A day at the mall

Story by Vachir on SoFurry

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#4 of The Misadventures of Valentine

A story about Valentine when she isn't busy playing guessing games.

All I had wanted was a pair of shoes I recalled, as I at long last stepped through the door and dragged myself to the sofa before collapsing from exhaustion. "Have a good time?" asked my roommate Angie who was sitting, naked as usual, at the far end of the sofa watching me with a knowing smile. I only whimpered in response, closing my eyes and wondering how today could have happened.

I had woken up this morning with the intent of going out to simply do some shoe shopping, shoes being something I did not normally like to wear but found myself more and more in need of as the summer went on. I hadn't yet visited the nearby mall but it had come very highly recommended as a shopping destination by Angie, though as I discovered not entirely for the shopping. It was one of the hottest days of the year so I had decided on a rather light outfit in a futile attempt to keep cool, wearing only a short jean skirt, white thong panties and a light spaghetti strap top. Giving myself a quick look over in the mirror I thought I was perhaps a bit too skimpily dressed for a normal outing, but who could blame me on a day like today?

After a short drive I found myself searching a long while for a parking place, ending up quite a distance from the mall as it was no doubt a pleasant place to spend the day indoors out of the sun for many furs. Even though I was better at dealing with summer than most furs with my large fennec ears radiating heat, it was still painfully hot as I got out of the car and padded quickly across the hot pavement to the entrance. I sighed in relief as I stepped into the shadow of the covered entry way before the doors, taking a moment to compose myself and look around before continuing. As I approached the glass doors enjoying the fine mist that rained down from overhead keeping the area cool, I looked curiously over a set of strange swing-like contraptions lined up to either side of me. A pair of young wolf cubs was playing on one of them with their mother sitting on a bench nearby watching and so I imagined they must be toys of some sort for that purpose.

It seemed from the way the rules were written that the mall must have in the past suffered from an abundance of overly lascivious behavior which had driven away shoppers, and so several of the rules had to do with proper dress code and behavior. In addition to the usual acts of theft or vandalism, any public form of lustful behavior or nudity was also considered grounds for punishment. What exactly was meant by punishment was not mentioned in the rules, though I imagined it was likely the offender would be kicked out by mall security, or handed over to the police if any laws were broken. Sexuality as I well knew was not against any law even in public, but there were cases such as this where such things were considered inappropriate due to being especially disruptive. At the time I was not bothered in the least, as I was only after shoes and was entirely too overheated to even consider much else except for maybe finding myself something cold to drink.

As I stepped through the doors I was greeted by a welcome rush of cool air blowing through my exposed fur, making me almost regret my outfit as the temperature inside was obviously overcompensating for the heat outside. The mall was exceptionally busy just as I had expected from the state of the parking lot with furs wandering about and filling the stores, most busily chatting away as they shopped. I wandered to a nearby directory display to pick out stores to visit and was soon on my way to what I hoped would be a rather short bit of shopping as I was already beginning to grow cold, and as a female I was never too comfortable in crowded places even if the rules here were rather protective. The first store I visited seemed a rather empty normal looking department store, with only a few furs browsing through clothes as I poked around for where shoes might be. "Have you been helped?" a smooth voice asked as I made my way through the lingerie section. I turned my head and blushed as I noticed a tall male leopard with a nametag that read "Marlo" looking me over. "I umm.. was looking for shoes?" I said questioningly, hoping the feline could point me in the right direction. "Looks like you need more than shoes" the feline smiled as he stepped up to me and brushed a paw suggestively over my chest. I trembled and quickly wrapped my arms around myself, suddenly realizing how poorly my thin top was concealing my nipples in the cold mall. "Oh umm, sorry. Well maybe yes." I said timidly, taking half a step back from him wondering why the store couldn't have found a female to work this department.

The answer of course was that females were overall rather rare in the general population compared to males, leading to as many difficulties as one might expect from such a situation. Still, I had certainly seen a few other girls looking around the store, though none of them had seemed to be employees. "Come along then" Smiled Marlo, taking me by the shoulders and guiding me toward a dressing room "let's try some things." I was in no position to argue as I was ushered along to a secluded section of the store with a row of changing booths against the wall. Marlo opened the door to the nearest one and extended his paw to show me in, starting to close the door behind me as I entered. "Just get yourself undressed and I will be right back" Marlo said, shutting me in and apparently moving off to choose for me what I would be trying on. The room seemed generously sized for a changing booth, though I realized that might have a lot to do with my small size as a fen. There was of course a full length mirror against the wall opposite the door, as well as hangers for changing clothes and an oddly shaped padded bench in the middle of the booth, which I assumed must be to help make sure the sort of things I would be trying on fit well from every angle. I stood up to the mirror and looked myself over, seeing no reason to hurry and undress until the feline returned with something for me to try on. Yes, a bra would have been a good idea this morning I thought as I timidly rubbed my hardening nipples through my tight top. At least I had come to the right place to resolve any qualms I had about my outfit I thought, turning to the side and lifting my tail, seeing just how far my skirt rode up. Before long there was a knock followed by the door opening just a crack and Marlo's paw reaching in with a hangar containing a few choices of bras and panties which he deftly placed over a hook just inside the door before withdrawing. "I'll be right back, let me know which ones you like" came the feline's voice before the door was closed again, leaving me to change.

I blushed at the sudden intrusion and lowered my tail, trying to look over my choices quickly so that I could hopefully be dressed again by the time the leopard returned. Unfortunately these choices it seemed to me left a lot to be desired. The leopard had brought me matching sets of bras and panties, obviously intent on more than just solving my wardrobe problem. What he had selected in fact didn't seem to do much to fix the issue he had so forwardly pointed out himself. The first set was white and so sheer it was almost as if the fabric wasn't there, possibly lifting my breasts some, but doing next to nothing to hide my nipples, not to mention my sex if I went with the matching panties in this skirt. The second set wasn't much better, made up of a low cut lace panties and a black strapless bra, which while strapless and could work with my top, would also clearly show black lace through the thin white cloth of my shirt. The last set made me squirm uneasily and shake my head. It was a bright red shelf bra and crotchless panties, obviously meant to leave the wearer completely exposed in addition to being bright and attracting a lot of attention.

I sighed to myself. Clearly none of these choices were going to work with my current outfit, but at least I could give one or two a try since I was here, maybe I would wear them a special night some other time. I casually slipped out of my clothes and hung them up on another hook next to the door before taking the black lace lingerie set down and trying it on. It was a bit tight I thought as I stood up before the full length mirror and moved back and forth checking myself over. I smoothed my fur down with my paws where it was ruffled from changing and turned this way and that, giving myself a good looking over. It wasn't exactly too small, I decided as I felt the way the fabric held me as I moved, it was just kind of scratchy feeling against my sensitive bits. Still, I didn't exactly expect lace to be athletic wear and figured this might work out alright for special occasions. I leaned on the padded bench and lifted my tail with my back to the mirror, wiggling my hips suggestively and giggling to myself. I was sure someone would appreciate these I thought as I moved up to kneel on the bench and eased the panties down my legs, seeing in the mirror just how enticing I would look to anyone behind me. I felt my body tingling and shook my head having had more than enough of that and deciding I'd better get up and work through the next set. I slowly removed the lace black panties the rest of the way and slid the bra off, hanging both back up and taking the sheer white set to try next, still not too anxious to even consider the red set.

No sooner had I clasped the bra behind my back and bent down to step into the sheer white panties than I heard the door open behind me. I blushed and tucked my tail down, looking into the mirror to see Marlo stepping into the booth and closing the door behind him. Quickly I finished pulling the panties up and covered myself with my paws as I turned to back up against the wall. "I'm not finished" I told him, pressing my legs together and squirming about nervously. "Oh relax" the feline smiled, moving his paws to my wrists and easily pulling my arms aside "Now let me see." I trembled and bit my lip as he looked up and down my body, the undergarments he had chosen doing almost nothing to hide me from his gaze. Slowly he turned me to face the mirror, positioning me in front of him as he guided my legs apart and stroked along my chest and over my sides with his paws. "That looks nice" Marlo smiled as he caressed me with his paws "Better than the last one?" I blinked in surprise and looked up at him with a worried expression. "Better?" I repeated uncomfortably, unsure how he had known. "You sure are enjoying this" he teased, slipping a paw down to tug at the sheer panties drawing my attention to the wetness soaking through them, making them completely transparent. It was then I realized the tingling sensation had gotten stronger for some reason, though I was sure the large male behind me pawing at my nearly exposed body wasn't helping.

"Shall I help you change?" Marlo purred into my ear, already moving back to the door which to my shock he opened, tossing out my clothes before closing it again and returning to me holding the red lingerie set. Without another word he unclasped my bra and slid it off my shoulders before kneeling to pull my panties down my legs to the floor as I stood, still in shock as I was soon left standing naked looking at my reflection in the mirror. The leopard's paws worked expertly as he moved me as he needed to get the red bra and panties on, which hardly improved the situation as my intimate bits remained on display in the mirror now accentuated by the red cloth. "Go on" said Marlo smoothly, guiding me back up onto the padded bench on my back, giving us both a good view of just how explicitly displayed I was in the mirror with my legs spread completely exposing me front to back. I heard the sound of a zipper and looked up at him behind me with a worried expression as his paw stroked over my chest. "Why don't we get to what you came here for" the leopard growled suggestively as his pants fell to the floor, exposing his feline sheath just above my muzzle as I lay my head back on the bench. "I really just wanted shoes" I tried to insist unconvincingly, my body completely betraying my words. "Girls don't come here for shoes" the leopard laughed "Just listen." I held my breath and perked my ears. From somewhere nearby I could hear the faint sounds of moaning and what I imagined must have been bodies pounding against each other.

I whimpered as Marlo pressed his sheath against my lips, slowly climbing up onto the perfectly shaped bench over me as I realized just what I had gotten myself into. I moaned reflexively as I felt his rough feline tongue between my legs slowly dragging across the lips of my sex. I was in no state to resist as I felt his length slide into my muzzle, his hips slowly moving just as mine were in response to his attention as he expertly filled the need he had created in me. His paw soon joined his tongue as he slid his digits into my soaking cunny while he ever so gently worked his sandpaper tongue over my clit. No wonder Angie liked this mall I thought as I opened my legs wider and lifted my knees, finding a place for my footpaws on protruding parts of the bench allowing me to lift my hips to meet the leopard's muzzle as he pleasured me. I reached my paws up to his hips and closed my eyes, suckling his barbed length as I did my best to return the pleasure he was giving me, enjoying his male scent and taste as he gave me more than I could handle. As I rapidly approached my orgasm I moaned around his length, squeezing my paws at his hips and rocking faster to let him know I was close. Suddenly without any warning, he pulled back, getting up and guiding me to sit up so that he could position himself behind me on the bench. "Tell me what you want" the leopard purred as he lifted me into his lap still facing the mirror, teasing my sex with his shaft as we both looked at your reflections.

"Take me" I whimpered, reaching a paw down between my legs to guide him between my spread nether lips. He wasted no time obliging my plea, positioning me gently with his paws before suddenly thrusting up to hilt himself inside of me. I cried out and arched my back, reaching my paws back to him to steady myself as the sudden sensation set me off, causing my whole body to spasm as he began rocking his hips and moving me with his paws to grind against his lap. It felt so good I forgot where I was and what I was doing. I simply surrendered to the sensations that washed over me as the feline barbs dragged along my sensitive flesh in long full strokes as my hips moved against the leopard who slowly laid back and moved his paws away to allow me to ride him at my own pace. It seemed Marlo could last forever as I continued so long my muscles started to get tired, not that I was complaining as I slowly withdrew from him and bent forward, looking back over my shoulder at him and lifting my tail. Without a word the sexy leopard got up and bent me over the side of the bench, mounting me from behind to let his hips do the work for a while. I turned my head to the side and watched our reflections in the mirror, panting softly as the feline's skilled technique quickly worked me up to another orgasm. As I tossed my head back and moaned shamelessly I finally felt the feline's pace begin to quicken, driving me to help rock back against him when suddenly he did something I hadn't expected. Instead of finishing the way we were, he withdrew again and picked me up, lying me down on the bench just as before with my head toward the door and my legs spread wide toward the mirror as he moved between my legs and again climbed up on top of me this time face to face, kissing me passionately as he again thrust his barbed shaft into my soaking cunny. I immediately wrapped my arms and legs around him, opening my mouth and pressing my tongue to his as he picked up his rapid pace, again driving me over the edge as I finally felt his shaft throbbing inside of me, filling my body with warmth.

We held the kiss a long while and both slowly relaxed. When I finally opened my eyes I saw him looking back at me smiling gently. I smiled too as he slowly pulled back and offered me a paw to help me stand. Again he moved me to face the mirror and stood behind me rubbing my shoulders. "You look very nice" he said with a purr and a gentle nuzzle before retrieving his pants and dressing himself. I blushed as I looked over myself, the crotchless panties now covered in the leopard's cum soaking the fur between my legs leaking down my thighs. "Fortunately those clean up nicely" he added, opening the door without so much as a warning and stepping outside. I almost started to panic, but soon Marlo returned with my clothes on a hangar. "These came out nicely also" he smiled as he held my outfit up to me. As I turned to look I saw the clothes I had worn had been significantly altered. The top was now much shorter, leaving my tummy almost completely exposed, and the V neck plunged down much further between my breasts, and seemed wider as well, making me wonder if it would even cover my nipples. It was my skirt though that really shocked me. It must have been a full 3 inches shorter than when I had left home, and it was slit up the sides to the waist with wide cuts that made it look almost like the front and back were two separate pieces. The final thing I noticed and found most alarming was that the zipper was missing. In its place was a ribbon tied in a bow to hold the skirt up, but the space where the zipper had been and possibly a little more, had been left open with a new hem sewn along the edge of where the zipper once was.

"Go ahead" Marlo insisted, holding the hanger up to me with one paw and holding out his other paw for my bra and panties. I sighed and removed the lingerie, once again dressing myself in what I had on when I came in, except for the panties which I noted were nowhere to be found. Surprisingly the outfit didn't leave me exposed, though only just barely. The flesh around my nipples partly showed along the inner edge of the deep V of my top, while the skirt left barely enough fabric between the bottom of where the zipper used to be and the bottom edge of the front of the skirt to keep from showing more than the tiniest bit of flesh either from the top, or from underneath when standing, depending on how tight the bow was tied. What I hadn't realized from looking at the skirt on the hanger was how much shorter the back of the skirt now was than the front, now only coming down a few inches from the waist, covering almost nothing if it wasn't for my fluffy tail. "So, shall I ring you up then?" Marlo smiled as he watched me looking myself over in the mirror. All this was of course not at all what I had bargained for, but after that experience it was hard to complain. "Umm, ok" I said blushing as I turned back to the leopard, the scent of our mating still heavy in the air. "What about shoes?" I asked, hoping to finally get what I came for so I could go home and clean myself up. "We don't sell shoes" Marlo laughed, opening the door and guiding me out to the register. "You should try the place next door" he suggested as he turned the scanner to me and had me place my pawpad on it to access my credit account. "Oh umm, ok, thank you" I nodded nervously, taking my bag from the still smiling leopard and hurrying from the store.

I sighed in relief as I collected myself again safely out in the main thoroughfare, busy with furs walking this way and that. I noticed more than my share of lustful glances due to my modified outfit and cum stained thighs, but did my best to pay no attention as I went on my way looking for the next door shop the leopard had mentioned. As it turned out the very next door was a bathroom which would have been a welcome stop for me in my current state as I still felt the damp fur between my legs, but I knew better as public bathrooms are no place for a female if she can avoid them, especially in a busy place like this. I shook my head and moved on, finding the store on the other side of the bathroom which filled me with confidence that I would soon have my shoes and be on my way. This store unlike the last one was quite busy with furs standing about talking, moving back and forth from the fitting rooms lined up openly against the wall, and making purchases at the register. There was even an advertisement for shoes on sale, which meant I was definitely on the right track. As I stepped inside I was also relieved to notice that most of what few sales associates there were, were female, each one dressed in a similar white button short sleeved top and khaki shorts. Since the store was so popular they all seemed to be busily hurrying about, so I explored on my own a while, this time easily finding the shoes and looking around for what might fit me the best.

"Are you finding everything you need?" Came a voice from the end of the isle as a familiar lynx poked her head around the corner. I blushed, unsure if she would recognize me from the party. "Hi, I was just looking for some shoes for summer?" I asked, hoping to possibly speed up my search a little. "Sure!" she replied enthusiastically, bounding around the corner and looking up and down the shelf. "Have you tried these?" she asked, lifting up on her toes to take down a box from a high up shelf and opening it up to show me. It seemed rather strange to me these shoes had not been out on display as I looked into the box curiously. The design seemed quite unique as I looked them over and took one out of the box for closer inspection. The top part of the shoe seemed to be made of an elastic material with a single buckled closure almost like a small belt around the ankle. "These look.. different" I said quizzically, unsure what to make of the shoe. "We just got them in" the lynx explained, whose name was Dalia according to her name tag. "We all tried them and they're really great, you should give them a try" she suggested, showing me to a chair to sit down. "Dal, you're up" came another voice from the end of the isle as a tall skunkette walked by somewhat stiffly with a wave of her paw. "Hmm, I need to go take care of the fitting rooms, come with me?" Dalia asked, taking me by surprise as she reached out and took my paw in hers. "Oh umm, sure" I said, putting the shoe back in the box she was holding and picking up my shopping bag, following along as she briskly moved along through the busy store.

Like the last store the fitting rooms were up against one of the side walls, but here they were simply small booths all in a row next to one another out in the open rather than being sectioned off. They also seemed to be quite busy as furs moved in and out of them with many standing around waiting their turns. Almost all of the booths seemed to be occupied from the lock signs on the doors which curiously had multiple different markings I took note of including a vertical line, a circle, and an "X". I was going to inquire but Dalia was quick to find an open booth and show me in. To my surprise she followed me inside, closing the door and locking it with a circle showing behind her. The fitting room itself was rather small, more what I would have expected from a fitting room than the last store which helped to reassure me. I could reach out my arms and touch both side walls with my paws, and there were height adjustable benches along both of them in addition to clothing hooks on the inside of the door and of course a full length mirror against the far wall opposite the door. "Aren't you supposed to be watching the fitting rooms?" I asked as we both sat down and Dalia removed the shoes from the box as I set my shopping bag aside. She seemed confused by my question. "I am" she answered as she knelt down on the floor and moved to place one of the shoes on my footpaw. I didn't really understand, but I was glad to be finally trying on some shoes and in fact was somewhat glad to have some privacy as the alterations to my skirt made it almost impossible to sit modestly. "You put on quite a show at the party the other night" Dalia giggled as she finished with the first shoe and looked up at me licking her lips as my legs parted to give her my other footpaw. I blushed and squirmed uneasily, though I remembered much the same from her as that night had gone on. "Umm, thanks, I thought that was you" I said nervously as she got the other shoe on my footpaw and turned to fastening the buckles, taking a pair of rings from the box that I hadn't noticed before. "I was hoping I would see you again" she purred, stroking her paws along my legs as she finished fastening the shoes about my footpaws. "There, try that" she said, bouncing up to stand and looking over me.

I stood up as well, rocking back and forth and lifting my footpaws in the tight space, feeling somewhat annoyed by the rings dangling from the backs of my ankles, fastened to the shoes by the buckles. I also noticed that the floor seemed rather sticky as I moved my footpaws up and down and shifted side to side, giving Dalia a concerned look as she watched me. "How do they feel?" she asked, sitting back down and rummaging through the box. "Umm, alright I think" I timidly answered, in truth fairly satisfied with the shoes themselves but growing less sure of the situation. "These should help" Dalia said, standing up and slipping a pair of matching buckled cuffs around my wrists with the same dangling rings. "Just shoes really" I said nervously, lifting my paws and looking over the cuffs. "Don't be silly, it's a set" the teasing lynx encouraged me, poking my nose and slipping a paw around behind me to the base of my tail. I turned to look and whimpered as a thicker cuff was quickly fastened about the base of my tail. "This really wasn't what I came in here for" I said as Dalia snuggled up against me and purred. "Well it's a good thing I found you then" she giggled playfully, "I'm sure you'll have a better time this way." Before I could try and dissuade her any further a panel I hadn't noticed slid open in the wall behind her and I peered around her to see a canine shaft sliding through the opening into our booth. Dalia turned to look as well and flashed me a smile and a wink before adjusting the bench down close to the floor and kneeling on it. "Just a minute" she said, opening her mouth and taking the male's length fully into her muzzle.

I blinked in surprise, not sure how to deal with the situation as I watched the lynx eagerly pleasuring the male on the other side of the wall with her mouth and paws. I sat myself down and tried to wait patiently, though I could hardly help feeling a little aroused again after what I had already been through in the previous store, and the sight and sound, and scent of what was now going on right in front of me. I noticed as I watched that Dalia's shorts seemed to be split front to back, though I wouldn't have been able to tell without her legs being open in her kneeling position on the bench. It didn't take me long to realize that all the girls must be required to dress this way as part of their uniform, and that minding the fitting rooms meant quite a bit more than I had thought. As it happened I was about to find out personally just how much more as I soon heard a panel slide open behind me and gasped as I wiggled out of the way to see another erect male shaft protruding from my side of the booth. Dalia turned to look and smiled at me, licking her lips. "Would you mind?" she stated, not exactly as a question before returning to servicing the male in front of her. I sighed and shook my head, it again seemed I was in no position to argue, especially after what a slut I had made myself out to be at the party. I followed the lynx's example and adjusted the bench down to the right height so I could kneel on it back to back with her with my muzzle level with the opening, barely able to see dark fur through it which gave me little clue as to the species of my partner as I obediently opened my mouth used my paw to guide his shaft into my muzzle.

Since I was unable to see much anyway I closed my eyes and simply enjoyed the sensation of the hot male length filling my muzzle, and the sound of the purring lynx behind me doing much the same on her side of the small booth. Unlike the leopard earlier, this male didn't seem interested in taking things slow. I could hear him panting from the other side of the thin wall and he was thrusting against it, desperate to bury his length deeper into my mouth. The control my position gave me was more than I was used to, which was an unexpected and pleasant surprise as I found I could move comfortably and use my paw to guide him rather than letting the male push into my throat and cut off my breathing. Still I couldn't even see his face, which was a new experience for me. Normally I would have exchanged a few words, or at least a look before getting so intimate with someone, but here there wasn't even room for that as the only part of my partner I was able to see was what was thrusting into my muzzle. I could tell he was already getting close from the way his pace was quickening, causing me to take note of how hot I was getting from the experience. Since Dalia and I had been together under even more erotic circumstances than this, I felt little shame in sliding a paw between my legs and massaging my clit as I moaned softly and encouraged the male on the other side of the wall with my tongue. Just as I felt he was about to climax I felt a pair of kitty paws on my shoulders pulling me back away from the wall sliding the male's length free of my muzzle. "Not in your mouth foxy" the lynx whispered into my ear with a smile as she pressed up against my back and reached her paw out to wrap around the pulsing male shaft, stroking it firmly in front of my face. I immediately realized what it was Dalia intended and shook my head in protest but it was too late as the soft feline's paw quickly brought the male to orgasm, pulsing several strong spurts of cum over my face and chest.

No sooner had he finished than he withdrew, closing the panel and leaving me a blushing mess. "Over here foxy" Dalia instructed, turning me around and moving me in place in front of the male she had been pleasuring who was obviously in nearly the same state the previous one had been, with his large canine knot filled out and his long thick shaft dripping from the tip. He must have been a wolf I thought from his size and scent as Dalia guided me to take her place kneeling in front of him. As she moved me close and started stroking the canine length I gave in and shrugged the straps of my shirt off my shoulders and pulled my top down to my waist to prepare myself, knowing all too well how a situation like this this would turn out with a wolf. I still whimpered in anticipation as I saw his balls draw up and heard his moans increase, taking care to close my eyes as the first jets of his cum started to cover my face. I arched my back and panted heavily, my paw now frantically working between my legs as the male's cum drenched my face and the entire front of my body. It was all too much for me and I climaxed along with him, the shower of his warmth seeming to last forever as I leaned in close and nuzzled against his warm flesh which continued to pulse and soak my fur.

"Mmm, now let's show ya what else these shoes can do" Dalia teased playfully as she hopped up and moved around behind me. I struggled to wipe my eyes with my paws as the male finally withdrew, though I didn't imagine he would be going far very comfortably for a while after what just happened. I felt some tugging at my ankles and looked down as I she moved my footpaws apart and helped me to stand back up by her seeming quite pleased with her work. "There now, see? A girl never knows when she'll need a little bondage" Dalia giggled, taking hold of my tail and pulling me back against the wall with a click. I wiped my eyes again and blinked as I tried to see what was going on. The rings at the back of my ankles attached to the shoes were now restrained by clips on the wall which had been uncovered when the bench had been adjusted down to the floor to kneel on. My tail likewise seemed to be hooked by the thick cuff to the wall just above the closed panel behind me, forcing me to lean forward awkwardly and prop myself up against the opposite wall with my paws as my tail was pulled upwards. "It shouldn't be long" Dalia smiled as she ducked under my arm to stand in front of me, positioning herself in much the same way against the opposite wall and making sure the folds of her shorts were open to expose herself as she leaned forward and placed her paws against the wall to either side of me and began to lick at my muzzle. I realized what she had in mind and knew my skirt would also leave me completely uncovered once that panel opened again as I squirmed uncomfortably back against the wall and looked over Dalia's smiling face while we both waited for what we knew was coming.

It wasn't long before Dalia's eyes went wide and she let out a sudden gasp. I couldn't see exactly from the way we were standing nose to nose but she made it very obvious what she was feeling as she let out a moan and rocked back and forth. I felt myself getting wet again as I remembered the last time I saw her and what was happening to me at the time. Lucky for me I didn't have to fantasize long as I heard the panel behind me open and soon felt a paw groping between my legs. I was barely able to move so there wasn't much I could do to encourage my new partner as his paw explored my body. Two digits slowly worked between my nether lips and pressed into me, causing me to tremble as I watched the way Dalia passionately enjoyed herself, panting heavily and grinding herself against the wall. Before long I felt the large paw move under my tail to press against my rear entrance, slick from my wetness and applying pressure that I found myself unable to resist due to the way my tail was restrained. I whimpered helplessly, looking to Dalia hoping she might offer some assistance but she was far too lost in pleasure to notice with her eyes already closed and her whole body rocking with the sound of her partner thrusting against the wall behind her. Whether I wanted it or not, the paw soon withdrew and I could hear shuffling about behind the wall as the new fur got into position. Something else slick and much larger started pressing up under my tail and I resisted at first, tossing my head side to side and tugging forward against the restraints as much as they allowed, hoping I could convince my partner I didn't want what he intended but behind the wall there was little he would have been able to notice, if he even cared.

To spite my attempts he continued to increase the pressure until my resistance gave out and suddenly allowed him to push forward and force his tip inside of me. I cried out sharply and arched my back at the jolt of sudden painful stretching with no time to adjust as the male immediately started thrusting and sinking in farther. No matter how I tried I couldn't pull away as the thick shaft seemed to go on forever pressing deeper and stretching my clenched entrance more and more painfully, causing me to grow frantic with my struggles though Dalia hardly seemed to notice as she clearly enjoyed being taken far more than I was. "Mmm, cum with me" she moaned, leaning forward to kiss me as her body tensed and trembled, mistaking my cries and struggles for pleasure. I closed my eyes and whimpered into the kiss as I was pounded roughly from behind at an ever increasing speed, still feeling extremely aroused to spite the pain but having a hard time coping with the size of the male shaft uncomfortably stretching me. Fortunately it wasn't much longer before the thrusting slowly came to a stop and I could feel my body filling with warmth allowing me start to relax and sigh in relief, barely holding myself up with my paws on Dalia's shoulders with our lips still pressed together.

The lynx's partner seemed to last quite a while longer as the sound of his body thrusting against the wall continued a long while long after the male who had taken me had withdrawn and been replaced by another whose obviously canine length I thankfully felt sink into my soaking cunny rather than under my tail. I couldn't guess the number of climaxes Dalia had, but at long last she broke the kiss and moaned out "Mmm, he's cumming, oh fuck it feels so good" bucking her hips back against the wall until the sound of his body finally stopped and she slowly stepped away from the wall. I was really starting to get into it myself, finally getting the attention I wanted from a male on the other side of the wall as I clenched around his length. Unfortunately Dalia had other ideas for me, moving beside me to release my restraints and guiding me away from the wall, leaving the slick canine shaft throbbing needfully as she adjusted the bench so that she could sit down beside the open panel with her back to the wall. "Lick" she said with a smile, spreading her legs and moving her hips forward to the edge of the bench, exposing her cum filled cunny between the folds of her shorts. Without thinking I obediently knelt before her and lowered my muzzle between her legs, extending my tongue to lick along her sensitive flesh, looking up at her as she turned her head to the side and lifted a paw to pleasure the male canine.

The experience was clearly becoming too much for me, so much sex in such a confined space, being forcibly restrained and unable to climax as I was taken, having a female order me to clean her well used cunny with my tongue. I felt like such a slut, like there was nothing I wouldn't willingly do, like I needed to be used, mounted, fucked by any fur who wanted me. My tongue moved enthusiastically between the feline's legs, licking over and pressing into her sex as I moved a paw between my own legs and moaned as I rubbed myself. I could see Dalia smiling as she looked down at me, teasing the canine's shaft with her tongue as she stroked him with her paw, causing him to buck his hips against the wall in desperation. "Mmm, good girl, now come here" she purred, reaching a paw down to my muzzle and guiding me to kneel in front of the male's pulsing shaft. I knew well by now what to expect but whimpered anyway as the speed of the lynx's paw increased while my own massaging my clit matched her pace as I quickly built up to climax. Before I could finish myself off the male started to cum, forcing me to close my eyes as he added to the heavy male scent already soaking my face and chest. As with most canines his climax went on for quite a long time and when I finally wiped my eyes again and looked around I saw another male already positioning himself at the open panel behind me. "That's enough of that" Dalia giggled, taking my wrists by the rings attached to the cuffs and preventing me from continuing to rub myself as she helped me to stand.

"Thanks for saving me a shower" she winked as she picked up my shopping bag, placing the now empty shoe box inside of it for me and unlocking the door. I gasped and quickly pulled my shirt back up, feeling it immediately soak through from my wet fur. I did my best to also check my skirt, but it seemed the tie that had replaced the zipper had come loose and I couldn't manage to tie it easily so I resorted to holding it on with my paw as we stepped out of the booth together. I blushed as we re-entered the busy store with several furs, mostly male, standing around to use the fitting rooms for reasons I now had a much better understanding of. "Have fun" Dalia remarked with a teasing wiggle of her bobtail as a female husky dressed in the same store uniform made her way into the booth we had just left, giving a teasing wiggle of her own once she was inside before closing the door. To my surprise none of the furs seemed particularly interested in my disheveled state as we made our way to the register. I guessed girls walking out of those booths like this must have been too common a sight to be notable. "Hey, you don't happen to need a job do you?" Dalia asked eagerly as she helped me scan my pawpad at the register. I tried to collect myself and register what she was saying, still feeling somewhat dazed from the intense experience. I imagined what my boss would say if I told him I was quitting, which brought me a slight smile. "Umm, I'll think about it" I answered, retying my skirt and taking my shopping bag back from Dalia, staying content to wear the shoes rather than box them back up. "You will? Oh yes please do, I'd be very... very grateful" she smiled, licking her lips. "I, yes, I'll think about it" I said, timidly moving toward the exit. "Enjoy your shower" she called after me, making me wince. She was right of course, I was a mess. This might even count for breaking the mall rules if security saw me. There was no way of getting out of cleaning myself up in that bathroom now I sighed as I slowly made my way back towards it.

I did my best to stand up straight as if there was nothing wrong as I entered the bathroom and rounded the corner of the privacy wall that separated it from the main thoroughfare of the mall. What I saw as I stepped inside shocked me so much I nearly dropped my bag. The large bathroom was packed with furs, some gathered in large groups scattered about, others standing or sitting alone around several benches which were placed along the length of the long narrow room near the side walls. The bathroom was situated between the two stores I had just visited, and I only now found out exactly why that was. Along the side walls of the bathroom were the back sides of the one way mirrors which showed the interior of the fitting rooms of both stores. I could see the husky girl from the store I had just visited inside the booth Dalia and I had just been in, bent over and pressing back against the open panel as a male cougar from the next booth thrust into her exposed sex through the opening in the wall. Marlo was likewise servicing another customer, a red vixen in a shelf bra and open crotch panties just like the ones in my bag, who he had pressed up against the glass as he took her from behind. There were several other scenes taking place in the various fitting rooms on both sides, with the male audience in the bathroom seeming to greatly enjoy the voyeuristic pleasure of watching. I didn't happen to notice any females right away, though there was of course no gender separation in such places normally. Eventually I realized it was because they were the reasons for the large groups gathered in various places around the room. I first noticed due to the sound of their cries and moans coming from within the the bathroom as sound thankfully didn't carry from inside the booths. I considered backing out and hoping I could make it to my car for a moment but a large fur bumped me from behind, making me gasp as I turned back to look, seeing a very large black feline smiling down at me.

I apologized timidly and inched off to the side and he let me go, moving off into the room to find something he liked and paying me no more attention. It would be better to just get this over with I decided, taking a moment to look around the room for the showers. Most of the floor was covered by a sort of squishy rubber mat as was usual to prevent slipping and the toilets were all the way against the back wall, but I didn't see the typical arrangement of privacy barriers which usually accompanied public bathroom showers. After a few more moments of confused scanning the room discovered why and learned yet another troubling fact about the arrangement. There was a railing around a small step up to a shallowly dished platform which ran down the center of the narrow room, along the center of which was what looked like a drain, causing me to look up at the ceiling where I saw the free hanging showerheads attached directly to the ceiling rather than being placed along a wall as was normal. I counted 6 showers, and the controls were located along posts coming up from the floor to support the railing that ran between them with an opening near each showerhead to let furs step up onto the platform. Privacy was obviously completely out of the question, which I imagined must have been the point. Knowing what went on in the adjacent stores I could definitely see why it was set up this way as any girl who stepped into one of those fitting rooms was likely to need to come in here immediately after to clean up where her audience would be waiting. Just get it over with, I reminded myself as I took a deep breath and stepped up to the platform at the nearest shower and set down my bag off to the side.

Most of the males in the room already had their attention focused elsewhere as I let my skirt fall to the floor and slowly peeled off my top. It seemed now soaked through and almost completely transparent, making me wonder if it was even the same one I had put on when I first came into the mall though the tag still read the same. A shower wasn't likely to help with that I thought, shaking my head as I balled up my clothes and stuffed them into my shopping bag along with my new lingerie. The shoes were a bit more of a hassle. I tugged at them and pulled at the buckle but couldn't seem to figure out how to get them off. After a few moments of frustration I realized that the shoes could separate from the cuffs and loosen on their own to be removed, but that the cuffs, like the ones around my wrist and tail, were locked on. I would have to go back and ask Dalia about this I thought as I dropped the shoes in my shopping bag, having not been given a key when I left the store. For now the cuffs would just have to get wet as I turned to the controls and activated the water. The sudden sound of falling water immediately drew the attention of several males around the room who turned to look at me with lustful smiles. A few even separated from the groups they were standing in, giving me my first glimpse at a female collie and squirrel still mostly surrounded, both of whom were taking two males at once while several others watched and waited their turns. Just get it over with I repeated to myself, taking some shampoo from the dispenser and closing my eyes as I scrubbed clean the fur of my face.

Fortunately I wasn't disturbed as I showered, whether out of courtesy or more likely because none of the other furs wanted to get themselves wet I wasn't sure. I got my fur cleaned as best I could in a hurry with the surprisingly nice soaps dispensed by the post controlling the shower. The water also felt wonderful after my ordeal, causing me to linger a bit longer than I probably should have as the large showerhead rained down a heavy stream of water over my whole body at once. Keeping an eye on all the furs watching I did my best to put on a show for them, hoping it would keep them entertained rather than entice them to take advantage of me as I leaned against the railing and spread my legs, working my paws between my legs and under my lifted tail to be sure and get myself as clean as possible. By the time I felt clean enough to stop it seemed half the furs in the room were staring at my naked body, but I just flashed them a smile and gave my breasts a squeeze before turning off the water and turning on the air body dryer that was also built into the post. I had always hated the loud blustery dryers and never used them at home unless I was in a hurry, but in this case there were no towels to wrap myself in and I knew the sooner I got out of here and made my way home the better.

After a careful rubdown of my fur in the loud blowing air I shut the dryer off, only to immediately feel a tug at the base of my tail. I slowly turned my head to see the same smiling feline face looking down at me. "All nice and clean?" He asked with a smirk, now bottomless and clearly aroused as he pushed me forward and bent me over the railing. "Time to get dirty" he growled into my ear, and with that he unceremoniously yanked up my tail and thrust his thick barbed shaft into my exposed cunny. I cried out sharply, more from shock than anything at the sudden penetration. I realized that I still felt rather needy after the way Dalia left me and that I had probably been a bit more suggestive during my shower than I should have been if I expected not to be taken advantage of. The feline's paw on my back pushed me down further against the railing, my breasts hanging over it and bouncing with the rhythm of the large male's hips. I wondered briefly how it was I always seemed to wind up in these situations but was quickly overcome by the pleasure and couldn't help but eagerly begin to rock my hips back to meet the feline's thrusts. It was all I could do to keep myself from moaning and begging for more as my already aroused body responded to the large barbed shaft rapidly moving inside of me. I looked around as I rocked back and forth, my arousal quickly building at seeing many pairs of eyes looking back over me while others enjoyed the scenes taking place through the glass and elsewhere around the room. I was by now more than used to the excessive amount of attention I attracted due to the reputation of fennecs as insatiable sluts, a stereotype I normally tried to do my best not to reinforce. I wasn't doing well with that today I thought as the feline's pace picked up. I felt his teeth at my shoulder and his hot breath through my fur as he pulled close and growled dominantly. I couldn't resist clenching around his length and crying out as the intense feeling finally pushed me over the edge, my spasming body only being held up by the railing I was bent over as I trembled uncontrollably and panted.

My eyes closed and the sounds of the room seemed to blend together, I didn't know if I was still breathing, or still standing. All I could feel were the waves of pleasure washing over me and finally a feeling of warmth between my legs and the pain of sharp teeth digging into my neck. Slowly I felt myself returning to reality as the feline withdrew, my eyes snapping open wide when he gave my upturned rear a firm swat with his paw before walking off to retrieve pants and leaving the bathroom. Before I could even stand myself back up or think to grab for my clothes, several sets of paws had a hold of me and I was being guided down from the shower platform to the floor nearby where I was quickly surrounded by males pawing at my naked body and working me into position with a pair of young wolves who I imagined must have been related. Both were already bottomless and clearly aroused as they guided me to my knees between them along with the help of the paws of other nearby males seeming all too eager to help. I had no doubt what they had in mind given what I had briefly seen of the other females earlier and I soon found myself being pulled into one wolf's lap and laid back against his chest while the other knelt between my legs. It occurred to me for a brief moment that I was surprised to find myself making no objection, but I had little time to reconsider as the pair of wolves, seemingly well practiced at this, positioned themselves and suddenly together thrust into me. I cried out sharply and tensed at the sudden sharp pain under my tail. Though the young wolves weren't nearly as big as the male who had taken me that way in the store what now seemed like hours ago, I was still quite sore and the two of them together soon had me stretched even further, enough to allow them both to penetrate me to the knot, the male below me using his paws at my hips to roughly bounce me between the two lupine bodies. Not that they would have been any gentler if they had known I imagined, as males were never that careful with fennec girls. Sure enough the wolf on top of me started thrusting hard and buried his growing knot in me several times before pulling it back out with a sharp gasp from me. Fortunately my small body was much too tight to keep that up for long, both of the wolves kindly choosing not to tie with me as their knots filled out and pounded against my overstretched rear entrance as our bodies moved against each other.

Between the two males thrusting into me and the many others gathered around I hardly noticed the new girls walk in at first. The other males however took interest right away and quickly moved to greet the new arrivals, leaving me alone with the two wolves whose attention was also turned to the entrance while they continued using me. It was the frantic screaming that first caused me to snap out of my dazed state to see that four young girls had walked in together had been grabbed and were now being dragged further into the room by several of the males who had been waiting their turns with me and the other few females present. They seemed to have been taken completely by surprise from the terrified looks on their faces. Whether they had come to this mall naively as I did, or had been intentionally misled to believe they would be safe from such treatment here I couldn't have guessed, but at this point it no longer mattered as they struggled and fought helplessly to retreat back out of the room before it was too late. They seemed very young which concerned me, maybe even younger than my little sister Jen who had just come into her first heat. It seemed there were four of them. A pretty vixen with dark orange fur was struggling to keep her short pink pleated skirt down along with her tail as she tried to force her way back out of the room through the crowd of much larger male furs around her. There was a short thin white bunny whose gray stretch pants were already part way down her legs with the males around her grabbing at them and yanking them down further, exposing her conservative white panties to spite her efforts to hold the waistband up with one paw while the other kept her tight purple t-shirt held firmly over her chest as she was ushered further into the room. A busty raccoon girl was shrieking as she looked directly at me being used by the two wolves, suddenly realizing the fate she would soon be sharing as the males around her held her firmly and groped her chest with the straps of her halter top already down off of her shoulders showing that she clearly wore no bra underneath, nor was it likely that she wore panties with the tight white shorts that still barely hugged her hips gradually slipping as they too were pawed at. Finally a tawny little flat chested lioness was practically being carried as she flailed about, crying as she was pawed at through her tomboy outfit of a short tied top and jean shorts, neither of which seemed they would last long at this rate.

The last one who was attracting by far the most lustful attention was definitely too young for this I thought as I watched each of the four girl's struggles. All of them were, but wasn't that always the way it went? I shivered a moment as I remembered my first time, how I used to always scream and cry like that when I was taken. Girls just had to get used to it I thought, offering the pair of wolves an encouraging moan as I planted my footpaws against the floor and gyrated my hips. They would learn soon enough. This type of thing happened all the time, though not usually to ones so young. Rape wasn't exactly legal, but so long as nobody was seriously hurt and it was possible the victim might have wanted it there was little chance of any kind of punishment. In fact the treatment of those few females there were, compared to the overwhelming male population, was largely considered part of the punishment for breaking laws. Typically male criminals quite often ended up undergoing gender reassignment and being subjected to life as a female while helping to balance out the greatly lopsided gender imbalance. I shuddered to think of the things I had seen females undergo as punishments when they were rarely caught breaking laws. Still it wasn't likely anyone would be in trouble for this since all the girls had walked in on their own even if we all should have known better, myself included.

I watched with helpless fascination as the two wolves continued to pound me, feeling a little guilty at my arousal as each of the young girls was groped and rubbed. The raccoon had been silenced by a paw around her muzzle and was now sobbing along with the other three who were now huddled together begging to be let go and not to be touched. Unfortunately them there was no persuading the males who seemed to enjoy tormenting the poor girls, slowly tugging and clawing at their clothes from all sides while pawing at their young bodies. I heard cries and the sounds of ripping, and watched mesmerized as more and more of the girls' fur was exposed, the lioness' top being the first garment to go with others following in tatters as the young girls were each slowly stripped. At the sight of the young bodies being exposed the two wolves still using me picked up their pace, both panting lustfully and forcing me toward another orgasm though all our eyes were on the scene taking place. I was already feeling what the unfortunate young girls were all about to experience and let out another moan as I began to climax, the two wolves maintaining an amazing pace as their knots pounded together against me, stretching me with each thrust, almost threatening to tie with me as I rocked my own hips down to meet theirs, lost in my own pleasure. Finally just as they had started, the two wolves finished almost in unison, the initial flood of warmth filling me quickly and then withdrawing as the two young wolves pulled out and took the opportunity to again cover my body with cum as I lay panting on the floor between them. When I finally came down from my orgasm enough to think to look again, I saw that the other girls who had been here before I arrived had been released and were now gathering up what remained of their clothing and quickly cleaning themselves as best they could before hurrying from the room before the cycle started for them all over again. The squirrel I had seen earlier in particular I noticed seemed frustrated at being unable to find her bottoms, choosing to brave the mall with nothing but her tail to cover her lower half.

I expected I would be let up as well, but it seemed the pair of wolves had something else in mind for me and I found myself soon dragged to the back of the room next to the toilets where a pair of small rounded metal cylinders were sticking up from the floor at an angle on a small dished platform similar to the much like one for the showers. As the wolves moved me closer I noticed the base of each cylinder had a clip much like I had seen in the booths in Dalia's store, and that there was a drain between them which suggested a purpose that made me struggle and whimper in the grip of the two young canines. I was in no condition to resist as I was forced into position over the cylinders. My ankle and wrist cuffs were clipped to the bases of the cylinders, forcing me to crouch over them leaning forward with my arms behind my back. The wolves carefully adjusted the cylinder's height up to where I was being penetrated by them both, my body offering little resistance after the hard poundings I had taken earlier. I later learned from Angie that the wearing of such articles as cuffs was considered in many circumstances an invitation to degrading treatment, even more so than what females were generally used to enduring. Unfortunately for me Dalia had neglected to inform me of that fact, and probably would have quite enjoyed the thought of me ending up in this position after her encouragement to get myself cleaned up. The two wolves, seeming pleased with their work stepped up close and smiled down at me, then began to mark me. I yipped in surprise and quickly closed my mouth and eyes as the warm wetness covered my face, turning my head, wrinkling my nose and folding my ears down as my fur became soaked through, my struggling only serving to thrust the metal cylinders deeper into my body until they finally finished and moved away.

After a few moments I carefully opened my eyes, being unable to wipe them with my paws and looked around the room. The four young girls were now mostly naked and each being forced to all fours in a circle facing each other, each one straddling an eager male while another got into position from behind. The group taking advantage of the four young girls was not at all organized, and I heard each girl's pained scream one after the other as she was penetrated, whether from the loss of her virginity or the sizes of her two partners I couldn't say, though I saw the signs later as their first round of partners finished that all of the girls were experiencing their first time. I hoped for their sakes that they weren't coming into heat as my sister had been for her first time. The vixen and the raccoon I thought were most likely to be, based on how their bodies had filled out compared to the other two and how they seemed to be responding to the rough treatment. Both were now panting with their eyes closed and even starting to move their bodies in response to the males who used their bodies time after time. The bunny girl was still obviously not enjoying herself, her voice still crying out with her expression one of wide eyed pain and disbelief as she was more harshly used, her reaction clearly driving the male dominance to subdue her as had been my experience in similar situations. The small lioness though was no longer able to cry out, obviously the favorite of the crowd as her mouth now also being used by a third male along with the two already penetrating her. As a male would finish with one of them another would quickly take his place, shifting the girls positions around, so that their formerly virgin openings were almost constantly filled. Quite a few of them in turn also made their way over to me, marking me the way the wolves had, with a few even being insistent on getting my mouth open, causing me to cough and choke as I tried not to swallow, all the while doing my best to keep still and struggling to maintain my crouched position, my burning muscles slowly giving way and forcing me to sink down farther and farther.

As males finished with their turns and either left the bathroom or stood back to watch, more appeared to constantly stream in the entrance, in what seemed like an endless cycle that went on for quite some time. Mercifully two large mall security officers, a husky and a bull were among the males who eventually made their way into the room, going unnoticed by most of the others as they focused their attention on the four young girls. After seeing enough of what was going on the bull stepped forward, grabbing a young buck by the scruff of his neck and yanking him off of the crying lioness. Everyone else in the room immediately stopped and looked on nervously as the two officers separated the four girls from the surrounding males and stood them up for questioning. The bull moved to make sure no one could leave the room as the husky asked each whimpering cum soaked girl what had happened. I strained to hear their answers as they briefly told the story since they walked in, none of them seeming to go on in great length as they stood naked and trembling before the officer. Once he had heard enough, the husky looked over the nearby males and selected four of them, including the young buck and one of the two wolves who had used me and stayed to watch. His choices seemed to have little to do with those involved, but rather to be more based on who would be the most attractive after their punishment was carried out. He didn't give any of them a chance to dress, instead stripping them all before placing cuffs around their wrists and giving two of their shirts to the youngest of the four girls, having them put them on and allowing them to leave on their wobbly legs, both still leaking cum as they supported each other to walk.

The raccoon and vixen who expected to be allowed to leave too seemed shocked when the husky announced that the remaining males should make sure they learned their lesson. With cries of dismay they were both pulled back down to the floor and again taken in front of the four cuffed males who were squirming in place as they watched, clearly all understanding what was in store for them. I finally shook my head to clear my thoughts, realizing I should take advantage of the situation and cried out to the officer who up to that time hadn't noticed me bound in the back of the room. He made his way over to me, leaving his partner to watch the four cuffed males, which the bull did by selecting the young buck, forcing him down to the floor and mounting him from behind while the others looked on fearfully. "Well, what have we here?" he said with a smile giving me a good looking over once he arrived. "Someone has been a bad girl" he remarked with a smile, taking note of the cuffs I wore and pushing his footpaw against my thigh, causing me to press down and take more of the metal shafts with only a whimper in response. He then lowered his pants and just like the others, marked me, further warming my already soaked fur with his scent. "Please?" I said softly, rocking my hips suggestively to show my desperation as I rode the two metal shafts. Whether I liked it or not I was again feeling incredibly hot, the almost electric feeling of metal inside of me and the tension of my body causing me to tremble as I took more of the smooth cylinders inside of me, finding them widening towards the base which stretched me painfully as I continued inching down. Without another word the husky finished and refastened his pants, and then stepped around behind me and thankfully reached down to unfasten my wrist cuffs. As I looked up to thank him however he took hold of my tail and gave it a yank, forcing me to cry out as my resistance gave out, allowing the metal suddenly thrust fully into me.

It wasn't just the size I was feeling. When my body reached the bases of the two cylinders something was set off. A sharp jolt of electricity coursed through my body, causing me to wet myself and tremble uncontrollably until I was able to lift myself back up. By the time I was able to rise off of the two cylinders and unfasten my ankles the husky had already returned to his partner who was still pounding away at the buck. It took all of my energy but I dragged my exhausted body back up to the shower platform and turned on the water, sitting on the floor as it rained down on me to wash away some of the scent soaking through my fur. I didn't want to be in here any longer than I had to, and I knew I should leave before the officers did otherwise I wasn't likely to be leaving any time soon. I only left the water on for a brief time before switching on the dryer and looking around for my shopping bag. Fortunately for me it had been undisturbed right where I left it and was still filled with what remained of my clothes. I retrieved the bag and slowly stood myself up still damp and made a clumsy effort to dress myself, though I took care to be covered as best I could by the skimpy outfit that was ever threatening to expose my intimate bits. As the bull finished and pulled his pants back up, I hurriedly wobbled my way to the entrance on my shaky legs, supporting myself with a paw against the wall when I could as I made my way back out to the mall followed closely by the two officers and four cuffed naked males.

I took a last look back at the scene as I left, still feeling bad for the two remaining formerly virgin girls who were now left by themselves to please the entire room full of lustful males, but I was at least relieved to no longer be a part of it. Not paying attention to where I was going, I accidentally bumped into someone coming in. I turned to look and noticed it was the female husky from the store with her face covered in cum obviously coming in to get cleaned up. I blushed as I moved aside to let her pass and watched as the male husky officer exchanged a long glance with her and gave her a quick swat to the rear, making her giggle as she passed. On reentering the main thoroughfare of the mall I looked about with bewilderment. It again appeared just like any normal mall, if anything less risqué with everyone seeming properly dressed and behaving themselves as they made their way about the various shops. I really needed a rest after all I had been through, and as the officers headed off in the opposite direction, each leading a pair of naked cuffed soon to be females, one already showing signs of the treatment they were all soon to learn to endure on a regular basis. I turned to slowly make my way to the food court, having to stop several times to re-tie my skirt which now continually seemed to slip since I had gotten the tie wet when dressing. Other than wardrobe issues the rather long walk was mostly uneventful, with the only notable incident being when a busty young tigress with her arms full of shopping bags was pounced on by a group of young males, scattering her bags as they quickly stripped her of her top and ran off with it. She cried out in shock and got up to run after them a few steps before stopping frozen in place with wide eyes, covering her exposed breasts with her paws. Slowly she inched back to gather her bags but in moments she was approached by a security officer who took her bags from her and escorted her away, using a communication device to report the incident. I hoped such incidents were not common and more carefully watched my surroundings as I continued on my way.

On finally reaching the dining area I purchased an iced coffee from an automatic machine and found a seat off to the side away from most of the other furs seated in the area. It was well past noon by now and the large dining area was thankfully not too busy, but I still kept my legs crossed as I sat down and slowly enjoyed a cold drink. At least I had gotten some shoes I thought, taking a moment to retrieve them from my shopping bag and slip them back onto my footpaws. It seemed they needed the ankle cuffs in order to fasten unfortunately, which was less than ideal given the trouble these cuffs seemed likely to get me into, but for now I would be glad to go outside with something protecting my pawpads from the heat. Unfortunately I didn't have long to relax because the group of furs who I had just seen with the tigress wandered by and were immediately spotted by a badger in a mall security uniform who set off after them. Seeming quite frightened, the group split up and ran off in all directions, making it impossible for the single officer to chase them all. One of the young males, a silvery gray fox bounded through the dining tables in my direction. I quickly hurried to get up to try and move out of the way, but the frantic fox collided with me, spilling my drink over my chest and sprawling both of us out on the floor. The officer jogged over and dragged the fox to his footpaws before extending a paw to help me up as well. "Are you two hurt?" he asked sharply in a deep rumbling voice. "No, umm.. thank you" I said as I recollected myself, standing and wiping some of the wetness from my fur as I shivered from the cold. The fox only shook his head and whimpered in response. "Come with me then" the badger said, still holding the fox by the neck and taking my wrist in his free paw to drag me along as well. I quickly picked up my shopping bag as I was hauled off rather roughly, assuming I would have some report to make or that at least he would see me out safely, my shirt now nearly completely transparent due to the spilled coffee.

As we exited the mall by the entrance I had originally come in, I opened my eyes wide in surprise at the sight before us. Two of the strange contraptions that I had assumed were some sort of playthings were now holding the squirrel and tigress I had seen earlier, suspended above the ground. They were each in the same state of dress I had last seen them, the squirrel bottomless in nothing but a light blue sleeveless top, and the tigress topless wearing only a short pleated skirt. Their positions were surprisingly different, the tigress hanging hogtied with her wrists and ankles together behind her as she hung horizontally, face down, while the squirrel was almost upright with her legs open wide and lifted up in front of her while her arms were held up above her head. "Up," the badger said gruffly, pushing the fox and I up toward two of the empty the restraining devices. "Wait, I didn't do anything" I pleaded as belts were fastened about my waist and shoulders, lifting me off of my footpaws. "Read the rules next time" The badger grumbled as he restrained the fox next to me in the same way before making his point by slapping my exposed sex with his large paw, making me yip in surprise. I blushed in embarrassment as I looked down to see the tie on my skirt had again slipped with all the commotion, and had now opened so far that my skirt slid down and I was now standing completely exposed. I quickly dropped my bag and tried to move my paws to tighten my skirt back up but the badger held my wrists, pulling them down to my ankles to fasten the cuffs together. My knees bent as I was turned onto my back in the restraints and belts were fastened around my legs to hold my ankles to my thighs and tethered to hold them wide apart as I lifted my head to look out over my chest at what was going on. The fox squirmed as he too was restrained, having a collar placed around his neck and anchored to the ground, forcing him to bend forward as his hips were held up and his legs were pulled down, spread wide apart by belts at his ankles. "Two hours" the badger said, pointing to a set of clocks above the door which began counting down, two others for the girls already present were already counting but both still had over an hour left to go. The officer grumbled and walked back inside, leaving us all to wait out our punishments.

I laid my head back against a strap supporting me and sighed. This was just how the day was going. I'd be better off not listening to Angie's shopping suggestions in the future I decided just as I started hearing voices coming from the parking lot. A pair of lithe otters walked up to enter the mall, chatting together but making no comments about the four of us suspended in our restraints as they passed by. I whimpered and tried to close my legs unsuccessfully, suddenly realizing my situation could easily get a lot worse the way I was bound. I wondered where the four males from the bathroom had been taken if not here, and decided they must have been handed over to the police already without being subjected to such public humiliation. Those of us suspended in bondage now including myself were only guilty of breaking the mall rules. Even stripping a girl in public wasn't exactly against the law per say unless she was seriously hurt or could in some way prove for certain that she didn't want such a thing to happen, just as in my current situation there was little that could be done to me which would be considered illegal.

Just as I feared, after only a few more moments of silent nervousness the door to the mall slid open and out walked a group of boisterous young furs, 5 in all, laughing and joking as they made their way out to us. "Just fuck her in the ass Ty, she'll bite" said a small coyote with a smirk. "She won't bite, will you Lira?" a slender tiger asked as the group walked up to the bound tigress who folded her ears down and blushed in embarrassment. "Go away!" she cried, tossing her head to the side to look away from the group, causing her exposed breasts to jiggle as they hung beneath her. "I said you'd be sorry didn't I?" the tiger said in a mocking voice as he slid a paw down to caress her chest. "You got one more chance, but now you've gotta suck my friends too" he continued, stepping in front of her face and unfastening his baggy pants to pull out his already hard cock, brushing it against the bound girl's lips. "Umm, guys?" The fox next to me said timidly, trying to turn his head enough to see behind him. "Sorry Oz" said the coyote, bounding over to him "You shouldn't have got yourself caught." The coyote gave a quick slap to the fox's upturned rear followed by a grope that made him whimper. "Hey, stop that" Oz said, struggling against the restraints. "Sorry foxy, but ya do look kinda cute that way" the coyote teased as he withdrew his paw and came over to check on me.

While this was going on the tiger hadn't made any progress and gave Lira a slap to the face before moving around behind her. "I hope you're ready to be a mommy then" he said as he lifted her skirt exposing a tiny pink thong and started rubbing himself against it between her legs. "No!" she cried out, squirming back and forth as her thong was pulled aside. "Not there, you can't, you know I'm in heat." The male tiger didn't answer and simply pressed his full barbed length into her unprotected cunny, making her cry out again in response. "Not a virgin?" he asked as he started thrusting "What a slut." The coyote by now had his pants and girlish black underwear completely off and was standing between my legs stroking his sheath. "I haven't had a fennec before, you look nice and wet" he said, moving closer and untying my skirt to slide it up around my waist. I gave him a little smile, moving my legs apart as much as my restraints would allow, offering myself to him. I had learned by now that acceptance would more often get me treated gently than resistance and I was already sore from the long day I was having, though I couldn't help my wetness which was clearly showing as I watched the male canine stroke himself and prepare to take me. I gasped softly as he slid his thick shaft into my soaking cunny, unable to move much in response but vocalizing my enjoyment in soft moans along with his thrusts.

"Please, no" the tigress was whimpering as Ty continued thrusting, the remainder of the group aside from the coyote, and a muscular jaguar who was now taking the bound squirrel gathered around to watch and wait their turns. "Too late now slut" The tiger taunted, "besides, your cunt feels too good." He gave her rear a slap along with a hard thrust, causing her to cry out again desperation. "Please, I'll do anything" she said trembling as she looked up at the other young furs surrounding her. "Anything? Hmm" the tiger said, slowing his thrusts for a moment. "I'll tell ya what, suck off Dar and if ya can get him off before me I'll pull out." A male rabbit stepped up to the tigress and dropped his shorts around his ankles, thrusting into her still open mouth before she had a chance to object. The remaining hyena, seeming unsatisfied with waiting his turn, looked around for a moment at his choices before approaching me and moving around beside my head. I whimpered softly at the idea, but offered no noticeable objection as he too lowered his pants and sank his growing shaft into my waiting muzzle. He seemed to struggle due to his height and the way I was restrained, but I tried to be careful with my teeth as the thrusting of the coyote rocked me back and forth while I tried my best to pleasure the yena.

"Ya better hurry up slut" came the tiger's voice along with a growl, his pace clearly increasing as he prepared to breed the helpless girl. I couldn't see them anymore with the way my head was turned but things didn't seem to be going well for her. "She's no good at this Ty, hurry up so I can fuck her cunt" a teasing voice that I assumed to be the rabbit's replied. "Almost, fuck she's wet" Ty answered as I heard him continue pounding the young tigress. I felt the coyote speed up as well, clearly aroused by what his friends were doing. Suddenly without warning, the canine grabbed my hips and thrust hard, burying his knot inside of me. I tossed my head back and closed my eyes, pulling away from the yena and crying out sharply, my abused sex painfully stretching at the sudden penetration. Even though it hurt I was almost beyond caring, my whole body writhing uncontrollably in the restraints as the sensation of the coyote's knot inside of me quickly drove me toward climax. An odd sensation tugged at my clothes and I narrowly opened my eyes again to see the yena looking down at me smiling as they fell away from my body, leaving me naked. "See how you like that, bitch" he said with a smile, folding up a knife and placing it in his pocket before moving to grope my now exposed breasts. I realized that I now had no way of covering myself but it hardly mattered as I began to orgasm, the thrusting canine shaft inside of me filling my body with warmth as the scent of the yena again rubbed across my muzzle while he pawed at me.

I heard Lira cry around the rabbit's shaft while Ty growled behind her as he evidently climaxed as well, much to her displeasure. By the time I had recovered enough to look the two males using her had changed places, the rabbit eagerly thrusting between her legs while the tiger rubbed himself against her mouth. "Strip the others" the coyote suggested as he rested between my legs still tied with me. "You didn't have to tie her" the yena complained as he fastened his pants and took out his pocket knife again, moving off to cut the clothes off of the other girls. "Mmm, yes I did" the coyote murmured softly, giving a tug with his knot as he rocked his hips back. The other girls both squirmed helplessly as their remaining clothes were cut off, though the squirrel didn't much seem to mind after what she too had recently been though, the jaguar slowly rocking against her seeming in no hurry as he too discarded his clothing. Once he was finished the hyena stood looking around seeming quite frustrated with his pants still obviously bulging. "You should do Oz too" The coyote teased, gesturing to the bound fox "he did get caught after all." The fox struggled in his bonds as the hyena approached him chuckling. "What? No wait, you can't" he whimpered as the hyena pawed his upturned rear. "Well alright" the yena teased "you can keep your clothes as long as you don't make a mess." Oz struggled helplessly as the yena worked his shorts down his legs. "A mess? What are you talking ab.. aaah!" the fox cried out as his question was answered by the hyena mounting him from behind. The coyote smiled and licked his lips as he turned to watch, starting to slowly rock his hips again, not seeming to be withdrawing from me any time soon.

Lira cried out again, turning my attention back to her as the rabbit moaned lustfully while burying his length under her tail. "Never had your ass fucked, slut?" the rabbit teased as he eased his hips back and thrust hard into her again, her cries muffled by Ty's body as he rubbed against her mouth. "Sure looks like Oz has" the coyote laughed, pointing out the fox's throbbing shaft already dripping with arousal as the yena roughly pounded him. "You won't be needing this" the spotty yena panted as he wrapped his paw around the canine shaft and continued thrusting into the bound fox. That was too much for the poor boy, his body tensed and he moaned with pleasure as the yena's paw sent him over the edge spraying his cum against the ground in front of him. The yena finished soon after and so did the others, each one gathering up their clothes and getting dressed. I whimpered when the coyote pulled his knot free and was a little sorry to see him go, though less sorry I thought than Oz who's clothes were finally cut off by the yena, leaving him naked like the rest of us before his friends wandered off together laughing.

We waited like that for some time, a few furs passing by going to and from the mall entrance, some stopping a moment to look before moving on, others ignoring us completely and continuing on their way. The other girls timers ran out well before mine, the restraints automatically loosening and lowering them down to the ground to release them. They each picked themselves up and timidly departed, still naked with no sign of their shopping bags or the shreds of their clothing which it seems the group of males had also disposed of. The timers for the Oz and I expired and the restraints released us both together, leading me to sigh in relief at the prospect of finally getting to go home. "Do you need a lift?" I asked the nervous looking fox as he stood there naked and cum stained as I was. "Umm, ok" he nodded, inching up to me as he started to become aroused again. I admired his young almost hourglass figure but tried my best not to look too long as I set off for my car with him following close behind. He bent me over the hood of my car and mounted me when we got there, but I made no objection other than to slip a paw between my legs and make sure not to let him tie me. "What is it like?" he panted to me as his ragged thrusts pushed me against the hot hood of my car which warmed my fur. Knowing all too well what he had in mind I decided to give him a show, lifting my tail and gyrating my hips, moaning and panting, and telling him how good it felt to have his shaft thrusting inside of me. It didn't take long for the young male to finish like that, filling my sex with his warmth as he was obviously very aroused at the prospect of what I was feeling. We slowly separated and got into the car, and I without a word drove to a nearby gender reassignment clinic to drop him off with a few reassuring words of encouragement before finally making my way home.

"Shoes" I sighed, dragging myself closer to lay my head in Angie's lap. "Cute!" she said with a giggle as she looked me over, ruffling my ears with a white wolf paw. "Next time maybe I'll go with you." She added, smiling down at me. I shuddered and squeezed my legs together. It might be a while before next time.