Girl From Equestria Chapter 2

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#7 of MLP

Twilight spends her first day in this strange new world.

She awoke the next morning with the sun shining in her room. She stretched and got up grabbed her clothes. She opened the bedroom door and peaked out. Not seeing Spirit and went to the bathroom and after some relief she decided to try the shower. While she found the shampoo and body wash easily trying to use them was another story. They slipped out of her claws so many times. Finally she manage to get herself clean and dried and got her clothes back on and head downstairs with Spike joining her. She comes down and sees Spirit working in the kitchen. It was then she noticed his main, last night the dark and then the fireplace she didn't get a good look at it but in the morning light she saw it was red and orange "Morning." He looked up and smiled.

"Good morning Twilight. Breakfast is almost ready." Spike barked at him and he looked down. "Don't worry Spike I haven't forgotten you either." She placed a plate down and Spike dug in. Minutes later Spirit brought out a pair of plates. "Here we go, scrambled eggs and bacon." A shocked look came on her face.

"Eggs! And Bacon! You mean this is all meat?"

"Yup, so was the chili last night." A look of sheer agony appeared on her face. "What's wrong, you said it was good and had no trouble wolfing it down."

"But, but it's meat. I can't believe I ate meat! Oh Celestia."

"Sorry didn't know you were a vegetarian. How did you not know Chili had meat?"

"Where I come from that has never been on the menu."

"Strange place well give me a sec." He took her plate and dump the contents onto his. "More for me anyway." He then got up and whipped up a non meat dish and handed that to her.

After breakfast Spirit took her to the back but she was studying the chariot he drove or car as he called it It was a wonder machine but she wonder why it was black. The colors she associated with her host were red, orange and gold not black. She asked him about it and he said the car was given to him by his father and that black fit the car perfectly. She also looked at the wonder of the city. It reminded her of Manehatten over Canterlot. Tall rectangular buildings reading for the sky. They stopped in a area that seemed reserved for these cars for she saw several without anyone in them. Spirit got out and she followed and spike was about to follow when Spirit. "Sorry boy but they won't allow you in. So stay in the car." He closed the door on Spike and she saw him give a hurt look and pleaded with his eyes. She shrugged.

"Sorry Spike but he knows this place and it's rules." Spike stepped away from the window which was open a crack for cool air. And She and Spirit and Twilight walked away.

"Man this sucks being a dog. I should be with Twilight." Spike said when no one was around.

Inside the building Spirit wrote into a book and they took seats nearby. Twilight was nervous and she looked over to Spirit. He was calm and collect and reminded her of her brother Shining Armor. Especially when he noticed her staring and gave her a small smile. "It will be okay Twilight. This is a routine thing." A male in a fancy outfit approached the book and looked in.

"Miss Sparkle?" He asked and she nodded. "Please follow me and Mr. Cimarron what are you doing back so soon?"

"Just helping the young lady open an account here."

"Very well." He led them to an office and offered them seats. "Alright Miss Sparkle or Mr. Cimarron give me the details." Spirit looked at her with an unsaid question. She just nodded at him and he began.

"Miss Twilight Sparkle here would like to open an account here. She will want exact conversion of value of these gems." With a gesture to her Twilight opened her sack and took out six gems. She heard the back man whistle at the sight.

"Those a sizable gems. I'll have to take them to our jeweler for appraisal."

"Go ahead." Replied Spirit and the banker took out a box and put them in before heading to the jeweler. It was a couple minutes later when he returned.

"They are assessing them now should be only a few minutes. Till then we can get your account setup. You have any ID we can use to speed this up?" 'OH HORSEAPPLES!' Twilight thought. 'The only ID I have would show me as a pony. How am I going to get out of this?'

"Um none you would recognized sir. I very recently came here and any documents I would have of my entering was lost after an accident. I have been living under the charity of Mr. Cimarron here and he's helping me get back on my feet."

"Okay then well it just means will have to take more time that's all." They went through a whole list of things starting from her name and date of birth which she answered through number just in case the names of their months were different. They took what they called fingerprints and her current residence. As they were just finishing that one of the objects on the desk made a sound. The banker picked up a piece of it and put it next to his face. "Okay, uh huh, Okay good to know." He then put the piece back and addressed Twilight. "Well Miss Sparkle, those gems all together are about four thousand dollars worth. Just sign the paper here and we'll finalize the agreement and you should receive your check card within days." A sheet of paper was pushed in front of her as well as something that seem to take the place of a quill. She took the quill thing in her claw and remember how spike held them when writing and did her best to mimic it. She saw where she was to sign and tried signing. When done she couldn't even read it herself but it was acceptable and the banker took it. He then lead them, to a counter and Twilight withdrew a couple hundred dollars and put them in her bag. Spirit frowned and commented.

"Okay getting you a wallet." They left the bank and after a quick stop to pick up a wallet for her money they head off to their next destination.

He drove for a few minutes before stopping at a small shop. She looked at the sign and while written strangely it was similar to the language back home so she could make do. The sign said 'Blue Jewel Boutique.' "Did some research last night and this place is the best custom clothing shop in the city. And I always try to help the little guy for my father's company started small. Let's go in." A small bell jingled as they walked in.

"I'll be right there!" 'That voice, it couldn't be?' in moments a female appeared. Despite the black mane she recognized the mane style and those blue eyes anywhere. How did Rarity end up here? Isn't she still waiting back in Equestria? "Welcome to Blue Jewel Boutique, I am Rayna Tery how may a serve you today?" Spirit spoke up.

"This fine lady is Twilight Sparkle and she needs a full set of clothing for she's borrowing mine right now. "

"OH deary we must get to work right away. Such a tragedy can not stand. We must hurry!" Before either Twilight or Spirit knew it the transformed mare was dragged into the back. Spirit looked in shock then at Spike who had a strange look on his face and start walking to the back. Seeing that Spirit then shrugged to himself and left to take care of somethings and silently wished luck to poor Twilight

The next thing Twilight knew she was on a pedestal and this version of Rarity, yes only a Rarity could pull this off started taking measurements at record speed. "Dear how did you end up in such a situation?" Rayna asked as she finished up the measurements.

"Trouble getting into the city. Only manage with by bag and my dog." Typical spike he was in the corner adoring the other mare.

"And such a handsome dog too deary." She walked over and scratched his ears before giving a look Twilight has seen often in her friend. The 'what will work with her' look. Then she brighten and said. "IDEEA! I can make a perfect outfit for you deary and it will take a couple days to get it together but it will be perfect. Till then I do have several items that will fit you." Rayna then disappeared and Twilight stared in her wake.

"That was just creepy Spike."

"It was heaven." he replied.

"Have your crush later Spike we still have my crown to find." Soon Rayna appeared with a bundle of clothing.

"Here are some that will fit you. The dressing rooms are over there." She points to a series of alcoves with cloths to block viewers. "Just keep your undergarments on."

"Um, I don't have any under garments." Rayna did a drop jaw for a minute before she raced away and came back with a bunch of undergarments.

"There you go deary they are on the house no pick one and try it out." Twilight went in and close the curtain and changed. She noticed most of the clothes match her old coloration as a pony. How did she know? She even included a matching pair of shoes. She looked at the old worn shoes she wore that Spirit had around. She put it all on and opened the curtain. Rayna looked at her in glee. "You look marvelous dear."

"How did you know these were my colors?"

"Dear they match your lovely lavender eyes and your back pack has the gorgeous symbol. It was an easy guess. Now if any don't fit right I'll adjust them and the cost will be 150 dollars." Twilight paid and checked out the front and didn't see Spirit waiting.

"Looks like he's not back yet." Twilight muttered.

"Why not call him?" Ask Rayna.


"You know," she put a hand to her head in a fist with two digits out point to her ear and mouth "Call him on your phone to pick you up."

"I don't have a phone or how to contact him." That got another dropped jaw with a facehoof.

"Okay you can stay here till he returns just don't touch anything unless I ask."

"That's fine Rayna. I have a friend like you so I know not to touch."

"Have I heard of her?"

"No she is a small business but she has the talent to go far." Twilight looked around. "You run this by yourself?" Rayna nodded.

"Talent, inspiration, timing, and luck got me here. Heck I am making the gown for the Miss Canter City contest. That will really make my mark in the industry."

"The Miss Canter City contest?"

"Yes deary. Mayor Celina Sunray made it the first year she was elected mayor and was a big hit till a few years ago when Sunset Shimmer won."

"Sunset Shimmer!"

"You know her?"

"Only heard of her and had a very brief encounter that wasn't on the best of terms."

"That sounds like her. She made her appearance in Cantor City about five years ago and won her first Miss Cantor contest a year later. She has won it ever since and predicted to do it again this year. No one tries to run anymore because she can be deviously nasty." Rayna then looked at Twilight again. "You know you're the second person with that style of name after Sunset Shimmer."

"We come from the same place and it's there I encountered her. If she's nasty how does she win all the time?"

"As I said she's devious. She has plausible deniability or runs unopposed." Twilight heard a noise and Rayna took out a small device. "Oh it's the mayor I have to take this." She pressed something and lifted the item to her ear. "Hello mayor what can I do for you?" Twilight strained to hear but barely hear a voice out of the apparent device. "No mayor shouldn't be to much trouble but I need a picture of the new crown to be sure." Some more from the other voice. "Thank you mayor the gown is on schedule and will be more then ready for the celebration after the contest you have a good day mayor." She pulled the device away and tab something on it.

"What was that all about?" Twilight asked.

"The mayor found a new crown to use for this years contest and wondered if it be a problem. It shouldn't be but I asked for a picture of the new crown to be sure." They both heard a tone. "Oh and that should be it."

"Can I see?"

"Sure deary. Hhhhmmmm, simple but elegant and that star gem is fabulous. I can see why she is using it. Wonder why she didn't change it earlier?" Twilight knew why. That small image on the strange device showed none other then her Elemental Crown. Now she knew where to look and began thinking. While she could have Spirit take her to the mayor and tell them that it was hers she still has issues she didn't have an answer for. One she has no way to prove it's hers only her word. She didn't bring any photo's of her wearing it and those photos will show her in pony form. No she will have break in and get her crown back. She will need Spirit's help getting blueprints of the building it's being housed in and equipment she will need. Well she took down, Nightmare Moon, Discord, and recently Terik she can pull this off.

Spirit showed up an hour later ending a lively chat between the two girls. Rayna worked on outfits while chatting and during the chat Twilight swore she was chatting with Rarity back home at times. She had come to the conclusion that this word was an alternate to her own, she now understood why Celestia was concerned of all her friends coming. If everypony had a counterpart here and they met who knows what could happen. She had to get her crown back and get back home fast. Back to the present however she saw Spirit's bright smile. "Twilight I forgot you didn't have a phone so I went and got one for you and it even has my number already in it. Well let's go have lunch." He look towards Rayna. "Hey Rayna thanks for watching over her, you wanna join us for lunch."

"Love to but still have work to do."

"Well then I owe you a meal. Here's my card for you to cash in on." He hands her a card and left the store with Twilight in tow. They got into the car and head out.

"Spirit I found what I was looking for. It's the crown to be used at the Miss Canter City contest."

"Awesome, well after lunch we'll head over to reclaim it. I have met the mayor before and she is a fair and just person, sadly a rarity among politicians."

"We can't."

"Why? Wait, you have no proof you own it right?" She nodded. "So how are we going to get it?"

"I'm going to have to break in and take it and I need your help with that."

"You're asking to break the law."

"Just asking you to take me to the nearest library and hardware store. I'll take care of the rest." He sighed.

"Well the library won't be needed. Let's have lunch first then we'll take care of this." They ended up at a place called McDaniel's and Spirit got her a salad, fries and a cider drink while he had a double cheese burger, fires, and a chocolate shake. The food was good but what caught her attention was the cider. It was really good and when she looked at the label it to her surprise said, Sweet Apple Acres. She never imagined Sweet Apple Acres here. Spirit noticed her look and checked the bottle and smiled. "Oh Sweet Apple Acres the city's main supply of apples and apple related products which makes sense since they are the main reason the city exists and I have to admit their products are good." First a Rarity and now Sweet Apple Acres, how much of her world is copied over to this one with a unique twist? The two went on and ate in silence enjoying the meal.

Once they arrived back at his place he gestured for her to sit at the table. She saw him take a thin object and saw a part of it open up like a book but sideways. He then touches something now revealed area for a minute or two then placed it in front of her and swung it around. "Here you go the blue print of city hall where she would likely have it." Twilight looked at the imaged before her. It was indeed a blueprint of a building.

"Such an amazing device." She commented.

"What you haven't seen a laptop before?"

"Not where I'm from.' She touched a button on a keyboard like thing and saw the image get bigger. "OOOHHHH!" Spirit snickered at her reaction to the laptop.

"I will call my people and have a van come over with various equipment you might need." He left her to her work and made the call for the equipment needed. After a few minutes he hung up and a chirp from his phone made him bring it back out. "Yes KARR?"

<Thought you should no sir that there is more to your guest them seemed. When you left the dog spike behind with me he actually spoke and spoke clearly.>

"Interesting." Spirit looked back in the direction of the kitchen. "Is he aware of your true nature?"

<Negative. I remained quiet and thankfully the organic dog behaved himself and didn't make a mess.>

"Keep your eyes open. I knew something is off about them. I don't think they are a threat but I am curious."

<Affirmative.> KARR signed off and Spirit again looked back at the kitchen and saw Twilight still looking at the screen and finding her way with the laptop as Spike sat next to her side. 'Who are you really Twilight Sparkle? There's something about your bag's icon that seems familiar.'

It was late at night that they began their mission. The plan was simple. Spirit would drop her off at a nearby park and she would use the park to get close to City Hall and break in grab the crown and head back to Spirit. Spike was left behind at the house and Twilight and Spirit were silent as he drove for minutes but then as they neared the drop off point they were interrupted. <Excuse me sir, but something has come up that suggested to abort the mission.> Twilight looked at him with an unsaid question.

"One of my people," he then looked at the radio area. "What's up?"

<The police band is going crazy and several units are heading for City Hall. Apparently there was an attempted break in recently and they are on high alert.> The both look at eachother and think of only one thing. THE CROWN.

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