Ups and Downs of Hyper Lives

Story by fox_metro on SoFurry

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#1 of Ups and Downs of Hyper Lives

Okay, so I know I've been away for a while, Shout out to my Pasadena Art Center hommies. But I have some time off, and am going to be hopefully getting out a few of these ideas while I can. Yes I'll work on The Sweet Tanuki. But only because people were super nice and liked it, and I like making nice people happy. So Yeah.. Take that, or something.

Anyway, Here's an idea I've been having that I hope to also work on. I've always thought about how much hyper stuff I've seen, and the idea that if enough people become hyper and having hot love making all the time, would that then mean it looses its excitement?

Hope you're all well ;)

Sentient life is very marvelous aspect of our world. Giving expansion onto the mind the capabilities to invent, create, and give a million reasons to hate invented creations such as segways and bureaucrats.


But despite the vast amount of knowledge and ability those with sentient ability are given, there also exists a notion onto the individuals themselves. A notion that being 'special' even has to exist. A need to stand separate from other minds and be unique in the world.


This need for uniqueness differs from most functions. Such as the need to eat equals so as to not starve to death, the need to mate allows the species to not die out, and the need to rest equals a body that doesn't breakdown physically or otherwise.


But the need to be special reaches a much deeper level of thinking. One much more emotional and mysterious that's only given vague answers too. For most these broad, often dodgy poetic, answers such as 'Your special because you are you', are enough to satisfy. But for some, they need more. They need a greater understanding. Something more defined and solid to grab on to that pushes the darkness away from consuming them. Something they know they can find and conquer so that they may shout to the heavens that their souls are proudly here! Something that bursts through that hole in their body so that they know they're alive! They are of their own being! They are the first and ONLY! NO ONE CAN OWN OR KNOW WHAT THEY ARE! THEY ARE ALIVE! THEY ARE AWAKE! THEY ARE-!!!


"The new Dale vehicle! With lighter weight to lighten your gas needs." Came the TV Amil had left on through the night, and now found himself seeing through blurry jostled eyes as he was rudely awakened. He had barely gotten to sleep a few hours after fighting himself to finish his assignments for school, and unfortunately his hope to relax a minute with some brain melting shows hadn't lasted. Taking a second to let his body wake up with his face, he felt around to find what had smacked him. Noticing the wet spot on his cheek, he already knew well enough. With a groan the serpent youth raised himself to sit, the mattress creaking as his heavy torso slowly eased away from half of the mattress to crush the other with the already immense weight on it, and turned to see his nudist of an older brother standing by his bedside.

A large anthro golden snake much like himself with a muscle mass much the same, yet always outmatching Amil in bulging girth and gloss on the family scales thanks to a few months of age. Big bulky biceps and broad shoulders bursting with every breath, pecs the size and weight of milk heavy barrels, six-pack abs as defined as cobblestone rocks, thick meaty legs capped with a shining pillowy plump rear keeping that tail root snugly aloft to help balance such a hulking body. But the most outrages part of him, at least if you hadn't seen it as much as they had, were the twin glistening shafts that were together thick enough to cover most of that torso, and measured just past their owner's head thanks to their fat fountain dripping mushroom ones that led rivers of pre all the way down to four beach ball scaly nuts; two to cover the thighs, and two to help lift his butt prize. It was a terrible rhyme, but few would argue.

It was all so common a site for Amil and anybody to see the full nude display, being that Anand long abandoned anything below formal wear since he believed they ,"only interfered with enjoying the warmth of life" as he put it. A far to cheerful inviting smile was on his face for whatever time it was, and one of his two pillar shafts in hand that seemed to have somehow misplaced some of its precum, but was eager to give a literal ton more.

"Uuuuurrrgwhat do ya want Anand?" Amil asked, though not really caring to know, as no reason could possibly be right to dick-bat a snake's brains out from slumbering about... well, something that wasn't worth the rudeness.

"Just thought I'd give my little bro some of his usual morning sausage." His sibling added with a sweet wink and extended tongue on that lively, prideful, smug face, before reaching around and hugging both of his tree trunk cocks that shined in the morning light like they were just so perfect and fresh for the day. And was the TV still on?

"-and with TCMCC's guarantee it's only $2000!"

'Yep, it's still there', the serpent thought as he pushed aside his own immense morning wood stiff twins to look for the remote, only for both of them to swing back at his jaw with audible slaps. It was like everything seemed to want to shout at him in his first minutes of wake. Along with his brother, who by now was thrusting and rubbing his hips across Amil's exposed rear and effortlessly showcasing his ripped Adonis form. But as helpful as Anand might have thought he was being with his antics, thinking they were just having a bit of silly fun, Amil was nowhere near the same mood.

"Guuuh, I don't want any of your stupid morning sausage games man!" The younger brother exclaimed with groggy rage as he batted the always leaking heads away, "Just let me sleep like a normal person for once and run a lamp or something with that dang energy." With that, Amil threw his face against his pillow and pulled the blanket back over his body, keeping his brow line furrowed as intensely as he could to convince himself how not hungry he was.

Anand was of course troubled his brother's ever souring attitude. It'd not been the first time Amil had turned down what used to be their giddy morning routine, but he'd never flat out rejected a good meal. The younger snake had gotten strangely more distant in the last few weeks, and Anand thought it must have been , but it was clear to see Amil wasn't ready to tell. So Anand held up his upbeat demeanor and ever ready body as an open willingness to listen and in the continued belief that silly childish ball of frustration hiding in that hulking mountain of muscles bundled up in sheets would open up as well.

With a chipper tone, Anand gave an, "Okay then." and sauntered his way to the hallway. Those wide hips and fat scaled ass cheeks sliding side to side invitingly as Anand crouched to fit in the door frame. But Amil just stuck to pouting while his legs tried to hold down his erections. Not wanting them to be misinterpreted as still considering the offer. Turning over to further ignore the obvious tease, Amil gave up searching for the remote and used his long prehensile tail to reach for the TV's power button. Being to groggy to actually do the task, but the point was clear he had moved on.

"By the way," Added Anand," I actually did let you sleep normal this time silly." And shut the door behind.

After the fifteenth attempt, the TV was quiet and the sleepy serpent could be at peace once more. Just another hour of not having to... suck... on... Wait.

"What?!" Amil grabbed for his clock on the nightstand and tried to read the hands straight, discovering there was only half an hour before the bus was here.

"Oh shit." And within an instant a rush of energy filled the young snake's veins to-


... fall out of bed onto the floor, apparently. Oh! He's getting up though. You okay?

"Yep. I'm goin." Amil replied, thankful that his pecs were bigger than his head to reach the ground first as he picked himself up, along with whatever outfit he could grab off the pile he'd made by the dresser, and headed for the bathroom; or at least tried to.

Although most of his body was easy enough to fit through and keep steady as he stumbled into the hallway, despite his shoulders making him wider than an oak tree, it was his person sized cocks that proved to be the issue. As a young mammal Amil was still a growing boy, and with these changes always came new challenges to handle with. None more apparent then his ever invasive sex. His cocks limited his vision as they swayed back and forth in time against his thick thighs that hassled with their pendulum of a groin, that while trying to keep the quick pace, all four of his balls didn't help much as they bounced and sloshed about to pull him off balance again.

The serpent kept attempting to grasp his swinging parts, but even his own arms were to small to hold all the masses steady as they constantly slipped and bumped against the walls, leaving many streaks and splatters of fresh pre to decorate the walls and bolted down picture frames. This situation could have simply been handled by putting on any cloths to strap down the beasts, but Amil just kept telling himself there wasn't any time to waste. Which is probably why it was no surprise he soon fell backwards and had to be thankful for his wide back muscles and thicker tail this time, though it's doubtful the floor was.

"Don't say anything." Amil said to no one, as the narrator swore he wasn't going to, and just watched on as the frustrated serpent got up and took a deep breath before looking down at himself, noticing how useful his tail had been and realizing it could have other uses. bringing the appendage through his legs, Amil found the girth of the tail easily held up his package to basket his nuts while his hands held all three limbs to his sides, and continued with his much smoother stride; barreling down the halls now like a footballer to the goal line. Though he did it while mentally groaning at the fact this was going to be an ever growing issue of his ever evolving morning lifestyle.

"Why does it always feel like it takes a mile to get here?" Amil asked himself as he finally made it to the bathroom door, failing to find the handle thank to his pectoral self being so massive now that it obscured half view whenever he looked straight down. He sighed and swore his face would be smothered in those tits by next week if his deltoids didn't crush him first. He really wished he'd hit the stage of lactation so he could pop open his cork nipples and squeeze his jugs down to size. But for now, he had to manage with CAREFULLY bending over to simply find and not break the knob.

" Don't come in here with me." He flatly said as he went in. This confused the narrator though, as it made little sense for someone running around naked to want privacy all of a sudden. After a minute or two of light rummaging noises, a slight pealing sound started to be heard through the other side.

"Just don't talk about this part man." The serpent said, through the now locked door, apparently really wanting to keep what he was up to away from others. If a point were to be made however, it would be the fact that most reptiles have the issue he was dealing with, and that it was perfectly nor-

"Don't!" Amil shouted with such a direct forceful tone that the narrator decided it'd be best to listen rather than provoke.

So with nothing else to do while matters got taken care of on the other side of a slice of wood that only worked to cover anything because of politeness, it seemed best to tell a few things about this man while waiting for him to get over being a baby.

Amil was a finely built king cobra. Every aspect of his form was , like a slightly smaller version of his brother. Just turning 18 for his last year of high school, and despite his distain, the young snake was finally reaching that time in every fur's life when puberty finally started kicking in with the biggest of changes, and maturing mass onto his frame to where he was dense and fat with muscles bursting from his very core . But even at this impressive size, he still had quite a bit to go before he reached the expected truck sized norm of wasn't that Amil hated the idea of growing up

His family always tried to support him though. Never looking to him as lesser than the others, or with anything less than kindness and high spirits to encourage him to think positive. But no matter how often they told him he was always improving, the fact that his brother was only older by five months, yet could already bench pressed twice his weight, while their father ate his size for a snack, brought Amil into doubt that there was anything he could bring to make himself stand out from the crowd.

The bathroom door opened, releasing the relaxing trapped steam and a well oiled serpent clad in his red white lined jock strap attire for the day, keeping his crotch snug and more firmly held in front of him to cover his thighs, while framing his backside with thinly pulled straps to allow his expansive rear to freely swing on display. It was a fairly standard model and color, or at least it had been since most of his fellow schoolmate found where the popular kids shopped. But that was posers for you. Unlike Amil who had shopped at Bulge Plus since the time everyone was stuck on ball bras. There was a time where he tried to fashion his own outfits to counter this problem of treading, but much like everything he tried, that ended up falling apart with him breaking something within bursting range. And so Amil resigned to the fact he'd just have to get through another dull day looking unimpressive.

With his awkward growing pains now only gently bouncing and sloshing in front of him, Amil went to his room to grab the homework he struggle on his table with through the night, hoping he at least got enough of it right to get a passing grade, and stuffed it in his shoulder bag as he made his way downstairs with five minutes to spare.

As he reached the landing, the young snake could already see his dad, wearing those same old office black briefs of his holding up those baby making tools slightly off his feet while those globes of ass cheeks hid the rest in his endless deep curves and crack, already giving Anand a good hug and adjusting his jockstrap that was the same as Amil's, except in a three times better size. Their dad was always fussy with what he considered his 'perfect little men.'

"Awe, there's my other perfect little man." His dad gave with a greater smile than his brother's, making Amil try to rub off his embarrassed blushing before the floor began shaking with his parent's footfalls as he went over to pick the smaller offspring up over his crotch, and brought him into between those mountainous pecs. Though his boys were only small by comparison to the fact the man was large enough that his head usually nudged the 8ft ceiling.

After about a minute of the father trying to squeeze as much love as he could into his boy, Amil poked his dad with a free hand that was under his left bulging pec near the crease of the chest split, and under where his boy's head was suffocating. The larger man pulled back with an embarrassed chuckle for forgetting his manners, but his little man still had that glum expression.

"Oh don't worry Aamil." He said reassuringly to his boy, placing the lad to sit comfortably on top of his bulge." I know you're going to have a great day. I can feel." Giving a bit of a rub to the cobra's hood to comfort him, his father suddenly heard a rumble coming from Amil's gut.

"And I heard missing a meal wont help brighten your day either you know." He said eyeing his son with a smirk. Amil just looked down with reddened cheeks as his dad already started tweaking his palm-sized nipples to perk up. Within a few seconds the fat teats were flowing with fresh warm milk like facets, gliding down his barely covered hulking body onto the ground and through the drain in the floor that was built for far larger messes than this."I can already tell you skipped out on your meal time with Anand. So why not just a quick snack with your old man." He suggested with a wink and flexing that massive chest even greater, all there for his son to enjoy, and looked down on him hoping he'd take the offer. The only thing Amil could see over that frame though, while nervously sitting there with both parent and sibling looking at him with their usual smiles turned to concern, were those pleading eyes of his father.


Came the bus's horn, snapping the youngest to attention as he hoped off his dad's sofa of a dick.

"Sorry dad," Amil said as he rushed around Anand to get to the front door, and avoiding giving anyone eye contact." I'm just not feeling great cause of homework. I'll just get someone at school for lunch or something later." He said more dismissively than with honestly. As the eldest sibling looked to their dad, who's nips were still gushing for something to satisfy, they both knew they'd have to try another day.

"Okay then... I love you." Their dad said as both boys walked down the porch, hoping Aamil at least knew he meant it. It did make his boy pause for a second before he looked back to the open doorway where the man crouched.

"I love you to." He replied back, but with a face that didn't know for sure what that entailed, and went on his way with the bus.

His dad meanwhile just kept waving as he thought he'd better start getting to work. But as he brought his hand back down, he found his arm being blasted by his still shooting nipples that had yet to be satisfied with a mouth to feed. He noticed his lactation was even getting worse, as he was now spurting like a couple of broken fire hydrants. The paint and wood of the very door frame was already pealing away thanks to the high pressure he couldn't stop himself from unleashing. Despite the damage it was causing, the natural sense of euphoria it brought on felt amazing; and the site of having such a surging cascade coming from his nipples like white waterfalls while no doubt giving the neighbors a pleasant morning show was a major turn on . He knew in his mind that he needed to stop himself, as he did have work to get to at the office soon, but just the slightest wondering of his thoughts made him think about his precious sons. With their beautiful rippling muscled bodies constantly growing larger this year in all the best gropable places. It made the hulking cobra moan with quivering need as his cocks suddenly burst through his soaked briefs, skyrocketing till they both dove into his gapping mouth to quiet his groans as his head hit the ceiling. Only the very tips of the piss slits fitting into that smaller maw while flooding his cheeks with delishious pre.

Realizing he might as well water the garden, and seeing a couple passing cars had stopped to record his lusts, the mountain of a serpent carefully stumbled across the walkway as his tits continued to spray onto the yard. Trying not to tear his thinly held garment so as to still be able to easily carry his quickly fattening sack, the man barely made it over the front porch steps before dropping to his knees to unleash his splendor. His huge nuts ripped the string of fabric by his hips, letting all four of his genitals roll out in all directions to reach unhindered sizes as they freely spread over the lawn. His balls acting like a cozy warm seat since they were far to expansive to let him sit on the ground proper. All the while the cobra let his mind now freely drift to his thoughts without worry of breaking anything else important; thinking how much he wished Amil was there to suck on his geyser teats for nourishment. Being close enough so he could pound that sweet plump ass of his with both the cocks that had made the boy, and could now stretch him into a man.

It hadn't been so long ago that such occurrences happened regularly. Where father and both his sons would romp and cuddle with cheerful affection, going for hours on end just filling one another till they had to take care of such trivial matters as chores and work between their fun. Giving the parent a renewed sense each day that what he did to provide for his family was well worth any task for the love they shared. The mighty serpent giggled to himself around his spurting heads as he remembered how Amil used to be able to open up about anything with his old man while they intermittently suckled the other's tips. His boy was always an over thinker, but lately his little man had begun to keep to himself about what bothered him. It had been months since Amil had asked for advice on his problems in school, and nearly a month since he had had sex with even his eager sibling. The cobra loved Anand with as much vigor, and treasured any time they bonded, but without Amil there with them they both knew it wasn't the same when worry filled the air instead of passion. Whatever his young boy was going through, hopefully there was something to bring him back from his gloom.

The rest of the neighborhood, having gotten up to their own business, began noticing the Kakkar's hadn't just gotten a heavy duty sprinkler. A few decided they'd go for the excuse of a morning walk to see how things turned as on and on the father pumped and drowned his lawn in milk. So much was spraying that it flowed into the streets and over the tops of many jogger shoes, making any car that didn't stop splash the liquid onto the neighboring lawns and recently showered furs that had hoped to get out of their driveway before the next wave. But no matter how much the snake gulped back, deep throated himself, grinded his hips down on his bloated balls, or even after shoving both car sized cock between his chest for some hardy pec fucking, he couldn't feel his body reach any actual sense of release with his mind so distracted with worry to fulfill his urges. The cobra was in a delema and needed ideas. Pulling his fat nubs to the sides, as they had been blocking most of his vision with those shooting jets, he could see that quite a few people that hidden behind the flow and had gathered for his little show. There weren't more than a dozen of them, but he was sure if he could somehow walk up and reached out enough he might shove them all up his ass for enough stimulation. That thought was quickly dismissed though, as his fat nuts were to many times his leg's hight by now to even think of moving, and the pleasure of digesting those people would just as soon start him up again. That's when he got an even better idea, or at least one of less effort and selfishness. These folks probably had other things to do as well.

Without need of lube, as the snake was still plenty wet down there from earlier games, began shoving his tail unceremoniously up his own tailhole. Foot after foot, his hungry anus took his scaly appendage in. Wiggling it around as it easily glided in thanks to his years of experience, he imagined it was one of his sons squiring around in there. He thought how wonderful it was to take a man inside his body that was all his own and knew those deep familiar spots, how great it was if the dicks he suckled on were from his other son that shoved his shafts into him over and over, and how fantastic it was to be a good father to pleasure them both as they took him with abandon from both ends till they orgasmed together in their bonding to fill their maker to the point of bursting with hot seed. And with that ideal in his thoughts alone, the gushing heads popped off his greedy mouth, and the fountains of juices exploded into broken damns toward the sky, raining down to cover everything and everyone before him in thick sweet layers of spunk while all the cobra's bulging muscles flexed in a final roar of release.

"OH GOD! FUCK ME BOYS!" Cried the sweat drenched serpent as he bathed in his own seed and milk. The man laid back as time gently passed while his body continued orgasming; resting on his back balls that lay behind and comforted him in their smooth scales and warm touch while they slowly lowered. He listened to the smooth sounds of his own streams pouring onto the land like they were a babbling waterfall, only it felt even better as he rubbed his fingers in with the raining fluids into every nook of his physic it couldn't on its own till he shined in the light as if he was coated in white gold. From all the pre he had been drinking, the serpent's belly was bloated to where it was a good thing his dicks were large enough to push the gut up against them, rather than pushing them down and leaving the cobra out of the fun. After a few minutes, the snake was back down on his still stuffed ass and greeted with a site before him of dripping acquaintances and landscape heady with his own musk. Despite being filled with his pregnant looking belly, the smell on those hot soaking furs made him lick his lipless lips.

"Well, it would be rude of me not to pick up after myself." He gave as he struggled to stand. Realizing he would have to be a tad late for work while his mouth cleaned up a bit of his mess.


Homeroom wasn't the best of classes for Amil. Not that there were many he enjoyed to begin with, but lately it was the one that started them off that was getting to him the worst. Many of his fellow classmates, which he used to call friends, had been fine to hang with for chats about their favorite shows and games, or admire someone's body while groaning about how much class sucked, or groaning as they sucked down each other, but lately he realized that if he didn't actually start a conversation with someone most didn't bother talking to him much. Unless they needed something of course. for a while Amil just stopped mentioning things to add to the conversation, and waited to see if anyone wanted his opinion. Then it was not saying anything to see if they noticed him. Then waiting for what he was up to, an offered blow job, a comment of how his homework was going, or just asking how he was, before he all together just sat looking out the window. There wasn't anyone Amil was friends with, and there wasn't anyone around he wanted to be friends with. Just the same bunch of people bragging about which guy they banged, who their going to bang, or who won an award show with the biggest whatever. The only good thing left was the amusement the serpent got from their mouse of a teacher Mr. Titsoff, and how his purple thong did nothing to cover his enormous backside while those hips as large as his desk, and a pucker larger then his hips, bonked against everything in his path as he tried to give lessons. That string like cloth he wore simply pushed to the side of his hole to avoid discomfort, and meant everyone else had a chubby whenever he bent down to get something, or got a tease of a good reason to know enough of the answers of a test for a little after class participation reward.

Today though, even after walking into class to find the teacher's pucker had accidently swallowed his chair again, Aamil couldn't bring himself to get very cheery. There was something in the air. He didn't know what, but he felt as if he was at the point where he was unable to enjoy anything anymore. He looked around himself at his peers, and every one of them was packed with muscles, huge junk, or both, and no one felt bad to let it be on display in the open or with desire to hold it. He knew he should think that this should be paradise, but to Amil it just felt more like he was on a lazy long winding beach with the same souvenir huts as far as the eye could see with nothing new to give along the path.

"Alright everyone. Settle down." Came the teacher, apparently finally getting his chair back, and other than smelling like the jizz of the principle, was mostly fine." Now we have a new student joining us today."

"Greeeaaat", Amil muttered to himself, not caring much if he was heard." Probably another stupid liquid bird, or some spastic elastic lion." he sighed with exasperation while he doodled some crummy drawings at the thought of how typical the new comers always were. Thinking their the most exotic thing from whatever hick town they came from, always turning heads where they came from for being so peculiar, and then within a week they would find their niche of like minded jerks here. " Just let it be a herm for once." There where barely any of those at least.

Unfortunately, because of his own whining, Amil missed a good chunk of what the teacher had been explaining about the new student."... which is why the school is asking all of you to be on your best manners as they adjust, so as to prevent these relations separating our cultures further. Think of yourselves not as students, but emissaries that may strengthen the ties of our society." the teacher explained while giving exaggerated gestures to give the moment more gravity of its immense importance, as his huge soft furred backside rubbed off the board's lesson plan while he paced back and forth to ruin that moment.

" Mr. David Packer, would you please join us?" Mr. Titsoff asked towards the class door. Only for it to open a second later with a nervous human greeting the room.

"Um-it's-it's actually Parker sir." The human stammered out as he struggled to take his eyes off the floor.

'Holy shit', Amil shouted in his head as he suddenly realized he felt something inside he hadn't in sometime; and for once it wasn't a mere honest erection.

The Sweet Tanuki - Part 4

"Daddy daddy daddy! Your home! I got stuff I wanna tell you!" Jimmy shouted as he ran down the hall to the stairs. He had waited all afternoon and evening for his dad to get back from meeting up with his friends he had been missing, since they'd been...

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The Sweet Tanuki part 3

"Daniel?! Are you sleeping in your car again? Its John." The stranger called to the police vehicle he recognized by the familiar number 69 on the curved roof; also because it still had scraps on both sides of the rear fender that Daniel and the...

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The sweet Tanuki part 2

"Oh my, things certainly have changed quite a bit." The tanuki said to no one in particular as he walked through the streets among the wonderfully diverse crowds, both in garments and in species, taken aback by this big world. There certainly was less...

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