Slave Rabbit

Story by Afril on SoFurry

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Slave Rabbit - M/M, Semi-NC, D/S, Bondage, Oral, Anal - January 17, 2009

By Afril, With help from Chaos Blackwing

(cl) 2002, 2008 The Gay Furry Association

Dedicated to all the Sexy Submissive Rabbits - You know who you are...

The rabbit stood on the corner, looking strung-out. Wearing barely enough to cover his lanky frame, the various abuses that he had endured shown like battle-scars. There were mental ones too - The vacant eyes, the slight tremor when touched... The 'scavengers' had gathered around, but after looking the 'prize' over, they didn't bother him. Even they like their meat to make noise when it is being taken. When the strong hand gripped his nuts he flinched, but didn't fight it - It was just something to be endured. Like the collar that was latched around his neck, wearing at the already bare ring where others had been. And removed. This one too was removed and tossed on the refuge bin, not worth keeping.

"Walk." was the command, and he did his best, stumbling a few times, but never allowed to fall. Others sniggered until a look from dark eyes told them if they wanted to keep their teeth they had best be quiet. There was anger there, the smoldering anger that looks for a place to land and explode all over anything in the vicinity. The canine body that half-pushed, half-carried the rabbit also wore scars. The kind that said, 'Someone has already tried to kill me - And Failed.' The body was also lean and powerful - Not the lifting iron kind. Unless you include the blade that rode one hip - So trouble stayed away from the couple as they made their way to a public train.

No one said anything There either, except a knowing nod from others who recognized the movements, if not the fur himself. A change of trains and they left the city, heading out to the countryside. Meser watched his new toy, seeing tons of work ahead of him. Or another pelt to sell should the lad prove to be too far gone. Better a quick, painless blow than the lingering starvation written on the bunny's body. He felt scorn for the others who had taken the challenge up, just to toss it out again. Yes, there was much work ahead. But His senses were never wrong - This was a Sex-Toy that would give him pleasure for a Long time.

Maybe even a Lover. A snuggle bunny to fuck and caress and make giggle in the way Only sexy slaves can.

* * * *

Home at last. A sprawling 'farm' where slaves were trained and worked on. He shoved the furry male before him until they were in the living room. He took a knife from the wall and grinning, grabbed the rabbit's butt.

"Time to clean you up."

The eyes watched the knife plunge downward, but only a tiny movement as if he wanted to have it cut him, kill him. It did neither, slicing through the vestiges of his shirt, tossing the cruddy scraps onto a piece of newsprint laid on the floor. What could be called 'pants' followed. These were gathered up and tossed into the fireplace. The shower proved to be both enlightening and frustrating. Meser shoved the rabbit into the stall, following him, covering the exit. But all the lad did was stand there. A slap on his butt got a movement, a jerking of eyelids - But back into the shell he went. The shepherd growled and shoved his new toy against the wall, lubing his dick from a dispenser, then pressed it against the puckered hole under the short tail. A thrust forced the pointed tip inside, getting a jerk from the rabbit.

"So you Have been taken before," was growled in a long ear. "Did you enjoy it, Slave?"

Teeth clenched, the male said nothing. Just gripped the wall - and stood there. No screams, no grunts, no pleadings. Nothing but silence and locked muscles. Another thrust sank more of the fat doggy cock in the warm hole but there was neither resistance nor loosening. He was tight enough that Meser didn't care, but now it was a challenge. Fingers gripped the bunny boy's cock, stroking it in time to the thrusts... Then a little faster, nipples being gripped and teased, old holes where rings once swayed were explored. Suddenly, almost without warning, the male Jerked. Fingers scratched at the wall as the body spasmed, semen jetting out of the throbbing member. Another pulse. And another... And still another as the lad screamed soundlessly, pumping his balls dry in a torrent of sticky spurts, jerking then falling onto the shepherd, taking the big cock to the knot, squeezing it, panting... Quite out cold.

Meser growled softy, lifting the limp arms up to latch cuffs on the wrists. The lad now suspended, he slid out and pulled a hose from the wall, starting the water up. With a stiff brush and soap he cleaned the grime from his slave, growling at each bruise, snorting at the sloppiness of some of the piercings done on the thin body. He indulged in a slow gentle tonguing of the semi-erect cock, savoring the flavor of both the flesh and the sweet cock-sap, taking it to the roots, nuzzling what was a botched job of sheath trimming. He would have to do a Lot of scalpel-work to make the male look better, and his mind was already making a list of what would be needed to re-do this poor sculpture of a rabbit into a Slave that would make others howl after him.

The male snarled as he felt the too-thin legs, and the abuses that would have to be worked on - At last the ankles were intact. 'Ham-stringing' was still used by some. Not by Him - Any slave who bolted found himself on a short chain with a knife between the eyes and the simple question, 'Stay where you are put, Or have your throat slit and not worry about slavery any more'. Caressing the feet still got some response - Not nearly enough, but no nerve damage. With a satisfied snort, he cleaned the sexy ass, biting it roughly but lovingly. Then the back with too many scars and wounds. A gentle nip on the neck caused another shudder, and Meser finished by caressing the long ears, finding the lad was still capable of getting hard.

He was also capable of kicking as the insides were washed and some sores ripped open to be cleaned. But by the time Meser had finished, he had a passable replica of a rabbit boy. Undoing the chains he carried the still limp body to a table and lavished attention on it, drying and combing the fur, tickling and teasing various spots, watching the reactions, going back over his list. The sheath was pretty much a write-off, as was a botched brand on the left cheek. Better to freeze the skin and let it grow back - But that would mean shaving the entire rump. Otherwise there would be an ugly patch of bare skin... No. The lad was too thin; it would look horrible no matter what. Perhaps in time should the ass fill out more. He would have to re-burn it - This time doing it right.

The nipples were torn but salvageable, ear-holes had closed up and gotten infected. There were even signs of a nose-ring at one time. Again the body was cradled and lifted tenderly off the table, carried from one room to another, deposited on a bed, where a chain that was permanently attached to the bedpost, ended in a collar that was latched around the rabbit's neck and with a hand gripping the bunny's balls, the canine went to sleep.

* * * *

Meser awoke to find his new toy cuddled up to him. He slapped the bony butt, far more gently than others his hand had been on. Then undid the collar and led the rabbit into the bathroom. Not so much as a flinch as he shoved the lad on his knees - Then urinated very close to his face.

"I don't want you as a Toilet, I have a perfectly good one here. But I Might be persuaded to indulge you... If you beg nicely."

A flicker in the eyes but nothing more. Meser gripped the thin body and shoved it on the pot.

"Use it. When you are done I want to see you in the Main Room. You are going to get fed, and then We are going to work on that body of yours."

He stalked out, worked out what would do the bunny the best good and ate a light salad. He wasn't much of a Morning furson, but when in War, one sleeps when one can, eats when one can. And it stayed with him through the years. Turning, he saw the male standing in the middle of the room. Just standing. With a half-hardon. Of course with his sheath so ragged and ripped it was going to be a Permanent fixture.

"Sit, Eat this. When you stomach gets bigger you can eat more."

The rabbit did as he was told, but not much more. Meser waited, then grabbed his neck, and guided the male into his workroom. He latched some chains to the bunny's thin wrists and ankles, then stood back. Went to a closet and returned with salve. This he put on all the bruised places, ignoring the kicks, the squirms as he re-opened wounds and drained them.

"You keep yourself clean and healthy and I won't have to Do this."

He slapped the lad's face, then went back for more tools and some other things. This time he got more than a flicker. He got an honest Sob. Not much of one but enough to know there was still someone inside that shell. It took a moment to put gloves on and put some analgesic in the places it was going to be needed. First the sheath. Tugging on it and working it with strong fingers showed it was a total write-off as he first surmised. So he cut it off at the base and tossed it, sewing a neat ring around the nicely-sized cock and packing it with a healing salve.

The brand came next. This time he didn't bother with any painkiller, just slapping the iron on the skin, obliterating the garbage and putting a crisp new burn in place. He Did apply some salve afterwards, kissing the other cheek, nipping it gently, teasing the leaf-shaped tail.

"Much Better."

The same with all the ring holes - Clean them out, put new steel rings in, twist them in place to check the fit, Kiss the newly ringed flesh. 2 nipples, a pink nose, and the tips of the ears. Then he washed the bunny's body without undoing the manacles, poured an energy drink in him and left him bound while he went off and did some work. Half a day later he returned, re-checked his work, Undid the manacles, put the rabbit to bed and went on about his work again. Returned in the evening, Made the male eat, shoved him into the bathroom, made him wash, dry and comb himself. Then washed himself and again took the rabbit to bed, but this time he put the young male's head between his legs. Never said a word, just held him there and went to sleep.

* * * *

Meser woke to a tongue licking his balls. A hand trembled on his butt as the short snout and cool metal of the ring rubbed his nuts erotically. He smiled to himself and went back to sleep. When he woke again, he rolled the rabbit over onto his belly, and shoved his thick cock into the sexy if bony ass, thrusting until his knot was pressed to the pucker. He got a screech and a moan and if what he felt/smelled was correct, some sticky sheets.

Pulling out, he rolled the male onto his back and stared down at the panting lapine.

"Awake are we?"

The canine grabbed the thin legs and put them on his shoulders, nudging the tail-hole before gripping the bunny's ass and slamming in to the knobs again! He fucked the rabbit roughly, pounding the hot ass so hard it quivered and shook... As did it's owner. Especially when teeth found the ringed nipples and bit them, while strong fingers squeezed the bony butt hard enough to bruise. Not that it mattered to either of them.

Meser snarled over his fuck-toy, balls sliding over the leaf-shaped tail, lips taking the males in a rough kiss. The eyes opened then - Brown eyes that had seen too much and didn't want to see any more. But the body would not be denied and with a soft moan fingers found the big male's body, caressing it slowly, hesitantly. Another snarl and a big hand pushed the smaller one into the matted crotch, wrapping it around the still hard cock. It moved slowly. Then faster, trying to match the rhythm of the hips that thrust the fat canine cock deep into the bunny.

It Jerked as the male howled, arching up and grinding the Huge knobs into the tortured pucker. Another howl and semen shot into the lad, making him clench the dick, biting his lip. Then moaning as his own orgasm washed over his thin frame, shuddering, giving himself to the pleasure. Then the monster was gone - He arched, groping for it blindly... To have it stuffed into his mouth!

"Clean it rabbit."

He had no choice, Taking the thick meat in his dry muzzle, Licking the shaft. He did so gingerly until a growl and a bite on an ear got him to moving faster, sucking the scum from the throbbing male-meat, eyes closing as he felt more than tasted the warm goo slip down his throat. His head was grabbed and pushed on the cock, made to bob back and forth. Another snarl was all the warning he got, his mouth suddenly full of semen...

Again he swallowed, tried to breathe, panicked. But was held firm and made to drink all of the hot, sticky sperm before he was let go, the cock still mostly hard in his muzzle.

"Much better. Are you hungry? Or did I fill you up with my cum?"

Shyly, the bunny looked up at his Master, breathing through his nose, inhaling the spicy scent of canine rut, knowing he had cum again himself. The cock was pulled back until just the tip lay between his lips.

"Strip it."

He looked at the thing, not understanding. And wincing when he got snarled at and lightly cuffed. His hand was wrapped around the base of the monster and squeezed. Then it was pulled forward, the last of the semen squirting into his mouth. He swallowed and licked timidly at the head.

"You still haven't told me - Are you Hungry?"

He was - a little. Hands suddenly swept him up and cradled him against a strong furry chest as he was carried to the table, placed in a chair.

"There are Four things I expect of you - To eat when you are hungry. To sleep when you are tired. To use the Pot when you need to. To cum when you need to. I may demand you not cum until I allow it, but the other Three I expect you to do without fail and without Question. If you starve yourself, it's Your fault. And you Will be beaten for displeasing me. You piss or crap on the floor, the bed or on me and you Will be in a cage so fast you head will spin - Animals go where they need to, We use the toilet."

When he got no response, the shepherd growled. "Do you understand or am I talking to a brain-dead fucktoy that I can toss in the Barn and forget about?"

The rabbit's eyes went wide with Fear and he nodded, trying to understand.

"Good - Now eat. After you Eat I want you to go to bed and sleep. You are still weak. One last thing rabbit - I Own you. Totally, completely. You will Never Lie to me about Anything. You will tell me what you are feeling, what you desire, what you need. Just because I am a Dom, Doesn't mean I read Minds."

The male put a bowl of food in front of his new slave and dug into his own, not stopping until his plate was clean. He grinned as he found the bowl in front of the Rabbit likewise empty and cleaned.

"Good - Now to bed. You need to heal. Later we will decide how you may best Serve me."

The male simply nodded, Jumped a little when his ass was smacked. The bed felt better than he had remembered and he sank into slumber quickly. His body felt the eyes on it. Felt the hands caressing it, touching it. Not hard enough to waken the sleeping bunny, but enough to know someone was there. His guards went down a little when nothing more happened, moving his leg so his new Master could play with his balls, tease his abused hole. Then snuggled up to the pillow as a cover was pulled over him for the first time in... He couldn't remember how long.

* * * *

Meser kissed the rabbit's cheek, then stood and left the room. He went to his gym and beat on a weighed bag until it had deep imprints of his knuckles in the hide. Abuse, like any tool, dulls with mis-usage. And the worse the abuse, the more damage until the tool breaks and is worthless. And now this tool lay in his hands. To be re-worked, re-crafted into a finely edged slave, happy to do what is asked of it. Or to be recycled. He would never toss a tool, no matter how badly damaged, away. The young male would either serve his lust or be a pelt and meat to add silver to his treasury. One last hit to the bag and he showered, his dick already stiffening at the thought of having a lover to take and sleep with and fuck until his balls ached.

Another quick check and he went to the Playroom, making sure things were sharp, or dull as need be. It had been a while since his last lover/slave had made him Moan. A sexy raccoon with talented fingers - May his Master never find him displeasing. Or he be disappointed in his Master. The canine patted his erection, checking on Job offers, local news and generally wasting time until Supper. Again it was lite and he brought a tray to the bunny, waking the lad to eat. Then helping him into the bathroom to wash, comb, slide the rings around so they would move freely. Everything seemed to be healing, including the male who looked up at his new Master with soft brown eyes. They walked out to the hall, where Meser stopped his new slave.

"Did you have a name?" Meser asked, holding the rabbit's chin with one hand, Teasing his nipples with the other. He got some shudders but nothing else.

"We will have to fix that - 'Hey You, Come here and suck my cock.' Sounds so utilitarian."

A swat brought the rabbit up on his toes as the hand gripped his butt, squeezing it firmly.

"Do you like sucking cock?"

The male shyly put his head down. Another swat and a growl bringing it rapidly back up - To find a finger touching his nose.

"Don't lie to me Rabbit. I know you like licking my balls, and you Seemed to enjoy sucking on my cock. But I would like to know How oral are you? Fingers, nipples, tongue? If I were to sit on your face would you clean my ass or turn away in disgust?"

There was a spark of something behind the eyes for a moment. But it died. Meser slammed the rabbit against the wall, gripping his balls.

"Do you like your balls?"

The eyes went white around the edges and the young male stood up on his toes as his nut-sack was mauled and Squeezed.

"Or would you prefer to be Castrated?"

The male squeaked, but didn't stop the Strong hand from twisting his scrotum.

"Well? Shall I cut them off, Bite them off, Rip them from you? Would you Like that, Rabbit?"

Almost in tears, he nodded... To be backhanded roughly.

"I told you not to Lie to me." The hand squeezed hard enough to make the lad's teeth clench. Then fingers were stroking his abused nuts, gently caressing them.

"Rabbit, Do you want to Keep your balls?"

Tearfully he nodded his head. And got Kissed! A deep hard kiss that made him pant and his mouth go dry.

"You are Not a Doll that I am going to blow up every time I want to fuck you. Is that clear?"

A short nod, and the head was jerked back, making the male gasp as his throat was kissed, nipped on.

"There are Five rules, Slave - Four cover your Body. Eat when hungry, Sleep when tired, Shit in the bathroom, Cum when you need to."

The rabbit's eyes were a little wild as a finger stuffed itself into his rear passage, dry and painful.

"The Fifth I already covered, But again - Never Lie to me. No means No, not maybe - I may break that Rule, but only with Reason. Do you like what I am doing rabbit?"

The male looked about to nod his head then looked into the Cold blue canine ones. And shook his head. The finger slid from him, but not entirely. It stayed to tease and caress his hole, pushing in without actually Entering the quivering pucker.


Meser stopped... "What?"

The bunny looked at his feet, noting the big canine cock that was so close he could Feel it's warmth against his fur.

"Name... Jeremy."

The Shepherd nodded. "Come on Fuck-Toy, we are going to wash you then spend the night in bed." As the rabbit nodded and put his head down, the big hand gripped his ears and yanked on them roughly, shoving the rabbit back against the wall.

"I am your Master, I will call you whatever I please. And it doesn't Mean Shit. Your Name is Jeremy. No one, not even I can take that from you. Understand Jeremy? What I use to describe you or to get your attention is whatever I desire."

He growled and kissed the bunny, who was about as shocked as if he had been slapped.

"Now unless you want me to turn you around and fuck you Right here with a not-so lubed cock, I would Suggest you get your head up so you can see where you are going and get that sexy Ass in the bathroom so we can clean it, lube it and I won't have friction burns - Which I Will punish you for. One more thing - I am going to listen to your Body more than your Mouth."

He shoved the male in front of him. "That means if you say No, but you have an erection, I am going to do as I please. On the other paw if you say Yes, and it is obvious you are Lying..." The hand cracked against his bony butt Hard, making the lapine jump and rub his rear, but he didn't look back, Not even once.

"I will Punish you for lying, and not All my punishments are Physical... And don't give me that Hunched-over look either. You will Always Eat, Sleep and use the bathroom. If you are into something Kinky, We can discuss it."

The rabbit *Blushed* at the thought, Still unsure what to do. This one was so - Different. Other Masters used him, abused him, sometimes loved him. But most didn't bother about His needs or desires. Unless it was something They liked also. He stopped a moment.

"Sir, Jeremy..."

A hand patted his butt, turning him.

"I... I Like to suck cock. I Don't like Broccoli. Actually I don't mind it in stir-fry dishes. I, Jeremy..."

The bunny looked into the cold, calculating eyes wishing for just a moment he could understand what was going on behind them.

"I..." A finger was stroking his cock, sliding up and down the underside, caressing the head and he shivered, arching up a little.

"I..." The canine repeated.

"I... I do like sucking cock. And taking it in the..." He tried to put his head down but couldn't because the Other hand was holding his chin, forcing him to look at the male.

"Say it Jeremy. Ass, Butt, Rump, Back Passage, Boy Pussy, Tail-Hole. It is a part of you just like your cock is, just like your Feet are. It is a bit Bony at the moment, but I hope to pad it out well and make it an Ass worth growling over. It's Your body, Jeremy. I am just Renting it for a while."

He *Blushed* again, but kissed back when the lips pressed into his, trying to figure out what this male wanted besides Sex. Ever since he could remember he could trade Sex for food, shelter... Drugs to forget what he was doing. He reached down and gingerly touched the big maleness. And was Pushed into the bathroom!

"You will have Plenty of time to play with it later. Now you need washed, lubed and ready for Bed - and I don't mean sleeping."

He giggled despite himself, as the hand patted his rear, fluffing his tail. The male did what he needed to do - a fast rinse-off, a quick toweling... Found a pot of oil. Two fingers' worth stuffed up his butt made his dick stand all the harder. But he worked them around, then dipped his fingers in again, making sure he was well-lubed. He had barely pulled them free when others were on his nipples, tugging on his rings. He moaned and shivered, but said little as he was led back to the Bedroom, the collar snapped around his neck. He wasn't Shoved into the bed, even thought he could Feel the big cock pressing against his back... Instead he was moved, laid down on his side, rubbed, made to moan and gasp and arch as the talented hands did things to his ringed nipples, ears, cock...

"Please." he whispered, and got his nuts squeezed. But this time in an Erotic way that curled his toes and made him pant. He reached behind him to grip the fat maleness, stroking it, trying to get the male to move closer.

"Do you want something?"

He nodded. And got his butt slapped. "Speak up - I can't hear you."

Jeremy bit his lip, then said, "Please Sir. I want your... Dick."

A soft chuckle and the hands continued torturing his body. "And Where do you want it, Rabbit?"

That stopped the youth for a moment. Most just Did him, taking his mouth or ass as they pleased. He shivered then arched, cumming as the hand got him off.

"I'm waiting..."

He couldn't think straight. He wanted that Dick, he wanted it In Him. Didn't care Where, just In Him... He wriggled his butt, trying to push it back. And was Held by his nuts.

"Tell me where you want it or you Don't get it."

Again he screamed as semen blew out his throbbing cock. This was Impossible! He had already popped twice and the male hadn't done more then jerk on him. Then the hands were gone and he turned to see the canine put those hands behind his head, lying on his back, cock standing stiff and straight.

"You seemed so Eager to stroke me Before I got you off. Don't want to now? Touch me rabbit."

Trembling hands slid down the strong, scarred frame to touch the big maleness. Hesitantly at first, then with more desire. He bend over to sniff it, kiss it. And got swatted again.

"Did I tell you to use your mouth?"

Jeremy didn't move for a moment.

"Well, Did I?"

He swallowed, feeling the hand tease his anal ring, then shook his head. "No Sir."

Then a Finger slipped inside and he moaned, moving against it.

"Nor did I tell you Not to. You may suck on me anytime I am not busy, or otherwise occupied. Awake, asleep. In the shower, under the table, in the living room. Wherever, whenever. I will tell you if I don't want it. Now suck me off rabbit. And keep it in your mouth afterwards. If you are good enough, I Might take your hot ass as well."

The rabbit moved to kneel between the strong legs. He could still feel the weakness in his limbs as he kissed the hard canine dick. Opened his lips, let it slip in. The tough hand rubbed one of his ears encouragingly, teasing the steel ring. Closing his eyes and placing his hands on the furry thighs he bobbed his head. Slowly, then faster, letting it slip down his throat. His gag-reflex had long since been ripped from him, and he felt the fat member throbbing as he pushed down to let his tongue explore the knobs that sat on the base.

Felt the hand grip his neck for a moment, holding him as a shudder ran along the monster, feeling the hot pre dribble into his stomach. He pulled back and breathed, inhaling the smell. Then bobbed again a little more wantonly, wishing to feel this male blast his seed into his slave's mouth. He stopped, Hoping the canine would grab his head and use it... Instead fingers teased his ear-rings, making his shiver and grip the strong legs.

Sucked at the knot, pulling back to breathe... And gulp down the generous offering the canine gave him. Held it in his mouth until it softened enough to slide back into it's holder. Kissed the tip, sliding up to rest his head on Master's chest, feeling a hand grip his ass, sighing softly. And he slept. Slept deeply. But without the drugs, without the walls, Memories came back.

* * * *

The rabbit woke screaming. Hands grabbed him and pulled him against a strong chest. He kicked, punched, Bit until his lips bled, but Still those hands held onto him. Squeezed his ass, stroked his back. It was bad and he vomited, then shivered against the strong frame. But no hand slapped him, No Voice yelled at him. He screamed, sobbed, tried to fight but he was too weak. The collar was slipped from his neck and he was carried into the shower, only knowing Where he was when the water hit him.

"Sorry." he managed. And did get slapped. Not a hard blow but one that stunned him none-the-less.

"Never be sorry for things you have no control over... Never."

And the arms held him in the warm water as he cried, held him until he stopped, Held him until he squirmed. Hands grabbed his balls and made him Yeep, arching up on his toes.

"Wash." A cloth was shoved into his hand. He cleaned himself off, while the big male did the same. When they were done the same furry nuts were used to pull him out of the shower and to the combing bench. His lips were looked at, a salve applied.

"Comb, and lube yourself, then you may take the sheets off the bed and re-make it. I am going to the kitchen."

A swat on his butt as he nodded. Then grabbed the Shepherd, just hugging him, unable to let go. Shivering, panting, sweating as his body felt the cravings. But not as bad as he remembered them. He retched again, this time dry heaves that made him sweat. And somehow feel better. Again the male didn't yell, didn't slap him or do much of anything but hold him, squeeze his rear.

"Thank you, Sir..."

A kiss startled him. Muzzle open, a hot tongue rubbed his. He pushed back into it, cock hard and throbbing, mashed against the strong belly. Then he was pushed against the wall.

"Bed sheets. Bedding if need be. Fresh ones are in the drawers. You will earn your keep - And not just with your bony ass either."

A hard smack on said butt made him jerk up. But this time he grabbed the fat cock, squeezed it with both hands.

"After. After you eat, rest... Wash, Rabbit - You stink."

And wash he did, scrubbing at everything. But not letting himself cum, even though he wanted to badly. So much was still a jumble. The cold of the city, the uncaring creatures who used and abused him, finally making sure he had too much dope (Probably believing he would die and tie up a loose-end), and tossing him out. The rabbit shivered again and scrubbed his fur until no smell of sick was anywhere. Brushed his teeth, wincing as a few were loose and tender.

Made his way to the bed and cleared it off as best he could. Unsure where to put the sheets and cover he put them in a pile in the corner. Found the clean ones - Along with a lot of 'toys'. Did the best he could, tiring quickly. Hands gripped his body and pulled him into the dining area where he ate a little, drank a lot of something. Was carried back into the remade bed and laid into it. Felt the big body slide next to him, holding him, a hand squeezing his ass firmly. Returned to slumber.

* * * *

This time he made it to the pot before exploding. 'Oh Gods! Kill me. Just Kill me...' A cock was shoved into his face and he sucked on it without thinking, knowing that his Masters would do much worse if he didn't. Even so, he worked it well, felt it throb and spit it's creamy load into his throat. It stayed down and he bobbed his head to get a little more, knowing that was probably all he was going to eat that day. But it was pulled from his muzzle, and a hand helped him up. Again, the hot water made him groan, rub his too-thin body against the male. Passed out in the strong arms.

* * * *

The sun woke him. Oh Gods! He was going to be late. His Masters would beat him, not give him any of the powder that kept the world at bay. But as he moved, fingers gripped his balls. Stroked his chest. Teeth bit his neck and he moaned... Twisted to look at the canine. Kissed him, hugged him. Cried... Although he didn't know why.

Meser hugged his slave. Squeezed the bony ass roughly. Let him cry. Felt the male move against him as his morning erection rubbed the too thin belly. Food, then get the rabbit collared. Check his wounds and rings. Get him started on his duties.

"Breakfast. Besides my cock, what would you like?"

Jeremy *Blushed*. For the first time in he couldn't remember how long someone was offering him food. "Master, I... I don't know."

Winced as the strong hand patted his cheek, expecting something more violent.

"Honesty. You don't know. But from the way your hand is stroking me, I think you know what you Do want... After food. I like sex as much as anyone, but I am not a rabbit who can hump all day."

Meser kissed the brown-furred male. Squeezed his bony butt. "Up. Food, then chores - Sheets to be washed, a bed to be made. And a Hot rabbit to butt-fuck. Unless you can make me cum hard enough in your mouth that I can't..."

Oh but the bunny Did want it. He kissed the dripping cock, licking the pre. But allowed himself to be unchained and for the first time in ages move without restraint. Winced a little as a finger traced the ring around his neck. More salve in all the sore places, a quick hand and face wash, then into a kitchen he only saw in magazines. Gleaming pots and pans. Shelves full of things to eat. Cereal - And not just one kind either.

"Master, May I have..."

"Anything you want" was growled in his ear, teeth biting the flesh hard enough to make him shiver. A bowl, a spoon, and Milk. He shuddered. Did he eat cereal as a kit? Did he even have a childhood - All he could remember was the Masters. And those who used him for their lusts. And the powder... Half a bowl then. Reluctantly he ate it, trying to get it into his skull this wasn't a dream. He could eat more. He could sleep in a bed. He could... Looked up at the male, who wasn't paying much attention to him at all. Reading a paper, drinking something that smelled good. Even so, one triangular ear was pointed at him. And he knew if he made a noise, a sneeze, a scrape of his chair, he would have Master's attention.

Drank the dregs, took the bowl to the sink, and with trembling hands, washed it. Almost dropped it twice. But never did the canine look at him - Except to stare at his rear, making his tail wag a little. And for some reason it made him feel proud that another male would look at him like that. Walked over and stood, hands behind his back.


Jeremy almost swallowed his tongue. The male folded the paper, put it to one side and looked Straight at him. Not a 'What do you want?'. Not a smack upside the head because 'Master was busy'. Blue eyes looking at him. And wanting him... He shivered, stammering a little.

"Did... Did you mean what you said? About allowing me to..."

Gods, the male was smiling. Smiles came after one gave Master Money. Before one got the powder. The blessed powder. Sometimes from Master's friends, who saw a hot male they could do whatever they liked to - Long as they paid. But there was no powder, no grungy room. No one telling him to go with this male.

"Well... You just ate." The rabbit's head went down. "There is a bed to get made. A house to clean." He nodded, thinking he was too greedy. Master gave him food, and place to sleep and hot sex. A hand lifted his chin.

"Make me spill my coffee and it will be Your ears that get burned."

He was on his knees, caressing the canine's legs in a heartbeat, waiting until Meser turned his chair. Then he kissed the brown furred sheath, sucked the tip until a pink, pointed head popped out. Kissed it as he curled his fingers in the fur, pulling it's holder down past the just forming knobs as he slid his tongue along the shaft, kissing the length. Nuzzled the base before moving his head down to rub his face on the fat balls. Kissed them, Stroking the dick as it swelled, feeling the same thrill he always did when he got intimate with a male's privates. But without the drugs he could truly feel the veins throb in the cock, smell the musky balls he licked softly on.

Again licked the pre from the head, then opened his lips and let it slide along his tongue, past the back of his throat. Down his gullet without a twitch. Got a moan from the dick's owner however. He smiled and swallowed so his throat would contract around the meat. Bit softly on the knot, scratching it with his teeth to see if Master liked it. Some did, some didn't. Meser yowled and arched up, grinding his crotch in the rabbit's face. Fingers stroked the big balls, ran along the thighs, gently caressing his Master's body.

Needing to breathe, Jeremy pulled back up, suckling on every inch of hard flesh. Bobbing his head on the dog-cock until fingers gripped his ears roughly and he got his 'dessert'. He swallowed slowly, savoring the flavor not clouded by liquor or other things. Sucked a little harder as the gusher turned to a trickle then ran dry. Took it in his mouth again as deep as it would go for a long minute. Had to pull back as black spots appeared in his vision.

"Master?" He held the cock, kissing it, nuzzling the tip. "Is there a way I can deep throat someone and still be able to breathe?"

This time the hand on his chin was very firm. Eyes bored into his, and he shivered. Did he overstep himself? Then the eyes softened, and the cock was gently but firmly put back into his mouth.

"Yes. A couple of ways. A hole made in the throat to allow air in. Your nostril passages deepened. Do you wish for me to shove my knot in your cheeks? Tie with your sexy muzzle? Or are you practicing so someday you can take a horse clear to your stomach?"

Jeremy had to laugh at the absurdity. And immediately re-captured the semi-hard cock, sucking on it gently.

"I will think about it. In the mean time, Bed and shower and house cleaning."

The rabbit sighed and nuzzled the dick he had come to desire. Got a collar placed back around his neck, but now he wore it proudly. And found house cleaning a problem when someone was squeezing your butt, nipping it, teasing your nuts with caresses and light squeezes that kept his dick hard and slapping his belly. Lunch was a little more hearty as the slave found he could hold more. But no cream to wash it down with - Master was saving it for tonight. Laundry to fold, dusting to do. And lessons. Jeremy was trying to read a jar, asked Master what it said.

"It says 'Poison'. And you are learning to read."

The rabbit could read. Just not well. Sex-toys only needed to know how to count the money handed to them. 10 for a handjob. 20 for their muzzles. 30 for their butts. Anything else, Ask Master. Dinner found an exhausted rabbit who couldn't eat. The cravings hit again and all he could do was shiver while the canine held him tightly. But they were not as bad as some he'd had. And a hot dog-cock stuffed between his cheeks made him smile. Especially when he would wriggle a little or squeeze his rump and hear the yelp, followed by a growl. Was put to bed without getting to feel it do anything more, asleep even as he gripped the male's arms folded around him.

Meser growled softly, nibbling on the bunny's ears. To think someone discarded this as trash. And where there was one, there were others... But that for later. Right now his nuts ached enough as a leaf-shaped tail brushed them, the male snuggling a bony back into his belly.

* * * *

Jeremy made it through most of the night, with only a few episodes. Nothing as severe as the first night. Every day was a little better - Get up, clean Master, Usually with his tongue before the shower. Breakfast, then work around the House. Lessons with a reward of having Master cum in his muzzle. Lunch with more nuzzlings and swats on his rump. More work, More reading and writing... Dinner, followed by an evening of sitting on Master's lap and reviewing the day's lessons. Sleep with a big cock rubbing his ass as he held the strong arms that held him. It would be several weeks before the shivers and nightmares stopped. The cravings seemed to always be lurking, but even those were stifled. By then he had gained a few pounds, a ton of confidence, and made sure Master's balls were emptied every day.

One early evening he sat cross-legged, head between Meser's legs, nuzzling the canine-sheath, Combing his big tail gently.

"What is Master thinking about so hard he frowns?"

A scarred hand rubbed his face, lifting it up. "Your hot ass. And how much my balls ache."

The rabbit kissed the rough palm. Then cupped the fat nut-sack, kissing it all over. "If Master wishes, I can slip them into my mouth and make them feel better."

Meser laughed... "All that will do is make my dick hard."

Without even looking up, Jeremy replied; "And that is a bad thing How, Master?" Gently sucked a nut into his mouth, rolling his tongue over it as he sucked gently. Cocked an ear at the groan. Let it slip out into his fingers.

"All Master has to say is 'Stop', 'Don't', 'No'." Breathed on the wet fur warmly. After a moment, he took the other one between his lips and soaked it in his saliva, teasing it with his tongue and teeth. Watched the sheath split to discharge the big cock he had come to desire more than Drugs. Gently stroked it to fullness, Even got the knobs out and pressed against his nose. But he didn't stop working the nut over until he was satisfied it was as full as it's 'brother'.

Slid his tongue up the shaft, tracing veins, teasing with flicks across the tip until it dripped pre. Then the rabbit stood and straddled the monster, pressing it between his cheeks. Did so with such sensuality that the shepherd moaned into the short muzzle that took his in a hungry kiss.

"Master said I could suck on him anytime I wanted to... Long as he didn't say No. But Sir said he was thinking of my ass..." Wagged it, rubbing it up and down on the thick erection. "Master, Your Rabbit would like to be taken. Mounted... Fucked hard and deep and roughly. And if Master isn't busy..." The dog gasped as the male kissed a nipple, tonguing it. "Maybe he will Tie with me?"

Meser growled... Then sat straighter and gripped the bunny who shivered, Sobs coming quickly after.

"S... Sorry..." The hard smack on his ass made the slave jerk but Still he grabbed the male, Kissing him desperately.

"Jeremy?" Strong hands slid across the still thin but filling out sides and back.

"I... I don't want to be a 'Fuck-Toy', but I can't seem to Stop wanting your - Cock. When I clean, I think of you taking me while I am on all fours, panting in my ear, shoving your hips into mine, making me scrub harder. Standing at the sink, your maleness is grinding under my tail, making me come up on my toes... Even while I dare not miss a spot or drop a plate. Every night I pray you will take me, Tie with me... So you... You Can't... You Won - Mmmpf!"

The rabbit was shoved onto the table, his legs coming up to wrap around the canine's rump. "Please, Master..."

"A time will come when I will leave you with someone. You are too Hot to keep - Besides... You need someone who can keep up with your Desires!"

The male laughed, then Moaned as the huge cock split his ass open, Slowly working in until the knobs rubbed his stretched anal-ring. "Masterrr... he gasped, Wriggling his butt as it was pounded by the canine. Arced up as he felt the twin knobs Push, Stretch, then Slam into his abused hole. He hugged his lover tightly, whispering, "Thank You, Sir." Got kissed roughly, Hips grinding his butt into the strong crotch. Bit his lip as he felt the cum splatter inside him, causing his own orgasm to make him arch and moan and get them both sticky.

As he lay, rocking the male against his ass, he licked his lips... "What would Master like for Dinner? I think Hot Dog will do me - If Master is up to it."

Master groaned and growled and bit a long ear, Squeezing the cute ass.

* * * *

Jeremy stood, trying not to cry. Meser said it was time - Time to stand on his own two feet again. The entire night all they did was kiss and caress each other. And now... A backpack with some personal things, some money that he earned helping Master around the Farm.

"I don't want to go..." Eeeped as his butt was swatted.

"Whiner. You are still too thin, But You are Not what I brought to my house that day. Besides, I think you need another Rabbit to hump you as many times a day as you wish..."

The bunny laughed, and did cry on his Master's shoulder. Kissed the canine one last time. Stepped into the coach, Waving until the Farm was not even a Speck in the distance. Smiled shyly as a couple of sexy males commented on his nose-ring. He was Young, Sexy... And should it all go Bad, a Master who would take him in and build him back up again - May he find a worthy Slave to make his balls hurt!

* * * *

"Meser? Avrie Meser!" The canine turned... And *Oofed* as a rabbit literally pounced on him! Smothered his face in kisses.

"Jeremy?" Gone was the nose-ring as was the haunted look. He looked like a healthy, Sexy male in barely enough to cover his... Assets.

"Jere... Do you know this - Male?"

A tiger big enough to give Bears pause came up to take the bunny's hand. Brown eyes looked into the amber ones, then their owner giggled and kissed the feline's cheek. "I am such a Ditz... Master Meser, meet Teare, Love of my Life." He bumped the male's shin with a foot, whispered into the round ear, "Master is the one who took me off the street. Healed me, Humped me... Gave me the brand I still wear - Proudly. He 'Rehabbed' me..."

Suddenly the canine's muzzle was swept into a soul-burning lip-lock that few have ever matched since. Love, even second-hand, is a very powerful emotion. And it poured from the feline into him.

"Sir..." The tiger growled, when he came up for air. "I owe you my Love. My Life... My body if you wished it." Went over to the bunny, and whispered in his ear, squeezing the half-covered rear. Returned to give the canine another hot muzzle-press, leaving the male gasping.

"I sent him off to the gift shop. He loves to look, But Buy something? I have to almost threaten him before he will accept a trinket or piece of clothing. He still has - Episodes. Shivers, Trembles. Wakes in the night, Crying... Begging forgiveness. I promise you, if I Ever find those who had him Before... There will be little left to sweep out. I thought I would have to fight claw to claw with my parents for his hand - Until the morning Father found the bunny Naked, kneeling by his bed. Asking if Master wanted to use him... Father is a strict Traditionalist, and was probably shocked out of his pelt when he swung his legs over the bedside - To have his erection engulfed by a hot rabbit muzzle. Mother said he couldn't even get the word 'Stop' out of his mouth, And came so hard he almost passed out."

Chuckled for a moment... "Mother is a light sleeper and waited until he was done, had stripped it and gave the tip a kiss. 'Thank You Master' Made her neck-hair stand on end, she said. Went over and held the rabbit, whispering his name in a twitching ear until reason returned to the brown eyes. Said he looked at Father, with his dick still semi-hard and wet with saliva. Looked up at her... Went white as a sheet and would have jumped out a window if she hadn't restrained him. Marched the rabbit over to the bed, made him sit and held his hand. Waited until Father had recovered, then made Him hold Jeremy's other hand."

The tiger Sighed... "Made him explain. I know most of it - Running away from home. Life on the streets. Selling his body for drugs so he wouldn't Feel what was happening to him. Being used by anyone his Master wished - However they wished. Standing on a street someplace waiting to die, because he was of no use anymore... Being found by his New Master - Who Fed him, Fucked him, Trained him. Most importantly - Held him, Loved him, Brought him back from The Pit. That was You, I gather?" Another deep kiss that made Meser dizzy.

"As to why the best head Father ever had? A 'Spell' - Thought he was back in The House, and had to wake 'Master', Hoping all he got was some cum and not beaten too badly. Tried to apologize, to slink out... But Father took his hand, and half-walked/half-dragged the scared-to-death rabbit into my room. Where he told me in no uncertain Terms I was to Mate this lad... And if anyone wanted to say something about it, They could talk to His Right Hand. We have been together ever since. I still wake with him kneeling on the floor, Or find the bed empty and him sleeping with my Parents when we visit. I made him remove all but the Nipple Rings, Those and the Brand he said he would Keep as reminders of what he was. And could be again should he take life for granted."

Shoved a card in the canine's hand. "If you should Ever need a favor, Any favor... Do not hesitate to call." Walked off to snag his Love and take him out for a meal.

Meser shook his head and laughed softly, Eyeing the firm tiger-ass. Was glad the Rabbit had found someone. But there were plenty of slaves and slaves-to-be and burn-outs and runaways and cast-off males to keep him busy for some time to come. Hmmmmm - Feline? Not worth much on the current market - But that always changed as tastes and desires did. He would keep his eyes open. Boarded the Train for the shadier side of town... Might get lucky and find another Jeremy - His nuts twinged, trying to bunch up, making their owner laugh. Sex Every Day was too tiring... Every other Day? Doable - He wasn't That old yet.

The End

Slave 5C

Slave 5C - M/M/M, Caressing/Oral, D&S Themes/Language, Human/Lion/Tiger - January 09, 2009 By Afril, With help from Chaos Blackwing (cl) The Gay Furry Association I owe someone a Lion cameo Gerrty groaned. He was bent over the counter,...

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Slave 5B

Slave 5B - M/M, Anal/Caressing/Bondage, Man/Tiger - January 09, 2009 by Afril, With help from Chaos Blackwing (cl) The Gay Furry Association The muse strikes again Gerrty moaned... Sweat ran down his torso. He bit into the gag, nostrils...

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Slave 5

Slave 5 - M/M, Masturbation,D/S, Light Torture - December 04, 2008 By Afril With Hints from Tredain and Chaos BlackWing (cl) The Gay Furry Association Just another daydream "Good Morning... If anyone is Not here in response to my ad,...

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