Feeding the Wolf

Story by Jizzal on SoFurry

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Feeding the Wolf

By: Jizzal

For: Jake

Jake is © himself

With a heavy sigh Jake looked himself over in the mirror. Clad in next to nothing the young wolf was able to get a nice view of his large build. Standing more than six feet tall and weighing approximately 300 pounds, the wolf was quite an intimidating figure. Although he was proud of his size, he wanted to get larger, especially around the mid section. He grumbled and groped a large paw along his hefty gut, giving it a firm squeeze while his tail idly wagged. His mind was quickly filled with thoughts on how to accumulate more girth, though the sound of the front door opening quickly got his attention.

"Jake? I'm home," a familiar voice noted, which was followed by the sound of the door closing.

Feeling a smile grow on his muzzle, the large wolf made his way out from the bathroom and into the living room, still only wearing his rather comfortable undies.

"Hey Skunky!" Jake barked, startling the mephit while he grabbed him into a big wolfish bear hug. "How was it?" The wolf continued, leaning down to nuzzle the squirming skunk.

As he fought against the affectionate muzzle, the skunk giggled and shook his head. "It was alright, I got the part I wanted though much to my surprise. Rehearsals don't start until next week." The smaller male said while he tossed a hefty script onto the couch and relaxed into the cuddly embrace.

Jake easily towered over his friend and roommate, who was barely five and a half feet tall and less than half his weight, but he was always careful of course when assaulting the skunk with his personal brand of lovings.

"Great! I'm happy for you Jizzal," the big wolf rumbled cheerfully before planting a smooch between the skunk's ears and right on that white stripe.

After that kiss the little skunk was soon squirming again, as well as blushing under his dark furred cheeks. "Hehe, thanks, though I still think you should have auditioned, they were surprised when you weren't there actually..."

Jake paused and gave a light shrug. "I dunno, guess I'm still tired from the last show. I could do tech stuff still though right? That'd be pretty cool..." the wolf trailed off, though his little friend could tell that something was bothering him.

"Really? Well ok, but hey since we have free time until then, why don't I help you relax?" The helpful sounding mephit asked cheerfully while Jake led the pair to the couch, careful to not sit on the script.

"Relax?" Jake's grin returned, "How?"

"Well..." the skunk paused and slipped one of his paws down along the wolf's paunch and gave it a gentle groping, which of course excited a pleased growl from Jake's muzzle. "I dunno, how about I help you add some inches around this area..." the skunk churred sweetly.

The wolf's tail started to wag against the couch and he closed his eyes while the rubbing continued on his belly. He was nearly putty in those gentle paws. "Mmm...you know just what to say to get me excited," Jake gave a playful growl and squeezed his friend and roommate against his stomach.

The two cuddled there for the moment, though the silence was broken by a hungry gurgle in the wolf's mid section. Jake blushed and his skunky companion merely giggled before he gave that belly another squeeze as he started to wiggle his way out of that snug grip.

Jake reluctantly released the mephit and cocked his head, "Something up?"

"Yeah, I have to go and get some stuff...what time is it now?" The skunk asked while he peered around the living room, trying to spot a clock.

"Uhh...I think it's a little after 4:30, what are you going to get?"

"Oh just some stuff, I've been looking forward to help you get bigger for a while now, and since we both have free time...hmm...give me about, three or four hours, can you do that for me big guy?" The mephit asked sweetly and with a wide smile.

Jake frowned slightly at that...though he was willing to wait, so he nodded and leaned down to kiss the skunk on the cheek. "Sure thing, just don't take too long, your big bad wolfy is hungry," he smirked.

The skunk giggled and returned the kiss, though Jake slurped over his lips with his broad tongue, startling and flustering the smaller male in the process.

"H-Hey! Save it for tonight Jake, I'll see you in a bit," the mephit smiled and gave a firm hug to the playful canid before he made his way back out the door.

Alone again, the wolf sighed and decided since he was in the living room he could watch some television. Still only clad in tighty-whities, Jake yawned and scratched his groin before he turned on the T.V. and tried to ignore his empty stomach, soon enough it'll be full and hopefully rounder. One of his paws idly scratched along his belly as he let himself relax, spirits much higher than previously.

Time couldn't have passed more slowly for Jake as he waited for Jizzal to return. He slid a paw into his underwear and scratched at his groin lazily with a deep murr. His eyes closed and his tongue licked over his nose as he thought about the fun his friend had planned. His ears perked as he finally heard someone at the door, and he brushed away some head fur from his eyes before he sat up and made his way over to the door. The wolf couldn't help but grin as he saw the skunk carrying several boxes and bags, giving the canid's nose plenty to sniff at. All sorts of goodies, and there looked to be a lot of them.

"Heh, give me a hand big guy, there's more out in the car. Set this on the counter please," the mephit grunted and handed the heavy stuff to Jake. The large lupine didn't have any problem with the weight, though he nodded and gave his tail a happy wag.

"Oooh, this all smells good, what all did you get?" Jake asked the skunk before he left the apartment to get more of the groceries. He hummed and poked around at some of the bags, smelling a myriad of delicious goodies, though he pulled out a strange canister that said 'Weight-Gain Milkshake' which only made him grin further.

Jizzal returned with his paws full once more, but it looked like it was the last of the goodies. He stumbled into the kitchen before Jake helped the skunk and eased the groceries next to the others on the counter.

"Phew...thanks Jake, though how should we get started?" The eager looking skunk grinned widely and poked at the wolf's hefty gut, exciting a playful growl from the larger male.

"Hmm, actually I'm curious about this weight gain stuff you got. Heh, does it really work?" Jake murred and slid a paw down the skunk's back.

"Mmm, only one way to find out, but let's start things off slow and work on getting you stuffed first. Heh, but don't eat -everything- I have to eat too," Jizzal snickered.

"Not making any promises I'm not sure I can't keep," Jake teased and nuzzled the skunk with a nod. He hmm and picked up a half dozen stack of pizza boxes and stacked up some Chinese take out on top of it before he lifted it up and made his way back to the couch. "Get some drinks Skunky," the wolf noted as he sat his full rump on the couch with a contented sigh.

It didn't take long for Jizzal to pad his way to the couch carrying a six pac of soda under one arm and a large cup with both paws carefully. "Here this is yours, it's some of the weight gain stuff," he smiled and offered the thick milkshake to the grinning wolf.

Jake sniffed at the thick mixture in his cup, it smelled like chocolate, though there was a hint of vanilla and other various, familiar scents lingering. He gave a shrug and brought it to his lips only to chug down nearly half of the cold, heavy drink. He only needed one large gulp to send the delicious mixture down into his waiting stomach, though he let out a surprised burp afterwards.

"Whoa...this stuff is pretty good," the wolf murred and licked his lips. "Thanks for picking out flavors you know I like," he noted appreciatively to his friend and feeder. The skunk just blushed before he picked up a small take out box and began to eat with his chopsticks.

"No problem, better get started though Jake, this is just the appetizer," Jizzal smirked and leaned against the fat canid, resting along his hefty gut.

"Oh I'll get started," the wolf grinned and reached down to hug around his friend with one arm while he sat down his milkshake and picked up one of the boxes filled with rice. He opened the lid skillfully before he tilted back his head and dumped all of the contents into his muzzle, bulging out his cheeks in the process, but he gulped it all down with a deep, hungry growl.

The wolf gave a satisfied sigh after devouring the first box, but he plucked up another one with fried rice and duplicated his rice disappearing trick with ease. He barely needed to chew, and from the sound of things he was getting time to savor plenty of flavor before gulping down the mixture of rice and vegetables into his greedy gut.

"Ahh...hic, that was good, what else did you get?" Jake asked his friend while licking over his wet lips and brushing away some of his head fur from his face. The rather amused looking skunk merely slid over three more boxes of take out, eager to see that trick one again. He was still on his first, though granted he was much more interested in watching the wolf eat rather than filling his own stomach.

Not wanting to disappoint, the fat lupine took hold of the first box, still lightly cuddling with the mephit while he downed beef lo mien, chicken chow mien, and everything else the skunk had laid out in his reach. His gray muzzle was getting rather greasy with all of the tasty noodles and meat he was swallowing down, though with a series of wet slurps with his flexible tongue he got every little errant piece off his face. It wasn't long until he was downing an entire container of wonton soup, wontons included, and the container resembled a bucket. Jake let out a loud sigh and wiped over his lips before he tossed the bucket aside and gave another hearty belch, patting his gut with one paw and squeezing the skunk with his other. He reached for what was left of his weight gain shake and glugged it down before he sat it on the coffee table next to the empty boxes of Chinese food.

"Mmm, not bad at all, really good actually. I've still -plenty- of room in here though," the wolf grinned smugly while he massaged his gurgling stomach, which from the sound of things was already working on turning the giant meal into belly fat for the content looking lupine.

Jizzal smirked at that, though he set down his almost finished container and made his way back to the kitchen. By the time he returned whatever he had left had 'mysteriously' vanished and he had a half dozen pizza boxes in his arms, which he set down on the coffee table. Without saying a word he ventured back from whence he came and retrieved several large garbage bags and shoved all of the empty boxes into one of them to make room for everything else is friend was going to be devouring. Jake opened up the first box of pizza and gave a dreamy sigh, simply wonderful.

The wolf began to wolf down slice after slice of the first gooey, meaty pie that was resting before him. Once he finished half, he shoved the remainder into his muzzle with a deep, hungry groan as the sauce, dough, cheese, and all those wonderful toppings: pepperoni, bacon, sausage, Canadian bacon and other tasteful additions disappeared past his black lips and into the bleak abyss that was his throat. With the first pizza devoured, Jake quickly moved to the second, barely belching as he began round two of his next course, but Jizzal returned and placed two large glasses filled with more of those milkshakes he made from the weight gain formula he bought out from the store.

"Be sure to chug these down before they ge-" the skunk was interrupted by a loud GULP, which then excited a low GROAN from the wolf as he imbibed the entire milkshake with surprising ease.

"Ooof...was thicker than the last one," the wolf hic-upped before he let out a wet belch and felt better, his stomach was beginning to slowly swell. After slurping his chops he started to down the other milkshake, which gave his monochrome helper some time to pilfer some pizza for himself, but once that shake was down all paws that didn't belong to the wolf were out of the way as Jake went on his voracious rampage once again. He didn't notice Jizzal setting something on the floor with a happy whistling.

"Well be sure to keep on drinking those down, it says the results are fairly quick so long as they're taken with food, which...I think you need more of, heh, you stay there and stay comfy, I'll go get more for you," the skunk noted happily and went off to retrieve more food.

As Jake finished those wonderful pizzas, leaving only some stray cheese behind, he licked over his paws to clean up before he noticed that now resting before him was a six foot sub sandwich...when did that get there? It didn't matter, it wasn't going to be there much longer as he took hold of nearly a the first foot, which was thankfully cut by the thoughtful skunk before the wolf started to eat once again. The audible noises of crunching into the rather heavy and stacked sub filled the living room, mixing nicely with the churning noises of that fat belly that gave a noticeable jiggle. After finishing off the first foot, he went for his second before noticing he had another shake, this one pure vanilla, which he happily forced down into his gullet, though it didn't feel as large as the previous ones.

After a quick series of chomps and swallows Jake was nearly finished with the sandwich, however his acute nose caught the scent of something warm and golden approaching. Once he got the far end of the sub stuffed into his muzzle, he found himself sitting before two buckets of piping hot chicken; one fried the other roasted, along with several side orders. He gave his doughy gut a squeeze, forcing out some more air from his maw before groaning, he was feeling a little full, but he saw another, much larger glass filled with a deep brown mixture resting there next to his new course.

"Urrrp, wow Skunky, you're really organized," he murmured and perked his ears as he felt a pair of paws rubbing his belly, though it made his tail wag and his eyes close. The skunk leaned up and gave a soft smooch to the wolf's cheek.

"Heheh, I've had this night planned for a few days now, I just hope you're still hungry," the skunk churred sweetly.

With a groan Jake gave a soft nod, "I've got some room, feels like I'm almost too the limit though," he noted that second part rather disappointedly, but he was given another kiss by the supportive skunk.

"Well if you finish this up I'll start on dessert, how does that sound?"

The wolf felt a second wind coming, and he kissed the skunk back on the lips before he gave him a big squeeze against the new folds of flab resting on his mid section.

"Mmm, sounds good to me!" He chuckled and his stomach much to his surprise gave a hungry growl.

Jake scooped up a rather large tub of mashed potatoes and popped the lid. The wolf went on the rampage again, glucking down the thick, white side dish with ease until he was left licking the inside of the styrofoam container with his eager tongue. He grabbed some macaroni and cheese while the skunk presented him with another of those milk shakes, which kept a grin on his muzzle. His tail wagged against the couch as he emptied out every last tub and began to devour the chicken before him. After only a few minutes, all that remained was trash and bones, but Jake held up the remaining wing before he tossed it into his mouth and swallowed it whole. He washed down the meal with the delicious shake, though he rested a paw against his stomach, groaning weakly once he finally felt full. His second wind didn't last as long as he had hoped, but he had managed to down everything that was once before him. The wolf grunted and let out a sigh of content, that was all the food the skunk had brought home he wagered.

"How do you feel?" Jizzal asked sweetly while he climbed onto the couch, rubbing gingerly into Jake's gurgling stomach with his eager paws.

The wolf let out a hefty belch while his belly was treated to those wonderful sensational rubbings and squeezes courteously of his skunk friend. "I feel great...don't think I could eat another bite though...so stuffed," Jake noted sounding a little disappointed.

"Oh don't you worry about that big guy, though I'm sure you still have room for your dessert," the skunk smirked while he started to rub his paws a little further down the wolf's stomach until he was groping the still concealed crotch firmly. After teasing the lupine's groin for a few seconds, and listening to the excited sounds that came from his actions, the mephit pulled back.

"Murr...that all?" Jake smirked while he shifted himself on the couch. His cock was trying to spring to life in his briefs and he rubbed one of his paws down his stomach as he watched his friend begin to undress.

"Heh, nope...and even though you just ate, I'm sure you wouldn't mind a little bit of exercise to help get your blood pumping," Jizzal winked while he stepped out of his pants, completely naked while he glanced back to the grinning wolf.

"Just be sure to be gentle Skunky, don't want to upset my belly," Jake mused as he tried to tug down his underwear, but it felt much tighter than before, not just because of his arousal, they felt smaller all together. He grumbled at this, though thankfully the skunk was able to rid him of those pesky garments, freeing the wolf's naughty bits while he gave a groan of relief. "Thanks, now then...about that dessert..." Jake smirked and he grabbed the skunk by the waist before he effortlessly hoisted him from the floor.

"He-hey! And here I thought you said you were full," Jizzal teased while he was sat on the wolf's stomach with his legs spread and his groin on full display.

Jake didn't waste a second, rather eager for his dessert. He leaned forward and his large, broad tongue slurped over the skunk's balls and his sheath, forcing his friend to moan out in pleasure all the while. The wolf just grinned and kept his paws around the smaller male's waistline as he ravished that musky fur and flesh with his slobbering tongue, murring deeply all the while. His tail would have wagged if it weren't pinned against his butt and the couch as he noticed his efforts continued to excite the skunk. Without warning, the lupine's maws glomped down on the skunk's cock and began to suckle firmly on the black flesh.

The pleasured sounds from the smaller male only made Jake's desires rise more and more. He kept his eyes closed while his nose stayed buried in the musky crotch fur and his tongue started to probe down to tease at his friend's scrotum. He groaned quietly around that tasty meat as he nibbled tenderly and suckled on the throbbing length. A pair of black paws gripped the back of his head while he started to taste a few droplets of pre cum grace his muzzle, making him smile even more. His eyes closed and his muzzle slowly bobbed up and down the oozing shaft, making Jizzal whine under his breath as he rocked his hips against the eagerly working maw.

Jake drooled profusely as he continued, though he started to hear odd noises coming from his stomach, and he began to feel hungry again. He shrugged it off and gripped his own paws on the skunk's rear end, holding him there tightly as he nommed and slurped over every inch of the rippling meat, wanting to taste that seed he knew his friend was about ready to release. The low moans continued over his ears, and Jizzal idly humped at the wolf's muzzle, giving him more of that musky pre that was being swallowed up so quickly. Jake began to slow his pace and he kept his lips pursed around the cock while he drew back, taking his time. That was all it took, and the wolf was rewarded with a hot blast of his friend's thick seed.

"Mmm..." was all the wolf could manage, he felt his own member throbbing against the underside of his fat stomach, though he'd be able to take care of that soon enough. Once Jizzal was finished with his climax, the canid slurped one last time before he pulled his jaws back completely and belched.

"Ahh thanks Skunky. Heh, you always did taste so good," Jake teased the mephit playfully and rubbed along the lower part of his back.

Jizzal giggled, quickly catching his breath, though he leaned down and kissed the lupine on the bridge of his muzzle. "Mmm, thanks, but that wasn't your full dessert," he noted smugly.

Jake blinked and shrugged, he felt like he could eat a little bit more, though another odd sensation started to creep through every inch of his body. "Oh? Well where's the rest of it then?" He asked with a grin.

"Close your eyes and I'll go get it for you," the skunk responded cheerfully.

The wolf rolled his eyes, but he decided to play along and laid completely on his back, still fitting on the couch thankfully, but it felt smaller than usual. It even creaked under his body. Jake shut his eyes and placed his paws behind the back of his head, still with the skunk seated on his chest.

"All right then...I'm waiting Skunky," he mused and opened his mouth nice and wide. He wanted to be fed his dessert, and Jizzal seemed eager to do so as he slid off the big lupine and quickly made his way back to the kitchen.

Jake kept his mouth open, his tongue lolled, and his eyes closed while he waited for his dessert. He was growing impatient, as was his stomach, and his cock as well, though he knew it would have been worth the wait. He heard the skunk return, he also heard an odd 'whirring' noise. There wasn't any idea of what that could have been, but he waited still. Finally, something rubbed against his lips and he eagerly closed his mouth around it. The wolf frowned as he tasted cold metal, and he opened his eyes to see that there appeared to be a sort of hose head in his jaws.

He muttered a complaint and reached up to remove it, but he heard two clicks on both sides of his head. Confused, the wolf gave a tug on the nozzle that was hooked up to a thick hose, but he couldn't tell where it led. He couldn't budge it from his muzzle and he gave a little growl of annoyance.

"Hey now, don't get upset big guy, I haven't turned it on yet," Jizzal noted while he finished locking the nozzle in place.

Jake couldn't see the skunk, but he sighed and waited once more, however he only got a short moment to do so as that odd noise grew much louder faster. His eyes watched the hose as he saw it begin to bulge, something was coming quickly and it was going straight into his mouth. He mumbled incoherently before he got a taste of what the stuff was, and he grinned again. Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream. It was a little soft, but still quite enjoyable. Jake closed his eyes again and started to eagerly gulp down the delicious ice cream, having no fear of brain freeze as he did so.

"I knew you'd like it, though I'm almost out of the gainer stuff, so I'll put the last of it in this thing," Jizzal spoke again, gesturing to some sort of device that was behind the couch, but Jake couldn't see it. He didn't care either; he was in soft serve heaven.

The torrent of green goop with dark brown chocolate bits was at a steady pace thankfully, so the wolf swallowed it down greedily, suckling on the nozzle that was attached to his face. As he continued however, he felt a pair of paws rubbing his stomach and he murred deeply at the touch, he knew who it was. His hefty gut had had a long night, and the skunk knew just how to treat it. Though those paws drifted south and he felt something brushing along his still erected penis, followed by something wet. Oh that skunk, he was going to satisfy two urges at once. Jake just tried to hang on for the ride, gulping down that sweet dessert while his cock was licked.

The licking stopped however and he felt those small paws heft up a good portion of his stomach, moving it out of the way, or trying to. Jizzal hugged around his stomach as best he could and buried his face against the wolf's navel, giving it a few licks here and there as he sat down on Jake's penis, nice and slowly. The sudden sensations that ran down his length sent the wolf through a world of intense pleasure. He tried to moan while the flood of cold sweets ran down his throat, but all he managed was a muffled gurgle, as well as a smile.

Jake gave the occasional grunt while the skunk pleasured his stomach with his face and his arms while he sat further down on his throbbing erection. He didn't know how amorous he had gotten over the course of the night, but he was loving every second. Everything felt so wonderful and he was being force fed one of his favorite ice creams. However he wondered how much the skunk had planned to fill him with, but those thoughts left his mind once Jizzal's rump was sliding up and down the fat wolf's dick, clenching firmly as he did so. Jake's body rumbled like a subwoofer and his stomach swelled like a water balloon attached to a leaky faucet.

A taste of vanilla soon graced itself along the wolf's tongue, making him tingle once again as he swallowed down the new flavor of ice cream. Jake was starting to feel full again, and his stomach continued its gradual increase in size while his penis was treated to the tight, rippling folds of his friend's rear end. It was getting harder for him to swallow, but he didn't have a choice. However the rubbing on the outside of his belly kept him relaxed and his body rumbling in content rather than displeasure. He felt his orgasm getting close, along with the limit he was willing to swallow, though he tried to hold out, breathing in through his nose as he reared his head back and felt the stretched anus rubbing along the top of his knotted member.

He heard Jizzal cry out before he felt that muzzle get buried into his paunch once more, though with a pop his full shaft was embedded deep within the skunk's rump. Jake curled his toes and rocked his hips upwards slightly as his orgasm came and he flooded those tight bowels with nearly a gallon of sperm. At least it felt like that much, his cock was draining for almost a full minute as his large sac twitched and his heard raced in his chest. His nostrils flared as he took in as much air as he could, feeling more content yet exhausted than usual after that orgasm while his throat stayed relaxed and he swallowed down the vanilla ice cream. The torrent felt much faster though, and his body had a harder time staying settled on the couch. Even with the intense pleasure that came from his orgasm, and his wonderful belly rub, he knew he was missing something.

"Mprmprhpal..." Jake tried to speak, but it caused him to sputter before another heavy glob of ice cream was forced down his throat. His paws tried to tug the nozzle free now, but he didn't know how to unlock it.

Jizzal only chuckled quietly and shook his head while he squeezed that swelling tummy and gave it a soft smooch. "Mmm...you've had enough wolfy?" He asked with his ass still tied to the lupine's shaft.

Jake nodded slowly, he had already passed his limit, and he was getting sick of ice cream. Just as he did though another flavor entered his mouth, changing it once again to chocolate.

"Well you're going to have to tough it out then. You said you wanted to get bigger, and well, this stuff is doing just that," the skunk mused with a grin.

The wolf groaned, or tried to rather and closed his eyes. His stomach felt so full, and it was already churning and squeezing over the big dinner he already had, but it was getting more and more. He started to feel as though he could pop.

"That weight gain stuff really works...think it even made you a bit taller too, you really should get a good look at yourself in the mirror when we're finished," Jizzal said with a wide smile before he started to administer affection and tenderness to the full stomach.

Jake didn't know what the skunk meant, though he tried to tug on the hose while his cheeks bulged and his ears splayed. His legs gave a few kicks, but he was helpless to stop the treatment so he gradually gave in, hoping it wouldn't last much longer. He slowly gulped for what felt like an eternity, though he was still given copious belly rubs to help soothe his stuffed gut. Once the last glob of chocolate ice cream was swallowed down, that was it, all the wolf felt was some air rushing into his jaws while a beeping sound was heard from behind the couch.

Jizzal perked his ears as he heard the noise and giggled quietly. "Sounds like you're done Jake...how do you feel?" He asked with a grunt as he eased himself off that member and slumped down to the floor, only to vanish behind the couch.


"That good huh? Well you're not done yet," the skunk snickered and turned off the device he used to stuff his friend. His head poked up from behind the couch and he reached his paws down to carefully undo the locks put in place around Jake's muzzle, and finally that nozzle was freed.

The wolf just stared blankly; his tongue was hanging from his mouth as he tried to respond. "URRRRRRAALALLLLPPPPAAPP..." was all he managed, though he also splattered the skunk's face with some saliva.

Jizzal blinked and snickered before he leaned down and gave a little smooch on Jake's cheek, making him blush. "Nice one," he commented.

"Skunky...I don't think I could eat anything else," the wolf noted weakly as he sat up on the couch, stroking his bloated belly while he groaned and sat up as best he could. His stomach sagged over his lap more than usual. He looked around the room...everything looked and felt so much smaller, especially the skunk as he walked around the couch and started to knead into his stomach.

"C'mon...just one more thing, please? I promise, after that I'll be done for the night, and you'll be happy you did it," Jizzal noted cheerfully and leaned down to nuzzle into the fat gut.

Jake sighed and smiled, it was hard for him to resist, so he stroked his paw down the back of the mephit's head. "I...dunno, is it going to be cold?" He chuckled weakly.

Jizzal just grinned and gave that stomach a little poke before he shook his head and stood up straight. "Nope, sit right here and I'll get it ready," and with that the eager skunk went back to the kitchen.

The wolf mumbled under his breath, but it didn't sound like what he had to do next was going to be as much of an ordeal as his recent snack was. That reminded him, and he turned his head to look over the couch, spotting what looked like a weird vacuum cleaner. It was rather large and was attached to the hose that force-fed him so much ice cream. His ears perked though as his belly gave a hungry growl. He couldn't help but chuckle and he squeezed his new folds of fat with his paws, loving the feel of the pudge in between his thick digits. At least the night wasn't a total loss, though he finally noticed that the skunk had returned. He was holding some chocolate syrup, whipped cream, diced nuts, a container of sprinkles, and a single cherry. He was also sporting another erection.

"Ready for the last bit of your dessert?" Jizzal asked sweetly.

Jake felt a little hungry now, he could fit a little something into his muzzle at least, after all his stomach was calling for it. He continued to play with his new folds while he gave a soft smile to the skunk.

"Sure...though I thought it wasn't going to be ice cream?"

"Oh it's not," Jizzal giggled and set the new items on the coffee table, save for the container of chocolate syrup. "It's skunk," he stated bluntly.

Jake quirked a brow at first, though once he saw that thick, chocolate goop start to coat the skunk's groin, especially his penis his muzzle began to salivate and he felt another grumble in the pit of his stomach.

"Skunk?" The wolf slurped his tongue over his lips and grinned, "How much skunk?"

Jizzal smirked and winked at the big lupine before he ran a paw over his own stomach, which looked bulged, Jake didn't notice until that point. The normally lean mephit was sporting a bit of a belly himself now.

"Not sure...I'm normally around 140 pounds, but I was pumped full of wolf spunk," he chuckled and continued to drizzle the syrup on his cock, letting it drip and dribble onto his legs and his foot paws.

Jake blushed as he heard that second part, and even though he felt stuffed before, the idea of having just -one- last snack was making him murr. "That sounds like a lot..."

"I know you've had more than just that," Jizzal murmured sweetly and set the syrup down and grabbed the canister of whipped cream. The thick, fluffy, white cream was sprayed over the top of his head, and was soon decorated with nuts and sprinkles before the cherry was tossed onto the top of it all.

The wolf reached forward as the skunk slowly stepped closer, his cock twitching as that brown goop slid off the shaft. His paws grasped his friend by the sides and he effortlessly hefted him from the ground and sat him down on his chest again. Jake grinned and leaned his muzzle forward to messily slurp over the chocolate-coated cock, moaning happily at the flavors.

"Mmm...skunk," the wolf murmured and nibbled on the tip of his friend's penis, making him wince and churr.

However, Jake was interrupted as he felt a pair of feet pressing at his lips, and some wiggling toes on his muzzle as well. With a grin, the wolf pulled himself back slightly and opened his mouth nice and wide, letting his hot breath wash over the skunk' feet before he closed his jaws over them firmly. His tongue eagerly played over the soles and the toes, being sure to get every last inch of flavor he could while he growled in delight and Jizzal whimpered with pleasure. Jake lurched his jaws forward and by doing so pressed those feet to the back of his throat, forcing him to swallow.

The wolf kept his paws held on the skunk's sides, feeling those smaller paws stroking them as he looked up and saw that his soon to be dessert's eyes were closed. With another swallow, he sent those paws down deep into his gullet along with the calves, which had a nice amount of chocolate on them. Jake murmured at the tastes and swallowed greedily once again to claim more of his sweetened friend, hungry for more already. Jizzal shifted his hips before they were seated on the wolf's tongue, which quickly started to slop and slurp its way around the coated cock as a deep rumble left the big male.

Jake ravished happily over the wiggling shaft, wanting more of that cream to go with his skunk. The skunk in question squirmed more and whined out weakly as the wolf had his way with the throbbing length, savoring over every inch and craving more as it went on. Those black paws gripped onto Jake's head again, but he held back swallowing, feeling the legs embedded deep within his throat while he slurped and nibbled on those tender, musky bits that were coated with so much wonderful chocolate. His squishy maw squeezed over his friend's hips as he started to let the wiggling mephit slip further into his pulsating throat, groaning muffledly all the while as he started to tilt his head upwards.

With his lips sealed around Jizzal's waistline, he finally felt the skunk's arousal succumb to his skilled tongue and rippling throat. The inside of Jake's muzzle was coated with thick ropes of sticky white once more, leaving the skunk rather noticeably drained, but it was going to make the wolf's task all the easier. He grinned and his tongue stopped playing with the soon limp shaft as his nose pressed into the cum bloated stomach. Led by his hunger, the big wolf widened his jaws and took another ravenous swallow to start to work his mouth over the bulged stomach that sloshed gently with his semen. Jake placed a paw on his stomach, kneading into the fat gently while he worked his lips over the skunk's belly nice and slowly before it was added to the swelling lump in his throat.

Jake's throat squeezed tightly over his friend, and his jaws continued to salivate as he nibbled at the skunk's chest, grinning up at him while some whipped cream dribbled down his face and onto the wolf's muzzle. He took slow gulps, massaging his stomach as he did so, feeling some squirming down there, as the mephit got closer to his destination.

"Mrrpm...that's right...eat me all up, get nice and fatter..." Jizzal panted as he said that, but he wore a big grin.

Jake nodded slowly and started to work up the chest, the arms were still free though and he felt a pair of paws rubbing over his head gently once more. His eyes locked on Jizzal's and he paused there for a moment. It would take only one more swallow until that smile he saw would vanish into his throat. The skunk's smile slowly faded and he leaned down while closing his eyes and pressed his lips on that big, black nose. The sign of affection sent a warm tingle through him, though he nuzzled at those little lips and closed his own eyes. He let his jaws open wide and he swallowed again, only to close his muzzle down around a pair of forearms.

The wolf's tongue worked diligently around the skunk's head, lapping off the cream and the various little treats that were added to it. He felt Jizzal nuzzle against the roof of his mouth, and he could hear faint moans while those feet finally entered his stomach. Jake slurped down the remaining arms and played with the wiggling fingers for a short while before the last swallow finished them off, and his last dessert course was finished. His paw rubbed over his fat, very full stomach while he licked some whipped cream from his lips and his muzzle. He felt slightly dizzy, but oh so content and satisfied, a sort of gainer's high washed over him as he felt his little feeder sink into his belly completely.

Jake belched happily and gave off a loud groan afterwards. He was thankful that the couch was still supporting him and his new weight, which he didn't know what it was nor could he...that was when he remembered the scale that was in the bathroom.

"Urp...mmm, hey Skunky, I'm gonna go see how much I weigh now," Jake spoke to his stomach, but he got a wiggle in response and an internal nuzzle as the various foods worked over the skunk. "Heh, I'm excited too."

The wolf hefted himself up, holding his stomach with both paws as he did so, though he lapped over his lips again before sighing and looking around. His tail wagged and his stomach sagged nicely, it also gave the occasional squirm, which felt wonderful. He cleaned up the errant chocolate that had gotten on his fuzzy paunch, and along his chest as well as he walked, or rather waddled to the bathroom. The doorframe was smaller than previously to him, but he was able to get himself inside after a few grunts and squishes.

"Phew...hey Skunky, I think we're going to have to find a bigger place, having a hard time getting around here," the wolf said to his stomach, and got a quiet giggle in return, but he shushed Jizzal with a firm rubbing.

Once he spotted the scale, he stepped on it and waited. That was when it struck him, there wasn't anyone else around to see the numbers for him, and his stomach was in the way, it had been even when he was just 300 pounds. There was a little creak however, and he heard something popped. Jake blinked a few times and stepped off the scale, though he couldn't help but chuckle since he apparently broke it.

"Eh...it can wait, let's get to bed," he said with a yawn and massaged his new folds of fat, and his friend held underneath them. The wolf managed to make his way to the bedroom and got on the king sized bed, hearing a few creaks, but it held him.

Jake sighed happily and gave one last little belch before he settled down to sleep, patting his new gut. The skunk dozed off as well, grinning in the dark chamber as the stomach lazily worked over the massive feast it had been given.