Realisation - Chapter 11

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A bit of an emotional and disturbing chapter, I think I was feeling quite dark when I wrote a lot of this, so that explains that!

Stay Tuned (Because I really can't stand it when things are out of tune, especially violins...)

DISCLAIMER - The following story contains content of a sexual nature including explicit sexual actions between characters not necessarily at age of consent. If you are under age or this content is illegal in your region please do not continue reading and leave this page. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental.

This work is copyrighted to JakeM © 2013, do not use or distribute this material in any way without the strict permission of the author.




Robbie took the elevator to the 3rd floor of the tenement building, heading along the dark corridor to outside Sam and Jake's bedsit. He stood outside the green door to number 4 and without hesitation knock 3 harsh knocks, standing back slightly and waiting for an answer.

Sam sat the end of the bed, waiting for Jake to finish his shower, he would have joined him in there, but he said no. From the sounds of things he was nearly done, as the water had stopped running. There was a knock at the door, the tiger jumped off the bed and went to get it, feeling quite happy for some reason despite the fact something was up with Jake and he didn't know what it was yet, he smiled as he unhooked the door chain and opened it. His smile quickly faded when he saw the puma, who stood slightly shorter than the tiger, at about eye level, standing with a sly grin across his face. In the split second when Robbie looked up at Sam, his eyes at the top of their sockets, looking out under his eyebrows, Sam couldn't help but be reminded of Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars 3, when he turns completely evil. Sam shook away the disturbing image and stood back from the door, inviting the cat in. 'Hello Robbie, please come in.'

'Thank you... Sam.' Robbie practically spat the tiger's name. 'Is Jake here, I need to talk to him briefly.'

'He's just finishing up in the bathroom, he'll be out in a minute. Actually, I'm glad you stopped by, because I wanted to ask you something.' Sam said, oblivious to anything sinister about Robbie. It was a weakness of Sam, actually, he couldn't really read people, their behaviour etc, it lead to quite a few awkward situations in the past. He could read Jake though, and it was one of the reasons Sam was so drawn to him.

'Umm... okay.' This had thrown Robbie, he hadn't expected Sam wanting to talk to him.

'Since Jake's got back he's been acting weird, like, over affectionate, he's constantly snuggling up to me and telling me he loves me. Not in a cute way, but like he's worried. Don't get me wrong, I like the attention, but he's not normally like this. Did something happen when you were away? And has it got something to do with why you and the rest of the team completely ignored me earlier?'

Robbie relaxed and his smile returned, it was nice to know he'd gotten to Jake. 'Well, there was something, but I think you'd best talk to Jake.'

'I've tried, he just goes all cagey and starts rubbing into me and cuddling me. Could you just tell me?' Sam pleaded.

'If you really want me to, but you're not going to like it. When we were away, Jake and I had s-'

Robbie was interrupted by a low and powerful growl coming from the bathroom door. Jake stood in a dressing gown, his fur still slightly damp - which would have been adorable at any other time - his paws were curled into fists and he stared with eyes of death at Robbie. 'Get. Out.' He snarled at the puma who found the situation amusing, being threatened by someone so young and so cute.

'Oh, hi Jake!' Robbie put on a not at all convincing act of niceness, smiling and talking happily 'I just came over to let you know that you're off the team. Umm, so yeah! Cheers for playing, and I'll see you around school. Bye.' He said this and made for the door, opening it and beginning to walk out, before turning back at the last minute, still acting happy. 'Oh! I almost forgot, Sam, as I was saying earlier, when we were away John said a homophobic remark to Jake and he left the restaurant we were in, I ran after him and we then proceeded to fornicate quite roughly in our hotel room, Jake was on top and he tied. See ya!' Robbie left and resumed his previous evil smile and smugness.


Jake's expression changed from a vicious snarl, to surprise and then to horror, as Robbie closed their door. His ears pushed right back to his head, eyes and mouth both wide open. He slowly turned his head to Sam, who had not moved. His face was expressionless, but his eyes darted all over the wolf's body. They just stared at each other for a moment, Jake looking for any sign of emotion in the tiger's gorgeous face.

Jake broke first and ran forward collapsing on to his knees, wrapping his arms around the tiger's thighs. Wailing as he did 'I'm so sorry Sam! I didn't know what I was doing, my mind was somewhere else! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Please. Please forgive me.' He sobbed heavily into the tiger's knees.

Sam continued to stand there, in so much shock not able to move. He felt the cub run and grasp his legs. He woke up from whatever trance he was in and stepped back, pushing Jake away, who just stayed kneeling on the floor, sobbing and looking up at Sam, tears streaming down his face. He looked down at Jake, 'I... I need to be alone tonight.' Sam said very quietly, and started walking towards the door. He turned round as if he were about to say something, Jake looked around, having not moved from his kneeling position, hopeful at what Sam was going to say. Instead, the tiger just let a single tear roll down his cheek and soak into their carpet. He gently closed the door behind him as he left.

Jake collapsed when he heard the door close, he curled in on himself, a shaking, sobbing ball on the floor, a large wet patch forming on the carpet below him from his tears. He was inconsolable, as much as he tried, he could not stop crying. He knew what he had done was unforgivable, but he could not live without Sam, his life would be nothing without him. Eventually he managed to fall asleep, still crying all the while.


The scrawny wolf pulled his hood up, covering his face, muzzle just sticking out from the shadow, showing his yellow teeth. His body, tall and thin, ribs visible when not wearing any clothes, patches of his fur were missing from scars he'd sustained in many fights, as a 20 year old wolf he should be at his peak of physical fitness, but things just hadn't worked out that way. 7, or maybe 8 years ago his life fell apart, from that moment on he was forced to live on the streets and do what he could to get food, sometimes not eating for nearly a week. So he had resorted to armed robbery, stories like his appeared daily in the news, and was common in this city.

He'd found his target, a sharply dressed Bengal Tiger, a bit bigger than the wolf, but the wolf had back up. He clenched his paw around his gun and turned the safety off. Keeping his head down he remained about 20 paces behind the rich looking cat, who walked pretty fast, but wolves are known for their speed, so it was no trouble keeping up. Besides, he'd got a thing for tigers, he wasn't going to let this one get away.

Eventually the tiger turned off the main streets and wondered down some smaller, more winding alleys. Being late evening, people were still milling about, happily looking at the sights or looking for a restaurant. The tiger quickened his face and drew his long lapelled coat further up his shoulders, covering his neck. He made quick glances behind him. The wolf was certain he'd been spotted. In a vain attempt to lose his assailant the cat dipped into more winding alleys, but stopped in his tracks when faced with a brick wall. The wolf walked up behind him a pulled out his pistol, shakily aiming it at the tiger's head.

'Don't turn around. Drop your wallet on the floor.' The wolf managed to say before coughing violently into his free paw, sputtering blood on his light brown fur. He kept the gun pointed at the tiger. 'DO IT!' He wheezed.

'Look, there's no need for anyone to get hurt, why don't you just put the gun down and we can talk, I might even be able to help you.' The tiger's voice was calm and soothing, but had a resonance to it that sent shivers through your spine. 'I'm going to slowly turn around now.

The voice sent shots of pain through the wolf's heart 'Don't.' He growled.

'I'm turning around.' The smooth talking tiger was a quarter of the way round.

The wolf waved his gun a bit manically 'Stop turning around, or I'll-'

The tiger turned fully to face the wolf 'Or you'll what, Jake?'




'SAM! NO! PLEASE! NO! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! PLEASE DON'T DIE!' Jake shot up in bed, completely soaked from his sweat and tears. He panted heavily as his eyes tried to adjust to the darkness around him. Frantically looking around he battled with the bed sheets that entangled him like rope. Throwing them away he dashed into the bathroom and violently threw up into the toilet until he was just dry heaving. He fell back into the main room and stumbled around, unable to see through his tears and fear at what he'd just been shown in his nightmare.

Regaining full consciousness he sat at the end of the bed, not crying, just... shaking. 'Bats. Everywhere. LEAVE ME ALONE!' he screamed, curling in on himself he darted his head around as if trying to pin down the horrible monsters that were trying to invade him. He whimpered and rocked back and forth. In a trance-like state that is not uncommon when suffering from major grief he stood up and slowly walked the few paces into their kitchenette, cautiously looking around and dodging from the 'bats' he carefully placed his hind paws, as if walking across a stream. He made it to the sink and grabbed a nearby glass and filled it with water, taking large gulps. His head was spinning and he was gripping the glass extremely tight, had he been a few years older it would have shattered in his paw.

Looking down into the sink, his paws on either side of the basin he, relived what he had just seen... he had killed Sam. His life had turned to a mess and he had... shot his love. He regurgitated the water he had just consumed. If this was where his life was headed, what was the point? Suddenly his head darted to the left, seeing the large knife block they had. He walked over and pulled out the carving knife, holding it into the air and letting the early morning moon reflect its light off it. The weight felt comfortable in Jake's paws. He walked back to the bed and scrambled on top of it, sitting in the middle, staring at the knife and moving it through the air, like a charmed snake. He ran his fingers along the blade to feel how sharp it was. Pretty damn sharp. He placed the knife against his wrist and took a deep breath.


Sam sighed as he opened to door to his bedsit. His fur was ruffled and damp from spending a sleepless night walking around a not always friendly city. It was 8am and he had decided to talk to Jake, instead of running away from the issue. He wasn't sure why Jake had done what he had done, but there had to be a reason. He pushed open the door and his eyes widened at what he saw.

He saw the knife first, lying at the foot of the bed. Hi heart started pumping a mile a minute, fearing the worst. In the middle of the bed was Jake, curled into a foetal position, rocking slightly and shivering. Sam ran to him. Nearly fainting with relief that there were no physical injuries. He threw the knife off the bed and jumped up behind the shivering cub, pulling him into his lap.

Jake's head snapped back at the sudden contact, he didn't seem himself, again like in a trance 'Sam...' he whimpered.

'Shh, it's okay, I'm here now, I forgive you. Please, just come back to me, wake up baby.' Sam spoke softly, gently stroking the cub's fur. Jake's eyes met Sam's and Sam nearly had to look away, his cub's eyes were bloodshot and drained of any of their original amber hue. He tried his best to keep his gaze, attempting to bring his boyfriend back from wherever he was. 'Jake. Wake up.' He pleaded, feeling himself start to well up.

Jake pressed his eyes shut, as if in pain. He opened them again to find Sam looking down on him, worry evident on his face. 'I...I'm so sorry Sam. I have no idea why I did it, something came over it was just... I... All I can say is how sorry I am.'

'Jake, I forgive you. I've had the whole night to consider it, and I love you far too much to let you go. Whatever you did is in the past, a moment of weakness, I do not blame you. I imagine Robbie had a large part to play in it.' Sam reassured cub.

At hearing Robbie's name Jake thrust his head into Sam's chest fur, hiding the pain the name brought to him. Sam cupped his paw on the back of Jake's head and brought him up for a loving kiss. It seemed to bring Jake back into some form of reality as when Sam released him he smiled up at him. 'Thank you, you don't know how much you mean to me.'

They stayed there for several minutes, Jake wrapping his arms around Sam's neck and Sam gently comforting and soothing the frightened wolf. Eventually he started to talk to Jake. 'Jake, what happened last night? W-why was there a knife on the bed?'

Jake looked away, not wanting to meet his love's eyes as he told him the events of the previous night, including his horrific dream. Every now and then he had to stop himself as he felt himself welling up and unable to continue, Sam quietly listened, comforted him and told him to continue when he was ready. Jake got through the story and looked sweetly into Sam's eyes, his own watering slightly.

Sam put him down on the bed and got up. He walked over to the knife that was now lying on the floor and picked it up. Jake's ears twitched in confusion at what he was doing. Sam looked around and held the large knife flat in his paws. 'And this? You didn't mention this.'

Jake looked down at the floor. 'After I was sick, I think I went a bit crazy and grabbed the knife. I didn't want my life to continue, if I was going to end up shooting you, what was the point? I... I brought it back to the bed, but I couldn't... I just... couldn't.' Jake curled up again and started sobbing, prompting Sam to put the knife back in its block and climb beside Jake, embracing him and softly purring to calm him down.

'Jake, look at me.' Sam said, his voice firm but kind. Jake complied, eyes red from tears. 'What you did with Robbie really hurt me, but after I left I realised that it almost certainly hurt you more, that's why I came back. It seems I made the right decision. I have forgiven you for what you did, but I need you to forgive yourself. All this talk of knives and death is terrifying, I cannot live without you as much as you can't live without me. I need you more than I can say.' Jake began to cry again and he tried to bury his head in the tiger's chest, but Sam kept him firm. 'I want you to go and see a counsellor, the school's one if you want. You've had a horrific year so far and it seems to have taken its toll on you, this little... episode is scary, baby, and you need professional help. I'll come with you if you like. If not for you, then do it for me, please.'

Jake looked up, nervous and unsure about it, but seeing Sam's reassuring smile convinced him. 'Okay. For you. I love you so much.' Jake leaned forward for a gentle, but passionate kiss. The couple snuggled on the bed for a while, Jake lying on his side under Sam's armpit and his paw placed on the tiger's chest.

Eventually Sam noticed Jake had fallen asleep, having had a horrific and traumatic night he couldn't blame him. Sam resolved to fall asleep as well, seeing as he didn't have any sleep at all either. Although the fact that Jake's parents had moved to Australia hadn't escaped him, and he had to tell the cub, but when he woke up and was a bit more relaxed.


Sam awoke to a sucking in his groin. He opened his eyes to the sight of a hard and leaking erection in his face. He looked down his body and saw Jake bobbing up and down rapidly on his own fully hard member. 'Oh Jake... you are naughty.'

Jake smiled around the tiger's cock and withdrew his mouth from it 'I had to say sorry somehow, and I know you don't like waking up... I thought this would be a nice surprise.' He said, his head upside down as he stared up the small gap between the 2 bodies. His grin was cheeky and his eyes flushed with love, back to normal now.

'It is.' Sam said before bringing his paw up to Jake's erection and gently started rubbing. With his mouth he took in one of the cub's balls and rolled it around his tongue, playing with it and sucking on it. He took the other one in so Jake's whole sack was being warmed by Sam's saliva.

Jake shivered at the sudden feeling of pleasure. He went back to his own treat and resumed bobbing on it, gently squeezing the base of the erection, eliciting shudders of pleasure from the tiger. Jake really went to town on his tiger's penis, he hadn't tasted it for 4 days and it was sweeter than he remembered. With a large push he took the entire length in his muzzle, the tip just sliding down his throat, Jake swallowed to prevent the coughing, letting his throat muscles pleasure the invader, and his tongue washed the shaft. The sensation the cock was receiving lead to many quirts of precum being sent right down Jake's throat.

The tiger had to stop servicing Jake at the sudden ecstasy he was experiencing, Jake had taken his full length before, but this was different, this was incredible, it wouldn't be long until he relieved his stress into Jake. Suddenly realising that Jake ached for a muzzle, judging by the large pool of precum forming on Sam's chest, he went back to work on the member. What Jake did felt amazing, but Sam had a few tricks of his own, having had much experience in his old school, where he had quite a reputation. As he felt himself getting extremely close he held Jake's cock in his mouth and purred, deep and strong, sending vibrations throughout the cub's body, and making him squirm in pleasure.

Sam shot his seed directly down Jake's throat, thick and strong, the wolf pulled back and allowed the last few ropes of cum to shoot into his mouth and onto his tongue, so Jake could savour the taste and warmth it gave him. He was unable to think about this though, as the vibrations being sent through his body drove him crazy and resulted him shooting his own seed powerfully into the Tiger's mouth. Sam did his bed to swallow the seed as it came, but the quantity was more than Jake had shot in a long time and it lead to some dribbling down the Tiger's chin. The cub collapsed on the tiger in afterglow of his powerful and blissful orgasm. It felt so right and made Jake gain some measure of peace with himself again.

He pulled himself off the Tiger's body and turned around, so he was lying beside him. Sam smiled down and pulled his boyfriend in for a love-filled kiss, allowing the remnants of their seed combine together with their warm, moist breath. Jake pulled away and just stared into those deep green eyes, that had fallen in love with many months ago. He giggled as he noticed a rope of semen on the tiger's chin and licked it up before being pulled back for another passionate kissed. They kissed and embraced for a good 10 minutes before Jake finally rolled onto his back and sighed in utter bliss.

Sam got up from the bed and pulled the curtains back, safe in knowledge that their room was high up enough so that none of the neighbours could see him walk around completely naked. He sighed and stared out the window, a bit uncertain of how to approach what he was about to say.

Jake also got off the bed and wrapped his paws around the unsuspecting tiger's stomach, pulling him into a tight hug, the wolf's now soft sheath brushing against the tiger's rear. 'What's up?' He asked as he felt the tiger sigh and tense his muscles slightly.

'Jake, I have some bad news for you.' He turned to face the cub, noticing his ears were pushed back and his head was tilted slightly at angle. Sam found it difficult not to smile at how cute he was. He took a deep breath. 'Jake, when you were away, I went back to your old neighbourhood. I went to your old house. I wanted to talk to your parents, I feel that you have to sort this out between yourselves for us to be able to move on fully. The last couple months you have seemed increasingly distant, not just from what those rottweilers did to you, but also at home. If we were watching something on TV, and something to do with a family would come on, you'd always look away. So, I felt I had to take matters into my own hands, but when I got to your house, they were gone. A woman answered the door and informed me that they had moved to Australia. I-I'm so sorry.'

Jake listened carefully to what was being said. He slipped his hands off of Sam's waist and looked at the floor. 'I know.' He said quietly.

'What?' Sam said, confused.

Jake sighed. '2 months ago my mother sent me another letter, containing another wad of cash, remember?' Sam nodded 'Well inside the message she also informed me that they were to be moving to Perth. She said she didn't want to go and that she loves me very much, but she still thinks that she can bring my father around. I don't think she can but I couldn't care less about him. I was extremely upset, of course I was, but I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry, you worry enough about me as it is. I know I've been different these past months, I need help Sam, please, just... help me.' He said the last part with pleading eyes.

Sam wrapped him in his arms in a protective hug. 'I'm here, I always will be and I will help you in every way I can. Don't tell me not to worry about you, because I always will, it's who I am, if I didn't worry, then I wouldn't be caring. Please, see the counsellor and we can be fulfilled. I love you, my little Jakey.'

Jake inhaled the tiger's soothing scent and ran his fingers through his fur. 'Thank you, my love.'

To Be Continued...