Ord Finally Gets Some! or Quetzal's Mistake!

Story by killenor on SoFurry

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Warning: Adult Content, Semi-tragedy.

Ord's Love, Quetzal's Error /or/ Ord Finally Gets Some! 12/19/2007

A short story by: Killenor

All of Ord's life, he had felt looked down upon, even despite his size. Not the brightest dragon by far, Ord had always felt deep down that his friends went too easy on him. He knew he wasn't incredibly smart like his friend Cassie, or brave like Wheezie, or meticulous like Zak, or handi-capable like Lorca or... Why bother, he thought. There was plenty special about him. For one, he still held 14 records for various eating contests. He was still reigning king of the pillow forest... well ever since Max stopped coming. He was also one of the biggest dragons around, hulking over practically all of his peers.

But his slowness denied him many things that he noticed in his friends. Zak and Wheezie were the most cooperative siblings he ever knew nowadays. Cassie was brilliant and had really worked through her shyness. The human children, Max, Enrique, and Emmy, had moved on to their own lives after several years of fun. With him, it seemed, the days were all the same now. Even big changes, like becoming small that one time, only lasted a little while. That or they were so unnoticeable that he couldn't bring any to mind. Though on this particular day, Ord would make one of the most life altering changes and find in himself the things he was best at.

She was a lovely dragoness, Priscilla, perfectly nice and friendly in every way. She was as beautiful as she was kind, though she was also very shy. Despite this, she had one feature of which she was constantly sensitive, her wings, though over the years she never quite got over how she felt about them. Many others thought that her great feathery wings were very lovely, but no one more so than her secret admirer Ord.

Priscilla was unaware of Ord's affection, but every day he watched her longingly-- from her volunteer job at the Dragonland Lost and Found through to adulthood. He knew of her lonely existence, for she kept to herself because she was embarrassed of her wings. At first it was the most innocent of attractions, just lingering looks and unrealized hopes of friendship. But as time went on, Ord began to notice her more... personally. He found a growing feeling that he liked her and wanted to get to know her. Finally, he decided to make his move.

"Hey Priscilla." Ord said sheepishly one day as he approached the Lost and Found. She looked lovely today. He didn't know why but she seemed to beckon to him. He wanted her to like him.

"Hey Ord, did you loose something today?" Priscilla said in her usual shy way. Sheepishly, she tried to hide her wings behind her back. She blushed a little at Ord's longing gaze.

"Naw, I keep everything in my pouch. I actually..." Ord kicked at the ground and held his hands behind his back, "I... uh... came to see you."

Priscilla was now blushing furiously. No other dragon had ever expressed genuine interest in her before. Ord saw how she reacted and moved on, "I thought we could... um... do something later. Like... have fun?"

What a wonderful idea, thought Priscilla, so often she'd avoided 'having fun' with others, but this time just seemed right somehow. Ord, sweet innocent Ord, had asked this time, and what's more, HE ASKED! It was a dream come true! Not even her chronic lack of self confidence could ruin it with him. He was simply too lovable, too... simple.

"I-I'd love to Ord. Right after I get off work. We can go have fun."

"GREAT! I'll see ya then!" Ord said in an outburst of glee. He reached across the counter and hugged Priscilla. Then whipped around and flew off, his dragon-badge leaving an arc of light as he sped away. Priscilla glanced down at the warmth at her breast and saw that her own badge was alight.


As Ord flew away he realized that he wasn't sure what it was that he was thinking of doing. He decided that he should talk it over with his old teacher Quetzal.

Ord never guessed nor stopped to wonder why he saw Cassie fly away from the School in the Sky. He simply acknowledged her as he made his way to the front door. Visions of Priscilla danced in his mind, driving his determination to make everything perfect. His knock was not answered right away and so he waited. He figured that since he had seen Cassie come out of the door earlier that Quetzal must be inside. After several minutes, he tried the knob. It opened.

"Quetzal?" Ord uttered into the quiet room. "You here?"

The sound of snoring echoed through the main room of the schoolhouse. Ord snuck his way in, thinking that he would rather not disturb his old teacher unduly. He noticed that the usual carpet had been rolled up and placed to one side of the room. Instead, on the floor, were a mass of rumpled and comfy-looking blankets. Quetzal sat snoozing in his favorite chair, a strange little smile on his face.

"Poor Quetzal," Ord whispered to himself as he looked at the room, "He was so tired that he didn't even cover himself up."

In an act of kindness toward his aged instructor, Ord picked up one of the blankets from the floor and draped it across Quetzal's shoulders.

"That should do it," he said with a smile, completely oblivious to the large wet spot on the blanket. "Now I'll tidy up a bit for him. When he wakes up, he'll be so happy that he'd help me with anything."

Ord set about cleaning and ordering the room. He tossed out three odd diamond shaped vials, empty as they were, without reading them. He replaced a few herb jars, half-full though they were, on the shelves and neatly folded the blankets to stow them, ignoring the odd smelling wet spots on them. He did, however, notice that there were gouges in the floor. He shrugged them off, figuring they were probably left by some over-active student. Finally he replaced the rug just where it should be. How well he had done, he thought to himself.

Meanwhile on the chair, Quetzal drifted into a dream. He could smell the love he was making with that most delightful student, Cassie. It aroused him to feel her warm body against him. What was this, he thought, the fifth time today? He was going to have to resupply every week at this rate. Though for his love, he would be willing to buy a hundred thousand supplies to keep himself going. She was talking to him, saying sweet things to him as she sank herself down onto him. It was like her first time all over again... except.

"Oh, Quetzal. Mi amor, usted es muy grande. Le quiero tanto. Le quiero dentro de mí." She said in a breathy voice.

Quetzal paused; Cassie never spoke Spanish to him. This was an odd turn of events. Where had she learned? No matter, it was arousing all the same. It made him love her even more. It made him want her. Her first time. It was with him. None of the other times mattered. Her first.

He pressed himself into her, feeling her hymen give just a little. Her eyes transfixed on his as she moved. But she wasn't moving. She should have done it by now... this was different. He could feel her... but it wouldn't give. He tried to pull her onto him, needing to feel it, needing the first time to happen. Scenes flashed behind her of all the other times they had done things together, all the things he had shown her. He pressed and ground against her delicate maidenhead to no avail, she sat upon him unmoving... unblinking...

Quetzal woke with a gasp. There was a moment's confusion as to what a blanket was doing around him and why the room was cleaned. He noticed the drying spot just below his chin. The remnants of Cassie, her odor still lingering upon the blanket, the spot where he had pleasured her earlier. He remembered her juices erupting all around his muzzle as he brought her to climax. He also noticed the protrudence at the bottom of the blanket, a reminder of his dream. At the sound of another dragon in the schoolhouse he instantly moved to cover himself.

"Heya Quetzal," came the simple voice of Ord as he peeked around the corner, "didja sleep well?"

Quetzal was struck with a small tinge of fear, creeping through his still sleepy mind. He and Cassie had decided to be very discreet with their relationship. So far, only Zak and Wheezie knew, but Ord was also a very dear friend of Cassie's. Could he know? Would he tell? Cassie was old enough to make her own decisions, but many would frown at the age gap.

"Ord?" Quetzal said in a testing voice, "What are you doing here?"

"Well," Ord replied with a smile, "I was just coming to ask a few questions, but since I saw the state of the place I decided to clean up a little."

Quetzal's heart gripped briefly. If he had cleaned the room then surely he noticed...

"Ord, about the... the..." Quetzal started, hoping he could be diplomatic about this.

"Don't worry Quetzal, I understand" Ord said in a satisfied tone, causing Quetzal to breathe a sigh of relief, "You're just getting older. I'm fine with helping out."

A small chuckle came from the old teacher. Quetzal wanted to burst out laughing at the inanity of the situation. Ord's density was astounding sometimes, but to have completely missed the explicit mess about the place... this was a new level of dense. Suddenly he was completely at ease, though not fully recovered from his sudden waking. How bad could things get?

"Well, thank you very much Ord. Yes, at my age I do tend to run out of energy, but come sit by me and tell me your question." Quetzal responded, settling into his gentle and helpful voice and manner.

"Ummm, well, you see," Ord looked sheepishly as he sat on the rug right in front of his aged instructor just as he did in his younger years, "I need to know about girls."

Well that woke Quetzal up quickly! All these years and Ord still knew nothing about girls! Again, he wanted to laugh loudly, but he kept his mirth in check. He wondered what had sparked this.

"Well..." Quetzal started, trying to suppress giggles. If only Ord could have seen him in action! That would have shown him everything he ever needed to know! Before he could continue he was cut off.

"I have a date tonight with Priscilla and I need to know the things that will make girls happy."

Oh my, Quetzal thought, all these years and Ord had never even had a date?! Ord is older than Cassie, he thought, and Cassie and I have been sleeping around for almost five years now. Hell, even Zak and Wheezie had been practicing incest for at least three years! In fact, every other dragon he knew from that time period had at least dated if not mated.

"Why haven't you asked your father about this, Ord? I'm sure he would know well enough" Quetzal asked inquisitively.

Ord shrugged his broad shoulders, "I guess I was just nervous to ask... You're older than him anyways. And you're a good teacher too, so, I guess I just thought of you first."

Quetzal was touched. Ord had always been a gentle and loving dragon, even if he was almost painfully simple at times. No wonder his best friend growing up had been a four year old human boy. Normally, someone with a personality like Ord's would have been such a lady-killer. Unfortunately for Ord, he did not have the bravery to back him up. The fact that he asked must have set his dragon-badge glowing to the four edges of Dragonland. He knew just what to tell Ord, just what to say to let Ord have the time of his life.

"This is a very big step for you Ord." Quetzal began, leaning forward and putting his hands on Ord's shoulders. "I am proud of you. I am also very touched that you would come to me with these questions. For starters, we should think about what girls like in the first place. Then you can ask yourself what you can give them."

Ord considered for a moment, "Well, I know," he began counting on his fingers, "girls like dollies, makeup, playing princess, dancing, singing..."

Quetzal wanted to slap his forehead, this might just be a little more difficult than he suspected.

"No, Ord," Quetzal said as gently as he could, "You're thinking of little girls and the things they want. There is a difference between what girls want and what they like. For starters, something everyone likes, friends. I know you can be a very good friend, so all you have to do is start by giving Priscilla your friendship. If she thinks the same about you, then half of your work is done. Girls love good friends, people they can trust and people who know about them."

Ord nodded, suddenly more sure of himself.

"Next, you should do things they like to do, but also show them the things you like. Don't think too hard about this and make sure you have something planned in case she doesn't know what to do next. Girls like boys who will listen to them, but also know when they should act. If you just follow your instinct and don't try to dominate her, I'm sure you'll do fine. You're a very sensitive boy and I know she can see that already."

"But how do I know? What if she wants something and I don't know it?" Ord asked as his nervousness returned.

"Well you can't know everything." Quetzal said, trying to assuage his awkwardness, "But you will find if you just listen and pay attention to her, you'll know what to do. If that doesn't work, you should just move on. Sometimes it isn't meant to be. But in the mean time. Try to have as much fun as you can. Just remember, instinct. Your body and your feelings know what to do, even if your mind is a bit confused."

Ord was suddenly full of inspiration and confidence. It all made sense to him! All he had to do to make Priscilla happy was to be himself and how her some fun!

"Thanks Quetzal!" Ord shouted as he sprang to his feet.

"Just one more thing Ord," Quetzal said, reaching into his pouch for a few things, "If things should progress with your date, well you might need..."

Ord was gone; he had run out the door, leaving Quetzal holding a handful of items. He stared down at the egg-preventing herbs, lubricants, and sensual massage scale-oils he held. His fatigue returned to him. He at back in his chair with a smile. As if Ord would ever get that far on his first date. Even then, there would be time for all that later. Ord would probably come back asking what to do next, hoping for erotic advice... that seemed to be more and more his specialty these days. Quetzal tucked the handful back in his pouch and reached for the blanket that lay in a heap by his chair. Ord wouldn't be going on his date for hours anyways. Quetzal inhaled the discolored spot on his blanket and lay back with it. He had a dream to finish...


It was 4:50 on the dragon-clock. Priscilla had stared at nothing else for the last hour. No one had come for any reason anyway. She found herself so apprehensive, looking to see if her scales were clean enough, if her feathers were straight, if she should put on a little eye-shadow or maybe blush. She wanted everything to go well; it was the first time she had really been out with anybody. She had fantasized about this day; a handsome strong dragon would sweep her off her feet, stroke her feathers and fly her to his castle. Granted, Ord was no dragon-prince, and she never imagined making a career out of a Lost and Found run by the mayor of Dragonland... but he was big, strong, and caring.

Only two minutes till she was off work. Priscilla paced nervously. Maybe he forgot? Maybe he decided she wasn't for him after all? What if she messed up somehow? Perhaps her wings did it again. They drove the one male who was interested in her away! Tears started flowing from her eyes at a minute from 5. She tries to hold off but as the clock strikes the hour she bursts out in heavy sobs. Only ten minutes later, as she closed the shutters around the desk counter, she was startled by a low and somewhat childish voice.

"Hey Priscilla!"

She jumped and twirled around in surprise. Her large feathered wings swishing the small bouquet right out of Ord's outstretched hand. Priscilla caught the look of surprise as Ord stood, suddenly empty-handed, with an arm outstretched. Her cheeks flushed red and her hands leapt immediately to her mouth. What surprised her most was how Ord was still smiling.

"Well, I had worried that might happen, so I brought two bunches" Ord said happily producing the other bunch of fresh-picked wildflowers from behind his back, "Sorry I surprised you."

Priscilla wanted to faint! This was not only the first time anyone had brought her flowers, but it was also the first time she wouldn't have to pick them up off the ground! Maybe he really did like her! She knew she had to say something now...

"Um, thank you Ord." she said hesitantly, accepting the flowers, "They're lovely."

"I just got done picking them. I flew over this meadow and I knew you would have to clean up the Lost and Found before you got off so I stopped." Ord said with a big dumb happy grin.

So THAT was why he didn't arrive early. He must like her! Now they would be on a date!

"So, um, Ord," She said, her nervousness battling her joy, "What should we do first?"

"Well," a very confident Ord said, "I thought maybe we could go somewhere you liked. If not, we could go to the amusement park or to my favorite lake. If you're hungry, I have some food all ready so we could have a picnic. If you don't want that, then we could go to the Dragon Café I know about."

He had certainly thought this through, though Priscilla. He was trying really hard to impress her it seemed. Not that it had taken more than his asking her out to impress her. She worried now that he might try too hard, or get bossy, or some other thing that would ruin this. She was so concerned that she couldn't help but utter the phrase she knew would destroy the whole date.

"I... I don't know."

Ord, however, was ready. He knew if he took charge gently and let her know she was free to tell him what she wanted, she would know in good time.

"Well," He said, unfazed, "How about we go to the amusement park. If you change your mind later, we can do it then."

Wow, thought Priscilla, he knew what he was doing! He had a plan that could bend and he wasn't dominating about it.

"Alright," she said with a new smile, "The amusement park it is!"


Two hours later, Priscilla had broken from her shell. She was laughing and enjoying herself as much as any dragon in the park. It was such a thrill to feel the wind rushing through her wings as they went on the fast rides. The slow rides were enchanting as Ord seemed to get close to her naturally, and never with a hint of shyness. Ord paid for everything, where he ever got the money she couldn't guess, and generally seemed as happy as someone half his age. His joy was infectious and soon she was laughing easy, even at the inane comments and jokes that Ord made. Yes, it was needless to say, she was having a wonderful time.

Just before the sun began to set, Priscilla was walking arm in arm with Ord down the main fairway. Dragons in striped shirts and woven hats called to them to play in their games, promising fabulous prizes. The path was aglow with lights and giant stuffed dragonfrogs and stars and wizards hung from the booths in a dazzling array of color. Other dragons chanced their luck with darts and ring tosses, some were winners but many had to try again. Priscilla munched on a huge wad of cotton candy that Ord had bought for her. Suddenly, a stuffed doll caught her eye.

"Oh, Ord!" Priscilla exclaimed, "Doesn't that look just like Mungus the Giant?"

"Hey, yeah it does," Ord said through a mouth coated with puffy clouds of sugar. "Want me to win it for you? You can remember our adventure every time you go to bed."

"I would... But, Ord, you would have to win five times to get that." Priscilla said, pouting slightly, "and it's one of those bottle-break games."

"Don't worry," Ord said simply as they waltzed up to the booth.

"Step right up!" The manager cried as they approached, "Only one dragon-coin for three throws!"

Ord laid his coin down on the table and it was returned by three worn looking baseballs. Ord knew this was it, his one chance to really impress Priscilla. He wound up with the first ball and....

"Oooh, sorry there son," The manager said as the ball hit the back of the tent, "Two more left!"

Ord wound up for a second throw and...

"You've still got one try left!"

Ord looked back at Priscilla. He met those big beautiful eyes and melted inside. He wanted so much to make her happy he would have carried a mountain in his pouch if it would make her smile. He had one shot left. He was careful, he took aim and hurled with all his might

The ball sailed past the stack of bottles. For a split second Ord's heart sank. To his amazement, as he watched the ball, it ricocheted off a post at the back of the tent. It hit the first stack of bottles and bounced upward as they shattered apart. The ball then caught another beam at the peak of the tent and was sent hurtling into another stack. It bounced from that stack to another and another and another!

Fifteen bottles lay around five empty tables. Everyone around the booth gaped in awe of the spectacle, especially the manager.

"Well, son!" The manager finally said at last, "That must be the finest throw I've seen in all my days! You go on and pick whichever prize you want, I gotta set up for the other customers.

Minutes later, Priscilla and Ord walked away with their big ol' giant doll. The doll was big, but the grins on their faces put it to shame.

"Ord?" Priscilla said, "Lets go to that lake you like."


As the sun set on Dragonland, two dragons sat watching the colors of the sky reflect and ripple across the lake. It was a beautiful scene, casting purples, oranges, yellows, and blues all across the landscape. The dragons sat side by side, holding hands.

"This is beautiful Ord," breathed Priscilla.

"I love coming here," Ord replied, "and I'm glad you were here with me."

That had to be the nicest thing anyone had ever said to Priscilla. As the stars came out, she began to wish that the night would never end. It was unfortunate that she was beginning to feel tired now. She wanted to stay, but knew she should go. She didn't work until later in the day tomorrow, but never-the-less she felt like she should head home. Oh my, she was nervous. What if it ruined everything?

"Well," Priscilla said hesitantly, "I'm getting tired."

"Oh," Ord said, slightly crestfallen, "would you like me to take you home?"

"That would be nice. Would you please walk me home?" she said with a quavering voice.

"Sure I will," Ord said with renewed happiness.

Walking was a leisurely thing for dragons. Since they could easily fly anywhere they needed to go, taking longer to get somewhere was usually reserved for something they wanted to take time on. Ord and Priscilla walked arm in arm away from the lake and toward Priscilla's home. Her home, a small well furnished cave, had always been a lonely place. She never had guests or even friends over for any reason. For years, she had simply used it as a place to keep her things, prepare her meals and sleep.

Ord and Priscilla arrived at her door. She was practically quivering with nervousness, while Ord seemed completely oblivious to her concerned state. Their eyes met and found something special. Neither of them had ever felt this way before. Their faces drifted closer, falling into each other's eyes. As their lips hovered close, Priscilla broke.

"So, um... Ord?" she said suddenly, breaking the spell, "Would you like to come in? Maybe have something to eat?"

Ord was slightly shocked. Somewhere in his mind, though, the voice of Quetzal emerged, reminding him to go with his instinct. He reached inside his mind and found his instinct. His instinct told him that there was free food and a female who was interested.

"Sure!" Ord blurted enthusiastically.


As Ord and Priscilla walked inside, she frantically scanned her cave, hoping she hadn't missed anything from her last clean up. Satisfied that everything was hidden away and in it's proper place, she lead her dashing dragon toward the kitchenette. Directing him to the only seat at her small table, she turned to her pantry behind it. Ord watched her tail as the rest of her vanished behind the door. He was transfixed by the way it swished, such energy and excitement, as Priscilla gathered what they would eat.

Ord caught himself staring at her tail and looked away. His eyes caught something else then, an odd looking barbell sitting on her bed, visible through the open door to her bedroom. Ord only had a second to wonder what exactly it was before Priscilla closed the door and set an armload of food on the table. There was a loaf of bread, some dragonberry preserves, and a small wedge of cheese, as well as an old, dusty bottle.

It was then that Ord noticed a problem. He was sitting on the only chair in her cave!

"Uh, Priscilla... Where are you going to sit?"

Luckily, Priscilla had this planned. "Why, I thought I would sit with you." She responded as smoothly as she could muster, and slid right into his lap.

Ord was surprised, to say the least, but his instinct told him to simply accept this. It was her only chair after all. And it wasn't like he hadn't sat on other people's laps himself. The only problem lay in the fact that her nervous quivering was... tickling... him on his lap.

The next few minutes passed quietly as Priscilla cubed cheese, spooned out the preserves onto slices of bread, and poured small amounts of the dark red liquid from the dusty bottle into a pair of glasses she produced from her pouch.

Ord reached around Priscilla to take a glass, his hand trembling. He attempted to bring it back to his lips. The brush of his arm crossing the side of Priscilla's chest and against her feathered wings sent a little thrill through her. She jumped just a bit, just enough to send a small splash of dragonberry wine onto her shoulder. In as much time as it took her to gasp, Ord deftly licked the liquid from her light blue scales. When he realized how much he was letting his instincts take over, he blushed and felt ashamed.

"Sorry Priscilla," Ord said, hanging his head and holding the wine-glass away from them, "I didn't think about it."

Priscilla giggled a little, a mix of shyness and arousal playing through her emotional state.

"That's ok Ord," She said with a shiver, "I don't mind you touching me."

Ord felt her shiver again. It did... strange things. Somehow he thought that she felt warmer against his lap. He thought he smelled something... new, and for some reason, as she took a nibble of cheese he couldn't tear his eyes away from her lips. His instinct was settling into control again and he felt something strange within him. A strange sensation blossomed in his lap, something slid from within him.

Priscilla's eyes shot wide as she felt the odd growing sensation sliding up her rump. She tried hard not to jump in surprise for fear of ruining the moments she had worked so hard to make just right. Though she hadn't ever been this close to an aroused male, she knew exactly what had happened. Poor Ord had gotten aroused. No doubt he was so innocent that he didn't even know what had happened. Just thinking about the firm meat pressed against her rump made the heat rise within her.

Ord was just taking a bite of bread when he noticed what had happened. How embarrassing! He didn't know what to do! Priscilla was so beautiful and pleasant, he just couldn't ruin it! He tried to hold just as still as he could, hoping she wouldn't notice. His instincts were still wrestling with his mind, they knew exactly what he wanted, now if they could only provoke...

A drip of preserves fell from the corner of Ord's mouth and onto Priscilla's huge feathered wing. Just as before, his tongue darted out to lick clean his mess. Priscilla felt a shudder of pleasure crawl up her sensitive wing as Ord's tongue passed over her feathers. No one had ever touched her wings like that before.

That shiver was all they needed. Priscilla arched her back, her rump rubbing against Ord's tumescent shaft in a most pleasing way. Ord groaned at the new stimulation and unconsciously thrust his pelvis forward, just the slightest bit.

There arousal was now plainly obvious to both of them.

"Ah, heh, s-sorry Priscilla," Ord said as Priscilla turned her long neck around to see him.

"I-It's ok Ord." She said, a blush creeping across her light blue cheeks. "I-I..."

Seeing she was at a loss of words, Ord's instinct took over.

"I think you're pretty," Ord started, but then thinking the words were clumsy he continued, "no, not just pretty, beautiful. I really like you."

Priscilla's blush intensified. She was so nervous, but at the same time, so ready for Ord to say something romantic that anything would have done just then.

"Y-you really think I'm beautiful Ord?" she stammered.

"Yeah, but... if you want me to go... I mean." He replied, his own blush starting as Priscilla moved off his lap and regarded his swollen dragon-flesh.

"Oh, um... no Ord, I don't mind. I... I've never... seen... a male's." she stammered, "I mean... for real...

Something in him told Ord that this was the time. He maneuvered his head so that his lips met Priscilla's. Their kiss was brief, a bare brushing of the lips. Priscilla's eyes went wide as the barest tickle of Ord's lips met hers. Heat rose within her and her cheeks flushed even further. She wanted him now more than ever. Fear and anxiety threatened her mind, making it rush with thoughts of carelessness and abandon. Nervousness told her to run, but she was in her own home. Everything else told her that this was completely right.

The light of two dragon badges shined between their lips as they moved to get more comfortable. Priscilla turned to straddle Ord, allowing him a deep and satisfying kiss. Her tongue slipped out as he fumbled with her lips, unfamiliar with how to proceed. After a few minutes of experimental lip wiggling, they both ached with a desire to proceed.

Hand's proceeded to explore, Priscilla tentatively touching Ord's trembling meat while his hands caressed as much of her as he could touch. It was when he got to her great feathered wings that she really became excited. She arched her back at his firm, yet gentle, touch, and thrust her pelvis, rubbing her moistened slit directly against his firm, warm dragon-cock. Ord followed his feelings and kept massaging her wings, causing her to move lustily against him. It was such a sensation to feel the warm, soft flesh that he noticed between her legs upon him, coupled with her hand gripping him and playing.

In fact, it was too much. Something was coming, he felt, from within him. His muscles tightened from the stimulation and suddenly, and eruption of pleasure. Ord let out a protracted moan as his muscles relaxed and spasmed, his rock hard shaft shooting thick ropes of his cream, splashing all over Priscilla's stomach.

Priscilla didn't stop as she felt Ord's hot liquid upon her belly-scales. She wanted more of the feelings she was getting from him. Her now glistening hand kept masturbating him, her pelvis kept moving against the base of his pole, and her lips and tongue swirled with his as he jerkily continued rubbing her wings. Ord's whole body shook with pleasure, his post-orgasmic member fighting between arousal and flaccidity. It seemed to him that he was at least thrice as sensitive now that... whatever had happened... had happened.

No matter how she moved, it just wasn't enough. She needed more that just this. Her hand left Ord's dwindling mass, shining from his cum, and jabbed at her dragon-clit. She allowed herself to slide just a little way back so she had better access to her aching snatch. Her wings arched forward so that the now panting Ord could continue stroking her feathers.

Ord was drained, but somehow, quickly recovering from... whatever it was that had happened. Opening his eyes for the first time since it happened; he noticed what Priscilla was doing. It was fascinating! She was completely different... down there... than he was. And she was playing so fervently with herself, her gasping moans so positively... arousing. He knew he just had to touch her too.

"Can I," Ord said tentatively, but totally enraptured, "can I help, Priscilla?"

Priscilla shook off her erotic reverie. Her whole body flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and desire.

"I'd like that," she whispered, "b-but... why don't we lay down first?"

With her dragon badge shining brighter than ever, the shy dragon lead her beau into the small room. A shock ran up her back as she noticed that she had left her kegel bar out! She swept it off her bed and tucked it away in her pouch before Ord could notice it. Then she lay herself down on her bed, blushing furiously as she exposed her intimate treasures to her dragon-love.

"It's so pretty Priscilla," Ord said in awe as he got his first look at dragon-vag.

"W-w-well..." Priscilla stuttered hesitantly, "c-can you... help me?"

"Um... what do I do?" Ord inquired.

"J-just... um... let me show you." Priscilla

Ord watched, eyes wide in amazement, as his new-found heartthrob spread herself open with one hand. It was so pink and glistening and... beautiful, he felt he should know all about this new special thing. He believed that if knowing about Priscilla's special place would make her happy, he would do whatever it took.

Priscilla started by licking one of her fingers, making it nice and moist.

"You should make sure that whatever is going down here is wet. Preferably warm too." she said, keeping her eyes fixed on her own belly and proceeding to touch herself.

"See this here?" as she pressed lightly on the arch of her inner labia, "This is where a girl's favorite thing is. Her love-button. It feels really, really nice to touch. But never with anything dry or rough."

Ord remained enraptured as Priscilla kept playing with her button. The slow writhe and the sounds she was making were stirring something deep within him. He felt a tingling in his own nethers and a desire for her to show him more.

"You don't want to press too hard," Priscilla continued between moans, "at least not right away. It's real sensitive. MMMmmmmmhmmm. So build your way up on the pressure. Aaahhhnnnn. But that's not all." She let her hand drift a little further down,

"Down here," she indicated her vaginal opening, "is the love-hole. This is a special place where real love is made."

She dipped just the end of her finger inside.

"Girls love having something inside it. It feels reeeeeally good." she turned her gaze up to Ord. "W... ... want to try?"

Ord was entranced. He couldn't have said 'no' even if he had wanted to. Standing, shaft totally re-engorged, he made his way over to Priscilla's bed. Instinct, learning, and lust drove him forward, desiring only to please the beautiful female that was giving him such a generous gift.

He licked his fingers, just like Priscilla had shown him, and gently touched her most intimate of places. It was very warm and already very wet. His finger slipped across the surface more readily than he had expected, but Priscilla's gasping moans assured him that everything was alright. He tried his best to concentrate on her love-button, but was having just a little trouble with where it actually was.

Leaning close, Ord could now see clearly where he was pressing. It DID look just like a little button sticking out slightly from a small fleshy fold. A strange scent, pleasurable but foreign, wafted into his nostrils, making him sigh with pheromonal stimulation. Warm breath moved over the moist pink treasure of Priscilla's nethers as Ord brought a second finger to bear upon her dragon-clit. Feeling his closeness and the sudden gentle pinch around her clit, Priscilla could not help herself. She grabbed onto one of her pillows and thrust it onto her face as her insides clenched, sending splash after splash of enjoyment onto Ord's surprised muzzle.

The sudden sensation of moisture, coupled with Priscilla's muffled scream surprised Ord. His head jerked up immediately.

"What happened?" Ord said reflexively, "Are you ok?"

"Ooh, Ord," Priscilla gasped, removing the pillow, "That was wonderful."

"What was that?"

"I came, Ord." she sighed with a smile, "It was like what happened to you on the chair."

"Oh," Ord said, finally understanding, "Well I liked that! I'll bet you would like to feel it again too, huh."

"I sure would," said Priscilla, with a blush and a smile, "and I'll bet we can do it together. There are lots of ways to cum."

"Can you do it if I put something in your... special place?" Ord said a bit sheepishly, "Like... my fingers?"

"Why d-don't you try it?"

Ord needed no further encouragement. His moist fingers found their way toward Priscilla's slick and waiting cooze. Marveling at the texture as he slowly inserted a single digit, Ord quickly realized that just putting something in the hole wasn't causing Priscilla to cum again. Seeing that she was at least enjoying this and thinking as quickly as he could, he decided to pull his finger back out and try again. This, he found, was the right thing to do, but he just wasn't getting where he wanted her to go!

Another finger joined the first, sliding in easily alongside it's neighbor. Sweat beaded on his brow as Ord worked the tight passage before him, unsure why this was taking so long. Priscilla didn't seem to mind at all though. Pleasured sounds resounded from the walls of her cave, her hands playing with her sensitive wings and her long neck thrashing her head about her pillows. She had never had such an experience and she was enjoying every second.

There was something nagging in the back of Ord's mind. Something trying to help him that he didn't quite hear. It let him know, helped him realize. Without knowing how or why, he leaned forward, right in-between his lover's light blue legs and took a big lick. Priscilla's startled, but pleasured, 'Oh!!' confirmed that this was a good thing.

Ord's tongue was truly the connoisseur of taste, and now it tasted something new. Something slightly sour, a little salty, but loaded with something completely new. It was such a delicate, yet intense flavor that he had to try for more! Lick after lick followed, concentrating on the flavor, just above his thrusting fingers. His hot tongue glazed over Priscilla's love-button with every pass, sending thrills upon thrills or pleasure shooting through her. Her wings forgotten, she gripped into her bedding, hoping to find some purchase against the oncoming surge of pleasure. Just when she thought she might hang on just a little while longer, Ord curled his fingers inside her. A small, rough spot, Ord had found it just inside her tunnel, was all the trigger she needed to trigger her next, explosive orgasm.

Her juice splashed out once again, leaping onto Ord's waiting tongue. He lapped at it thirstily, exacerbating her pleasures as his tongue lavished her oversensitive parts. Her muscles clenched, binding Ord's fingers within her as her insides were set aglow with spasms.

"Hah! O... Ord! Oh ORD!" she cried aloud, not caring if the whole of Dragonland heard, "Oh YEESSS!!!"

Her tail lashed beneath her as orgasmic aftershocks crashed through. Back arched and wings flapping; she tried to ride through as much of this new-found sensation as she could. She wished it could last forever, but at the same time it was becoming a bit uncomfortable.

"Oooh oooh ORD! Ooohh... s-s-stop!"

Fingers withdrew as Ord jolted back. Had he done something wrong?

Priscilla gasped for breath, a her features split by a huge, blissful smile, scales washed with paleness, and mind dancing with blissful wonder. The small charm of her dragon badge lit the room with it's inner flame. Here, with this loving yet powerful dragon, she had felt what she could never have experienced alone. She could never have gone so far all by herself.

"Ord..." she said tiredly, her hand beckoning him close, "Ord... that was... I mean... I've never..."

"Was it ok?" Ord inquired, crawling up beside her on the bed.

"You... you're the best!" Priscilla exclaimed. "I've never come like that before!"

"Umm... Priscilla?" Ord said, trying not to be absorbed by the throbbing of his loins, "How many times... HAVE you come before?"

Priscilla blushed with a new wave of embarrassments. He had hoped that sweet innocent Ord wouldn't have thought of such a question. Never-the-less, she knew she needed to be honest.

"Um... a lot Ord." she admitted, "I... I like it... and it feels good. B-but I've never... not with anyone else, I mean... I have special things... but you... are my first... I love you, Ord!"

A loss of words, a hollow silence followed the utterance of those words that could create and destroy. The empty rift between the two seemed to stretch forever, the thin silence waiting, eager to be shattered by words, any words that would that would fill the void. The words that would confirm or deny everything that had just happened.

"I love you too Priscilla."

It was said with feeling, with love. Few words sounded truer than those. Ord had spoken them without thought and only from within. As soon as they left his mouth, he knew they were true. He loved her!

No more words needed to be spoken now. Only their lips drifting together mattered. The unity bridged the gap between them and their love for each other met as they kissed. This time there was less of the unfamiliar fumbling. Both simply did what felt good, which was all that mattered. Suddenly, Priscilla knew it was time. She took Ord's head in her hands.

"Ord," she said, staring deeply into his eyes, "I want you inside me."

"With my fingers again?" Ord said innocently, returning her affectionate gaze.

"No, not this time." she replied, stifling a giggle, "I want you to put... your..."

"My... special part?"

"Yes. I want you to put it in me"

"In... your... special... love hole?"

"Would you? Please Ord?"


The room faded into nothing as eyes locked. Love shone between the two and, without a word being spoken, moved into position. Ord was unsure at first, fumbling to align himself with Priscilla's opening, all the while holding himself above her with one hand. He started to become frustrated, until Priscilla shushed him gently. Reaching down to delicately caress and then take hold of Ord's aching rod, she guided it smoothly to her entrance.

"Slowly," she cooed.

Ord, now guided, pressed himself into Priscilla. He was surprised at the moisture and warmth he experienced. Every small movement into her caused Priscilla to gasp and pant in ecstasy. Despite his love's readiness, Ord's shaft was simply too large to enter on the first thrust. As he found he could not continue comfortably his expression turned to one of joy to consternation. Upon seeing his face, Priscilla grew concerned.

"What's wrong Ord?"

"It's not going anymore. You're not cumming either." Ord said unhappily.

Priscilla giggled softly. "It doesn't happen right away Ord. You're just too big for it to be ready yet. Just... pull it back and try again. You gotta go in and out of me a lot of times if you want me to cum again." she smiled, "Just do it as much as you want, however it feels good to you."

Ord pulled himself back, almost completely out of Priscilla, before trying again. This time he slid further, evoking yet more and intense pleasured sounds from his new mate. Assured that he was doing it right, he set himself to the task of bringing Priscilla to yet more orgasms.

She was warm, firm, and wet. Every thrust Ord made felt wonderful for both of them. He started slowly, but built the pace as his confidence increased. Priscilla was lost in pleasure, barely registering the discomfort of having her cervix rammed repeatedly. This was certainly beyond anything she had ever experienced.

While she had an impressive array of toys that she regularly, none of them were even close to the mass of meat that was currently plowing into her. Sweat beaded between her scales, the heat rising between them as Ord pushed further into her. 'How much more could there be' she thought. Not that she minded, of course. She was positively loving this.

Ord, meanwhile, was tensing. Over and over he buried his shaft in the gripping depths of Priscilla's dripping twat. Each time, more fluid was pressed from her body, dripping down onto the bed. The writhing of her body as he held onto her added to the sensation of being inside as her stomach muscles twitched at his intrusion. The pleasure at such a tight passage, even tighter at the head once he was fully inside, was more than Ord could have ever imagined.

Without warning, Priscilla's body had enough pleasure. Her well-toned vaginal muscles clamped down and spasmed around the thick shaft buried deep within. A howl of wonder erupted from both of the dragons as the orgasmic energy passed between them. Ord clenched his teeth as he felt the marvelously-velvety-feeling vice-like flesh grip and spasm, queuing his own spasms to begin. He thrust himself as deep as he could, relishing the new, intense feelings that threatened to overwhelm him.

Priscilla reached up with her long neck to meet Ord's lips as they both came together. Fluid came gushing from her as she rode the ord-gasm she was feeling. Deep within, a new warmth was filling her. Ord tried to focus on Priscilla's lips as his seed burst deep within his love. He was so far in now that his semen was filling her uterus full, leaving very little room otherwise. He had no idea how much he had put in her, but he didn't care. It felt amazing!

It took several minutes for the two to relax. Each movement brought a new thrill of joy and yet more spasms. The amorous dragons lay entwined, kissing softly and petting lightly. Priscilla felt a jolt of relief as Ord's dong, still within her, relaxed enough to pop out from her cervix. A happy sigh from her was all the encouragement Ord needed to begin petting once again.

The petting soon lead way into play, and from play again into lust. As Ord's cock swelled within Priscilla's hole once more, a new wave of feelings boiled from inside the dragons.

This was real love.


The next three weeks were the most incredible Ord had ever experienced. The grass was greener, the birdsong sweeter, and each breath felt better than the last. He was in love!

Instinct had guided him to a new plateau of wonderment, and how wonderful it was. Priscilla had blossomed for him, opening her soul, sharing the deepest feelings to which no other dragon had privy. All Ord had to do was listen and the vibrant spirit of the once-silent dragon surged from her shell.

They flew all about Dragonland, never once paying notice to that oddity that had been such a detriment to Priscilla's life. They visited all their childhood memories and shared them now as adults. Picnics and adventures happened every day. One would barely recognize the pair, for love had changed them completely.

At night, Ord discovered the depths of passions. Priscilla, for being so shy, was truly an adventurous sort in the bedroom. She owned such things that boggled Ord's special little mind, and each night she would show him new ways to love her. Their passion became so spontaneous that they could scarcely keep their hands off of each other. By the third week, they had made love in every magical place they had visited as children, transforming their youthful play into very adult pleasures.

But this could not last.

On the fourth week, Ord began to notice things about his love. She barely ate, yet she seemed to be growing rounder. While she was still ravenous for his carnal attentions, she seemed to demand less of the power and verve that he normally used. Also, she had developed rather odd culinary tastes. After all, who had ever heard of pickled dragonsquash on dragonberry ice cream?

It wasn't until halfway into the fifth week that things began to turn.


"Not tonight Ord," Priscilla said tiredly, "I'm just not feeling up to it."

Ord looked a little rejected. He had hoped that they could try a new position he had imagined, but for some reason, Priscilla simply wasn't in the mood. It was such a sudden thing that Ord simply didn't know what to do with himself. The days had become lazy this last week. Priscilla seemed to have gotten bigger too, though Ord could not figure out why.

He resigned himself to sleep, laying a blanket down beside Priscilla's bed, as he had done for the last few nights. She had simply gotten too round for him to lay beside. His soft mind attempted to find some sort of reason that his days of wonder had turned into this frustration. As sleep took him, he wondered what he had done wrong.

A strange noise in the dark jerked Ord from his sleep. It sounded like... pain! Priscilla was in pain! Quickly he turned the light of the room on, only to witness his love, covers flung to the floor, legs spread, and panting.

"Priscilla?" Ord exclaimed fearfully, "W-what's wrong?"

"Nnnggh I... I don't know Ord. Oooh, it hurts!" Priscilla cried, "It hurts... d-down there."

Ord could only watch as Priscilla gasped in agony and her belly muscles pushed. Her love hole was wetter than Ord had ever seen, and it looked almost like something was emerging from there. Everything was stretched and Ord feared for her health.

"Is there any way I could help?" Ord said

"I... I don't know!" Priscilla replied in a gasping voice, "Get...AAAaahhh!!! get Dr. Booboogone!"

Ord made for the door, tripping over everything in the ways as he rushed out of the house. As soon as his scales felt the night air he was off, flying as fast as he could for the good doctor's home.


A knock on the door in the middle of the night is enough to make anyone grumpy. Dr. Booboogone was no exception. The aged dragoness crawled herself out of bed however, knowing that it might be something serious. Throwing her white coat on over her nightgown, she opened the door. Before her stood an obviously anxious and worried Ord.

"Why Ord, whatever is the matter at this time of night?" Booboogone began, "Too many dragon-nut truffles again?"

"No!" Ord practically shouted, "It's Priscilla, I think she's really sick! She's all swollen, and her girl parts are hurting!"

Dr. Booboogone's face transformed into a picture of surprise. The LAST dragon she had EVER expected to be talking about "girl parts" was Ord!

"Priscilla, the dragoness with the big... um..." she paused.

"Yeah, her!" Ord cried, "I don't want anything bad to happen! Please Doc! I love her!"

The surprises just weren't stopping tonight, thought the doctor. She figured she ought to find out what was happening right away.

The entire way back to Priscilla's cave, Booboogone kept trying to get Ord to calm down. Every time she was sure she had assured him, he would think of something new to ask her. Dumbing things down so that Ord could... maybe... understand, became tiring very fast. She still didn't even know exactly what had happened... or even what Ord had been doing at Priscilla's in the first place. Some notions danced across her mind, but she simply dismissed them as impossible.

But oh her surprise when they finally arrived. Never in her years had she expected Priscilla to be gravid, and what's more for Ord to be the one to inform her! None-the-less, she knew right what to do. After sending Ord out to get hot water and towels and a few random knick-knacks sure to keep him searching until this business was done.

Once Priscilla was calmed down, the eggs came easy. The doctor eased her through it, helped her clean up, and told her how to care for them. She did all this and was just boiling them some tea as Priscilla prepared her nest when Ord came bursting in, a steaming pail, towels, and everything else Booboogone had asked for. Ord was frantic and exhausted. It took the doctor several minutes just to get him to calm down and assure him that Priscilla was fine. After a few amused chuckles and a long draught of tea, Doctor Booboogone finally gave him the good news.

"Well Ord, congratulations are in order I suppose."

"What do you mean doctor?"

"Ord," she said with yet another chuckle, "You're going to be a father, a daddy. Priscilla was just full of eggs. Three to be precise. She wasn't sick at all. Oh what a happy day this must be for you two."

But it wasn't a happy day. This changed everything! Ord didn't know what to do! How could Priscilla have eggs? How could he be their daddy? These things had never been explained to him, and now, here they were!

"B-b-but... how? How could I be a daddy?! I don't even know HOW Priscilla got eggs!" He stammered.

Booboogone shook her head. All these years, however many, and no one explained this to Ord?

"Ord," She began tactfully as possible, trying her best to maintain professionalism "did you... did you ever put anything in Priscilla's... 'girl place'?"

"Um... yeah. It's our favorite thing to do!" Ord said, his mood suddenly shifting to happiness at the fond remembrance.

"Well... one of those times that you... put your... um... 'boy part' into her 'girl place'..." Booboogone's cheeks broke into a blush, "you... shot something into her. This had her make eggs with you."

"But... I didn't want eggs. I didn't want to be a daddy yet. I... I was just following my instincts... and..."

"Oh Ord, don't be sad for that. It's very natural for dragons your age to do those things. That's what instincts are all about you know. It's just... I wish someone would have warned you two about protection first."

With that, the doctor patted Ord on the shoulders, told him to make sure Priscilla got lots to eat over the next few days, and excused herself. When Ord finally got the nerve to go into the bedroom he found his beloved Priscilla lying draped over her newly laid eggs. They were nestled in a pile of blankets and towels upon the bed, so small and delicate next to their mother. Ord heaved a sigh at this, causing Priscilla to stir just a bit.

"Mmm, Ord..." she said sleepily, "I love you..." and drifted back to sleep.

Ord made to lay down, but the blanket he had been using was gone. Only a bare floor was open for him and his dearest dragoness was asleep... with his eggs.

Something new stirred within Ord then. Anger. The normally gentle and pacifistic dragon was angry now, for not having a place to sleep, for having to be a daddy, for everything he did that hurt Priscilla. He knew the only reason for everything going wrong, his instinct. And as he was making his way out the door, he knew who he was really mad at.



"Kiki," Quetzal said with a slow smile, "I just want you to know, you must be the most enthusiastic lover I have ever had."

"Mmm and you're just the best Quetzal." Kiki replied, "I can't believe how well this all happened. I mean, my big sister left, like, a month ago, I've been your assistant for three years... and it's only been ten days since I caught you... at the lake."

"And nine days since we really went all the way," added Quetzal, sounding as energetic as a teenager, "and this is where we are now."

Quetzal gave a protracted thrust of his pelvis to accentuate the fact that at that very moment, Kiki straddled his lap, his firm, thick cock deep within her hot, dripping dragon-pussy. Kiki giggled a bit as she resumed riding her aged lover.

Suddenly the door banged open. There stood Ord, breathing hard and looking angry.

"Quetzal!" he shouted, his voice ringing out across the schoolhouse.

Kiki jumped off of Quetzal's shaft, looking questioningly into his eyes. Quetzal nodded to her to remain in the room and wrapped a blanket around himself. He was about to go to see Ord when Ord found him.

"How come you didn't tell me Quetzal!" Ord shouted, "I'm not ready to be a daddy!"

"B-b-but Ord," Quetzal stammered, his old heart pounding within his chest, "A daddy?"

"It's ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU told me to listen to my instincts, and now, Priscilla has EGGS!"

"Wha... eggs? Ord... I..."

"All we ever do is come to you for advice. You always have some weird way of explaining it. You always have us do weird things. You send us all over Dragonland to learn something when you could just tell us! Why did it have to all be so... DUMB! Now, since you DIDN'T just tell me something, I'm gonna be a daddy!"

Ord was now towering over the frightened and bewildered Quetzal, laying into him with all the wrath his simple mind could conjure.

But then... it was over.

Ord had nothing more to say.

His eyes cleared from their teary rage and saw his old, frightened teacher. He saw what he had done and was ashamed. Backing a couple of steps away, he slumped onto the floor. New tears flooded from his eyes.

Quetzal recovered himself, seeing the weeping form of his student on the floor. He knew what had gone wrong, he had taken Ord... and Priscilla... for granted. He was so sure that they would never mate, and so distracted by loves both coming and going, that he had simply forgotten to find Ord again after that fateful day.

"Ord," he said, rising to his feet, "Ord I am so very sorry. I made the mistake here. I wanted to tell you about safe mating, but you had already run out the door. I didn't go after you because I took you for granted. I didn't think you would mate with Priscilla and I was wrong for ignoring you. I am so sorry, Ord."

Still sniffling, Ord raised himself up off the floor. He rushed forward and embraced his teacher, tears still wet upon his face.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you Quetzal. Your lessons aren't dumb. I was just angry."

"Ord, you are a good dragon. One of the most gentle dragons I know, and that says a lot. But don't worry. You will be a good father for your children, and when they're old enough, I'll be willing to teach them. But now, you should go, you have a new mother who will be missing her mate. And don't worry, I'll show you two everything you need to know to keep this from happening again, mañana"

Thus comforted, Ord left to give his mate all the love and attention she would surely need.

This left Quetzal, lap soaked and wrapped in a blanket, and Kiki, who was relieved that Ord had never noticed the copious puddle of sexual fluid on the floor beneath her, all alone once again.

Quetzal's shoulders slumped as he watched the door. He had made a mistake, the biggest mistake since he was young, and now it had hurt someone he cared about. Someone he had taught. He barely noticed Kiki sliding up beside him until she rested her head against his arm.

"You know," Kiki said in her best "wise" voice, "A wise dragon once told me, 'Everyone makes mistakes, but it's what we learn from them that really counts.'"

Hearing his own words repeated back to him, but with such love, made him realize that there were things in his life that had not been mistakes. One was standing right next to him.

"Si, Kiki," He responded slowly, "It's what you learn from your mistakes."

"So," Kiki said, changing the subject, "That was Ord, huh? I haven't seen him since I was a baby. Boy he's big..." she trailed off into girlishly lewd giggles, "I'll bet Priscilla had no problem laying those eggs." She finished by bursting into laughter.

Quetzal couldn't help but smile as he hugged his young protégé close. He wasn't surprised at all when Kiki's hand started roaming his body.

"We still have some unfinished business Quetzal," Kiki said seductively as she could after such laughter, "after all, you wouldn't want to forget all about me would you?"

Quetzal's lips swiftly found those of his amorous aide. As their tongues swirled together and their bodies pressed close, Kiki resumed those tender touches that would get things right back to where they left off.

As the kiss broke, Quetzal's eyes sparkled.

"Kiki, I could never forget you," Quetzal said, pouring his love into each word, "That would really be a mistake."


There ya go folks, another Dragon Tales fanfic! I really am only planning to do two more, however, unless the mood strikes me in the future. Tell me how you liked it! I liked writing it and I hope you like reading it. All the legal mumbo jumbo that applies to my other stories applies here. Dragon Tales is property of PBS or whoever... Killenor

100 Acre Wood Gone Wild

Warning: Adult Content, Alternate Universe. Thanks to artistic license, I have changed some features of the setting and characters to better suit my storytelling and to distance myself from copyrighted stuff... even though I never plan on selling...

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Fun in the clouds: A Dragon Tales Short Story fanfic

Warning: Adult Content. Fun in the Clouds 04/29/2007 A short story by: Killenor High fluffy clouds filled the sky one fine day in Dragonland. No threat of rain though. It was a perfect lazy day. Many dragons simply laid back and looked at the...

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About Cassie's Mom: A Dragon Tales Short Story (fanfic)

Warning: Adult Content, Ovulation, and Marital Infidelity About Cassie's Mother 04/29/2007 A short story by: Killenor Note to Reader: I write this having no idea what Cassie's mother's name is or really what she looks like. If anyone has that...

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