAS a rather comfortable bed. And on top of that, it was larger than both hers and Mia's. Large enough to easily fit three.

"Fine," she huffed. "But you're washing her sheets, after."

For his part, Tanner was doing his best to keep his gaze averted. It was a rather silly gesture, given that he was deep within the bowels of a high-end brothel, sharing a room with two professional prostitutes. But really, he just couldn't help but try to act politely. He was a merchant's son, and courtesy had been hammered into his skull from an early age.

His gaze flitted to the odd portrait hanging over the bed. Most of the rooms in The Cat House, at least the ones that HE'D seen, had erotic portraits on display. The often featured nude or scantily clad beastkin in a variety of sensual poses, but not this one. This portrait seemed like the cover of a pulp fantasy novel, all broad strokes and bright colors, depicting a group of unlikely heroes in mid-battle against dark-robed cultists.

In fact, that gray-furred alleycat right near the center of the picture looked an awful lot like-

"Take off your pants." Mia purred gleefully.

Tanner blinked, forcing himself back to the present moment. "Ah, what?"

"Your pants," Mia giggled. She was standing near the side of the bed, and when the tiger hesitated for a second too long she leaned forward to untuck his shirt before she started working at his belt buckle. "Oh never mind, I'll do it."

Tia, the elder siamese, slipped past her sister and eased onto the bed. One arm curled lithely about the tiger's waist as she settled close, her other hand sliding smoothly 'neath the male's shirt, her fingers raking lightly through the fur along his stomach and then higher at his chest. Her tongue swiped softly across his whiskers, and her lips brushed lightly against his lips.

"Just relax, Tanner," the elder twin purred. "This is your time. We'll do ALL the work..."

The paw at the tiger's chest pushed just a little more firmly, and Tanner finally, reluctantly leaned back onto the bed. Lower, Mia deftly finished undoing the male's pants, and in another few efficient motions she had stripped them off entirely. She struggled briefly with his small clothes as well, before abruptly resorting to shredding them apart with her tiny claws instead.

Tanner almost objected to that. Almost, but something stopped him. Maybe it was the fact that he really didn't mind it, since he rather liked aggressive women - or maybe it was the fact that there were now ten tiny claws hovering mere inches from his genitals. Honestly, it was probably a little bit of both. Besides, his pants were still intact. He could go without undergarments for the rest of the day.

"Ooooh," Mia crooned as she eagerly slider her soft paws against the male's crotch. In just seconds, her nimble fingers had explored over every inch of that familiar territory, her touch so feather-soft that it was barely noticeable. "Yeah, your boys are all sorts of messed up."

The tiger winced as he felt those delicate paws and nimble fingers finally, inevitably curl about his obviously swollen balls. Still, the younger twin's touch was surprisingly gentle as she carefully studied the eggs in her grasp. It was... actually quite pleasant, even if his bruised flesh did send mild jolts of renewed pain through his nerves at even the slightest pressure.

"Nnngh," he tried to stifle it, but the groan escaped his throat. "C-... careful...!"

Mia giggled, leaning down to lightly kiss at the male's aching orbs, first one and then the other. "Oh hush, you love it." But she did turn her attention just slightly higher, her blunted muzzle pressing lightly to the male's still-flaccid length. There were bruises there as well, 'though not nearly as bad as the ones at his inner thighs or on those poor, swollen testicles.

Clearly he had been in quite the brawl. At least, assuming it hadn't been consensual.

Tia glanced down toward the male's genitals as they were exposed, almost wincing a little as she spied the clear and obvious bruising. She looked back to the tiger's face, shifting subtly against him until her silk-wrapped chest was rather unsubtly pressed to his face. It only took a little goading to encourage Tanner's muzzle into her modest cleavage, and the elder siamese purred again.

"Oh, Tanner. Who did it to you THIS time?" She paused, trying to think back on what she knew of the tiger. She'd had dozens of clients before, though, and the details were a little murky. Still... some things came to mind. "It wasn't that cheetah you work with, was it? Or..."

Tia paused, and the faintest sly smile worked onto her muzzle. "I did hear that you've been seeing Veridia, from time to time..."

"Nah," Mia was quick to interject. Her nose was pressed firmly to the male's crotch now, as she nuzzled just below his slowly hardening length, but just above his oft-abused balls. Her tongue flicked out, briefly swiping at the loose flesh of his sac, and her fingers softly stroked and kneaded about the aching glands. "This isn't Veri's work. He's got bruises all over the place. Veri's good enough to keep it all right on target..."

And she squeezed the male's bruised balls ever so slightly, one in each hand, just hard enough to make him squirm. Honestly, given their tender state it didn't take much pressure. "Rrrriiiiight here..."

Tanner groaned again, shivering harder against both females, and Tia pulled his muzzle a tad more firmly to her plush chest. But he didn't object.

Tia giggled softly, the sound soft and demure, and she leaned in to nip gently at the edge of Tanner's left ear. "Mmn," she murmured around it. "So who...?"

The tiger panted softly, his eyes closed to slits as the younger siamese kept working lower, her soft fingers and nimble tongue slowly working his damaged manhood to full arousal. Still, he had been asked a question, and it wasn't polite to simply ignore that.

"W-... well..." he gasped softly. "Ah! It... hf... it wasn't... Miss Veridia..."

"Told ya!" Mia crowed smugly, giving the male's nuts another little squeeze. Just as quickly, she soothed his aches by slowly dragging her tongue along the underside of his half-hard length in one long, smooth motion. Licking her lips afterwards, she snickered. "I know Veri's work."

Tanner drew in a deep breath, his muzzle rocking gently as he eagerly nuzzled at the elder twin's breasts, but he murmured almost dreamily. "Nnh... it was... hh... an employer. Ng... or, ah, a potential employer. A raccoon s-... sow... from The East."

Mia carefully shifted the male's testicles to one hand - 'though it took some doing, because in their swollen state she could barely fit her fingers around both of them at once. Her other hand, now empty, drifted to his ever-hardening member. She gave it a few brisk strokes, goading it further to life, before musing. "Well you must have REALLY pissed her off, 'cuz she really busted things up down here..."

The tiger grunted noncommittally. It wasn't so much that he didn't want to talk about it - he actually enjoyed chatting with femmes about that sort of thing. Rather, it was more that he was very much distracted by Mia's nimble touch. Well, that and Tia's insistence on nibbling along the edge of his ear, and the wandering of the elder twin's paws along his still aching ribs.

The younger twin grinned, her own paws settled to the male's thighs as she leaned in again. Her muzzle brushed lightly against that slowly growing length, her whiskers twitching slightly to tickle at the tender flesh. Tanner squirmed a bit in response, so Mia slowly repeated the motion, her breath hot and moist against the tiger's crotch. He moaned this time, and the younger siamese giggled.

She inevitably grew tired of teasing, though, and she finally set to work in earnest. One paw slid into place, her forefinger and thumb locking snugly about the base of Tanner's manhood. Her tongue flicked out, the slightly rough surface dragging against the head of the male's cock as she carefully guided it into her muzzle.

It was a precarious fit, of course. As with all feline beastkin, Mia had four pronounced fangs, any one of which could thoroughly ruin the moment if she closed her jaw at the wrong moment. But, fortunately, she was a professional. Her sharp canine teeth slipped neatly to either side of that turgid length, almost trapping it in place, and she smoothly slid her head forward to take more and more of the-

The door burst open, and both of the twins froze. It was certainly a compromising position to be caught in, with both of the siamese catkin plastered against the tiger's frame - one with his muzzle sandwiched between her breasts, and the other with her mouth decidedly full. But, to be entirely honest, they'd been caught in the midst of far more awkward situations in the past.

Everything stood frozen for a few scant seconds, but finally the elder twin spoke. Normally prim and proper, Tia's eyes narrowed as her usual pleasant demeanor briefly lapsed. "Who the hell are YOU, and what are you doing in our ROOM!?"

Mia lifted her head now, the tiger's cock slipping from her lips with a faint, wet 'pop' that elicited another muffled groan from the male. She quickly wiped her muzzle with the back of one hand, her brow quirked as she took stock of the intruder. She had been expecting her mother, perhaps - catching them in the midst of violating their current punishment. Or maybe Elin, safe and sound, and blundering right into the middle of yet another three-way because she hadn't yet mastered the art of knocking.

But, no. This wasn't there mother, nor was it Elin. This was-

"I am Kinuta Utsu," the raccoon frowned. "And you have absconded with my bodyguard. Return him at once!"

Tia shifted off of the bed, pulling away from the tiger as she quickly moved intercept the indignant raccoon. "You can't just barge into a private room like this! I don't CARE who you are, but-"

Kinuta's hand snapped outward, firmly but gently pinning the feline's muzzle shut. Her voice was even, almost patient, but it carried a lethal undertone. "This tiger is contractually obligated to remain at my side, so you can imagine my irritation upon finding that he wandered off at the first opportunity. And doubly irritated, to find that he has abandoned his duties to bed two whores."

Tia snorted, swatting the raccoons hand off of her muzzle. "ExCUSE me!? Just who the hell are you calling a whore?"

The younger siamese seemed less perturbed, though, offering a simple shrug. "Nah, it's cool. I'm totally a whore."

For his part, the tiger was only just catching up. Honestly, he wasn't sure if he should feel embarrassed, indignant, or outraged. Really, he was still in shock - it was like kicking open a door, only to find an enemy standing on the other side with a crossbow cocked and ready to fire.

"K-... Kinuta!" He finally managed to stammer out a word, recognition setting in. He almost immediately felt stupid, though. It was obviously Kinuta, since she had identified herself the second she had first stepped into the room.

Still, she took it in stride. Her frown remained in place, one angular ear twitching forward as she acknowledged the flustered tiger. "Tanner. What have you to say for yourself?"

Tanner blinked, his own ears splayed as he quickly averted his gaze. Almost as an afterthought, his hands quickly covered his lap, and the siamese that was still settled between his spread knees just smirked. "I-, uh. this is... you hired me?"

Kinuta's frown deepened, and she stepped closer to the bed. Tia quickly scrambled out of her way, before she could be bowled over, but the siamese did nothing to stop her. At this point, the twins seemed content to watch the unfolding drama. It's not as if they could really oust the intruder themselves, regardless, and the usual bouncer was off gods-knew-where.

"Of course I hired you," the raccoon scowled. "Did you not hear me when I said as much? You went through considerable effort to convince me of your abilities, only to abandon your post at the first opportunity."

Tanner pushed himself up against the bed until he was in a sitting position, frowning a little in turn. "Ah, y-... yes, well, I must have missed that. If you'll recall, I was hardly in any condition to..."

Kinuta's head jerked slightly to one side as she leveled a critical eye on the feline. "I left your advance payment near the bed to my private chambers. I would think that to be sign enough of your employment, whether you heard me or not."

The tiger snorted now, his embarrassment fading as he began to remember just how annoyingly headstrong this woman was. "Yes, well, oddly enough I didn't start looting your room once I was able to stand under my own power. You were gone, so I left. I didn't hear you hire me for anything, and I certainly didn't take any money from you!"

Kinuta paused now, her brow furrowed. For the slimmest moment, she had to consider that - was she actually in the wrong here? Was the tiger entirely justified in his indignation? Perhaps this HAD really been one enormous comedy of errors, or at the least a simple case of miscommunication.

...no. No, now that she gave it a moment's thought, she quickly decided that it was very much the tiger's fault. She wasn't entirely certain how or why, but she was absolutely certain that the blame fell squarely on his shoulders. The raccoon couldn't find the words to explain this, however, so she opted for a far pettier response.

"Yes, well, that is probably for the best," she sneered. "Even without my money, you still found the coin for two whores. If you had taken my advance before running, who knows how many more prostitutes you would have hired?"

"Hey!" Mia interjected now, looking a little annoyed for the first time. "We're not charging Tanner anything for this! Some people actually LIKE him, y'know? If you weren't such a bitch, maybe you'd see what a great guy he is!"

Kinuta's jaw dropped, her eyes widened at this unexpected insolence. Just as quickly her jaw clenched again, her eyes narrowing as one hand reflexively slid to the smooth hilt of her wooden blade.

"Wait," Tia suddenly spoke up. Her hands were on her hips, and her long tail crooked. "We're not getting paid for this?"

Mia paused now, her eyes suddenly averted as she looked more than a little evasive. "Oh, um... did I forget to mention that?"

Tia sighed, shooting a deadpan look at her oft-infuriating younger sister. Drawing in a deep breath, she stooped to fetch her blouse from where she had draped it over one of the chairs. Slipping it back on in one smooth motion, she had completely regained her composure before she spoke again.

"Ser Tanner, it was a pleasure to see you again." One ear twitched ever so slightly, the siamese catkin's eyes closed lightly as she spoke in a carefully measured tone. "But if you'll excuse me, I have many chores to tend to."

"Oh," the tiger blinked again, one ear skewed as he once again seemed at a loss. "I, uh... of course, Tia, but-"

"And Lady-" Tia paused briefly, "Kinuta?"

The raccoon nodded slightly, a little nonplussed as well. "Er, yes?"

Tia continued smoothly, "Please conduct your business in a civil manner, and show yourself out when it is concluded. If you cannot comport yourself appropriately, then I can have the guards here in five minutes."

Kinuta's eyes narrowed just a touch further, but... she obligingly slid her hand back off of her blade. "... Yes. Of course. My, ah... apologies."

The elder siamese snorted, then showed herself out.

Kinuta turned her baleful gaze back to the insolent tiger. She hardly needed to use her blade to teach HIM a lesson. "Now then, you-"

"Look," Tanner hastily interjected. He was still flustered, but he was slowly regaining some traction in the conversation. Especially now that the infuriating raccoon had already cost him one of his companions. He slipped off of the bed, well past the point of embarrassment, and leaned over to recover his pants where they had been discarded."Kinuta, I-"

"Silence!" She hissed, one hand snapping outward to backhand him smartly across the muzzle.

The tigerkin grunted, rubbing his cheek, but he held his tongue for the moment.

"Well?" Kinuta prompted him, impatiently. "Explain your conduct!"

She paused briefly, before crooking one finger downward toward the tigerkin's waist. "And stop pointing that disgusting thing at me this instant, or I will remove it from your body!"

Tanner quirked a brow, fixing the raccoon with an odd look. But he sighed, his hips cocked slightly as he tried to, er, aim himself away from her. A part of him wanted to make another move for his pants, but he wasn't particularly keen on being slapped again. "What, now? You just told me to be silent."

"I-" Kinuta sputtered, her ire raised once more. But she wasn't actually sure how to respond to that. She had just ordered him to silence, hadn't she. But still, pointing that out to her didn't do much to mollify her. Rather, it quickly stoked the fires of her rage once more. "You-! I didn't-!"

"Oh," Tanner indulged himself in the faintest smirk as the raccoon struggled to find the right words. He always tried to take pains to remain as civil as possible, but on rare occasion he couldn't help but gloat. This was one of those occasions. "Gods, are you actually speechless for once?"

Kinuta cocked her head sharply to one side, eying the tigerkin for a split second before taking a quick step to the side. Her leg came up like a piston, the rounded bone of her kneecap crushing neatly and mercilessly into the male's groin. It was a smooth, well-practiced technique, and for once it benefited from the fact that she could actually see her targets.

The tiger uttered a plaintive mewl the second after the fleshy smack of impact, abruptly on his toes, and the pain spiked through his loins a scant second later. Even as Kinuta pulled her knee from his crotch, he was already folding at the waist, and after another second he was hunched against the carpeted floor on his hands and knees.

"No," Kinuta snorted haughtily. "I'm not."

Mia rolled her eyes a little, shifting to sit at the edge of the bed. One petite paw reached down to pat the groaning tiger lightly on the shoulder, her voice reproachful. "Saw THAT coming."

"And you-" Kinuta glowered, her ire turning on the siamese now that the tiger had been - at least temporarily - dealt with.

"No," Tanner gasped, abruptly forcing himself back upright. He was in agony, but no more so than any other time he'd been struck solidly in the groin. And honestly, he really was tired of this. He drew in a sharp breath through clenched teeth, one hand against his groin as he pointedly moved between Mia and Kinuta. "Shut up. You've... nf... had your say, and now it's... hf... my turn."

The raccoon's eyes widened ever so slightly, her fists clenching so tight that her knuckles whitened - but the male's sudden display cowed her into silence, at least for the moment. Really, she'd expected him to stay down for at LEAST a few minutes.

Tanner drew in another deep breath, his eyes briefly closed to slits as he focused on steadying himself. It was a technique he'd practiced often, and after ten seconds of forced breathing, he felt ready to speak again. He pointedly turned away from the raccoon, again leaning over to fetch his pants, and this time she didn't stop him.

His voice was steady now, despite the ache in his groin. "I hate to say it, but you're quite possibly the most unreasonable, stubborn person I've had the displeasure of dealing with."

Kinuta's lip curled, baring one of her sharp fangs. "How DARE-"

Tanner finished pulling his pants back into place, quickly meeting the female's gaze with a steely look of his own. "Shut. Up."

The female sputtered, but something in the tiger's tone pushed her back into furious silence. She was still fuming, her blood boiling with rage and bloodlust, but... she was quiet. Mostly.

"I came to you looking for a job," the tiger frowned. "And I was nothing but professional. You goaded me into a fight, you questioned my honor, and when I tried to show mercy you beat me until I nearly lost consciousness."

Kinuta's jaw dropped again, and her rage abated some. It-... well, that-... was that really how the male saw things?

Tanner sighed again, absently tucking in his shirt before he cinched his belt tight. "I assumed that you had simply left after our fight, so when I regained my wits I decided to leave as well. I was... injured, so I visited the market to purchase healing supplies, and I encountered the Lady Lamiah-"

The younger siamese was quick to jab the tiger with her elbow, but she remained silent.

"Er, I encountered the Lady Mia." Tanner stumbled slightly, but recovered quickly. "She may seem young, but she served as an apprentice alchemist, and she offered to provide me with a healing elixir better suited to my, ah, injuries than anything I could find."

Kinuta faltered a bit, her anger steadily draining away. She was still skeptical of course, and unreasonably irritated, but... "I-... well, yes, perhaps I was... too harsh on you. I will admit that I may have become overly passionate during our... interview. But, ah... this is a brothel, and..."

The tiger slowly let out the breath he hadn't even realized he was holding. He hated to lie, but that version of his encounter with Mia was close enough to the truth - at least given the circumstances. "Yes, well, given the nature of my injuries, ah..." Tanner cleared his throat, his momentum lost. Embarrassment began to creep back in, but he fought off the urge to blush. "One thing led to another. It wouldn't be appropriate for me to say anything more than that."

The two stood in silence again, the tiger smoothing out his clothes and the raccoon looking distinctly annoyed. Mia perked her ears, peeking back and forth between the two.

"Sssso, uh..." the siamese folded her arms behind her back, her expression innocent despite her scandalous state of undress. "Are we done? 'Cuz I was really kind of hoping for a little more time with Ser Tanner..."

Kinuta snorted now, her own arms crossed petulantly as she half-turned from the other two beastkin. "Yes, well, I would still like to hire Tanner. If-... if he is willing."

Tanner arched his brows, his ears bolt-upright. He was genuinely surprised, and it took him a moment to process the huffy raccoon's comment. Smiling faintly, he rubbed at the back of his neck as he tried to put things delicately. "Ah, well... Lady Kinuta. I, er... I really don't... think it would work out. With all due respect, I think I might not be up to the... er... rigors of this particular assignment."

"Oh?" Kinuta frowned slightly, an obvious note of disappointment in her voice. "That- are you quite certain? I, ah... you have impressed me twice over, Tanner. And I... do not say that lightly."

The tiger uttered a wry chuckle, his head shaking slightly. "Honestly, if I can't even keep up with you, what chance would I stand against your enemies? Besides, I haven't even recovered from, er... our interview."

"Seriously!" Mia grinned, one arm laced with the tigerkin's own as she plastered against him. "The guy can barely walk straight! I dunno what you did to him, but his balls are the size of oranges!"

Tanner twitched slightly, but his voice remained even. "Yes. Thank you, Mia."

The siamese was unperturbed, and continued merrily. "I mean, whatever coin you're offerin', it probably won't even cover the cost of his healing bills. Besides, like, we don't even know if his kittenmakers still work! Tanner might be stuck shootin' blanks for the rest of his life, and you haven't even given him an advance payment yet?"

Tanner blushed now, and he nudged the shorter feline firmly with his elbow. Mia snorted, and jabbed him right back - lower, and against the well-bruised region in question. The tiger gasped, wavering some, but he just barely managed to stay on his feet.

Kinuta worked her jaw silently for a few seconds, then stepped forward. Her expression was thoughtful, and her bushy tail swayed slightly behind her. "Tanner, are you really injured so badly?"

"Er, well..." The tiger hesitated, then squeaked slightly as the siamese at his side jabbed him again. One hand planted against the edge of the bed as he wavered moreso, his ears slicking flat against his skull. He murmured a tad breathlessly. "Nf... it's-... hf... I've had worse, but... er... yes. Things are, ah... I'm rather... tender."

Kinuta eyed the male for a second longer, before crooking one finger downward. "I have heard enough. Take off your pants."

Tanner's jaw dropped. "What?"

The raccoon stepped forward, her gaze averted slightly as her arms recrossed just below her chest. She almost seemed... embarrassed, but she powered right through it without pause. "Take off your pants, please. Lest I should change my mind, and lose my temper once more."

Tanner hesitated again, but this time Mia was quick to 'help'. Her fingers found his belt buckle again, and just as she had the first time, she made short work of the clasp. "You heard the lady! Pants, off!"

"N-... now, hold on just- ack!" The tiger's stammered protests were cut short as the raccoon planted one hand roughly to his chest. With one shove he was forced off-balance, and he tumbled back onto the bed behind him. Before he could recover, the sly siamese had again made off with his pants.

Kinuta stepped forward, filling the space between his spreadeagled legs where they draped off the bed's edge. Her gaze was still averted, and now she DID show the slightest tinge of a blush, but her tone was as firm as ever. "I have wronged you, and honor demands that-... that I make amends. Even if you will not accept my offer of employ, you must at least allow me to tend to... ah, to tend to your wounds."

Tanner's muzzle opened, a protest welling up in his throat - but he caught himself. He heaved one last sigh, and then smiled. This was at least a pleasant change of pace from the female's normally headstrong manner, and she DID seem genuinely repentant.

He shifted against the bed, trying to prop himself up onto his elbows. "... fine. But, ah, this... this really isn't necessary."

"It is." Kinuta frowned. Any trace of shame or embarrassment had vanished, and again her eyes gleamed with adamant resolve. "You have voiced concern for the state of your manhood, and it falls to me to verify it's condition."

Tanner's eyes widened, and he pushed himself the rest of the way upright - only to have the raccoon shove him back onto the bed. He grunted, but quickly protested once more. "No, Kinuta- nf, I appreciate your intent, but-"

The raccoon's eyes flashed, her ears slanting forward as she gazed down on the prone tiger. "If you will not allow me to restore my honor," she hissed. "Then it makes you my enemy."

The male groaned, finally holding his hands up in a sign of surrender. Settling back against the bed, he peered back up at the stubborn warrior. "Fine, alright. You win. Just... ah... what are we doing here, exactly?"

Kinuta paused now, suddenly seeming at a loss. The male was draped out in front of her, bare from the waist down, and it was only now that she seemed to realize his genitals were on full display. Her gaze flitted down to his crotch, and her complexion darkened as she blushed despite her best efforts not to.

"I, ah-" she faltered, her eyes tracing up and down along the tiger's half-erect length. "Well, I could... ah..."

Mia leaned in, suddenly standing at Kinuta's side. Her tone was an innocent purr once more, her arms still folded behind her back. "You could have sex with him."

Kinuta sputtered, "Certainly not! That would be highly inappropriate for... for one of my station! And with a gaijin of another species, to whom I am not bonded? The mere thought is-!"

Mia cocked her head slightly, her tone understanding. "Oh, I get it. Virgin, huh?"

The raccoon's complexion darkened further, her ears burning as embarrassment threatened to overwhelm her. "I-... I do not see how that is relevant!"

Mia grinned now, her slim shoulders rolling in a casual shrug. "Okay, okay. Gods, you're so uptight! Fine, uh, how about you just give the poor guy a blowjob then? That's pretty much what I was gonna do, anyway."

Kinuta swallowed, focusing her mind. It took some effort, but she forced herself to resume her calm and implacable demeanor. She wasn't sure what it was, but something about this tiger- er, something about Tanner made her feel so vulnerable. She was normally a master of her emotions, but now she was a mess. She was angry and ashamed and guilty and embarrassed, all at once.

She didn't like it.

Best to just do what she had to do, and move on. She had already wasted enough time on this. "Yes," she jerked her head in an abrupt nod. "That is acceptable. I will give him this... blow-job."

The three remained in awkward silence for another moment, and it quickly became obvious that the raccoon had absolutely no idea what the details of her decision entailed. Mia rolled her eyes, still grinning as she flopped down onto the bed next to the puzzled tiger.

She licked her lips, pointing downward with one clawed finger. "Okay, like, first you're gonna want to get down on your knees."

Kinuta blinked, but quickly complied. Easing herself downward, she settled onto her knees between the male's spread thighs. Her gaze flitted back to his manhood with no small amount of curiosity - despite her efforts to maintain her impassive, professional demeanor. She had spent years mastering the art of maiming and spectacular violence, but the art of giving pleasure was... well, it was foreign to her. "Yes. And... ah... then?"

Tanner finally started pushing himself upright again. Fun was fun, but this was all just a little too awkward. "Okay, wait. Kinuta - when I said this wasn't necessary, I meant it. If you'd just-"

Mia set one finger to the tiger's muzzle, giving him a cheshire grin. "Hush, I'm pretty sure my hour ain't up yet. Just lie back and relax, or the next thing I'll teach Stripetail here to do is punch you in the 'nads."

Kinuta snorted softly, a faint scowl sliding onto her muzzle as she eyed the impertinent catkin. "My name is Kinuta, not 'stripetail'. And I hardly need instructions when it comes to striking men in the-"

The siamese smirked, "Great! So, like, will you punch Tanner in the balls if I tell you to?"

The raccoon's scowl deepened. She hardly liked the idea of following orders, although- oh, wait. Wait. Realization dawned, and the warrior's scowl abruptly vanished. The faintest smile slipped onto the raccoon's muzzle instead, and she nodded hesitantly. "Oh, ah... yes. Yes, of course. If he will not cooperate with my efforts, then I will most certainly, ah... 'punch Tanner in the balls'."

"Quick learner," Mia purred smugly. She looked back to Tanner expectantly, but said nothing.

And the tiger quickly settled back against the bed, his eyes rolling slightly as he resigned himself to his fate. Really, though, he was beginning to wonder why he was putting up so much resistance. All things considered, there were probably men who would pay to be in his current position.

Mia smirked, shifting slightly as she rolled halfway atop the grumbling male. Her elbows dug into his ribs as she settled her weight, and she leaned in until she was set nose-to-nose with the tiger. "Hm, I think an object lesson is in order."

Her tail flicked slightly, and her smirk broadened as the startled tiger met her gaze. Just as he seemed ready to protest, she spoke up again. "Kinuta, punch him in the balls."

The raccoon frowned slightly. She had her misgivings about the order, but she didn't hesitate for even half a second. She was already in an ideal position for the maneuver, and the targets were obvious enough. Kinuta cocked her arm in the span of one breath, then snapped it forward like a striking snake. It was the sort of blow she had used in the past to snap boards in half, or to smash a door off of it's hinges, and she had no doubts as to what it might do to the male's genitals - so she tempered it just slightly. But only slightly.

Tanner's eyes went wide as he felt that petite fist crushing into his groin, his protest lilting into a soprano yelp. The blow was perfectly placed, those sharp knuckles gouging deep into his bloated left testicle as the raccoon drove it firmly into his pelvis. His entire body spasmed, his muscles striving to jackknife him forward at the waist - but Mia threw her weight against him to keep him pinned to the bed's surface. His legs kicked violently to either side of Kinuta's body, but the nimble warrior was far too close to be struck by either of them.

Kinuta withdrew her fist, watching with some fascination as the male's swollen orb sank back to the bottom of his bruised sac. Honestly, to her it had been like punching a pillowed surface - as if her targets were cushioned for just this purpose. But from the tiger's lilting whine it was obvious that the impact had been far less comfortable on his end.

Mia giggled, leaning back a little as she settled her weight back against her knees. The tiger gasped harshly beneath her, his agonized moans all too familiar. "So, lesson learned?"

"G-... gods," Tanner moaned faintly. "M-... my balls...! My fucking balls...!"

The siamese sniffed faintly, feigning annoyance. "Apparently not. Kinuta, punch him in the-"

The tiger squeaked, his attention swiftly refocused as he caught the smaller feline's words just in time. "N-... no! Lesson, ngh... learned...! Lesson definitely learned!"

Mia giggled again, leaning in to kiss the wheezing tiger right on the nose. Settling back once more, she looked to the raccoon. "Okay, we can continue now."

"Good," Kinuta nodded. "I am eager to be done with this."

Mia rolled her eyes. "Right, look. There's the quick way to get a guy off, and there's the right way to get a guy off. Do you wanna do this quick, or do you wanna do this right?"

"I, ah-" Kinuta hesitated, her almond-shaped eyes flicking to the siamese for a moment. Her jaw cocked, and she finally, grudgingly bobbed her head in a slight nod. "Very well. Please, continue with your instructions. I will do as you say."

The siamese flashed her a cheshire grin, squirming against the panting tigerkin as she worked her way closer where Kinuta was seated between his spreadeagled legs. "Okay, so, first we're gonna hafta undo some of the damage you just did. Tanner here is tougher than the average guy when it comes to getting hit in the 'nads, but it's still pretty hard on the libido."

Kinuta's gaze returned to the male's crotch, which rested just a scant foot or so from her face. This time she took it in stride, with only the slightest reddening of her eartips, and she forced herself to study his flaccid length. Any semblance of hardness had fled the once proud member.

"So I see." She murmured, thoughtfully.

"Now, most gals have their own techniques for gettin' a guy hard again," Mia purred, her own gaze on Kinuta's face as she carefully gauged the raccoon's reactions. "But I think we should keep it basic. Do you know any massage techniques?"

"Of course." Kinuta responded promptly, her gaze remaining fixed on the tigerkin's genitals. "I have had much practice at soothing weary muscles after long hours of training-"

"Great," Mia quickly interrupted. "Go ahead and massage his balls a bit. That should help get the ache down to, like, a remotely bearable level after a couple of minutes."

Kinuta cocked her head, her gaze briefly flitting back to Mia's face, but it promptly returned to Tanner's genitals - this time focusing on the almost obscenely swollen orbs that filled his taut-stretched sac. She steeled herself, casting aside any lingering doubts, and curled her furred fingers about the male's balls as she took them one to each hand.

Tanner almost immediately spasmed beneath Mia, his whole body tensing as he barely choked off a whimper. His legs kicked to either side of the seated raccoon as she clamped down, the pressure of her firm grinding enough to curl his toes and set the tigerkin writhing once more.

"W-woah!" Mia shifted a bit, an elbow planted against Tanner's chest as she struggled to keep him still. "Stop! What are you-!?"

Kinuta frowned, seeming genuinely confused - but she promptly stilled her paws. She didn't actually release her grip, though, and the bloated orbs remained grossly distended between her pinching and squeezing fingers. "It is a basic deep-tissue massage technique, intended for heavily fatigued or bruised muscles. Is it not sufficient?"

Mia stifled a snicker, her tail flicking lightly against Tanner's gaping muzzle as she looked to the perplexed raccoon. "It's, uh... yeah, no. A guy's balls aren't muscles-"

"Obviously." Kinuta nodded.

"So, like, you don't want to-" Mia paused again, trying not to burst out laughing. "A guy's balls are, like, way sensitive, so you can't just grab them in your paws and start grinding away like you're juicing oranges. Especially not when they're already pretty beat up to begin with."

Kinuta opened her muzzle, but paused thoughtfully before nodding. Her grip eased now, until she was simply holding the male's balls against either palm, her fingers simply cradling the ovoid organs. The finger-shaped dents she had pressed into the hapless glands slowly filled back out, until the male's oft-abused orbs were almost-but-not-quite their proper shape again. Er, give or take some rather significant swelling. Mostly give.

"Of course," the raccoon murmured. She almost felt silly, given that she knew full well what a vicious grinding could do to a male's sexual organs. "It... it would obviously require a much lighter touch."

"Right." Mia grinned, and she could feel the tigerkin beneath her tangibly untensing.

Kinuta paused for a moment longer, again studying those delicate - but still surprisingly durable - eggs. She finally glanced back up, her black-furred ears twitching forward. "How light?"

"Oh!" Mia perked, and she squirmed against the tiger as she rolled off of him. She hesitated, though, briefly leaning in to whisper near his ear. "Hold still, or I'll have her punch you again."

Tanner nodded quickly, and the siamese rolled the rest of the way off of the bed, before slipping about behind the raccoon. Her arms folded about Kinuta's shoulders from behind, her nimble paws neatly sliding beneath the folds of the raccoon's robes as she-

"What-" Kinuta squeaked in alarm. Her hands reflexively clenched again as her muscles tensed, but a wavering groan from the tigerkin prompted her to quickly relax her grip once more. "-are you DOING!?"

"Sssh," Mia giggled. "Just showin' you how light to- hn, hold on..."

The siamese shifted against the raccoon's back as she brought her claws to bear. Much as she had made short work of the tigerkin's undergarments, she quickly did the same to the modest chest-wrap that Kinuta wore beneath her robes. The taut-stretched fabric shredded neatly beneath her tiny claws, and the raccoon almost wavered off-balance as her surprisingly heavy breasts were suddenly unfettered.

"Now see here-!" Kinuta squeaked, her tone a wavering mix of surprise and apprehension. This was- was there something that ranked above highly inappropriate? Because that's what this was. Er... ignoring the fact that she had a pair of testicles cradled in her hands, and a half-nude tiger's crotch just a scant foot from her face.

"Wow," Mia whistled low, quickly shifting to curl her paws against Kinuta's massive mammaries as she effectively took over for the raccoon's makeshift sports bra. "You're really-... huh, didn't think you were THIS big, but-"

The siamese cleared her throat, grinned, and forced herself back on-task. Her fingers twitched slightly, gently kneading at the curves and teasing over the raccoon's thick nipples with either hand.

"W-... what are..." Kinuta wavered again, her voice catching a bit in her throat. "I do not th-... think that..." She swallowed hard, falling silent as her normally rigid discipline was very briefly dispelled.

"See?" Mia purred, her hands still working against the lower swell of the raccoon's breasts. "Soft and gentle."

"Hh-" Kinuta's eyes half-closed, and it took her a few long seconds to respond this time. "O-... of course. But you... hh... c-... could have rubbed my shoulders, instead of my chest..."

"Hee," the siamese giggled softly. "Don't be ridiculous. Your tits are way softer than your shoulders. A lot more sensitive, too. Now do it like I'm doing it, before you lose his attention..."

And Kinuta set her own hands into motion once more, but much more gently this time. She carefully rolled the male's angrily swollen testes against her palms, her fingers gently kneading over every square inch of those pliable little - well, okay, maybe not so little anymore - organs. The tigerkin groaned again, but this time the timber was less pained and more... well, more something else.

Kinuta's eyes flicked open again, one ear perking. That was encouraging! But a quick peek confirmed that the male was still quite limp.

She frowned. "This is not working."

Mia shifted against her back, the feline's muzzle drifting so close to that her warm breath washed over the raccoon's left ear. "It will. Just keep at it for a few minutes. Try kneading - carefully! - over his whole sac. Just like- yeah, like that..."

Kinuta wrinkled her muzzle some, clearly dubious, but she continued to work as the siamese had instructed. Her fingers continued to explore over every soft curve and contour of the tigerkin's orbs, and about the gradually loosening folds of his scrotum as it ever-so-slowly relaxed against her tender grip. She was familiar enough with the region from a purely anatomical sense, but this was... it was different.

She tilted her head to one side, gently palpating over Tanner's pair as she tried to experiment with her touch. The orbs were obviously delicate all over - doubly so, given their repeatedly tenderized state - but some spots seemed more sensitive than others. Her touch briefly lingered higher against the vaguely ovoid organs, and the tigerkin practically squirmed 'neath her touch as she clumsily teased against the spot where his cords connected to the bulbous orbs.

Kinuta quirked a brow, her fingers stilled briefly as she made certain she wasn't hurting the male, and then she continued. Curious once more, her touch lingered higher as she squeezed gently at Tanner's sac, and she tried to stroke along the thick cords that ran up into his body. She was exceedingly careful now - she had grabbed and twisted more than one male's testicles hard enough to cause a slow and agonizing death in the tender little organs as they were starved of blood and oxygen, so she knew how fragile those cords were.

Mia breathed against her neck, and the siamese catkin's voice purred just behind her ear again. "Gooood, now you've got it. You're getting results, but you should try-"

Kinuta's eyes flicked back up from the male's balls, refocusing on his cock once more. True to the younger feline's word, that flaccid length wasn't nearly as flaccid any longer. It certainly wasn't as hard as it had been when she had first burst into the room - or when she had been squeezing and jerking at it the evening before - but it was... well, it was getting there.

The siamese giggled softly, her paws slipping back out from beneath the raccoon's robes as she now slid them along Kinuta's wrists - to guide the raccoon's touch. "Here, try rubbing him here... and here..."

Kinuta looked to Mia's hands, quickly following her suggested motions. She reluctantly surrendered her hold on the tigerkin's balls, settling them gingerly against the bed. Her fingers slipped up to the base of the male's sac, one in front of it and the other reaching behind. With one hand she gently kneaded at the space just below the root of his cock, and the other teased at the sensitive stretch of furred flesh between his thighs, just behind his vulnerable sac.

"Ahnn..." Tanner groaned again, loudly this time, the sound tempered with the firm thrum of his growing purr. The raccoon almost seemed startled at his utterance, but Mia was quick to soothe her nerves.

"Mmmn," Mia crooned, a smile settling firmly onto her petite muzzle. "Verrrry good. He's almost ready now, and I think I know just how to get him the rest of the way there..."

Kinuta balked, but quickly shrugged off her hesitation. The young whore's suggestions had clearly already gotten admirable results, so it seemed silly to question her instructions now. "How?"

Mia grinned now, shifting against Kinuta's back as she slid her paws back up along the raccoon's arms. Her fingers curled at the collar of the raccoon's robe, and she firmly pulled the garment open.

"W-wait! What are you-!"

"Oh please," Mia cut off the predictable protest, another giggle coloring her giddy tone. "You're already basically giving the guy a handjob. How's a little nudity gonna make it more awkward?"

"I-" Kinuta hesitated, her lip curled slightly. "But-!" And another pause, her head tilted back slightly as she tried to peer at the siamese sidelong. Her shoulders slumped, though, as her resistances quickly broke down. Her gaze returned to the male's groin, her bushy tail flicking back against Mia's ankles. "Very well. If you would just...?"

The siamese nodded slightly, pulling more firmly at the raccoon's robes as she better loosened them. Her cloth belt was still tightly cinched about her waist, holding the robes against his body, but that did little to prevent the upper half of the garb from being pulled open.

"Arms." Mia prompted, and Kinuta quickly relented her hold on Tanner's genitals long enough to allow the sleeves to be pulled from her arms. Kinuta shivered just slightly, unaccustomed to feeling the cool air against her bare fur, but she didn't object as she was effectively stripped nude from the waist-up.

"Oooh," Mia crooned again, her fingers raking lightly through the black-and-gray fur that coated Kinuta's back. It was neatly groomed and evenly trimmed, but still much thicker than the coats that both she and the tigerkin sported. "Your fur is so thick and soooooft."

Kinuta blushed now, unaccustomed to being touched in such a manner. But that wasn't to say it was unpleasant. It was... different. Nice, even. "Th-... thank you. But, ah, it is just fur."

"And these tits!" Mia gushed, her arms curling about the raccoon from behind as her paws quickly settled beneath the ample curves, lewdly squeezing at the plush fur and flesh. "These are amazing! Why would you ever HIDE these!?"

"Ah-!" The raccoon uttered an almost orgasmic squeak, her eyes closed to slits as she shivered at the firm squeeze. "D-... do not-... hhnn... th-... they get in the way, so I... hh... I keep them tightly bound. Th-... they are heavy and... hf... cumbersome things..."

"Tch," Mia grinned, releasing the raccoon's chest again as she looked toward the panting male. They certainly had his attention now - even more than when Kinuta had been cradling his balls in her paws, if that was possible. "That's stupid, stripetail. That means that no one can appreciate'em properly."

"I-" Kinuta faltered, her own breath quickened some. "I don't-" And a pause, as she suddenly noticed the tigerkin staring at her. Or, more accurately, at her chest. She quickly averted her gaze, peering off to one side at nothing as her eartips reddened once more. "Are they... are they really that nice?"

Mia's grin twisted into a smirk, and she finally moved away from the raccoon's back. Slipping onto the bed once more, she purred back toward Kinuta. "Trust me, Stripes. If I had a rack like that, I'd own this brothel."

"Hm." Kinuta peeked down at her cleavage, one arm curled beneath her heavy breasts as she studied them for a moment. She had never really considered them to be much more than an annoyance, but...

She spared another quick peek at Tanner's face, and blushed anew as she saw that he was still staring at them. A smile crept onto her muzzle, and it was a long moment before she caught herself. Drawing in a deep breath, she smoothed her expression back out to a carefully cultivated neutral, and bobbed her head.

"Yes," she murmured evenly. "I see."

"Good," Mia grinned. The siamese had moved into position behind the tigerkin, now, and she had propped the male's head up on her lap to give him a better view of Kinuta. "Now use them."

"Of course," Kinuta nodded. "I-... wait, what?"

Mia rolled her eyes, but her grin remained steady. She absently petted over the tigerkin's ears with one hand, and used her other to direct the raccoon's movements. "Put your hands under your tits, then lean forward and squeeze them around Tanner's cock."

Kinuta worked her jaw silently for a moment, then reluctantly nodded and leaned forward. Her hands curled beneath her breasts, hefting the soft, heavy curves to better guide them onto the male's lap. She drew in a deep breath, her chest puffed out and her muzzle tilted comically low as she carefully guided the tigerkin's length - now almost painfully rigid - snugly into her cleavage.

With that accomplished, she settled her hands awkwardly to the outer curves of her breasts and squeezed them firmly about the tiger's erection-

"Oh!" She jumped a bit, her voice a breathy gasp. "It is HOT!"

Mia cocked her head, her grin lopsided. "Damn right it's hot."

Tanner moaned softly, trying to keep his gaze fixed on the raccoon's rack even as eyes crossed a little. "S-... sooo hot...!"

Kinuta scowled, her ears flicking forward. "No, I mean his manhood is... it is very warm to the touch. I, ah... I have touched men there before, but they have never felt like... this..."

Mia cocked her head to the other side, her lopsided grin again twisting into a smirk. "Well, uh, are you normally touching those guys with your tits? Or, like, with your fists?"

"Ah-" The raccoon paused, then cleared her throat before looking just a tad evasive. "Yes, well, my fists aren't ALWAYS involved. Many times I have used my legs, or my bokken, and once my... ah... and once my teeth..."

"Oof," Mia winced, her paws quickly moving to cover the tigerkin's ears. "Stripes, a quick tip. When you're gonna give a guy a blowjob, try not to mention how you bit some other guy's cock off."

"It... it did not come ALL the way off, but-" Kinuta fell silent as Mia glared at her, and the raccoon quickly bobbed her head again. "Of course. My apologies."

The siamese smiled, her hands slipping away from the tigerkin's ears again - although honestly, it had been a symbolic gesture at best. Tanner had obviously still heard the banter, but he was doing an admirable job of trying not to dwell on the idea that Kinuta might accidentally mangle something with her teeth.

Mia peeked down at the tiger's face, quickly spying his sudden apprehension, and she rolled her eyes again. Grinning broadly, she looked back to Kinuta before gesturing with her fingers again. "Okay, so, pull back. Let's see if he's hard-up yet."

It was a rhetorical question - Mia knew full well that the tigerkin had been rock-hard since the moment Kinuta's top had come off, but Kinuta didn't even think to question it. She leaned back, the male's shaft sliding away from the soft fur of her cleavage, and she leaned in to study that lightly bobbing length. It stood proudly, twitching slightly in time with the tigerkin's quickened heartbeat, a thick bead of pre-cum welling at it's reddened tip.

"Ahh..." Kinuta exhaled softly, her jaw slack. She had spent many an amorous night with the smooth, curved hilt of her bokken or her blade, but now - sitting here, with the tigerkin's bobbing erection so close, she almost regretted dedicating so much of her life to-

"Nn," she grunted, her head shaking slightly. She cleared her mind, her stoic expression glued firmly back in place. "It seems-... ah, I think he is ready."

Mia snorted softly, doing her utmost to stifle the urge to laugh. "Uh-huh. Okay then, we're gonna go with a real basic technique, Stripes."

"I do not need coddling," Kinuta scowled. "Instruct me in... ah... in a technique sufficient to... to make Tanner praise his gods."

Mia quirked a brow, peeking down at the tigerkin again - and the male's eyes were, predictably, glued on Kinuta's chest once more. The siamese grinned wide, peering back to the raccoon. "Uh, I don't think that's gonna be a problem either way, Stripes. Pretty sure he's already praisin' them. Best to stick with somethin' basic, so you don't-... uh..."

The siamese paused, then snapped her jaws a few times, her sharp teeth clicking audibly together. Desperately horny or not, that still made the tiger wince.

Kinuta paused, her tongue flicking against one of her long, sharp incisors. "A-... ah, yes. Of course. I... I should not allow my desire for perfection to... ah... to get in the way of..."

Mia snorted again, the corners of her mouth curling upward as she found herself fighting the urge to laugh once more. She gestured dismissively with one hand, her tail flick-flick-flicking behind her as she grinned. "It's fine. I get it. Uh, but let's get to it before you end up scarin' Tanner soft again."

"Oh!" Kinuta bobbed her head smartly, her gaze immediately drawn to the tigerkin's erection again. "Yes, of course!"

"Alright," Mia beamed. "Hands in position. One under his kittenmakers, palm-up, and the other on his cock."

The raccoon bobbed her head again, less diligently this time, as she turned her full attention toward moving her hands into position. Her left curled beneath the male's balls, the two swollen eggs settled snugly against her loose grip. His scrotum was almost fully relaxed now, and the aching orbs were soft and warm against her palm. Even without specific instruction, she couldn't help but smile and gently squeeze about those delicate little things.

Tanner moaned breathlessly, and Kinuta's smile broadened ever so slightly. The raccoon then slipped her other hand about his length with almost reverent awe. It was the first time she had touched it since-... ah, since the previous day, when she had first met the warrior. It... felt much the way it had before, almost hot to the touch and somehow both hard and soft at the same time. Her grip tightened carefully, to better emulate the grip she had used the last time - and the tiger moaned again.

Kinuta's head bobbed again, an odd sense of smug satisfaction settling in. She might not have been well-versed in the arts of love, but at the very least she was familiar with the basic mechanics of male masturbation. She glanced to Mia for approval, and the siamese silently gestured with her hands again, prompting Kinuta to subtly shift her grip to better wrap her fingers about the male's length.

"Mmn," Mia shifted a bit, her fingers dipping again to idly toy with Tanner's whiskers as she purred. "Okay, good, now use your hand to hold his cock steady, and lean in close."

"Hn?" Kinuta grunted inquisitively, but she obediently leaned in. She stopped six inches shy, glancing back to the siamese for further instructions.

Mia gestured downward. "Closer."

The raccoon nodded, then leaned in even closer until she was a scant two inches short - her muzzle hovering so close to the head of Tanner's cock that he could feel her breath tickling across the sensitive skin. "Hn?"

Mia smirked, one hand raised to hold her thumb and forefinger less than an inch apart. "A liiiittle closer."

Kinuta eased in just a tad more, and this time she didn't stop until the soft tip of the tiger's length gently bumped against her nose. She inhaled reflexively, his musky scent thick in her nostrils, and her eartips darkened as she blushed deeper than ever before. "Nn..."

"Good," Mia crooned encouragingly. "Now lick it."

"Ahn?" Kinuta uttered a faint squeak, her eyes rolling back upward as she looked to the siamese.

Mia flicked her tongue out from between her lips, giving it a fleeting swipe through thin air. "Like that! Come on, you're so close!"

The raccoon hesitated for a scant second more, her cheeks reddened now, but she steeled herself. Her fingers twitched slightly, subtly re-angling the male's shaft, and then she flicked her pink little tongue out to delicately swipe it against the tip of Tanner's manhood.

Tanner uttered a lusty groan, his ears slicking flat against his skull. "Nnnhhh..."

Kinuta perked an ear, watching the tigerkin's face for a second, and then she promptly flicked her tongue out again. She licked across his tip once more, this time slower.

Tanner groaned again, his back arching slightly as he lilted into a breathless utterance. "Ohhh, Gawds...!"

Kinuta smiled, her eyes half-closed. Much like everything else, she was apparently very good at this. And honestly, how could she not be? It seemed almost absurdly simple. Her lips parted slightly, and now her tongue flicked out smoothly and repeatedly as she bathed over the head of Tanner's length from every angle with short, swift licks.

"Ahh..." The tiger was gasping now, his toes curled once more as bliss washed across his nerves and quickly overpowered the still-sharp ache in his groin. Mia just smiled, lazily stroking Tanner's ears as she watched Kinuta work.

This continued for a long moment, and then another, and another - and Kinuta never wavered, her tongue flicking out in a perpetual series of rhythmic strokes to wetly massage the head of the tiger's cock. The tiger's gasps and groans steadily grew in urgency, until they were almost painfully desperate whimpers, and his cock was twitching fitfully against Kinuta's tightly clenched fingers. "Ahh... hhh... nnhh...!"

Finally Mia spoke again, a mischievous little smirk on her muzzle. "And now that you know how to give a guy blue balls, let's work on teaching you how to give a guy an orgasm."

Kinuta paused, her tongue flicking back into her muzzle as she again eyed the siamese. "Ah... this will not... he would not come to climax from this treatment alone? But he so seems to enjoy it..."

Mia grinned, ears slanted forward as her own gaze dipped to the male's almost visibly throbbing cock. "For some guys, maybe. I mean, if they're really hard-up or just really sensitive. For most guys, though, it'll just drive 'em crazy after a while. Great foreplay, but if you keep at it they eventually get so horny they can't walk straight."

"Mmhmm...?" Kinuta looked back to that saliva-slicked tip, a smile curling onto her blunted muzzle again as she considered that. Honestly, that actually sounded... kind of appealing. It was just another way that she could dominate a male, so it was a welcome addition to her ever-growing arsenal. Her expression softened, her tongue swiping out again to tease the long slit at the tip of Tanner's penis.

Tanner uttered a low, guttural groan this time - and this time, Kinuta's nethers tingled a bit as well. She shifted uncertainly, suddenly very keen on moving one of her hands down to her own groin, but she resisted the urge. There would be time to tend to her more carnal needs afterwards, once she had privacy, but for now it was best to keep her mind on business.

"So," she murmured throatily. "How do I...?"

"Oh please," Mia smirked. She curled her forefinger and thumb together, as if to encircle an invisible shaft, and then her wrist flexed to make a few lazy pumping motions. "You've gotta at least know THAT much..."

"Oh yes," Kinuta murmured again, and her tightly gripping hand finally set to motion. She jerked slowly and arythmically, but the male still seemed to respond positively to the firm drag of her hand. "Of course.

"Course," Mia drawled, "If you wanna make it even better for him..."

Kinuta's gaze snapped upward immediately, her ears perked. "Yes? Ah-"

She paused, her eyes rolling to one side as she tried to look less eager. "Hn... I mean, perhaps. If it is not too much trouble. I-... I am still eager to be done with this."

"Uh-huh," Mia grinned. "Well then, hold his cock steady for a second."

Kinuta stilled her hand, stopping her erratic stroking for the moment. "Indeed?"

Mia yawned her muzzle open demonstratively, but she snapped it shut again after a brief moment. "Right, now open your mouth and carefully- CAREFULLY- ease the head of his cock past your fangs and press it against your tongue."

The raccoon hesitated, her tongue flicking against her longer, sharper teeth again. Should she really risk...? Hf... well... yes, of course she should. Honestly, if it was like anything else, she'd turn out to be great at this as well. And if not, ah... well, there were other males to practice on. It wasn't as if this particular male was so special.

Still, it was best to be very, very careful. Finding another acceptable bodyguard would be quite an annoyance.

Kinuta cleared her throat, and parted her jaws. She leaned in, the thick tip of Tanner's length pushing past her fangs and into her muzzle proper. Her tongue flicked up and over her lower teeth, to minimize the chance that she might accidentally bite him, and she rolled her eyes back to the siamese.


Mia grinned back at her. "Good, now just close your mouth again- but not all the way! Just enough t'get your lips around the tip, and to hold it firmly in place."

Kinuta furrowed her brow, but she did as instructed. It wasn't as if she could ask questions now, barring inarticulate mumbling. Her jaw eased shut until she could comfortably wrap her lips against the male's shaft, just above where her fingers were planted. It was- the first thing that struck her was the taste. It wasn't really a surprise - the male tasted as musky and salty as he smelled - but somehow it was still unexpected.

Her eyes closed to slits, and almost without thinking she suckled gently at that captive tip, "Mnnnhh..."

"Ooh, yeah," Mia bobbed her head. "Your pretty quick on the uptake, Stripetail. Just, uh... yeah, suck on it. Not too hard, but-... yeah, just like that. And don't forget about your hands. You're moving in for the kill now, so you need to get him from as many angles as possi- oh, there ya go."

Kinuta wasn't even waiting for instructions now, because things had come along far enough that she could guess at the rest of it. Her eyes remained closed to slits, her body acting almost without any need for any guidance whatsoever, as both her hands and her muzzle were busied. Her left hand curled as best it could about the tigerkin's swollen balls, gently squeezing and kneading at them as she had done earlier. Her right hand set back to jerking and stroking along his shaft in short, brisk strokes, as she tried to stimulate the five inches of length that weren't pressed to her tongue.

She worked in silence now, persistently sucking and stroking and kneading at the various delicate parts of the tigerkin's anatomy. His breathing quickened with almost alarming speed, and within a distressingly short thirty seconds he finally drew agonizingly close to orgasm - and Mia spoke up again.


Kinuta didn't respond, instead remaining focused on her work. Her head held steady, her lips pursed lightly as she licked and suckled at Tanner's tip.

Mia cleared her throat, and tried again with a touch more urgency to her voice. "Kinuta?"

The raccoon's ear twitched this time, and she uttered an irritated grunt as she glanced back up toward the siamese. She didn't stop, but at the very least she was listening.

Mia offered a crooked grin, her eyes lidding as she purred. "You remember how you were massaging him at first? The, uh, deep tissue massage?"

Kinuta quirked a brow. "Mnh?"

Mia's grin broadened, her eyes glittering a bit. "Do that again."

Kinuta furrowed her brow, then pulled her head back as she reluctantly released the head of Tanner's cock. Her hands kept moving, though, one pumping and the other fondling - but her attention was on Mia now. "Ah... are you quite certain...?"

The siamese peeked down at Tanner, but the tigerkin was obviously far beyond any responsive state. His breathing was harsh, his eyes closed tight, and his ears slicked flat - it was the peculiar, intense state of focus that always seemed to immediately precede orgasm, and it made Mia's affirmation all the more urgent. There wasn't much time now.

"Kinuta," she purred smugly. "Trust me."

The raccoon's eyes rolled back downward, fixed amorously on the male's length as she continued to jerk and tug at it in smoother, more practiced strokes. She gave it a split second's thought, then twitched one ear ever so slightly in resignation. Her eyes rolled a bit lower, her gaze settling on the two kittenmakers that just barely fit against her left palm...

And she squeezed.

The tigerkin tensed almost immediately, his desperate gasping taking on an odd, breathless lilt. Kinuta glanced to Mia uncertainly, and the siamese nodded - goading her on with another hand gesture. The raccoon frowned, but she persisted - one hand pumping at the tiger's cock even harder and faster now, while the other clamped down with equally growing force.

"Aahhnnnnnghh!" Tanner's desperate whines were longer now, and lilted sharply at the end, but the tiger made no move to stop Kinuta - and Mia made no move to restrain the tiger.

Kinuta was gasping softly now as well, despite the fact that she really wasn't exerting herself significantly - it was just simple hand motions. But still, she somehow felt both exhilarated and exhausted, but she didn't dare to stop. Soon she was pumping the tigerkin's length as hard and fast as she could manage, and she could feel her muscles slowly rebelling against the exertion. Lower, the fingers of her left hand clamped down hard, and her wrist twisted a bit as if she were turning a doorknob-

And one of those bloated, half-crushed orbs squirted from between her fingers, the sudden lack of resistance causing her to clamp down twice as hard on his other ball. It squashed grossly in her redoubled grip, bruised nutmeat very briefly bulging from between her tightly clenched fingers with an almost audible 'crunch'. In that instant, Tanner's soprano whines lilted to a shrill squeal - well past soprano - and the floodgates burst.

"Oh!" Mia suddenly mewled, "Watch ou-!"

Tanner's cock spasmed hard in Kinuta's grip, but her steady hold kept it's aim rock-steady. The first thick spurt of his eager spunk jetted out hard and fast, slapping the raccoon full in the face and spattering pearly beads of viscous seed all over her fur. She yelped in surprise, her head jerking back violently, and the second spurt of seed instead painted across her ample, heaving chest.

Kinuta immediately surrendered her dual-gripped hold on the male's genitals, and she tried to retreat - but she had spent so long on her knees that her feet had fallen asleep. She stumbled, catching herself against one of the tigerkin's spread thighs, but it still took her a long moment to finish regaining her balance - and by the time she recovered, Tanner had already shot the rest of his load across her chest and stomach.

"Nnnnhh..." Tanner moaned faintly, twitching fitfully as the overwhelming bliss of orgasm boiled through his body from head to toe. It was pure ecstasy - but he could already feel the sharp pain of his tightly compressed gonad steadily overwhelming that bliss, creating a bizarre and directly contrasting set of sensations in his loins.

"Ssshh," Mia purred, stroking over the tigerkin's ears again. "You did good, Tanny. Just rest, baby. Take a minute or two to catch your breath."

Kinuta seemed a tad less content, her ears skewed as she wiped at her muzzle and her fingers came away with thick rivulets of fur-matting seed. She reluctantly peered downward, toward the majestic swell of her bust line, and she sighed as she spied what seemed like a full pint of spunk running down her front and pooling against the robes that were still wrapped about her waistline.

"Ugh," she grunted, vainly trying to wipe a thick glob of the stuff from the upper swell of her left breast. It only succeeded in smearing the seed across a wider swath of her charcoal-gray fur, and coating her palm with the stuff. "Is it always this... messy?"

"Only when you do it just right." Mia giggled, more than a little smug. She had, of course, been more than far enough away to avoid getting any of the stuff in her fur. It was kind of nice to watch someone else play the role that she usually did - because at the very least it saved her a couple of hours worth of bathing and grooming.

Tanner uttered a low, satisfied sigh as the euphoric rush of his climax tapered off, finally giving way to the dull, throbbing pain that came with testicular abuse. That was nothing new to him, and orgasm had certainly taken the bite out of even the most recent bruising.

Mia perked an ear, then shot a sly look toward the raccoon. "Okay, NOW you can punch him in the balls again."

"Gladly." Kinuta grunted.

She might have been hesitant just a moment ago, but now that she'd been covered in spunk she was more than happy to dole out some punishment. Her right hand, the one that had so recently been pumping the tiger toward orgasm, curled tightly into a sledgehammer fist. One knuckle protruded slightly, to give her intended blow a smaller impact point - something that was sure to obliterate a testicle, or at the very least drive it deep, deep into the tigerkin's pelvis. So deep that it would take a highly skilled healer no less than three days to dig it back out.

But... no. Damn it. No. She was supposed to- he was her- ah... he was her bodyguard, and she was his employer. If some light bruising had led to her having to hand-crank the tigerkin to orgasm, then what would half-castrating him lead to? Marriage? Eternal servitude?

Kinuta briefly - very briefly - entertained that thought. It wasn't... well, it wasn't ENTIRELY unappealing.

And then she shunted the thought aside. Her knuckles curled back outward, her fist smoothing out into something a good deal less lightly to crush one of the tigerkin's kittenmaker like an over-ripe peach. She closed her eyes lightly, allowed a weary smile to plaster across her muzzle, and backhanded the male firmly between the thighs just hard enough to cause the sharp slap of furred-flesh against furred-flesh to echo off of the walls.

It was more than enough to immediately send the wide-eyed tigerkin into the fetal position, and more than enough to cause one last jet of his increasingly impotent spunk to launch with such speed that it literally painted the ceiling. But it was nowhere near enough to castrate, or to even incapacitate for more than a few hours. A few hours. That would give her just enough time to...

"I need a hot bath," Kinuta grumbled as she picked at the sticky strings of spunk that criss-crossed her fur. "And a lot of soap."

Mia smiled sweetly, a hand raised and a finger pointed off to one side. "Out the door, down the hall two doors. The stall is magical - blue crystal to start or stop the water, red to change the temperature, white to help dry your fur after."

Kinuta nodded smartly, her stern warrior routine once again taking hold. Her expression was stoic and reserved, but the illusion was somewhat ruined by her bared breasts and seed-spattered fur. "I thank you for your hospitality."

"Don't mention it," Mia laughed, her shoulders rolling in a casual shrug. "It was fun. Ah... do you wanna leave your clothes here? I've gotta wash the sheets anyway, so I could do your robes too."

Kinuta bowed her head politely. "I am grateful for the offer, but it is not necessary. I am well versed in cleaning my own laundry."

The siamese paused, then tried again. "Well you're definitely not gonna need a weapon in the bath-"

"No!" Kinuta's hand snapped to the smooth, curved handle of her training blade with almost fierce possessiveness. She quickly caught herself, easing her hold on that lovely, ridged grip. "Ah, I need- hh... I mean... I... I am a warrior, and it is not appropriate for me to go ANYwhere unarmed..."

"Uh..." Mia's eyes danced over the smooth wooden blade, lingering on the smooth, curved handle and its flanged pommel. She had some toys that were quite similar, just without the wooden swords attached. She grinned, but dropped the subject. "...huh. Sure, why not."

The raccoon swallowed hard, her eartips blushing lightly, and she tossed off a hasty half-bow before quickly excusing herself one last time. A split second later, she had disappeared into the hallway.

The door eased back open after a second, the very tip of Kinuta's muzzle peeking back into the room. "Oh, and just so there is no confusion this time. Tanner, you are very hired, so drink your potions and rest well. Tomorrow, we hunt for Tengu."

The door clicked shut again, and this time it stayed shut.

"So," Mia grinned down at the tigerkin. He was still curled up next to her on the bed, his eyes watering and his hands firmly buried between his thighs - just below that impressively hard erection that he was still sporting. "How's it hangin'?"

"Nnnh..." Tanner groaned pitiably. Even if it wasn't crippling, a properly applied backhand was hell on the nerves. His tail twitched spastically, and he whimpered in wavering pitch. "M-... my fucking... nnh... my fucking balls...! Oh, Godsss...!"

The siamese snorted, a wicked grin on her muzzle as she hooked the male's shoulder with one hand, rolling him onto his back as best she could. Then she leaned past him, until she was tucked halfway over the edge. She fished about beneath the bed, coming back up with a gleaming white bottle that she promptly shoved against the tiger's chest. "Oh shut up, you love it."

Tanner's ear twitched slightly, one watering eye flicking halfway open as he tried to fix his dilated pupil on the lithe female. His thumb worked against the stopper, and the second he had cracked the bottle open it was upended and pressed firmly to his muzzle. It was only after he'd finished draining the entire thing that he spoke responded.

"Hhhhff... maybe..."

Mia snorted again, both hands planted against the half-curled tiger as she pushed him flat against the bed. She swatted his hands away from his crotch - and the tiger relinquished his grip on his aching balls with unsurprising eagerness. The younger female grinned again, her gaze flitting from those badly bruised balls and then up to his still-rigid member.

"Hnn... she's gonna be a while. You think you can keep it up long enough for a quick fuck?"

Tanner swallowed hard, his breath quickened again. "Hh... m-... maybe. Will you, nf... be gentle?"

And Mia leered, one thumbclaw hooking under the waistband of her panties before she sheared them off. Tossing the undergarment aside, she eagerly straddled over the squirming tigerkin as she smoothly impaled herself on his length. One hand set to his chest to better brace her against him, and the other dipped behind her to curl about the tiger's well-bruised balls.

She gave them a firm squeeze, her eyes narrowed and her fanged grin wide. "What the hell do YOU think?"

And Tanner groaned happily, his hands setting eagerly to the female's hips, and his whole body shuddering as the siamese squeezed tightly about his cock and his balls simultaneously.

"Nnh... then, hf... let's get started!"

Underground League - Bunnie's First

**Underground League** **Bunnie's First** Evan raised his hand to knock, but hesitated before his knuckles had even touched the door. The eevee's fist hovered there, knuckles an inch from the painted wood, as he had second thoughts. Or, uh... no,...

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The Missing Lynx, Part VII

**Last Time:** _The world is in peril! An unspeakable evil has been let loose on the world of Skarn, and only one woefully under-equipped band of adventurers can hope to thwart it! Unfortunately, said adventurers are a bit worse for wear after a...

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Underground League - A Public Service

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