Repairing the Past

Story by Seigi on SoFurry

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#3 of Cockvore Stories

This story is for my friend nightskyfox that I've been meaning to do for a good year or so now. Whoo poor memory! XD....

Also first time I tried to write cum-transformation in detail(ish), so I hope that came out well.

Sorry for such a long wait dude, and I hope it was worth it! And I'd LOVE to hear any opinions anyone might have that can help me improve!

Characters (c) nightskyfox (On FurAffinity)

Edited by canadiandragon (On SoFurry)

Story length: 21 pages, 12,455 words.

This story contains Gay incest between a Father and Son, along with cock-vore and cum-transformation. If you are not a fan of that sorta stuff, please turn back now. This story contains material not suitable for anyone not above the age of 18+ and anyone not of that age should not be reading this.

Repairing the past

Written by: Seigi

"You sure you're going to be okay?" Sky chuckled softly hearing his brother ask him that same question for the fifth time now.

"I'll be fine, really. Besides," He replied, turning some of his attention back to the game of pandemic two he had going on his computer. "after mom left, dad hasn't been such a pain in the ass like usual. "

There was a brief pause on the other end of the phone, before he heard an annoyed sigh. "And that's the problem. When have you known dad to be like that?"

Even though his brother couldn't see it Sky still shrugged at the question. "Can't remember off hand, but, hey, at least it's better than his constant bitching. "

"Still, be careful alright? If he does anything call me. I seriously don't mind coming down to kick his ass if he lays a hand on you. "

Sky actually stopped playing when he heard that, momentarily distracted enough to not mumble under his breath about Madagascar closing its borders before his disease could get to it, again, and practically scoffed at the comment.

"Rai, you know I can take care of myself right?"

"I know, Sky, I know. I just had to deal with that prick for a lot longer than you have. Can't help looking out for my little brother. Oh hey, did you get that file I sent you?"

"Yeah," Sky said, pausing his game and moving his cursor over to a small animated arrow near the clock of his computer. "Started downloading the video a few minutes ago, and it just got to fifteen percent done. "

The playful chuckle on the other end of the phone caused a grin to creep along Sky's face. "Well I hope it makes up me not being able to make it to your birthday today. Next time I'm over, though, you'll get your real gift. "

"Oh really? Well if that's the case can't wait till you get back here then. "

"Heh, I have a feeling you're gon- shit hold on. " For a moment all he could hear was the mumbled voice of his brother and several other people talking something he couldn't make out. And then Rai returned, seeming slightly irritated from whatever happened.

"Sorry Sky, I gotta get going. Happy birthday dude, and hope the rest of your day goes well. "

"Thanks bro. You take care okay?" With a brief farewell the call ended and Sky put his cell phone next to his keyboard, checking on the download his brother sent before going back to his game.

After a quick new game, once he realized there was no chance for him to win, Sky occasionally checked on the file's progress. While time slowly ticked by he watched the rectangular bar fill up at a snail's pace. Half an hour of watching his disease fail to infect the world went by Sky checked to see if the file went through, only to find forty percent of it downloaded so far.

"Damn crappy internet," he muttered, leaning back in his chair. Growing fairly bored, and irritated, at his game Sky tilted his head back and closed his eyes with a sigh. It wasn't _all_that bad his friends were busy with other things to hang out today (though they did manage to wish him a happy birthday), or that his brother was dealing with something several states away.

He did have the house all to himself while his father was at work. And while he was alone for the moment, he took full advantage of wearing his "birthday suit" for the time being.

For several long minuets he stayed like that, taking in the strangely liberating feeling of being nude without the worry of anyone walking in on him; at least until his father came home. When he finally opened his eyes, scratching an itch on his trim stomach, Sky checked on the file once more.

Surprisingly enough he found it had reached almost eighty percent. With every second the numbers rose at a faster pace than before, thankful his internet managed to pull the stick out of its metaphorical ass and was working like it should. It wasn't long before what was sent finally got to go through.

"Well hello," he said grinning, as he clicked 'open' on the file, and his media player program started up. And it only grew bigger still once the video started. Sitting in a fairly barren room, save for a few boxes set aside to one corner and a bed pressed against the wall opposite of them, was a shirtless hybrid canine he knew very well.

Dark brown fur ran up along the ridge of his brother's muzzle, and over his head to cover the upper half of his head, then back down again to his shoulders. Creamy tan fur went down from his lower jaw to his chest and stomach, while a lighter brown covered the rest of his body.

It was kind of funny really, how similar he looked like his german shepherd and fox mixed older brother, albeit being eight years younger than him, and them not being twins.

That wasn't on Sky's mind, however, while he watched Rai stand up and adjust the computer's camera slightly, revealing he was just as naked as his little brother when his impressive, plump, sheath came into view. Any one that didn't know them would have been impressed by Rai's girth - nearly as thick as someone's wrist while soft - and cantaloupe sized nuts.

Seconds after his brother backed up to the centre of the room, there was a knock on the door that made Rai smirk and give a wink towards the camera, and then quickly walk over to the door.

"Well there you are," Rai started as he opened the door for whoever knocked to come in. "I was starting to think you got cold feet. "

"Sorry, Dillon was being a real pain about paying his ren-" Sky easily recognized the simply dressed canine walking into the room as one of his brother's college buddies; a border collie named David. The same one that dropped by on occasion (when their father was away) and messed around with them, greatly enjoying how the two shepherd's "shared" others in their fun.

For a moment Sky idly wondered if it Rai and him would have still been as close as they are now, if the older hybrid never got those enlargement pills all those years ago. Thinking about it now though, even if it wasn't for those pills, and the particular after affects that came from them both Sky and Rai deeply enjoyed, they probably still would have gotten as close as they have thanks to their father.

The short chuckle from David brought the younger sibling back to what was happening on the video.

"Wow... you really seem eager to do this. " He said a few seconds later, eyeing the older hybrid up and down.

"I'm always eager to do what I have planned. " Rai responded with a grin as he took a moment to lock the door. Quickly padding back to the computer he grabbed the chair he was sitting in, and rolled it into the middle of the room.

Sky was already smirking himself when he noticed his brother's cock already stiffening up from whatever he had in mind, making his large sheath - which couldn't even hold itself up to his stomach anymore like Rai's could - look even bigger. From the mischievous grin his brother had, it wasn't at all hard for the younger shepherd to try and figure out what Rai was planning to do.

Just the thought of it sent a shiver up Sky's spine as his tapered cock tip poked free from his sheath. Firmly wrapping a hand around his fuzzy holder, he began to slowly move it up and down while he watched his brother motion the collie to kneel down in front of him.

"What, we're gonna start right away? Not even foreplay first?" David mock-pouted at the hybrid, who only grinned cheekily and let out a lusty growl.

"Oh you'll get plenty of foreplay just doing this. " Without the hindrance of his rolling chair having arms Rai spread his legs open wide for his friend while he, like this brother, stroked his steadily stiffening cock.

"Uh-huh. " The collie smirked.

Sky couldn't help but murr lowly watching Rai use his sheath as a warm fleshlight, of sorts, with each down stroke exposing the head of his cock, and each upstroke causing it to disappear again.

"Well? Are we gonna get started?" With a short nod, David slowly started to strip while Rai watched, stroking his length the entire time.

Tossing his plain white t-shirt onto the floor he went to undo undo the button and sipper of his pants. Pausing briefly, the collie easily swirled around on his heels (due to rarely being one to wear shoes) before pulling his jeans down, and carefully lifting his tail just high enough to hide his soft furred rump. Much like his shirt, David's jeans were soon tossed aside into a crumpled heap on the ground.

"Commando huh? What was that you said about being eager, earlier?" Rai murred softly at the two round black and white cheeks in front of him.

David didn't seem to pay any heed to what the hybrid said; instead he simply turned back around, one hand rubbing along his swelling half black and white sheath. Moving towards his friend, the collie knelt down between Rai's legs and quickly found himself face to face with the still growing sheppy dick.

Eagerly stroking his shaft faster while the video continued, Sky groaned softly as that familiar member easily grew past ten inches, with no sign of stopping yet. His ears twitched hearing his brother moan not long after David attended to his pulsing need, nuzzling tenderly into the pillar of flesh. Once a black furred hand reached for his cock, the older sibling took his hand away to let the collie go to work.

For several minutes Sky watched David lick and stroke and nuzzle the massive member, trying to do what he could to pleasure every inch along the foot long canine cock. Soon enough he took to nursing the shepherd's thick glands, finding it to be a mouthful in itself without having Rai bucking in his seat every so often. What he couldn't fit between his lips the collie pumped eagerly with both hands, ignoring his own very stiff erection as small beads of pre dripped from its tip.

With each minute that passed, David carefully worked himself down the few first inches of shepherd cock. Unfortunately for the border collie and Sky, the older sibling pulled David off his shaft. Holding the throbbing spire in one hand, Rai grasped the back of David's head with the other and guided his friend's muzzle towards his cock tip, and started to grind the pointed dripping head against his nose.

Sky let out a quiet moan in time with his brother when one particularly hard thrust sent pulsing length sliding clear around the David's nose and mouth, muzzling the collie quiet effectively with his tapered tip. Another firm push saw to the stretched cock head easily engulfing the entire black and white muzzle.

With a low murr Sky leaned down to lap at the pre covered head of his near two foot dick while he watched David slowly getting pulled further into the older hybrid's hungry member. It wasn't long before the pre-come lined cock lips slid over the collie's eyes and started to work itself over his skull, while Sky easily engulfed several inches of his member and bobbed his muzzle up and down.

Thick droplets of pre-come rolled across his tongue, only swallowing with a shudder after enough had built up in his maw, as he stared glassy-eyed at Rai's stretched cock inch itself over David's shoulders. Every minute that passed Sky's pleasure rose while the collie was stuffed up to his trim stomach into the throbbing pillar of flesh.

Intensely watching those wiggling hips being drawn in, the slick urethra engulfing the black and white legs and not long after his groin, Sky moved a hand down to squeeze his swelling knot. A few seconds later his older brother reached down to softly run a hand along the outlines of his friend within his dick, with a shaky moan.

Sky was slightly surprised by David's reaction once his hips were drawn into Rai's shaft, from how he was wriggling around more than usual. With how often the border collie ended up filling either of the sibling's dicks (or both at the same time when the sheppy's wanted to play a kinky version of 'tug-o-war') the younger hybrid assumed David must have been fairly pent up before this started. His assumption was proven right as the collie's body locked up, before thrashing around inside the massive fleshy tube, thin dribbles of come seeping out from Rai's cock and dripping onto the floor below.

What lumps he made in that ravenous dick shifted, some stretching out slightly, as he rode out his climax; and in turn causing Rai to grasp the sides of his chair hard. Leaning his head back the older sibling muttered something under his breath as he watched his friend thrash around in his obscenely stretched length. Though the younger hybrid wasn't able to hear it, it didn't take much to tell his brother was fighting the verge to climax himself.

It wasn't long before Sky himself was breathing hard through his nose as he nursed his length, staying on the very edge of release as long as he could. With one swift movement Rai grabbed his friend's feet and shoved down, letting his cock fully engulf the collie.

That was all Sky could take, hearing his brother let out a satisfied groan and watching the bulge of David's body travel down the swollen shaft with ease; the older sheppy's sac soon swelling out with the collie's still squirming body.

Letting out a strained muffled moan Sky squeezed his knot tight while his other hand flew up and down his pulsing shaft. And as his brother leaned back, panting hard, the younger sheppy found his muzzle flooded with thick, salty, gouts of come.

Barely managing to swallow the first torrent of seed, Sky had little choice but pull his head back with a gasp as a second heavy rope splashed against his jaw. A third followed moments later, although not as large as the first two still easily coated his chest, while the over sized dribble of seed that came after seemed to signal the end of his climax. Through half closed eyes he watched the last of the video play on.

Rai was still trying to catch his breath, murring lowly as he stroked the outlines of David in his brown furred scrotum. Every little movement the collie made seemed to make some part of Rai's body twitch while he tried to compose himself.

Once he finally did, Rai carefully rolled his chair towards the computer.

"Hope you enjoyed the show little bro," he said grinning, the faintest sound of moaning and soft gurgles from his sac caused Sky's shaft to twitch at the thought of what was happening inside, before his brother continued.

"I know we certainly enjoyed making it. And don't worry, next time I'll let you turn him into a hot load to let loose. Him and some friends of his that are curious about what we can do. Happy birthday bro. " With that the video stopped, leaving Sky in the silence of this room, half covered in cooling sheppy spunk and grinning to himself.


He wasn't sure when he had fallen asleep after that, waking up hours later to the sound of someone honking a car horn outside.

Stretching out, he immediately stopped feeling something wrong with his fur and glanced down to see what was wrong. Seeing large sections of dried fur all across his chest, stomach - and what he could feel on his neck - reminded him of the mess he made from his brother's video.

It wasn't the first time this happened, Sky thought as he got up. Sure rubbing one out like that felt great, but cleaning up for someone his size could be a real chore at times.

A quick glance over to the digital clock on his bed side dresser and he let out a soft sigh. His father was going to be gone for a few more hours before coming home. Though he could easily stay nude while his dad was in the house, he learned years ago it's just less of a headache to not do it.

With an end to his nudest streak coming soon, Sky gathered some clothes from his dresser and padded out into the hallway, before he headed down past a flight of stairs and to the bathroom. If only he had managed to wake up sooner, before the sun started to go down and made the inside of the house dark enough to need the hall light to be turned on. A quick flick of the switch in the bathroom and momentarily blinked his eyes from the sudden flood of light. Tossing his clothes onto the counter, he wasted little time getting the water warmed up to a temperature he liked and stepped inside.

After sliding the door closed Sky simply stood under the cascading water, relaxing in the warm heat that flowed around him. Minutes passed as he hung his head and let the heat soak into his body. With a low sigh he backed out of the stream enough for his face to stop being pelted, wiped away the extra water on his head before grabbing a bottle of shampoo. Liberally squirting a large glob of greenish gel into one hand, he began to scrub it into the clumped up fur on his chest while setting the bottle back on the small shelf that hung from the shower head.

Short blunt nails easily cut through the sticky of fur on his body, while the soapy suds did their work of cleaning away the remnants of dried come. Once he ensured his chest, arms and neck was sufficiently free of his essence, the hybrid moved on to his stomach and lower body; especially focusing on the water clogged sheath between his legs. Every little rub and caress of his hands against the fuzzy tube sent a tingle of pleasure up his spine. Reaching down, he did the same to his heavy sac. Even after the volume of his recent climax, those large nuts still felt chock-full of seed.

For a brief moment the thought of rubbing one out crossed his mind, but was just as quickly dismissed. Just the time alone to clean up after himself, and what he'd have to deal with in his room wouldn't be worth it. With that Sky spent only a few more minutes to scrub himself down, before rinsing the shampoo out of his fur and shutting the water off. A thorough pat down later with a thick towel that had been hanging off of the shower door, the fox/shepherd hybrid stepped out of the tub and dressed himself in his clean clothes before he went towards the door, towel in hand.

Sky was just about to head to his room until he passed the stairway, a familiar cough from his right catching his attention causing him to turn. Four steps below him stood his father, gripping the railing tight in his left hand.

Fuck. He got home early.

"You... " The older, pure bred, shepherd's voice was slurred as he spoke, eyes slightly glazed over as he stared up at the younger canine. For a very brief moment Sky wondered why his father was wobbling in place, until he saw a quarter filled beer bottle in his free hand - a new habit his father took on some time after his wife left him. And then the older canine began to make his way up the stairs.

Sky didn't bother moving. It would only make things worse; it always did. Instead the smaller sheppy stood his ground. Though, when his father reached the top step, Sky considered giving his father a push backwards. After all, who would miss him? Everyone at his work barely tolerated him. Sky and his brother hated him for years, and their mother made one hell'va scene when she finally had enough, and packed up and left.

Who's to say their father didn't just slip and fall after coming home drunk? Just a little push and years of being yelled at and hit would be over... Before he could even fully decide to act on his thoughts, his father was already lifting both arms into the air. And then they were wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to the older dog's blue cloth covered chest.

Sky froze once it finally hit him his old man was hugging him.Hugging him. He couldn't even remember the last time his father did that when he was just a kid! Minutes passed as he was held like that, the older shepherd's grip tightening around him. Sky didn't even notice his dad began shaking softly, until he felt something wet start to mat down the fur on the back of his neck.

Was he actually crying? This man, the very man Sky grew up with and only knew for just making other people miserable, was... crying? Not sure of exactly what to do Sky's body acted on its own, one arm moving around the other canine's body and slowly patted his back.

Ages seemed to pass before the older shepherd pulled away from his son, wet streaks from his tear ducts running down the white fur of his face. With his dad's face so close to his own, Sky could easily smell of alcohol on his breath. That wasn't on his mind when the other canid began to speak.

"Sky, I... after everything I've done... I'm sorry. "

"You're... sorry?" Sky repeated slowly, staring at his father in disbelief. Never in his life did the younger shepherd think he'd hear his father say that, and for it to sound so sincere as well... maybe on some level he should have been happy to hear it, but all that came out of his throat was a low growl.

"You're sorry? Really? Why the fuck are you sorry now, after the years of crap you put me and Rai through?!" Sky snapped, pulling away from his father's arms, the anger towards the older male he bottled up over the years rose up within him as he went on.

"You never were when you yelled and us, trying to make us feel like crap! Or when you started hitting Rai; you weren't sorry then! And you weren't when you started hitting me either, so why the fuck would you be now, Morris? Hell, just what kind of parent are you to do all that crap to our own kids?" Sky watched as Morris opened his mouth to answer, but fell silent as he stared at his son.

The younger shepherd wasn't surprised by his father's silence. What did throw him off however, was the look of familiarity to what was going on and regret in the older dog's eyes. He didn't understand_why_ though. After all the years of abuse his brother dealt with, Rai never once went and yelled back. He always took it and never did much more than that.

"I... I... " Morris started, trying to grasp for the right words to say in his current state. That interruption from the short silence brought Sky back out of his thoughts.

"I what? I'm a jackass? I'm an asshole? I'm a pathetic excuse for a father? Honestly, just fuck off. I don't want to hear it. " Sky growled deeply before he turned, stepping towards his room without giving his father a chance to respond. It wasn't until he closed the door and locked it, that Sky heard his father calling after him.

With a deep, irritated, sigh he ignored the sounds of his father and moved to the small bed across from him; grabbing his phone on the way, Sky punched in the combination to unlock it as he laid down. The older canid continued to call him, even knocking on the door several times, while Sky pulled up his brother's number and sent the older shepherd hybrid a text message to distract from the pure breed banging on his door. The sounds from his father only stopped several minutes afterwards, some time before Rai finally responded.

_ Rai: Hey lil bro. You doing alright? _

_ Sky: Meh was okay _ The younger shepherd replied, still brooding over what his father had said. And in the time that passed waiting for his brother to respond, the heated anger he felt at the foot of the stairs began to slowly wane; though not enough to end his irritable mood.

_ Rai: Let me guess dad? What he do now? _

_ Sky: Nothing really. Just something he said. _

_ Rai: So what did he say? _

_ Sky: Well... he /apologized/ for you know all the crap he's done. And that was after he hugged me! _

_ Rai: You're shitting me what, was he drunk or something? _

_ Sky: He was. Asshole got into drinking after mom left _ His older brother's next response took longer than before he got it; the irritation he felt now nothing more than a mild annoyance towards what happened in the hallway.

_ Rai: Hold on you're telling me he started drinking and you didn't think of telling me that? Do you know how /stupid/ that is Sky? You've seen what he's like sober, who the hell knows what he's like drunk! For Christ sake why didn't you tell me he started drinking?! _

_ Sky: I would have said something if anything happened but so far this is the first time I've run into him when he's drunk. Hell usually when he has come home like this he doesn't really do much. At least I haven't heard him do much. _

_ Rai: Dude it doesn't matter! You didn't know what he could have done hell he could have sent you to the hospital for all you know! _

_ Rai: Still... you said he doesn't really do much when he's drunk right? What if he's like a quiet drunk or something? _

_ Rai: There was a guy I knew for a while during my freshmen year that was like that. Dude had enough drinks to get buzzed and kinda went off to be alone. Maybe if you know ddad gets drunk he stops being the asshole he usually is. _

_ Rai: *Dad. Damn phone lag. Anyway, with mom leaving maybe he's starting to realize he's gonna end up being alone. Might be hard to believe but he couldve been telling the truth dude _

Sky snorted at the last bit as he typed up a reply.

_ Sky: So what do you want me to do just accept his apology and pretend everything he's done never happened? _

_ Rai: Honestly I don't know. I still don't like him all that much but after being away from him for so long I can't help feeling sorry forem. I can't say what you should do dude that's all up to you. _

The sound of something crinkling against wood caught the hybrid's attention and made him turn his head. Looking over at the door he spied an envelope that had been slid under the wooden frame.

"What does he want now?" He mumbled with a sigh. Sitting up, Sky set his phone down and went towards the door. Picking it up off the floor, he found it wasn't sealed and pulled out a small scribbled letter that was inside.

It was several hours later after the envelope was put under his door that Sky found himself halfway down the stairs. He stopped short of the last step to peer around the corner into the kitchen. At the long, empty, table in the middle of the room sat Morris who was staring into his beer bottle, now empty of the liquor that had been in it when he got home.

'Can't believe I'm going to do this,' Sky thought as he got off the stairs and stepped into the kitchen. The elder dog's ears twitched when he heard the creek of the floor boards behind him; turning to look over his shoulder Morris straightened himself, tail going still as he saw his son.

"I didn't think you'd come down here. "

"Yeah well, don't think I'm down here from the hundred you put with that letter. " Sky said flatly, moving towards the stove and leaned against it.

"No, no... that was a gift for your birthday. " His father replied lowly as he went back to staring at the amber coloured glass in his hands.

Minutes went by as an awkward silence fell between them; the sound of their breathing and the ticking of a near by clock filling the house.

"So," Sky started once he couldn't take it anymore "what do you want?"

"What do I want?" The pure bred repeated to himself. Though his father still seemed mildly tipsy, he didn't sound as drunk as he had been earlier.

"I could ask to be forgiven all I want for what I've done, but why should I be? Hell, am I even worth being given a second chance to make up for the things I did?"

Sky simply scoffed at the notion as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Second chance huh? Just what would you do if I_did_ want to do that?"

"I don't know. Anything?"

"Really? That's hard to believe. " The younger shepherd started. Pushing himself off the stove he took a few steps forwards before he continued. "How 'bout you tell me something then, why have you always been so pissed at me and Rai? Why have you yelled at us so much? Even taking to hitting us! Just... why? What the hell did we do to deserve it?!"

Morris stopped himself from saying something, more out of not knowing what to say than anything.

"I never meant to do any of that to you two... When it first happened after Rai did something I can't even remember, I was just... so angry with him; I didn't hit him, but after yelling at him I remember being so angry at myself for what I did. And I was still angry when he did something else a couple days later, and that just made how I felt worse. He was a child, I knew he didn't know the difference between doing something good or bad at that age, and I just... kept getting angry whenever he did something bad. It just kept piling up. He did something wrong, I yelled at him and got angry at myself, and took it out on him when he did something wrong again. Then the whole thing just started all over. "

The older canine let out a deep sigh as he gripped the amber bottle tight in his hands. "After that... I just started to feel angry at every little thing. Really wish I could change what I did in the past. Hell," he huffed "I wish I didn't turn out like my father. "

"So what, he was a complete asshole too?" Sky asked nonchalantly. Morris didn't even bat an eye to his son's comment as he smirked.

"So I'm just an asshole huh? Guess I managed to somehow do better than my old man. Anyway, no he wasn't an asshole; he was actually worse. Compared to him I look like a damned good parent. "

"Sounds like he's a real nice guy. " Morris smirked a little at his son's sarcasm.

"Oh yeah he really was," the pure bred added "But the divorce with your mother didn't help things. The things she said before leaving... God, it felt like she went and ripped out my heart. She was right too. And everything she said was true. Every single word of it. Guess I just needed her to show me how much like my father I became. "

With a grunt Morris pushed his chair back and stood up before making his way to the kitchen sink, just a handful of feet away from where his son stood.

"After that I've just been doing a lot of thinking about my own actions and what I could have done differently. More so with how I dealt with how, uh, inadequate I felt around you and Rai. "

Sky's ears perked up a little as he shifted his weight onto one foot. "Oh?"

The older shepherd let out a single cough, barely glancing over at his son for a moment, and Sky could almost swear Morris was blushing under his fur. "Well, yeah. I mean you two and just....huge down there. "

"Wait w-what?" The younger sheppy stammered out, not sure what else to say himself, while his dad nodded in response.

"I know, I know, it's a really stupid reason, but I don't even stack up to average guys. Being around you two just made me feel like I was just lacking as a male. For the longest time I didn't know how you boys got to big so fast, until I found that "growth enhancement" bottle in the trash when you two were at school, years ago. "

"So if you knew about that stuff, why didn't you get any for yourself?" Sky asked while Morris set his bottle into the sink.

"Heh, you think I didn't consider that? Tried to order me a bottle of that stuff that same day, but as luck would have it the people that made it were closed down for putting some sorta illegal crap into the pills. Believe me I spent hours trying to get my hands on what you and Rai took. Must've spent a couple hundred dollars on other "growth pills", and those didn't work for shit. "

"Guess Rai got lucky when he bought'em" Sky replied with a shrug.

"Looks like it. " Was all the older dog replied with.

Both canines stopped talking soon after, neither knowing what they should say next, until Sky let out sigh as he moved away from the stove.

"So, you really want a second chance right?" the hybrid started, getting his father's attention as the older shepherd turned to face him. "Alright, I'm willing to do that for you, but you gotta be willing to stop with the yelling and crap, okay?"

The younger canine couldn't react fast enough to his dad moving towards him and pulling him into a tight hug. Sky might not have been used to this type show of affection from Morris, but he never expected the gently nuzzling into his neck that came soon after.

"I might not be able to change how I act overnight, but I promise I'll try to be a better father. " The older canid said softly after letting go of his son. "Thank you for giving me a second chance. "

"From reading your letter, it was at least worth hearing what you had to say. "

"Still... thank you... again," Morris repeated.

"You know," Sky started after a few minutes of silence, more out of curiosity to a response "I would have assumed a father would be proud of his sons being bigger than him?"

Morris seemed to blush a little, again, as he responded. "Well that's the thing, I am proud, but at the same time I'm also Jealous of you two. Like I said earlier I'm on the small side myself, and have always wished I was a bit bigger. "

The hybrid simply smirked to himself. "Yeah, Rai and I got that a lot when we were in the locker rooms at school; either some guys were impressed, or others were jealous. "

"I bet. " Morris replied as he scratched the back of his neck. "So... ummm... now that we're, you know, talking I've always been curious... just how, uhh, big are you?"

"About two feet. " Sky said nonchalantly, as if it was a subject he talked about on a daily basis. And technically speaking that was true. Practically every day during his time in school nearly every guy in the P. E. locker room wanted to see how big he was, simply because they never believed him when he told them.

From the look on his father's face this was, once again, another time he'd have to prove it.

"You're kidding me... Can I... Could I see it?" At first the hybrid couldn't help grinning wide to such a request, and shortly after let out a hearty chuckle that left the older dog confused.

'Every time,' Sky thought as he went to undo the button of his jeans, then he slowly pulled down the zipper. 'Every single time they always ask to see. '

And while he contemplated the unlikely idea of all those guys up to now secretly being gay (or at least bisexual) he gripped both underwear and pants he had on, before pushing those down just past his rump. The look on his father's face as watched that cream coloured plump sheath and heavy sac came into view reminded the younger shepherd of the first time he did showed off how size to David.

"Jesus... " Morris whispered, gawking at what was attached to his son's crotch for the first time.

"Yeah and guess what, I'm bigger than Rai. " Sky said proudly with a toothy grin. Though he didn't hear what his father silently mouthed, it didn't take much to assume the elder shepherd had said "holy shit", as Sky moved a hand down to cup just one of his over sized testicles.

A shiver ran through the hybrid's body as he wrapped two fingers and a thumb around his sheath, then carefully began to move his hand up and down the softened length inside. There was always something so.... thrilling about being watched like this, by someone who has never seen anyone as big as him. Maybe it was the fascination they all seemed to have while as inch after thick inch slid out into the cool air.

Once only a couple minutes had passed five inches of his cock had stiffened up. After four, nearly eleven inches made itself known; by then Sky was using both hands to attend to his growing need. One to stroke the majority of his dick, while the other rhythmically squeezed just above his soft knot. After a measly ten minutes went by the hybrid's dick stood tall at its full length, throbbing proudly in front of the one who helped bring its owner into the world.

While Morris took in the sight of what he has been jealous of for years - though for once not showing a hint of it this time - Sky realized he was starting to enjoy being in the same room as his dad. Not because of what he was currently doing, but because it had been a very long time since the pure bred wasn't yelling at him or throwing something at him out of anger.

Those thoughts were quickly dismissed as Morris took several steps forwards, one hand reaching out for the thick shaft.

"Holy... you weren't kidding. " He said after stopping inches in front of his son. Being so close to each other, Sky noticed his father was just about to grasp the hyper-sized endowment of his, but hesitated.

"Could I umm... Do you mind if I, you know, touched it?" Sky grinned to himself while he let go of the only support keeping his cock vertical, and watched it crane forwards to rest against Morris's chest.

"By all means, go ahead. I haven't stopped anyone else before when they asked. "

With such free reign Morris hesitated briefly before finally grasping the warm shaft and prying it off his body, finding his fingers barely wrapped fully around its girth. Feeling his father's other hand do the same just above his sheath, the hybrid let out a soft murr while the semi-rough hand-pads rubbed across his firm member. Sky didn't know if his father realized the way his hands moving across his cock was similar to the way someone would stroke one, but he didn't feel like point that out. Not from how it felt letting someone else handle his over sized monster.

Carefully Morris would let one hand go down to examine the contours to the lower half of Sky's manhood, even going to letting a finger dip into his sheath, while the other stayed just under his swollen head. A quick glance down when he felt that lower hand shift to cup one of his hefty nuts, and the hybrid noticed something he didn't expect.

There was a small bulge tenting out the front of his pants.

He was certainly going to mention that. Well, he was but all that came out was a surprised gasp when something warm and slightly wet go across his pointed tip. Looking back up he caught the sight of his father's tongue dragging itself across his cock head once more, licking up bead of pre that started to form. And then he did it again, this time slower than before. The hybrid really wasn't sure what to do while the older shepherd repeated his action again, save for shuddering from the pleasure it brought.

Maybe it was the alcohol that had brought this on (even if Sky didn't object to it), but looking at his father's face told a different story. He may have looked more sobered up than when the half-breed shepherd came into the kitchen, his eyelids were partially closed, and eyes slightly glazed over. Almost like he wasn't all there.

For a split second he as he watched that tongue slide over his glands again, he got the urge to lean forwards and assist his old man. Without a second thought that's just what he did. A few steps forwards to keep from loosing his balance, Sky lapped at what part of his swollen glands his father wasn't, timing each lick in time with Morris's.

He definitely never would have guessed he'd be doing such a thing with the man he loathed for a good portion of his life (so far), but at the same time there really was something about it that made him not care at the moment. For the time being he let himself enjoy the pleasant sensations coursing through him. While they continued, Sky closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, nose twitching as the smell of his musky scent started to rise between them and filling the air along with the soft sounds of tongues tending to the younger shepherd's throbbing need.

The only thing that really proved to be a slight distraction was the occasional swipe of Morris's tongue against his own when their heads were tilted to one side or the other. Even when time went on and it happened two other times Sky didn't pay any heed to it. But it was only a good three minutes later until his eyes shot open. However it happened he wasn't sure, but when his shaft throbbed between their tongues there was a moment when there was nothing was there and then he found his muzzle pressed against his father's, Morris's tongue suddenly rubbing against the roof and walls of his maw.

In that moment the smaller canine felt his blood run cold while his father pushed firmer against his lips, body frozen in shock to what was happening. Not because his father was kissing him like this, he had already gotten used to doing things like this with his own brother, but from how gentle his old man was being. It never occurred to the hybrid that Morris could even be this gentle.

Ages seemed to by like that until Morris pulled away, leaving both with the need to breathe and his son conflicted about how he felt towards his father. Was this really the same man he grew up with? The same man he thought of pushing down the stairs?

"I- I'm sorry," the pure bred murmured as his ears lowered to the back of his skull, averting his eyes and looking down between them; his hands lay still along the massive shaft. "I didn't mean to do that. "

Sky didn't say anything for several long moments, trying to process the feelings going through him. What should he even respond with from that kiss? It didn't feel like some accidental drunken kiss. No. It felt like what someone would give to their lover! He might have messed around with Rai ever now and then, but to get kissed like that from the man he hated for so long...

"No, no it's okay. " He finally said at least. "That was actually... kinda nice. I didn't know you would uhh, do that with a guy. "

Morris grinned sheepishly and nodded. "Heh, yeah. During my college days I used to fool around with a buddy of mine, but that was a long time ago. "

Clearing his throat Morris gingerly pushed the big dick in his hands back to his son. "Anyway, that's a very impressive cock. Must be hard finding someone willing to try and handle that thing. "

"Actually there's a lot of stuff other people can do with it. " Sky chuckled, wrapping both hands around his length as it gave a pleasant throb. "Could do what we did, or let someone grind against it. Or even let someone fuck it if they want. "

"Really? Wouldn't that hurt?" A low growl rose in the smaller sheppy's throat while his left hand stroked the lower half of his shaft.

"Uh-uh. Feels amazing; same goes if I do it to someone else, but that tends to end in uhh," Sky trailed off.

The older dog's ears perked up a little hearing that. "End in what?"

"Well, those pills Rai bought kind of have a couple side effects to them, aside from getting a bigger dick. It's gonna sound like I'm just bullshitting, but Rai and I found two ways we could actually make other people's junk bigger too. "

Morris said nothing at first, but soon a grind crossed his face as he let out a short laugh. "Oh really? I'm definitely going to need a demonstration on that!"

"Heh, yeah that's the thing. One of the ways involves me fucking your cock, but I don't think yours would be able to stretch around mine that easily. Not without something tearing, that is. And the other way... I don't think you'd like it. "

"How do you know I wont like it if I don't know what it is?"

With a shrug Sky held out a hand. "If you really wanna know, give me your hand. Doesn't matter which. "

Doing what he was told Morris offered up his right hand, which Sky took with a firm grasp and moved it over of his cock. Using his other hand to take hold of his own member, just under the head, and began rubbing the pre dampened tip along the older canine's fingers and palm. From how worked up he was getting from all this, and how productive he became from those pills, pre-come dribbled rather freely only to be soaked into the fur and skin of the pure bred.

The puzzled expression only lasted a few moments once his furred digits and palm where sufficiently coated in the thick slime, and Sky carefully squeezed his fingers and thumb together before pushing them against the moist opening of his urethra. Thanks to years of practice with his brother and friends, Morris's fingers easily slid into the hot, moist, flesh up to the knuckles, leaving his father letting out a muted gasp while he watched his son's shaft pulse taking in a good half inch more of his hand. Another tug saw to another inch of his hand sinking deeper into that hard appendage, and a pleased sigh leaving the hybrid's lips.

"W-what is this? What's happening?" Morris demanded, not out of anger or panic, but from not understanding what was going on. As those 'lips' of the smaller shepherd's cock reached the older dog's wrist, Sky carefully pulled his father's hand away from him while shifting his hips backwards. With an audible wet _'plop'_and a shaky groan Morris's hand was pulled free.

"That," Sky gasped out "was the second way to me and Rai can make other guys have bigger dicks. Whatever those pills did lets us literally pull someone into our cocks, and then into our balls. From what I can guess our come does something to whoever is in there and helps'em grow. "

"How is that... possible?" His father asked as he stared at his pre covered hand. Whether his question was rhetorical or not, Sky gave a brief shrug and answered it nonetheless.

"Beats me. Maybe it had something to do with those chemicals you mentioned? Who knows. "

"So... if you didn't pull my hand out... "

"I could have kept pulling you in until you were in my sac. "

Morris was silent for a short while, not taking his eyes away from his hand for a moment before he spoke again.

"Does it... hurt?" Sky was a bit taken back by the question, but couldn't help the smirk that crossed his muzzle.

"Are you kidding? Hell no! It's the best thing I've ever felt! I mean, the only other thing that feels just as good is feeling people squirming around in my-"

"That's not what I meant" the pure bred shepherd interrupted "I mean, the people that get pulled in... does it hurt for them? How do they get out?"

"Well, I haven't gotten a complaint about it before so I don't think it hurts them. Really the handful of people that experienced it talked about how good it felt for'em. As for getting out I just need to get off. There's not much to it, really. I rub one out and out they come. "

"If can do that, could you do it to me? I mean, I've always wanting to be bigger, and since those pills aren't being made any more I don't know much else to do about it. "

Even if he was rather enjoying this nicer side of his father, there was a brief thought that popped into his head that made him hesitate going the one thing he fantasied about - though under entirely different circumstances - on several different occasions.

"I don't think a good idea. I mean, what you did was great, but lets face it you're drunk. By tomorrow you'll probably forget everything you said today, or freak out once you sober up and go back to your usual screaming and yelling. "

Morris actually looked a bit hurt once the last word the hybrid said hit his ears. Before Sky realized it his father had reached out and grasped his shoulders firmly and pulled him close. "I know I've been an asshole, but Sky do you remember me ever breaking a promise?"

Sky heard a low rumble rise in his father's chest as the older shepherd ground his body against the still rigid pole. "Besides_I_ suggested it. And if your cock being around me feels as good as it did with my hand, I don't think I'd have a reason to break my promise. "

"If you're going to be this stubborn about it," Sky shrugged "then... I guess there's no convincing you otherwise huh?"


"You sure you want to go through with this? I wont be asking again. " Sky said as he knelt down at his father's feet. Morris nodded sheepishly, a tint of red in his cheeks peeking through while his son took hold of his shaft and angled it downwards to his feet. After several minutes of taking about what would happen during the initial part of what would happen, Sky directed his father to take his clothes off and lie down on his back. He went on to explain that though clothes wouldn't exactly stop the process, but it would slow it down considerably. Not to mention that although the cloth added a pleasant sensation, it was fairly difficult getting them back out afterwards.

Once his father disrobed fully, Sky got a better understanding to why his old man would be jealous about him and his brother being so big. Looking like he was already fully erect the older shepherd couldn't have been more than three and a half inches long, maybe four. And he wasn't very thick to boot.

So without pushing it off any longer Sky took hold of one of his father's feet and pressed his dripping tip against those short, blunt clawed, toes. One by one they slipped into the wet passage as Sky put a steady pressure behind his hips, until they were all fully engulfed. Looking down at the bulged out head of his cock, skin stretched tightly enough to outline nearly each of the digits.

The experimental wiggle from his father made the hybrid tense and bite his lower lip to keep from gasping. Glancing up he noticed how riveted Morris was, propped up on his elbows to watch, at where their bodies joined. Sky shuddered when Morris stretched his toes out further, no doubt trying to see the extent of how much that hard cock could stretch, as he put more pressure behind his hips to take more of that foot into his length. The sensation of fur rubbing along the sensitive interior walls was always such a delightful feeling no matter how much he did this, save for the wonderful sensation of someone squirming around in his sac.

Another thrust of his hips, another pull of his shaft, and Sky felt the familiar pang of hunger growing within him. It wasn't the same feeling when he had gone without food for half a day trying to hurriedly finish a school project before it was due. It was one he could never find the words to describe, whenever he took someone into his own body, or when he craved stuffing someone down his dick.

Gripping his father's ankle tighter Sky tugged a bit harder on his father's ankle in time with a hard thrust, easily enveloping that foot half way. The pure ecstasy that washed over his body was enough to cause him to moan deeply, eyes rolling up as he let his hips roll back and forth. After 'consuming' so many before his father the hybrid all but mastered the art of cock-voring (a term he found on the internet after discovering there were people that actually fantasied about it either happening to them, or them being able to do it themselves) people; but even with that being the case he learned something over the years.

No matter how often someone got stuffed into his shaft, there were two things that made it difficult for anyone with little experience in doing this. The shoulders, if someone was going down head first, and getting both feet in.

So, like he had once done to David, Sky waited until Morris's foot was tucked in just before the ankle, before he took the other foot in hand and positioned it so the toes were resting on the curve of the right foot. Keeping the left limb still he pushed forwards enough that the 'lips' of his urethra slowly slid over them. By now pre was drooling around the pure breed's body as if it was someone that hadn't eaten anything in days. In a sense that was true, this was the first time in a month since he had 'fed' his monstrously long cock last.

Barely a minute went by before both feet were gone, wedged into the 'hungry' appendage. Placing a hand on the shepherd's knee, Sky was just about to push down on it when he let out a sudden ragged gasp.

"Fah- Fuck!" Apparently Morris, in his semi-drunken state, understood what Sky had planned to do before he did it, and forced his left leg to straighten out effectively getting both legs in at the same length. However, the "Did I do something wrong?" expression Morris had told a different story.

"I'm... I'm okay. " Sky managed to say between breathes of air. Repositioning himself the half-breed shepherd bent forwards so he could grab his father's thighs as he thought back to his experiences with friends that were extremely eager to end up being his next cock-meal.

No matter how hard he thought about it (which was actually becoming hard to do with each passing second as his lust rose), none of them had done something like that!

Feeling soaked fur rubbing all over the inside of his shaft as he pulled back, tickling the very opening of his urethra in the process, Sky moaned as he drove his hips forwards again in time with a hard throb, taking his father's legs in just to the beginning of his thighs. A delightful rush caused the fur on his neck stand on end, and tail poof out a little, at the thought of someone helping him wedge them into his raging arousal.

Even if his father wasn't actively trying to push himself down that slimy tube currently stretching over the thick muscles of his legs, the thought helped spur the younger shepherd's lust to new heights. Getting his tip over the widest part of Morris's legs, Sky began to work his way up to the older dog's hips.

'God this is hot,' Sky thought when he felt a hand touch his shoulder. A glance up and he saw Morris smiling up at him. And so fucking... weird too.

Swallowing a deep breath of air, only to let it out as a deep groan with a roll of his hips. With every second that passed Sky's cock slowly crept a little further up his father's body, and soon those brown furred thighs were fully engulfed. He paused when he reached Morris's rear, and with the other sheppy's help started to ease himself over the second most troublesome part of cock-voring someone.

After having to make sure his dad's sac was carefully enveloped in his musky warmth flesh so that it didn't pose a problem later, his ears twitched hearing a soft gasp followed by a low _'ohhhhhh'_that made him grin. With another quick thrust Sky's cock began to creep along the sheath of his father's, then the base of that small cock making it jump from the much needed contact.

The older shepherd's slim body provided little resistance once his lower half was tucked away inside the snug confines of the hybrid's hungry arousal. With little else to do now that Morris had little chance to get free, Sky leaned down and wrapped an arm around the older shepherd's neck. Timing his movements just right the shepherd-fox thrust forwards, and used the momentum to push off the ground with his free hand and pull Morris up, until he was vertical and his son was sitting on his haunches.

Now that they were in such a position Sky murred deeply feeling his father sliding down his shaft faster than before, thanks to the aid of gravity. In a mere minute and a half nearly all of Morris's stomach had been claimed by the pulsing rod between Sky's legs, bulged with the contours of the older canine's body. A hard throb left his father surrounded by hot, musky, air for a moment, allowing his body to easily sink down a good three inches before Sky's cock clamped down on him again.

Releasing his hold on Morris, the younger shepherd let his hands roam up and down the underside of his shaft, following the near mold-like shape of his father's muscle definition through his taut length. His father let loose a quivering moan, grinding himself against the inside the arousal devouring him, when those wandering hands reached his ass and gave it a squeeze. Letting one hand linger near the small of the pure breed's back while the other went up to his shoulder.

While he pushed down on Morri's form with his left hand, and let out a growl - even surprising himself with it - before clamping his jaws around the brown shoulder in front of him. He didn't bite down with the force of a lover, or a playful nip between friends or family. He bit down with the force of an alpha. A ruler, a conqueror and owner of the body his cock was making a meal out of.

And though Morris hissed sharply through clenched teeth while he was being forcibly shoved down the throbbing pre-soaked tunnel, he didn't do much beyond what Sky wasn't expecting. He just went limp. No yelling, no pulling away from the hybrid's jaws, or anything of the sort. He simply went limp in his son's hold while the 'lips' of that cock yawned open and took in his chest. With nothing but arms and head free Morris was forced to raise his arms when another tug pulled him down.

Sky didn't let go when his father had to keep his arms held up while the pre coated urethra lips swallowed down his shoulders. It wasn't until his own muzzle begun to sink into his cock with his father that Sky finally let go, a hint of red tingeing a small bit of fur on his upper lip. Moving his hand onto Morris's head both panting males got one last look before Sky put all his strength into shoving his father's head downwards. Two arms were all that remained of the man who helped bring him into this world, and grabbing the pure breed's wrists, the smaller half-breed went to work pushing those, too, into his aching dick as well. In no time at all his arms were slurped down like two noodles, leaving Morris as nothing but an obscene bulge sliding down a slippery, musky, tube.

The outline of his feet disappeared long ago from Sky's cock by the time the pure breed's hips were consumed, working their way through his inner plumbing until they reappeared as bulges along the sides his sac. Soon more of his father began to enter his waiting balls, in turn causing his light brown furred scrotum to stretch out and grow to accommodate the rest of the body.

Following shortly after were a pair of legs that went with the natural curve of the sac until they had to fold up to give more room for the rest of Morris to fit in. Spreading his legs out Sky closed his eyes and let out a rumbling growl as his right hand stroked his shaft right above where his father's hands were. Every so often he'd tighten his grip on a down stroke to aid in pushing Morris down further. With every pulse, every downward pump, Morris was pushed increasingly closer to his fateful destination of the night, while Sky eagerly enjoyed the wonderful sensations his father brought him.

The older dog wriggled a little when he was halfway inside of the hybrid's balls, causing the well stretched ball sac to shift and move; the bulges caused from his limbs rubbing along the inner walls. The absolute bliss that came from such contact was enough to make his toes curl, back arch, and limbs twitch from what he best described as 'mini orgasms' that accompanied each and every movement.

He could already feel his balls working on their new meal, churning with such delicious sounds the half-breed shepherd couldn't help working over his needy cock with a lustful vigour he could only get after being kept on the edge of climax for practically days.

Inside the potent musk filled chamber Morris felt his hands follow after him through a tube above him. Unable to see anything within the tight, dark, damp, place he was deposited in the pure bred shepherd tried to move his arms and legs around. If his son was telling the truth (and given their relationship it was possible he lied) he had to be in those large balls of his.

Morris shuddered at the thought; there was just such a kinky thrill about being taken so completely. To let his son bite him like that, and just being.... owned in such a way made him throb almost painfully hard. Though the musky air, and constant teasing to his cock on his way down to this place didn't help in the slightest either. Not to mention the faint tingling sensation that washed over him after his feet had gone into the sticky pool of - what had to be - semen he currently rested in.

Taking hold of his raging erection Morris took a small moment to readjust how he sat in such a cramped space. Once he found a position he liked, legs opened as wide as he could pushing them against the slick walls, with his head rested back, and his pelvis and stomach submerged in the hot come that filled almost a quarter of the sac. If he closed his eyes and ignored the smell, he would have thought he was at a sauna.

At the moment however, the old dog had no reason to care if he was somewhere else though, as his hand began to stroke along the meagere inches of his rigid malehood. Forcing his head back as he tried to suppress a moan, Morris spent little time on extending the pleasure he felt. While his hand flew back and forth over his cock as fast as he could, he didn't notice the tingling feeling from earlier had gotten stronger like it was enhancing what he felt, and started to worm its way into his body. If he had a bit of light he probably would have noticed how his fur was beginning to turn to a lighter colour, then bleached white before it finally fell off his body into the potent semen he was in. Or how some sank into the broth, while the rest seemed to all but dissolve away.

If he wasn't so focused on how he felt between his legs he even would have noticed he couldn't feel his tail anymore, and it was becoming increasingly harder to keep his feet planted in one spot. His own movements, too, caused the spunk he sat in to splash up to coat his chest and muzzle.

"Oh fuck!" Morris panted out into the sweltering heat after his free arm gave out under him and he was submerged in his son's essence. He accidentally swallowed a mouthful of the stuff as he resurfaced. The warmth from it spreading throughout his body and a rush of ecstasy that hit him like a bullet train afterwards practically making him go over the edge.

Still rigorously pumping his cock even as he found it harder to stay above the surface each passing second, Morris's eyes rolled back into his head when another mouthful of semen passed his lips and down his throat. Breaking the surface once more he tried to moan, only to find himself able to make unintelligible gurgling noises as he sank under the waves of come.

Though he should have been worried about what was happening to him he couldn't help but find himself in constant bliss, even after his climax hit. Under the thick seed he twitched and spasmed with each pulse of his cock, sticky ropes of his seed adding to his son's own mess; and while he felt his body relax the last remaining air in his lungs left him as his body was fully broken down into hybrid come.

Sky, on the other hand, took to laying down on his back, cock resting on his torso as he used both hands to rub and massage along every inch, after he watched the bulges of his father begin to round out until his balls were smooth once again. A satisfied smug crossed his face when he felt Morris start to move around more actively, and the wonderful gurgling and sloshing noises....

He shivered replaying the sounds in his head over and over with a shaky moan. His cock pulsed hard above him, more rapidly with each stroke, as the hole of his urethra yawned open and a hazy cream-white blob of pre drooled out onto his neck. Rolling over onto his side Sky tightened his grip around his dick and pumped faster, feeling his sac tense and pull up to his body.

'Just a few more.... ' The hybrid thought as he closed his eyes tight. The pressure building within him kept climbing while he gasped out rapidly for breath. Then it hit him hard enough to almost knock the wind out of him.

In one brilliant instant his sac pulled up to his body as much as it could, throbbing in time with his dick, as a truly massive torrent of come burst from the tip. The first rope had such volume and speed behind it, that when it hit the leg to one of the dinning room chairs the chair itself toppled over. A second jet of come closely followed the first and hit the fallen chair on the underside of the seat, forcing the furniture to move several feet away. Then a third volley hit the door to the kitchen sink, while a forth hit the door to the dishwasher. Sky came close to holding his breath, teeth clenched hard enough he thought they'd break, while he pumped his gargantuan cock and milked it for everything he had left in his balls to offer. Seven mind shattering minutes ticked by as the gooey remains of his father was shot free to join in the wet puddle covering a quarter of the kitchen floor.

By the time he had finally finished, cock oozing out leftover shepherd cream with a few final strokes, Sky finally had a chance to breathe without it being ripped away by a moan, and by then he was on the verge of passing out on the kitchen floor. Even if he had wanted to move though, his strength had been sapped from him during that massive climax.

So, laying there on the tiled floor, he thought about what his father said one more time before giving in to the fatigue that left him tired and unable to move.


Morning came all too fast to Morris as the daylight shown through the blinds on the window. Rolling onto his other side to face away from the light, he vaguely noticed his bed wasn't as soft as it used to be. When trying to grab for his blankets to banish the chill in the air away, he noticed they weren't anywhere to be found in grabbing distance. Cracking an eye opened to search for it and the old dog realized he wasn't where he usually slept.

Rolling onto his back Morris sat up to see where he was, wiping away any rheum that might have built up while he was asleep. That was until he went to wipe some away and found the fur on his finger tip was crusty. Glancing at his hand he noticed all of the fur on his hand was lumped together and dried out; from his hands, down his arms and entire torso and legs! Before he could question what was on his fur, he noticed something that caught every ounce of is attention. He recognized he was in the kitchen from the tile flooring, and the dining room chairs to his right, but how he found himself passed out in the kitchen wasn't on his mind at all with what was between his thighs.

It didn't bother him that he was stark naked. No, that was the last thing on his mind as he started down at his crotch. Only at half mast his cock lazily arched upwards, but he was shocked by the obvious different between this cock and the one he had the day before.

This cock that was attached to his crotch looked close to seven and a half inches long; three and a half inches more than he remembered it being. And it only looked _half_hard!

"So, you like it?" He head Sky ask from somewhere past the table. Looking up the pure bred turned his head to the direction he heard his son's voice, seeing him sitting at the table, just as naked as he was, eating a bowl of cereal.

"That... that actually happened?" Morris asked, a daze expression washing over his face.

"Yep," Sky said before drinking the remaining milk in his bowl before getting out of his chair and walking towards the sink. "Unless we just happened to have the same dream last night, and you just happened to find those pills Rai bought. "

"Then you really.... with your cock... " Sky sighed irritably, already seeing where his father was going with this.

"Look, you promised you wouldn't freak out about that today. But if you're gonna break it, can you just get it over with?" His father didn't seem to be paying attention to anything Sky said as he looked over his newly lengthened cock.

"This is... that was amazing! I thought I was just having some kinda weird dream after what happened on the stairs, but it actually happened... And... A-and and when I was in your... " Morris stopped himself, blushing a bit under his fur as he looked up at Sky.

"I was... you turned me into come! But I was still conscious but in different places all at once... " Looking back down at his length the older shepherd carefully took it into his hand.

"This is... really is amazing... "

"So you're not freaked out?" Sky asked listening to his father muttering to himself now.

Morris was quick to stop talking then as he looked up at Sky and scratched at the back of his head. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. I mean, yeah I'm a little weirded out, but that was just so... I really don't know how else to describe it besides_amazing_. "

"Well," Sky started as he walked over to his father "at least that's better than flipping out 'cause of it. And by the way, you're gonna want to clean all that off of you. If you're lucky I can help you test out how well that new cock of yours works. "

Road Better Traveled

Smoke rose from the mouth of Mt. Rashar, away from the bubbling molten rock with-in the towering mountain, to meet an ever growing cloud far above the barren dry lands. Though not all would say the land was completely barren. True the lack of wild...

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Welcome to Gale Side Resort

Sunlight, unhindered by the atmosphere of planets and clouds, traveled freely through the cold empty vacuum of space moving faster than any current sentient made vessel could hope to achieve, until all to abruptly it lit up the silver colored side of a...

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Crash landing on Ciburdar

_[Powering on, please wait]_ . . . . . . . . . _[Please place finger on scanner in order to continue.]_ . . . . . . . . . _[Identity confirmed. Good evening Martin Green. Current date is October 5th, 4038. Time: 12:40 a.m. Location:...

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