Flowering Love

Story by Elvetie on SoFurry

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LilligantXMhuman requested by Seqa Nesquik, Sorry I took so long to publish lol, somewhere in writing this i got sick, then i had writers block it was just all bad, really hoping to publish stories faster but then again I prefer quality of quantity anyway hope you enjoy! Read, Review, Request

Flowering Love

"Were almost there Rozelin" Estus said, slowly walking as the road began to get grassier, he began to feel the spring wind rushing past his clothes.

"Lilli..." Rozelin said, she was rather fatiqued from all the traveling. Him and her were both going to visit their parent's house in Floravale, a place one with nature and where they were both born. They continued walking until they reached a slightly tall hill as Estus ran to the top, he waved back at Rozelin as she hurriedly went up the hill. Once atop, she was amazed by the sheer beauty of the sight, petals blew in the wind as the two got a skyview of Floravale. People and Pokemon both worked together, most of the pokemon were grass types. They were growing berries of all kinds, and children played happily in the streets since there were no cars. The field was literally full of differently colored flowers, and beautiful trees with leaves of pure green.

"Since spring just arrived, the fields are in full bloom" Estus said, he began to walk down as he offered his hand towards Rozelin. She smiled as she took his hand and the two walked into the Floravale, the village was full of kind people and pokemon that welcomed them warmly. Estus was a very kind trainer, he had green hair and pale blue eyes. Estus felt very nostalgic as many memories streamed back into his mind, Rozelin too was enjoying herself, looking at the arrays of flowers the shops sold. As a Lilligant, she loved all kinds of flowers but most of all, she longed to hold a bouquet of Scarlet Roses. The roses had a more lively aura, also the blood red color was popular among females. (I should buy her a bouquet of those someday) Estus thought, he thought of how happy Rozelin would be. Suddenly a thought of loving her more than a friend popped into his mind, quickly Estus shrugged it off, but it had already planted its seed in his mind.

"Hey Rozelin?" Estus has been with Rozelin long enough to know what she's saying, there were hoever exceptions.

"Lilli?" Rozelin said as she tilted her head, the two were almost at their parent's house, the fresh smell of grass began to permeate the air.

"Uhm you remember when we first came together?" Estus smiled as he asked to question.

"Lillgant!" Rozelin nodded happily, it was certainly wonderful when they met.

It was just a normal day in Floravale, Estus was still fairly young when his grandma gave a petilil and a sunstone. It was his first pokemon and he was very happy to receive it, he promised himself from that day to always keep her happy and so far he's done a good job. The two traveled across the half the region and longed to search the other half, together. Estus' house came into view as his eyes windened in excitement, finally they arrived at the place they started. Kira, Estus' little sister was out in the berry orchard helping her mother pick sundries of berries. Estus waved his hand, Kira saw that he was home and ran towards him tackling him in a hug. Rozelin giggled as Estus patted her head, coming back for a break was truly a excellent choice.

"Brother you're back!" Kira said nuzzling his stomach and holding him very tightly.

"Ahaha it's good to see you again, you've grown quite a bit" Estus kneeled down to her height, his mother slowly walked towards the trio.

"Welcome back home" Estus' mom said with a warm smile, she invited them to stay at her house for as long as they wanted.

The rest of the day was filled with mostly talking, but it was a nice change of scenery. Estus' house was small and had three rooms and a bathroom, the floor was a smooth wood that would make a tapping sound with every footstep. Night was moving in and it was dinnertime, Estus savored his mother's cooking and Rozelin helped herself to a salad of berries.

(Ahh brings back so many memories, there's no place like home) Estus thought to himself, it was bedtime now but there was one problem. There was only one bed, "Uh, I'll go ahead and sleep on the floor" Estus said sympathetically, but to his surprise Rozelin denied his offer. Sleeping in the same bed didn't really mean much to her, she was more worried about him catching a cold on the floor.

"Ah are you sure?" Estus was a bit nervous about sleeping in the same bed, but if Rozelin's mind was one way track and she was definitely not changing her mind.

"Well if you insist" Estus said defeated, he sighed as he got into his old bed.

"Lilligant" Rozelin was rather happy and didn't seem shy away from him at all, she entered the bed and pulled the blanket over both of them. Although Estus was pretty nervous, he soon noticed that he was incredibly exhausted and fell asleep in an instant. The two slept comfortably under the night of the moonlit sky, the sound of grass softly rustling outside the glass of the window. The two woke up the next morning, the chirping of fletching was barely audible as Estus arose from his slumber.

He yawned as he looked over his shoulder to see Rozelin still sound asleep, he smiled to see such a peaceful image as he made his way to the kitchen. It was an early morning and the orange rays of light shone upon the grassy fields, to his surprise Estus' mother was already awake. She was sitting peacefully on the porch staring at the prairie, "Up so early?" she said softly.

Estus was stunned that she noticed him with her back turned, "Uh yeah, well what are you doing out here?" Estus asked as he sat down next to her.

"I always enjoy a lovely morning breeze" She smiled at him, she was quite happy to see her son all grown up.

"You know.. I think the Petilil that I gave you has grown up as well" Estus' mother said, the sun was beginning to rise.

"I think she's quite fond of you in fact she's very fond of you" his mother said boldly, a blush rushed to Estus' face. He didn't say anything though, although lately he's been thinking about Rozelin a lot ever since they came here.

"You know, its fine if you become a pokephiliac I don't mind" his mother said with a devious grin.

"W-what! I would never..." Estus said turning his back to his mother, who by now he assumed crazy.

His mother simply laughed as the rest of the morning rolled in, Estus' thoughts were constantly replaying his mother's words and everytime were denied. It was time for breakfast and Rozelin noticed something was wrong with Estus, he didn't smile like he usually did.

"Lilli..?" Rozelin said with a hint of worry, but Estus shook his head and smiled towards her. With that smile, she was reassured that he was just thinking about something. Breakfast was stale and silent, Rozelin didn't like the mood and Estus would by now have at least said something, but he didn't. Estus went outside after breakfast and sat on one of the many grassy hills, he sighed deeply, every second he spent with Rozelin reminded him that deep inside his heart, he did have feelings for her.

(Ugh I can't be falling for a pokemon! It's not...compatible) Estus kept telling himself that but everytime he came to the conclusion that Rozelin might be different. He was at a dilemna and normally him and Rozelin solved every conflict they had by talking to each other; but this was different, he couldn't talk to Rozelin about this. He jumped when a leafy hand had tapped his shoulder but was relieved to see that it was just Rozelin.

"Lilligant?" Rozelin said worriedly something was definitely wrong with Estus, she placed her hand on Estus' cheeks but he moved her hand away.

"I-I'm sorry Rozelin it's not something I can talk to you about..." Estus said quietly, it felt so wrong to deny her assistance, especially since they had been together for years now.

"Li..lilligant!" to Estus' surprise, Rozelin smiled warmly, she thought that maybe this was a problem he had to solve himself. She embraced Estus, reassuring him that she always had his back and then left him to deal with his dilemna, alone.

"Rozelin..." He muttered to himself as she entered the house looking back one more time at Estus. He let out a deep sigh as he decide to wander off into the market section of Floravale, the sun began setting giving the sky an orange luster. All the shops began closing taking out the colorful plants and berries out of sight, Estus' eyes caught a shop that sold Scarlet roses.

He hesitated doing several double backs, "Should I... No... Wait but...Fuck it" Estus mumbled to himself before running up to the shop.

"E-Excuse me I would like to buy a bouquet of those Scarlet roses" Estus asked the lady that owned the shop.

"Oh sure which one?" she asked politely, Estus looked at several of the bouquets before choosing a particularly flamboyant one.

"Haha you have good taste, those ones are the best ones I found this year" she said as she handed Estus the array of Scarlet roses, he paid the shop clerk the money.

Meanwhile the sun dissappeared behind the grassy hills, Rozelin sat outside waiting patiently for her companion to come back. Although her sense of mind began to get clouded when she sniffed in a very sweet smell coming from the Big root Forest. Like a moth to a flame, she followed the scent blindly into the dark forest.

Back to Estus, he held the roses tightly, (Am I really going to do this?) Estus thought as he walked back to his house. His house came into view when he was tackled into a hug from Kira again, but something was different she looked like she was crying.

"Huh? what's wrong?" Estus asked worried, Kira shook her head.

"Rozelin... she's gone! We can't find her anywhere!" Kira said sniffling as tears streamed from her eyes.

Estus' eyes widened, he ran to the house ignoring his mother who was searching out in the berry fields.

"Rozelin! Are you there?!" helplessly he yelled out her name several times, as it echoed around the house but not a single trace of the grass pokemon was evident. His eyes began to get teary as he searched the entire house before his mother put a stop to it.

"Did she leave me?...No, no!" Estus cursed himself as he kneeled down on the floor holding his head, his mother came into the room not to long after.

"E-Estus? this is no time to cry!" Estus' mother shouted as she grabbed his hand and pulled him up.

"B-But what if she left me?" Estus said his eyes teary as ever, but his mother shook him fiercefully.

"Are you stupid!! She would never leave you without saying goodbye, and if she did do that, then find her and say goodbye to her!!" his mother shouted as she shoved him outside the house.

"Last time I saw her she was up on that hill, find her.." his mother said turning her back.

Estus looked at his mother she was sure that he was going to find Rozelin, somehow or someway. He wiped away his tears, as he tried his best not to imagine the worst case scenario. The only thing he could make from where she was last sitting was a sweet smell, Estus thought for a second.

"Could she have been... attracted by the smell?" He thought, it was definitely a lead that seemed reliable, Estus followed the smell into Big root forest.

"I should be careful..." Cautioning himself of his surroundings while following the scent as much as possible. Big root forest was dark especially at night, the canopy denied any light coming from the already dim moonlight. Estus heard several rustles of grass near him, but he ignored every single one of them and continued his search.

"Lilli..." he heard a small whimper deeper into the forest, Estus recognized the cry instantanouesly, it was Rozelin.

Hearing this he began running through the forest to where the sound and sweet smell originated. He pushed through a thick bush as he came into a small open field in the middle of the forest, it was like an oasis in the desert. In front of Estus was a dazed Lilligant held tightly by the vines of a Carnivine, "Huh?! Rozelin!!" he shouted but she could barely focus on his figure.

"Carna-vine!!" the carnivine shouted as several razor sharp leaves flew towards Estus cutting the small grass as he dodged it.

"Grr... alright you bastard, let go of her!" Estus said as he threw a pokeball in the air, light bursting out as an Emolga came out.

"Emolga air slash, aim for its vines!" Estus said as Emolga shot out sword waves of air towards Carnivine, causing an explosion as Rozelin fell towards the ground.

"Carni..." Carnivine whined, heavily damaged by the air slash, Estus ran towards Rozelin and grabbed her away from Carnivine's reach.

"H-hey Rozelin you ok?" He asked the Lilligant, her vision became more clear, seeing Estus she hugged him as he hugged back.

"Carnivine...!" Carnivine shouted as he opened his giant maw towards the two, "Emolga volt-Switch now!" Estus shouted as Carnivine was electrified, before Emolga went back into its pokeball.

Carnivine fell to the ground as dust surrounded its area, Estus looked at Rozelin who nodded with eyes of determination.

"Alright Rozelin let's go!" Estus said as she readied her battle pose with great poise, Carnivine slowly stood up and roared its battle cry. Carnivine shot out several razor sharp leaves that flew at great speeds at Rozelin, "Petal dance!" Estus shouted his command as Rozelin spun with petals of all colors surrounding all around her. The leaves richocheted off the petals as Rozelin blasted a tornado of multicolored leaflets towards Carnivine.

"Carniviiiine!!!!" he shouted before the petal dance hit him, causing an explosion of flowers and its colorful petals to rain down upon Rozelin and Estus.

Estus smiled as Rozelin looked back and embraced him, but she then noticed the bouquet of Scarlet roses not too far behind him.

"Huh? Oh yeah haha, I nearly forgot! I bought these for you Rozelin" Estus laughed as he handed her the bouquet, her leafy hands trembled to take it from Estus, to hold such a treasure from her lovely trainer was a dream come true. He moved closer to her pushing the bouquet in her hands as he whispered the words "Rozelin...I..love you, I really do!" Estus said nearly choking over his own words.

"Lilli...Lilligant!" Rozelin blushed deeply but smiled as she kissed him, pushing him on the grassy fields, he stroked her smooth back as the two laid on the floor; deepening their bond between human and pokemon. Estus' tongue moved instinctively in Rozelin small mouth, her saliva was sweet like oran berries and had a slight pink tint, her tongue was surprisingly rough as it moved in Estus' mouth. It was increasingly getting more uncomfortable the longer they kissed, his member grew hard from the loving actions.

"Ah Rozelin..." Estus said his mind dazed from his first kiss, Rozelin smiled as she began pulling down his pants and he took of his shirt. Nobody comes into this forest, and even if people did the two didn't care at this point. He laid down on the smooth grass, as Rozelin stroked his member with her slightly cold hands.

"Haaahaa..." Estus moaned her touch was smooth and subtle and his member demanded more attention as it couldn't take much teasing. Rozelin ended her teasing and began licking at the base and slowly reached the top, her tongue was small but it was very pleasurable to Estus who continued his moaning. She then took as much of his member into his mouth, she couldn't take the whole thing but it was more than enough to stimulate Estus' climax in a matter of minutes. She sucked on his member leaving trails of the sweet pinkish saliva all over his dick, she occasionally stopped at the tip and licked the head before bobbing her head again.

"Rozelin I'm cumming!" he said before shooting out strings of white into Rozelin's waiting mouth, however it was too much and some leaked out from the sides but she enjoyed the taste. Estus laid on the grass, a large portion of his energy was sapped but Rozelin wanted to have some more fun, she laid on her belly and presented her supple lower half with a opening dripping with juices at the center.

"Lilli~" she moaned out to Estus who understood what she wanted and moved his mouth to the hole, he licked the drops of nectar. Once he tasted it, he began to yearn for more as he began sliding his tongue inside Rozelin's flower. Rozelin moaned loudly but beautifully, her voice was so very heavenly to Estus' ears who enjoyed eating her out. She began panting faster as Estus moved two fingers inside making a wet squishing sound as the fluids leaked out. Rozelin came in no time due to Estus' merciless pleasure, as Estus' libido was recovered and the two moved to the main course.

"Ready my love?" Estus said but Rozelin shook her head as she pushed him on the grassy floor again.

"Lilligant" she smiled as she wanted to be on top to which Estus' was perfectly fine with.

"Lilli..." Rozelin moaned as she lowered herself slowly on Estus before being penetrated for the first time. Estus took her virginity, sealing them as lovers as Rozelin moved without stopping, she bounced on top of Estus as his dick was slathered with her sweet juices that he loved. Estus enjoyed the feeling of being inside her, her insides were soppy and squeezed all around his dick.

"Lilli~ Lilligant!" Rozelin moaned as she picked up her pace, moving faster than ever rushing Estus to his climax.

"Uwah Rozelin not so f-fast!" Estus gasped pathetically but Rozelin ignored him, she wanted Estus to give his seed to her. With that thought in mind she continued her pace relentlessly, splattering her juices and Estus' precum all over the grass beneath them; it wasn't long before they began to reach their climax.

"Rozelin! I'm cumming again!" Estus yelled in pleasure as he shot his steamy hot semen down Rozelin's flower.

"Lilligant!!" Rozelin also came from the feeling of his spunk going inside her, coating his dick in the sticky sweet nectar before laying down next to him.

They both breathed, completely exhausted from the pleasure they both delivered to each other.

"Rozelin I love you..." Estus whispered, as he moved his hand to strok Rozelin's rosy cheeks.

"Lilligant..." Rozelin whispered back, as the two fell asleep in each other's embrace, they rested on the bed of petals that finally subsided from the air.

The next morning was a bit awkward, the two came out of the forest to be embraced in a hug from their parents who were worried sick about them. After that Rozelin and Estus left the village of Floravale, and continued their journey with a wonderfully deep bond between them.

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