A New Family - Chapter 2

Story by KeeperSeen on SoFurry

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#2 of A New Family

Chapter Two,

Written by my Friend Nir

Chapter 2: Changes and the Charmed

A breeze passes over the duo of glowing, furry canine frames walking along the trail leading away from the den of the sleeping felines. The two large canines, seeming to illuminate the path the surrounding trees along the main dirt trail, from their temporary home den. Cere'Qul and Tilly both seem to walk in silence, TIlly more so showcasing her submissive and timid nature to her older brother for blatantly obvious reasons her older brother uses her like a sexual instrument. The older male leads the way a bit, letting the three heads to separately search along the way away from the den, trying to find the most sufficient area away from the den to ensure their "activities" don't disturb the family. However, this does seem to not go according to plans, as their unintentional disturbance attracted the trio of ligon siblings.

"W-Where are we going brother?" the younger, more submissive female has to ask the alpha male of the two.

Cere'Qul glances back with one of his heads and smirks gently, "You needn't concern yourself with small details, Tilly. I'm just going far enough away where I can fuck you without having any outsiders coming in. The last thing I need right now is a bunch of dragons from Drevix's community barging in on us while we have our, well, brother/sister time. Got it?"

Tilly nods, knowing it's unwise to question the one in charge, as if she would have the integrity to do so, when she was bred and raised up believing she is the submissive bitch, even to her own brother. She gently hangs her three heads lower behind the brother leading away, managing to capture glimpses of those swaying, dangling glowing orbs in between her brother's legs. She stifles a small moan, knowing those balls will soon unload that torrent of hot seed into her own needy pussy; getting wet even at the thought of that.

Cere'qul leads her eventually to a large clearing, a little bit away from the territory, so that sound, even to the keen hearing of even that of dragon's won't be able to catch wind of. Without any more words, only body language and just pure natural instincts take control of the motions of how the rest of the scene would be played out. Unannounced to Cere'qul however, he did manage to attract "unnecessary" attention as he planned. The older pair of siblings of Nafina's trio weren't too far behind the demonic, canid duo; close enough to keep trail of the glowing figures, but not too close to the point where they'd be detected, even by demonic senses. "Do you really think they're.... well, you know.... 'close', like us?" the younger male ligon asked the older female.

"I dunno, I don't think it's quite like our situation. I can sense that female's... intentions rather. She wouldn't harm a fly, so it's not like she has much choice in the matter, either listens to the more dominant older alpha male, or suffer the consequences. And he's more of a slut than you are--"

"Hey!!" The younger brother interjects, then pouts out his lower lip in a non-intentionally cutesy demeanor, "Mmmew~!" "Knock it off, goofball, I'm being serious. Haven't you sensed his aura? He'd fuck a snake if you'd hold its mouth open." Luna retorts, getting a gentle shrug from her younger brother, "That's what I thought. Your sluttyness is actually worth something, you're cute. He's just... well... He's just a slut in general." She goes on to interject on Cere'qul's integrity, questioning her "loyalty" to someone even her father respects. The ligon siblings manages to sneak up close to a big wall of brushes easily masking their presence from the demonic canines, managing to get a rather open view to watch what the two intend to do. Luna does go on to continue to break a little moment of silence between the two, by whispering soft enough for the young ligon to tell out; having that keen hearing dragon's possess. "Besides, we're not really out here to watch them, even if he is just trying to get his nasty nut off in her. I'm just keeping an eye on him, since I don't trust him. I don't care what Dad thinks of him. Never send a canine, especially a demon* canine, to do our father's job." The younger sibling wriggles his nose and just retorts that statement with a gentle nose wriggle, as his eyes gently drift back to watching the more important scene in front of them, but more so curiously checking out Cere'Qul's sister. For a reason he can't quite grasp, he finds her fairly attractive, even though she is of another breed outside the community. He keeps this to himself and watches along with his older sister, making sure not to miss a single second of this. In front, the incestuous duo doesn't detect the unsuspecting voyeurs hidden in the brushes behind them and continue on with their original plan. Tilly, being quite shy to her older brother and it being in her nature not to question the older, stronger being, positions herself in front of the male and lifts her tail on instinct; showcasing her gently moistening folds to her brother. Like magma trailing up to her cheeks, the canine flushes up in pure embarrassment, being this way to her lusty older brother. Cere'Qul, on the other hand, doesn't seem to take it the same way his younger sister does as one of his three heads lowers itself and sniffs along her tight tailhole, getting a gentle whiff of her scent, while the other two heads lower themselves even further and the two lavish their canine tongue along each side of her slit; allowing the gentle nectar of the heated female in their muzzles. Tilly gently stifles a soft moan emerging from all three heads, as they hang low to further submit to the older figure. Tilly further raises her tail and allows her front end to naturally bend down as she feels those two long and wet tongues to lavish along her slit at the same time; a perk of having multiple heads in this case. She moans out a bit more, not being able to control herself as he brother teases her, making her flush nearly brighten the area in front of her as the simple warm-up continues. Cere'Qul chuckles while all three heads know exactly how to get the younger female burning with desire. It doesn't take long before the female's back legs begin to tremble, as her swelling pussy now nearly drools her nectar; signifying her older brother that she's nice and prepped. Not being a being who's that patient when it comes to his mating privileges, the canine immediately rises up and mounts his sister. A pair of twin glowing, magma-like engraved black canid shafts throbs in between his legs, soon finding their way to both holes. Cere'Qul chuckles and glances over his trembling sister, finding her reluctance, then submission to wanting to be bred amusing, "Heh.. This is so cute of you so willingly wanting to take your big brother's cocks. Look at you, just begging to be bred." Tilly whimpers to herself softly and doesn't respond, a bit too shy to even know what to say to respond to her brother's natural dominant teasing. Cere'Qul didn't expect anything from her, except those pathetic, submissive whines coming from her. Without the need to say anything else, the male pushes a bit forward, positioning those two cocks right at her dripping, twitching heated sex and the other right at that lubed tailhole. Once in position, he jerks his naturally bred, strong hips forward and sinks his two cocks to pop into her two tight orifices. Tilly's eyes naturally widen, as she gasps out to herself upon the rough entry, but those sounds soon turn into a lustful, gentle moan of pleasure. Cere'Qul also adds to the symphony of the sounds of pleasure filling the air, he lets out a gentle grunt under his breath to feel his cocks simultaneously being stimulated by both tight silky tunnels clamping on it like a tight vice. The horny male doesn't wait for her approval to continue, as he proceeds in gyrating his hips and starts a rather quick pace of slamming his cocks inside of both of her depths, causing the girl no choice to moan out in pleasure, whether being embarrassed of her brother hearing them or not. Luna rolls her eyes, not seeming so impressed by the show being displayed before her eyes; she lets off a soft scoff, gently sitting back. "Well nothing unusual to see here. Like I said, he's a slut, even fucks his own sister just because she's the closest pussy to him and it's convenient to him. Alright Nir, let's get out of here." She says, soon about to turn to leave, but hearing no response from the younger ligon. She quirks her eyebrow and glances over to him, wondering why he's being unusually quiet, "...Nir?" Nir's eyes are fixated on the scene before him, almost in a trance-like state. Luna blinks and drifts her eyes down to see that big ligon cock throbbing in between his legs, definitely telling the female all she needs to know about what the excited male is thinking. "Oh Nir, you can't be serious." She keeps her voice low enough for Nir to hear her, but even though the ligon has very keen hearing, it doesn't register to him. She rolls her eyes once more and sits back down, thinking she's going to be there for awhile, since she is not going to leave without her little brother. She grumbles to herself, "I knew I shouldn't have used the root on him..." Back at the scene that is making the male ligon in a trance, the bigger male wraps his front arms around his sister's hips and uses that as perfect leverage to inflict more force in slamming into her; those knots lewdly slapping with a wet sound against both stretched holes. Tilly stares out into the distance, almost in a trance, just like her voyeur in the line of bushes behind her is in. The female can only let out heated, submissive moans of pleasure, just feeling her head spin from the amount of pleasure her sex-driven brother gives her. "O-ohhh~! Ooohhh!!" The pistoning hellhound behind pants out hotly, like a female in heat, as he feels the tight silky vices massaging and working his hefty twin cocks slamming inside of her. He snarls in pure, unadulterated lust, nearly the three muzzles on the hound salivate from the intense feeling of the wonderful tunnels of his sister, the thought of mating with his sister never once crosses his mind as taboo, unlike the opposing mindset of the female ligoness thinking otherwise. The cocks throb and ache in pure pleasure, as his pre leaks from both tips and pours in her heated tunnels, making it less resistance in both orifices, making the male pump in much faster. Tilly cries out as the mating becomes more intense, causing the three-headed girl to lower her heads on her paws in front of her, while a couple of the beta heads bite their lower lips while the alpha head clenches her sharp, canine teeth together; all three mindsets just going along for the ride. Cere'Qul's hefty, glowing balls continue smacking the outside of Tilly's entrance with each fierce motion of his hips slamming up against her in perfect repetition. Her submissive whines of pleasure grow a bit louder, as her back legs tremble violently, as it seems like her knees are threatening to give out on her. Wet sounds of her nectar dripping on the ground and pooling up before the male's legs and her own fill the air. This causes the hefty thrusts to now sound like a wet sloshing. Cere'Qul leans over to get a better angle to penetrate in more deeply, all the while his three heads start lavishing their tongues over her body tenderly, while breeding her. Luna take this time to gently rest a paw on Nir's shoulder and shakes him, but the ligon just stares at this scene before. "Hey, yo, Nir. Earth to Nir!" She tries to pry his attention from his arousing daze, but the only thing he seems to be responding to is watching those hips plow into that female's body. "W-Wow... This is really... hot..." Nir whispers out to himself, not even aware his sister is trying to get his attention. Luna scoffs a bit and rolls her eyes, "Damn, when you have your mind set on something, not even I can change it. Fine, if you want to watch this incest, suit yourself, I'm heading back to the cave." She says, giving up on trying persuading someone who isn't going to be receptive to any persuasion. She gets up once more, only to hear footsteps gently padding up, soon wondering who's showing up. "Who's there?" She whispers out. Soon comes up a familiar white furred creature, coming into distance of Luna, "L-Luni, it's me..." The voice of Kayin whispers back. The young, shy face of the cunt boy appears in range and the rest of his body slinks forward. "W-What are you guys doing out here? It's cold.." He says, gently trembling in the brisk, cool air, wondering what the commotion is all about. "Well, long story short Kayin, our _lovely_visitors decided to take it upon themselves to wake Nir and myself up to take care of some.... business." She implies this in a sarcastic manner, soon finishing her answer to the naturally curious ligon, "So Nir and I decided to check it out to see what they were really up to." This answer slightly goes over his head, not catching wind on the implications she was referencing to. His head cocks ever so slightly in curiosity, "Uh? What business?" Luna rolls her eyes at this, and soon just goes to grab her paw under his chin to turn his head towards the scene from the window in the bushes to showcase the canine siblings now nosily mating with each other. Kayin's eyes naturally widen and he gasps out, soon pulling away from his sister and shurking away, "A-Aah! N-No.. I-I can't... Nnaa~ N-Noo.. I-I... why are you watching this? I... I can't.." She cover's Kayin's maw before he may have accidentally became louder to give their position away. She scoffs and gently growls at the youngest brother and keeps his maw covered, "Oh hush up, what are you going to do, get us caught by them and then they'll know we've been watching them? Next thing you know, you'll be having your tail lifted and you'll have those cocks slamming in both of your holes. Do you want that?" Kayin shakes his head; eyes completely displaying his pure shock at what's going on, "Good. Now we can't leave without Nir, so sit here and... I guess just wait until Nir snaps from his trance." Kayin slightly relaxes, but is still highly uncomfortable at being in front of a scene where a couple is mating each other in front of him. The cunt boy refuses to watch, happening to glance over to the side and noticing his older brother's hefty looking cock all erect and throbbing, causing Kayin's heart to thud harder in his chest. A bright blush on his cheeks flares up and he looks over to the other side, soon scooting his legs closer to his body, as he hides the fact his tight lips are growing moist, just from gawking at his brother's cock.

Nir, on the other paw, doesn't seem to notice the younger sibling gawking upon his sizeable equipment, as his eyes and mind are too fixated on the scene before him. The flustered Kayin feels helpless with his current predicament. On one hand, he has his big brother's junk to look at, the other a rather steamy sex being performed unintentionally for the voyeurs, then his sister. No matter which way he wants to turn, he is forced to watch one of the other. It wouldn't be long for the ligon to have to wait, as his body starts to move on it's own towards the scene grabbing his full attention of that nature. What once was a seemingly unintentional covert mission to spy on what the strange duo was up to initially turned into breaking his cover. Nir's paw brushes past a stick, knocking it to the side and rustling along some leaves on the ground sets off the canine's razor sharp sense of hearing. With being too distracted in what he was doing, he wasn't consciously paying attention to his surrounds. His glowing eyes fix on the young ligon's location, soon the brisk pace of the incestual mating slows to a stop after being caught in the act. The faint, yet traceable to the canine's nose finds that the ligon is quite aware what is going on.

A soft smirk creases over his lips, casually eyeing the rather well endowed length of the much smaller male, finding this piques his interest already. Tilly, soon looking up from having her heads lowered in submission, curiously glances back, wondering why her brother stopped without finishing. Her eyes widen immediately upon spotting that cute eldest son of the queen, making her thrash a bit, not wanting to be spotted during such an embarrassing, vulnerable moment for her. Cere'Qul chuckles and easily holds her down, not wanting to miss this opportunity for the world. He had initially thought of doing this with the siblings at a later date, but luckily for him, the plans just seem to quicken.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to join us this late at night? I don't dare ask why you're up at this hour, but who am I to complain?" The elder male teases the young, growing stud, while holding down his younger sister.

"N-Nooo! B-Brother! P-Please, not in front of him! W-we can't!" She protests helplessly, seeming her cries go on deaf ears.

The feline looks up, soon shaking his head, seeming reality is snapped back into the young, lust-stricken male, wondering how he got so close to the action. He looks up to the male who previously spoke to him, though none of the words registered through to him. A subtle blush creases over his pearly cheeks from being spotted without him consciously realizing what he was doing, though his eyes slowly trail downwards to those twin, illuminating shafts buried deep inside of his own sister's orifices, seeming his instincts are running wild with the combination of the scents of sex flooding the air potently.

Without there being a need for words from the young male, his intentions are not lost on the older, much more experienced male. A soft chuckle leaves the alpha male's lips, soon returning to thrusting into his sister, now with a better intention to show off for the eagerly watching boy. "Mmm, enjoying what we're seeing, are we?" Soft, yet lewd sounds of squishing of the two orifices being slammed into could easily be heard audibly to the sensitive ears of the feline.

Despite Nir not being in a mindset to really respond back verbally, Cere'Qul can see it imprinted on his face, knowing exactly what the younger stud was clearly thinking. "Heh... Well, enjoy the show kid. If you haven't already watched your parents mate before, then you're in for a treat." Despite the further protests of his sister, his pace quickens once more, eagerly growling to show off to the younger voyeur. His powerful hips piston roughly into the submissive canine beneath him, knowing she can easily take it. His heads throwback and a deep groan escapes from within, filled with the loud wet squishes of both holes being heftily filled, plus his heavy, glowing sack slapping right on the female's clit; only causing her to squirm from being penetrated so roughly. She couldn't help but to moan out hotly, feeling his pace being much more vicious than last time; knowing it's the fact he loves to show off in front of others.

The young male's hefty cock throbs in between his legs, as he subconsciously reaches down to rub along it, letting off a soft moan under his breath; never before feeling this quite pent up, since he's quite used to dragons and his own family mating before his eyes. With this scene, this is something vaguely different... interesting to him. Hearing their sounds of sexual pleasure was driving the male insane of wanting to join, that his instinctive urges seem to take over the male. He loses all sapient sense of cognitive functions, now giving into what nature intended for him to do.

He gets up, pacing himself up to the basic stranger to him, but also the rather attractive female being taken by her own brother. The lust glows in the crystal eyes, which seem to become luminous the more the male is rearing to mate with another person. He licks along his lips hungrily, almost regressing to a wild animal in front of the female, making Tilly blush even more fiercely, finding herself in a even more embarrassing situation, seeming to grow more uncomfortable as the seconds pass on. Cere'Qul watches down to see what Nir is attempting, making him nearly laugh out some from amusement, almost breaking his concentration, but he manages to recover and continue slamming himself into Tilly; biding his orgasm until he watches Nir get close himself.

"N-Nir... w-what are... Eeeek!!" Tilly is soon silenced as the male eagerly grinds his sweet smelling shaft along the alpha female's face, making her freeze in her tracks. The beta heads are unsure what to do; too embarrassed to function properly, especially without the alpha's guidance. Soft pleasure-filled mrowls escape the male's still maturing voice, as he teasily grinds his shaft; encoding his scent right in her dark fur. Cere'Qul groans out deeply from the sudden convulsions of her orifices grasping his twin organs like a vice, forcing himself to slow down some so he doesn't blow his load already.

Tilly's heart thuds powerfully in her chest, as she finds herself in such a strange predicament, where she is at a loss in what to do. Before, she's been in similar situations, being that her brother puts her in, but with Nir, something is different that more easily makes her more flushed. Something comes over her, where she gradually warms to the idea of having this young, eager teenager wanting some of her as well. Normally it would be a formality from being submissive, almost to a fault, but with Nir, things start to flow more naturally, as if it's not a beckoned chore.

Tilly relaxes a bit more, allowing herself to nose along the length of his pulsing shaft, while her beta heads follow the lead. Her toasty warm, silky tongue curiously tastes up along his growing manhood, murring affectionately at how endearingly sweet it tastes, almost as if it's permanently coated with a sugary substance. This only further encourages to want to explore more. She giggles gently, hearing his soft groans of approval, allowing her other side heads to softly nose and cup along his heavy feeling orbs; finding he is packing for such a little guy, impressively speaking, of course. She didn't understand why this is so natural, but it doesn't feel forced. Cere'Qul keeps a close eye on the scene unveiling before him, taking mental notes on what he sees, though keeping the action going.

Now she suddenly noses the male down on his back beneath her, causing the air to escape his lungs a little bit. She glances over the rather handsome, yet still fairly cute, male, sizing him off fully without feeling embarrassed in doing so this time. After taking her fill and allowing her beta heads to keep him interested enough with soft nuzzles and licks along the side of his hefty sack, she leans down to kiss the underside of his length, causing it to throb. Her tongue carefully traces up the length of it right to the tapered tip, before nosing it ever so tenderly. Despite being rammed by a pair of large cocks, she actually seems to be focused more on Nir than just taking it from her brother, though the flooding surges of pleasure ripple through her body.

Nir groans out and feels his body naturally writhing beneath the more interested female. The middle head sucks in the tip, allowing the heavenly feeling warmth gracing his bare flesh, while the beta heads lavish their tongue up both sides of the shaft not already in her muzzle. His claws dig in the ground, as he mrowls out his pleasure cutely, even going as far as to arch his back instinctively. She smiles to herself and giggles gently, before engulfing his cock with ease down her experienced muzzle, bobbing her head along his sweet length; still murring at the taste affectionately. One head focuses on lapping and suckles one of those seed heavy orbs in her mouth, while the other even gently noses right at his tailhole, seeming to know her brother well enough to know that he'll be wanting to use that tailhole soon.

Her tongue encircles along the tight little pink ring of flesh; finding that it's not something he gets used often, seeming to note he primarily stick with females, in a sense of relief in a way. She can feel the heartbeat, every single twinge of his manhood in her muzzle; finding this to be a little bit more personal than just pleasuring a random male her brother allows her to service. She notes the way the male squirms, and those moans out because she* pleasures him. For once, it seems like she has a purpose rather than being an object to be used for servicing for others; a better purpose.

Cere'Qul sincerely smiles at this, being able to sense his sister's intentions, allowing her some leeway to pleasure her little ligon, before he picks up the pace, feeling he won't be able to hold on much longer from being pent up for so long. His eyes subtly shift closed, envisioning that goddess of a lioness, Nafina, just thinking what he'll be doing to her, which only causes his heated lust to burn brighter. His pace naturally quickens to a full on jackhammering pace, working his sister's abused holes, now with the intention of finally knotting and getting his long-awaited rocks off inside of her, panting hotly and allowing the heated passion wild.

Tilly stops momentarily at the sudden shift of pacing from behind, but still focuses on working on her feline below, wanting to feel his love blow in her muzzle. One head keeps peppering that loosening, yet still tight ring of flesh below, the other helps the alpha head simultaneously lavish over the hefty length of his shaft; suckling on the sides of it, lavishing it along with two tongues caressing every single inch of it. The ligon just can't help but kick his hind legs and moan out hotly in pleasure; never having three tongues working him so well like this. He pants hotly and sprays his pre all over the two canine heads excitedly.

As a result, wriggles her nose some from having a warm stream of his masculine juice splatter a bit along her muzzle. Normally she would feel a bit squeamish from having a stranger's pre smeared over her fur in this manner, though she doesn't seem to mind it. If anything, this further encourages her to want his male milk even more, causing her three heads to go to town on his crotch. Virtually every inch of his manhood is coated with three silky-textured tasting over his shaft with the intention on getting what they desire.

It wouldn't take too much longer, before the younger male beneath the two canines finally draws back and lets out a loud, bellowing moan out in the brisk, night air, as his warm milk spills out profusely on the three faces so close to the heated length. The smaller feline writhes in pure ecstasy as his loins empty out for the eager female. The feeling is quite mutual as all three heads drink and lewdly slurp around the spewing length of rigid flesh. The younger male's head spins as his track record is strong as he still keeps gracing the bigger creature with what she desired from him and yet still keeps pouring out more and more; almost as if there's no bottom to his supply. Cere'Qul's pace never broke, even while he was watching the action happening below him. He holds his impending orgasm when sensing the younger and less experienced male was already reaching his. He smirks a bit as he watches the young stud blow his love for his younger sister and actually quite impressed from the sheer amount he's producing. He notes how much the young and growing stud is so much like his father already; knowing he'll most definitely be a lady killer when he is fully matured. Almost like clockwork, he allows himself to go. The last few thrusts inside finally lewdly pop in his sisters treasured orifices, as those luminous knots slam and easily stretch inside of her, as he lets his heads back and howl out to the bright moon above; at this point, not even caring if the other dragons may have overheard the copulation going on, they would soon find out eventually. His magma-looking seed pours down both of her canals. Thick torrents of it pours out, easily matching what a stallion would be able to muster, but even more than that. Both males grind and writhe against the shared girl, as seed profusely fills her insides from both of her ends.

The bigger male huffs as he empties himself into his sister, and highly needed, although things have easily become more interesting than he was hoping. His knots swell inside of his sister, preventing him from moving about too much. In the meantime, he settles on top of his younger sister and watches the show below, as the younger male is wrapping up his orgasm. Her face is a little bit of a mess as he still tries her best to slurp up as much of his hefty spunk as she can; even finding it difficult despite having three heads to share the seed with.

Nir mewls gently and comes off his long-winded orgasm, usually lasting around a couple of minutes, thanks to sharing that trait with his father. After his mindspinning experience, his body relaxes and he looks up to the female who gave him quite the experience, even admittedly better than what his sister and mother can do, even though they are masters of their own trade. He wasn't sure, but there was something very different from getting something from Tilly, rather than his siblings. It's not something he can place, since it's a new, deeper feeling than simple lust. He blushes gently and grins softly, having the much wiser Cere'Qul pick up on the certain attitude, making him smirk, yet keeping the secret Nir is finding out to himself. He feels letting the natural connection stay on it's course and not to put pressure on it.

Not a single word is spoken from the party. Tilly looks down and admires her young stud beneath her, while Nir does the same; sharing looks and acting all bashful towards each other once their eyes meet up, making them look off to the side. During this long distraction, Cere'Qul takes the opportunity to pull out, after feeling his knots deflate to the point of comfortably pulling out of her. The excess pours out of both gaping orifices and down her similarly colored legs.

It's almost as she didn't feel it, her gaze and attention is solely fixed on the little furball she's growing more and more fond of by the minute. She murrs softly and just nearly idolizes just how studly the young male is, despite being a young teenager, still developing into a man. This causes her to really wonder how he'll be as he matures. The mere thought causes a chill down her spine. The younger male looks up, thinking about the same for the bigger female, although he's not sure why he feels this way, but all he can comprehend from it is how it feels to him. He smiles as they share a gaze, before Cere'Qul clears his throat behind them.

"Well young Nir?" His voice speaks up in the near eery silence of the night, soon causing the two creatures to break from their day-dream, then both look back at him, wondering what he has to say, "Since she cleaned you up, why not give her the same treatment? I'm sure she'll love the feeling of your lips around hers, if you know what I'm getting at." The naughty canine winks and smirks gently in his usual devious nature. He slinks back to get a better angle of the scene, as the two in the spotlight share a gentle, embarrassed glance at each other. Nir shares a cheesy, slightly nervous grin with Tilly, but manages to get up after a bit of willpower, now walking around her heated body to the treasured parts behind her. Tilly's heart thuds faster, as she's actually embarrassed that young male is going to go clean her brother's seed off of her sex, making her writhe ever so gently. Nir approaches her behind and takes a long, good look at what he has to work with; finding a canine vulva is much different than his sister's and mother's. He finds it intriguing and leans in to sniff at it, finding the mixture of Cere'Quls potent masculine scent and her sweet pheromones mixed in, making quite the strong blending smell of sex. Cere'Qul chuckles softly and slinks beside his sister only to put a paw on her side to move her on her side, so the younger male has better access to her parts. A soft meep comes from her as she is motioned on her side, now feeling her loins heat up again as she feels her little crush's nose softly tease along her puffy nether lips. She shudders from the sensation of his warm breath traces along her moist and swollen folds; making her heart thud a bit louder, as the suspense is killing her. The younger feline soaks in the scent, getting a bit intoxicated off of the smell alone. He more firmly presses his nostrils against her slit, wanting the potent aroma to delve down into his sinus cavity. In no time, his cock is quite rock hard again, as the heated, frisky male traces his tongue along the length of her lips; gently tracing along the outside of a single fold to merely start somewhere and taste the combination of the copulation. He lets off a soft purrowl of approval, as his tongue explores her nether region more, making the female to meep out a bit more, softly moaning out her pleasure for her newfound male. Cere'Qul leans a bit over to watch the male and how he works his sister. Just judging by his movements, he can tell the boy is a natural at it, especially if he's making a female of Tilly's size writhe and moan from his actions. He chuckles and builds a little pride in finding his friend's son is as skilled as he is, almost finding a son in Nir as well, in some sense. Lewd slurps and munching sounds fill up the air as the ligon works his natural talent on the female. It wasn't too long before he swallowed down the tangy, hint of salty seed down his throat and from her supple, swollen sex. He leans back and licks his lips, savoring the slight nectarine flavoring to it, before greedily delving back on the sex, showing her how he treats his ladies. He suckles each fat lip in his maw, before nosily working his tongue along the middle to tickle and massage the pink in her mound. He comes off with a trail of saliva connected to her lips and his own, before he nosily slurps, nibbles, and works his tongue over her swollen and very sensitive clit.

She gasps out sharply, feeling him delve right on one of her most sensitive spots; silently praising just how talented the boy is at working his mouth on her sensitive organ. A loving, lewd moan escapes her body, as she has never gotten this much attention to her sex like this before, despite having it used as a sleeve to pleasure a male. This experience is new and surreal to her, but overall she loves it to death, secretly wanting more, but being programmed not to ask for it. Her canal clenches tighter from the stimulation, making her leak out her feminine nectar for her pleasurer, splashing his furry face with her juice; now coating his fur with her scent. "Ooohhh, N-Nniiiirrr~!" She cries out his name, gently writhing as she does. The older male chuckles softly at his sister's reactions, finding it to be amusing how she's acting when someone works her sex like a pro, even at such a young age. The younger male seems fixated on making the bigger girl squirm from his actions, since the new and interesting taste keeps the ligon wanting and craving much more. The craving nearly regresses him to acting like a wild animal, as he hungrily works and devours that pussy like there's no tomorrow. He doesn't care if juices splash down and coat his face with her scent, as he uses every ounce of his natural talent on working her over.

With such raw, wild actions going right on her most sensitive part, she bites her lower lip and nearly squeaks out as she reaches another orgasm. Her big body tenses up and she whines out loudly as her canal convulses and she sprays her little male with more of her potent and delicious nectar that freely pours along his pearly white furry face, making it soaked in her love. She gasps and huffs out, as her body naturally trembles from his actions. Cere'Qul's eyes gently widen some, as he watches how she reached an orgasm so quickly from his actions, soon taking more interest for his adopted son. "Well that was quic..." The older male stops in his tracks, soon picking up on hearing something rustle nearby. It didn't sound like a normal rodent or other inhabitants found in the jungle, but something with more life force and size is by. He's not sure where or whom it is, since it's a faint trace of someone's life force. "Alright, show yourself, whoever you are." He demands calmly, knowing someone or something was out there spying on the group. Luna and Kayin both widen their eyes as they overhear Cere'Qul say this. Luna covers Kayin's maw, soon cursing to herself, thinking they had been careless and caught. She didn't sense anyone else around, so logic says it has to be them. "Oh shit, oh shit~" She thinks to herself, not wanting to run and make any noise to give themselves away, also to see if he found someone else lurking about with all of the noise going on. She waits cautiously and watches what's happening; trying to sense is anyone else is here. For awhile it seems like nothing happened, as if it's a false alarm. Nir and Tilly look around, sniffing the air, but not finding anything suspicious. Nir suddenly remembers Luna and Kayin hiding off in the bushes, soon lowering his ears a bit and thinks Cere'Qul spotted them somehow, even though his razor sharp hearing didn't pick them up. "Hey Cere'Qul, I gotta tel...."

Without being able to finish his sentence, the ground slightly rumbles like a minor earthquake, making the group in the area slightly get off balance. Soon the tremurs stop altogether, leaving the ground in an eery standstill. Cere'Qul knew something was close. Tentacles spring out of the ground, soon engulfing Nir and Tilly, making them both squeak out in surprise. In little to no time, the limbs swishing about start targeting the duo's sweet spots, making it obvious what they had in mind for the two. Some feelers trace and rub along Nir's still erect package; firmly feeling it up and causing the male to moan out softly.

The other tendrils trace along Tilly's nether lips and slinks inside, going right to gliding inside of her spent canal. Another traces her anal ring, soon plunging inside and absorbs the excess seed from Cere'Qul; now alternating in thrusting inside both orifices, making the girl moan out lewdly as this happens. "A-Aahh! B-Brother! W-What's thi.... ahh!" Nir could feel the tendrils wrapping themselves around his crotch, going to stroking his shaft off and squeezing along his hefty pearly orbs. Another feeler sneaks up and tickles the tip along his tight, barely used little silky ring and prods at it, making the male squeak out and writhe against his bonds. Cere'Qul springs back upon the tendril's release, soon inspecting the field before his body heats up immensely, getting ready and defensive for what's to come. His eyes gaze over the two being molested, soon calming down as he glances over to something darting from the bush nearby across from the group. He is about to move in closer, as he senses the creature, before hearing a simple, "Hi!" from a young voice. The beast looks down and spots a young feline creature, looking very similar to the ligons. His fur is cream-like in base with tawny spots more shaped in a jaguar pattern, more than solid color as Luna and Nir possess. The younger male looks up at the big beast with no intimidation, even going as far as flashing a big, nearly innocent cheesy grin. Cere'qul's body calms down, after spotting the young creature, as if he previously met the boy in question.

Nir looks over, still moaning out gently from the tendril's actions, as he gasps and his eyes widen at the young creature, "K-Kavi?! A-Aahh! W-What are you doing here?"

"Hiiii Nirfy!" Kavik, the youngest brother in the siblings speaks out with blissful youth sounding in his voice, as he giggles gently and continues looking up at the bigger creature. He smiles gently, while Cere'Qul simply chuckles at the youngest male in the family is playing devious again.

"And hello Kavik, good to see you again. I take it you're back already? Thought you were hanging out with Lavire?" He says off a name of a local dragon, as if he's already accustomed to the name, making Kavik shrug gently.

"A-Aaah! Y-You... k-know this boy?" Tilly has to ask, not normally objecting to being taken advantage of, if it's apart of her brother's whims, but this situation is a bit different when tendrils are exploiting her canals out of the blue with no indication or warning previously.

"Mhm, indeed. I met this little guy while you were asleep on our way over here. I guess introductions are necessary. This is Kavik, Drevix's youngest son and, well, as you can plainly see, the most dragon-like out of all of his siblings. More dragon-related he is, the more talented in his magic he is." He explains a little bit, before glancing down to the smaller male, remembering the promiscuous actions that happened when he first met the younger male.

"Mmm, yup! And I'm sorry for not doing more than sucking you off, Cere-Sai," He explains casually,referring to the bigger male by the dragon term 'sai', or the equivalent to "Mr.", causing Nir's eyes to widen a bit as he finds his younger brother already did something with the temporary father-figure for the siblings. He moans out while he watches the female beside him being slammed into by tendrils.

This causes a slight chuckle to escape the alpha male's lips, as he shakes his head softly, "Don't worry about it. You had somewhere to be, so I didn't want to keep you. Although, since you're already here..." He trails off as Kavik seems to pick up on where the bigger male was heading.

"Oh, don't worry, I want to do what you intended, so here I am!" He says, showcasing his outgoing nature someone of his age would normally sport. Out of all of the other siblings, he's one of the most hyper and boyish, besides Luna in the masculine department. He grins and looks over to his bigger brother, seeming to have a devious intention for the white furred creature.

The tendrils slide away from Nir, then slip and disappear in the ground. The male shudders softly and shakes out his fur, before looking at Tilly still being molested in front of him. His eyes glance along that fine pussy and tailhole being pounded into roughly, causing the sounds from the canals being filled to be lewd and wet with a squishy noise coming from both holes. He shudders at the thought, before his train of thought is interrupted as a tendril wraps around his neck gently and starts leading him towards the younger feline and the stepfather. "Aah!"

Nir glances on his younger brother as he slightly struggles against the tendril leading him towards the duo; unsure of what schemes his trouble-making little brother has in store for him. Kavik looks up to the canine, soon nosing at the pair of glowing, magma-like shafts, causing the bigger male to churl softly. "Hey, come on Nirfy, help me out with Cere-Sai. I think he's been needing a good oral job. I know you're better at it than me, since Luni and Mom make you do that thing with your mouth to them."

Luna overhears this and frowns, soon cursing quiet, "That little bastard has been spying on us..." She grumbles to herself, soon feeling Kayin squirm underneath her, whimpering softly. Her violet eyes look down and notices she's covering his nostrils, making it hard to breath for him. "Are you going to be quiet?" After getting a nod from the more submissive male, she releases her paw, soon returning to watching, trying to stay as quiet as possible.

After breaking the ice, the young dragon-like feline softly slurps noisily at the canid tip of one of the shafts presented at full mast for him, as he takes it down his maw, soon shifting his body over to the side to allow his brother to have the shaft above him; as it's resting and pulsing on the top of his head. Pre drips from the tip above and drools along the youngest male's back, causing the eager young boy to giggle muffledly, as he goes to working his eager, strong maw along the canine's shaft; almost taking it to the knot.

Cere'Qul huffs out softly as the pleasure builds in his body again, feeling that young and eager maw tightly working on his cock, even being impressed and appreciative that the boy is avoiding using those razor sharp teeth. He chuckles to see how the night turned to this extent, already speeding up the process of having the siblings of his best friend giving him a warm welcome. He reaches down and pets along Kavik's soft head, also to give him a little helping paw to shove more of his shaft down the boy's throat; causing him to gag ever so slightly, but adjusts and continues.

At this point the tendril uncoils around the other ligon's neck, making him look down to seeing his brother wasting no time in working that cock, as if he were a newborn nursing hungrily for his mother's teat. Nir looks up at the other shaft pulsing proudly above Kavik's body, soon shrugging and he finds to give it a try. He positions himself right next to his furred brother, soon tracing his tongue along the side of the top illuminating doghood. He looks up to an approving Cere'Qul, hearing his soft grunts as he watches his brother eagerly milking that cock below.

The older brother relaxes his jaw, rather taking his time in savoring his artform, more than going to bobbing eagerly. Being trained from a young cub, he knows better to make his partner squirm from his actions, the feeling of convulsions, and just praising the person for what the gods have graced the other being with. He presses his nose on the side of the pulsing shaft, sniffling in the musky, masculine scent emanating from his loins. He inhales that intoxicating scent, finding it to be quite comforting, in a sense, as he returns to praising the pillar of manhood before him. He purrs softly and kisses along the sides of it, before his lips grace the head of the canine's shaft. He softly bobs his head along the canid tip, allowing the organ to softly enter his silken passage, as his tongue cups and graces it. "Mmmff..." He murrs softly and works the head.

The alpha male softly grunts out, feeling the spry and young maws working on both of his shafts simultaneously, and not doing a bad job on it. Mixed in with the tightness of their silken orifices, both were good at their craft in their own way. Kavik has the vast energy and eagerness to really milk some seed out of him, as he remembered from their meeting. Nir has the long years of training how to really do it well and give amazing head and it could be told by his subtle, yet calculated actions; giving the male the best of both worlds. "Ahhh.... good boys... You two really know your way around a couple of cocks."

The ligons gently giggle amongst themselves upon hearing the encouraging words from their alpha male. Nir blushes from having to do this again, but deep down he really doesn't mind it. After working on the tip, he allows the rest of the shaft to slowly trail down his tight and welcoming silky orifice; allowing his tongue to feel along the glowing veins in his hefty shaft, before his lips nosily kiss right on the tip of that knot. He looks up to the male he's servicing, only to get a little rub on the head, making the feline crave more. He deepthroats the shaft and allows his tight throat muscles to squeeze and convulse along the dick before he comes off and starts working his talented maw along the bigger male pole. He purrs softly in affection as the brothers start working together to service those twin dicks.

Kavik looks over at his cute brother going to working his expert maw on the other cock above him, slightly taking mental notes to see how he does it, while he reaches up and grabs ahold of those grapefruit sized glowing orbs below; loving the warmth radiating off of them. He takes the cock down his own throat; showcasing his lack of experience by gagging each time it goes down his throat, which only causes him to salivate more along the heated dick, and to drool along the older male's crotch. Nir glances over to see what his brother is doing, shortly after following his lead as he holds and massages the other heavy orb, filled with his hellhound seed. Both small paws churn and work the orbs side by side.

During the midst of both males working and praising the big cocks in their maws, Kavik causes one of the tendrils to spring from the ground and softly curls around Nir's shaft, going right to stroking the big 10" shaft of his brother. Nir shudders and nearly gags around the dick in his maw from the sudden change. He moans muffledly, but manages to regain his composure rather quickly and continues pumping his maw down the manhood. Kavik pulls out, softly slurping on the tip along to drink down the pre formulating there, before he reaches down with his foot paws and goes to massaging that knot on the dick he's working on, practically pulling the big cock down as he returns to pumping it in his maw, as he holds onto it.

Nir comes off, giving subtle kisses along various portions of the pulsing, musky shaft. He reaches down with his front paws and softly rubs in circular motions along each side of that knot to gently massage the gland, while his tongue drapes along the underside of his shaft all the way up to his tip, causing him to suck it in and drink from the tap. Both brothers lewdly and noisily work on each, filling the air with a naughty ambiance. The eldest brother softly groans, feeling the nearly slimey tendril squeezing and gliding along his dick, almost having his own personal pocket-pussy stimulating his cock. "O-Oh gosh K-Kavi... Mmmrf..." He moans out hotly against the big dick, before stuffing it back in his maw and returns to bobbing at it with his maw.

Both wet and tight maws keep sending severe chills shooting up his spine, as he lets off a loud groan, resisting the urge just to fuck their maws hard; allowing them some leeway so they may service and praise his genitals. He pants hotly under his breath, as his glowing eyes stare over the two doing an amazing job on servicing his much needy shafts. "Good boys... Can't believe you're this good at your age already. The both of you are the sons of Nafina alright." He says, already thinking about that fine, sultry female, secretly cursing Drevix for having such a fine woman as a mate. As that thought crossed his mind, he grunts and shoots out a thick stream of pre from both dicks and down the feline's canals, only greeted by lewd and noisy slurps coming from both of them, "Aaahhh damn boys... if you keep milking me like this... I'm gonna blow already..." He pants softly and pets down both of their backs.

Both males perk their ears up at the sound of this, now knowing they have to finish the male off to get the reward they desire. Both noisily and swiftly pump those cocks in their maws, making all assortments of lewd noises, as they eagerly expect what he has to offer; making sure to massage each orb thoroughly to churn what's hiding inside of them. Cere'Qul shudders and huffs out, finding both eager boys are getting him closer by each bob of their heads.

It wasn't too much longer before he howls out and holds both boy's heads down on his shafts, grunting out and spewing his tangy, orange-like flavored seed down their throats. Both ligon tails swish about in content as they greedily nurse from him, happily accepting their rewards from the supplier. A couple of liters each pour out into the males, eventually becoming too much for them, forcing them to come up for air, as the remainder splashes along their smaller furred bodies; marking them with his scent. The bigger male shudders as his peak dies down to his afterglow, making him look down at the boys respectively; thinking how much fun he'll have with both of them... or rather the entire family once he warms up to Luna and Kayin.

Both felines lick their lips in satisfaction, seeming to be accustomed to his scent and taste already, if not Kavik being a bit more inclined to help, as he gently goes back to softly suckling on the still rock hard shaft of the canine. Cere'Qul chuckles deeply, petting Kavik's eager head nursing on his shaft again. He has to pull the young kitty off, soon smirking deviously, "I think that's enough suckling for you. Both of you present your nice rumps for me. It's time I become one with the family." He says, motioning for both boys to bend over and present themselves for him.

The tendrils disappear from Nir's shaft, as the master of said magically spawned tendrils eagerly bends over, showcasing his young, pert rear; going as far as lifting his tail and swaying his butt to the canine seductively. Nir looks over to his brother and spies at his rear, blushing a bit, as he slowly, but surely follows suit. He gets on top of his brother and lifts his tail accordingly; allowing both cute rumps right in position of where the canine's cocks are. The bigger beast chuckles and approaches the young, eager felines, positioning his beta heads down to softly caress their tongues along both supple holes below; ensuring they're properly lubed before he does any sort of mating.

Kavik and Nir softly gasp and moan out at the feel of silken, fat canid tongues working over their tight, pink tailstars. Nir moans out cutely, softly wriggling and hiking his bottom up more in the air, wanting more from the canine massaging his tight little pulsating flesh. He looks down and softly nuzzles at his brother below him, who is also writhing in pleasure, letting out his own lewd moans, though sounding a bit more boyish than Nir's. Nir's hefty cock pulses in between his belly and on his brother's back, making it feel safe and secure. Both head plunge their tongues down both nearly virgin tight canals, making each boy let out their varied sounds of pleasure. A squeak comes from Nir while a sharp, boyish gasp escapes Kavik's lips, showing a bit of variety with the family members.

The beta heads do their job, leaving each boy with their canals loosened and lubed up with slick saliva from the hellhound, going to pulling back. Cere'qul inspects the two rears, smirking softly to himself, as he gets in position without wasting too much time, then going right to positioning both of his tips at the wet little holes below; feeling the soft pulses and the heat whafting off of both silken rings. He murrs softly and prods a little bit to loosen them up, before he moves his hips upward to pop both canid tips right into those nearly virgin tight canals. He growls deeply at the feeling of immense tightness from both boys, making them squirm underneath the bigger body. "Oh damn boys.... You're alot tighter than I thought... Mmff...." He growls and keeps slowly pushing forward and sinking into the boys.

Both boys feel their canals spreading widely from the sheer impressive girth from the male behind them. It's not usual that they take something up their rumps, usually it's them dishing out unto others. Nir holds onto his brother below, as he bites his lower lip from feeling pain and a burning sensation flooding his anus from being stretched out widely. He whimpers softly and clings on a bit more to Kavik below, who seems to not be taking it as bad as Nir. He moans out softly, dragging his razor sharp claws along the ground beneath them, as the youngest male perks his butt up, wanting more, "Ooooh Cere-Sai..." He mewls out, seeming to enjoy it, despite feeling the same burning sensation.

With the small size as a factor, Cere'Qul knew better than bursting right in; not wanting to hurt his psuedo-sons, plus not wanting to destroy what he wants to exploit at a later date. He carefully buries his long and thick twin shafts into both immensely tight canals, still grunting at the feeling of the vice-like firm pressure squeezing on his dicks, as if each hole was made to milk out his shaft. After a little bit of effort, he manages to stuff both shafts deep into the boys up to his knot, as he shudders and pants hotly, almost as if he were in heat, as he allows the boy's firm tailholes to relax and conform to his size, before he continues, "Aaahh... fuck boys... Just relax a bit more." He orders, not even sure he can pull out at this rate for both silken orifices clinging to each dick like a hand.

Gradually both canals loosen and accept the shafts willingly, as if it's apart of their bodies now. The bigger male feels the relaxed muscles, yet still immensely firm against his fat cocks, giving him the sign to go ahead and breed the boys to his whims. He reaches around and grabs ahold of the bottom boy, as he pulls out slowly; savoring the feeling of the silky canals gripping and squeezing his fleshy shafts until his tips reach their spread rings, before refilling their orifices right back up to the brim with his shafts; even going as far as bulging out both of their bellies once he gets back in deep. The second time around didn't feel as forced and hard, as he pours a fresh batch of his pre down inside, making the friction non-existent.

The bigger male huffs as he hilts back inside; feeling those rings kissing up along his knots. After the second, test-drive of gliding in the boys, he pulls back and starts building up a general rhythm, making sure to still be gentle enough so he doesn't tear both of the males in half from a rough breeding. He groans out deeply, loving the feeling of some nice and tight little holes to fuck once again, compared to his sister, who is tight herself, but nothing like a small creature's girth. His huge orbs sway in motion of his thrusts, even gradually slapping both boy's rumps from the sheer size of them.

Nir mewls out loudly, never have felt such a huge pole in his insides; making it feel very weird, but overall good. His ears splay behind his head, as instinctively he feels a bit more submissive towards someone claiming the rights to his ass behind him and doing a good job of bringing him pleasure out of it.He reaches down and feels his young brother's hefty tapered shaft pulsing in between his young legs, as he, for the first time, grabs along the 8" length, going to stroking it off to help his brother more. Kavik groans out softly and shudders underneath his brother, feeling that soft paw help stroking him off, plus that amazingly big object rammed deeply in his bowels. He pants out like a lioness in heat, as he craves more and more, "Ooooohhh Cere-Sai... H-Harder... Mmmhhh...."

Cere'Qul chuckles as he notices the day and night comparison of the family, seeming to like the variety of the felines. His shafts shove right back down their tunnels tightly, lewdly kissing their rings with his huge knots, before returning to pistoning back in his gentle, yet firm rhythm. He listens to Kavik's wishes and picks up the pace, now allowing both girthy pillars of glowing flesh to lewdly squish and sink in both tight anal passages, making him growl out in pleasure as the passion builds up. Both boys writhe and moan out hotly and cutely as both of them get pleasured at the exact same time. Nir makes sure that his brother gets more, thanks to his paw still working on his brother's cock; not feeling naughty or bad for treating his brother like this, since Luna and his mother treat him with the same respect.

Both holes fill the air with lewd squishing sounds of their passages being emptied and then suddenly filled to the brim with those massive organs. Both males moan on their own accord, sounding in different pitches and forms of how they do, while the bigger male behind grunts out himself, trying not to blow his load heftily already thanks to those holes gripping at his cock like a perfect fitting glove of silk. The canid male pants hotly and leans down to softly lick at the two boys while the pace increases; really rocking the smaller bodies from the sheer velocity of his thrusts. "Aaahhh fuck boys... Y-You have some of the tightest asses I've ever fucked... Mmmrrrrrr...."

Nir blushes at being complemented in this manner, making his cheeks flare up more from blushing shyly, mixed in with being pounded right in the rear. With such a huge appendage pounding in his orifice, he feels the intense pleasure gathered from it, as he mewls and noses along his brother's neck, while his paw strokes the young feline off more. "A-Aaaahh... aaahhh... C-Cere'Qul.... Mmmhhh..." He couldn't help himself; he felt the need to showcase his pleasure through those loving moans of approval. Kavik giggles at the sounds of his brother submitting to the bigger male, as he joins in the serenade of moaning for the canine, which rings music to the canine's ears.

Tilly, still being pounded relentlessly by the tendrils, can only watch her brother fuck the two spry, young males, while she helplessly moans against the binds of the tentacles. It wouldn't be too much longer as Kavik is the first to blow his load. He throws his head back and lets off a boyish, sweet sounding moan of his orgasmic bliss, shooting a hefty load down on the ground below, making him bite his lower lip, as his tight canal grows almost impossibly tighter on the hefty cock slamming into him. His ears splay back and he pants out hotly, causing a soft mrewl to escape his lips. Nir helps stroking his brother off, to make sure he shoots all of his prized seed down on the jungle floor in a sizeable pool.

"W-Wow... Nnnff... Y-You cum alot, l-like me..." Nir has to admire the sheer amount his younger and less experienced sibling musters. His paw doesn't stop aiding his brother in hopes to enhance his orgasm in the process. Compared to his bigger brother, Kavik doesn't have the sexual stamina of orgasm as his older brother, as his steady stream of his white seed slows to a trickle, then an inevitable hault. The fresh scent of masculine musk emanates from the pool of his brother's collected milk causes Nir to tip over the edge himself, soon crying out his orgasmic bliss to the heavens, tossing his head up, letting out whines of pure euphoria, as violent waves of pleasure wrack his young frame, testing his limits of how much he's able to cum in a night.

With the combined constricting girth of two virgin canals squeezing at the massive twin cocks, the older male had to join the serenade of pleasured shrills in the night; howling out loudly as he spews out his fertile load deep in the boy's canals, jetting his luminous seed down inside of their bellies, filling them up with thick ropes splashing in both, "Oooh boys~" He has to just moan out his pleasure to the two creatures responsible for that pleasure. "Nhh.... Damn...." He makes sure to hilt as much as he can into the two, pumping out more continuously into them, bulging out their bellies in the process.

During the chain of orgasms shared with the male creatures, the tendrils seem to dissipate from the female entirely caused by the distraction of seed pouring into Kavik's tummy. She gets up and shakes out her fur, leaving the general area where the appendages originated. It wasn't much longer that Cere'Qul empties himself out, leaving the boys ripe and full with canine love. The beta heads lean down to nuzzle and affectionately groom along the felines for being such a nice lay to him. Soon after that, the two heads lean down and lavish their tongues along the gaping boi pussys leaking out the excess glowing seed; making sure they were clean.

"Well, it seems you boys didn't waste any time properly becoming formerly acquainted with each other. I'm flattered the mighty Cere'Qul would take the time out of his busy schedule to bond with the boys he's looking after." A soothing feminine voice springs from behind the brushes, beyond the notice of any of the creatures in the field. Now taking form, the sleek white furred lioness appears from the brush; perfectly hidden like a predator. A simple, amused smirk is creased over her lips as she casually wanders up to her sons and the other two canines.

Cere'Qul knew he was already caught by the mistress of the den and with no means of having a retort, a casual smirk appears on his face, eyes glowing a bit brighter as a result, "Heh, you got me Nafina. The meeting and greeting of your sons went... quicker than I anticipated, but by the looks of it, they don't seem to mind." He jokes with her, although sincerely meaning what he said. He had planned to anyways, but not the first night of settling in atleast. Nafina didn't seem distraught with the fact a new male willingly had sex with her younger sons and jokes of said coitus in front of her. She merely chuckles playfully, soon shaking her head in amusement, "Well glad you boys are hitting it off so well so soon, that's one less thing I have to take concern with." She responds, looking up to the bigger male, seeming her mateship with her bigger husband makes her immune to the size-difference of herself and a bigger, stronger male of Cere'Qul's stature. No fear glistened in her violet eyes, while she meets Cere'Qul's pupil-less illuminating eyes. "However, since you're out and about and had your fun with my boys, I need to have a little talk with you in the den."

Little more had to be said, Cere'Qul picks up on the subtle hints from the sexy feline, finding he's quite the lucky male for getting this much attention, plus "bonding" with most of the family in one sitting. "But of course, my lady." He meekly replies back, keeping her subtly in check, not wanting to be blantantly obvious with laying the queen of the lands next to the rest of the observers. He glances over at Tilly, then down at Nir now up and shaking out his fur. "Alright Nirfy, your Mom and I are going to have a talk, so I think this is time to keep Tilly some company." He motions his heads towards his sister to give Nir the hint to take her off somewhere else.

The young male looks up to his soon-to-be father-figure, then glances over at the beautiful female sibling of his, before giving off a cheeky grin and nods, "Hehe, sure! I think we can manage." He says, still as carefree as ever, casually padding up to the girl, nuzzling at the side of her body, "Hey Tilly, c'mon, let's go hang out. I can show you some pretty cool spots in the jungle." He exclaims, taking Tilly away from the clearing in the field to the woods, boisterously leading the way for her, with a bounce in his step.

Cere'Qul couldn't help but to chuckle at the oldest male's enthusiasm, watching Kavik follow the two, then looking directly at the place where the other two felines had been hiding before, seeing if Luna and Kayin were still there, but only an empty indentation in the grass of two bodies remain, seeming they had slipped off during the distraction. Once the field is completely clear, he turns all of his attention to that swaying, shapely female feral rear swaying with a bit more intent than her natural sway, as the queen is leading the way back without the need for words.

Nafina leads the way back, leaving her body speaking the language for the two, making sure the walk back would stir up the canine enough to keep him interested during the walk back. What is normally a longer walk than usual, the intent of teasing the bigger male, causing him to walk with two full hard-ons for most of the way, until the cave is in plain sight for the two creatures. Nafina stops in the entrance and leans against one of the sides of the cave, allowing the break in the trees above to shine some illumination from the moon to let her feminine curves peer off a bit more vibrantly, causing a faint whistle of appreciation from the male.

"While the kids are gone, allow me to take you back to Drevix's and my little secret area in the back of the cave. I think you'll appreciate why it's private." She offers a subtle wink, soon coming down from being on her hind legs, as her body disappears in the cave, allowing her tail to whisk at the male in an inviting manner; alluring the male to follow, despite the fact he was going to anyways. The cave doesn't seem too overly sizeable, but the further back Nafina goes, the deeper the cave seems to expand.

Cere'Qul's glowing body definitely helps adding extra light along the caverns, which doesn't seem to be a problem for dragons and felines, like herself who have keen eyesight for this. Nafina is fairly quiet during the trip down the tunnel to her sacred private spot. The tunnel seems to narrow down and there is a light down at the end of it. She leads him in, with the entrance being wide enough to fit Cere'Qul's size.

Inside was an entire cavernous room, filled with illuminating gems scattered along the walls with some stalagmites also sharing the same brightness. There are also some holes up at the top of the ceiling, shining down with the bright moon, giving off a nice skylight, with the beams draping down in the center of a big pedestal big enough for a full sized feral dragon to lay down upon. Nafina takes the lead, soon stepping on the middle of the pedestal for the horny canine to see. She smiles and stretches out her legs at the same time she conforms her body to stretch out, showing off her shapely feminine curves, more revealed at the beams of light gazing down at her, hitting it at just the right angles. Her tail lifts to show off that supple tight looking pussy and tailhole resting underneath the base of her tail, now meekly swaying her rear to egg her canine companion on further.

Cere'Qul not being one to spoil something, as diving in nose first in something beautiful to gawk upon, merely sits down and enjoys the teasy little show, feeling he indeed saved the best part of the night for last; unintentional, or not. He smiles to himself, finding how unbelievably frisky the feline halfbreed family has been with a complete and total stranger thus far, but he's not one to complain at details such as that. After taking some time admiring that nearly flawless feminine beauty that felines possess, almost entranced by it at some points, he calmly responds sincerely, "I have to say Nafina, Drevix is one lucky son-of-a-bitch to have such a beautiful woman like you. I see why he took the time to stop at a particular pride and bond with you."

Nafina simply offers a genuine smile back as an initial response, "Anything but modest, I see." She teases with him, "I thank you for your honesty, but I see a couple of other things trying to show as much... honesty as you're letting on with." Her violet eyes glance down to the massive throbbing erections in between the male's legs, still as strong as if the events before never took place. "Oh, you mean these, huh?" Getting used to her teasy, subtle playful comments at him, he responds the gestures back just the same. He gets up, slowly padding over to her rear, smirking deviously as he does, as he gawks over that beautiful, shapely rear. As it gets closer and closer to him, he licks along his lips in hunger, smelling her heated sex from here. He can tell she's not in her season, but the intoxicating pheromones are still potent to him all the same. His main nose meets with her tight feeling sex; looking very damn good after birthing 4 children. He respects how well she's taken care of her body since then.

"Mmm, it would be rude not to get to know a lady's scent first." He says playfully, deeply inhaling big whiffs of her sweet and intoxicating smelling pussy up in his nasal cavity, exhaling with a shudder everytime he does it; as if it's a potent drug he's just addicted to. He does this until he gets used to the fresh, lovely scent of a female's sex. Nafina's frame gently trembles under the big nose sniffing at her cunt, haven't feeling a wet nose like that very often, when her husband's is warm and smooth.

"Mmmm... Well, would be rude if you didn't go all the way and grace your tastebuds while you're down there, hun." She winks and lowers her front to more present her rear; now hiking her tail up high to showcase her pussy completely. This is well recieved from the canine, as the main head goes right down and doesn't waste any time after that statement. His big, fat canid tongue rakes up along the middle of her folds; parting the lips to allow in some of the thick appendage to tickle the pink inside, causing a little soft gasp coming from her as a result.

A lovely, mature sounding feminine moan escapes her throat from the feeling of the fat tongue parting her nether lips. A chill of pleasure shoots up her entire spine, making her body tremble. Being used to a thick and flexible dragon tongue, finding a big canine tongue is definitely a different, albeit welcome feel to her collection of tongues that has graced her slit. Her toes curl and knead at the stone instinctively, earning soft grunts coming from the mama cat. "Mmnf..."

Hearing the feline moan out from the simple lick up along the length of her slit is enough information for the canine to continue on with his many years of experience. He sits closer to get a better and comfortable angle, as he continues tracing his tongue along the shape of her muff with fluid motions all over both lips and each passing motion parts her sex; giving a little sucking sound everytime he dips inside of the pink flesh inside. He looks up, chuckling at her body trembling under his confident and smooth tongue actions.

After teasing the surface and making her sex puffy and wet from the inside, mixed in with his saliva, he grinds his wet nose along her swollen clit inside, causing the mature lady to moan out more, showing her sensitivity already. He softly suckles along the swollen nub in his bigger lips, carefully tugging on the button and rubbing it in between his lips. After sucking it a few time, he wastes no time in dipping his tongue back down inside of her delicious pink, now easily slipping his fat tongue down inside of her canal to spread it a bit; seeming she has no difficulty stretching, probably due to being constantly fucked by a huge creature.

He tests this, as his tongue dips down deep down inside of her, until the tip of his rounded tongue grazes along her cervix, giving the little tiny entrance to her womb a little licking, before coming out and going to suckling on her mound a bit; lashing his tongue along her lips in a nice fluid motion to get the female shaking underneath him. He comes off, licking his lips from the taste of her sex imprinted on them, soon facing her front and flopping his top big dick on her nosebridge, "Now, I think it's your turn, dear." Nafina comes out of her momentary daze from euphoric eruptions in her loins to find that musky scented appendage resting on her nose, demanding her attention. Having much more experience than her children, she doesn't hesitate, nor blushes, but gets right to work. Her paw reaches up, grabbing right behind that knot, as she kisses his canid tapered tip to pull back a string of pre in the process to tease him. Almost immediately afterwards, her maw opens and she allows the big cock to sink in her tight fitting maw, comparatively speaking to his size overall.

The big dick sinks down nearly flawlessly in her tight orifice, with the tip touching the back of her throat. She looks up, giving the impression she can't take anymore, giving a pause to lure Cere'Qul into thinking she's hesitating, soon letting that fat dick sink down her throat like a tight pussy. She doesn't stop for a second, until her lips kiss the top of his knot. A deep groan leaves Cere'Qul's throat, impressed with the elasticity of her throat; even managing to look down to see the big bulge in her throat. "God damn girl... I-I can tell you fuck a dragon on a daily basis with that throat."

She simply smiles with a big dick in her mouth, before going down even further, almost borderline dislocating her jaw as she takes the knot in, making the canine growl deeply out in pleasure at feeling her maw clamping and squeezing on the inflated membrane, causing his dicks to shoot out pre. She takes the entire dick down her throat, with her nose firmly pressing in his pubic fur. She comes out, letting her jaw get used to the size of it, so she doesn't hurt herself in the process, though thanks to her experience, she takes it without much more effort. She pulls off, licking along her lips, then giving the big throbbing organ a kiss, "Mmm, glad to know my children didn't wear you out, because you're going to need all the stamina you can get with me, sweety." She merely chuckles and after showcasing she can take his full size with no problem, she returns to his crotch with a more teasy and edgy demeanor in mind. She softly kisses and nips at the skin on the hanging glowing balls, giving them a little tug with her maw.

Another muffled grunt tries to escape the male out in the open, as the bigger male is the one quivering from the teasing this time; wondering if this is how it feels when he teases his prey. Not normally being on the one who's constantly teased side, it does feel a bit strange having a smaller woman seem to have everything in control, like nothing is out of her reach or power. There is a mysterious aura she has about her that makes her feel like she can handle herself, which further deepens his lust for the strong woman. He allows her to tease him in that nature as well, not really seeming to mind it, as it's refreshing to him, instead of having a submissive creature just obedient to get fucked by him. "A-Aah... Nafina.. Y-You tease.." He growls out, feeling her actions continuing regardless. A soft, playful chuckle leaves her throat, as she softly kisses and showers the two orbs with constant affection, giving it nuzzles, kisses along the shape of each orb, and little suckles here and there. She takes one of the still fat orbs in her maw and noisily suckles on it, while her paws above work on both cocks simultaneously, without any hesitation as she also focuses on the canine's hefty nuts. The attention to detail earns another honest deep moan from the creature; knowing the feline can back up her words from the show she has been putting on. He couldn't help but to grind back against her face out of pure feral instinct. He deeply murrs, feeling his orbs swell up more with his potent seed, ready to be escorted out in tight orifice(s). Nafina's actions are relentless, continuing without showing signs of any hesitation. Her tongue drapes up along the underside of the bottom dick, to the very tip, before she takes the entire dick down to the knot, giving it noisy suckles after a few bobs on it. Once bobbing and nursing on the bottom dick with precise motions on it like a pure master of fellatio, she does the same to his other dick, making the canine moan out loudly in pleasure; knowing where her children get this slutty skill from. She continues alternating on both shafts, greedily drinking down the amount of orange-flavored pre down with ease, before Cere'Qul forces her off by pulling away consciously, "Enough! I-I can't take this anymore. I have to have you!" He says, seeming the unusual amount of teasing, to him, is more than enough to set off his pure raw breeding instincts, as he pants like a male dog ready to breed a bitch in heat. He almost clumsily misses mounting her, seeming too eager to focus on accuracy any longer. "Well come and get me then big boy. Show the queen what you got." She tempts and teases, pressing her rear back at the twin giants in between his legs, giving a playful brush of her furry rear along both orifices. With that final push of teasing, the male literally can't stand any more, as he wraps his strong forearms along her waist and directs his two tips to those twin holes behind her. He starts to part her orifices simultaneously, before just eagerly shoving his huge dicks inside of her already. A soft howl of pleasure comes from him, feeling the very tight, yet very elastic insides conforming to his dick already like a tight glove of silk. "AHHH FUCK!" She snarls out in pleasure, feeling both of her tunnels are easily stuffed full already at the same time; a sensation she's not normally used to, since she doesn't take a double penetration that much. She bites her lower lip, feeling him slide right out until the tips rest at her entrance, then stuff noisily back inside of her. Her cheeks now naturally flush up from the sensation of two big dicks ramming her insides, not being able to help a natural occurrence. Soft pants leave her breath, as she looks back and urges her canine partner on, "Oooh fuck yes.... D-Don't be afraid of being easy on me... I can take it hun." "I-I wasn't planning on it..." Is all he can muster out in saying, before the breeding animal inside of him comes out, as he wastes no time for formalities, going right to fucking like a wild animal. He finally feels free, not having to be modest or restrain himself in the presence of his fucktoy of a sister, or having to take it easy for creatures who are too small to take a pounding at full force from him. He pants hotly, now removing any restraint, knowing Drevix's potential from experience of watching him, and knowing this is Drevix's life partner, so she must be able to take it with ease. The size of the cavern room easily echoes with nice acoustics of the noisy and wet sounds of rough, wild sex going on, filled with growls and snarls from both creatures breeding. Cere'Qul pants hotly and just drills powerfully into the smaller slutty milf, seeing she's taking it like a pro. As machine-like as his pace is, nearly giving her as much strength as his hips can hold without her buckling under the sheer ferocity of his thrusts, a devious thought creeps in his mind while in the throes of passion for his newly spawned feline partner. Nafina can feel the girth of the monoliths of his caninehoods are getting bigger and bigger, until they are about the size of her mate's dicks, if not a little bit bigger now just destroying her canals. She gasps out in pure surprise, not having expected any tricks up his sleeve through his concentration of mating with her. Her gazes back to see what he did, only to find Cere'Qul is twice his size, nearly the size of a normal feral dragon. After mustering the strength for that, her body succombs to the immense pleasure jolting in her loins; causing her eyes to roll to the back of her head, before moaning out like a two-bit slut. "OOHHH CERE'QUL~!!!" she screams out his name; finding the passion just spiked up immensely. In a way, he's not surprised she took his size increase so well, in fact it seemed like she was expecting this deep down. Either way, he doesn't care, as his concern is to make love to his feline and breed her. His hips move like a blur as he drills himself in that tight, now stretching tunnels; feeling both squeezing like vices on his even more massive dicks. Loud squelches sound off in the air as nearly impossibly big size fitting in such a tight orifice sounds out naturally. His even more huge balls slap the bottom of her pussy and along her legs, not slowing down his jackhammering-like pace. At this rate, he wasn't sure how much longer he could last, especially with the intensity of her tightness being more apparent due to his naturally bigger size. He just drills both cocks in, without any feel for remorse, since he knows she is easily handling it, and better yet enjoying it! He presses more of his weight down on her front to pin her, as he allows his beta heads to lean down and bite along the sides of her neck, while alternating in grooming and possessively nipping in affection for their feline. Nafina is helplessly writhing beneath the intense powerful velocity going into her two abused orifices, moaning almost loudly enough to wake the entire dragon community. It wasn't long before she roars out to the top of her lungs, as her pussy ripples and she cums hard all over the bigger male's crotch. She bucks wildly and claws along the ground, making the male join her in growling, as the tightness seems to get impossibly tighter. With this, he feels his final stretch is coming on, and he knows he's going to knock her up, so he has to tie her! He takes all of his strength he can muster without just breaking the smaller girl in half, he drills like a blindingly fast machine, making his knots working their way in her two holes, before finally letting out two loud pops, as the male joins in howling bellowing out in the cave and out to the heavens above, as he hits an orgasm harder than he has in a very long time. Thick torrents of seed just gush all inside of her womb and stomach directly, thanks to his newly sprung size from the increase, as he pumps both insides full to the brim to make her belly look like she's been heavily pregnant for 8-9 months. Nafina roars out again, feeling the immense torrents plaguging her insides, making her succomb to another body thrashing orgasm, as she willingly presses back, feeling those humongous knots making her walls spread to near impossible sizes, as they are officially tied together. Both creatures writhe as the male just lets loose with his load. After a few minutes passed, the passion calms down to a cinder, as Nafina nearly collapses underneath the male, soon panting softly, as she basks in her fleeting afterglow with the male feeling the same sensation. He leans down and affectionately nuzzles at the beautiful female, before carefully pressing some weight on her, but keeping enough off of her so she won't be crushed. He softly murrs and grooms the back of her head, as the two creatures just bask in their wonderful moment together. "Welcome to the pride, Cere'Qul. I know you'll be more than welcome here." She says, seeming the wild, intense fucking has drained her already. Cere'Qul nods and regains his breath by this point, "I'm sure I will. I'm already on good terms with Nir and Kavik, now we need to work on doing the same with Kayin and... well, Luna. And speaking of Nirfy, I..." He stops after hearing a soft little snooze coming from the lioness below. He carefully looks down to see the white feline is already conked out. He softly chuckles, feeling sorry for the poor girl. After giving a soft, tender kiss to the back of her head, he lays his body beside her, making sure he keeps his knots deeply wedged inside of her while they sleep, before resting his heads over her body protectively, soon whispering in her ear, "Perhaps we'll talk about that tomorrow. Sleep well, my Queen." He finishes, soon drifting off himself; reflecting on the events earlier and getting a game plan on the next day.

A New Family Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Homecoming "What?! You're leaving?!" A young feminine voice is heard rising from the inside of a nearby dragon community, known to belong to a higher dragon, named Drevix. The entire territory consists of an entire colony of dragons...

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Dark Descent - Chapter 3 - Damnation

Rook snapped awake suddenly. His heart was racing in his chest. The lights in the room were dimmed, as was normal during night hours. The girls and boy that surrounded him were all sound asleep. Carefully so as to not wake them, he moved out of the...

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Dragons Glory Chapter 5

Depositing the two dragons bois back to their mother's abode, Syn was met by the sight of a imposing female drake wearing a single piece suit made of black nylon standing in the doorway. The older woman, with her hair laid out across the sides of her...

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