Quetzalcoatlus yiff

Story by harpier on SoFurry

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uthor's note: This story was inspired by Nemo Ramjet's "Hatzegopteryx Rape". It also involves a flying reptile, and few people here seem to like pterodactyls.


Ricardo was a 19 wolf, who was quite new in the university years, despiste already having an year of experience. His somewhat slim frame was an indicator that he didn't went to work out very often, and in fact he was, for all purposes, a nerd. His bright green eyes and overall sexyness however seemed to had made him at least decently popular, and many of his collegues, male and female alike, had asked him on dates. Still, he was always too shy to go, and the result is that he was as virgin as a pear. Eventually, more and more people gave up trying to date him, though he still received a lot of attention.

One day, he was invited to participate on a project that was being developed by an organization associated to the university he was in, Champso. The project had been in the making for several years before, but it wasn't yet revealed to the public, due to the consequences it would have. Thus, only some trusted scientists knew about it, and for some reason Ricardo was chosen to be part of the project.

And the day finally came. He had now just entered the installations, with his teacher and member of Champso, Dr. Witton.

"So, nervous?" asked the caring 30 year old tiger


"Its okay, just think about how priviledged you are for being part of this"

Both entered an elevator, which lead them to the underground installations, where was the then secret project, almost finished but not yet ready to be revealed.

"I don't understand, though, why was I trusted with such a responsibility"

"I thought you'd be interested, and out of all your collegues you were the one that truly seems apropriate to go in this mission"

Ricardo blushed, feeling flattered for his teacher thinking that of him, until he realised what he had said.


"You'll see, Very soon actually"

They then descended into the underground chamber, at least 40 meters below the surface installations. What the wolf saw made him surprised as he never was before.

In front of him there was what appeared to be a small jet, located in a platform. In front of it (and well above) was a massive arc; the scenario couldn't be more science fiction like.

"Surpised uh? I believe I never told you what was it about, so I guess you should had been prepared for any surprise"

"Whats this sir?"

The tiger moved closer to the jet, touching one of the silver metalic wings located on each side.

"This are the very focus of the Champso organisation's last project. Believe it or not, we are trying time travel."

The wolf could barely believe what he was hearing.

"Oh, don't get that doubt bullshit. This project is actually quite old, having started well before the birth of Champso, and it has been worked since then. Of course, we'll never know several details like if this is actual time travel or if we are just navegating throw alternate time lines, but thats besides the point. We developed a way of navetigating throw places in time and space that we would logically think they'd be always inaccessible."

Ricardo nodded, still too amazed to say a single word.

"Anyway, we have been testing it quite a lot of times lately, and we did get some interesting results. In the field of paleobiology, it will turn out very usefull I think, and thats why I think you'd be interested."

"Let me get this straight; you are going to send me into a mission in prehistory?"


"OMG THIS IS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Hehehe, I knew you would say that. Thats why I thought you like to go on a very special trip to the late Cretaceous of North America, where one of your favourite denizens lived. You're always talking about it in your essays!"

Ricardo's heart was beating fast with joy. He never felt as happy as that before, because he knew what animal his teacher was talking about and all his life he had dreamed of that moment. He even got an erection; that didn't passed unoticed to Dr. Witton, who mentally licked his lips.

"Well, since you seem quite excited, then lets waste no more time and leave"

"What, now!?"

"Yes, or you thought I brought you here for nothing?"

Not even ten minutes passed and they were already inside the jet, the tiger in the cockpit and the wolf in the back sit. The tiger then pressed a button, and the experiment began. The platform rised, placing them at 30 meters above where they were and more or less at the sea level; in case they remained where they were, they would likely end up several meters underground when they reached their destination. And then the arc began making a loud noise; then a redish light filled the void, and the jet's engines started to work. And they entered the portal. Ricardo felt dizzy, as if he had hit the jet's roof. His teacher didn't seemed as affected however, probably because he had practised this a lot.

"Feeling okay kiddo?"

"Yeah, sort of"

The jet was moving at full speed, and both noticed everything slowing down inside their vehicle, plus the fact everything behind them was dark. They were at the speed of light.

As soon as it started the journey finished, with them entering throw a light at the end of the time tunnel. Dr. Witton then looked at the world sorrounding them; time travel isn't very precise, as the only time period "marked" is the present, and while you usually end up in or close to the era you selected there's always some accidents.

"Oh shit, lets get out of here"

As the teacher said, that era wasn't the right one, because they ended up in what appeared to be an arid coastline at the sunset; all stars were messed up and the moon was much closer to earth. A button was pressed and another portal appeared, taking them out of there.

After a few more attempts, they finally arrived to the time they wanted to go in the first place. The landscape around the spot they were in was a fern grassland with some trees here and there, mostly conifers and cycads, with the occasional oak or magnolia. Just as the wolf always had imagined.

Both explorers set a base, formed by the jet, which could be enlarged into a small base of operations, camouflaged in the landscape. Afterwards they went to explore. Ricardo was feeling exactly the same a kid would feel in a candy shop. His teacher only chuckled each time he got histerical at seeing a lizard or a small mammal. The student was so excited that he didn't even noticed that a raptor appeared in front of him. His first reaction was fear, but he then racionalised that the animal wouldn't attack him so soon, as it never had seen a furry before. It hissed and displayed it arm feathers, and that was enough to drive to the two explorers off.


For the days that followed they continued exploring the surrounding area, but they still didn't found what they were looking for. All the time, Dr. Witton was hitting on his student, who appearently didn't realised. The tiger once found a previously unknown specie of monitor and called it Varunus ricardi after his student, who blushed a little, but didn't got the point of that.

One week had passed since they arrived. They could easily be there for an year, since they would return to the present at exactly the same time they left. At that exact moment the wolf was just wearing black shorts, as it was hot in that day. His teacher also weared nothing but that. The student was wacthing from a window in the base, Dr. Witton had just arrived from an expedition outside. He wacthed Ricardo almost naked body, his beuty couldn't be ignored. Suddenly the wolf turned.

"Hi, I didn't heard you coming"

"Sorry, I can't help myself"

The wolf smiled and returned to his somewhat lonely wacth. The tiger came closer, until he was next to him. The canine looked into the cat's green eyes, and he felt something he hadn't felt for anyone before. They stared into each other's eyes for what seemed an eternity, until they heard a loud shriek. Ricardo looked upwards, and almost shriek in ecstasy. What they were looking for had just arrived.

It was huge, with a wingspan of 13 meters or so. Its wings were leathery like those of a bat, but with a single finger supporting the wing membrane, and they attached to the hip rather than to the legs, which also had a membrane of their own running along them. It had a long neck, ending in a head similar to that of a stork. It remained in the air for a few minutes, before landing on the ground. It walked in all four (folding the wing finger and using the wings as front legs), pretty much like a bat but more gracefully, since the membranes weren't connected to the hindlimbs; on land, it was as tall as a giraffe. Suddenly it detected something moving in the grass, and it lowered it neck in less than a second. It then rised its head again, revealing a lizard trapped in its jaws, which it swallowed. It then turned its head, and saw two furries looking at it, totally amazed. For some reason, the Quetzalcoatlus walked towards them, slowly but with curiosity clearly in its eyes. In particular, it seemed be heading towards Ricardo, which was confused, until he noticed something once the pterosaur was right in front of him. Its penis was slowly emerging from its cloaca, and it reached an amazing length of a meter and a half once fully erected. It touched the wolf's muzzle; he got completly jaw dropped, which allowed the reptile to put his genital inside the mammal's muzzle. It then started thrusting into that muzzle, giving some shrieks of pleasure.

All the time, Dr. Witton looked at the bizarre sexual scene that took place in front of him. He was shocked, but he also felt a bit jealous of the Quetzalcoatlus, for taking that muzzle before him. Soon, he got an erection, and could no longer hold himself. He got behind the his student, and took his shorts off. The wolf noticed that, but he did nothing to stop the tiger as the pterosaur fucked his muzzle. The feline then placed his muzzled between his student's buttcheeks, licking his cherry. From the looks of it, the little pink flesh ring had nothing inside it before.

Ricardo didn't know what to think of this. He was being yiffed by two males without his consent, and trapped between them two. Still, he could had pushed them aside and yet he didn't. He instead let him himself relax, accepting what was reserved for him. And having his anus rimmed wasn't that bad, in fact he felt some pleasure from it. The tiger too was enjoying his job, licking the tailhole and slipping his tongue inside occasionally. All while stroking his barbed cock. The student's knoted cock also emerged from its shealth. At that moment, the Quetzalcoatlus had reached its climax, and released on that tight muzzle. Ricardo drunk most of it, but some escaped and runned down his chin like a stream. His teacher stoped his rimming and got up, facing his student and licking his face. He then kissed his lips, and stole Ricardo's first kiss.

Meanwhile, the satisfied pterosaur retracted his penis back to his cloaca, and turned around, laying in the ground, making himself acceessible to the wolf's still stiff cock.

"Go ahead" Dr. Witton softly said, kissing the younger male in the cheek.

His student smiled and positioned himself behind the flying beast. Kneeling to the ground, he thrusted into the pterosaurian hole. The Quetzalcoatlus moaned in response. Not before long, he thrusted faster and faster, moaning very loudly while having the first orgasm of his life. He got stuck thanks to his knot, although his cum still managed to get out of the reptile's cloaca in a stream. He then saw his teacher position himself behind him; knoted to the pterosaur, he wouldn't be able to run away. The cat entered his student, with little lub other than his saliva and precum. Starting slowly, he began to thrust at full speed once he felt his student moan. The wolf said nothing, other than moaning in pleasure and pain. After he released his load the wolf's cock got free, but the older fur pinned him down and began to fuck him again. He came again and again as he fucked him throw an entire hour. Eventually, he got satisfied and took his barbed cock out of the now quite sore rear. Despiste his roughness, he looked at the younger fur with care.

"Sorry, I can't control myself sometimes. You're okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry", said Ricardo, panting loudly.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

Both furs nuzzled and cuddled each other, during that ancient sunset

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