A Dragon In Suburbia, Part 3: Showertime Shenanigans

Story by Ausfer on SoFurry

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#3 of A Dragon In Suburbia

Hey, remember when I said that last chapter of A Dragon in Suburbia had no porn in it, and it was a clean story?

Yeah, this chapter is nothing like that chapter.


Yeah, a little advice: you might want to, erm ... plan to read this story with a few breaks in between, cause there's quite a lot of human-on-dragon adult things going on in this chapter.

Don't say I didn't warn ya.

A Dragon In Suburbia, Part 3: Showertime Shenanigans

Blinking in the stream of the shower, Kyle looked up at the dragon laying on his chest. Judging from her behavior, the naturally aquatic Yellowtail was thoroughly enjoying her time in the bath tub. The pair had spent the last few minutes bonding under the hot spray of water, and Kyle, in no hurry to get up, stroked the dragon gently across the cheek and webby fin along her jawline.

Nixi took a big breath and held it. Kyle felt the dragon's rib cage expand against his own. Then, as she let it out, Kyle felt the Yellowtail's claws tense up on his chest. Churring warmly, deep in her throat, Nixi's affection turned to nibbling along his chin-line, before moving lower, to the underside of his chin, where she doted with her tongue and lips. Her actions had Kyle feeling a stirring in his chest; he knew what that the dragon was trying to tell him.

Licking and nibbling under the chin was a way dragons expressed their lust.

Well, it was one of the ways... there were certainly more overt ones that Kyle was used to, as he was no stranger to having Nixi grind her hips on him, nuzzle and lick at the crotch of his pants, or even try to remove his clothing (sometimes without his consent!). But this was one behavior he usually saw only between dragons and their own kind, and it struck him as a bit intriguing for her to be doing it with him.

"Heh... are you getting ideas, girl?" Kyle brought a hand to the Yellowtail's cheek. The dragon responded by situating her hips and pressing them down with a quiet growl, grinding against the human underneath her, which caused Kyle to raise his brows.

"And I thought you were satisfied only a few hours ago. You're insatiable." Kyle then paused and thought. "Or maybe you're just a dragon," he added, thinking of the rest of the scaly residents of Emily's ranch. Even amongst the general public, the creatures were well-known and rather notorious for their promiscuity, though their willingness to mate outside their species was probably a far more obscure bit of knowledge.

Kyle, however, had first-hand experience on the subject.

"Well, I suppose I do owe you for the tease of making you watch that video earlier." A sly grin spread across his face as one of his hands snaked down to grip the dragon by her haunches. He gave Nixi a firm squeeze and pressed his hips up against her own. Narrowing her eyes to almost slits, the dragon let out a throaty growl of approval, which prompted Kyle to laugh.

A hand slid between the wet skin of his stomach and the banded scutes of a dragon's belly, and he gently pushed up. "Stand up for a bit," he encouraged the dragon, who reluctantly rose to all fours. Quickly, he shimmied out of his underwear--being the only article of clothing Kyle still had on--and, after giving them a quick wring-out, he hastily draped them over the side of the tub. Kyle had to smile as he was doing so, because all the while Nixi was nudging and licking his face in a mixture of lust and affection.

The dragon sat down on his hips once he was ready, but surprisingly, she did not immediately begin to rock and grind. She seemed to Kyle to be a bit less impatient than their last time earlier today, but their last time had also been a while since the dragon had seen any action. Kyle did not complain. Nixi could prove to be quite a handful when she was in the mood, sometimes nearly overwhelming him with her impetuous and insistent desires. A slower pace was a welcome change.

Standing against the spray of shower water, the dragon looked at him expectantly. Her tail was draped over the side of the tub, and Kyle could hear it thumping against the side every few seconds. With a grunt, Kyle removed her forepaws from his chest and placed them on the towel-covered tub bottom, relieving himself of the pressure of her pointed claws. Nixi appeared ready, although Kyle was not even erect yet.

"Say, I got an idea, Nix ..." Kyle trailed off as he ironed out the details in his mind. "Here, I need you to be on your back for this.

After much maneuvering and encouragement and fussing around, Kyle managed to roll the dragon so she was lying on her back and cradled against his chest. He made sure that the fin running down her back was safely and comfortably folded against her spine, and her wings were slightly extended to rest on either side of his chest instead of being laid on.

Puzzled, Nixi attempted several times to right herself, but Kyle encouraged her to stay put. Something was wrong in the dragon's eyes: she was lying on her human the wrong way! How could she possibly mate like this? With her head curled up to her chest, she grunted and kicked in the air in protest.

"Easy now," Kyle cooed, using one arm to secure the dragon in place. His other hand began to descend down her stomach, running across the smooth, sky-blue belly scutes. He traced along the crease between her right hind leg and her crotch, then moved inward, coming to a raised cleft in her scales. Nixi immediately froze as she felt a pair of fingers begin to rub and gently prod.

"Ah, see where I'm going with this?" he asked with a grin.

Slowly he felt the Yellowtail relax in his arms--relaxing her leg and stomach muscles, letting her forepaws rest against her chest, and putting a stop to her fidgety tail. Nixi watched with alert eyes--blinking occasionally as water splashed across her face--at the movements of Kyle's hands.

"That's it ... relax," Kyle encouraged. Gently, he took his other hand and guided the Yellowtail's head back carefully, making sure her horns did not bang into the tub and cause marks. Gingerly, she curled her neck against Kyle's head, resting the top of her own against the back of the tub, and stretched out, wiggling a bit to situate herself before coming to a rest. Now that she was upside down, the webbing between her wings began to slowly collect water, making them feel heavy. By all appearances, the dragon appeared to be comfortable.

Kyle chuckled. "There you go ... just sit back a bit."

He went slowly, rubbing in soft circles at the entrance to the Yellowtail's vent, tracing up and down the vertical slit, and worming his way just inside the topmost portion, where the dragon's internal clitoris lay. He felt the dragon suck in a deep breath and let it out with a hearty growl of approval, spreading her hind legs wider for him. The comforting, pleasurable touch between her legs sent a warm rush up her spine, causing the dragon to shiver. Kyle felt her shift in his arms, getting herself comfy under the hot and soothing spray of the shower.

Kyle grinned. "Feels good, eh?" he asked.

The entrance to Nixi's vent, like most dragons, was a slightly raised mound with a vertical slit running down it, nestled just above her anus and the base of her thick tail. It tended to swell slightly when aroused and could give off quite a bit of lubrication, which Kyle was starting to feel on his fingertips. Slowly he worked the dragon, running his fingers between the cloven lips. Kyle closed his eyes. He focused on the warm water washing over him and trickling down from the dragon's body in steady streams. It had been quite a while since he had taken such a long shower. Most days he was up early and getting ready for work, where showers were a half-sleepy, mundane routine. Not something he could ever relax and appreciate. He had forgotten how enjoyable sitting back and basking in a warm shower could be.

And from the looks of it, Nixi was revelling the moment just as much, if not more.

Kyle continued to work the dragon for several more minutes, in no hurry to move onto the next phase. Slowly he increased his ministrations, starting to work his fingers in between the scaly slit, increasingly feeling the warmth and slickness of the dragon's inner vent on his fingertips. As he pressed in deeper, he felt Nixi suddenly tense up and squeeze his fingers in delight, growling softly to herself. Though Kyle couldn't see it, the dragon had closed her eyes, having given in fully to the relaxing massage of warm water and articulate fingers.

The inside of the Yellowtail's vent was even hotter than the shower water ... though now that Kyle thought about it, it seemed that the shower was a bit cooler than he remembered setting it to. Furrowing his brow in concentration, Kyle reached up with a foot and nudged the temperature knob a bit. He waited to make sure the water didn't turn too hot before returning his attention to the dragon laying against him. He slid his fingers deeper on every push, prompting tiny chirps or trills every so often out of the Yellowtail receiving the treatment. His fingers worked the dragon steadily, stroking and massaging her silky inner vent, while pressing and rocking the base of his hand against her clit. She began to arch her hips up into his hand whenever he pressed in deep enough, making Kyle smile.

Suddenly, the fingers withdrew, the pleasurable feelings stopped, and Nixi opened her eyes. She felt Kyle move under her, and curled her neck up to chitter in confusion. Kyle glanced down the Yellowtail's sky blue underbelly, seeing her feminine mound was now swollen, showing off a hint of its pink inner skin.

"I think you're ready enough for part two," Kyle began, pausing and grunting as he sat up. Still holding the dragon close to his chest, he leaned his face out of the shower's spray, pushed the shower curtain away from the tub, and stretched his good arm over the rim to search for something. After a bit of fumbling, he let out a triumphant "Ah ha!" and laid back down against the back of the tub.

"I figure you'd want a bit of quality time with this," Kyle said. Nixi craned her neck to see what Kyle had in his hand, but a second later, her ears told her the answer as a steady buzzing sound suddenly joined the cacophony of spattering water against dragon scales.

An excited trill sounded out, and Kyle laughed as the dragon began to wriggle in his arms. Spreading her hind legs expectantly, she kicked the air and thwapped her tail against the outside of the tub repeatedly, showing an enthusiastic impatience that had Kyle grinning. Holding her steady, he brought the tip of the vibrating toy against the topmost portion of the dragon's slit, and pressed against the spot where her clitoris lay just inside.

At once he had the dragon squirming in ecstasy. She arched her hips up, extending her legs and flexing each of her toes as a rumbling hum welled up in her throat. Her neck arched back, head bumping awkwardly against the backing of the tub with a solid thunk. Kyle began to grind the tip against the firm little nub on the inside of her slit, which had the dragon purring like a finely tuned engine.

The Yellowtail was alive in his arms. Kyle grinned as he massaged the dragon's internal clitoris, rubbing the tip of the toy in slow, steady circles. Her behavior reminded him of their first few sexual encounters, and how expressive she was at the time--not to mention demanding!

After taking a few minutes to acclimate to the stimulation, Nixi was beginning to calm down. Her random fidgeting had coalesced into a gentle and rhythmic upward rock of her hips as she licentiously grinded her clit against the vibrating toy. Her breath began to quicken as Kyle felt her ribcage expanding and relaxing against the arm holding her securely against his chest. The spray of hot water from the shower was ever present, adding to what was already a steamy mood. Nixi licked her lips and let out a pleasant churr, burying her snout into Kyle's wet hair and giving him an appreciative nuzzle.

Kyle let out a chuckle. "You enjoying your shower, Nix?" he asked, reaching up to stroke her chin with his free hand. The dragon leaned into his touch, pleasantly humming as if replying with a yes--or perhaps she really was saying yes? Kyle was still unsure as to how much the dragon could understand the spoken word. At the very least, it seemed to be much more than any common dog or cat. He filed the thought away as something to ask Emily about when he had a chance.

Kyle felt the dragon suck in a sudden breath as he moved the vibrator a little lower. Slowly, he traced up and down her sensitive slit, teasing at pressing in deeper. Nixi was tense in his arms all the while. Her forepaws tightly grasped onto his other arm, gripping him round the wrist and forearm. He felt her claws start to dig into his skin as he finally pushed harder, spreading the dragon's swollen entrance open around the head of the fiercely vibrating rod. As the Infiltrator began to slide inside of her, Nixi let out long, rumbling growl--not the aggressive, gruff kind to display anger, but a warm, affectionate growl used to express pleasure. Kyle was intimately familiar with the sound. He arched his neck to watch as inch after inch of the studded black dildo disappeared within the Yellowtail's vent. When the toy would go no further, he stopped and let go.

It was as if the dragon was in a trance. Her breathing had become ragged and short; billows of hot air puffed from her scaly nostrils. The Infiltrator, with several inches of studded length that wouldn't fit, buzzed noisily from Nixi's stretched and filled vent. It occasionally twitched as the Yellowtail squeezed around its girth with delight. Kyle knew first-hand how surprisingly muscular Nixi was in that department. Just remembering how those contractions felt around his own manhood had it swelling in expectation.

Kyle pulled Nixi, who had been slipping down his chest from all her wriggling, a little higher. He then lunged out to grab the Infiltrator before the dragon squeezed the thing right out of her. Adopting a slow and steady pace, he worked Nixi closely, letting the Yellowtail adjust to the size of the toy before doing anything brash. Despite its size, the vibrator was sliding in nearly effortlessly; Kyle was pleasantly surprised he hadn't needed any lube this time. Perhaps, he mused, his fingers had simply done a good job of getting the Yellowtail wet and ready.

As Nixi began to calm down and acclimate to the sizable toy filling her up, Kyle felt that she was ready for more.

"Alright, Nix ..." he began. "That was just the warm up."

Flicking the vibrator's setting from "low" to "high", he began to work the dragon in earnest, which quickly put the Yellowtail in her happy place. She kicked her hind leg in the air every so often as Kyle managed to rub up any of her particularly sensitive spots. Trills and churrs and growls resonated in Kyle's ears, and for a moment an icy pit formed in his stomach as he wondered if his apartment neighbors could hear through the walls. He decided to try and put the thought out of his mind before he stressed himself out worrying about it.

"I doubt any of them would recognize the sounds of a moaning dragon anyway," Kyle muttered.

Feeling Nixi licentiously roll her hips and writhe in his grip had Kyle feeling warm in the cheeks--or perhaps that was just the shower. He felt as if he had control of every little flinch or hind leg kick or tail thump that the little dragon made. Warm, slick fluids were oozing from her stretched-open vent, running down to her tail base and getting on his hand. Pulling the toy slowly out of her, Kyle was about to switch back to her clit, but a snout nudge on his head told him that the dragon wanted him to stick it back in.

"Heh, alright." Slowly, Kyle worked the buzzing toy back inside of her, coaxing a satisfied hum out of the Yellowtail.

A few more minutes of the treatment, and Nixi was gone. He heard the dragon's breathing--now heavy and labored--puffing from her nostrils and blowing close to his ear. She humped against the vibrator deep in her slit every time Kyle pressed in, making him wish he was feeling the dragon's rocking hips against his own. Nixi churred with delight when Kyle gave the deeply penetrating toy a few twists in his palm, causing all the bumps along the length of the thing to rub and stroke the insides of her vent.

Kyle was making an effort to pace the dragon, trying to keep her on edge for as long as she could bear it, but after a few more minutes he felt her arousal quickly spiraling out of control.

So he did the next best thing: he gave the dragon all that he could.

"Alright, Nix ..." Kyle puffed as he paused to get a better grip on the pulsating toy.

"Time to fasten your seatbelt."

Biting his tongue in concentration, Kyle put his thumb on the switch and put the vibrating toy on its highest setting. A sudden squeal welled up in the dragon's throat, followed by a deep growl as Kyle's moderate pace turned into an aggressive tempo. The Yellowtail was going crazy in his arms: slowly squirming, hips wiggling, legs extending, feet wishing for hard ground to push against. The dragon was openly panting despite the heat of the shower; her tongue was hanging listlessly from the side of her mouth. And though Kyle couldn't see them, her eyes were lax and unfocused as the dragon was unable to focus on anything but the intense vibrations deep in her slit.

The Yellowtail could feel a delightful pressure welling up inside of her, growing in intensity with every thrust. The warm spray of the shower, the sound of rushing water, and even the steady hum of the vibrator all slowly drifted from her consciousness until all that remained was the relentless pounding of that wonderful vibrating shaft snuggled in between her legs, and a singular, primal, lustful urge to want more... More. More! Go faster! Thrust harder! Penetrate deeper! Don't stop!

Nixi tensed up in Kyle's arms. The dragon curled her toes and braced herself. She brought her head to her chest and shut her eyes tight. The growls in her throat became more and more intense. And then, as if a dam had broken under the pressure of torrenting flood waters, the release came.

Kyle swore as the dragon squealed and bucked in his arms, contracting hard around the Infiltrator. Her wings attempted to open and stretch, and banged noisily against the sides of the tub. Her tail thrashed, knocking bottles of soap and shampoo off the wall-mounted caddy and onto the floor, her tail scales making scraping sounds as they dragged across the tiled shower walls. Kyle winced as the dragon squeezed his free arm tightly with her forepaws, the dark claws digging painfully into his skin. He felt spurts of clear fluid from her too-full vent splash against his other hand as her insides spasmed and squeezed tight around the vibrating toy. Swearing again, he held onto Nixi as best he could and worked the thrashing dragon until she could take no more.

The sheer duration of her orgasm bemused Kyle, being one of the longest in his memory. After what seemed like forever, he pulled the vibrator out of her, watching in wonder as a couple more squirts of clear fluid shot out of the dragon's contracting vent, splashing against the aluminum bathtub tap. He felt the dragon tense and flinch her hips a few more times as the last few vaginal contractions worked their way out of her body, and then, slowly, he felt the Yellowtail relax completely in his arms: legs going limp, tail flopping out of the tub once more, and water-laden wings drooping to the bottom of the tub. Kyle sighed inlet out a sigh of relief as the sharp claws gripping his forearm loosened their hold. Deftly, he switched the Infiltrator off and let it drop from his hand so he could hold the dragon with both arms.

It was then that Kyle noticed the water had grown tepid again. Frowning, he nudged the temperature control with his foot one more time, ignoring the slightly paranoid thought of landlord coming knocking on his door to complain about the water usage. He lay quietly and let the dragon catch her breath. He felt her rib cage expanding against his arm as her ragged breathing slowly returned to a normal pace. Her snout came to rest against his head, whereupon the dragon plunged her nose into his soaked hair and let out a long, affectionate hum. Kyle let out a chuckle and held the dragon close, in no hurry to move on.

Moments later, still under the spray of the hot water, Nixi began to twist her body. Kyle let go of the dragon as she slowly righted herself, suppressing an "Oof!" as a hindpaw stepped on his stomach in the process. Streams of water flowed from the pools collecting in between her wing dactyls as the dragon turned over, rushing to the drain of the tub where the water swirled in circles. Swaying slightly back and forth, the Yellowtail looked a bit shaky sitting up. Kyle did his best to guide her to lie down on top of him, which she did by practically collapsing onto his chest. After doing so, she buried her snout into Kyle's chin and neck, cooing softly as she nuzzled his wet skin, showering him in appreciative nibbles and licks.

Kyle's eyes widened in mild surprise. It was not often he managed to get the Yellowtail like this, but sometimes, the afterglow of a powerful orgasm would make the dragon rather affectionate and giddy for a short while. Grinning, he took her behavior as a sign that he had done a good job. Kyle brought both hands up to her head and gave the dragon a serious dose of affectionate rubs across her snout, cheeks, and chin as she continued to dote and nibble.

Kyle chuckled as he spoke to her softly. "I take it you had a good time, huh, Nix?"

Nixi took hold of his ear between her teeth and tugged, growling softly. Kyle wasn't sure if that was more affectionate behavior or an actual response to his question ... but if it was, her wordless reaction certainly spoke volumes. The slightly woozy Yellowtail, buzzing from the warm, stretched, and satisfied feeling between her hind legs, continued to nuzzle and nip for a little while longer, before finally pulling away to look at her human in the eye. Kyle gave the dragon an appreciative smile and an affectionate rub along the neck.

Panting still despite the hot streams of the shower, the dragon collected her pulsing tongue back in her mouth to close her lips and swallow. She then leaned her impressively articulate neck back and opened her mouth wide to collect some of the water and thirstily gulp it down, before returning her attention back to the human she was laying on. She bent down and began to lick and nuzzle along Kyle's collarbone.

Kyle smirked. "Ready for round two?" He accentuated his point by arching his hips up to press his waiting erection against the dragon's smooth belly scutes. The dragon flinched in mild surprise as she felt the hard shaft pulse against her scales.

"Well?" he asked, bringing a hand to her cheek and gently pulling her away from his chest. Staring back at him, the dragon hummed quietly. Nixi turned her attention to the hand against her face. Reaching out with her forepaws to grasp Kyle's arm just below the elbow, she began to lick along his fingers, sticking her tongue between them and curling around his knuckles.

Kyle was rather used to this behavior. Besides his neck and face, he found Relia and Nixi took to affectionately nipping his hands quite a bit ... though he could only guess at why. In truth, Nixi was fascinated by and rather adored human hands to a point that almost bordered on envy. Her own toes and claws could not match the dexterity, long reach, and articulate precision of a human's hand... and most importantly, it was impossible to replicate the wonderful things that fingers could do between her legs ...

... which was why the dragon was keen to shower them in appreciative affection.

Silent for now, Kyle let the dragon do as she pleased, curious and slightly enticed as to where this behavior would lead. He wrapped one arm around the dragon, starting to slowly press up against her blue underbelly scutes once again, yearning for another body to press against as Nixi continued to lick and dote on his hand. "I hope you're not forgetting about me. I have my own needs, too, you know," he chuckled.

Humming quietly, nixi began to nibble at his fingertips and the fleshy space between his index finger and thumb. Kyle continued to watch the dragon, enjoying her affectionate behavior too much to disturb her.

"Ow!" Kyle jerked his hand back. "Watch it, you're getting a bit rough with those bites," he admonished the Yellowtail before inspecting his fingers. It didn't feel painful enough to have broken the skin, but he did find a few small indentations from her teeth. Unconcerned, the dragon merely pulled his arm back to within the reach of her tongue to resume her doting, and Kyle couldn't help but be a bit amused at her flippant demeanor.

Still licking between his fingers, Nixi cast her gaze to meet his and warbled softly to him. Kyle raised his brow high. Starring Kyle in the eyes, she decided to take a step further, moving on from affection to something else entirely. The dragon let out a low, provocative growl as she took the tip of his index finger between her teeth. Slowly, she pulled the digit into her mouth, watching him all the while. Kyle felt the warm embrace of her maw cover his finger in slimy dragon saliva. Her muscular tongue pulsed as she lapped along its length and began to suckle. Kyle stared, transfixed, finding himself sucking in a sudden breath and feeling his erection jump in excitement. That reaction was exactly what the Yellowtail was looking for, and the dragon growled again in approval as she felt his cock throb against her belly scutes.

It wasn't the finger sucking itself that had set him off ... it was knowing that she was doing it to deliberately entice him. Dragons were intelligent, observant creatures, and seeing them inexplicably figure out how to intrigue, seduce, and arouse him--a human--both fascinated and enticed Kyle. It was one of the reasons that he had tentatively given into the dragon's demands for sex in the first place...

... though Relia and Nixi's inability to accept a refusal for sex definitely had more to do with it!

Kyle couldn't help but chuckle a bit. She had first tried fellating his finger just hours earlier, while he was on the phone with Emily. The dragon saw that this had gotten a reaction out of him last time, and here she was already trying it again to test its effectiveness. Slowly, Kyle pulled his hand away, but Nixi's head followed, holding fast onto the finger in between her jaws.

"Such a devious little critter, aren't you?" Kyle chuckled.

Still keeping her golden irises locked on his own, the dragon switched digits, taking his middle and ring finger into her mouth. The smooth texture of her tongue undulated and stroked across his fingerprints like a slow massage. She nibbled and pulled, sensually mouthing his fingers as if they were another part of Kyle's body. Looking to get another reaction out of Kyle, she opened her mouth slightly and dragged her tongue slowly along the digits, teasing her human of possible future acts. Once again, she felt Kyle's shaft flex and stiffen against her belly scales, which had the dragon churring in approval. With a thump of her tail tip against the tub, she ducked her head down and took his hand in between her jaws until his fingers were teasing at the back of her throat.

"Woah, Nix!" Kyle exclaimed in surprise. "Don't choke yourself!" He attempted to pull his hand out of her mouth, but the dragon held fast.

Forcefully, Nixi began to lap and suck in earnest, tongue lapping along his fingers and palm while holding his hand securely between her rows of sharp teeth. After coating Kyle's hand in thick dragon saliva, Nixi then pulled her head back, letting the hand slowly slide from her jaws. Churring affectionately, the dragon began to move her tongue down his wrist and arm, lapping his warm skin and tasting the salt and oils that the shower had not yet washed off. Sitting up, Nixi began to move further south, tongue slowly dragging across his skin as it explored his chest, teeth affectionately nipping every so often. Sometimes the dragon would bite a bit too roughly, either not taking into account the sensitivity of bare skin compared to scales, underestimating the power of her own jaws ... or perhaps simply not caring if she caused a little pain. Kyle wasn't sure which.

As the dragon worked her tongue down his body, Kyle began to grin. He knew where this was going. But slowly his smile suddenly dropped as he became aware of his surroundings. The water. It was growing lukewarm already.

"Shoot, we're running out of hot water ..." he muttered, sighing in disappointment. "We're gonna have to continue this in my bed."

Gently, he encouraged Nixi to stand up, which the dragon did reluctantly, and only after several failed attempts, as the dragon did not want to stop. Kyle pushed himself up with a grunt and Nixi, as soon as she noticed the human's erection out in the open, let out a chipper trill and zeroed in on it. As he reached over the Yellowtail to shut the water off, the dragon's snout followed his bobbing shaft, tongue quickly lashing out to lick at it.

Kyle jumped out of the shower and ripped a towel from the wall hook. He rushed to dry himself off--not wanting to lose the mood--and quickly threw the towel over his head to pat his hair dry. It was then that he felt a hot dragon tongue on his shaft once more, causing him to laugh as he realized that Nixi had followed him out of the tub. He pulled the towel off his face and looked down, seeing the Yellowtail at his feet and between his legs. Turning around, he grabbed his last clean towel for Nixi as she attempted to follow his moving erection.

"Gotta dry you real quick," Kyle said. Bending over, he gave the dragon a hasty little pat-down, before tiptoeing across the puddle-covered bathroom floor and yanking the the door open. Still half wet, he crossed the hallway to his bedroom where he jumped onto the bed and propped his pillows against the wall.

Nixi did not need to be told to follow. She entered Kyle's bedroom to find he had thrown a few pillows against the wall to lay against them. He holding his erection out for her. It was an invitation the dragon had no intention of turning down. Still dripping water, she jumped up on the bed with a trill, getting the beige-colored sheets even wetter. He was expecting the Yellowtail to climb onto his lap once more and began grinding against his cock, but he was surprised to find Nixi instead lying down between his legs.

With her last orgasm being quite an intense and satisfying ordeal, the Yellowtail was sated for now and had little desire to for Kyle to mount her. But that mattered little ...

The dragon knew from experience that there other ways to mate.

She put her forepaws on the inside of Kyle's thighs and began to cover his shaft in long, eager licks. She kept her eyes on him, eventually grasping the base of his cock with a paw to steady the thing, and began to dote. Nixi used her muscular tongue to explore along Kyle's sensitive underside, wrapping it around his girth, flicking her tongue along the tip.

"Alright alright, I'm hard enough already ... let's get you turned around," Kyle encouraged. But as he began to get up, the dragon squeezed his thighs hard with her claws and growled. Kyle flinched from the mild pain and sat back once more.

"You don't want to go?" Kyle asked, frowning. He attempted to guide her head up to meet his, but she wormed out of his grasp and immediately went back down to lapping at his erect cock, puffing a breath of hot air from her nostrils in displeasure at his attempts to interrupt her fun.

"Ah, oh well... a blowjob's fine, too." Kyle grinned, trying to take the dragon's gruff and stubborn demeanor in stride. That was a skill that he had been learning ever since coming to work on his cousin's ranch, and it had taken Kyle a lot of practice. He remembered being easily annoyed by reactions such as these back before he had had much experience with dragons.

"Here ... I got an idea that'll help," Kyle added. He took her paw in hand, which initially earned a sharp couple of nips on the fingers for interfering with her fun, but with a few encouraging rubs on the snout, he got the dragon to cooperate.

Wrapping the Yellowtail's toes around his shaft for her, he held her paw deliberately so she was grasping around his girth. The Yellowtail watched, curious, as Kyle guided her paw up and down, pumping his shaft steadily. Nixi quickly became amused by watching his foreskin extend and retract around his cock head with every tug. The dragon's long tail spilled over the end of the bed, swaying slowly and swishing against the loose bedsheets.

"See, this is what guys do when they're by themselves ... or what girls do while they use their mouth at the same time."

Nixi briefly looked up at him, cocking her head. Kyle grinned.

"Take that as a little hint," he added with a chuckle.

He removed his hand eventually, glad to see she remained gripping him by herself for the time being. And, after a few tries to get her started, he even successfully got the Yellowtail to attempt moving her paw by herself. He couldn't help but find the scene humorous, as Nixi--graciously calm for the moment as curiosity overtook her--tried her paw at stimulating him manually for the first time. Her motions were rough, uncoordinated, and irregular; Kyle knew using her forepaw in this way must not have been an intuitive motion for a dragon. But she enjoyed watching the human's unique foreskin move, as male dragons had nothing of the sort between their legs. Her claws poked in mild discomfort as she gripped, and more than once he felt her squeeze a little too tight as she enjoyed the feeling of how firm and stiff the shaft was. Regardless, Kyle stroked the dragon's cheek affectionately, glad to show her she was doing good and encourage her. He even briefly fantasized about letting himself close his eyes, relax, and have the dragon work him for a while ...

... but unfortunately, he doubted Nixi's temperament would allow him to enjoy the moment much longer.

Sure enough, the Yellowtail eventually let go of him, pausing to stretch her toes a bit. She was unused to squeezing something with her paws for so long. Down her head went between Kyle's legs as the dragon returned to a more familiar and comfortable method of exploring. With her flexible tongue and sensitive nose buried in his crotch, the dragon found much more enjoyment in using her mouth to play with her favorite part of Kyle's body. Using her paws was strange and redundant to the Yellowtail, especially when this was where all the fun smells and tastes were!

With her strong tongue pushing and nudging Kyle's cock around, Nixi attempted to steady the thing by placing her paws on either side of its base. Licking and lapping steadily, she switched every so often to go down lower and explore the curious sac between Kyle's legs, which Kyle tentatively trusted her to do without causing harm. Dragon or not, Kyle had always found it a tad scary for those incredibly sensitive organs inside to be under the possession of another!

Kyle was surprised the dragon hadn't jumped and mounted him already, but this slow pace was a welcome change to the usual. He wondered if Nixi's time with the Infiltrator had been satisfying enough to slow her libido down.

After prodding and exploring around with her tongue to feel the round orbs inside, there the dragon buried her nose in his sack and inhaled deeply, getting a rush from the scent of a human male invading her nostrils and churring deeply from arousal. Meeting his gaze once more, she began to drag the length of her tongue across his shaft with slow and deliberate movements, looking to entice and arouse. To top off the show, Nixi looked back up at him, licking along his cock eagerly, and let out a provocative growl, leaving Kyle unable to help himself from feeling a bit tight in the chest. Feeling the reactive swell in his erection, the dragon churred to herself in delight. Feeling Kyle react approvingly only emboldened the Yellowtail further, feeding her draconic ego and encouraging more assertive behavior.

With a playful trill, Nixi readjusted her grip on the shaft and this time, remembering his unique anatomical feature, she pulled down with her paw, watching the foreskin retract around his cockhead with great amusement. Instantly, she leaned in, tracing the ridge of his cockhead with her tongue tip before zeroing in on the exposed tip, enjoying her plaything and still in no hurry to switch to more conventional means of mating.

Nixi opened her maw and took the head of his cock between her jaws. Churring softly to herself, she began to mouth and lip at the tip of Kyle's member, cradling him securely between the roof of her mouth and her tongue. Eagerly, she used her paws to squeeze around the base of his shaft like Kyle had shown her earlier, though Kyle felt she was beginning to get a bit rough with her claws. With her mouth open, the Yellowtail's thick saliva flowed freely, coating Kyle's cock in a wet sheen. Looking for a reaction, Nixi pressed her lips against the tip of his cock and opened her mouth. She began to caress her tongue over the head of his cock by exploring the sensation of its ridge on her tongue, causing Kyle to groan in pleasure. The dragon was definitely trying something new this time!

Kyle felt a tiny bit of pressure welling up deep inside of his cock, and he flexed, forcing out a burst of precum. The dragon opened her eyes wide as a spurt of hot fluids splashed against her scaly lips and snout. Nixi trilled excitedly as her new technique was rewarded, instantly lapping up the savory liquid until every drop was swallowed.

"Okay... that tongue thing was pretty hot, Nix," Kyle admitted, chuckling a bit under his breath. It was a far cry from many months ago, Kyle mused, back when the dragon was still learning the ins and outs of oral sex, often times using her teeth too much and causing pain. Kyle remembered his co-worker Ethan mentioning a while back that male dragons actually tended to give better (and less toothy!) oral sex, as it was rather common for bored males in captivity to practice on themselves. Kyle had never cared to find out how true that was.

And besides ... Nixi had proved to be a quick and eager learner on her own.

Scooting closer to him, Nixi lowered her snout more, eager to take the first few inches of his cock between her jaws. Relishing the moment, she was keen to lick and massage it with undulating waves of her long tongue. Kyle reared his head back, instantly getting lost in the sensation of the hot mouth around his cock. Nixi growled softly to herself: being able to lick and play with the enticing masculine organ was riling the dragon's own arousal up. She savored the human's flavor, the sharp smell of his musk. Already, the Yellowtail was starting to feel a bit tingly between her hind legs once more.

Kyle's cock was rock-hard between her lips, and Nixi delighted in being able to control his arousal and firmness with her paws and mouth. She tightened her maw around him as best she could and suckled steadily, trying to coax more precum out of the tip.

"God, why are dragons so good at this?" Kyle gasped, rearing his head back and stretching his legs out as the slow, rhythmic tugs and pulls of the dragon's mouth quickly elevated his mind into the clouds. He leaned back and stared off into nowhere as the dragon continued to quietly and steadily suck.

"Man, here I am, lying in the bed of my apartment, getting head from a dragon..." Kyle looked down at the Yellowtail between his legs, nonplussed from the sheer improbability of his current situation. "How the heck have I gone from working on a dragon ranch, to this?"

Off in her own little world, the dragon hummed quietly to herself as she licked and suckled.

"I swear, you and Relia have turned me into a perv. This is all your fault!" He let out a hoarse laugh and gave her a playful head rub. Quizzically, Nixi briefly look up at her human companion before going back to the stiff object between her paws that demanded attention.

The Yellowtail closed her eyes, having fallen completely into a mood for oral pleasuring. She pressed and plied her tongue against Kyle's shaft, delighting herself in feeling every curve and ridge of his tip, every throbbing vein on her tongue. Steadily she felatted, preferring to use her jaws and tongue to squeeze and work him rather than by using her neck and bobbing her head, though a learning experience at Kyle's guidance had taught the dragon of that method's effectiveness. She would switch when her jaws began to tire.

Normally, the dragon would not have been so keen on the act of giving oral pleasure, and only occasionally performed it on other dragons as dictated by her whims. Yet Kyle was different ... enticingly different. The sharp and savory flavor on her palate was very exotic, as well was his shape. And over the time she had known the human, his had grown familiar enough to be both comforting and arousing. The dragon had come to recognize his scent as the spicy tang of virile masculinity, which stoked the already growing fire in her belly.

With her nose buried in his lap, the dragon took in another deep breath of his musk, which sent a shiver down her spine and coaxed out a hungering growl from her lips. She felt Kyle tense up and a groan reached her ears as the deep vibrations in her throat resonated around his cock, which amused and empowered the dragon to continue her play with even greater panache.

Kyle swore, feeling the dragon's constant suckling start to get to him. He laid a hand on Nixi's head, feeling tempted to press down, but knowing better not to. He was certain the naturally dominant Yellowtail would not appreciate it.

"Nix," Kyle half-moaned, slowly kicking his legs in rapture. "You're ... not gonna pull off at the last second, are you?"

The dragon had done that to him a number of times in the past, and he was dead sure it was for the sole reason of teasing him. Testing her, he traced his fingers down her cheek and under her chin. Slowly, he began to pull her head up, causing Nixi to growl in displeasure. Hunching her shoulders, she hunkered down and tightened her grip of his cock with both mouth and paws, causing Kyle to grin.

"Good, 'cause I don't think I can last much ... much ... oh man" Kyle groaned.

There it was: the head bob. With greedy paws gripping him securely around the base, Nixi had begun to dip her snout down and back up, keen on getting the human close to orgasm. Grunting, Kyle shot another spurt of pre-cum into the dragon's mouth, where it splashed across the roof of her palate. Delighting in the taste, the Yellowtail swallowed the savory, slippery stuff down with a rumbling growl and focused her efforts on trying to draw more out.

Lacking the formidably pliable and stretchy lips of a human (which the dragon found amusing to watch as they talked), Nixi could not close her lips fully around Kyle's shaft, which tended to make dragon blowjobs a tad messy. In feeling the dragon's hot saliva begin to leak down his balls, Kyle made a mental note that he'd really have to change these sheets later, being already spotted with blood from Nixi's cuts and now wet from the recent shower. Adding to it, he had noted the dragon's hips slowly grinding against the mattress, and could only assume she might leave a slick spot by the time he had finished.

Kyle gripped the sheets in his attempts to stave off orgasm and draw the experience out, but he was fighting a losing battle. Swearing again, his hands began to wander, finding the dragon's cheeks as a pressure began to build up deep inside of him and an urge to hold onto something took over.

The hands were the dragon's cue. At once, Kyle felt cool air around his cock, and he opened his eyes to find Nixi pulling off of him.

"Hey!" Kyle angrily shouted.

Nixi stared back at the human, the tip of her tongue still sticking from her mouth, and gave a knowing trill. She bounded to her feet and stared into Kyle's face, looking far too innocent to be convincing.

"Come on, Nix ..." he whined.

Instead, Nixi turned around, her long tail almost knocking over Kyle's bedside lamp in the process. Testing him, she flipped her tail up and presented her backside, curious if he would accept a consolation prize.

Wearing a grumpy frown and a rock-hard erection, Kyle crossed his arms over his chest. "No. I want you to finish me off."

At hearing the word "no", Nixi stamped a paw on the bed and let out a terse growl ... but the dragon's face bore no hint of anger.

"No!" he repeated. "I'm tired of you doing this."

Bearing the sly-eyed look of a playful tease, the dragon bent her chest to the sheets and lifted her rump higher, swaying her tail slightly in open invitation. Kyle stared, feeling awfully tempted to dive in and give his dragon a good pounding, and it was only his annoyance at her that kept him from letting her have her way.

"I gave you fun with the vibrator, now its your turn to give back."

The dragon beckoned to him with a warm churr. Kyle refused to look in her direction.

"Finish me off or I won't return the favor later," he threatened. He followed up by turning his head away, closing his eyes, and raising his chin in a show of cavalier defiance. Even though he didn't know if she understood the words, Kyle was pretty sure she'd pick up on the body language; it was a gesture that many a stubborn dragon had given him in the past.

With his eyes still closed, he felt movement on the bed springs.

Then, with a possibly unintentional headbutt to the stomach that had him falling back against the pillows, Kyle found the dragon diving right back in between his legs. She wasted no time in taking his cock deftly between her jaws. Staring up at Kyle, Nixi continued to wear that narrow-eyed look of a devious dragon, and let out a long, playful growl when he met her gaze. She could have pressed the issue if she had truly wanted to, and the dragon was letting him know it.

Kyle pursed his lips tight. Somehow, even though he had technically "won", the Yellowtail had managed to make him feel as if it was only because she had let him. He couldn't believe it ... even when he got his way she was still calling the shots! Her behavior both infuriated and fascinated Kyle in a roundabout sort of way.

But as the dragon continued to work him, Kyle quickly found himself distracted. The peevish look on his face slowly melted away as the dragon redoubled her efforts, sucking ravenously. The combination of pulsing tongue, squeezing jaws, and bobbing head quickly put him back in the zone. His mouth slowly fell open in a silent moan.

"God," Kyle sighed as his toes curled in ecstasy. "I hate you, Nix," he groaned, not meaning a single word of it. He brought his hands to the dragon's cheeks, squeezing gently, stroking her along the scales there in placid appreciation as the Yellowtail worked to coax out his orgasm.

Kyle close his eyes once more as he let the dragon suckle. He wouldn't have been so stubborn with her had Nixi actually disliked him finishing in her mouth, but he knew better. Having finished her game, the Yellowtail was now making no effort to hide a genuine eagerness. Her tail began to twap against the side of the bed as the dragon's expectation of a big finish began to build.

Growling in eager expectation, Nixi wriggled her hips as she felt the human's shaft began to stiffen in her mouth. Speeding up her efforts, the dragon made no effort to lap up the frothy spittle that was forming between her scaled lips. It wasn't much longer before Nixi found Kyle's hips beginning to rock into her snout. Delighting in her actions controlling his every response, the antsy Yellowtail let out a churr between her lips, feeding off the energy in the room.

Kyle felt his orgasm beginning to grow. Groaning words of encouragement, he cradled the Yellowtail's bobbing head between his hands. He felt his cock stiffening in the dragon's hot mouth, and Nixi, sensing his finish was near, tightened her grip around the base of his cock with jealous and greedy paws.

Swearing loudly, Kyle doubled over as his climax was coaxed right out of him. Nixi let out a husky growl of approval as her efforts were finally rewarded, burying her snout deep in his lap and tightening her mouth around his swelling shaft as the first few spurts of warm fluids splashed against her tongue.

The Yellowtail shut her eyes tight as she delighted herself in feeling the human's shaft throb and twitch in her mouth. A warm, savory flavor spread across the dragon's tastebuds, and a shiver traveled down the dragon's spine, causing her to ruffle and shake her wings.

All Kyle could do was hold onto the dragon's horns for dear life as the slippery fluids were drawn out of him. He heard the wet, smacking sounds of the dragon collecting his fluids on the back of her tongue before hungrily swallowing them down.

As his climax began to wane, Kyle managed to release his iron grip of the dragon's horns. Relaxing his muscles, he fell back against his pillows once more. Nixi lay still, mouth still closed around him, and only after the dragon was sure she could persuade no more of his fluids out did she finally pull off of him, letting inch after inch of his shaft slip from her mouth until the tip popped from her jaws. Immediately, the dragon's head went back down to lick the area clean, doing so with a chipper and eager trill, and Kyle, somewhat dazed, could only weakly pat the dragon on the head.

"That ..." he gasped, shaking a finger at the dragon. "Okay, that made up for the tease ..." he admitted.

Kyle swallowed, trying to catch his racing breath, and slowly propped himself up. He looked between his legs to find a happy Yellowtail licking his sac clean of spittle and other fluids. Nixi paused and looked up, bearing a few globs of white stuff on her lower chin. As the dragon licked her lips clean of his climax, she narrowed her eyes and beckoned to Kyle with a pleasant hum and a single thump! of her tail against the side of the bed.

Finding it in him to laugh, he gave the dragon an affectionate pat on the cheek. "I can't stay mad at you. Heck, that's probably why you did it ... you knew you could get away with it. You rascally little lizard!"

Kyle wiped the Yellowtails chin clean with a finger and let her lick the remnants up. After finding no more on his body, the dragon allowed herself to swallow and open her mouth up to pant. Kyle could see a few sticky strings of fluid still joining her upper and lower rows of teeth together.

"C'mere, you," Kyle cajoled, coaxing the dragon up and bringing her to rest against his chest as he lay back in the bed. Embracing the dragon, he ran his fingers down the aquatic blue fin that ran down her neck, pausing on the yellow bulbs that tipped each spine.

"There's people who'd think I'm insane for letting your teeth go near that part of me ..." Kyle laughed. "They don't know what they're missing out on."

Trilling softly, Nixi leaned in and nudged Kyle with her snout. Kyle couldn't help the smile spread across his face, and gave the dragon a rough and playful rub on the head. Kyle was content to lay with the dragon a while, and stayed silent as he and the dragon exchanged affectionate gestures. But after a moment, as his mind began to drift, thoughts of returning the dragon back to where she belonged began to tug at the edges of his mind once again. Kyle frowned.

"As fun as this has been, we gotta get you home eventually. Suburbia isn't exactly the best place for a Yellowtail. Not enough lakes and rivers, although ..." Kyle began to smirk. "Maybe you'd be content with a bigger shower. Or even ..."

Kyle briefly envisioned taking the dragon to the nearest public water park. Although he could see her content to frolic for hours, he wonder how'd she handle the water slides, and chuckled at the thought of her going down one. Too bad that'd never be able to happen! It seemed like the pond back at Emily's ranch was a safer bet.

"What do you say, Nix," he began, turning to the dragon. "Give my shoulder a good night's rest and return you to the ranch tomorrow?"

Nixi cocked her head. Her left ear flicked outward for a second.

"Does that sound like a good--"

Kyle was cut off as dragon tongue quickly darted into his open mouth, causing him to sputter. "Ak! Eugh!" Kyle shook his head back and forth, casting a few tiny water droplets off his still-wet hair. Studying him, Nixi let out an exuberant trill in response, and Kyle briefly wondered if she had done it just to see his reaction.

"You're not even paying attention to you me, are you?" Kyle asked as he licked his teeth. Dragon saliva tended to stick in the mouth for a while, being a bit more thick and slimy than the human variant. It had to be, as it was the only thing protecting their own mouths from being burned while breathing fire.

"You're such a troublesome dragon!" he laughed, giving her a rough rub on her snout scales. Playfully, Nixi nipped and nibbled his hand with a trill.

Kyle glanced at the clock on the bedstand, next to the reading lamp Nixi's tail had almost knocked over. It was a small and cheap digital device he had picked up at an outlet store shortly after moving to Colorado. Lacking the bells and whistles of more expensive models, it merely played the radio and had an alarm, which were the only other things a digital clock should need to do, in Kyle's opinion.

"Hmm ... it's almost dinner time. Are you getting hungry, Nix?"

Kyle had chosen his words carefully. "Dinner" was a word that had to be closely regulated on the ranch because Emily always used it when feeding the dragons, and every single one of them quickly caught on to what the word meant. At the sound of "dinner," Nixi's eyes opened wide. She wriggled out of Kyle's embrace and stood at the edge of the bed, ready to jump off and head to the kitchen in an instant. Laughing, Kyle propped himself up on his good shoulder.

"I'll take that as a yes. You'll be happy to know I got something a bit better than hotdogs this time. I went out and bought a few packages of chuck beef. You'll be eatin' good toni--"

Just then came a sound that had an icy pit forming in Kyle's stomach.

From the hallway resonated a solid knock knock knock! at his apartment door.


Post-story notes:

~ This chapter stands as triumphant return to writing dragon porn.

~I wanted to add something snarky after that first note, but honestly ... I couldn't think of anything that could possibly follow up such a ridiculous sentence.

~These past few months have seen my car's entire exhaust system rusting out and needing replacement, my hard drive going corrupt and needing replacement, and my laptop dying and ... you guessed it, needing replacement. That's a lot of expensive things to replace! I had to make a tough financial decision and cancel a vacation with family in order to help pay the bills. But thankfully, I've had a number of incredibly generous people offer support by filling up my commission queue for short stories. What can I say ... you guys have been such a big help and I really, REALLY appreciate it!

~ With several people throwing money at me and saying "write sexy dragon things" (except varka, who threw money at me and said "write sexy hydralisk things"), I have a number of stories I have been working on! I hope to get two more out and published within the month. I have a StarCraft story and another chapter of The Persistent Dragon due, in that order. I've been busting my butt writing these past few weeks, trying to get words down on paper every day. And I hope to continue that momentum all throughout this month.

~I'd like to thank SigmaWeapon and Skywize again for helping to proofread.

A Dragon in Suburbia, Part 4: Dragons at Dinnertime.

A Dragon in Suburbia, Part 4: Dragons at Dinnertime. "Shit shit, _shit_!" Kyle squirmed out from underneath the yellowtail dragon, who squawked in surprise and fussed at the sudden movement. He jumped out of bed, ignoring the pain in his shoulder....

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A Dragon In Suburbia, Part 2: Nixi's Favorite Toy

A Dragon In Suburbia, Part 2: Nixi's Favorite Toy "Will that be all, sir?" "Hm?" Kyle blinked as his attention was ripped away from the dragon in his apartment. He briefly surveyed the items in front of the cash register: A bottle of painkillers....

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April Fools Story: Mother and Son Time

**April Fools, everyone! I hope you've all enjoyed this terribly terrible story!** **Now, I won't claim credit for this epic trainwreck of a fap fic... the best (worst?) part is that THIS IS AN ACTUAL STORY SOMEONE WROTE many years ago... I've only...

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