Fulfilling Duties

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - Mokuseikaze

Writing - Runa

Aeroo - Himeric

Talba - Runa

Just a little something to go with the pic series I got from Moku! BEen waiting a while but it turned out delicious! Implied unbirth!


This week has not been a good week for me. Things have not been going well, and I've been hearing murmurs of dissension in the kingdom bubbling up into an organized rebellion. I am not entirely sure why, as I've been doing all I can to keep the people happy in order to avoid all this. It's not even the poor rising up against me - as most rebellions are subject to - it's the nobles and the rich who haven't liked my rule.

According to my sources, the rich don't feel they should be paying more taxes than the poor. I don't see how not, every citizen pays the same portion of their wage to the monarchy, the more money someone makes, the more they pay. It's simple economics, and has proven successful in the most powerful nations of the world. I wanted to rule over one of the most powerful nations of the world, and I am not so full of pride I won't take inspiration from those who have succeeded before me.

Needless to say, my week has been absolutely wrecked from that stress. Last thing I need is to be woken one night to an angry mob or some assassin attempting to take my life. I wasn't worried about my safety, only the safety of whoever had the misfortune to do such a thing.

Still, I needed a release. I had a few subjects and friends I could invite over for my personal desires at a whim, and they liked the abuse. Chief Storm of the neighboring nation or Arrenthen was one of my favorites, especially when he brought his second-in-command Dasa; today I had a desire for something a little more sensual, a bit less aggressive. Storm was fun, but I needed something a bit more calming. I invited Aeroo over.

She was a bit smaller than I, but she was a lot of fun. She came from the same nation as Storm, but she was from the north and he the south. It was a different world on the coast, and her tribe was that of a mix of avian and marsupial. Not a lot of marsupial creatures, so of course she was a rare treat.

One of our favorite things to do is play with her pouch, rubbing against one another, inserting things into it, and tasting it. Surprisingly sweet, a Roo-gryph's pouch is.

When I sent a summons to her to join me, I didn't have any particular plans in mind, I just needed some cuddling or companionship, but she seemed to be in a rather randy mood. As soon as she arrived, she hopped over to my dresser and opened it to play with my personal belongings, much to my disdain.

I was more than happy to forget about my worries once she turned around, a massive equine-shaped double ended toy resting in both of her hands. That was one of my favorites to use on others, usually rump to rum.

It didn't take long at all for us to end up on the bed, legs crossed and over one another, rubbing myself against her. Almost instantly, I felt my worries melt away. What rebellion? What uprising? The only thing I felt rising was a massive stallion cock slipping itself into me as I pushed down on it. Part of me wished Vas or Rannik were around, as a hot fleshed cock is a lot more fun to play with than a rubber or ceramic one, even if they were heated in boiling water.

Still, Aeroo knew a thing or two about getting a hippogryph mare excited. IT didn't take her long at all to take that toy, aim the tip between my lips, and plunge it deep with one thrust like a stallion would. In it went, over half of it, leaving the thinner end hanging out as my tail hiked itself up and I Felt my muscles convulsing, releasing streams of cum all over the bed.

Poor servants would have to clean that up when I was done. I don't imagine they'd mind, the smell was powerful but considered a powerful aphrodesiac no matter where you go.

Aeroo remained perceptive throughout, eventually going r ump to rump with me, rubbing the protruding end of the toy against her own cuter, smaller bits. She had to stand up straight, since I was so much bigger than she was. My thighs alone were as long as her legs were. That's okay, meant she had a lot more leverage to push down.

We never did push against each other, even though I would have loved that. Her lips touch mine, sharing a toy, kissing one another as I winked and sprayed my cum all over her. I knew she'd love that, but she wasn't nearly as 'deep' as I was, so she had to settle for my tail tickling hers.

Getting a rhythm going so that we push and pull at the same time, without just rocking back and forth without friction, was quite hard, so I eventually laid on my belly and clamped my walls down, pulling the toy from her in a long, drawn out squelch punctuated by a bit of a slap as her walls closed down on the remaining nothingness.

She decided if she was going to please me, she might as well do it right, and do so with all the dexterity she could muster. She tossed the thick toy to the side and balled her talon up in a fist, punching me deep! I was caught off guard, so I actually slammed my tail down to keep her from going deeper before she penetrated my womb! I chirped in protest a bit, but she knew I was just playing coy and caught off guard. She chirped back at me, I smiled over my shoulder, and lifted my tail high for her to have her way with me.

Poor hybrid girl. She was so small. She was squatting down, but still barely taller than I was on all fours! She had to compensate for that by slipping a second hand in next to the first. I was melting as she pulled her palm out, a creamy puddle of my fluids pooling in the middle so she could smear it all over her scaled forearms. She'd rest her balled up fists against the inside of my clit a bit, pushing one in as deep as it would go before pulling out and repeating that with the other fist, slowly going deeper and faster until I had to exasperatedly ask her to slow down.

When I looked over my shoulder again, I could see a look of utter concentration on her beak, tongue out and eyes squinted to 'attack' at the best angle. I smiled and laughed at her, waggling my hips and pushing down on her.

I was kind of expecting it, but it was still surprising when she leaned into me, extending both her arms forward, punching through into my depths and spreading me wide! I fell to my side and raised a leg with her still pushing into me, her shoulders parting her arms past the elbows to create a little gap for her beak to slip into me.

At this point I was barely paying attention to her, but I did feel her beak slide in next to her arms, only to have the bulge of her skull spread me wide for a split second before bursting into me with a sensual lurch.

I was in absolute and utter awe! I had a full grown hybrid hen, with her arms extended in front of her as she used her powerful roo legs to practically dive into me! Luckily, I was malleable due to my arousal, and our size difference ensured she didn't rip or tear anything, but it was still a surreal experience!

The hard part was getting her out once I'd appropriately climaxed. I was an absolute mess of fluids and muscular contractions, but her shoulders were the widest part on her, but the wings were too much. Even though I felt her forearms curling up inside me once they hit the depths, the force of her legs pushing made it clear she wanted to go deeper to please me, or to satisfy her. I knew I couldn't do it, at least not today and not without the aid of some potions, so I had to grab her haunches with my talon and pull her out, leaving her in a gooey mess from her breast up and out to the tips of her fingers.

I felt absolutely empty, like a hollowed out turkey at the monthly feast, but it took only a few lingering bolts of pleasure to run up my spine, clamping down my walls, before I retained my natural shape and formation.

Well, mostly. My lips looked a little stretched for a week after that.

I loved it.

I paid an artist to do some portraits of it to put on the wall of my cabin, where no others ever visited.


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