Super Effective 7

Story by Mnementh on SoFurry

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#7 of Super Effective

Super Effective - Part 7

By Mnementh


The series continues ^^ We come back right where we left off in Part 6, with the three Pokèmon Charizard, Vaporeon, and Ninetales still sleeping peacefully away.

Again, I recommend reading the first 6 parts before reading this one ~_^


Ninetales winced and groaned softly from the intruding morning sun, its bright rays of light penetrating through her closed eyes, rousing her from her pleasant dreams. Charizard and Vaporeon were still snoring away, Ninetales could clearly hear two distinctive sets of snores. Sighing, she propped herself up to her four paws, crouching down with her forelegs out in front of her, stretching them out before then leaning forward and doing the same with each of her hind legs in turn.

Ninetales chuckled a bit, sniffing at the air. "Wow, I can't believe how musky his den smells. Did we really make that much a mess?" she whispered to herself, waving all her nine tails around in one, fluid motion. She turned around then to face the sleeping pair of pokèmon and it was then that she noticed the dildo upon the ground, left there by Vaporeon in the early hours of the new day. Tilting her head to the side Ninetales then saw that the water pokèmon was nestled up on top of Charizard's chest, rising up and down with each breath he took, sleeping in a mixture of cum and vaginal fluids.

The sight was quite a shock to Ninetales... for some reason seeing the two of them together like this made her heart sink. I... they must've snuck away while I was still sleeping... w.. why wouldn't they have woke me up as well? I would've gladly joined along... Her head and tails drooping now, Ninetales turned away, pawing at a bit of dirt upon the ground. First Bayleef finds a mate... and now it seems Vaporeon and Charizard are falling for each other. What about me?? Why am I left with nothing?! Choking back tears Ninetales darted out of the den as fast as she could, running her way down the mountain and back into the forest in which they had first met Charizard.

I... I can t.. tell when I'm not wan... wanted...Ninetales sobbed to herself, not at all paying attention to where she was running to. She didn't even care where she was going, all that mattered was putting distance between herself and all the happiness her two friends had found. They'll be happier without me anyway...I don't need them...

Suddenly, as Ninetales ran over a patch of leaves, the ground gave way beneath her paws. She gave a startled yelp of surprise, landing with a rather dull thud upon her rump within what was clearly some sort of trap. She panicked, her heart feeling like it was beating a million times a minute. Ninetales jumped as high as she could against the side of the trap, her claws easily locking into the soft ground, holding her in place. She took a deep breath, relaxing a bit, realizing that it wouldn't be hard at all to climb out of the hole. Slowly she inched her way closer to the surface, making sure not to go too fast.

But then... just as she was about to get to the surface... Ninetales heard a voice she had prayed she would never hear again... "Well, well, well... Look who's come running back to her master... hehehehe..."

Ninetales readied to just obliterate the entire area with the strongest fire attack she could muster... but before she could get it out, the world around her went dark.


Charizard was the next one to wake up that morning, giving a mighty bellow in the form of a yawn, having a very strong urge to pee for some reason. He lifted his head up, craning his neck, smiling at the form of Vaporeon resting serenely upon his chest. This would be cuter if not for the fact that I feel like I'm about to explode if I don't go take a leak now. The Zard moved his head closer to that of Vaporeon's, giving her many licks over her muzzle, slurping her nose and head crest. She stirred just a bit at first, swiping a forepaw lazily at the tongue, moaning, not quite ready to wake up. But Charizard was persistent and eventually she gave up, opening her eyes, giving him a bit of a scowl while he just grinned as cutely as possible back her.

"Good morning, sunshine!" he said cheerfully, giving her cheek an affectionate nuzzling. "I'm sorry to have woken you so... but I really, really need to go..."

Vaporeon pouted at Charizard, rubbing the length of her tail over his belly, applying a gentle amount of pressure as she did. "Oh? You need to go? Where could you possibly need to go at this hour in the morning?" She smirked, unable to hold the charade for long at all, knowing exactly what it is he needed to do.

Charizard whimpered and whined up at her, moving a paw up to grip her tail gently. "You know where I need to go.. and unless you'd like a special shower this morning then you should please get off my chest," he replied in a mockingly threatening voice.

"Heehee, alright, fine." She leapt gracefully off of his chest, landing next to him upon the ground. "You never know, though... maybe I'd like one of those special showers one day."

The big fire pokèmon rolled over on his side and propped himself up, doing a little bit of a dance in the process. "Mmmm.... kinky." Charizard gave her a big grin before turning around, almost tripping over the dildo that was still laying on the ground. "Wh... what is that..." He stopped himself, shaking his head, still smiling though. "I'm not even going to ask... be right back!" He then ran out of his den's entrance, sighing loudly in relief as he relieved himself outside.

Vaporeon was nosing around inside the cave while waiting for him to come back. Something wasn't right... and it actually took her a little while to figure it out. "Where is Ninetales?" she asked to herself. Looking around in the dirt she noticed paw prints of a size much smaller than Charizard's, which were just made recently it appeared. And they definitely were not Vaporeon's prints from earlier in the morning. "Ninetales!!!" she shouted out loud, her voice ringing throughout the caverns. "Where are you?!!"

"What are you yelling about?" Charizard stared at Vaporeon quizzically as he entered back into the den, having just noticed the mixture of bodily fluids as well as he was busy wiping his belly off.

"It's Ninetales! She's not here! But she was definitely here this morning, I saw her when... when...." Vaporeon paused, blushing a bit.

Smiling at the shy water pokèmon , Charizard replied, "Yes.. I am very curious as to what happened this morning." They both laughed softly, trying to mask their fears of what happened to Ninetales. "And I'm sure Ninetales is just out for a walk or something."

"I don't know, Charizard... Something is nagging at the back of my mind... I just feel like something is wrong. Woman's intuition, you know?"

"Well, it is nice out. Would it make you feel better if we went out to look for her?"

"Please? I would really appreciate it, Charizard..."

He smiled, bending down and giving Vaporeon an affectionate kiss on her forehead. "Alright then, shall we go? All that worrying is ruining your beauty..."

Blushing madly, Vaporeon squirted Charizard playfully with a small stream of water, causing the fire type to meep and flee quickly towards the den's exit. Giggling despite her worries, Vaporeon quickly followed in his wake.


Salamence and Bayleef were also waking up around the same time that morning, resuming their honeymoon pretty much where they had left off the night before.

"So how is my big, strong dwaggie doing this beautiful morning?" Bayleef asked, nuzzling against Salamence's cheek while she used one of her vines to playfully tease his genital region, rubbing the thick end of the vine directly over his belly slit.

Spreading his hind legs in response and moaning as his body began to react to the massage, Salamence replied "Mmmm.... I am doing quite well, my dear.. but I have a feeling I'm about to feel oh so much better..." He growled affectionately to her, lowering his head down and nibbling upon her haunches, earning a rather pleased coooo from Bayleef.

The two pokèmon had been pretty much going at it the entire night, stopping only a little while earlier to get a few hours of sleep together. Bayleef and Salamence continued to cuddle and tease each other, giggling like the pair of young lovers which they were.

"I hope you were able to rest well... at least for a little bit... here in my den."

Bayleef smiled, rubbing as much of her body as she could against his. "Yeah, I was out cold... oh what a wild night that was, heehee."

Salamence grinned widely, showing off his powerful looking fangs, groaning from Bayleef's continued massaging. "If you keep rubbing that vine around down there I won't be held responsible for how wild of a morning we have as well."

In response to this, Bayleef pushed the tip of her vine fully into Salamence's genital canal, rubbing firmly against the dragon pokèmon 's soft penis which was hidden within. "What makes you think that's not what I'm looking for, hun?" Bayleef giggling, her sweet, powerful scent starting to flood the air of Salamence's den.

His legs wobbling, Salamence fell upon his side, arching his head back, a lustful growl rolling off his lips. His deep, blue cock was quickly swelling up inside of his slit. A few moments longer and it had grown hard enough to push Bayleef's vine tip completely out of his body. Salamences rod continued to grow and thicken, glistening in the morning's bright rays of sun. "Ohhhh gods, Bayleef... what am I going to do with such a playful girl?"

She murred softly in response, wrapping the same vine firmly around the shaft of Salamence's throbbing length, causing his hips to thrust in reflex. She trotted slowly towards his head, leaning down and giving him a deep, passionate kiss. Salamence responded, parting his lips and reaching out with his tongue, stroking against Bayleef's, raising up one of his forepaws to scratch along the side of her neck.

Forced to breathe solely through his nostrils now, the scent of Bayleef's arousal clouded Salamence's senses more than ever, the desire to make love to his new mate the only thought on his mind right now. And his thick, eager dragonhood was throbbing incessantly within the vine holding it firm, more than ready to go.

The grass pokèmon then broke the kiss, a string of saliva connected to their lips before they pulled too far apart. "I... I think we both know exactly what can be done to me..." Bayleef whispered, turning around in front of Salamence, her dripping, pink pussy right in front of the dragon's snout.

He took one long, deep whiff of her scent and was back on his feet in a blur of motion, straddling dominantly over her waiting body, bucking his hips in slow, ragged movements. Salamence's aching penis poked all over Bayleef's rear end as it searched for her winking sex, squirting preseed all over her lower backside and onto her hind legs. At long last, the tip of Salamence's rod found its mark and he bellowed in lust, lurching his hips forward, driving more than half of his length inside of his mate's body.

Bayleef yowled in a bit of pain but mostly pleasure, not quite used to the size difference of their bodies. She bit her lower lip, moaning with each feral thrust her Salamence made, the thick cock spreading her insides to what felt like their limits. He continued to rail her love hole, taking Bayleef now with the entire length of his penis, humping wildly over and over and over again, growling and snarling in down to her, drool rolling freely out of his maw, dripping down upon her back. Faster and faster Salamence banged her, the sound of scales slapping against hide echoing throughout the den, the sounds of two pokèmon ferally making love easily echoing out into the forest outside.

Salamences cock was now pulsing madly as it impaled Bayleef's body, his climax quickly approaching. Her's, too, was rather near. In fact, it was already upon her before she knew what hit her. Bayleef fell forward to her chest, screaming out in pleasure from the incredible orgasm rocking her to the core, her rump being supported by Salamence as he continued to pound away, a mixture of their fluids sloshing out of her pussy each time his length withdrew close to the tip. The entire sleeve of Bayleef's warm, muscular walls massaged and squeezed at Salamence's cock, the dragon grunting at this new stimulus, responding to it how most males would, by increasing the speed of his thrusts. The big dragon was very close now, his tail was held stiffly erect behind his body, fighting to hold back his orgasm as much as he could. Bayleef's orgasm over now, Salamence no longer had that extra bit of pleasure. Instead he just thrust harder than ever, keeping most of his shaft inside of her, grinding his belly against Bayleef's tail, the tip of his penis, the most sensitive part, now slipping in and out of the tightest portion of her pussy. It only took a few seconds more of that eager grinding to finally send Salamence to the peak of pleasure. Continuing his grinding motions his cock finally erupted, his thick seed gushing out into Bayleef's body like water bursting through an open dam. She howled out loud right after Salamence unleashed a deafening roar, the pressure from the cum in her body combined with her mate's continued thrusts sending her to another climax, her walls now clenching down firmly upon the dragon's penis. Salamence's orgasm continued for quite a while, each spurt of cum feeling stronger the last until finally his body settled down.

Panting heavily, Salamence slumped down atop Bayleef, collecting her in all four of his paws and snuggling close. He also wrapped both of his wings around her body, nuzzling and licking at her cheek, his breath hot, wafting against her muzzle pleasantly. "I love you so, my dear Bayleef..."

"Mmmhhh... I love you more, Sally...."

"Grrrr... No Sally... Sounds like such a girls name..." Salamence nipped at Bayleef's cheek gently, the both of them laughing in a rather tired manner.

Suddenly, there was a hesitant cough coming from the entrance of their den.

"Who's there?!" Salamence roared at once, keeping his head held alert towards the sounds.

"Ummm...." A nervous, squeaky voice responded. "I... I... I'm s... sorry..."

"Oh my god... is that you, Ratty?" Salamence asked.

"Y... yes... I'm sorry... t... this is urgent... but I didn't want... to interrupt.." The voice continued stuttering as a tiny figure slowly approached them, never making eye contact once. Bayleef, blushing a bit cause of the situation they were in, tilted her head at the pokèmon and saw that it was a little Rattata.

"How long were you...?" Salamence sighed, shaking his head. "Forget it... So what's so urgent that you had to come all this way so early in the morning?" Bayleef gave Salamence a jab in the side. "Oh, right... where are my manners... Ratty, this is my mate, Bayleef. Bayleef, this is Ratty.. a friend of mine."

Ratty smiled nervously up at Bayleef, muttering an almost silent "Hello."

"Well?" Salamence continued, his tail flicking around impatiently.

"Oh, sorry.. Well... as I was looking for food this morning... I got bowled over rather unceremoniously by a Ninetales...." Bayleef perked her head up at that name. "I decided to follow her... she seemed rather distressed, after all...." Salamence coughed, urging the little Pokèmon to get to the point. "Didn't take me long to catch up to her.. she had fallen into a trap... and then captured by some mean looking human with a deep scar across his face. I... I didn't know what to do... I... thought you should know about..."

Bayleef suddenly jumped up, almost slipping in the fluids spilled onto the ground. "No... no... It can't be! Salamence! We have to go save her! That... that's the same trainer who abused the three of us, I know it! I don't know why Ninetales was down there... but we have to help her. Please, Salamence!"

"Alright, alright... please calm down, hun. We have no idea where this trainer might have taken her, we'd best go back to where Ninetales was captured." He got up at well, shaking his body dry while he strolled towards the den entrance. "Come on, I'll give you both a ride. Grab on tight!" Bayleef was the first one over, hopping up onto her mate's back and gripping around his neck firmly. Ratty then hopped up between their bodies, trying to get as snug between them as possible so that he wouldn't fall. Bayleef helped settle his fear by wrapping one of her vines snugly around his body. "Ok, just tell me where to go, Ratty!" And with a powerful lurch of his hind muscles, Salamence leapt into the air and soared down towards the forest.


Charizard and Vaporeon had taken a slowed way down towards the forest from his den, following the tracks left by Ninetales closely. It had taken about 15 minutes for them to meticulously work their way down the mountain, since it was full of rocks finding Ninetales's path at times proved rather difficult. But finally they made it down into the forest, to softer ground where the tracks left by their friend were clear as day.

"Come on, Charizard, hurry!" Vaporeon bounded through the trees the shrubs with ease, the larger fire pokèmon finding it a bit harder to navigate.

"I'm coming, I'm coming.. I'm sorry I wasn't made to run through forests." Vaporeon paused and stuck out her tongue at him before continuing along the trail, trying to keep upbeat despite the worries roiling in her mind.

She then stopped suddenly, letting out a startled gasp at the figure which she had almost run into. "Sa... Salamence?!"

The dragon pokèmon , equally surprised, turned around and regarded her. "Whoa... hey Vaporeon." Charizard then appeared behind her, growling at a branch which he slashed away in annoyance. "And hey buddy... long time no see."

"Shut up, Sally." Salamence growled as well at the use of the forbidden nickname. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"The same thing as you, I bet. Ratty here tells me that Ninetales has been abducted by some trainer."

Bayleef then appeared from nowhere and pounce hugged Vaporeon, tears streaming down her face. "It... it's him.... He's taken Ninetales again... that bastard of a trainer... I... we..." She could no longer speak, instead she sobbed silently as Vaporeon tried to console her.

Charizard appraised Salamence. "How do you this?"

The dragon motioned towards the tiny rat on his back, who began speaking in his nervous voice again. "I... I saw.. he... he beat her... with his own weapons... and took her..."

"Damn it!" Charizard punch the nearest tree, leaving a big hole in its trunk. "We can't let him get away! We have to find that bastard! And when we do.... I swear he won't be walking away alive again..."

The troupe of pokèmon all nodded their agreement and they began to track their way, following the near invisible marks the trainer had left behind...

To be continued...


I wasn't too happy with part 6, to be honest, so I felt compelled to get this part done asap ^^ Hope you all enjoyed it.

As always, comments and suggestions are welcome

[email protected]

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