A Anniversary to Remember

Story by Elvetie on SoFurry

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This one took me a long time to write, hopefully it turned out alright. This one is for Pyro! I worked really hard on it and made it as my first anthro pokemon request, read and review, and send me requests if you want me to write a lemon for you

A Anniversary to Remember

Prissia was a wonderful city, full of sunsets, theme parks, cafes and shops. When the night was just right, a man named Will had accidentaly forgotten his house keys in the park of Prissia. Will carefully moved through the dark woods, to find the bench where his keys would hopefully be.

It wasn't too long before Will felt drops of water touch his skin, "wow, like if fogetting my keys in a dark forest wasn't enough" Will complained as he quickly scurried to find some shelter. It began pouring down heavy drops of water, and thunder roared in the skies. A loud crash of thunder struck somewhere nearby Will, frightening the lost human.

"Holy crap! wait.. where am I?" Will said, he didn't recognize the area as a part of Prissia park.

"Did I somehow leave Prissia Park and into a damn forest?!" Will said as he continued running through the dark forest, splashing the water in the puddles. To Will's surprise he saw a rather big cave and did not hesitate to enter, however he was soaking wet.

"Ugh... I'm gonna be sick tomorrow no doubt" Will said, he began to shiver as the cold wind rushed in the entrance of the cave.

He sighed deeply, absorbing the fact he had the worst luck in the world, but this was not the end of it. He nearly screamed when he saw a pair of red eyes in the depth of the cave, but he then noticed it was a mightyena hiding from the rain. It was a female one and she was wearing rather ragged clothes, her fangs were shining in the darkness. At first Will paid no attention to her, but then he noticed her arm was bleeding badly.

"I have to treat her arm somehow, I can use a piece of my shirt I guess" Will said as he tore a huge piece of fabric from his clothes. The mightyena growled as Will came closer, her eyes were mad with rage. Will slowly moved his hand toward the Mightyena's arm, but she moved fast as she bit Will arm.

"Gah!" Will screamed in pain as her fangs were driven deep within Will's arm, blood dripping from the area as the Mightyena was about to gnaw off the arm.

"Haaa!" Will shouted shoving the arm to lock her jaws as he used one hand to skillfully apply the cloth to the wound. He could hear small whimpering from the Mightyena, as he quickly backed off from her. He panted deeply as his arm bled a considerable amount of blood, and he began coughing as it rained harder. His consciousness was fading away with the loss of blood and illness.

"Ooogh... I...I feel terrible" Will said as he laid his head on the walls of the cave, the mightyena seemed rather surprised by the bandage.

(My hand feels like its on fire) Will thought, holding his wounded part of his arm, the Mightyena began panicking as she rushed to Will's side; but he had already fainted.

Will woke up to a beeping sound of a hospital room, "Ugh where am I?" Will said holding his head as his arm was bandaged.

"You're in the hospital, Will Nirvana" A doctor next to him said, he was holding a clipboard stating Will's full name.

"If it weren't for the Mightyena carrrying you here, you would have easily died in the condition you were in" the doctor said fixing his glasses.

"M-Mightyena?" Will stuttered, (Could it be?) he thought, it must have been the one from the cave.

"Yes, we were kind enough to give her some proper clothing, she's in the waiting room and you're good to go" the doctor said smiling at Will.

"Ah thank you doctor" Will said before getting out of the bed and waving goodbye at the doctor.

As Will left the room, he was immediately greeted by a warm hug from the Mightena, it was so sudden that he fell backwards. Everyone looked at the two, but Will ignored them and hugged the Mightyena back. She stood up and looked at him with teary eyes, "Haha did you think I'd be dead?" Will said scratching his head while he laughed. They both left the hospital, before Mightyena stopped walking behind Will, she held her hand as she looked at the ground.

"Oh that's right, would you like to come with me to my house?" Will said as he reached out his hand for the Mightyena.

The Mightyena's eyes glowed as she nodded happily and hugged Will again, "Do you have a name perhaps?" Will asked, Mightyena stopped to think for a few seconds.

"ah C-clair" the Mightyena could barely speak, she was not used to human language yet.

"Oh so Clair then? Such a pretty name" Will said, Clair blushed at the compliment and looked the other way.

The two held each other's hand as they went to their home, but it wasn't until Will made it to the front door did he notice his keys were still missing.

"Oh my Arceus!!! you gotta be kidding me..." Will said as he laid his head down in distress, but then he heard the klinking of keys as Clair held his house keys in her hand. Will couldn't have been more happy as the two entered the house, Will made it his goal to make Clair's life the happiest. Two years passed as the two became a regular couple, Clair's english was incredibly good and she became more refined as a woman. Will also noticed his feelings towards Clair, her long fine black hair, the red eyes, the fangs, it all added to her beauty and cuteness. Clair loved Will deeply, her heart would always beat faster as she spent time with him.

One night, Will had invited Clair to the theme park as the two enjoyed all the fun activities that followed. Will was going to confess his feelings to Clair, so he brought her to the ferris wheel as the two enjoyed to sky view of Prissia city.

"Uhm Clair?" Will said putting both his hands together, he was beginning to sweat.

"Yes Will" Clair said as she smiled warmly at Will who was calmed by her cheery attitude.

"The view is wondrous, right Will?" Clair said as she gazed upon the night sky, the moon was in its full beauty.

"Clair.. I Lo.. I love you!" Will said breaking through his nervousness as he held Clair's hands in his own.

"W-Will... Clair said as she jumped on Will, kissing him passionately in the small space, she pulled back a few minutes later.

"I love you too Will!" Clair said happily as she pulled Will into the another kiss.

The two got married shortly after, and it was a day they both would never forget. Will's parents were rather surprised with the sudden marriage, but they approved of it. On the wedding day they were both getting ready for the event, although they were both very nervous. Clair was currently in her wedding dress, as Will came in the room dressed in a black tuxedo.

"Uhm Will... I look a bit weird.." Clair said as she looked in the mirror in her wedding dress, her darker features were standing out in the white dress.

"No you don't my love, you look eccentric" Will said as he looked at his soon to be wife, she did look very beautiful with the black and white color combination.

"If you say so, my dear" Clair said trying to hold her nervousness in as Will held her hand.

After an hour or so of preparing, Will and Clair both stared in each other's eyes as the the priest continued speaking his words of wisdom.

"Will Nirvana, will you take Clair as your beautiful wife for eternity?" the priest asked already knowing what the answer would be.

"I do" Will said confidently, as he could see Clair's blush as she smiled at Will.

"And Clair, will you take Will as you lawfully wedded husband?" the priest asked.

"I do!" Clair said happily, this was a big and happy moment for her and Will.

"Then, Will you may kiss the bride" the Priest said closing his book, as Will held Clair's hand in his own. The two kissed, the seal of marriage and unity was declared as the two were now married.

The wedding went faster then a Gale wings Talonflame, after all the celebrations, bouquets, bridesmaids Clair wished for nothing more than to be home with her new husband. The two went home exhausted from the day's events, as the two slept together as lovers. Will and Clair decided to have an anniversary a few weeks later, and they were both were planning on what to give their partners. Clair was going to go hang out with some of her friends, leaving Will to take care of the house while she was gone.

Clair made it to the house of her friend, her friend was a Arcanine named Zazy and was very keen on people's likes and dislikes. Clair excitedly knocked on the door, to which Zazy opened the door with great enthusiasm.

"Hey Clair! good to see you haha!" Zazy laughed as Clair went inside her home.

"Good to see you too Zazy" Clair said, the two enjoyed a soothing conversation about life but they somehow dragged off into the topic of men's fetishes.

"Huh?! so you're saying that some men like the furriness on Nekomatas?" Clair said astonished by Zazy's words.

"Yep! it's actually quite a nice one for a guy to have, you'll know they have good taste in women if they have that fetish" Zazy said with a proud voice.

"Really? actually I wonder if Will has any fetishes" Clair said as she though for a while.

"Hm? wait don't tell me you guys haven't had sex ye-" Zazy said before Clair shut her mouth with her hand, Clair was blushing intensely.

"Look I just I... don't say that out loud, it's embarrassing" Clair said as Zazy slowly nodded.

"I find that surprisingly hard to believe Clair, you have been married for quite some time" Zazy said as she crossed her arms.

"Yeah well neither me nor Will have the guts to make the move on each other" Clair sighed deeply, as Zazy patted her on the shoulder.

"Uhm Clair don't take this to seriously, but I think I know what would make Will happy for his first time" Zazy said as Clair looked up at her in curiosity.

"Since you two are having your anniversary tomorrow, why not give him his sexual fantasy?" Zazy said boldly, Clair looked a bit astonished by her words.

"Which would be?..." Clair asked, she knew Zazy was a person to know people's dislikes and likes, but did she really know Will's?

"Well act like his pet, make him treat you like one" Zazy said a bit awkwardly, Clair was surprised by her words.

"Wait what? I'm not gonna let Will treat me as a pet! Not only that how do you know that'll satisfy his sexual desire!" Clair shouted as Zazy tried calming her down.

"Look, I'll tell you in more detail and I know Will is that kind of guy trust me" Zazy said as she whispered several sentences in Clair dog ears. Clair's eyes widened as a vivid blush appeared, Zazy smiled as she told Clair her plan.

"A-are you sure that will work?" Clair stuttered, as Zazy nodded.

"Oh look at the time, better get going to your handsome husband!" Zazy said as she began pushing Clair out of her house.

"Wait Za-" Clair said before Zazy shut the door after saying goodbye.

"Ugh.." Clair sighed as she went home, the moon was rising as the sky became dark. Clair was surprised how fast night arrived as she hurriedly went back to Will, she unlocked the door as she saw Will on the couch.

"Oh Clair, welcome back, I was actually getting a bit worried" Will said as he embraced Clair in a warm hug.

"I'm sorry about that sweety" Clair said.

"You okay Clair? you look a bit.. flushed?" Will said, Clair's face was very red as she shook her head.

"I-I'm fine, Will" Clair said as she went up the stairs for a shower.

"Okay, well I made dinner" Will said before Clair disappeared in the upper floor.

The next night, they were both getting ready for a wonderful dinner in a Prissia restaurant named "Starbreach"

"Are you ready yet dear?" Clair said as came in the bedroom, Will was currently checking himself in his white suit.

"I think so my love, what do you think?" Will said as he looked at Clair who was dressed in a pitch black skirt, decorated with dark purple roses.

"I think you look great!" Clair said as she smiled, while she approached Will to fix his collar.

"Well then let us be off then" Will said as he straightened his shirt, as the two went to the luxurious restaurant.

The night was filled with cheerful laughs and giggles, Starbreach was a tall building with 3 floors with of course the roof, all themed differently. The first floor was green, filled with lush plants and bamboo as it added an exotic part of the restaurant. The second floor was blue, it was full of fountains and small controlled streams with candles floating atop the water, the sound of flowing water was barely audible but added a relaxing sound. The third floor was yellow, filled with glistening gold pillars and tall sunflowers surrounding the middle section of the room. The roof was lit with different colored candles for each table, and was for more romantic occasions as the smell of roses permeated the air while being scattered across the sides of the rooftop.

"Oh Will this is simply lovely!" Clair said excitedly as she dashed towards the rails of the roof and stared into the night sky.

"Great, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself" Will smiled as he sat at the table, Clair's long black hair flowed in the wind as she continued staring off into space.

It was a while before Clair finally decided to sit at the table, "I'm so glad to have met someone as wonderful as you Will!" Clair said as she laughed, Will laughed with her as her cuteness really began to shine to him.

"Yeah I am actually lucky to have lost my keys and that it rained" Will said scratching his head, to think such a bad thing happening would have had the outcome of something so nice.

"Uh-huh not to mention that you somehow got lost and found the exact cave I was in" Clair said as she took a sip of the scarlet wine, savoring the deep flavor.

"Yeah although I did get bitten pretty badly by you, but you were pretty much feral back then" Will said holding his glass of red wine.

"Ah, but I thought you were going to hurt me or something, so it was in self defense" Clair said a little depressed that she bit Will so hard that she nearly took his arm off.

"Ahahaha yeah its fine though, just remind me to never make you angry" Will said laughing as Clair laughed with him, the two were filled with joy as their anniversary went on.

"Oh that reminds me, I got you a little something something" Will said as he handed Clair a reasonably small box, Clair eyes shone with curiosity as she took the box and opened it. It was a collar, but not a normal collar, it actually looked like one that humans could wear as it was decorated with fine gems that sparkled in contact with light.

"Will.. It's beautiful..." Clair said astonished by its luster, a vivid blush was apparent on her face as she thanked Will.

"I have you anniversary gift at home, I hope you don't mind" Clair said a bit ashamed that she couldn't give Will a tangible gift, but he was sure to enjoy the gift she was going to give him.

"Don't worry about Clair, having you is already a great gift to me" Will said as the waiter served the food on the table. Clair face turned into a deep red as she began getting teary eyed, she loved Will more than anything in the world. They ate their food and returned home satisfied, however Clair still wanted to give him his 'Gift' as she jumped in the shower after Will was done.

"I wonder what Clair's gift is, she never really told me, maybe she forgot? Well either way it doesn't matter" Will said as he sat down on the bed as he heard the shower stop. Clair came out a few minutes later, and Will nearly got a nosebleed, Clair was wearing her collar and a lead and was wearing a very thin bikini.

"C-Clair!" Will stuttered, his face was completely red as Clair herself blushed just from embarrassment.

She approached Will, and held his face in her soft paws, "have you been fantasizing about me being your pet?" she said calmly, Zazy was definitely right about his sexual fantasy.

"I-uhm.." Will didn't know how to respond to that question but he was brought into a kiss, and a damn good one. Clair's tongue invaded Will's mouth as the two exchanged saliva, Will also kissed back holding her head as the two fell on the bed. Clair's tongue explored his mouth as saliva began leaking out the sides of their mouths, Will member was becoming hard and it became uncomfortable in his pants.

Clair finally pulled back leaving a long strand of the clear fluid connecting their tongues, "I'm yours Will treat me like your dog!" Clair demanded pushing the lead in his hand.

Will gave in to his carnal desires, having his beloved wife play out his sexual fantasy was overwhelming for him. He tugged at the leash, pulling Clair towards the bulge in his pants as she happily undid his pants and released his dick. Clair gasped at the size as her hot breath touched his dick as it twitched in excitement and arousal. She slowly engulfed his member as Will panted from the intense pleasure he was receiving, Clair was enjoying herself as she bobbed her head, while licking around the base. Clair's mouth was warm, as she watched out for her fangs that gently tickled his member, only adding to the pleasure.

"Gah.." Will moaned as he placed his hand on her head forcing her to suck harder.

Clair happily obliged as she began taking his dick deep in her throat as possible, lapping up any pre that came out as she slathered her saliva all over his member. Will found it rather selfish for him to have pleasure, so he pushed Clair on her back as they were in a 69 position and began eating each other out. Clair was amazed by the way Will sucked at her clitoris and injected his tongue through her walls, but she had her own part as she continued sucking on his member. Will tasted her love juices which tasted incredibly similar to a vintage wine, wanting more, he forcefully began licking her cunt. Clair was close to climaxing as she couldn't take Will's torture for much longer and worked harder on making him cum. Will's moans were muffled by Clair's pussy as his words vibrated her cunt, causing her to ejaculate large amounts of cum through Will's throat. Will also came from Clair's skillful blowjob, shooting out his hot spunk in Clair's mouth as she swallowed it all.

"Haahaa..." Will gasped for air from the passionate sex that filled the air.

"Will you're not done yet are you?" Clair said licking up the remaining cum from her lips.

Will made a exhausted look as he grabbed the leash pulling Clair towards him as he grabbed her breasts and fondled with them.

"I think I'll have you calling me master, when we're having sex like this" Will said with a seductive look on his face.

"A-ah yes master, pleasure me!" Clair moaned as he removed the bra and touched her supple breast.

"Lick them my master, suck on them!" Clair moaned loudly, Will was a bit worried the neighbors might hear them, but he didn't really didn't care at this point. He brought his mouth to her tits and sucked on them while squeezing them reasonably hard. Clair felt like she was in paradise, as Will brought one hand to her pussy and began fingering her, while using his mouth and other hand to pleasure both her boobs. Clair's dripped juices from her cunt onto the bed sheets as she nearly collapsed from the insane pleasure she was receiving.

It didn't take long before Clair began showing signs of climaxing, "Master, I'm cumming!!" Clair said arching her back before splattering her love juices on her husband as she fell on the bed exhausted.

"Are you ready for the main course my pet?" Will said as he gazed upon Clair's body, it was glistening with beads of sweat.

"Yeah go ahead Master, my body is yours" Clair said, as she recovered from the afterglow and laid on four legs as she presented her ass to Will. He nearly drooled at the sight, he began massaging her butt cheeks as he positioned the head in her wet opening.

"Aah you're so big..." Clair moaned as she felt Will enter dripping cunt, as Will thrusted in her, taking her virginity. Clair began panting faster and faster, her breath was barely visible as Will pushed his dick in her wet hole. Will was enjoying the wonderful feeling, it was much warmer and softer in her pussy and it nearly made him cum just from the insertion.

"So.. So beautiful.. You're so beautiful Clair!" Will shouted in pleasure, his mind was completely filled with lust and his love for his wife. He tugged at the leash pulling Clair towards his body, as he began touching her breasts. Will's dick was coated in her slimy lubrication, as his thrusting gained more speed as Clair's juices spilled on the bed. Will was reaching his climax and so was Clair as her entrance was tightening adding pressure.

"C-Clair I'm cumming!" Will shouted in pleasure, he began thrusting harder, pounding Clair's cunt.

"Yes master! Give me you hot sperm!" Clair said ignoring her own climax, her pleasure was escalating much faster than Will's.

Will came, shooting out large amounts of semen into Clair's tight cunt as she arched her back cumming herself as both their love juices mixed in a puddle on the bed. They both collapsed on the bed, Will was still inside her as his cum was slowly leaking out of Clair.

"You're such a beast Will.." Clair said between gasps as she laid on the bed with her husband.

"Ahaha... Let's not do this on a daily basis" Will let out a weak laugh as he sighed deeply, he was quite exhausted.

"Mmmm" Clair snuggled up to Will, as the two slept together looking forward to more saucy nights.

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