Earning His Stripes, Part 5

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#6 of The Spellsinger Tales

            He didn't need any coaxing. She

lay on her back, her white belly fur as comfortable as satin sheets. He slid up

between her legs and found her cunt with his cock. There was to be no problem

with lubrication, for she was still wet and slippery. She was also more than

ready. The moment he was in position she thrust upward with her hips, impaling

herself willingly on his manhood. That now familiar momentary constriction that

was her hymen proved to be no hindrance to the union.

He took over, pushing himself

deeper with repeated thrusts. He stopped only when he was fully inside her. He

waited, savoring the feel of her tight wet hole. Unlike her other forms this

one had a slightly different anatomical feature. The wall of her cunt was

ridged, a bit like the corrugation in cardboard. Her depth and his length

meshed perfectly, for he could feel the tip of her cervix pressing against the

head of his cock. As he gradually pulled back, her ridges rubbed enticingly

along his shaft. The pleasure of it wasn't lost on Roseroar, who moaned softly.

Jon-Tom measured his movements carefully, finding a slow stride benefited from

her internal construction over fast thrusts. He was concentrating on the pure

pleasure of her body that he failed to notice that it was driving him over the

edge. He came well before he intended, gushing hotly inside her.

She gave him a squeeze, both

with her paws as well as her internal muscles. "Done already?" She

sounded disappointed.

"Not at all. I think that

was just the overflow. You know, making way for the really good stuff."

She purred. "I hope


He was still hard as a rock, so

he certainly wasn't lying. He pushed in all the way, purposely massaging her

cervix with the head of his cock. She reciprocated by locking her legs around

his torso and compressing their bodies together. She had the strength to crack

his pelvis but expertly and deftly managed to keep her power under check. She

eased up enough to allow him room to generate some motion, but initially held

him so strongly that he barely moved a few inches either way. As her grip

lessened and his thrusts got deeper, she relaxed and matched her movements to

mirror those of her lover.

It was Roseroar's turn to

climax. Jon-Tom was not the only one  to have noticed the ribs in her

cunt. She could feel the vibration caused by his repeated passage along her

warm, wet hole. It was new and completely unlike any of the other forms she had

taken. Better yet, instead of pushing her over the top quickly, like in the

otter form, this kept building over time. When it released, she was washed with

an internal heat, pouring over her like waves of lava. Jon-Tom kept pounding

away, each piston-like action triggering more and more pleasure within

her. Once she began her orgasm it never stopped. It was as though he was

continuing the climax once it had been triggered. There was only so much she

could tolerate. When that point was reached, she passed out.

She awoke to find her body

still reacting, and Jon-Tom still engaged energetically at his task. He had

been right; that first climax of his had merely been a spill over. But she

could sense a quickening in his movements and knew he wouldn't last much longer.

It was just as well, for she was light-headed and worse (better?) yet, was

starting to climax again. He started to release, and she followed not far

behind, her contractions pumping every last bit of fluid out of his cock. To

him it felt like a closed fist wringing out every drop. After their mutual

contractions faded, they lapsed into a cozy rest period, lovingly pinned in

each other's arms.

"Ya know sugah, I think

this just keeps getting better and better. It certainly beats anything I've

ever had before."

This brought up a subject he

had been loathe to broach; her past experiences. He felt a little better about

asking, knowing that he was tops in the field. "So," he asked,

"How do I compare to your other lovers."

She snickered a little.

"Are you jealous or just envious?"

"Just curious"

"Well honey, you have to

remember how males of my kind are formed." He looked at her with one of

his stupid looks. "You know, in the lower regions..." Still the blank

look. "Jon-Tom, a male feline, regardless of the species, has small spines

on his penis."

He thought it over a moment,

finally wincing for the female on the receiving end. "I guess I don't know

my biology all that well. I've never heard of such a thing. I figured we were

all alike."

 She snorted at his naiveté. "I will say

this for humans. I think the females get off easy." 

He could hardly argue.

"But why are they built that way?"

 That question she could not answer. "I

never have heard a reasonable explanation other than that's what works for our

kind. But then some animals have twisty ones, fat ones, pointy ones and stubby

ones. I can't say I've tried them all (holding up a paw to forestall his

inevitable question) but I am very familiar with other cat species. Yours

is by far the most comfortable, size-worthy, and pleasurable I have ever

encountered." While he basked in her praise, it dawned on him why such

animals never tried anal sex. Ouch!

She seemed to be reading his

thoughts. "We cats rarely have sex for mere recreation just for that

reason. A girl has to be in heat to tolerate the full nature of that kind of

prodding. On the other hand, your tool is well designed for striking just the

right places." She nudged him gently in the ribs. "Speaking of which, I

think I have an itch that needs scratching again."

 He was ready to oblige, but she motioned a

little lower. "Honey, I think we should try out your naughty bit on this

form, don't you?" He agreed readily, but warned her, "I think we had

better get me lubed up the regular way first, don't you think?"

"Sounds like a lovely idea


She was going to shift to her

belly, but he held her still. "This is just fine."

Indeed, once he penetrated her,

she had to agree. In no time he was wet and slippery, thanks to her bountiful

lubrication. She pouted a little when he pulled out, leaving a little gush of

fluid to dribble down across her anus. That, coupled with the coating on his

cock was enough for him to gently push into her ass. She grunted at first, but

he held still until she acclimated to his presence. It was a totally different

feeling from her cunt. Unlike in her tiger form, her ass here was even tighter,

assuming that was possible. He allowed her to start the movement, but her

position under him made the effort difficult and clumsy. When he knew she was

ready he took over, pumping gently. He would push until his hairs brushed her

anus and then pulled back until he was almost out.

Eventually his movements picked

up speed, and he was banging away a little harder. The tempo increased until

she was grunting in time with his movements. All at once she grabbed his ass

with her big paws and took over like she had on previous encounters. She was

ramming him in more forcefully than he would ever have dared try. All at once

she rammed him down hard against her body and held him with bone crushing

strength. He could feel her climaxing, cumming hard. Her ass muscles clenched

around his cock like a tourniquet. Despite the feeling, it was soon hurting. On

the other hand, as she began to relax and he picked up his own pace, the

feeling soon came to him and he was over the top, filling her bowel with hot


Roseroar couldn't help but

purposely give him a few squeezes after she regained control. He returned the

favor by pushing in a little. After a few rounds of this, he was hard and ready

to go again, which is what she had hoped for. Needless to say, they came

together a while later in a clash of bodies that left the two of them

drained.  As they relaxed, Jon-Tom's inevitable mental processes were

evaluating what she had said earlier.

 "In heat..."

Had she been in heat this

entire time? He rather felt bad for her if she was. The sex was great but in

the end she would be denied the whole purpose of the act; procreation. He had

to ask. "Roseroar, have you been in heat this entire time?"

She licked her lips and purred

from deep within her chest. "Yes darling, more or less. I likely will be

until I get pregnant. But since I can't, that means I will be stuck with it

until my dying day."

He was perplexed. "What do

you mean? Are you saying that you're sterile?" 

It was her turn to be perplexed.

"What do you mean by sterile?"

 "It means that for whatever reason you

are unable to conceive." To make sure she understood he clarified it

further. "It means that you can't have babies or cubs."

Her face fell, showing the

sadness within. "Yeah, that seems to sums it up sugah. I have tried,

believe you me, but not a single one took. I went to several wise women, but

their help was worthless. The best advice was from the last one. She said that

I had to connect with a true love. She may be right, because none of the

fellows I mated with came close to touching my heart. And now that I have found

one that touches my heart, we're of two different species. I call that the

worst of luck." Jon-Tom was beginning to feel terrible. He was thinking he

had been taking advantage of her good nature and raw sexuality. She interpreted

the look on his face and halted his thoughts. "Now don't go fretting. You

have shown me a great time, better than anyone else in this world could do. But

I told ya, like begets like. If you were a tiger, then maybe it would


That got him thinking again.

What if he could turn himself into a tiger? He sat absorbed in his

thoughts.  Roseroar watched him, wondering herself what he was up to. He

thought hard, but the only tiger song he knew had already been sung. Eye of the

Tiger was part of his repertoire that had been responsible for Roseroar's

initial appearance. He knew songs by Cat Stevens, a few of the tunes from the

musical Cats, but overall there was nothing useful. He inadvertently let out an


"Whatcha up to


He looked chagrined. "I

was trying to think of a song that would turn me into a tiger."

She gazed lovingly at him.

"Ya know sugah, I appreciate the thought, but I happen to like you as you


He protested. "But

Roseroar, look at all of the changes you have gone through for me. The least I

can do..."

She shut him up with a

irritated roar. "Males. Ya better get your head about you Jon-Tom. You

gave me the ability to change, but it was my choice to use it. If you think

that you have had all the fun, then you're not paying attention. I'll never

forget this. Don't go spoiling it trying to do something stupid. I went into

this knowing what I would be in for." She thought for a moment before

adding. "Well, I didn't plan on the magic bit, but it has only made it


"I'm sorry," he said

contritely. "It's just that you deserve so much more!"

"Hmmph! I don't dwell on

it. I enjoy what can be enjoyed and let the rest fall to the wayside. Besides,

if you think I deserve more, than get that piece of meat of yours into working

order and give me some more!" He figured it was a good way to end the

discussion and put them back on equal footing. It worked.

After a few rounds the next

day, Roseroar wished herself back into her old body. Jon-Tom was quiet on their

journey. She had a feeling he was still mulling over a way to change himself

into a tiger. She kept silent. If he wanted to try, then let him try. It might

be interesting. It made travel boring, but there were worse things to deal

with. The next couple of days found him subdued. He plucked at the duar,

mouthing words, careful not to induce something catastrophic. She finally

settled down next to him. "Sugah, why don't you sing me some songs?"

After failing at a transformation spell, a chance to sing some love songs

proved therapeutic. For an hour he held her entranced.  When he was done,

she motioned him over.

"Ya know honey, you're

quite the lover. Not every lady gets serenaded like I do! But enough of the

singing. Like your one song asked, how

deep is your love? I think it's time you showed me again!"

He had to smile. Their

relationship had gone from the tense first meeting, at which point sex was the

furthest thing from his mind to now, when she was asking him for it routinely.

He was quick to undress. She had him where she wanted him in no time. As they

were engaged, she whispered in his ear, "I wish I had chosen a different


Nonplussed, he answered back,

"You can be anything you want, whenever you want it."

  "Thanks darling. It

dawned on me that I never got a chance to try out the black panther body.

That's what I want to be." In the weirdest thing to happen to him yet

during this experience, Roseroar immediately changed under him. And around him.

In fact, he instantly broke her hymen because the two were already connected.

She let out a snarl, but relaxed as the pain subsided. "Sorry sugah, I

didn't think about that!"

Just days before he was having

sex with the purest white lion. Now it was the other end of the spectrum. The

lithe black panther under him was nothing but raw energy. Once she was over

losing her virginity...again...she was greedy for some action. He was happy to

oblige.  She was feeling pretty fierce in this body, rolling over and

pinning him underneath her. She took to riding his length with relish, often

grinding her body against his until they were both raw. When the time came, he

filled her up until his juices were leaking out around his cock. She leaned

forward and purred in his face.

"Whatcha thinking


 "Who says I'm thinking?"

"Oh, I can tell. You have

the habit of doing it at random times."

"Fine. You're right. But I

couldn't help it."


He got a look of amusement on

his face. "Where I come from, a woman's private area has a nickname. It's

referred to as a "pussy."

She waited for the rest.

"Soooo?" "

"I was just thinking that I

have been getting a little pussy lately."

She tossed that around in her

head, trying to see the humor in it. She didn't find it. He had been getting a

lot of it lately. So she added some humor of her own. "So you want a

little pussy do you? Perhaps I should be a lynx."

The joke was on her. She

instantly became that particular feline. While not the smallest of cats, it was

the smallest she had yet tried, akin to the size of the otter. Needless to say,

there was an issue. Jon-Tom was still inside her. The only saving grace to the

situation is that he wasn't completely hard. As it was, he ruptured yet another

hymen and was stuck inside the most painfully tight hole he had yet

encountered. He rather doubted that he could have entered it on his own. She

keened in pain and managed to rasp out, "I wish I was back to normal"

Suddenly on top of him was the tigress. It was his turn to gasp in pain as her

full weight was pressing down on him.

She quickly rolled off. It took

a moment to gather their bearings. She apologized profusely. "I don't know

what happened. Normally you have to agree to my changes. This time you didn't.

What happened?" He was equally mystified. "I haven't a clue. Can you

do it again?' It was a good question. She cocked her head to one side,

thinking. "I would like to be a badger." Instantly she was

transformed into the familiar striped form of one of the largest members of the

weasel family. She flexed her muscles. Looking down, she commented, "Kinda

short and wide. This would not be a favorite." She then eyed Jon-Tom.

"On the other hand, why should this form go unused?"

He was intrigued but thought

the better of it. "I believe we need to investigate this first."

She shook with delight.

"That's what I said!"

He stifled a frown.

"That's not what I mean and you know it. We had better figure out why

you're suddenly changing on your own," adding, "not that I mind."

She mulled it over and stated

"I wish I were a horse." A lovely brown mare stood pawing the ground.

"I wish I were a unicorn," she whinnied. The brown horse shifted to

silvery white and a spiraled horn grew from her skull. She was the size of a

large pony. She took a few steps, getting a feel for the form. All at once she

turned on Jon-Tom. "Hey spell-singer. This is new. I never considered that

I could become a plant eater, much less one as rare and famous as this."

He had to agree. On his world, the animal was merely a myth. Their recent

exposure to one on their trip must have triggered her decision to try the

equine forms. He found it to be beautiful. She meanwhile was trying out its

paces. She took off at a dead run. The cheetah had been fast but this was

faster. She was gone from sight within seconds. He sat down, waiting for her to

return. He might not have bothered. She was back, not even breathing hard.

"This is great! Jon-Tom,

you have given me the most wonderful gifts anyone could ever have dreamed of.

Get on! Get on and I'll give you the ride of your life."

He had to admit that it was too

good an opportunity to forgo. He slid onto her back, carefully grabbing a

handful of mane. "Mind the hair," she said absently. "You won't

need to hang on I think. This form moves like water." With that she was

off. The scenery passed by at amazing speed. She stopped after only a half a


"Well, what did you


He was unsure what to think.

"It was fast?"

She snorted. "Jon-Tom, we

just covered a mile, more or less. That makes a cheetah look like a

tortoise!" That certainly was impressive. "Hang on. I'm heading back

to camp." He clicked off seconds in his mind, and twenty nine later they

were back. He slid off her back and landed lightly on the ground. She turned

her head to look back at him.

 "Sugah, if you don't mind, I think that I

am going to put this here body through its paces. It's a bit different than I'm

used to."

"Sure Roseroar, have


"Good!" she whinnied,

"I was hoping you were going to agree!" He was getting slow in the

head. She backed her rear end towards him, tail up, her cunt winking at him in

a way very un-feline. "Come on human. Show me your horn! I showed you


While Jon-Tom had gotten used

to the many cat forms, and a few of the others, this brought back the memories

of barnyard jokes. On the other hand, this was still Roseroar. And she was

growing impatient. Besides, while his mind might have a problem, apparently his

body didn't. She whinnied with delight at the sight of his rising erection.

 "That's what I'm talking


 He approached her, examining her present

sexual apparatus. One thing was certain and that was that he should have no

problems with her having too small of a hole. He parted her pussy lips,

exposing bright pink tissue, glistening with moisture. She was just a little

tall even for his stature, but he stood up on his tiptoes and pushed in. She

realized that there was a problem and lowered her haunches to help. It was

enough to make things perfectly matched. He slid in, pushing deep in one

thrust. He was right. She might not be nearly as tight as in her other forms,

but she was made up for it by being a few degrees hotter.

From her perspective, his

presence felt wonderful. It was innate to this form that the act would be over

quickly. After all, stallions blew their load in a short amount of time. She

geared herself up to climax when he did. He didn't. She came and came again. He

was still going at it. Thinking outside of her present form, she realized that

not only wasn't he a horse, he had come several times recently. All the better

for her! In fact, he kept going for a long time, unable to blow and tiring in

the process. She meanwhile came six more times, nearly losing her footing

on the last. Her backside fell a few inches, causing him to slide out on an

outward thrust. His next push found her anus instead. She wasn't prepared for

it, but it was big enough to handle his cock without pain. Actually, it was

just as pleasurable as the other hole, and apparently generated more friction

for her lover. He began pushing harder and harder, finally releasing with such

force that she could feel it deep inside. He stood there for a moment before

collapsing on the ground, utterly spent.

She turned to him, worried. He

was fine, merely fast asleep; worn out from his manly duties. She looked down

on him lovingly. The more she looked the hornier she got. "Jon-Tom, get

up." No response outside of his quiet snoring.

She snorted in frustration,

unconsciously pawing the ground. Too bad there wasn't some way of restoring his

strength. There was so much fun to be had! She nudged him with her head,

careful not to impale him on her horn. As she touched him, its tip lit up with

a faint glow. He stirred. She held it in place, watching the faint light spread

through his body. He opened his eyes, yawned a little and got up, stretching

his arms and legs. 

 "Thanks Roseroar, whatever you did."

She had to think; what had she done? Then it dawned on her, unicorn horns had

their own magic. 

 "You're welcome Jon-Tom. Now, to repay

me, can we get back to what we were doing?"

He shook his head in amusement.

"For you my lady, anything!" And so they did. She wasn't done with

him for several hours, but her horn kept him strong enough to keep going.