Sarlucian Arena 2nd bout

Story by Lupinrager on SoFurry

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#2 of The Arena

Disclaimer: If you are under 18, and are in an area where sensitive materials are prohibited please leave. artist note: I should learn to write shorter stories...

  • * * The Sarlucian underground arenas were plentiful in the kingdom. Not bound by conventional laws and codes of the public arenas, these venues sometimes garnered more support than their official counterparts. In fact, rumors state that the royal family would secretly view the matches. The most popular underground arenas weren't necessarily the ones that catered to the basic feral bloodlust within the basic citizen, but rather satisfied and tempted a different hunger. Lust The rules were simple, dominant your opponent with your weapon, and then your cock. Well, not the official rules of the game per say, however, the more popular matches ended that way. The match of the day this time was held in the Kel'nor arena, on the edge of the city bordering the Kel'nor forests. The forests were famous for their draping vines and the almost 'liquid' way the trees grew. Because of the density of the trees, spectators were treated to moving bleachers, with roving magika cams to follow the action. Now enough about the recap, it was time for the action. The sun peeked through the crystalline leaves, leaving an almost blue glow to the arena, set upon mossy rocks with the floor submerged in a layer of water; it evoked the natural splendor of the forests of its namesake. The predominantly male crowd looked over in wonder as the leaves parted on both ends of the arena, the soft splashing of feet through water accompanied. Standing in the narrow strip of clearway stood the fighters of the day, one was a maroon reptilian chimera, with the build of an acrobat, his defined muscles glistened in the sunlight as his body remained clothed with a simple cloth thong between his legs, with a hole to let his prehensile tail to move freely. On his hands were a set of claws, each one wrapped in a special material akin to rubber, to enable gripping and lengthening them, without permanent damage to whoever faced them. His steely yellow eyes glowed in anticipation, as a forked tongue tasted the air. His name was Wren. He stared at his opponent, a larger, more heavily built chameleon, he towered over Wren, almost twice his height and 3 times his width. He seemed mostly chimeric, however the runes on his body and spines along his arms denoted an obvious demonic heritage. He wore a similar cloth loincloth, however the entire backside was missing, held together by strings and thread. He held in his hands a large two handed staff, ridged along its entire length to enable a tighter grip on it, despite the obvious weight he held it daintily in his right hand. The Chameleon's name was Kella. 'Good, a challenge.' The Wren hissed in his mind, relishing the upcoming fight. The announcer floated down in the center of the ring, the broad shouldered, muscled human sported a brown harness, a huge yellow bear and battle helm. He wore a short leather skirt that ended around the middle of his thighs, he held up a giant hammer, and with an audible grunt, thrust it into the ring. The ring's center exploded with rock and water as the two fighters disappeared into the trees. The audience cheered as sparks could be seen form the undergrowth and the magika cams tried hard to follow the action. On the screens, the figures of the two fighters could be made out against the green of the trees, darting against each other, using the tree trunks to propel each other. Wren used his powerful haunches to launch himself into the air over and over again, swiping at the larger body before him. The Chameleon, Kella was fast for his size. He waved that staff like a perfectly well oiled machine, creating small gusts of sharp wind that prevented Wren from getting too close. The staff was long enough to get close enough to clip Wren several times on his shoulders, one particular knock sent him sprawling to the ground. Wren rolled out of the way fast enough for Kella to bring his staff down from where he was; splashing water and debris everywhere. The two fighters leapt back from each other, staring at each other intently. After an eternity of silence, Kella stood up straight and smirked at wren, reaching down, he let his hands slip into his loincloth, and ripped it off of his body. The crowd went wild as his exposed genital slit kissed the air, throbbing and glistening with sweat and other 'moistures'. "I will let you gaze upon it, because you will never take it." He rasped out, voice dripping with arrogance. This only tempted and angered Wren more as with a roar he leapt forward, claws unsheathed. He hated being taunted, especially by arrogant muscle heads who underestimate him. He decided to take the staff out of the equation, by being too close for him to swing. However before Wren could make contact, Kella smashed his staff perpendicular to the ground, and began to spin it. The explosion of water, rocks and leaves blinded Wren as he stumbled forward, falling flat onto the water. Leaping back up, he rubbed his eyes at the situation. His body tensed up and he gripped his claws tighter as he searched for his opponent, he could sense he was still here. But he could not see him. He could taste him, but he could not seem him. The crowd uttered shocked surprised statements, wondering where the second fighter could be, however. Kella was no where to be found. "Damn Demon, playing with me!" Wren hissed as he relaxed his guard, getting ready to leap through the arena to look for the missing gladiator, when a loud clump of vines balled up and hit him square in the back. He Yelped as the vines untangled and began to wrap over his arms, legs and stomach. With a rough tug, they tightened up on him, and pulled him back to a large mossy tree trunk, letting it hit him with a loud thump. Wren struggled against the vines, pulling against them, feeling them tighten across his limbs, eventually immobilizing him against the tree trunk. After he could no longer move, Wren hissed, his tongue kissing the air, when the familiar taste of magic met his senses. His eyes darted across the tree, searching frantically for the source of the magic when his eyes seized upon a glowing patch of moss. "There you are!" he snarled, struggling tight from the vines with renewed vigor. His grip on his claws tightened, as a throaty chuckle floated from the trees. " and there, you are." A raspy voice resonated. The moss spot on the tree began to shimmer as Kella's form began to take place; his muscular body shimmered slightly as his body's color changed from leafy green and brown to his original shade of green. "That's why you." Wren snarled, glancing at the blue loincloth Kella had stripped off earlier, now clear it was more than a taunting tool. "Be quiet, maybe we can both enjoy this." Kella hissed in sadistic pleasure, as he retrieved his staff from behind a root. He stood close to Wren, seeing him bound up, arms and legs spread out against the tree, it brought him shivers. Taking a talon-adorned hand, he slipped a claw under Wren's own loincloth as he thrashed against his bonds. With several tugs, he reduced Wren's loincloth to strips of fabric and promptly ripped them from their strings off his body, exposing Wren's own genital slit to the cheers of the crowd. Wren hung his head, body tensed up, awaiting for Kella to finally end the match and take him in front of everyone. When Kella made no movement, Wren looked up curiously. "Why don't you end it?" He hissed, trying to hide his shame. "Because," The demon whispered, taking his staff in hand, "I want to enjoy this." With this, the chameleon shoved the end of his staff against Wren's slit, splitting it open. Wren's screams were drowned out from the crowds cheers as Kella begin to push and pull on the staff, effectively fucking him with his weapon. The vines on Wren's legs loosened to give him room to thrash and struggle, much to his delight. He grinned to himself, as Wren's pre began to seep out of his red, raw slit, coating the end of his ridged staff with it. Kella laid a hand on Wren's shoulder and squeezed tightly as he turned the staff around inside his slit, creating pleasurable sensations that drove Wren out of his mind. Yes, despite the torture, Wren was enjoying this, feeling the tinges of pleasure and plain intertwine all over his body; starting from his crotch as it tingled from his spine to his shoulders and mind. He hadn't been fucked like this in a long while, that thick staff ripped him open painlessly as it went deeper, stretching him open. He hissed in guilty delight as he threw his head back against a very powerful wave of pleasure. His eyes caught a magika cam, recording his humiliating abuse to the crowd. In his mind, he saw the crowd, taking pleasure in his violation, touching themselves, rubbing against each other in lust. Their own cries and moans, he swore, could be heard from the arena. However, the one fear was not that they were using his body as a way to get off, but that after this match, he could be type-casted as a bitch to be used. He groaned as he pressed the flat of his feet and the palms of his hands again the tree trunk, thrusting against the staff, urging it to go deeper. Kella was ready to comply when with a shout; the arena resonated with the sound of splintering wood, when the tree trunk exploded in front of his eyes. Kella leapt back behind another tree, straddling the trunk as his legs supported himself on the roots. Amidst the smoke, and rubble, Wren stumbled, legs spread out as a good deal of the staff still embedded itself in his slit. With a moan, Wren fell onto his knees, gripping the staff as he slid it out of his body. His shoulders rose and fell to his sharp breathing, trembling. Kella decided to take his chance while Wren was weakened, spreading his own slit open to let himself spear Wren to end the match soon. With a roar he leapt at the prone lizard, ready to take his prize. However four pillars of rock and moss had exploded out of the ground and hit Kella. They wrapped around his wrists and ankles and hardened despite his screeching and thrashing. In his desire to take Wren's slit, he didn't notice that he had channeled magic into the staff and subsequently into the dirt. Wren stood up, and stumbled over to his opponent, a tired grin on his face. He gingerly spread his slit apart, and out of the ravaged hole out slid two internal cocks, glistening with pre and stank of heavy musk. Kella roared again, this time in fear as the match finally drew to a close. Wren leapt forward and buried both of his cocks into Kella's spasming slit as the crowd roared with renewed excitement. Kella screamed at the sensation, never being filled like this before, never having lost a battle. He tried not to enjoy his rape, but the feeling of the dual cocks rubbing against his inner walls, pushing his one massive singular cock back into his body. Wren grunted, as he gripped Kella's hips and began thrusting into his prize, bending over his body, snarling. The cameras filmed closer as the image of the two cocks pushing in and out of a slick, unwilling hole was magnified against the screens for the viewers to enjoy. Kella panted and begged for mercy from Wren, whimpering under his breath. Wren only drew in closer and hissed cruelly. His tail trembled in the air behind him, then sprung forward as it burrowed into Kella's anal ring, lubed only with moss and water. Kella's screams intensified, as did the roar of the crowd as they hungrily watched both of kella's holes being filled, being thrust into. He did not want to admit but Kella began to enjoy these sensations as well, as three rods began alternatively beat his prostate, the added thrill of humiliation brought him over the edge. The chameleon screeched as he came, overwhelm with painful pleasure, as he filled his slit with cum, further lubing up Wren's twin cocks, the slit spasmed and clenched on the invaders, bring wren over as well, Wren's mind went black as he reached the explosive pleasure of orgasm, roaring dominantly as he fired his own seed into the larger male, shuddering against the thrashing flesh. After an eternity, Wren hoisted himself up from Kella's body, stumbling back. Kella's body went limp and his head lolled back, still overwhelmed by the onset of his first orgasm from being fucked. Wren, with his last bit of strength, raised his arms and roared to the arena, and the crowd roared and applauded the performance, happy with the results no matter who they voted for. Wren, flicked his hand as the pillars holding up Kella's body disintegrated, letting the chameleon fall onto the water. Wren stumbled onto his body and shoved two fingers into Kella's wet and sensitive slit, pushing some cum out and forcing a small surprised screech out of Kella. "You want a rematch?" Wren hissed, burying his fingers deeper, thrusting them. "Tomorrow night, the bathhouse, after the meals." Wren swiftly pulled them out, absentmindedly licking his fingers as he was ushered by the attendants for his prize. Kella lazily watched Wren's tail as he walked away. Unmoving, he smirks to himself, realizing the unseen connection they formed, a connection no one would understand. "Tomorrow night it is.comrade."

Sarlucian Arena

Disclaimer: All those under 18, or in sensitive areas concerning adult material, please refrain from reading. * * * The roar of the crowd The clanging of metal on metal. The smell of sweat This is what he lived for. Sitting on a...

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Why Big Bob did the things he did

Disclaimer: all those under 18 or in sensitive areas, please do not read further * * * No one really knew why Big Bob did the things he did. Some say he was an escaped inmate from an asylum Others say it was a bad stint in prison that did it...

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Disclaimer: If you are under 18, or in an area where this kind of material is not allowed, please decline from reading * * * "Please! Let me go!" The pleading voice bounced off the stone walls of the dungeon, soft red, angry light cast shadows...

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