A New Family Chapter 1

Story by KeeperSeen on SoFurry

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#1 of A New Family

Chapter 1, Enjoy all.

Written by my Friend Nir.

Chapter 1: Homecoming

"What?! You're leaving?!" A young feminine voice is heard rising from the inside of a nearby dragon community, known to belong to a higher dragon, named Drevix. The entire territory consists of an entire colony of dragons spanning all across a large, seemingly vast acres of land, but the more notable landmark of this entire span of land, rests a huge cavern structure where a series of caverns are carved into, which rests the community dragons. Most civilized beings would even go as far in claiming that the structure resembles that of a hotel, due to the multiple floors spanning along the entire caverns. At one of the bigger caves rests the home to the leader of the community and guardian to his sacred draconic lands, as well as his interspecial bride, and their interspecial hybrid children. The eldest daughter of the children is the source of the disrupting, distraught voice sounding out of nowhere. The eldest daughter, named Luna, stands in front of her noticeably larger draconic father. Her face is imprinted with clear, utter frustration, while those violet eyes burn with a flame of pure intensity. The recipient of the shouting from the disgruntled offspring glances down at those intense eyes with his own glowing red orbs. They glow with a gentle radiant light, showing the big male's sign of collectedness and relaxed demeanor, even in the face of distress. The pair of eyes gently glances upon his furry daughter's orbs; the luminosity of them reflecting a caring and fatherly aura to them. "Luna," He starts by saying softly in his deep and rich masculine voice, "my kindred violet, I understand this may be hard for you to take, however, this is a very important task I have to go through. Unfortunately, it's not optional." The big dragon maintains his composure, despite the tearing feelings ripping in his gentle-natured heart. The thought of leaving his children breaks his heart, but throughout all of this, he maintains his usual, calm-natured demeanor.

The words seem to have ill effect on Luna, as the pain in her eyes doesn't seem to falter once. She growls out against Drevix's means to reason and retorts back, "What do you mean?? Dad!! You're leaving us for two years?! How do you think that makes me feel...no... US feel?!" She screams out to the dragon much much bigger than her size, without fear in her eyes. The uproar of the conversation brings the rest of the family out of the deep cavern, causing each to wonder what's going on. Nafina, the bride/mate of the leader of the territory is a sleek, luscious looking lioness, with beautiful pearly white, silky looking fur enveloping her rather curvaceous, feminine body, holding dazzling velvety purple eyes, very similar to her daughter's. While the other two offspring, both being the distressed Luna's younger brothers.

One of whom is the middle child, named Nirfirvious, although he obtained the nickname, Nir, for short. Like his mother, he has rather silky, pearly white fur, but blue spots also span across his body, while he is rather small, although not too far off from Luna's age. He has sparkling blue eyes, revealing his rather youthful and tender nature by heart, mainly getting that from Nafina.

The youngest "brother", named Kayin, used in the context that he is also rather, _special_in the case that he is the most favoring Nafina, due to his pure white fur, not blemished with spots or any other genetic defect, such as Luna with her purple spots spanning along her body, with Nir and his blue spots. He does, however, have something that the other older siblings do not, and that is a mix-match of gender. He is born a male, but obtains feminine parts. One normally would not be able to tell a difference with the boy, if his genitals were not being presented. This fact causes him to be the most timid and shy out of the three children, who is easily displayed throughout his rather meek and slunked over posture, blatantly displaying a submissive nature.

Clouds ripple above and form into the once clear skies, almost the perfect backdrop for the emotions swirling along the close family. Nafina's eyes glance along the black dragon in front of her, then slowly go to glance at her own fur and blood detesting the idea of their father being gone for two years. Her eyes are also filled with regret, but understanding of something the children weren't being informed of. She gently lets out a sigh and walks towards her daughter.

"Luna," She speaks out in her own alluring, mother-like voice, "your father has some business he needs to attend to. I know it's not an...easy decision to make, but as his soul mate.. I support him in his decision." Luna seems to frown at this, as she feels her parents are dismissing her feelings and ganging up on her. Nafina's motherly intuition picks up on this as she continues, "Listen, it's not easy for me either sweety. I love Drevix very deeply, but there are some things in this world, we all have to do, and there isn't much decision we have on it. Your father has something he has to do and we will have to be here to support his decision and be here with open arms and smiles on his face as he returns."

Luna's usual fiery attitude, filled with nothing but confidence in her own abilities is hindered at this obstacle in her way. The once rough-and-tough tomboish girl can't help but to feel a warm trace of a tear going down her furry white cheek. She bites her lip regardless of this and refuses to show weakness to her father, especially her younger brothers, who both fear and look up to her in modest affection. Her eyes tormented with hurt, glances back up to her father's calm eyes.

"T-Tell me then..." She pauses to wipe the tear from her face, then she continues glaring up to Drevix, "What's going to happen with us for the two years? I mean, you are the leader after all, aren't there obligations you have to go through? What about us? Who's going to protect all of us during this? There could be two-leggers storming into our community, o-or an enemy dragon tribe coming to storm us while you're gone, or.. or.."

"There's no need to worry Luna, I've thought about all of this and I put my family first in times like this. I appointed my right wing dragon, Gethur, as temporary leader, and I trust him with my life. He will take care of all the community perils and take control, which takes the stress off of all of you. But...," The big dragon stops to bring his large wingspan down to cup his furry daughter closer to his large frame, as his front, strong arm wraps around her body and holds her close to him. "While I am gone, Nir, you are the man of the family. You've grown up before my eyes and are a decent, young kindred. You'll be watching over our family and keeping everything together. I have faith in you."

Nir's ears perk as his name is mentioned, and then his crystal blues peer up to his father's as he is addressed, and locks onto them. He listens to his task and with a nervous gulp, he nods his head and obeys his father's command with loyalty. "Y-Yes sir. I'll do my best!"

Drevix cracks a warm-hearted smile at his son, then hsi gaze goes down to his daughter shakily clinging onto his bigger framed body, "And to answer your question Luna... for all of your personal protection, I've summoned a very old friend of mine to come and be your protection, all of you. He has helped me a great deal and I trust him as much as I trust Gethur, so when he comes, do not be alarmed of his presence, he is harmless to all of you, and you will be in good care with him. His name is Cere'Qul. If there is another one coming with him, it will most likely be Tilly, his younger sister."

Nir's lower lip gently quivers as the reality of his beloved father is leaving him for 2 long years and left in the paws of a complete stranger. He can't help but to get up and dash over to his father and grab his leg, as the little ligon clings right onto his leg tightly. He sniffles and buries his face right against the smooth skinned leg, "I-I'm really going to miss you Dad! I-I wish you didn't have to go!" Tears stream down his cute face.

Luna joins the fray as well, as her head is splayed to the side and keeping her features hidden away from the family to hide the fact she is quietly crying. Drevix smiles warmly and wraps his two children up into his wingspan, then grabbing onto the two of them to his broad, strong chest. He churrs softly and proceeds in nuzzling the two of them with his big snout. He gently places a tender, loving kiss to their cheeks, before he hugs them tight and keeps them comforted, "Don't worry Nir...Your father will be home before you know it. You'll be so busy keeping tabs of these girls; you won't even have time to think of me." He lets off a gentle joke, to help ease the somber mood.

Nir sniffles out audibly and glances up to his father's caring, soothing face, then lets off a weak smile on an otherwise tear-stricken face; fur dampened by his amount of his tears pouring down them. He lets off a quiet giggle, then he nods out, feeling a bit better from having his father comfort him in this time. He clears his throat and lets off a near girlish giggle as Drevix licks away the tears.

"Now, now, no more tears you two. I'll be back soon. You all have each other to look after and keep each other company." He then gives a final kiss to his two elder children, and then he approaches his lovely wife and youngest child. "Nafi.. Take care of our kindred... They need their mother now more than ever."

Nafina places her smaller paw right on his lips and looks right into his eyes with her alluring, sultry eyes, seeming to tame the big beast, almost as a hypnotic tool. "Dear, you hush. You know I'll take care of our children. No need to worry your big, spiky head of yours over us. Go do your business and you'll come back to the same happily family you know. No need to lose faith in me now, big boy." She seals the implication of it being a joke with an alluring wink, causing the big dragon to crack a hearty smirk.

"Nafi, you always did know how to tame me, you sexy little demoness." He chuckles deeply and leans forward to passionately exchange a kiss only shared between true lovers. While the passionate exchange unfolds, Nir wipes his tears, then catches a glimpse of his older, "tough to the nail" sister wiping her tear soaked cheeks. In order to break the sadness, he chuckles and prods her side.

"Oooooh, Luna? Are those tears I see?" He grins coyly and figures he has his sister at a very vulnerable position for prodding.

She glances over to her younger brother, and then simply slugs him square in his arm, causing him to instinctively rub along the sore spot from the impact of his rather strong sister. She scoffs and finishes rubbing her eyes, "Oh shut up Nirfy, Dad just blew smoke in my eyes, don't be stupid." She growls out and glances at the parents finishing their kiss, along with Nir grumbling from failing of finally thwarting his older sister. Drevix's big, supple lips parts from his lover's, causing them to pause to exchange in a warm, tender embrace of their powerful, luminous eyes to become lost in each other. The two smile just as wide as giddy newlyweds. Drevix nuzzles Nafina's nose tenderly and kisses her once more, "Nafina, you truly are the Savannah Heat. I love you so much, Nafi." She smiles deeply and returns the nuzzle with one of her own, allowing that small pink fleshy nose to roam along his big snout, before leaning in to whisper out in her sultry, alluring feminine voice, always sending tingles down Drevix's big spine. "I'm your Savannah Heat, my love, there's no one else I'd rather spend my life with, my Crimson Flame, also, you big softy. " Drevix couldn't help but to smile at that, but Nafina whispers in his sensitive ear, "Just, come home soon and safe to me." Drevix lets a reassuring nod be that as the answer, "Of course, my sweet savannah heat. I wouldn't dream of leaving you and the cubs. May the high gods cast me down to your spite if that were to happen." The couple exchanged a chuckle and the two end with a nuzzle, then he kisses his youngest on the lips and hugs him tightly. "Now, I fear it's time for my departure. Kayin, you be a good boy for your family. And I'm sure when I come back, you'll be all grown up. I'm betting you'll look just like your mother." Kayin gasps out meekly, as his pearly white cheeks immediately flare upon the compliment, and he looks down shyly to the ground, "O-Oh.. Y-Yes sir... I'll be on my best behavior, promise.." He glances back up and gives his father a farewell kiss.

Drevix finally gets up and looks at his entire family with a proud, warm smile. He stretches out his wing span a bit to get the blood pumping in those veins, while the family does gather around each other to watch his farewell. "Farewell, my beloved gems. I'll be back before you know it. Take care everyone." He lets off a reassuring wink, letting the family know he is confident he'll return as soon as he can. With that in motion he looks towards the sky, to where he is going to take off, then he flaps his strong wings and up he goes into the air. The entire family waves to the dragon as the big dragon now becomes a bit harder to see as the higher he goes. Once he reaches the altitude he prefers, he takes one last glance at his family with a smile, and then returns his attention to the task at hand. He flexes his wings and in a near flash, he darts off at high velocity, letting off an echoing roar that is heard as he spirals off into the distance, soon becoming a speck, before he is completely gone from sight. The feline's keen eyesight follows their dragon until he leaves from vision, then the group takes a look along each other, before slowly, but gradually trying to return back to their normal, daily routines. Nafina clears her throat and then glances to her children, "Cere'Qul should be here fairly soon. Drevix said he would be here around late sun, so make sure you're ready to come back to greet our guardian." Luna's brow quirks up a bit, as she couldn't help but to press the question riding on everyone's minds, "Mom, are you really sure we can trust this guy? I mean, I know he's good friends with Dad, but, we've never met him before." Nafina nods and acknowledges her daughter's concerns, happening to glance around to find the other two have a nervous, puzzling aura to them as well. She glances to them with her motherly, assuring eyes, "Don't worry, you have nothing to fear of Cere'Qul. I've met him a few times before. Just trust your father's judgment. If he trusts him with his life, I have full faith in his decision." Luna can't help but to sigh at the decision. It wasn't her initial thought of having an outsider take care of them, especially when the name of Cere'Qul is only mentioned within a few short hours of him leaving. Nir sighs a bit, believing in his father's decision, when his older sister thinks otherwise, "Well, look at it this way. Would Dad truly let a person protect his entire beloved family, if he didn't, for sure, knew he could trust him? I mean, you know Dad, we are his world and he would be lost without us. I think I have faith in that fact about Dad... I don't know about you guys." Her mind wanders off a bit to think over what he said. She lets off a discontent sigh, never coming to believe she would ever find Nir is right. "No..." Her tone solemn, "You're right Nir... I trust Dad too.. He's never lied to us and I don't think he would now when he's gone for 2 years." She admits, nearly begrudgingly, but deep down, knowing she is forced to accept this and trust her father's judgment. Nafina smiles at her son, then gently kisses his cheek, "Exactly Nirfy. Now, you three go do and relax, Cere'Qul will be here in a little while. You might as well take your mind off of things. There's no need for him to come to a mopey family." She advises and glances back to the empty, large home. "I'll make sure everything is ready in here. If you guys happen to see him come before he gets to the cave, be sure to escort him here." Nir's eyes glance to his mother's figure gently, "Hey Mom? How will he know what he looks like?" She smirks playfully, then approaches her elder son, before slinking her head down to face his, in an alluring, coy manner, "Oh, trust me Nirfy, you'll know when you see him. He's quite hard to miss." She chuckles softly and presses her lips to Nir's in a soft kiss. His eyes widen immediately from the more than motherly kiss, causing his cheeks to flare up in a bright blush. Her eyes close gently in content, as her lips continue being locked on Nir's supple lips. Luna licks her lips a bit, but keeps her distance on this one, just mainly watching her own mother sensuously kiss her brother. Her thoughts flow back to the times she teamed with her mother in helping take advantage of Nir on a constant basis. Nafina comes off and licks his pink nose gently, before glancing along his body and chuckling, "Let that be your answer, my son." She whispers out to his ear in such an alluring, sultry tone, which easily causes his heart to pound in his chest, while he gently shakes from his highly attractive mother teasing him coyly, as always. The milfy mother chuckles to herself and then begins to attend to her duties in preparing the cavern for their new guests. She returns to the cave, coyly allowing her tail to rise up and sway about, as her supple hind side is teasingly exposed to Nir's observant eyes. His blush deepens as his eyes trail along that gorgeous mound of his mother's as well as her nicely fit posterior, until that teasing behind disappears in the cave. Out of nowhere, Luna's white paw grabs Nir roughly on the scruff of his neck and his body is pulled right to hers. She snarls out gently and licks along his ear alluringly, "Come here Bro... I've got something to preoccupy our time, before he shows up. Besides I need to get some stress off." Kayin's eyes widen from watching Luna grab onto Nir, knowing deep down exactly what's going to be taking place between the two. He immediately squeaks and darts in the cave without a word to hide his pure embarrassment. Nir meeps loudly and is too distracted to watch his little brother disappear in the home, before that all-too-familiar voice of his sister beckoning him to be a stress reliever for her. He shivers and his ears immediately lower to display his growing submission. "A-Acck... I-I um..." Without another word, Luna drags her smaller brother over to a little hidden cove, which is where Nir lost his virginity to Luna a few seasons ago. Nir squirms against his sister's steel grip tugging on his scruff, as he watches around his environment to find out EXACTLY where she is planning on taking him. "I-I have legs y'know!" He retorts out, detesting the fact that she is dragging him to their hiding spot. His body is suddenly plopped to the ground roughly, and before having even time for the little male to react, Luna's face appears in front of his, as her paws firmly pin his shoulders to the soft jungle floor, while her nose is firmly placed against his in a commanding, owning manner. Nir's ears splay to the back of his head, as he nervously looks up to his sister's fiery purple eyes, blatantly obvious what that look in her eyes were suggesting to him. Deja Vu strikes him as he finds himself in this position once more, being his sister's plaything, while his body does not allow him to fight her. He remains frozen and helpless to her desires, as all he can do is stare into those powerful eyes of hers, making him completely unable to move. She sneers and allows her smooth tongue to lick along her jet black lips in pure, hungry lust. Without any need for words, she makes it very clear of what she wants as soon as that strong paw immediately moves down and grabs onto his plump sheath. Just this immediate action causes him to whine out softly in gentle pleasure, while his face turns beat red from feeling his own sister molest his sensitive parts once more. The little ligon helplessly squirms instinctively from feeling that strong, feline paw squeezing and working his thick sheath, then finally letting off a cute, girlish sounding moan from his throat. "O-O-Oohhh..." The moan of pleasure is music to Luna's keen ears, causing her to smirk at her little brother, before she pumps her paw along that thick sheath and really goes to stimulating that organ to get the blood flowing. "You know what I want Nirfy, no use in hiding it." She speaks out sternly, seeming to be a bit feistier and more demanding than usual. Her eyes trail down to her brother's plump ligon bits, now being in complete control over the situation, causing her other paw pinning his shoulder to ease up a bit, so she may slink down; knowing Nir won't be going anywhere in this state. "Now, show me what father gave you." Nir can't help but to swallow a big lump in his throat, as his eyes shakily glance down to his older sister slinking down his smaller framed body, where her face is face-to-face right with his thick junk. His sheath twitches to the stimulation, as it swells in excitement, causing the hidden meat inside to begin growing. His pants become a bit quicker as he can feel his face growing noticeably flush, while his heart races powerfully in his chest. Luna's eyes gawk on her brother's swelling furry pouch, always being interested in watching the male genitalia working in action. She smirks to herself, finding this activity to be exactly what she needs to get things off her mind. She nudges the swelling, throbbing sheath with her warm nose, before her tongue drapes out of her maw and trails along that furry appendage. The feeling of the strong, thick tongue of his sister gracing his genital, causes a chill to go up his spine, as he lets off an audible, whiney 'nyah' sound; nearly sounding like a girl. "Nnyaaaahhh!!" His eyes wince shut in the building pleasure, as Luna takes her time in toying with her little brother, finding it very amusing to listen to his girlish sounding moans of pleasure, while all he is able to do is squirm and accept the teasing given to him. He whines out gently under his breath, as the teasing stimulation finally causes some of the pink appendage hiding inside the protective holster to come out. Her eyes immediately fixate on the exposed flesh emerging, causing her to wrap her lips around the sensitive flesh, as she firmly suckles on the tip of it. His coal black claws immediately dig into the ground beside him, causing him to firmly bite his lower lip to try and stifle any moans that may emerge from his throat. His small frame quivers with mixed feelings surging around inside of him. Despite his best efforts, soft whines escape out his clenched teeth, this only entices his sibling's drive even further on. Her lips are firmly wrapped around the growing tip, while they firmly cause suction on the highly sensitive part of the exposed flesh, while her skillful tongue lashes along the sweet spot trapped in her mouth. Before Nir even notices it, a thick 10 inch shaft exposes itself to the world from the vast stimulation on it. His maleness is rather thick in girth, being the smallest width at the tip, but gradually growing much thicker towards the base of his cock. The pink flesh is smooth textured and lacking the traditional barbs on most felines. The hefty organ pulses powerfully against his sister's maw, as the stimulation causes a copious stream of his precum to jet out of the tip trapped in her mouth. She lets off a throaty murr of pleasure, as she tastes her brother's rather sweet tasting liquid, as she allows the liquid to roll around in her mouth to savor her brother's sweet taste, before swallowing it. The young lioness comes off the tip, only to lick her lips in satisfaction of her brother's taste, rather savoring every moment she has her brother in a position where she is in complete control of him. The temporary break from the excitement causes him to finally pant out hotly; the heat of the lust becoming nearly too much for the little male to handle. He gently curses his small size and his nature to become easily submissive to his older sister, nearly at will. He allows her to do as she will, as he is in no position to say otherwise, as his body is hers to use right now. "I have to admit, I really do enjoy your taste Nirfy. You always seem to taste just like candy. No wonder Mom is always on your cock all the time." She chuckles at her incestuous natured joke, not giving Nir enough time to process what she said, as he feels her warm maw envelope his thick maleness in her hungry maw. A lusty, deep murr comes from her, as she allows her maw to do the talking, as the pleasure now spikes in Nir's little body. His back lifts from the ground and arches a bit as he feels that wonderful, smooth textured tongue lashing along his entire length in the warm and silky orifice. Luna uses her tongue taught mainly by their milfy mother to hit Nir's sweet spots from pure experience of doing this with her brother. Nir's shaft twitches and nearly aches with pleasure, as the bobbing warm silky maw and tongue becoming a great combination on hitting Nir all in the right spots, causes his lower body to nearly turn numb with growing ecstasy. He lets out loud, girlish moans bellow out of his throat; not caring if anyone near can hear him crying out in pleasure at this point. His shaft twitches with the incredible stimulation from a powerful maw that another strong stream of his candy-like pre pumps out of his hefty shaft into his sister's hungry maw again. She devours the treat, as if the copiousness of the liquid is nothing. She allows the warm, sweet liquid to run down her throat, as her skillful maw never once stops bobbing along her brother's own sensitive shaft. "Nnyaaaaahhh!! Nnyaaaaa!!!" The little girlish ligon continues sounding off his cries of pleasure to the jungle; now being puddy for his sister at this point. Luna smiles to herself while stimulating her little brother, knowing from the very beginning that he has always been a very vocal sex partner, expressing his pure pleasure from loud moans, in which she secretly loves that about him. She allows her bobbing motion to slow to a halt, as she comes off the thick, throbbing shaft, leaving the organ completely covered in glistening layers of saliva. Her loins burn with desire of attention, causing her to instinctively to rub a digit along her swollen, wet folds. A soft groan escapes her throat, while she sops her digit up with her own feminine nectar, then pops it out of her tight orifice; making her way casually to Nir's face. Nir's eyes reopen in time to see his sister reaching her paw to his maw, in which she slips the damp finger to slip into his mouth. His eyes gently widen in pure surprise as his tongue tastes the delectable taste of her feminine sex on that finger. He settles down upon tasting the sweet nectar coating his tongue, causing him to suckle on the digit, as he works his tongue along her appendage. A coy, dominant smirk crosses her maw, as she wiggles her finger into his maw as he obediently suckles on the nectar covered finger. "Goooooood boy Nirfy. It looks like I don't even have to tell you what do to that much anymore. Perhaps that may need to change sometime." She waits until the slutty boy's mouth cleans her finger, she pops it out, then almost like clockwork, she straddles his face and clamps her thighs right to each of his cheeks. His eyes immediately widen once more in pure surprise, and he lets out a sharp squeak following his surprise. His nose is pressed all right up against her wet and needy mound, as the potently intoxicating aroma of her feminine sex pumps into his nostrils, giving him pheromones directly. The smell takes over his body, as that wonderful scent causes his sex drive take a huge boost. His little body couldn't help but to writhe beneath his heavier sister, as the direct pheromones causes his shaft to become quite tingly with sensitivity, also causing a thick stream of pre to pump out and splatter along the soft, jungle ground, making a dull dripping sound as it hits. Luna catches the stream of pre out of the corner of her eye, causing her to teasingly grind her crotch right into his brightly blushing face. He lets off muffled moans going right into her crotch, as her loins drip out little trickling waves of her juices, showing her brother just how needy she is for stimulation. "I don't think I need to tell you how to do your job, little bro. Be a good bitch and please your sister." She snarls out in lust as her hips continue gyrating on his face. Nir immediately takes the hint and shakily brings his paws up to her hips; allowing his paws to use her hips as a proper balancing tool. He gently kisses along the dripping feminine sex, while he purposefully allows the liquids to cover his maw in her warm nectar, making him more one with his sister; letting her mark him in her scent. His similar thick and strong smooth-textured tongue drapes along the length of her puffy folds until his tongue rakes along that stiff little pink button of hers resting at the top of her folds. She feels her little brother marking himself for her, giving her the prospect of him being her property. She couldn't help but to faintly blush at the thought of owning her brother as a sex instrument, but she knows she does that to him on an average basis anyways. Her amusements of her brother's submissiveness to her are disrupted when that thick, skillful tongue begins pleasuring her sweet sex. A sharp gasp escapes her throat, almost in surprise, as that tongue immediately goes to work on her sensitive folds. Her paw roams along his silky soft furry hair, as her gaze reaches down to his rather cute face. She grips on his fluffy bangs and grips tightly, causing him to squirm and moan against her muff, as he continues working that tongue to please his older sis. "A-Ahhh... There's my good little boy. J-Just like that... Mmmrrrr..." She lets off lusty murrs escape out, not being quite as vocal as Nir is, when it comes to interpreting pleasure. Her face winces a bit in pleasure, as that skillful tongue continues working its way along her length in just the right way to really get her loins running. Her grip on his hair allows her to push his face a bit more into her crotch, as she grinds her sex against his face. Nir's paws grip on her body a bit tighter as his face is buried against her crotch. The feeling of his sister demanding more from him by smooshing her crotch to his face causes him to moan out hotly against her needy crotch. He obediently steps up his game and allows his smooth tongue to enter into her folds and down into her silky depths. He delves his way in and snakes his skillful, trained tongue deep into her sex, as the tongue works its way along her sensitive, tasty walls. Luna groans out and allows her tongue to loll out, as her loins feel like they are on fire. A deep, lustful snarl erupts out of her, as her insides clamp and massage along her brother's pleasant pleasuring tool, stimulating her insides very well.

The smaller male lets off a gentle groan that sounds out in a muffled fashion deep inside her silky, feminine depths. His ears remain pinned to the back of his head out of pure submissive instinct that he has to his bigger, strong, fiercer sister. His mind wanders off, as he allows his personal experience with his own sister and muscle memory to take over for him, as his mind relaxes to the soothing situation of being taken advantage of by his older sister yet once more in their relationship of siblinghood. That tongue seems to have a mind of its own, as the thick organ lashes and massages along the wet, sweet tasting feminine silk, causing the bigger female to writhe her hips gently along his furry face as result of the stimulation going on. She remembers the feeling of that familiar tongue of her brother's lashing along her insides, as he seems to always hit her sweet spots buried inside, as if it is second nature to him. Her mind gently drifts off as well, but remembers the time when her brother wasn't as big, in all aspects, and his virginity being taken by amore feisty, knowledgeable sister, willing to take that honor. She smirks to herself, as she can tell how much he has grown, as well as more experience ensued with years of experience since his first encounter with her.

While her memories flows back into her mind, her violet eyes glance along the environment, before a particular root takes her attention. The younger male pays no attention to his sister leaning forward, being too focused into doing his normal tidbit of working that strong tongue into her depths. The older sister leans forward and then sniffs at the root in close proximity to their position, then seems to maliciously grin; the scent bringing back a particular memory. "Heh..." She quietly chuckles to herself, before reaching out to pick out the brownish looking root and holding it in her paw and leaning back. Before the younger male realizes it, his tongue is gently tugged back from the tight feminine silk clenching along it, until it finally pops out with an audible noise. He gently mews softly and looks up in slight confusion, knowing his sister hasn't finished just yet. His crystal blue eyes look up to the bigger female to find she's holding a certain root in her paw. "U-Ummm... Luna..? What's that?" He obliviously has to ask, not knowing the real reason she has a random root in her paw. Luna smirks without wanting to respond to his question, before she passes the root underneath his keen nose. A strange, near cinnamon-like scent whiffs up into his nostrils, slightly making his small framed body to gently tremble as a cause of this. "Nyaa..~" He seems to utter out the girlish sound, before his eyes widen as the root is shoved into his maw, while the bigger paw holds his mouth shut. His wide eyes glance up to Luna, to find she obviously has something in mind with this certain root and more so why he is forced to have it in his mouth. "Don't give me that look Nirfy, chew it. You should know exactly* what root this is." She smirks, finding her younger brother's eyes gently widen a bit more, as they seem to shake; seeming to know exactly what kind of root it is. Luna then grins, seeming she has gotten to the young male, "Haha, that look says it all! That's right, it's the Arctaos Root, now since you have already sniffed it, chew it and eat it." Her paw keeps his maw covered and it firmly grips on it, not willing to let go until he does inevitably chew it. Nir's ears immediately stay flat behind his head, obediently submitting to his fierier older sister. The definition of the Arctaos Root flash through his mind, before he begins gnawing that razor sharp, draconic-genetic teeth through the root like paper. The Arctaos Root, otherwise translated by other dragon-kind, as Arctaos Ro Root_literally meaning, "Everlasting Charm root". The effects are very potent, even so much as a sniff will immediately cause hormone levels to fluctuate in extreme results, but seeming to only effect those who are natively dragon, or atleast possess draconic blood. He whimpers, knowing full well what exactly it is going to do to him. The effects aren't nearly as bad if only the scent causes the hormone fluctuation, but to actually ingest it... it causes near-legendary arousal, if swallowed and ingested. Luna seems to know this as well, as she waits until Nir finally swallows the chewed-up root. He lets off an audible gulp, before shakily glancing back up to his sister and waiting for the inevitable countdown to feel that potent syrup to work itself in his system. The drug also acts as a great form of helping stimulate extra semen growth and a higher libido boost for males. Luna smirks and letting now knowing the deed is done and it is only a matter of time, "Gooooood boy Nirfy. You'll be feeling veeeeery good, very soon. While she waits for the drug to take full effect of her brother, she reaches right down and grabs ahold of that aching, throbbing shaft of his and strokes her soft paw along it, "Hehe... and I mean _very good! Heh, maybe I won't be able to get you off of me, once this is said and done." All the while, she listens to the gentle, soft moans under his breath to find his cock seems to grow even more sensitive than usual. Nir's eyes naturally dilate from the feeling of the drugs now noticeably working into his system. He immediately whimpers to the feeling of the tingly sensation working through his body, causing his fur to gently stick up a bit, or a feral's version of goosebumps. "L-Luna... A-Ahhn~! W-Wait... I-I can f-f-feel it now..." He whines and rocks his girlish, feral hips to her sensations. Even to add to the feeling, he lets out a thick stream of his precum that seems to rocket past Luna's head, causing her eyes to widen themselves in surprise. She watches the thick stream land on the ground behind her, before licking her lips hungrily and returning the glance. His cheeks flush up to a bright red, seeming to simulate he's having a fever. He feels his cock throb powerfully into her paw, feeling the drug growing more potently powerful in his system the longer the time passes. "L-Luna, p-please!" He seems to beg suddenly, but the beg goes on deaf ears, while the recipient rubs along his thick cock and allows the thick organ to slide down into her warm, silky maw. She chuckles softly to herself as she feels her brother's incestuous shaft slide down her mouth until the very tip touches her throat. A loud, girlish-natured moan escapes his throat, causing him to squirm immediately upon feeling those silky warm walls envelope his ultra-sensitive member. Almost immediately he fires off a powerful stream of his pre once again, even more so than usual, as the thick, sweet-tasting, stream of pre pump down her throat. As Luna's throat almost bulges up from the excessive, hefty amount of his liquid pours into it, she allows it to slide down her throat. She comes off and gives her younger brother a very sultry, alluring glance, reminding him of their mother from that expression. "Hehe... What's wrong Nirfy? Dragon has ahold of your tongue?" Luna mocks, as she works her lips in kissing along the side of his smooth, slick shaft. He whimpers out loudly and now seems to nearly bellow out girlish moans of pleasure, not seeming to notice or care if anyone nearby could hear them. His small framed body trembles and his back arches up and fires off another thick stream of pre into the air, before it lands on his face, causing the smaller male to pant out hotly, like an animal in heat. Luna snickers to herself and kisses the dripping tip, before allowing the meat back into her mouth, yet this time down her throat without even so as much gagging at the big organ enters her tight orifice. Her throat bulges out from the girth of her younger brother's cock entering it, then allowing herself bob and rock her head along his crotch. Nir's razor sharp black claws dig right into the earth, as he whines out loudly and instinctively rocks his feminine shaped hips to his sister's actions going right to his loins. Luna growls gently in the shaft, as she bobs her head along the entire 10" length. With each motion of her head, her nose gently touches his sweet-smelling crotch fur. Her eyes gently rest closed, as she continues the point of heaven and hell for the small male. With the drugs highly potent and active in his body, he couldn't help but to vocally express his surges of pure ecstasy very loudly and girlishly. "A-Ahnn~!! L-Luna!!!" With the drugs drastically heightening his libido and sensitivity, he feels he is going to easily burst at any time, which causes Luna to sense this, soon coming off his quickly pulsing and twitching maleness. She looks at him and shakes her head at him. "Nope, don't you even think of letting go until I say so! Understand me?" She gawks at him sternly, causing his ears to flatten once more behind his head in pure obedience. "A-Ah!! Y-Yes m-m-mam!" He stammers out and winces his eyes shut from feeling ever so close, but having to actually hold it back due to her command. She smirks coyly and nods, "There's my good brother.." She snarls and grabs the base of his cock, clamping onto it to prevent him from cumming, but leaving just enough pressure to purposefully leave him always feeling right on edge. This cruel, pleasant torture is quite the past time involving the siblings, even going back to the older sister, with the technical know-how of intercourse, to take his virginity. Nir has to bite his lower lip tightly, nearly drawing blood, as he immediately feels himself about to reach that peak the moment he feels his sister's lips trail back along his aching shaft. He desperately needs to cum, especially with the libido-enhancing root making him atleast 10x more sensitive downstairs. His usual hefty sack seems swollen and aching, as it wishes to release itself in Luna's mouth. A gentle trickle of blood trails down along the edge of his maw as he tightly bites his quivering lower lip. Luna knows this is painful for her brother, but she knows just what to do in order to make sure he isn't physically hurt from this. Deep down, she knows he rather enjoys allowing a stronger female take the wheel and just use him for her amusement and sexual pleasure, thus causing the slight rivalry between the two older siblings. She looks up to his expressions showing this is rather painful, but at the same time basking in nothing but blissful pleasure. She chuckles and purrs, sending vibrations purposefully into his aching shaft, which only adds into his torture. Loud whimpers and pure moans of unadulterated pleasure escape his mouth more and more, the longer his torture is extended. The tight grip on the base of his cock prevents him from cumming or even reaching an orgasm, as the need desperately arises in the younger male. He whines out and clutches to the earth, almost as he is holding onto for dear life. "A-A-A-Ahnnn~!!!! S-S-Siiiiiiiiis!!! P-Please... I-I need t-to cum! I-It hurts..." He whines out pathetically, causing her to smirk gently to herself. "Hahaha, do you now?" She teasingly implies while even trailing her smooth-textured tongue up along his swollen, aching length, causing him to whine helplessly in his sister's grasp. "Hmmm, how bad does it hurt?" She simply adds in and quirks an eyebrow, seeming to continuing allowing her pink, slick organ along his maleness, purposefully teasing him. "R-Really bad, sis!! P-Pleaseeeee, I-I'm... a-ahnn... n-not kidding here... I-It really feels like it's gonna p-pop!" He pleads and hopes she listens to reason, causing her to gently snicker. He squirms and kicks his legs, seeming to break the earth beside his sister, showing off his rather dense and strongly-built draconic muscles hidden underneath those curves in his body, seeming to stir up a bit of dust. She winces a bit and seems to sneeze from the dust being stirred up, causing her to wriggle her nose and release the base of his cock prematurely. Unfortunately for Nir, he absolutely could not hold it, as he arches his back and lets out a loud girlish yell of pleasure, feeling his release and peak hit. He squirms violently and helplessly as his orgasm quakes through his small frame viciously. Luna's eyes glance up from the little crater in the ground, and then gasps as her face is completely plastered with a huge wave of his seed, before backing up and wiping it away from her eyes. Her body sits up while she wipes the seed from her eyes, then gawks down to view her younger brother's usual, hefty orgasm. She knows this won't stop for another 2 ½ minutes at best, due to his draconic genetics. It almost seems impossible such a small framed male would be blessed with a hefty, well-endowed package and semen reproductive system, but he does have it. His cock pumps out consistent, thick ropes of his seed that just pumps out and rockets in the air. Due to his body shaking and gyrating from his uncontrollable orgasm, he flings his sweet-smelling seed along the ground beside him, making large puddles. She scoffs out and rolls her eyes, finding he managed to escape her torture by pure coincidence, but she allows it to slide this time, not wanting to be _that_mean to her little brother. It seems she isn't the only one viewing this, as a pair of red eyes around the distance seems to be looking on as well. The younger "brother" Kayin gasps and covers his maw from watching his brother's legendary orgasm, seeming to find his tummy is feeling a bit tingly and his body growing hot. Before he wishes to feel this strange sensation again, he quickly darts off back to the cave to be with their mother. Luna senses someone was watching the scene, causing her to look in the direction of the sound of some brush rustling, before seeming to shrug and passing it off as a small, unimportant animal. She gawks down and watches her brother ripple and spray out his entire orgasm for the rest of the couple of minutes of nothing but a pure orgasm rippling through his body. As soon as it faded and the last few spurts of his seed come out, leaving his furry body plastered with his own hefty amount of seed, he wheezes for air and lays limp on the ground. She looks around the environment, seeing that her younger brother caused quite the mess and leaving the place smelling like his potently sweet scent, causing her to smirk, "And yet you came when I didn't tell you. Bad boy Nirfy," she seems to scold and pokes his nose with her paw. He shivers and lays limp on the ground, with the occasional twitch in his body from the effects of his strong after-glow from such an unusual orgasm. He isn't very responsive to her poke, in fact looking over to her with glazed-over eyes. Regardless of such a strong orgasm rocked his body and leaves his body physically drained temporarily, his shaft below remains still rock hard. Luna knows he has a little recovery period before his body is able to reciprocate sexual actions, this doesn't change her course. She gently grabs him by the fluffy fur on his chest and picks him up to set him right on his girlish butt, "Alright, I gave you pleasure, being a nice sister, fulfill my needs little brother." She demands, despite him being slightly weak. He seems to shake his head gently and snaps out of it. His beautiful crystal blue eyes glance over to his find his sister seeming to poke her cute, feminine butt right at him, her tail splayed over to the side to show off her wet, puffy tight looking slit, readily wanting something inside of it. His heartbeat quickens and his cock already leaks out a gentle stream of his pre that dully drips on the ground, forming a puddle below him. The sight of his sister's mound picks up his libido once more, as he immediately pounces his sister, seeming to pick up strength. Luna's eyes widen and she gasps out gently, "N-Nir? Woah, what are you...?" She seems to stop and feels her younger brother seeming to delve deep down in his personality, feeling he has to take control of the situation. Even she is having difficulty fighting her usually weaker younger brother, but something snaps in his mind, causing him to overpower even his sister. She gasps and feels that girthy, thick cock sliding up along her entrance, while his paws are tightly gripping her hips, causing her to shift uncomfortably. _What the hell Nir..?_she thinks to herself, as she gawks over to her brother's nearly blank expression; nothing but pure lust and animalistic urges glow in his eyes. Without waiting, he repositions his hips and aims the tip right at her folds, before thrusting those hips upward and allows the tip to part open her tight folds. She gasps, feeling he isn't wasting time, causing her to growl gently, "H-Hey! I didn't say g.... A-Ahhh!!!" She is suddenly silenced by that thick appendage pumping and stretching her tight orifice wide; feeling all 10" sinking inside of her. She snarls out in pain/pleasure, while feeling her aggressive younger brother skipping dominant/submissive formality and proceeds in quickly pumping his thickness into his sister's depths. The usually more submissive male, to his older sister atleast, snarls out in a pure, animalistic lust, as he feels his thickness being gripped and squeezed by such a warm, tight, silky glove. His small, but strong hips powerfully thrust forward, while his hefty feeling balls slap along her clitoris. She winces in time with the powerful thrusts pounding up into her, causing her to naturally flush around her cheeks, from arousal, but more so not ever seeing her brother like this. She stifles a moan under her breath, not trying to reveal any weakness to the temporarily stronger male. "N-Ngh..." Her ears surprisingly lower down a bit, feeling the waves of pleasure, feeling her tight insides being pumped in and stretched wide with each thrust of her eager younger brother. After time, she feels an audible moan creep out her black lips, causing her to pant, "F-Fuck N-Nir..." She spits out and presses her backside more to Nir's hips, her body betraying her and wanting more from her energized brother taking her like she is his. "A-Ahnnn..." He drools out, as he pants hotly along her back, allowing his hips to plow into that tight orifice. Each thrust causes his heightened sensitive cock to pump in hefty streams of his clear liquid up into her insides, causing it to simply pour out the sides of her folds, mixed in with her own juices, to pour down her shaking legs and onto the ground; filling the environment around them with the potent smell of sex. Luna throws her head back and loses herself to the lust, feeling her brother take her so viciously. "F-Fuck NIR!!!" The sounds of wet, rough thrusting fill the air around their area, letting other creatures surrounding nearby to their incestuous lovemaking. Luna and Nir's animalistic growls flood the air as well, even being heard all the way back to the cave. Nafina seems to perk her keen ear up along with Kayin. Nafina chuckles and looks over at Kayin, "Hehe... Well were they going at it as rough as they are sounding? " Kayin meeps immediately and lowers his ears in embarrassment, seeming to be flustered by the question, "W-Whaaaat? U-Um, what are you t-talking about?? I didn't go see them..." He retorts and twirls his finger along his tail in a nervous, instinctive display of his uncomfortable demeanor to the subject of sex. Nafina simply chuckles, "Oh Kayin, you'll have your day when you start making those moans." She gently winks, seeing her son's nervous expression, before padding towards the entrance of the cave, "Alright Kayin, I think it's almost about that time for Cere'Qul to show up. It would be rude not to be the first ones to welcome him." Kayin simply nods nervously and follows his mother out of the cave. Time passes as the rough lovemaking continues. The two hot and flustered ferals keep snarling out in lust, not wanting the feeling to stop. Nir's thick cock keeps ravaging his older sister's tight, yet stretched pussy quickly, seeming to pick up the pace. Luna moans out loudly and pants hotly, glancing at him from over her shoulder, as he stares into her eyes. "N-Nir... Mmrawwrrr... F-Fill me now!!" She roars out at him, while he slams roughly into her; feeling her body quaking from the force of his thrusting. He hears his sister's command, seeming to have its effect, as he pumps in deeply, pumping his cock past her cervix, finally thrusting in deeply and letting his head back with a loud roar flooding the area. He pumps his sister's womb full with his seed after a few major pumps of his ropes of seed. She seems to match his roar with her own, as her insides convulse and clench down at his cock like a tight silky vice, as she gushes her nectar along the ground. Both siblings snarl and roar in orgasmic pleasure, as he takes another 2 ½ minutes of consistently pumping his load into his sister, seeming to satiate her fiery needs of pleasure, as his warm seed easily pours out the sides of her folds, while the two continue sharing an orgasm together. After awhile his last few streams of his sweet ligon milk pumps into her, before he finishes and pulls his thickness out of her gaping pussy, allowing the excess seed to just pour out like a small stream onto the very messy ground. Nir collapses on the ground and pants out hotly, as he rides out his orgasm; seeming two heightened orgasms took its toll on his body. Luna shakes herself and feels her brother's seed gushing from her insides, seeming to make her collapse on the ground as well, panting hotly in exhaustion. She looks back to him and blushes; rather being surprised she received a fucking that hard. She smirks to herself and feels proud of her younger brother, but keeping the compliment to herself. She lies down as the two feral recover from their rough mating. Nafina passes by the trail leading off to their "secret" place of copulation, causing her own violet to gawk down the trail, seeming to smirk as she can pick up on the smell of their sex, but leaving the kids to their fun. Kayin's more keen nose picks up on the sweet smelling scents of their sex, causing his cheeks to flush up and he keeps his thoughts to himself and quietly follows his mother. Nafina's eyes gawk on her youngest son's face, seeming to smile gently as she keeps walking past the trail and down the main dirt trail to the outside of the territory. Along the way, the two felines make it to the end of Drevix's territory, and then they pause and sit down in the middle of the trail to meet the newcomer. Almost like clockwork, a pair of two large silhouettes appears from the horizon, being covered by the setting sun behind them. The two larger bodies pad along the main trail to the territory, before both creeping up and stepping out of the shadows to appear before the two smaller felines. Kayin's eyes naturally widen and he whimpers, not expecting such a large creature to come by, nearly the size of some of the dragons in their community. He quickly hides himself behind Nafina and curiously peeks around the corner of her body. Nafina doesn't seem surprised, unlike Kayin, as she smiles and gawks up to the familiar figure, seeming to smile, "Hmm, welcome Cere'Qul... Oh I see you brought your sister, Tilly, if I remember correctly." Cere'Qul, the guardian for the draconic territory, stands atleast twice the size of Nafina and three times the size of little Kayin, causing both felines having to look up to him. The bigger male's three heads, all with distinct personalities, all gawk down to the hiding ligon behind his mother, seeming to smirk coyly, as the middle head speaks out in a deep sounding tone, "Mmm, cute kid you have Nafina. I'm guessing you and Drevix finally had cubs, huh?" The other two heads seem to look around the place, soaking up the environment. Nafina looks down to Kayin, then simply steps to the side to expose the younger male, leaving him out in the open. Kayin shivers in natural fear of the much bigger male as his crimson eyes glance up to the three heads, whimpering softly. Nafina chuckles and looks down to her son, "That we did Cere'Qul. This is Kayin, my youngest son. I'll have to introduce my other two children once we get back to the den. They're a bit... preoccupied." She coyly implies. Cere'Qul's middle head, seeming to be the dominant, alpha-male between the other two, quirks an eyebrow at the lioness, "Oh, I see. I take it Drevix has already taken off then?" Nafina simply nods, never seeming to lose eyesight of the three heads. All three look at each other, before they all seem to look over to the smaller female, apparently looking like the hell-hound's sister. Both siblings seem to possess a natural, fire-like presence, as the fur of the two seem to have trails of magma-like streams/markings along their bodies, while their eyes glow a bright yellow color. Both siblings possess a trio of heads, while both middle heads seem to be the one in control of the body and the other two heads. Cere'Qul is naturally bigger and bulkier than his sister, while she seems to be fairly strong, but a bit frailer than her older brother. She keeps looking on and remains quiet, being a bit timid and shy, despite Cere'Qul's more upfront and relaxed demeanor. Nafina gawks along the two canines, before smiling gently, "Well, let's head to the den so I can show you around the community." She smirks, seeming to check out the bigger male's body, before getting up and leading the other three back to the cave along the trail. Once she follows, Kayin quickly follows behind, while Cere'Qul and Tilly tag behind. Cere'Qul's three heads gawk and lock onto that luscious, swaying feminine hindquarters of Nafina, while the far right one seems to lick his lips and whispers out, "Ohh man, what I wouldn't give to tap that ass." The main head growls quietly and snaps right back, "Knock it off, we're not here for that... yet atleast. Silence." The right head obediently stops talking and then looks over to the side. Tilly glances over to her brother and keeps to herself, seeming to lack confidence as she tags close to her older brother, seeming to draw in confidence by being near his side. Not too far away, Nir and Luna return to the cave after having recovered from a long-winded lovemaking session, finding that the den is empty. Luna comes in after having emptied herself of her brother's cum, before looking around, "Hmm... I guess Mom and Kayin both went out, probably to meet the Cere'Qul person. Guessing he'll be here any second." Nir seems to nod and then sits down at the entrance of the cave, seeming to be at his normal state. "Hehe, yeah.. Hey Luna... about what happened..." Luna seems to stop him with a simple wave of her paw, as she calmly motions him, before lowering her paw. "Don't worry about it Nirfy. It was in the moment and I did give you the Arctaos Root for the first time... well atleast let you eat one. I didn't know what would happen honestly, but I don't think I was disappointed." She seems to smirk, causing him to blush gently and he nods. "Haha... y-yeah... I had no control... it was like when I was in heat, really." He seems to admit, before both sense a strong presence, causing both felines to dart their heads to the entrance of the cave. Both seem to walk out of the entrance of the den and both stare right along the trail as the face of their mother and younger brother, then followed by the two fire-like canines padding behind them. Luna's eyes seem to narrow a bit and she scoffs out, "So, I guess that's him, huh? He looks a lot smaller than I thought he would be." She rolls her eyes gently and she sits down, not seeming to worry about him, due to his size, even though she senses how strong he is. Nir naturally gawks at the two creatures behind Nafina and Kayin, as he inspects the male first, but seems to blush once he sees the female. Nafina leads the foursome back to the cave, smiling as she finds her two children seem to make it in time to greet their visitors. "Ahh, you're back. Good, allow me to introduce our new guardian, Cere'Qul and his sister Tilly." She says, before finally sitting down next to Luna and Nir, followed by Kayin darting in the cave, without saying anything, seeming to be as timid as Tilly. Cere'Qul seems to chuckle a bit at the shy-natured Kayin leaving the introductions, but letting it slide, since Kayin's behavior reminds him of his sister. Nafina chuckles, "And Cere'Qul, Tilly, this is my eldest daughter, Luna, and my middle son, Nir." Tilly glances over along the family, once introduced, but all three heads seem to lock onto the feminine-looking middle male, seeming to blush unnoticeably, while the three heads look over in separate directions, not wanting to draw the attractive creature's eyes over to her direction, or give off she finds him a rather attractive male, besides her older brother. Cere'Qul gawks over his new temporary family, while the right head seems to check out each ligon and licks his lips, thinking to himself that he hit the jackpot as far as attractive ferals to fuck later on. The main head of Cere'Qul speaks out to the family, "Ahh, well very nice to meet the four...erm.. three of you... haha... Well I'm sure you weren't expecting a creature like me, were you?" The middle alpha head smirks to the family. As Cere'Qul sits in front of the family, Nir seems to check out his body gently, before casually glancing over to Tilly, seeming to not be able to take his eyes off of her. His eyes do manage to look to the side when one of the heads notices he's staring right at her. Luna, however, doesn't seem so willing to be happy about the two's presence. She scoffs and seems to turn her back to him, "Pfft, pleasure is all yours, I'm afraid. I never asked for you to come, or replace my father." She says this and walks back in the cave, causing Nir and Nafina watch her leave. Nafina sighs gently and glances back up to the bigger male, "I'm sorry Cere'Qul, Luna has been... high strung since Drevix's departure. Just give her a bit of time and she'll adapt to you." She explains with a sultry wink. Cere'Qul watches the feisty girl and doesn't seem to care, "Ah, no worries, I've dealt with creatures like her before. I have my ways to make her like me, besides; I'm staying here until Drevix returns. She really has no choice, so I'm sure she'll come to her senses." Nafina nods and then motions towards the cave, seeming to invite them in. "Hmm, of course, come Tilly." He orders to the younger sister as she obediently obliges and the rest of the family enter the cave. The rest of the evening until sundown is spent with Nafina chatting about his major responsibilities, the chain of commands of the draconic community, and so on. The main alpha head of Cere'Qul listens while the other two keeps gawking around, minding their own business, since the information processed by the alpha will go to the other two anyways, so they have no business listening in. Along the cave, Kayin is in the very back of the cave, being to himself; not used to other company besides the family in their cave. Luna is quietly asleep to herself, not seeming to care enough of the other two "intruding" in her territory, while Nir is close to Nafina while seeming to gawk along Tilly curiously.

He casually approaches her while Cere'Qul and Nafina discuss business and he happily smiles up to the beautiful female, "Hehe, hi Tilly, I wanted to properly introduce myself. I'm, um, Nir. It's really nice to have you stay with us." Tilly's three heads look up from timidly looking down and minding her own business, focus on the same attractive male she tried avoided talking to, in order to keep herself from feeling bashful in front of strangers, yet the middle alpha head speaks out quietly, "O-Oh, hello Nir.. I-It's nice to meet you too..." The outside heads seem to look away, not wanting to gawk at the male, while the alpha head seems to have to look at him, yet displaying her natural timid demeanor to him. Nir giggles gently and blushes, "Hehe, you're just like my little brother, Kayin. There's no need to be so shy around me, I mean, we're going to be living together for awhile. Just don't be afraid to talk to me, since you seem like a really nice and pretty female. I wouldn't mind getting to know you a bit better, but whenever you feel like it of course." He winks and then looks at the night sky outside, letting off a gentle yawn, "Nnyaa.... Mmrrr, sleep well Tilly." He seems to get up and he brushes his silky body next to hers, causing the three heads to audibly meep and they look away furiously blushing. "U-Uhh.... Uhhh... G-Goodnight N-Nir.." Tilly responds and gawks at the smaller male, but all three heads seeming to lock their eyes on his rather hefty package as his cute ass sways, while making his way to the back of the cave. The three heads widen their eyes and blush madly, wondering how he can be any more attractive; not seeing such a big package since their older brother. "S-Sleep w-well..." She rambles and then looks down to the ground; not able to stare at his gorgeous body anymore, before getting wet. The rest of the night rambles on, having Nafina talk about business before everything is settled, causing the group to call it a night. Nafina pads herself over to her now sleeping cuntboy son and snuggles with him to keep him warm, while Cere'Qul and Tilly rest more towards the front of the cave, waiting until the rest of the family is asleep, before they too fall asleep. Later on in the late evening, the felines are fast asleep, Nir with his sister Luna, cutely snuggled up and laying himself against her side, snoozing quietly, while not too far off, Nafina snuggles up with her youngest son, being an affectionate display of mother and son sleeping peacefully. Cere'Qul's main alpha head awakens, following the other two heads. He looks down and feels he's in the mood once more, watching his two 16" cocks, being a rather darkcolor with similar magma-like markings highlighting the two shafts, slip out and throb in the air. He glances around the room and figures it's not exactly the right time to ask any of the felines to please his cocks, besides he doesn't wish to wake such a peaceful scene. All three heads gawk over to his sleeping sister and he nudges her to stir the canine awake. "Hmm...?" All three heads of the female slowly rise to look at Cere'Qul sleepily, causing him to upfront command quietly to her, "Tilly, come with me, you're going to please me, I haven't been laid since we started travelling. So come, just don't wake the felines." Tilly doesn't argue and obediently nods her heads, before getting up and walking herself out of the cave, while fighting her sleepiness. Cere'Qul makes sure he doesn't make a noise, as he gets up and feels his thick twin cocks bob in between his legs, as he follows Tilly outside and leads them far away from the cave, so that the two wouldn't me disturbing the sleeping family. However, soon after the light radiating off of their bodies leaves the cave rather darker than usual, Luna's eyes gently open and she glances up to where Cere'Qul and Tilly were* sleeping, causing her curiosity to perk up, "Hmm...?" She looks down to the lazily sleeping Nir, nudging him on the side, to immediately stir him from his sleep. He snorts and squirms, "Huh?" Luna immediately covers his maw and then shushes him with a motion of her digit over her lips. Nir relaxes and acknowledges he will be quiet with a nod, before Luna releases his maw. He whispers to her, "What's up sis...? It's really late." He rubs his eyes sleepily, before Luna rolls her own at him, "Dummy..," She whispers, "Cere'Qul and his sister are gone.. I think I overheard him saying he's going to fuck her." His eyes widen, looking up to Luna's before blushing and whispering back, "R-Really?" Luna nods and then motions to the cave, "Hey, let's go follow them and see what they're really up to. I don't really trust Cere'Qul and I want to make sure I can keep an eye on him, make sure he's not plotting to actually kill us... Dad's friend or not.." Nir nods and the two quietly exit the cave to follow the two canines. Kayin's eyes open and he yawns out quietly to himself. He blinks and realizes everyone but Nafina and he are... gone? He looks around and wonders where everyone is. His ears lower in curiosity, before he wriggles himself from Nafina and heads towards the cave, shivering gently from the cool night air splashing over his face, "Nngh... B-Brrr..." He mumbles to himself, before ever so slightly seeing his older siblings walking away, not thinking they are going to have sex, since this is unusual behavior, even for them. He bites the bullet and leaves out into the open, cool night, not realizing the plots happening ahead.

A New Family - Chapter 2

Chapter 2: _Changes and the Charmed_ A breeze passes over the duo of glowing, furry canine frames walking along the trail leading away from the den of the sleeping felines. The two large canines, seeming to illuminate the path the surrounding trees...

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Dark Descent - Chapter 3 - Damnation

Rook snapped awake suddenly. His heart was racing in his chest. The lights in the room were dimmed, as was normal during night hours. The girls and boy that surrounded him were all sound asleep. Carefully so as to not wake them, he moved out of the...

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Dragons Glory Chapter 5

Depositing the two dragons bois back to their mother's abode, Syn was met by the sight of a imposing female drake wearing a single piece suit made of black nylon standing in the doorway. The older woman, with her hair laid out across the sides of her...

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