My Foxy Toy

Story by FakeMan on SoFurry

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#4 of His Toys

Waking up in a dimly lit room, someone finds themselves slowly shifted into something more rubbery, as well as quite foxy.

Disclaimer - Strange and bizarre don't even begin to describe it. This is a potentially offensive romp with transformative rubberized furry sex. If you are not looking for such a thing then you might just want to leave this one where it lies. (This is a work of pornographic fiction. Please do not read if it would be unlawful for you to do so.)

My Foxy Toy

Your eyelids flutter open in the dim light of the nondescript cement floored room. As you try to shift your weight, you hear is the sound of your chest unsticking from the black leather of the odd sawhorse-like thing that you are leaning against. Your hands pull up but can't move, tight fur-lined leather cuffs straining against tight nylon cords that also stretch down to similar binders on your ankles as you try to get your bearings.

"Oh my gosh, you're awake already!" The voice from behind you is full of barely constrained eagerness. You try unsuccessfully to twist your head around and see who's speaking as a blush creeps into your cheeks: You're completely naked.

"And it looks like you've got yourself into just the perfect position." He drags a leathery padded finger over your back slowly. "So very purposefully exposed." Your body tenses as he slaps a paw against your ass with a playful smack. "How absolutely vulpine of you. I know that you've been waiting for this for ages, so let's just get started hmmm?"

His fluffy tail brushes against you as he turns around and you can hear him rolling something heavy across the floor towards you. Everything seems hazy as you try to figure out exactly how you should react . . . "Mmmmmph! I'm so excited. There's just something about that certain sense of foxy eagerness that really gets to me, you know?" He pauses behind you, rubbing the soft fur of his belly against your fleshy backside, just barely brushing against you with his fuzzy sheath.

"And you've been waiting for this your whole life haven't you? All prepared to be an eager little foxy; all pliant, and supple, and ready." There's a small metallic sliding noise as he steps back and pulls something towards you. In your current bound state, you can't quite turn around enough to see exactly what.

"Oh, don't worry. You know you're gonna love this. You wouldn't be here if you weren't. Just relax. You're going to be the best little foxy ever." He coos gently as he presses something against your exposed asshole. "Here we are. It's just a black rubbery little plug, built for conditioning aspiring foxes like yourself." You gasp as he presses in gently on the buttplug, making the straining ring of your anus part slightly around the soft slick cool material with a hot clenching squeeze.

"Ohh, I can just see how badly you want to be a foxy little boy. Aww, it's so cute how you squirm and wriggle as I press it in, little by little. My god, you're just so talented all ready . . . You're going to make the perfect cute little foxy." The leather of the thing you're tied to rubs against your chest as you squirm. The paw presses firmly forward, stretching you just to the point it's almost painful before pulling back over and over again with an insistent rhythm that makes you moan out softly.

"Now here we go, just one nice long hot squeeze and . . ." Your body clenches as something thunks into you with amazing force. "Wow! Your pliant little ass just locked it right in didn't it? What a good little fox." Your ass clenches wildly at the slightly giving rubbery plug now lodged inside of you. "Ohh, yes, I think that Foxy really likes this doesn't he?" You feel a leather padded finger run around the edge of the thick plug. "And if I just give it a little tug your ass just goes wild! I can see your muscles just straining like the greedy little fox you are."

"But I know that a nice little vulpine like you isn't going to be happy with just this. No no . . ." You can hear a rustling as he reaches back towards something. "You foxes have a reputation to uphold." And with that, there's a faint click, followed by a strange sensation. "There we go, pumping my little fox nice and full. Just feel the pulsing warm darkness seep into you, making you all tight and squeezy." A pressure grows as you feel something pushing, slowly flowing into you, making your insides feel the at first cool, and then deliriously warm pressure.

"Ohh, my little Foxy is already starting to wriggle about." He runs a suede paw pad down your spine slowly. "Feels good doesn't it, becoming all soft and supple and malleable? I know a slutty little foxy like you just wants to feel my hands all over you, and who am I to resist? Just let me rub against your juicy hips here. Ohh, there we go, getting a little more_accentuated_ are we?" He slaps a hand against your widening backside, causing a shudder of pleasure to resonate through your body.

"Ah, And just look how wriggly_you're getting. I can just see the dark suppleness spreading out now. Mmm, must feel nice." You can feel his soft warm body press against you. "I wish that I could be as bendy and svelte as a fox sometimes you know, but I guess I'm just not as lucky as _some people." He whispers quietly into your ear, running his paws up your softening ribs to just underneath your armpits in firm petting motions as your chest flattens out, nipples smoothing back into your dark matte flesh.

"Hmm, I know that every good little Foxy just needs a set of nice pointy ears." Licking his tongue across your lobe, he kneads your ears between his fingers as he speaks. "There we go . . . just getting all dark and flexible. Ohh, they're just so stretchy! I bet it feels nice as that liquid warmth just soaks into the back of your foxy little head." He croons as he rubs against your cheekbones with his warm paws.

"What's that my little Foxy? Black isn't very interesting!? Well, I always knew you foxes were a discerning crowd." He pulls back "I suppose that we could try something a little different then. Of course, the next plug will have to be a little bigger, but I'm sure my slutty little Foxy is just going to love feeling his ass stretched a bit tighter. Any self respecting fox would." He leaves your now triangular ears alone, and you can hear him walking back behind you with a new oddly detached clarity.

He flicks off the machine that was slowly filling you as the pressure gradually retreats. Then, you can feel his paw grab around the edges of the black plug lodged inside of your sensitive ass, your skin now matching the same ebon tone and texture as the silicone toy. "Ahh, you're so tight Foxy." He tugs playfully at the wide rubbery base. "Mmm, and just look at you wriggle. I bet this feels good doesn't it: Me tugging at your foxy little ass . . . Just a little more and . . . !"

You feel a hot flush run through you as the slick plug slides out of you with a heavy pop, leaving you feeling oddly empty. "Aww, I can see you just clenching around nothing now, and that's just sad for any fox to suffer. Let me just get set up here, and then I can just help my foxy little boy feel all better." There are soft scraping sounds of something being adjusted before he returns to the corner of your vision carrying a massive slate gray buttplug half again larger than the last one.

"Ohh, Foxy likes the look of this, doesn't he?" He asks as he inserts a clear plastic tube into the center of the toy's base. "And it's just the perfect shade for a black and gray foxy like yourself." He returns behind you. "But I don't know if even my brave little foxy can take something as big and girthy as this . . ." As he speaks, the aching emptiness inside of you makes you try to adjust yourself, your body only half following your commands as you are still firmly bound by the restraints.

"Hmm? What's that? You do?" He chuckles slightly. "Oh, what a good little foxy you are turning out to be. Well, let's just help you get what you want then." He rubs a pawpad over your now dark and flexible anus. "And already clenching so hard. I can see your whole body just tensing up. What a good little boy you are." Removing his suede finger, he slowly replaces it with the blunt tip of the massive slickened plug. "Here we go. Oh, my little Foxy is already so talented. Just look at yourself, stretching nice and wide. Mmmm, amazing." The plug pulses in little by little, stretching your plaint entrance wider and wider, making trails of a strange fulfilling warmth lance through your body.

"Alright Foxy, just a little . . . further." His voice strains out as the plug stretches you impossibly wide. "My word!" His happily startled voice rings out as the plug slams into you, making your cock jerk and bob. "You were right Foxy! You really are a clever little boy aren't you. I should listen to my bendy little Foxy more often . . . Hmm? Oh right, let's get started then. Reaching behind him, he flicks a switch and you feel a familiar, but slightly different cool then balmy warm feeling being pumped into you, making you writhe at the enveloping sensation, your ass clamping down with intense pressure around the thick mass lodged inside of you.

"You were so right Foxy, just look at those nice colors mix around. Now your luscious foxy rump is all black and gray and swirly, just ever so inviting . . ." He clears his throat. "But that's gonna come later, Mmmm I can't wait." Licking his chops noisily, he runs his hands slowly over your hips. "For now, let's just worry about these legs of yours. I know it just feels so nice as the sensitive rubberiness seeps down them, all damasked and pretty looking. Murrr, just look at those foxy thighs." His tongue licks out across the now strangely sensitive skin of your leg.

"Oh my. That made your whole body just quiver in delight didn't it? Such lovely foxy limbs, but foxes don't have feet . . ." His hands knead over your toes as the changes seep down past your calves. "No no, you're right, foxies have cute little paws, all rubbery and wide, just bulging out as I squeeze at them, capped off with cute little wiggly claws, so bendy and smooth." You feel as he plays around with your now almost cartoonish simplified foot-paws, little bolts of strange pleasure arcing through your changing form, making your ass wriggle around. It's hard to tell if you're standing up or just draped over the sawhorse at this point.

"My god, Foxy!? Why didn't you tell me I forgot about the most important part? I guess I just got distracted by all of you're sultry vulpine wiles and just how nice and stretchy you are, you naughty little animal you." He slaps your ass playfully, making your entire body tense and jostle before he runs a padded finger around the base of the plug lodged firmly inside of you, making the sensations just feel that much more intense. "You're right though, no plump little foxy rump like yours would be complete without a floofy banner of a tail."

"Just hold on my little Foxy, and I'll make everything all better." There is a ratchet like creaking as he turns a dial and the slow seeping pressure speeds up, making a surging force build up inside of you. "Now let's just massage a little right above your naughty little fox-hole . . .Just. Like. This . . ." He kneads intensely just above your ass before something gives. "There we are, a forming foxy tail, just filling up like a balloon, wobbling and pulsing out longer and longer with a nice blend of black and gray. And it's so nice and textured too, almost like real fur, but you don't need real fur, do you? No, I thought as much. You just want to be a foxy little toy don't you? A nice tight little rubbery foxy toy. Mmm." He groans out a sensual sound as your quickly filled full tail wobbles about heavily behind you, pressing against the plug that continues to pump thick ashy colored warmth into your simplified insides.

"Now let's just dial this back a little here . . . There we are. I want to make sure that you enjoy this." A paw runs up your inner thigh, just barely touching your now amazingly sensitive testes. "And just look what we have here, a nice turgid foxy cock and tight set of vulpine balls, all ready for someone like me to come up and just squeeeeze them . . ." His palm clenches around your testicles as his other paw reaches in and grabs your pulsing cock. "And so flexible! And I can just pull your wriggly little cock back between your legs like this. Ohh, what a shiver. I'm so jealous. It must feel so nice to be a rubbery little foxy toy. Mmph. I wish it were me. Awww, but don't feel bad. I'm sure you can find a way to make it up to me." And with that he lets your silicone penis go and it swings back in front of you with a rubbery quiver, now almost painfully neglected. You want him to touch it again.

"But let's wait for a little on that hmm? And get you all properly foxy first." He walks his fingertips slowly up your spine, dimpling your taut smooth dappled flesh. "See? Your arms are already starting to look foxier, all smooth and wriggly. Let's just give them a little massage and encourage them along . . . Now we're talking, all the way past your elbows, up to your little foxy paws. That's right. You don't need these spindly fingers. No no, you need nice cute little paws. Just feel them bulge and swell." He speaks softly as he grinds at your changing flesh while it pulls back into rubbery canine looking paws. "There we go. Nice and soft and squeeezy." Your changed appendages feel like they're pulsing in time with the thick warmth pumping into you from the huge plug stretching your tight quivering tail-hole.

He compresses your vulpine paws one last time, playing with their flexible claws before he walks in front of you, all soft gray fur and a swishing striped tail. "Now, you've got the perfect little pointy ears, but something's not quite right about your face. Yes, I think so. A fox needs a nice long sexy muzzle, doesn't he? Mmmhmm." He leans in in front of you. "I can see how much you want it as those naughty thoughts percolate inside of your vulpine mind . . . Hmm? Oh, a kiss? What a cute way to seal the deal. Well, anything for you my foxy little friend."

Paws grabbing the side of your face, he leans in and plants his thin black lips against yours. You can't tell if you are moving or not as his tongue wraps around yours and he lets out a deep throaty rumble of pleasure that shakes your entire body. Slowly, your face pushes out, skin darkening into a swirling pattern of black and gray as his paws clench around it, squeezing in short bursts of firm molding pressure. Sharpening as they become soft and rubbery, your teeth turn strangely sensitive as he flicks his warm pink tongue past, bending them over in its wake. As the strange kiss continues, your nose pulls up and the strange wonderful substance seeps in from the backs of your eyes, leaving them permanently open and opaque as you can see your muzzle grow out longer into a more animal shape while your sight becomes strangely independent of your changing body.

Pulling back slowly, he licks his tongue up across your nose. "Oh my, what a work of art you're becoming. And that expression: so sultry, so very needy." As he rises up you can see his turgid pink member protruding from his fuzzy sheath. "What a good little Foxy you've become." He simpers as he walks around behind you. "A nice svelte black and gray body, squeezable paws, a cute little muzzle, and of course, a round tight foxy rump. Ahh, and that's the most important thing isn't it?" He giggles slyly as he walks behind you.

"Now, let's get you all set up hmm?" You feel his paw wrap around the hefty base of the grayish plug lodged in your rubbery ass. "I know, I know. It almost feels like a part of you at this point right?" He twists the plug slowly, lighting up your senses. "But I can make it worth your while." His other paw reaches between your legs, stroking your now ever-erect shaft, making it wriggle and send resonating waves of pleasure through your body. "I promise." And with that, he tugs at the toy lodged inside of you. Your rubbery posterior is stretched impossibly wide again, making your stretched taut ass quiver before there is a loud wet squelch that burns into your senses, leaving you empty, feeling strangely unfulfilled, your perfect rubbery anus now exposed to the cool air of the room while your heavy tail wobbles, pulling at it in little bobbing tugs.

"It'd be a shame to let a vulpine posterior of this caliber go unaccentuated hmm? Oh yes, I think we can do a whole lot more for you my sweet little Foxy. First, let's get you in a more comfortable position." He almost purrs as he tugs on your legs, slipping your now pliant feet through the padded leather cuffs with a pop before turning to your arms. "Oh, I know, you liked the cuffs, and acting all naughty like this. But don't worry my foxy friend, we're gonna make you into the best little foxy toy ever." He releases your arms and then carefully lowers your heavy silicone body to the ground, posing you carefully on your new sets of paws. "And everyone is gonna be so jealous. I know that_I_ will." He taps the tip of your nose playfully.

"Mrrmm. Now just look at what we have here." He holds up your wobbling tail and runs his other hand along the bottom of it towards your taut rubbery hole. "It's perfect. No, even better, so nice and ready. Smooth and needy. Oh Foxy, it's just impossible to resist an ass as nice as this." And with that, he opens his maw and scrapes his hot fleshy tongue up your smooth rubbery taint before circling your tight asshole, making you quiver at the first prodding contact. His surprisingly strong paw holds your tail aloft, stretching your pliant entrance as he ravishes your asshole, sliding into your smooth clenching insides.

Slipping out and lapping at the base of your fur textured tail, he licks his chops mischievously. "Oh, but I think we can do more, can't we Foxy? That's right, something to make you just wriggle and writhe in pure vulpine bliss. Maybe something to do with this?" He gives your rubbery cock a squeeze, lighting up your body with its electric sensitivity. "Ohhhh, I could feel that. You really liked that, didn't you Foxy?" He squeezes at your cock, bending it in the middle and clenching it against itself, making you see stars of pleasure in your strangely disembodied vision.

"As much fun as this is to pull and squeeze, don't you want it to feel this good on your insides. You know, add in some nice teasing texture to your foxy little hole?" As he speaks his other hand slides down your tail, finger teasing the outside of your anus. "I'll take that as a yes, you dirty little fox you. So let's just squeeze and knead a little. Grabbing your hot foxy cock and just squishing it back against your wriggly body. There we go, just making you squirm in delight." His finger slowly presses into your taut vulpine ass, wriggling around as gropes at your crotch and coos.

"Now just imagine all of this sensitivity, but in your foxy little insides_._ There we go. As your cute little cock presses back into itself, just feel your foxy little passage get more and more sensitive, tight, needy, and textured. Ohhh, Foxy, I can feel you starting to just clench and wriggle around me." The pad of his paw rubs against one of your forming internal ridges, making your skin quiver as he squeezes your cock tighter and tighter. "Mmmm, just feel your flesh sinking back into itself, getting all rubbery and smooth while you become so much more interesting on the inside. I bet this is just driving your foxy little mind wild. Such a sensitive little Foxy . . ." The feeling of his finger wriggling inside of you becomes blazingly intense as your cock sinks back into your body, leaving your crotch perfectly smooth and rubbery.

"Now, I think these could be a little tighter too. Don't get me wrong, they're lovely, but I think we can add a little litheness." He palms your testes. "Just feel them pull up into you, just a bit, leaving you with these nice tight pliant bulges and that sexy taint leading up to your most attractive feature." He pulls his finger out of your clenched tail-hole with a solid pop.

"Ohhh, and I can see that my little Foxy just _loved_that. And you're getting all wriggly: hot and bothered. Don't worry, we're almost there. But this lovely black and gray tail is a little too distracting as is, don't you think? It might get in the way of your foxy little rump." He grabs your heavy textured tail in both of his hands, squeezing into the thick rubber. "You know, any self respecting foxy toy is going to have his tail raised up like a good little boy, so let's just pull it back along between your shoulders here, there we go, nice and tight, baring your foxy little ass for all to see. Now let's just press down a bit . . . there we go, feel it sinking into you, flattening out so that you can stay this way forever, like the good foxy little toy you know you are." He kneads at the rubbery mass of your tail, pressing it into your back until he slowly releases it, leaving you permanently presenting yourself for anyone to use.

Leaning in, his thick pink tongue laps over up from the tight outline of your balls all the way up to your ass in one long sloppy stroke. "My god, Foxy. You're just adorable." He then runs a finger down the side of your tail, swirling around the edge of your needy ass, and then down past the tight bulges of your taut testes. "You're so quivery and eager. I can just see how much you want this. And I don't want to keep my Foxy waiting any longer than necessary." He kneels behind you, stroking his shaft slowly in one paw, lining himself up with your revealed gray and black anus. "Hmm, I can feel you just quivering already Foxy, and I'm not even inside of you yet . . . What a good little toy."

Rocking his hips forwards slowly, the hot head of his cock strains for a fraction of a second before sliding inside of you, making your entire body jostle as it stretches your ass around it. "Oh god, Foxy . . . I . . . murrrum." His words fade into a rumble of bliss as he presses in further. "Ahhh, you're just so nice and clenching and sexy. I'd love to do more, but you're so big . . . What? Ohh, I think we could do that. Just tuck in your foxy little legs a bit, make you all nice and compact, just like you want." His hips rock, grinding him further inside, running past your impossibly sensitive inner ridges as he grasps his paws all around your pliant body.

"Yeah, just enjoy all of that swirling warmth inside of you, uumph, condensing and just making it feel that much better." It feels like his cock is growing inside of you as your body begins to contract. "Becoming a perfect little toy." He manages to lift you off of the ground using both of his paws as he leans back. "You're just such a naughty little Foxy, so tight and slick and, grrrmmmm . . ." He groans out as his cock jerks and leaks out a hot dribble of pre inside of you while your body continues to pull tighter.

"This is so much better." He groans out. "I can just wrap my hand under your foxy little chin and use you like the sexy toy you are. Ahhh, I don't know how much longer I can last with a fox as talented as you." His hips are bucking even as your body continues to condense, sensations becoming more and more overwhelming. "I bet my cock just feels huge inside you now, hmmm? I can feel it sliding around inside of your stretchy little body." Both of his paws are wrapped around your body now as he pumps you wildly over his cock, panting as his huge seeming member pulses and jerks inside of you, setting your senses alight.

"Hmmm, such a tight little Foxy." His hands clench around you firmly, grinding your insides against his turgid member. "Dear lord, I just, I . . ." One paw moves up, wrapping around your rubbery vulpine muzzle, squishing your face to the side before his fingers clamp down, closing your open mouth, causing your body to clench around his length with impossible suction. "Oh, I'm gonna . . . gonna . . ." He pants out, pawed feet scrabbling at the floor as he slams into you, ramming you down again and again, filling you completely with his arcing member as his furry balls bump against you, tight and churning as your taut ass clenches around him.

His orgasm comes suddenly and he throws his head back, moaning out, hands gripping tightly into your smooth flesh, squeezing your rubbery tail as seething hot gouts of seed spatter against your sensitive insides with molten pressure. He pulls you down one last time, your tight entrance straining flush against his crotch while he jerks and arcs inside of your quivering depths as a little dribble of seed seeps out past your miniature pointy vulpine muzzle, dripping down the side of your black and gray length while his cock twitches and seeps out warm bursts of male essence against your sensitive twisting insides.

There's a long caesura punctuated by the occasional tugging throb of his spent dick inside of you. "Dear lord . . ." He squeezes the thick rubbery flesh of your tail. "Foxy, I didn't think you could do anything like that. It was positively amazing! But all good things must come to an end hmm?" Relaxing his white knuckled grip, he slowly slides you up and off of his cum soaked member with a squelch. "Ohh, and you're still so tight.

I'm sorry if I wasn't much, I know you foxes are all size queens. But you were lovely. Absolutely top notch." He gushes as he slowly rises to his paws, one hand gently gripping around your soft rubbery body as he pads his way over to a simple shelf set against the wall.

"I'll tell you what: Next time I'll see if any of my other friends want to help out, and see if you like that any more hmm?" Gently, he lays you down on the shelf and taps the tip of your vulpine muzzle once more, making your whole form quiver slightly.

"Alright. It's a deal. See you next time my naughty little Foxy toy."