The Dark Nebula One

Story by Stallon_Becket on SoFurry

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#1 of The Dark Nebula

The Dark Nebula

Volume Alpha: We Come In Peace, Shoot To Kill

Initiating Transmission...

Yui Ganra (Male, Lion, Envoy of the United Galaxies)

Ferra Frowerey (Female, Wolf, Captain of the Celestial Song)

Vel Tolbard (Male, Fox, Communicator and Navigator of the Celestial Song)

Xendar Kylok (Male, Tiger, Mechanical Engineer of the Celestial Song)

Ju'lia Nifta (Female, Skunk, Deck Officer of the Celestial Song)

Belia Voste (Female, Space Porpoise, EVA Specialist of the Celestial Song)

Lief Gamble (Male, Horse, Marine Expedition Commander of the Celestial Song)

Bale Krinos (Male, Wolf, Marine aboard the Celestial Song)

Roge Vinta (Male, Wolf, Marine aboard the Celestial Song)

Silvi Kenton (Female, Mouse, Electronic Counter Measures officer of the Celestial Song)

Eva Nime (Female, Rabbit, Medical Officer of the Celestial Song)

Rhykaun (Male, Hyena, Space Pirate and Captain of the Black Sun.)

The dark cold of space seemed a vast and inexplicable void, and the tiny speck that shot through that infinite limbo only seemed to confirm the magnitude of such an expanse. In truth the Celestial Song was far from tiny; shaped much like a large cross bristling with a multitude of antennas, and pointed control flaps it was nearly five hundred meters long, with fifteen decks, and carrying a crew of ten dozen, it streaked effortlessly through space at nearly a hundred times the speed of light.

Aboard, the command deck was pitch black with the exception of the ships computer which constantly monitored variables and calculated courses, timing, and it's own speed. There was a shift within the craft and it started slowing down, first it dropped to seventy times the speed of light, then to fifty then thirty, now decreasing steadily as it neared its predetermined destination.

Once it dropped to sub-light speeds the ship made sure it's shield stabilizers compensated for its inertia and then the lights flickered on. The row of upright cylinders on the bridge began to slowly defrost, warming up the occupants from deep suspended hibernation. Of course the first one to wake was the Captain.

The seals unlocked and with a steady hiss the cryo-capsule opened and Ferra gave a yawn as she felt the bitter cold being melted away slowly. She stretched a little and stumbled out of the tube her fur standing up as she felt the cold metal deck under her feet.

"Heat!" She shouted and the computer complied letting warmth spread throughout the command deck as the other occupants of the deck groggily stumbled from their capsules and over to their personal lockers. Ferra made her way to her captain's chair and sat down.

"Hot capi." She said with a bit more dignity as she shook her still damp fur out. The chair hummed and in a minute a piping hot cup of cappuccino rose from the arm rest. Ferra had to blow on the drink before she sipped it and still managed to burn her lips slightly. She growled in annoyance and instead she huffed and looked around at her crew who now were mostly dressed and shuffling to get to their posts on the bridge.

"Vel!" Ferra yelled and the timid vulpine raced to the side of her chair.

"Yes Madame Captain!" Vel said as he saluted hastily, he had so far only gotten one sock on and stood there in an uneven manner.

"Have all posts check-in within five minutes." Ferra sipped her capi again and then noticed that Vel was staring down at her. Then she remembered she was still in just a tank top and her panties.

"Make that ten..." Ferra said getting up and walking to her locker to get dressed.

"Yes Ma'am!" Vel saluted and then slinked off.

"ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ALL CREWS ARE TO CHECK IN AT 0215 SHIPBOARD TIME. SECTION COMMANDERS PLEASE REPORT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE." Boomed Vel's shakey voice; over the ship-wide coms. Ferra had gotten on her Captain's uniform, a deep red outfit with her rank insignia, complimented by her perpetual shinny black boots and spiffy cap.

She made her way back to her chair and sat down and sipped her now cool capi before the holographic windows began to pop up before her.

The first to appear was Xendar, the mechanically inclined tiger kept the ship running smooth and he and his team braved the dangers of being close to the space fold engine that ran on fusion energy as well as repairing any damage to the inside of the ship.

"This is engineering, checking in Captain." He said briskly as his team of ten mechanics also saluted behind him.

Next Silvi, the resident expert at electronics checked in.

"Tactical is a-go Captain." Silvi said pushing her glasses up on her face. The screen blipped and there was Eva the medical officer stretching and yawning. Her lapin ears pulling back and then perking up as she saluted lazily.

"Sickbay is up and running." She said with a seeming purr in her voice.

The next screen lit up and there came a cheer that was unmistakable. Only two simple words confirmed that Ferra's detachment of Marines were up and ready.

"Ooh-Rah Captain!" Lief nearly shouted, the equine had a way with motivation and the Marines behind him mostly composed of canines also echoed "Ooh-Rah Ma'am!" Ferra smiled

"Carry on Marines!" The wolfess said with a grin.

"Carry on aye aye Ma'am!" they all echoed and the com switched to Belia the ships resident extra-vehicular activity specialist. Belia was a Space porpoise, they were a bit odd and rare; their skin looked smooth, but was more like refractive crystal or glass. They could seal up their body making them totally self sustaining in space.

Their skin was resilient enough to give them internal pressurization and they could withstand a range of temperatures from negative five hundred degrees to one thousand degrees Celsius. They also had a means of propulsion in that they absorbed ambient light and their tails were adapted to be biological photon thrusters that could propel them in space at sub-light speeds.

Belia gave the equivalent of a smile to Ferra and cackled. The only one thing that a space porpoise could not do was talk in common. They could understand spoken words yet they sometimes needed a universal translator to relay their voices because the only way they communicated in space was with odd types of energy waves which were much like echo-location. Belia being ever adaptive could squeak her name using her odd high pitched sounds.

"Ma'am all sections have reported in." Said Ju'lia stepping to the side of Ferra's chair with her ever present holo-clipboard in hand. Ferra nodded and then finished up the rest of her capi.

"Excellent number one. Prepare the shuttle it's almost time for the meeting." Ferra looked to Vel and snapped her fingers. The fox pushed a few buttons and the inner screen lit up showing the planet that was now in front of them a little more than half a million miles away.

"Sustain orbit and give me status." Ferra said and leaned forward in her chair gazing at the blue, green and white sphere on the display orbited by two natural moons.

"Planet Vol'yun; population roughly fifty billion, home world of the United Galaxies." Vel said reading the display.

"I want a full Marine Squad to accompany me, if they want Jun'en with her ten other galaxies to join their little club then they will have to entice us with an offer we can't refuse. Other than that I want to make sure we have a full security team, cloaking field at maximum while I'm off ship, number one you have the bridge." And with that Ferra stood up and walked to the doors to her awaiting shuttle.

There was a considerable murmur among the others species as they watched the shuttle touched down and the full twelve strong, group of Marines marched out and stood at attention; their high-tech armor gleaming in the sun. Out of all the delegates Yui was not nervous, he was excited, first contact with an ambassador from Jun'en! In the four hundred years since the formation of the United Galaxies nobody had ever successfully negotiated with an Jun'enian. It was diminished to simple verbal radio communications as well as warnings to mind the ever invisible galactic property lines.

However, this time was different, this time they would see what kind of species they were, Yui was a bit surprised to find out that they were very much like some of the races they had. Their ambassador was a she-wolf named Ferra.

"I greet you ma'dam." Yui said bowing, his leonine mane flowing down and back up as he smiled to her in what he hoped was a friendly manner.

"I am Yui Ganra, Envoy to the United Galaxies." The lion said with genuine enthusiasm.

"Ferra Frowerey Sir." The she-wolf said with a smile in return. She extended her hand. Yui reached for her hand and then was interrupted by Yui's aide, a red fox who looked quite nervous.

"Sir may I remind you of immunization and contamination procedures..." his aide started, but the red fox was silenced with a single gentle raised hand from Yui.

"May I remind you that Miss Frowerey is our guest and we must be polite?" Yui shook Ferra's hand much to the disgust of the aide who kept his mouth shut, but just could not imagine what kind of horrible contaminants were abound on this outsider.

"Come you must be parched, your soldiers may come in as well." Yui invited.

Ferra looked back to her platoon of wolf Marines who stood there ever silent and vigilante.

"Return to the shuttle and await orders, Marines." Ferra commanded and they all gave an affirmative salute and verbal response before heading back up the ramp into the shuttle.

Ju'lia looked over the crew who busily handled calculations and did all necessary functions to keep the ship in orbit. Ju'lia straightened out her uniform and set her holo-clipboard down walking over to Vel who was currently decoding signals.

"Oh! Commander Nifta! I'm sorry I didn't see you there." The fox jumped a bit and stuttered as he suddenly noticed she was standing beside him right in his peripheral vision.

"Lieutenant, hand your station over someone else for a while I need a word with you about some encryption." Ju'lia said. Vel nodded and let one of the all too eager Ensigns take over as he stood up and followed the skunk out to the elevator. Once the elevator stopped and opened up Ju'lia let Vel trail her to their destination.

"A supply closet? You want to discuss encryption codes in a supply closet?" Vel said arching an eyebrow in curiosity.

"What better place, sound proof, away from everyone, no surveillance." Ju'lia said opening the door with a push of a button. Vel shrugged and followed her in, the door sliding close behind them.

"I can't see a thing in here Commander." Vel said squinting in the darkness. Suddenly he felt Ju'lia pressing up against him and he gave a startled yelp. Confused and bewildered Vel stood still.

"And that's just perfect." Ju'lia purred to him.

"C-Commander!" he exclaimed as he felt her hands trail over his uniform down to his crotch where she gave a gentle squeeze.

"Call me Ju'lia here." He heard her husky voice say. Vel gulped, it was fraternization, not to mention unbecoming conduct for a superior officer to have affairs with a junior officer. However, it was also hard to deny the raging erection that Vel had in his pants. Ju'lia reached down into Vel's trousers and stroked his cock as she nearly forced a kiss upon his lips.

Vel at first thought of protesting, but her lips were warm and soft and her breasts pressing to his chest made any thought of resisting melt away. Eagerly they undressed, being careful not to damage their clothes as Vel now took the helm, his tongue lashing to Ju'lia's as they rubbed and rutted against each other in the confines of that small yet adequate storage space.

Vel's right hand reached down and two of his fingers dipped into the sexy skunk's little love mound. Ju'lia only cooed hotly and she grabbed his cock once more stroking it with eager anticipation. Vel backed Ju'lia up against the wall and lifted one of her legs up and with a triumphant thrust smoothly slid his vulpine cock deep into Ju'lia's hungrily awaiting honey pot.

Ju'lia gasped and her body jolted a little from the sudden sensation, she knew they had to make this quick to avoid suspicion. She soon found herself wantonly writhing against Vel's onslaught of wild lustful thrusts. Vel's length plunged in and out of her now as he quickened the pace lifting her legs up as Ju'lia wrapped them around Vel's waist.

Vel now rammed into her with brazen enthusiasm as he felt himself tightening up and approaching the brink of a long held backed up orgasm; after all being on a ship for extended periods of time tended to make the crew cranky if there was not some relief.

Of course at that moment Vel was feeling much relief as he strove to complete his deed with the Commander. Ju'lia bucked with each thrust feeling Vel's hot thick penis plunging up into her, she squeaked a little now as she let her inhibitions go and just let him fuck her as hard and fast as he wanted to. Then with a sudden hot flash Vel released.

It was almost like pure heavenly light as both Vel and Ju'lia basked in the sensation of the moment, Vel felt himself shooting his hot load into the female, and Ju'lia on the receiving end felt him filling her with his hot thick juices. It seemed a moment of bliss that would last forever. However, it was not to be. Suddenly the com-link on Ju'lia's wrist-chronometer blinked red and beeped.

"Shit!" Ju'lia swore as she realized that it was an urgent alert. Both of them hastily began to get dressed. Vel also knew the urgency of the matter and had to try and don his clothes as quickly as possible. In under five minutes Ju'lia was back on the bridge running for the captain's chair, Vel was hot on her heels.

"Report!" she said as the crew rampantly dashed about the bridge. The view screen came up showing what was transpiring outside the ship.

"Commander we have a priority alpha alert!" said one of the communicators adjusting her headset. Vel ran to his station and pulled up the dataflow.

"Multiple omega class ships dropping out of fold-warp! Identified flagship is the space-pirate owned Black Sun." Vel said with squeamishness in his voice.

"Have they detected us past our cloaking field?" Ju'lia asked eyeing the view screen as more than a dozen ships now floated in orbit around the planet.

"Negative Ju-Commander they have not acquired us yet." Vel said almost making a faux pas in front of the entire bridge crew.

"Good lets keep it that way, send a coded transmission down emergency stealth frequency, we have to warn the Captain..." Ju'lia said grimly turning to the crew now staring at the view screen.

"The planet is under attack." Ju'lia gritted through her teeth.

"Captain! Priority communication!" said the armored Marine wolf as he ran into the central room. All of the other delegates were quite startled as the wolf saluted Ferra and then held out the com disk. At first static was all that came through then...

"Captain Frowerey the planet is about to be attacked! Space-pirates have de-folded in orbit and are preparing..." Ju'lia's voice was frantic then the message was cut off as suddenly the ground shook from an earth shattering explosion. Part of the central room ceiling collapsed as Yui dove onto Ferra to protect her. Half a dozen delegates were crushed from falling debris.

When the smoke cleared Yui quickly checked over Ferra who stood up unharmed. The Marine also got to his feet his armor had shielded him from most of the brunt of caved in ceiling. Several other survivors were dusting themselves off and coughing; recovering from the devastating attack.

"To the shelters!" Yui called out and everyone started for the nearby underground bunkers, but Yui noticed that Ferra was yelling to the Marine who briskly saluted and began to talk into his wrist-com.

"Miss Frowerey we must take cover!" Yui said, this stemmed of course from nearly a century of pacifism. The United Galaxies were not too keen on making war.

Ferra looked to Yui and saw his concern, but she gazed back with steely eyes of determination.

"Take cover Governor I think that we can handle this." As Ferra said that the remaining platoon of Marines charged in and took up positions. One of them carried an odd looking pack and when he set it down it opened up exposing a segmented belt and a pair of class three plasma pistols. Ferra put on the belt which was also equipped with two hip holsters, one on each side, and then picked up the pistols.

Each Marine now pressed a button located on their waist and instantly form fitting particle shields sprang up. Ferra also touched the button of her belt and a glowing shield of energy also surrounded her. Yui was startled, but he ran behind some rubble taking cover to watch.

Just as Yui finished ducking behind his hiding spot the door blew open and the cackling laughter of hyenas came through the smoke. Charging in were the most wild and untamed of beasts. They were a mock semblance of what was considered civilized as they fired old kinetic slug weapons with no regards to the innocent or the guilty. However, they stopped their charge seeing the olive green armored Marines and Ferra standing there without fear.

"Safeties off Marines!" Ferra yelled and with unerring accuracy fired her pistols both shots catching the two leading hyena space-pirates in their chests. Holes were instantly apparent where flesh had once been as both pirates dropped to the ground dead. Then all hell broke loose.

The Marines were precision exemplified as they acquired their targets with haste only to cut them down and move to the next target. Even as the pirates fell they still came at the now entrenched Marines. It was skill and accuracy versus fury and raw numbers. The Marines tried to make every shot count as their energy weapons tore through flesh searing blood, bones, flesh, fur, and organs.

Two Marines gave each other a quick fist pound as one of them fired through a quad of hyenas, one shot, four kills. Then they were back to raking fire. One Marine got hit by a bullet but it only staggered him making his particle shield flex in protest. Ferra on the other hand was nearly in the thick of the action, she whirled, ducked, leaped, and slid over, under, and seemingly through the rain of hot metal being thrown at her and her squad.

Ferra's twin plasma pistols were the equivalent of a white hot knife going through already melting butter as with each shot another pirate fell. Then suddenly she disengaged falling back towards her Marines as a seemingly new swelling tide of pirates started to clamor through the destroyed doorway.

"They are trying to overrun us! Prepare for close combat!" Ferra yelled as the Marines dropped their beam rifles which slid smoothly to their sides and clung iron-clad to their mag-plates that were on the leg of their armor and they each activated and extended the hidden vibro-blades that were in forearm sheaths in their armor. Ferra holstered her pistols and pulled out pair of collapsed electro-batons which extended from their spring loaded hilts.

The Hyenas and the Marines charged at each other and collided in a mess of carnage. Pirates screamed as they lost limbs and body parts, The Marines gave battle howls as they dismembered and disemboweled their foes. Ferra's baton's cracked and flashed with electricity, with every hit that she connected with sometimes instantly frying her target in a smoldering mass.

Then suddenly, the hall started to vacate as the hyenas began to retreat. The Marines at first were hesitant, but soon stood down as the last of the pirates ran out the shattered doors yelping. Yui peeked out from his hiding place and saw Ferra and her Marines making sure the area was secure.

"We must start an evacuation; that was just the first wave..." Ferra said deactivating her batons.

"Sir! We just got a report Sigma squad has been all but wiped out and Beta squad is reduced to ten percent!" the hyena com-ops said timidly and yet somehow managed to still sound spiteful.

Rhykaun smashed his fist down on the arm of his chair which started a coughing fit that lasted for a good ten seconds before he was able to inhale and wheeze out his query.

"What happened?!" Rhykaun growled settling back into his chair.

"Beta reports that there were Jun'en Marines defending the Envoy. Delta squad reports that they have completed assaulting the defense network we can begin landing more troops." The com-ops said interpreting the read out.

"Patch me through to Beta." Rhykaun wheezed. The display came to life and there stood the team leader of Beta with his squad behind him, many of them wounded or dying from blood loss.

"Report!" Rhykaun rasped baring his fangs.

"Sir a dozen Jun'enian devil-dogs and a she-wolf bitch were protecting the Envoy!" the team leader snarled, holding a still bleeding gash on his arm.

"Frowerey!" Snapped Rhykaun and his nails dug into the chairs arm making more gashes on its metal surface. It was that she-bitch that had made him this way. he had shot him once through the chest when the incident' had happened. Now he was forced to wear a make-shift portable iron lung to sustain his life.

"Sir we need energy weapons to overtake them!" the team leader grunted.

"Request denied! We don't have sufficient energy or enough weapons to arm us against her." Rhykaun hissed.

"Sir we need energy weapons!" The team leader insisted his eyes blazing in defiance, perhaps he saw Rhykaun as getting old and weak.

"Fine! You shall have it!" Rhykaun deactivate the audio from the coms.

"Weapons officer. Bombardment on sector three ninety-nine!" Rhykaun spat, there was only a second of hesitation before the ships lights dimmed and a beam from the main cannon of the ship lanced down incinerating clouds as it hit the planets surface. The transmission from Beta squad went dead.

"Don't ever fuck with me..." Rhykaun said quietly with a grin of satisfaction. His comment meant for dead ears; he leaning back in his chair as the rest of his crew tried to shake off the disturbing events that had just transpired.

"S-Sir..." said the com-ops.

"WHAT?!" Rhykaun yelled glaring.

"We are now down to eight percent power, not enough to make a space-fold jump, or to power up full weapons again, that drained zero-point-zero five percent of our remaining ship-bound energy." The com-ops was also not about to tell Rhykaun that they also had enough energy to sustain life support for one more month at most.

Rhykaun growled in disgust. "Prepare the next landing party I want that planet taken! I want the Dark Nebula!"

Yui followed Ferra as her Marines swept for danger. Once they were sure that there was no danger they all ushered the remaining live delegates onto the shuttle, it was a tight fit but they were all able to squeeze onto the small landing ship. Upon lift off they activating their cloaking field before heading out of the atmosphere.

"What about your planets supply of energy cells?" Ferra asked Yui as they conversed about how to go about evacuating the rest of the planet.

"Don't worry the energy cells are safe, as well all our products we keep them in deep underground storage." Yui replied with a smug look; Ferra nodded in response.

"We should be coming up on the Celestial Song soon." Ferra said as she had the Marine aviator key in the specific transmission codes. Sure enough the code came back and gave exact coordinates. As they approached the far side of the planet they could all see the huddle of space-pirate ships floating above the planet. Much of the ships were not larger than one hundred meters, but they were all each to accommodate a small army of dreaded hyena-men.

"We are approaching vector, stand by we may be in for a bumpy landing." The pilot said as he aimed the hidden craft at what was deemed the invisible landing bay of the Celestial Song. It seemed like everyone held their breath as they passed through the out shell of the cloaking field. Once inside they all breathed a sigh of relief as they saw the rows of landing lights in the bay over head and under them indicating they had made it safely into the ship.

When the shuttle landed the delegates were escorted off and they lined up as Eva came to check them over. One Marine as he got off yelped; his armor had been actually pierced in a soft area, some of the pirates also must have been armed with vibro-blades as well. Eva first confirmed that all the surviving delegates were physically unharmed and then went over to the wounded soldier.

"You have a pretty bad laceration in your side. I'm going to have to treat you." Eva said with a soft smile after examining the pierced armor.

"I'm a bit bruised too!" exclaimed one Marine taking off his helmet only to be jabbed in the ribs by his buddy standing next to him.

"Don't try to act smooth Roge, you just want to get treated because you know what that involves." said the other Marine, Roge grinned sheepishly. It was true, there were three normal medics in sickbay, but Eva was a kineti-empathic healer a medic that heals by prolonged touch, and as such her treatments were often accomplished by her being naked and with her body pressed against her patient and all too often it lead to a gracious bout of sex for the wounded.

Eva didn't seem to mind though, she even encouraged it until finally Ferra had to put out a mandate; nobody went to sickbay unless they were actually hurt or sick. There were no excuses for headaches, strange coughs, or sprained ankles. However real wounds needed to be treated immediately and so Eva led the wounded Marine towards sickbay.

The wolf Marine stripped out of his armor as Eva requested and with a painful wince got up onto the treatment table holding his hand over his blood stained fur. The rest of the medics already were out of sickbay and going down to make sure that the delegates were not feeling the effects of mental shock.

"Lets see here... Corporal Krinos, Bale T, age twenty four." Eva said looking at her holo-clipboard and then setting it down. She walked over to the now nude male wolf that sat on the table and examined the puncture wound to the side of his abdomen.

"At least your armor's seals were able to suppress the bleeding." Eva said taking some gauss and anti-septic to clean the wound before she put a spray of temporary sealant on it. Then she began to remove her coat letting it drop to the ground. Bale gulped as he watched Eva undressing.

"This is your first time to sickbay?" Eva inquired as she pulled down her panties setting them aside. Bale nodded with a gulp, his eyes wide and gazing at the nude female lapin now standing before him.

"Well just relax I'll take good care of you, and once I'm finished you'll be back on duty in no time." Eva climbed up onto the treatment table already laying Bale back. The wolf watched the very well curved female above him starting to straddle him, and then stroke him, and then lick him. Bale felt a bit tense but let Eva touch his body.

Eva smiled seeing her patient now at full erection. She slowly moved down his body letting her abilities flow from her. Bale gasped softly as the feeling of being enveloped by a warm blanket took a hold of him and then he felt Eva's tongue licking down from the knot of his penis up to the tip, moist and warm. Her fingers explored his body finding a few scars here and there.

Eva caringly engulfing his penis in her mouth her tongue seeming to wrap around it's length as she swallowed gently getting her throat massage his wolf-hood. Bale almost howled with pleasure as he felt himself being enraptured by this sexy bunny who now diligently deep throated him. Eva pulled off him and gently bit her lower lip looking to him now with a sultry gaze. She moved up now and Bale felt the tip of his penis now pressing to the entrance of Eva's soft sex folds.

Bale reached up and cupped Eva's beautiful breasts as she slowly sank down on him moaning as she felt herself sheathing his rod within the wet, hot confines of her now clasping cunt. She wiggled her hips letting Bale feel her depths milk him and she drew up halfway off and then let herself drop back down on him. Bale gasped in delight as he now watched Eva bouncing upon him her breasts being squeezed and massaged in his hands, jiggling as she rode him. He was so hot right now he had to start panting, but at the same time it was all too satisfying and he could not resist the urge to buck his hips up to hers despite the fact that his might aggravate his wound.

Eva gasped sharply as she felt Bale drive up into her deeper and she rutted back grinding her hips to his urging him to fuck her deeper and harder. Bale would happily oblige her as his hands moved her breasts down to her hips and he pulled her down onto him as he thrust up into her his ever throbbing shaft. Bale gasped as he felt that tell tale urge rising within him, his climax beginning to creep up. He grunted wanting to tell her that he was about to release his semen, but it was just too good and he could only pant faster as he realized that there was no stopping his orgasm now.

Eva cried out sharply as she rammed down over Bale's knot locking him inside her as Bale gave a howl of lust and thick hot fluids burst from the tip of that wolf cock splashing it's hot seed into Eva's welcoming and awaiting uterus. Eva arched her back letting the sensation flow through her as she shivered in delight and then sighed moaning as she slowly pulled off him letting some of Bales cum seep from her used hole down her thigh.

"MMmm... there we go, treatment complete hon." Eva said with a smile and sure enough where there had once been a shallow but terrible gash there was now only scarred over tissue. Bale touched the area of his wound, it was sore and red but it was at least closed up. He looked to Eva who was already getting dressed, he regretted that the treatment was over, but he also knew that he had a duty to perform and like most of the Marines under Ferra's command he'd have to just live with the fact that Eva could never have a true relationship with him.

I wonder how many hearts she's broken in her line of work?' Bale's inner monologue said as he climbed off the table to get dressed. Now Bale knew why the Marines were ever so eager to go to sickbay. However, malingering was not allowed. Bale decided regretfully that he would just have to get over it.

"See you around there sweetie." Eva said holding out a chit to him. Bale took the chit showing where he had been treated in sickbay and smiled.

"Thanks M.O. Nime." Bale said with a smile, but with a pang in his voice.

"Don't be sad the less your in here the better you guys are. Besides at some point I might have to treat you again. Have a nice day Corporal." Eva then walked to the door and opened it gesturing. Bale walked past her and out of sickbay his tail wagged regretfully as the door closed behind him.

Ferra sat in her war-room, to her left was Lief the commander of her Marine forces and to her right was Ju'lia her second in command. The panels lit up and Silvi appeared on the holo-display.

"Captain my team and I have been intercepting transmissions from the enemy ships. It seems they are looking for something down on the planet. Also it is confirmed... Rhykaun is still in command of the pirate forces." Silvi reported with a grim frown.

Ferra knew Rhykaun, once a political activist turned genocidal zealot, him and most of his breed were banished from Jun'en and were told never to return, but that was over ten standard years ago. In fact she had been the one who stopped him by putting a neat clean cauterized hole through his left lung with a laser pistol.

Now he was attacking this planet, Ferra judged by the ships that they had retrofitted weapons onto the crafts and that the ships power-cores were most likely old nuclear generators. However this made Rhykaun no less dangerous. This was because the Celestial Song had only minimal offensive weapons. Most of the ship had defensive systems, but to attack other ships they would need Marines to board.

Ferra sighed, there must be something that the hyena's wanted, something that the United Galaxies were hiding. Quite a while back Ferra had once heard of a power-source the U.G. was developing. It worked on some kind of destabilized anti-matter. What was it called again? Ferra had to pick her memory to find the answer, but she was sure of what is was that the pirates wanted.

"That must be it..." Ferra said as her advisors looked to her. "I'm going to have to inquire to Envoy Ganra about the Dark Nebula..."

End Transmission one.