Daddy's "Girl"

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#1 of Femboi/Trap Collection

1 Of Many Shota Stories.

Gin wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel after his parents had passed away. The older husky couple had been...somewhat estranged from their son after realizing his strange gender preferences - no amount of therapy being able to 'help' the other correct his misconceived sense of identity. That fact, couple with the years that had gone by with the little husky becoming more and more effeminate, had made it hard for Gin to care what happened to his ignorant parents. The husky boy always figured that, just because he was born a boy, didn't mean that he had to behave like other little boys did. He didn't want to play soccer with the kids his age. Gin never wanted to go out and rough and tumble and growl and snap with the other youths who were growing into their adolescence.

All Gin wanted was to be who he was; a pretty boy that liked to dress up even prettier. Sneaking his mom's clothes and then wearing them around the house, or outside, whenever the mood struck him, Gin was a girl who just happened to be stuck in a boy's body. Not that the little husky didn't enjoy his boy bits. He was still a growing individual and that meant that as he was aging, his body was going through some changes that had nothing to do with his mental definitions of himself. Growing hard one day, Gin had learned the pleasures of stroking himself off; rolling his balls around until the white pouch holding the orbs grew taut against his body just to help with the erotic stimulation.

And it was after that, on that long summer night when the grey and white husky was alone up in his room, his door locked and the open window next to his bed blowing across his sweaty body, that Gin had come to that there was another oddity about himself that would make his life even more complicated. Being so estranged from his family Gin had come to seek out others to act as his parental figures; from Mr. Hall, the black and white tiger who taught gym at his school, to the older dire bear named Seen that happened to be something of a pseudo big brother to all of the boys within the neighborhood, Gin say each other them as the father, or rather the 'daddy' which the young boy so craved.

Beating himself off within the quiet of the night had made it so that Gin was left imagining all of the men in his life, even his own father, who the husky wasn't sure he could say he even liked anymore, flash through his mind as white cum shot out from the tip of his rounded cockhead. Many of the times when he was stroking his slender hand up and down the length of his pulsing boyhood Gin would find himself...becoming intimate with the others. Sometimes, the older men, his 'daddies', would have him settled onto their laps while he snuggled up to them, while at others the men would be tugging on his shaft with their much bigger and meatier paws. In a few of his imagining Gin would have his daddies kissing him, he having learned about kissing from seeing two of the boys in his class doing so while he had been coming into the locker room of the middle school he had been attending. In his mind's eye, a pair of fleshy lips would travel across his own, licking over his face and neck, showering him with the kind of affection that would cause the little dog's fluffy tail to wag.

However, Gin had learned the hard way that trying such things in his mental musings was not a wise thing. One day, after sneaking into his mother's room and grabbing one of the older's husky's scarfs, a bright red one that brought out Gin's bright blue eyes, the young husky had managed to corner his own father while the other had been busy flipping through the channels of the boobtube, idly searching for something intriguing to watch. Gin, in what he considered his most sexy and sly clothing, of what consisted of a short sleeve shirt that clung off of his shoulder and pair of tight tight shorts, had come up to his father, straddled the other's lap and then tried to kiss him.

The lump that had formed after the older canine bodily threw his son off of him was one Gin still bore the scar to. His father, in a fit of rage, had stripped off his belt and then beat Gin so badly that the young husky was left shaking from the memory of the happening. Hiding in his room after that, Gin had lost all interest in his father from that point on. To him, the man who had helped birth him was nothing more than another stranger on the street. The older canine sneering and turning away whenever he looked up his son as he and his wife sat down with their pup at dinner hadn't helped the situation any. Gin never knew if his mother had ever been told what had happened, but the young husky couldn't have cared back then, and especially not now as he watched the coffins the two were placed in be lowered into the warm ground of the cemetery.

In a dark, little corner of his brain, Gin was ever so happy that the burglar who had entered their home had ended his parents life. Just a bit to bad that the other hadn't been able to leave the house himself. The police were still chuckling at how the other had ended up crashing into a tree not more than ten minutes away from the husky couple's home. Apparently, the brake lines had been cut.

However, none of that mattered more than the fact that Gin had suddenly become an orphan. The only other family members the little boy had were not in a position to take the young cub into their care; the seventy-two year old grandmother could barely even remember her own name as a severe case of dementia had overtaken her some years ago. No one else was left, so that meant that Gin had to be placed into foster least, that was how the story should have gone. Instead, a small miracle had happened.

The day before the funeral, as he was sitting inside of one of the children's home playing with his skirts, Gin had found himself being called into the main office of the administrator of the housing facility. Upon getting into the office, Gin having gotten into a fight within one of the boys who liked to tease him about wearing girl's clothing - the child's ear having been bitten through by the young husky's sharp fangs - Gin had caught the sight of a certain brown ursine speaking to the woman who ran the child shelter.

"SEEN!!" Was all that was roared before the little husky ran, lept and then soared into the sky as he pounced onto the startled bear.

Because of the difference in their sizes, Seen was able to catch the younger boy before he could tackle him to the floor. The warm, strong arms belonging to the blue jean wearing twenty-six year old ursine had made Gin feel like nothing he had ever experienced before. Seen gave into the moment a touch as he swung himself around, twirling the young husky with him as he did so.

"I'm so happy to see you, big brother!" Gin, along with many of the other boys who lived within the neighborhood, loved to call the dire bear 'big brother'. The ursine had never bothered to correct any other them on this since he got a small kick out of being so appreciated and accepted by his 'troupe'.

"I'm happy to see you, too, but why is your mouth bleeding?" Seen, his black eyes narrowing in concentration, noticed that the blood didn't seem to come from any wound on the husky.

"I got into a fight with a bully." Gin said simply, as though what he had just done was the most natural thing in the world; the bored look on the pup's face spoke volumes about this truth.

So it was no surprise that a few minutes later, as Seen returned to speaking to the older woman, a collie with graying temples and square framed glasses, about something concerning him, everyone but Gin was somewhat surprised to see an older woman, this time a lady tiger wearing a dingy looking set of coveralls, storm into the room.

"Director, he did it again!" The newcomer said to the woman sitting behind the only desk within the twenty-five by thirty room.

"Shelia, I thought we had this conversation before." The collie seethed quietly, her brown eyes narrowing darkly even as the smile on her muzzle remained in place.

"Director, he bit one of the other cub's ear in half!" The tigress challenged, right before she turned to see a confused Seen holding a smiling Gin. "Oh."

"Um...what?" Seen asked, turning to look to the husky in his arms who just so happened to be cuddled up tightly into his neck.

And thus began a very lengthy conversation about Gin, and his attitude. Or rather, his way of expressing his emotional response to his parent's deaths. Seen had been somewhat impressed, though he didn't let it show, of just how well the younger husky had fared while defending himself from numerous assaults.

"And I think this is a good reason why I should adopt Gin." The young husky's head popped up so fast that he bumped the top of his crown into the underside of the dire bear's chin.


"I'm going to take you home with me squirt." Seen said while popping his jaw.

"Mr. Seen, I think that you shouldn't get the young one's hopes up so soon, after all, I don't think you're the right person to adopt a little boy." The collie had made it quite clear what she thought of the single bear adopting an obviously gender confused little boy.

"And I think that you should be aware that I will be bringing the court into the shady handling of the youths here." Seen replied, the tight smile on his muzzle doing nothing to hide the hint of a fang trying to peek out from in between his lips.

"What do you mean?" The collie asked, though by the look she sent the tigress still standing within the room, it was clear she knew what the other was speaking of.

"Obviously, you can't handle this many children if you have several bullying one so much so that he feels he has to react with violence in order to defend himself." Seen looked to the woman with an unwavering smile as he watched the collie snort at him.

"Young Gin needs special attention which I don't think you're ready to provide." That made the husky rumble, his tail raising behind his back.

"There's nothing wrong with Gin." Seen said honestly. "He's perfectly fine by all standards." The young canine's tail quickly dropped, the fur trying to rise on the back of his scruff lowering with his fifth appendage.

"He thinks he's a little girl."

"And this has what to do with what?"

"He happens to be a boy." The deadpan statement almost made Seen chuckle, almost.

"I'm well aware that his parents had Gin going to see various counselors, all of them giving different diagnosis which, ultimately, agreed that Gin just needs a safe, and comfortable environment to express his sexual identity. Having to fight with others, day in and out, is not what I consider 'healthy'."

"You know about his counseling sessions?" The collie was honestly shocked by this statement.

"His parents, god rest their souls, often came to me for advice on how to handle Gin." Seen pressed a hand to Gin's back, smothering the other into his chest to keep the young husky from saying anything, something Gin had to laugh about.

"That is...quite interesting." The collie tapped the pen in her hand, which she had picked up several seconds ago, and began to tap it against her desk.

The canid woman said nothing as she stared at the dire bear for several moments before turning to look down at where the skirt wearing husky boy was seated onto the ursine's lap. A short snort from her nose later and...she was off signing papers. Ten minutes later, Seen and Gin were out the door of the children's home, hand in hand with each other.

That had been yesterday, today, Gin was watching as his parent's graves were being covered with dirt; the blue sky overhead very much out of place giving the setting.

"You can cry if you want to, you know." Seen, dressed in the traditional black suit due a funeral, said while holding onto Gin's right shoulder. The older bear was standing side by side of the younger boy as he watched everyone else begin to slowly move away from the now filled mound of earth. The few people who had managed to stop by were coworkers of the deceased, most of them seemed to be out of place given that not one of them seemed to know what the say to Gin as they simple patted him onto the head before going off about their way.

"Why?" Gin looked up, big blue eyes blinking in confusion. The black skirt the other was wearing, Seen having picked it up last night after they had went out to eat, matched the little husky's gray, white, and black form somewhat perfectly as Gin continued to stare up at his new guardian. "I'm not sad."

"Are you sure about that?" Seen asked a few minutes later. He didn't want to force the other to be sad if he sincerely felt no sort of sorrow, but he also didn't want the young pup to have to hide his feelings. That never worked out well in the end. "It's okay if you are. Really."

Gin, instead of speaking, dove into the dire bear's leg, hugging the other close as he rubbed his scent into the older male's leg. Pulling back a second later, Gin let his head pop up, a bright smile splitting his muzzle in half, "Why would I be mad when I have a wonderfully daddy like you to take care of me now!" Gin's words instantly struck at the ursine's heart...and his crotch.

"I'm really touched by that Gin." Seen laughed, his voice trying desperately not to quake.

"I can tell." The young husky didn't bother to take a look around as he moved his nose over, his ears flicking up and down happily, before he put his mouth over the crotch of his new father. A wet inhalation of breath later and Seen let out the most adorable of squeaks.

The dire bear thanked god that the pastor who had presided over the funeral had his back turned as he spoke to some man dressed in black. Reaching down to tug the young husky off of his crotch, Seen hauled Gin up and ran like the hounds of hell were on his ass as he ran back to his car. The devious little smirk on the husky boy's face spoke volumes about Gin's feelings on the situation.

That had been a week ago...

Seen was still reeling over what his new 'son' had done as he sat in the living room of his house, the tv blaring as he dire bear had his hand wrapped around a soda can. The half empty container shaking slightly as the older bear wondered if he had the right decision behind not chasting Gin for his antics.

'He was traumatized.' Was the excuse Gin kept making as he went over and over in his head what the little husky had done.

The feeling of the younger boy's wet mouth on his crotch, the hot tongue's warmth seeping into the thin fabric and over the length of his massive fuckstick made it so that Seen was all but ready to...

'It was a funeral! It was a funeral! It was a funeral!' Seen chanted, his mind urging his almost constantly raging libido back into its place. The last thing he wanted was for god to come down from off high and strike him for desecrating such a solemn hour with debauchery.

Another drink of his pop, the dire bear bringing the aluminum to his lips to take a swig, ended with Seen dragging the soda can up and over the top of his long furred head. The heat from the day slowly starting to get to ursine, despite the central air conditioner running on high throughout the house. The day after the funeral had been something of a whirlwind for the new parent. Seen had had to go through reregistering Gin for school, getting certain paperwork filled out with the county and state, some of which were still being processed, into the works so that he could legally be seen as the young canine's guardian. That, couple with shopping for the other, more groceries needed since the young pup could eat, as Seen had found out oh so quickly, had left the dire bear somewhat feeling like roadkill.

'Well, at least Gin's being a good boy.' Seen had cleaned out one of the smaller, unused rooms of his house - the mid size home having three in total - for the pup to claim as his own and after doing so the husky had been silent as a lamb in there. 'I hope he's not in there doing something I'm going to regret.' The older bear was still unsure of how to feel about the younger boy showing almost no sadness about his parent's death.

'Maybe he's just in shock.' Seen nodded at this, his mind unwillingly to take up the task of going over and over as the heat was slowly starting to get to him.

The sounds of tapping feet alerted the ursine that someone was about to approach him. Given that there were only two people inside of the house the dire bear didn't bother to look behind himself as the unknown person came up from out of his peripheral.

"Did you get your homework done, Gin?" Seen asked. The older man having enrolled the husky boy into his new middle school a week ago as the older one was not where Gin seemed interested in attending anymore. Something about his friends distancing themselves from him because of his weird behavior. The ursine wasn't sure, but he didn't bother to ask.

"Hmm, almost. I still have my math and language arts to do, but I got focused in my home ec project." The husky said, his body slowly coming up into Seen's sight as he walked around the couch.

"Oh, ok. Welllllll..." Was about as far as Seen got before the dire dropped his soda onto the floor, the fizzing pop spilling out at the ursine's feet. "What the hell are wearing?" It slipped out before Seen could stop himself and the dire bear could only chided himself for swearing around the pup.

Dressed in a skirt too tight to be comfortable, Gin had on the lower half of what should have been a two piece garment on, the pup's slim frame swaying from side to side as he threw his hands back behind his back, interlacing his fingers as he did so.

"Something I made for my home ec class." Gin answered simply, the young husky licking his ruby red tongue over his luscious lips as he winked playfully at his new caretaker. "What do you think?"

"I think it you go to school like I'm going to be in trouble." Seen said seriously, the bear's dark eyes narrowing as he leaned down to fumble onto the floor for his spilled drink. "Seriously, what made you make that?" The brown bear grabbed his drink, growling as he noted the dark fluid staining the hardwood.

"Because I want you to fuck me." And back went the can onto the floor...right along with Seen's jaw.

"Huh?" Seen said, sure that he was hearing incorrectly.

Gin moved himself over to the big bear, crawling up onto the other's lap as he did so, his small form nimbly situating itself until the young husky's rump was placed securely over the bulge of the dire bear's crotch. The jeans that Seen were wearing kept the touch from being overly intimate, despite the younger canine rubbing his backside over the slowly inflating flesh. Reaching his hands up over his head to loop his arms over his guardian's neck, Gin leaned forward to press his lips into the ursine's lips. The touch, soft and gentle, made the Seen open his muzzle more in shock than conscious response, though that didn't stop the husky from slipping his tongue into the dire bear's muzzle. The spicy taste of the ursine made Gin's tail beat behind him, his fifth appendage rub enticingly over Seen's cotton cloth covered balls.

Pulling back a second later, "I want you to breed me, daddy. I want you cock, thick and hard as it is, to plough deep into my tight little rump, spearing me open as your balls dump load after load of cum into me until my stomach rounds like I'm going to have your cub, daddy."

Seen's brain broke at that.

"What?" The brown ursine was sure that he had to have been hearing something from out of one of his darker fantasies. "Who...who even taught to speak like that?"

"I watch a lot of my...of my sire's old porn videos." Gin's saucy smile dropped a little as he thought of the other. He was still trying to get over the fact that he was related to the now dead fucker who shot him into his bitch of a mother to birth him, but a deep breath later the puppy got over it. "And I found a nice collection of porn on the internet. It showed me a lot." Gin rumbled a growl, his muzzled pressing flush against the dire bear's adam's apple, vibrating the small projection and stimulating the ursine's cock in turn.

"O...k." Seen said slowly, his dark eyes closing slightly before opening again, intense concentration on his face. "Gin," The dire bear began very, very carefully, "I know we've played around before, but I'm your father now, that puts a whole new definition on our relationship."

"How?" Gin pulled back to cock his head to the side, his blue eyes shifting slightly as he looked intensely at the other.

"Well, by definition this would be incest, not that I'm against that, believe me I've been in between twins before, but you're son and..." The dire bear tried to find the words to bring the conversation to its proper conclusion...but his mind wasn't working correctly.

It might have something to do with his cock nearly splitting his jeans open as Gin continued to grind against his groin, or it might have been that the husky's bright orbs seemed to be judging him quite...intensely.

"Don't make excuses." Gin said a moment later after he realized that the dire bear was trying to get out of what was natural to him; the hardness underneath his rump told him so. "You want me, daddy." That made the bear prick throb. "So why don't you take me, daddy." Another pulse followed with Seen whimpering a growl, his hands unsteadily reaching up to grip the smaller body above him. "Take me hard, papa." Seen's fingers reached for the waist of the husky's skirt, his claws dipping into the rim. "Spread my tailhole open." A rip sounded into the room. "Fill me up and break my butt with your dick until my hole gaps." A tearing sound and then suddenly Gin was left with nothing but a red ribbon tied around his own wiggling cock. "Let your balls empty into me. Have me waddling afterwards. Your cock syrup dripping out of my boy twat until I'm going to have to stick a tampon up there to stop myself from running."

Seen's actually tore through his pants at that point.

'Oh god, forgive me for what I plan to do.' Seen prayed, right before he smashed his lips forward back onto Gin's, the two slowly slobbering as their tongues curled around each other like twin pythons.

Gin grinned into the kiss, the young husky's tail swaying like crazy as he carefully raised his backside up.

"What are you doing?" Seen wasn't sure when he felt small feet, naked and claws filed down until they were completely harmless as they ran over the black flesh of the ursine's cock.

"Trying to get you hard enough so you can get into my ass; I already lubed myself up while I was trying to get ready. Also, you're going to help me fix my skirt after this." Gin stated, his blue eyes moving to the side as he noted what was left of his hard work soaking up the spilled pop on the floor.

"You know something," Seen drew Gin's attention, the husky lifting an eyebrow as he looked to his guardian. "You've becoming a somewhat aggressive brat, don't make me spank you." The dire bear chuckled, even as his eyes shown with a dark promise.

"Ohhh, you promise daddy?" Seen's shaft stood up straight. "I guess you do." Gin reached down, keeping one arm around the older bear's neck while he picked up and aligned the head of the ursine's prick with his slightly slick pucker. "Hmm, would you a paddle or your nice, thick paw to smack my rump?" The husky boy, his cock juicing as his urethra began to sob with precum. "I'd prefer a paddle. A nice and thick one. One that could cover both of my cheeks at the same time." Seen grunted as the tip of his phallus found the first inch of the inner flesh of pup's rectum. The tightness and heat, so much better than the husky's muzzle, which he had sampled long before, felt like coming home to the dire bear.

Maybe it was because he was experiencing the physical sensation couple with the mental understanding that this was his son he was doing now. Though the young one didn't come from his loins, despite his various attempts with several females in the past - most of them on birth control when dancing in bed with the big bear. That...that made a lot of difference to the ursine. The heat of his balls growing hotter as he began to bring his legs up to mesh them into his pup's backside was slow and steady, very much unlike his rapidly beating heart. The endless drumming echoed throughout all of Seen's being as he ease himself forward into his son, two, then three then four inch of fat ursine tube steak slipping up into the moaning husky boy's rump.

"Ohhh, daddy," Gin groaned, his eyes slipping closed even as his legs dipped down onto his father's cock, his tail going wild as he took in inch and inch of the dire bear.

"Yeah, son," Seen replied. The dire bear couldn't close his eyes as he wanted to see every inch of himself taking his son's virginity. Well, not technically, but then again...that's what it felt like. The ursine and his husky pup would never be able to share this moment again, not the untainted moment when he and his son would first fuck. The innocent time when father and son came together as one, the dire bear's hard cock slipping up farther and farther into the husky until the head of the older ursine's mushroomed head began to bulge at the lower end of the husky's body. "I know." Seen then leaned forward to kiss his little pup onto the tip of his nose.

The two seemed to linger within a suspended state of limbo as they sat there together on the couch, well, Seen sat while Gin tried to seat himself onto his father's dick. The sight of the grunting pup made Seen smirk. Some part of him wanted to do nothing but drive the other down over the head of his shaft, spiking the puppy open until the head of his drove itself up into the blue haired husky's chest, his cum spilling out of the other's muzzle until it washed over Gin's face and muzzle. That mental imagine made the dire bear swell just a little bit harder, his pulse increasing until a flush began to form on the dire bear's face.

For Gin, the sensation of being filled to the brim, his anus sucking around the musky flesh of the older bear's dick as it tunneled its way up into his guts, not quite in his stomach but getting close, had the husky cock almost vibrating as his little balls bounced against his body; Gin was trying to thrust himself onto his daddy's cock to get more and more of it into him. The slurping sounds of flesh pressing into wet flesh chased as the two as Gin laughed while thinking about how dirty this all was. The only thing that would have made it anymore kinkier would be if some of the neighborhood kids came in to watch him get his ass pounded upon. That made a devilish smile creep onto Gin's lips.

"Slow down, kiddo," Seen grunted, his eyes noting some small tension lines being drawn onto his pup's face. "I'm not going anywhere, so you don't have to force it." The brown ursine thrust his hips, the heavy slap of his massive balls rising up and then dropping back down onto the couch in between his legs resounding through the living room, just to prove that what he was saying was true.

"I know, daddy, but I was to get as much as your cream inside of me as I can before I go finish my homework." Gin admitted, his mind turning from the erotic thoughts he had been having to more practical ones as he found the dire bear's hands, which had never left his body, squeeze across his torso.

One thing Gin knew about his guardian, it was that you often didn't force Seen to do anything he didn't want to, otherwise, the dire bear would show true ursine spirit and not do anything until he felt like it. Stubborn and unyielding to the point where even his enormous erection would be subdued by the dire bear's firm will. And that was not at all what the husky pup needed at the moment, not with his much smaller cock feeling as though it were on fire as the red ribbon still wrapped around it began to cut the blood flow to his balls. A whimper had Seen murring in confusion.

Gin simply shook his head, took in a deep breath, and tried to relax his inner muscles. His tail, wagging slightly now as its owner tried to control every nuance of his body so as to get what he wanted from his guardian, beat against the dire bear's balls while Gin's legs slowly bent. Knees starting to extend forward, the blue haired husky hissed as his body accepted so much flesh inside of itself that no dildo on earth could have prepared the other for what he was taking. It felt so good, the touch of pain of his stretching anal walls felt like heaven to the pup as he accepted everything his daddy had to give him.

For Seen, the dire bear felt like he was in hell. His body was screaming at him while his head was sending messages throughout his being that conflicted with what the ursine wanted to have happen and what needed to occur. A rising snarl, the kind of which could make a grown man tremble, soared throughout the house as Seen let out a bellowing cry which rattled the windows. His balls actually fucking hurt now, Gin's little feet pressing down onto them hard enough that they rolled slightly - the cum within threatening to spill out at any moment. It was only thanks to his deep concern for his pup, the parent instinct to always make sure that their little one remain out of harm, that made Seen control himself enough to keep from flexing and then shooting Gin up from off of his cock. One blast would be all it would take to send the husky gushing up off of his dick, the smaller form tumbling like clothes in a dryer as the dire bear's cock shot out an endless stream of cum like a gysery.

"uff...uff...hhhh..." Were the sounds Gin made as he bit his lip, his moans being cut into half as his slickened depths gobbled up more and more of Seen.

Before long the two had gotten to the place where they were able to comfortably accept each other. Seen, the dire bear grunting as he clenched his fingers around Gin's torso before huffing. A slow pull of the puppy's frame and Gin found himself being lifted into the air, the hot cock inside of his backside slipping out of him, sucking sounds babbling around the room in the process. The husky didn't fight. Instead he simply let it happen; his smaller body being used for the bigger male's pleasure, his tailhole gushing with lube and precum. The scent of the room was thick with male musk, the odor of young flesh, sweat, fur, and testosterone perfuming the air until it was like a heady drug. Every breath made the two breathing in the tainted air wild with abandon, raw need thumping against the father and son couple as they danced and old dance together.

"Oh, god, daddy." Gin whispered, his body twitching as his entire being was centered around the impossible length of bear cock that was slowly returning to its proper place inside of his rectum.

"Not quite, the dire bear chuckled. "But I'll take the compliment, regardless." The ursine rocked his hips up, wanting to press his fat thighs against his son's, knowing that only then would he be satisfied, however for now Seen was content with what he had.

The minutes passed by with slow ease as Seen raised Gin up, lowering him down once he felt that the puppy was ready for his re-entry. The steady up and down motions, like a gentle rocking, made the husky boy moan and whimper. It felt soo good. The fact that Seen was only using a scant seven or so inches of his two foot length inside of the boy mattered little to the other. When Seen pulled him up so that the head of his mushroom headed prick was left stuck inside of Gin's butt, the blue haired pup grunted and then clenched down, milking his guardian. A grunt of pleasure, the kind of which the husky had long since come to love, made Gin breath a sigh of bliss.

"Love you, daddy." Gin crooned.

"Love you, too, son." Seen's words struck the husky pup in a way that would leave a mark on the other for the rest of his life.

The two males continued to fuck each other, Seen controlling everything, until the light within the window behind the older bear began to dim, the night threatening to overtake the world. Neither noticed. Their ecstasy so great that time had no meaning.

"Do you want me to go faster?" Seen didn't get a verbal answer, Gin's tongue was lolling out from his lips at this point, head thrown back so, but a shaky nod told the dire bear all he wanted/needed to know.

Bucking hips met the back of Gin's butt at that point. The dire bear let his manipulations over his pup grow a bit more unfocused as he increased the power of his pumps, his cock slowly slamming up into the husky boy's tailhole until his massive spire was somewhat pistoning in and out of the other. The meaty sounds of flesh bouncing against flesh resonated around the room, the heavy breathes of the father and son panting across each other's face as Seen and Gin leaned into one another sounded like a strange background music for which only the dire bear and husky could understand the rhythm of.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Gin was sobbing as he touched his forehead into Seen's. His eyes screwed shut tight, the little husky never knew anything could feel so good as he gave himself over to his father.

Seen's cock, the fat piece of flesh, was now shiny with his precum from where it was being waxed onto the ursine's length. The dire bear's hips all but flying as they beat into Gin's backside hard enough that the ursine lifted himself up off of the groaning couch he was sitting on.

"Love you, pup! Love you!" Seen muttered over and over again.

A couple of extra groans later and the dire bear was forced to surrender to the tightness of Gin's body, the little pup, his little pup, was just too much for his stamina. Holding his son down tightly, Seen let his balls, which had pulled close enough to his body that they were almost situated against the ursine's taint, surge forward, his cum coming up and out from the length of the tube into the husky. It was only because he gripped his fingertips deep into the gray and black fur of his son's waist that Seen kept from popping Gin off of the head of his cock like a cork of a wine bottle. That did nothing to stop the smaller husky's stomach from rounding and then bloating, though. The head of the dire bear's cock, which had moved up and pass Gin's guts made a small impression as it settled itself into the younger male's stomach.

"DAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDYYYYYY!! Gin said as his own cock spouted cum, the ribbon having stemmed off of the blood flowing within doing nothing to keep the husky from shooting up onto his father's chest.

The sticky strings of seminal secretion seemed to go everywhere as Seen's load backed up and then out of the pup's asshole. The splattering of male spooge, so thick and creamy as it was because it came from two massive balls, splashed onto the ground at Seen's feet, the hardwood becoming a mess of fluids and potent musk. How long the father and son duo spent together, neither could be sure of, however, when Seen's cock gave it's last sputtering of bear seed, the dire bear sighed and then blinked, his vision having become fuzzy. Reaching a hand down to wipe at the underside of his boy's tailhole, Seen grabbed up a large puddle of his cum and then smeared it over the front of Gin's muzzle.

"H-hey!" The husky yipped, completely taken off guard by his face being painted, and not in the traditional way, either.

"Shhh," Seen hisses, the dire bear scooping up more and more of his seed and using it to polish over his son until the husky smelled more like bear than dog.

Letting his daddy do as he please, Gin leaned forward into Seen, the blue haired pup licking at the underside of the older bear's chin the way a submissive canine would his dominant.

"I love you, Seen."

"Love you, too, Gin."

Nothing more was said between the two as they simply rested with each other for the rest of the yawning evening while the sound of both of their heartbeats resonating within both of their ears.

Syn's Journey Chapter 2

Syn's journey pt 2 Gem lays there on the rock tied to Syn by his two knots. Her belly swollen with the sheer volume of cum in her pussy and ass. He rubs her swollen belly feeling the heat though her belly. "Gem." a deep female voice says from behind...

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Syn's Journey Chapter 1

Syn's journey "Watch it." Syn growls at a mouse girl that bumped into him carrying a loaf of bread. She is wearing a tattered skirt and a shirt with several holes in it. Brown hair on her head and gray fur covering the rest of her body. "Please sir....

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A New Family - Chapter 2

Chapter 2: _Changes and the Charmed_ A breeze passes over the duo of glowing, furry canine frames walking along the trail leading away from the den of the sleeping felines. The two large canines, seeming to illuminate the path the surrounding trees...

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