Senior Privileges

Story by Jon Sanders on SoFurry

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Greatly to the detriment of my literary credibility, this is much more what's been running through an otter's mind lately. READ THE TAGS first and then don't come crying to me if you're offended or grossed out.

They cornered me behind the art wing while I was out having a smoke. It was senior fucking year, and we'd all realized there wasn't too much anyone could do to keep us in a classroom or even in the school building. I'd begun pretty regularly "going to the bathroom" during my economics class and just coming out here to chill. Sometimes there'd be other people. I got along with most of them, and really, who would pick a fight out here when we're both cutting class and trying to get some peace?

That's why even my smart ass was pretty ambivalent when Jared's little gang rolled up. I figured even the Four Jock Stooges and the school's token hipster/photography fag would be equals out here.

"Hey Parker, can I grab a smoke from ya, man?" Jared leads the pack, his douchey letter jacket proudly displayed even though it was the middle of April and fairly warm.

I shrugged and dug in my back pocket for the pack, flipping the top with one thumb and proffering the open end to the annoyingly buff cougar.

Well I guess it's what I get for letting my guard down and having ONE non-ironic moment in my entire life, because Jared reached out for the pack and then quickly changed course, his palm pushing my chest and slamming me back into the coarse brick wall. It didn't hurt, and I should have expected it, but I dropped the pack and grunted, the cig between my lips falling to the ground among its fellows. Jared and his three flanksmen laughed.

"Like I'd want any of these you've shoved all up your butt every time you can't get a cock in there." The sneering puma kicked his sneakered foot through the little pile of unsmoked cigarettes on the ground. "Probably out here to meet up with some other faggot so he can FUCK you, right?" He pushed me again, but this time I was already right up against the wall. That definitely hurt a little bit.

I dropped my eyes from his menacing gray ones, trying to appear as contrite and obedient as possible. "I'm just out here to smoke and get out of economics..." I whined, the long tufts on top of my spotted ears grazing the bricks as I flattened my ears.

"Such a rebel, cutting class, wowwwwwwww," Jared mocked and waved his hands in the air.

"Still a fucking faggot nerd," one of his buddies snorted. He was a boar, name of Terrance. Dumbest one of them all. Not bad-looking under the right circumstances. Probably had a nice fat dick on him.

I didn't take too much offence at the boar's assertion (it was all technically correct...), but they all chuckled anyway. Jared put his hand on my shoulder gently, pulling me away from the wall. "We're just messin with ya, dude, don't worry. We just wanna make sure everyone here gets what they want, right guys?"

I started out, voice trembling perfectly, "And what would that b--", but Jared's fist in my gut cut me off. I immediately doubled over, wheezing and trying desperately to suck in any air I could. While I was still holding my stomach, the puma unexpectedly reached for my jeans button and swiftly undid it, yanking my pants to the ground harshly.

Another of the small group, an overgrown wolverine colloquially known as Bug for reasons unknown to and uncared about by anyone not on the football team, jeered, "Nice underwear, gayboy. Bet showing them off back here is really gonna get you laid."

I was still bent over and choking, my breath slowly returning, while all four douchebags cackled. Terrance chimed back in with another winner: "Bent over and presenting as usual, eh, cat?" I couldn't escape the fact that the sudden half-exposure and the warmer air seeping into my underwear was stirring my dick a little bit in the snug front of my boxer briefs. Funny how that goes.

Jared took control again. "Might as well fully present him then, right?" He took advantage of me still wheezing and reached behind me to work down the back of my waistband with his thumb and nudge me with his knee in my side to turn my back towards the other guys, who gathered around closer. By the time my spotted lynxy ass was fully exposed to the air and the view of the Three Fuck-sketeers, I was shaking and coughing and trying to speak up, though Jared held me bent over with a firm hand on my back.

"P-please guys...just let me don't pull my pants down anymore..."

Jared pulled his predictable one-man good-cop-bad-cop routine again, seeming to be endlessly amused by the alternation. "Oh, sorry man, didn't know you weren't into it, you shoulda said somethin." He helped me stand up straight, though it was still painful from the slug to my stomach. "Just thought you'd LIKE it!" On that word he planted another fist right into my cheekbone, making me involuntarily shout and tears instantly overflow my eyes. Another punch to my gut sealed my fate, doubling me over again with a spasm through my torso. Good thing I hadn't eaten much, cause I felt an inevitable retch coming on...

"Just be glad SOMEONE wants to look at your faggot ass, lynx," Bug menaced.

"Yeah, we just wanna see how ruined it is from taking it as much as you probably do," reasoned a Shepherd kid named Fred, the last of the four to speak up.

I didn't have to see Jared's smarmy grin to know it was there as he hovered over me. "Good idea, Fred. Let's see now..." I was still clutching my spasming stomach, leaving me defenseless to the puma leaning over me and grabbing my naked butt cheeks and spreading them out. I heard a whistle from someone behind me as all three examined my asshole, me still quivering out of control and leaking from my eyes.

"Fuck, man, I dunno, it looks tighter than I thought it'd be," Fred mused. "Probably does some exercises or somethin to keep it that way. Isn't that what chicks do?"

"Fuck if I know," Jared sounded like he was scratching his head. "Is he really that tight?" Now the fingers of one of his hands suddenly rubbed right under my short tail, the other hand firmly holding my butt apart for the view of the others.

"DUDE, don't fucking touch his ass, what if he ain't clean back there?!" Terrance burst out, shocked.

"Doubt it, tail-lifters like him always gotta stay clean whenever they're out looking for it, never know when they're gonna get it. Bet it's fine. You're probably good to go, ain't ya, Parker?" By way of answering, I choked out a broken sob. "He's good. They always are." It was kind of annoying how actually correct he was...

A fingerpad pressed against my asshole, giving a couple experimental swirls before the finger was uncaringly inserted, with all the friction that entailed and all the hissing and renewed sobs it forced from me. My legs wobbled mightily and I pressed my hips forward in vain to try and escape the violating digit. My congested, pained moans only brought indifference from my molestor and his henchmen.

Once probably about half of his finger was in me, Jared seemed almost impressed. "Damn, IS pretty tight. Poor lynx, needs some loosening up." He started roughly stirring his finger around, tugging painfully at the ring of my anus and wringing more throaty moans from me. "Oh shut up," he huffed at me, swatting my ass cheek hard with his other hand. "No way you're not used to this."

"He probably fucking LIKES it," added the Bug the Nonsense-Named.

Fred one-upped him. Everything a competition with these types of guys... "Betcha five bucks he's hard right now."

"Whoa, I wasn't gonna go THERE, but why not?" My underwear was indeed uncomfortably taut over my full erection despite being hooked under my ass cheeks.

Fred stood next to Jared and leaned down to tug the front of the waistband out a little bit. I whined pathetically, "No...don't look at me...please..."

The shepherd laughed. "He doesn't want us to see how small his dick is! Fuck THAT, we gotta see how hard the fucker is." He peered inside my waistband. "Dude, he totally is!" The elastic band was cleared from my boner and the underwear tugged down my legs to join my jeans around my ankles. My shamefully erect cock swung between my legs as I tried to struggle away, but Jared held me in place with the elbow of the same arm whose finger was still swirling my hole around.

Bug took up the other side of me, looking between my legs as well. "How the hell is he hard?! There's no fucking way that feels good."

The Shepherd jeered at his mate. "Owe me lunch, suckaaaaaaa!"

Terrance, still behind me, groaned. "It's bad enough I gotta watch Jared play with his asshole, but now I can see his balls hanging down back here too...this is kinda gay, guys."

"Balls? Didn't think he had 'em," Bug quipped.

Jared shot at the boar, "Shut up dude, humiliating a fag ain't gay. Make yourself useful and rough his nuts up, if you've got such a clear shot."

Terrance balked. "What, you mean, hit 'em?!"

"Yeah, let's make him REALLY feel it!"

"I don't wanna touch his ballsack."

"Swatting it around and lovingly cradling it are two different things. Come on, lay some pain on him."

I cringed when the first tentative swing from the boar's hand patted the bottom of my balls. Unrestrained, pleading moans poured from my throat, wordlessly begging for the boar to leave my tender eggs alone. Instead, I felt his hand hesitantly grip them and tug down while squeezing them together. I strained against Jared's loose hold on me, finally freaking out and thrashing around.

"What the fuck?!" Jared growled and jammed his finger as far into my asshole as he could, holding me tighter with his other arm. "Bug, make him hold still, will ya? Bein a little bitch..."

I thought Bug would just grab me and maybe full-nelson me into place, but instead he pulled my upper half up and socked me across the face again, twice right in a row, the second one making my nose break out in a bleed. Everything was blurry now, my hands lashing out blindly with claws extended, connecting only occasionally with Jarod's flank, which pissed him off and made him dig his finger in me harder each time, eventually shoving a second one in along with it, still unprepared and dry. That caused even more eye-watering from me. I probably looked just as much a bitch as Jared was calling me, with my face fur matted from tears, and now blood streaming down my muzzle and onto my lips. Another slug from Bug, this one right to the stomach again, made me actually retch, but thankfully there was nothing but cigarette smoke in my body at the time so it was plenty dry.

"Hold his hands behind his back, I'm sick of him cat-clawing at me," Jared commanded Bug. My arms were wrestled behind me at a horribly painful angle, while Jared resumed opening up my butthole with his fingers, adding a third soon enough and making me choke and pant. I was doubled over again, my whole torso spasming, held in place by two bigger furs now. Terrance surely had as good a view as before, which Jared capitalized on.

"Hit his nuts, dude, come on. His dick's still hard, he needs to REALLY hurt."

The boar's next smack to my sack was harder, making me cry out and squeeze tears from my eyes. Another followed, and another, each one more confident and jolting. I started to feel the ache in my lower belly, already weak as fuck from all the beatings it'd taken. "STOP!!!" I bawled, causing a temporary hesitation in the slaps to my scrotum. Jared must have given Terrance a disapproving glare though, because they started right back up, more ruthless with each blow. My abused nuts pulled up tight to my body as if trying to hide, aching and throbbing all the while along with my similarly distressed dick. Jared's fingers digging around in my asshole were giving my average-but-thick engorged member no chance to retreat.

"Whoa, what the hell?!" All five of us heard a new voice and all motion ceased. It came from behind me, so I had no chance of seeing who the newcomer was, and I had a twinge of panic at the discovery of our little scene. It was definitely male...and low and grunty...

"We found him out here waiting to get fucked so we figured we might as well fuck him up," Jared spoke up for the group, starting to wiggle his fingers in my ass again.

"Well sheeeeeeit." The newcomer huffed with the hint of a bark. I struggled to turn around and look...I knew I could place that voice...but I was restrained by Bug, who wrenched my wrists higher up my back and made me catch my breath and grit my teeth. "Got the boy pretty exposed there."

"Well it's what he wanted, or so he probably thought," Fred offered. "Look at 'im cryin though. Not so cocky now."

"Speaking of which, though, come around here and look at his cock, he's been hard the whole time we pantsed him and beat him up!" Bug invited the new guy over to inspect my private area.

Strong tan-furred legs squatted down beside me, I could see that much. My new nemesis said, "Shit guys, I was just hoping to get out of the rest of that reTARDed econ class...this seems like more fun though." Econ class?...THAT'S where I'd just seen the same shorts and sneakers. The guy was Dirk, pit bull basketball star. Of course it had to be another jock. With how they gravitated towards each other and came only in groups, you'd think THEY were the gay ones...

The new dog reached up under me and swatted my cock on the side, hard, then chuckled as it slapped back and forth between my thighs. "Yeah I THOUGHT all fags liked this kind of shit, he's rock-solid. Not that big though...didn't expect much from a cat." He smacked my dick again, even harder, causing a sting and even more swinging. With me still mid-wince from the dickslap, he gave the back of my nutsack a sharp tap with his fingers, almost making me retch again just from the agony that radiated from the spot. Then he kept doing it, over and over again, each one the same and regularly spaced, calculated and cold. Smek...smek...smek...smek. Each time I wailed. I was sure my testicles were gonna be swollen for days after this.

Dirk stood up agilely when he was done swatting my balls, then circled around behind me to watch Jared stretch open my asshole. I heard the pit bull "hmph" and then felt a new finger prod the rim of my anus from a different angle. "He's all clean in here right?" he asked of the cougar. Oh god, Dirk was gonna...

Yep, he was. Dirk worked one of his fingers in me to join Jared's three. I felt like I was being strangled, trying to gasp less as fire ringed my hole, stretched open by merciless digits as far I ever had been.

Sliding his finger fully in and out of me seemed to give Dirk an idea. "You guys try fuckin 'im?"

Even Jared sounded horrified. "What? No, dude! I just thought it'd be funny to pants him and loosen up his asshole a little bit, and hit his nuts around. We're not fucking GAY."

"Well I'm not either, but while you got him open, I might as well really stuff him. Hell, what's more humiliating than getting fucked outside in broad daylight where anyone could walk up just like I did?"

"Whatever, man, don't expect me to do anything like that but I'm not gonna stop you."

I heard a rattle, snap, and zip behind me and knew what was coming. Something blunt pressed against my hole soon enough, though I still felt Jared's three fingers hooked inside of me. Dirk poked his cock on the rim, saying, "Damn you guys could have at least lubed him up a little bit, didn't he have any?" If they'd have bothered to check my pockets they would have found some indeed. It was a little alarming how much they were strangely onto how slutty I tended to be...

Jared slid his fingers out of me but held my cheeks open for the pit bull's entry. Bug was leaning over me, surely watching every detail of my gaping hole and Dirk's cock waiting to go in it. Fred had stepped back to watch too, and Terrance was no doubt anxiously and dumbly dithering somewhere behind me too. I felt the fit pit's head touch my rim again, this time pushing forward and past it. He wasn't enormous, longer than usual I'd guess but not terribly thick, so with how stretched I was it actually went in fairly easily, though with some expected friction that really made me clench my teeth and grunt as I was filled. I heard Fred say from behind me, "Daaaaaaaaaamn Dirk..." just as the dog's entire cock buried itself under my tail. I felt the cold of a belt buckle against my ass even through my fur and realized Dirk hadn't even taken his pants down, just flopped out his cock to slide it inside of me.

The pit wasted no time at all giving me long, hard strokes with his tool, the friction still scraping my rim and making my eyes leak even more than they were already. My blood-caked mouth hung open and panting, my thighs quivering from the strain of staying in this position and taking the pounding I was getting. I was actually surprised when I felt Jared's fingers creep back between my ass cheeks and rub against the edge of my hole right above where Dirk was working. Even more surprising (and painful) was him working those fingers into me right along with the canine's cock. At least the fingers were a little slippery by now and went in with only a little extra whimper from me. Guess your buddy's cock sliding between your fingers and into a guy's ass wasn't too gay for the all-star puma after all.

Dirk had his turn and pulled out to jerk himself off a little bit. As far as I know, he never did cum. Guess he just wanted to fill up a fag and add to the debasement. Fred spoke up then, though. "Lemme try." The Shepherd's athletic shorts didn't yield another snap or zip, just a soft shuck as he aired out his own penis. This time Jared didn't even remove his fingers first. Fred just pressed it right past them.

Fred was bigger. Fatter. God the noises coming out of my sore maw were bitchy and whining, but I couldn't even control it at this point, there was such a compensatory endorphin glow over my whole body, concentrating especially on my distended asshole and achingly tight nuts as the other dog fucked me. Far more clumsily and eagerly, I might add. Funny how now I remember these little hierarchical musings. Now I know who's really getting laid apart from horribly abusing the school's most notorious fagboy behind the windowless art hallway during fifth period.

"Shit shit shit oh shit!!!" Within only a couple minutes of pumping into my ass, still also occupied by three cougar-fingers, the German Shepherd guy panted and thrusted a desperate load into me.

Bug, still watching intently, snorted. "Dude...did you fucking cum? Fucking fag, you're as bad as him!"

"Ain't my fault, it don't feel bad in there. YOU fucking try it without gettin there."

"Naw, I'll stay over here and keep my cock clean, thanks."

Dirk chimed, "Lemme back in there, Fred." I felt a slight shove as the pit bull nudged the Shepherd. Fred slid out of me, and I literally felt air flow into my hole, that's how open it stayed. Dirk exposed his own member again and slipped it back in me with no trouble at all and only a new squelching noise as he fucked Fred's jizz around inside of me. "Made a fucking mess of this, dog. I liked it better when it tugged on me a little bit." After only a couple minutes, he pulled out again, disappointed at my forced looseness. "'s warm out here, I don't even want a smoke anymore," he said indifferently. "See you guys around." He didn't go back inside without another agonizing barrage of sharp raps of his fingers on my nuts and a parting slap to the underside of my hopeless cock, the cruelest and most numbing yet.

Once he departed though, the others seemed to get the idea in their heads too, because Bug let my arms go and Jared removed his fingers from my ass for the final time. Even the tiniest cool breeze seemed to flow right over and into my sloppy, distressed, inflamed, leaking asshole. The palm of Jared's hand pushed between my shoulder blades and suddenly I couldn't keep my balance any longer and I tripped with my ankles still tangled in my pants. I managed to catch myself with my arms just in time to save my dick from being mangled on the rough asphalt, but my knees and forearms stung and immediately bled from the abrasions.

Even I could barely believe that Jared knelt beside me yet again and spread my butt to his view before the original four guys went inside. One by one he picked up the cigarettes from the pack I'd dropped earlier and stuck them halfway, smoke end first, into my butthole. There'd only been about 6 or 7 left, so he put them all in there, my anus slowly closing around the little bundle. He squeezed the sides of my ass to compress my glutes around the intruding objects, then smacked his flat palm against one cheek as hard as he could, making me buck and scrape myself even more on the pavement. "Don't they call cigarettes 'fags' in like, other countries?" He smirked at the other guys.

"Hahaha, fags in the fag," Bug jeered, driving the joke home way too hard.

Jared stood up and spat down on the side of my face. "See you later, Parker, hope your ass enjoys its smoke break, dude. I'll text you man, we should totally, like...hang out sometime and talk about boys." He sneered and hauled his foot into my side, knocking the wind out of me yet again. The foursome swaggered pridefully back around the art wing and into the door that everyone but the seniors and the janitors seemed to have forgotten about, leaving me wheezing, coughing, and spitting out blood on the pavement.

With a huge shit-eatin grin on my face.

It didn't take long to sit myself upright, tug my pants back up, yank the damn cigarettes out of my asshole, and light up near the end of the least cummy and ruined one. My nuts had that awesome throbbing soreness, my cock still stung, my face was numb and I knew there'd be unsightly bruises, and let's not even get started on my butthole. But damn those endorphins and adrenaline were still coursing strong and mighty through me.

I took the rest of the period off, as well as my next class. Just chilled outside and basked in my success, smirking to myself and reliving how well I acted the part.

If only they'd known I'd had 'em just where I wanted 'em.

Best sex I ever had.

Nice Knowing You

The diner's pretty much the exact opposite of the bar, and so far it's the only other public place we've met and hung out. Today is bright, sunny, cold as stone, and a Saturday. Here at the table right by the window, I can catch every detail of you, as...

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Eyes in the Back of Your Head

You wake up around 1 in the afternoon. I've made a simple breakfast, called in to the site manager for the day, and then stored a good amount of the food in the fridge for you when you're up. Bacon and bread. Hangover cures from heaven. The first sign...

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Thank You, Master

The weasel whined and writhed and wiggled on the bed, sweating and shaking as he tried to support himself. His arms quivered and his breath panted as he uselessly humped the mattress, his only hope for getting himself off now. The big fox lying next to...

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