Untamed Passion

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#2 of Iron Author 2014

Upon returning to the digital world, a tamer and her digimon share a tender reunion. <3

This story was written for Gamerfox on FA, and is story #2 of my 2014 Iron Author challenge! :3 It contains M/F acts between consenting adults, one human and one Digimon. :3

Untamed Passion

A million points of light converged into one. Wind whistled, screeched like the connecting tones of an old fashioned modem, and finally surged into a dull roar as Maria materialised within the digital world. The light faded as the digital representation of the twenty year old woman's physical form stood, legs slightly parted and arms resting by her sides; one hand open, the other clutching a humming, vibrating digivice; her method of transport into this alternate reality. She drew a breath, gasping as the rush of the near instantaneous transportation swept over her, and curled her bare toes down into the soft, hot sand beneath them.

The human female turned her head, looking around her for any identifying features of the area. The biome in which she had materialised was that of a vast desert, though the sandy ground upon which she stood bore tufts of grass, grass which grew lush and thick to the immediate east, where the banks of a vast lake turned the desert into a vibrant oasis. Far away, in the middle of the lake, Maria could just make out the shape of a small outcrop of land, and upon it what appeared to be a tram car; though there didn't seem to be any tram lines from which it could have driven to that point.

Lifting her digivice up in front of her and thumbing its small control screen with her other hand, the Digimon tamer swiftly managed to pull up the location from the central files database, cross referenced by land type and identifying features; the tram being a rather outstanding and obviously unique one. According to the digivice, this was File Island, the site of a previous group of Digidestined arriving into the digital world. That made sense of course; transportation to the digital world was a big energy drain, and if a pre-existing conduit existed, chances were the digivice would attempt to use it.

Although, whilst Maria was quite happy to accept this place as File Island, she couldn't help but question why it was here she had been brought. Or rather, why her Digimon partner, Renamon, had chosen to direct her here. What business could they possibly have on such a small and wayward piece of land, so very far from the main continent of Server which comprised much of the land-mass of the digital world as a whole.

"Looking good, Maria..."

A deep, slightly cheeky voice rang out from behind the tamer. She whirled around on the spot, not in anger or fright, but with a gleeful smile upon her face. Sure enough, she found herself face to face with Renamon; her partner, the Digimon to whom she was irrevokably bound for life. For a moment, they beamed at one another without words nor motion, then in an instant they both threw themselves forward, colliding in mid-air and embracing tightly.

It had only been a couple of weeks since they parted ways, Renamon having promised to aid a construction project for an expanding digi-egg nursery here in the Digital world whilst Maria had more mundane but equally unavoidable commitments in the human world, but it felt like so much longer. This pair, after all, had been through a lot together since they met nine years ago. Struggles, wars, battles with the very world... digital and human alike, at stake. During that time they had become more than companions. More than friends. They had become close. Intimate. And eventually, they had become lovers.

The Digimon and human embraced, and they kissed. Renamon's soft, white furred hands ran tenderly down Maria's bare back, and the female moaned happily as she pressed herself into her Digimon's deliciously fluffy form.

"Y-you didn't bring clothes with you?"

Her voice was shaky as their kiss broke, wracked by excitement, emotion and quite obviously, by lust. The male Renamon's eyes peered deep into hers, sparkling with delight.

"No. I left them back where I thought we could camp for the night. A cave at the edge of the jungle, right next to the most beautiful waterfall that feeds into the river which fills this lake..."

Maria beamed, pecking her digimon upon the lips before fixing him with a playfully knowing glare.

"Oh, really? Is that the only reason?"

Renamon's face flushed, but rather than denying what his partner was insinuating, he growled tenderly; squeezing Maria tightly within his strong arms.

"It's one reason. The other... the other is that I wanted to see you. All of you, without those silly rags covering you up like some sort of wannabe Gabumon."

The Digimon took a step backwards, pulling himself reluctantly free from Maria's embrace so that he could observe the woman as she had arrived here; naked and free from all worldly possessions except for her digivice. She was a truly beautiful human being. Lean, tall and slightly gangly; with short blonde hair present only upon the top of her head, small yet perky breasts with rosy nipples, and the sweetest, sexiest smile as she recognised that she was being admired.

Blushing slightly as she watched her Digimon reacting to the prolonged sight of her nudity, his reaction a typically male one regardless of his species, Maria struck a playful pose. She turned slightly to one side, showing herself off in profile, and gently ran one hand down the length of her smooth, pale skinned, untanned body; smiling seductively at Renamon all the while.

"So soft..."

Murmuring softly to himself as he stepped forwards, Renamon reached out and caressed Maria upon the cheek. She clutched at his hand, holding it against her face for a few moments and nuzzling fondly into it before turning her neck and bringing her lips to bear upon the furred limb. Kissing his palm and fingers gently, Maria nodded.

"Soft all over. Brand new skin for a brand new digital me. Smooth and clean shaven... just for you, Renamon. Just the way you like me."

The Digimon huffed softly, half in excitement, half in indignation.

"I'd like you even if you were covered in hair... you know that. It's just... you're the only human I've ever... a-and when I touch you, your skin, s-so soft and warm... it's completely one of a kind. No-one else I've ever touched feels like you. Just like no-one I've ever touched can make me feel the way you do."

Maria's cheeks reddened, and without a word she stopped kissing and caressing the Digimon's hand, instead lowering it down the length of her body, guiding it gently between her legs.

Renamon cupped Maria's bare, freshly shaven crotch. He felt the heat radiating off it, and the moisture already present upon his middle finger as it ventured oh so slightly forward, probing between the warm, swollen lips of Maria's outer labia.

"Tell me you weren't hoping I'd be here exactly like this. Waiting for you. Ready to pounce. T-to make love to you right here, o-on the sand. Tell me that's not why you're already damp, even though this body has only been real in the digital world for a few minutes."

The male's middle finger probed further upwards, its base grazing the female's clitoris, already swollen and exposed from behind its fleshy little hood, whilst the tip of that same digit probed deeper between her warm, wet lips. Maria's legs trembled, her knees bending slightly to open herself up to Renamon's touches just a little more, and she moaned loudly; utterly without shame despite the two of them being visible atop this grassy dune for miles around.

"O-oh Renamon... I missed this. I missed you so much."

One of her own, trembling hands reached out for the Digimon just as he had reached for her, and Maria shuddered violently as her fingers closed around the hot, pink thickness of her digital lover's manhood. It wasn't human in form, not quite; slightly ridged in its shape, with an oh so slight upward curve. It was longer than the Renamon's height, just over five feet, might have suggested, and thicker at the base; tapering off towards the already glistening tip.

For a short while, the two lovers just stood there like that; looking at one another, drinking in the sight of one another's reddened, panting faces and wide, glazed eyes as they pleasured their loved one with their fingers. It wasn't long however before looking and touching no longer seemed enough for either one of them, and as their moans and gasps began to grow louder and their feet began to curl and wriggle impatiently against the warm sand, they each knew it was only a matter of time before one of them cracked, and passion utterly overwhelmed them.

It was Renamon who broke first, though only by a matter of seconds.

He flung himself forward, tackling Maria to the ground whilst ensuring that his strong arms broke her fall, the two of them rolling over and over upon the soft, dry sand, clutching feverishly at one another. They came to a halt upon a patch of grassy scrub, the Digimon looming over his human partner with wild passion blazing in his eyes.

She said nothing. She didn't need to. Maria wanted this, and there was nothing that Renamon wanted more than to give it to her. Himself. All that he was and ever would be. Every ounce of strength and heart and companionship that made him the proud, good Digimon he knew himself to be. It was all because of Maria... and thus she deserved everything he could give her, and more.

The joyous shriek which the human female let loose as her digital lover plunged his manhood into her echoed across the island's still, windless air for miles around. She wrapped her arms and legs tightly around his soft, golden yellow furred back, and clutched at him desperately as Renamon began to make love to her with urgent excitement and joy. Every sharp, wild thrust deep inside her drew a fresh cry from Maria's lips, the female still as overwhelmed to this day by the feeling of being filled by a man; by this man... the only one she had ever been with, and the only one she ever wished to be with. Here or in the human world, it didn't matter. Renamon was the only one for her!


She wanted to savour the moment. To let the pleasure wash over her in a long, languid marathon of love making which would last for hours before they both reached their peak, gasping, soaked with sweat but desperate for satisfaction.


She really did want it to last. To hold back. To remain in control, and not lose her mind to endless, maddeningly intense ecstasy.

"Oh... oh Renamon! Please... o-oh no! I'm... s-so soon, no! I c-can't stop it. Rena... h-hold me. I'm... I'm..."

But she couldn't. She had never been able to resist when Renamon started to touch her. He knew her inside and out, just as she knew him, and that included knowing precisely how to drive her to ecstasy in record time. Again, and again, and again.

" Yes!!"

Sobbing joyously, digging her fingernails into the Digimon's back as her toes curled and her hot depths throbbed and clutched around the male's member, Maria came hard as Renamon continued to mercilessly make rapid, tender love to her. The first of many orgasms that would doubtlessly be dragged out of her before Renamon even came close to reaching his own peak, which, quite frankly, was just the way that the Digimon liked it. This way, he was able to witness his lover convulsing and screaming and cumming countless times, every occasion making him all the more impassioned and eager for his own inevitable and powerfully potent orgasm.

Hunched down close over his writhing, shrieking lover, Renamon kissed Maria gently upon the forehead as her hot fluids boiled out from the tight seal of her clutching pussy and his swollen erection. He stared into her wide, bliss-stricken eyes, and growled happily. Utterly oblivious to the rest of the world beyond those wonderful hazel brown hues, and the distant glint of the sun's reflection upon the foothill slopes of Infinity mountain.

Even at a great distance, the silent air carried the echoing cries of Maria's bliss to the ears of her and Renamon's unseen voyeur. The sun shone down upon the man where he stood, glinting off the round goggles hooked over the crew cut brown hair atop his head. He groaned softly, eagerly drinking in the sight of the woman convulsing in obvious orgasmic pleasure through the brass nautical style telescope he currently had pressed up to one of his eyes. After just a few more moments of lustful staring however, he temporarily withdrew his eye from the telescope's lens and turned his gaze downward, to the Gazimon whose arms were wrapped tenderly around the dark skinned cheeks of his buttocks, while her muzzle bobbed back and forth upon the male's rigid hard-on.

"You know... I think they might be busy for quite some time."

Another distant, even more savage cry of pleasure echoed through the air around them. The Gazimon drew back from her own lover's manhood, panting and licking her lips as she gazed up at him with a teasing smile.

"Lucky her."

The male's eyebrows shot up, and he smirked warmly.

"Oh, is someone a little jealous?"

Dropping down to his knees, bringing himself almost level with the Gazimon's face, the human male slipped a hand between the grey furred rabbit digimon's legs. She gasped, her cheeks flushing a deep crimson beneath their pale grey coat, and her mouth falling slack, letting loose a joyous murmur as the dark skinned man drew her close into his embrace; two fingers already sliding up inside her tight but eager body.

"Well... let's see if we can't do something about that while we wait for them to be ready for our visit, eh, Gazimon?"

The Gazimon just moaned loudly, wrapping her arms around her beloved human partner's neck and leaning into his talented, oh so intimate touch.

If that human female's Digimon was even half as talented when it came to bedroom antics as her own Tamer... then surely this newcomer to the island, this 'Maria', was a very lucky woman indeed.

By Jeeves ~ 2,404 words