Earning His Stripes, Part 4

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#5 of The Spellsinger Tales

           She was right and he knew it.

But the thought stuck around, hiding in the back corners of his mind. They

stayed at their present location long enough for the meat to cure before they

set off again. They enjoyed each other's company, verbally and physically,

whenever they could. A few more days into their journey they broke through the

forest onto a sandy beach, looking remarkably like the one from which he had

conjured up the Sloop John B. He was still gazing out to sea when Roseroar,

stripped of her armor, went crashing into the surf. She rolled onto her back

and cried out, "What was that thing? A surfboard? Why don't we try that again?"

He was stripping before she

finished her sentence. He swam beside her and started to climb on top, but she

grabbed a hold of him and gave him a hug.

 "What was that for?"

"For being yourself. She

turned thoughtful. "I know you accept me for who I am, but I would like to try

something and I need your help" He was perplexed as to what she might need

but was completely willing. "I like water sugah, but there are those

better at swimming than I am, like the otter. This time I would like to be a

dolphin!" He had been afraid of this. There was the risk that she could

like the form so well that she would leave him and disappear into the great big

ocean. She forestalled any such idea. "Just think. Instead of just

surfing, you can ride me through the water."

He was intrigued enough to

comply. "I think you would make a great dolphin." Fur and stripes

melted into the water; whiskers vanished, and her head flattened and elongated,

her nose rising to the top of her head. Her feet were flippers and tail. It all

took place quicker than the eye could take in. "Well what do ya

know," exclaimed the tigress-now-ocean-mammal in a voice many octaves

higher. With a quick push of her tail she was off into the depths. Before he

could chide himself with a told-you-so, she was up and out of the water doing a

back flip, chattering with excitement. "This must be just like

flying," she exclaimed. She nudged his body. "Climb aboard Jon-Tom.

But grab my fin and hang on tight because it's going to be a slippery


She was right. As a tiger surf

board, there had been fur to gain a purchase with. Dolphins were streamlined,

and she certainly wasn't going to be acting the part of the board today.

He straddled her back, grabbed

her dorsal fin and hung on for dear life. She skimmed along the surface,

occasionally crashing through waves. All at once she shouted, "Take a

breath and hang on." He barely had time to suck in a lungful of air before

she dived. She dove ever deeper, the light fading as they went. She spun in the

water and headed straight back up. Her tail and flippers were working overtime.

The sunlight was looming closer when all of the sudden she was breaking the

surface. At the speed she was going, both of them erupted into the air.

Jon-Tom lost his grip and fell.

He had salt water in his eyes, but he could still tell that they must have been

fifteen feet in the air.  Then he came

down feet first, dipping below the surface.  She was to him immediately.

"Wow. Just Wow! That was like, totally cool sugah. These guys have it

made. No need to have your legs get tired. If you don't want to swim, just

stop. The water will carry you! This is the greatest ever. Thank you, Thank

you, Thank you."

All the while she was saying

this she was rubbing her sleek body across his, more specifically his abdomen; and

regions lower. He had little knowledge of dolphins, or porpoises, or

whales.  The most he could remember about ocean going mammals was a dumb

joke he had heard. Why was a walrus like

Tupperware? Answer. They both like a

tight seal. Strangely, it seemed appropriate at the moment.  However,

she could hold her breath underwater longer than he could. He was willing to

give this a try, but not at the loss of his own life. Besides, if he died, she

would be stuck in this form.

 She was avidly rubbing herself across his

crotch, especially since now there was something more substantial there to

scratch her itch with. He felt her rubbery skin as it slid along his length

until it caught on something. He knew that in this form, it had to be her slit.

But there was no way it was going to work. He said as much.

She was exasperated with him.

"Swim back to the shallows." He did as he was told. When the water

was only about five feet deep she stopped him. "Get your feet planted in

the sand" He dug them in with a wide stance. She positioned herself in

front and propelled out of the water. He instinctively grabbed around her back,

locking his arms under her fin. She was slippery, but a lot of her weight was

being supported by the water. She arched her tail and lower body until she was

lined up with his cock. She worked the head of it in, forcing herself a bit at

a time. It was a weird feeling; good, but weird. He was afraid he was going to

hurt her again, but since he was motionless, he let her do what she wanted.

She eventually worked his

entire length in. She relaxed a little, guiding her tail between his legs.

"Now; this will be easier

for you than for me. Start rocking me up and down." The waves were already

doing that, so he timed his actions with those of the water. She was tight, and

if there were any kind of hymen, the blood would wash away with the currents.

He heaved her up with an oncoming wave, allowing gravity to take her back down.

It was fun, but it soon became apparent that she wanted to go faster. Ignoring

the incoming crests, Jon-Tom created his own rhythm. It culminated in a

crescendo of climaxing bodies. He lost his footing and fell forward, dragged

down by her weight. She didn't flinch. In one fluid motion she fell with him,

and then resurfaced, her back down, with him on top. The extraordinary thing

was, she did so without dislodging him or their shared connection.

  He gasped for air before

she sped off to shallower water. She swam right up to the shoreline. He

attempted to get off, despite their continued attachment. It was awkward for

her, but she turned her head as much as she could and said. "We're not

done sugah. I want you to fuck me again. "

He was shocked, as she had

never used that unladylike word before. It had to be something to do with the

dolphin form. They were a bit flippant, no pun intended. Her blowhole was out

of the water, while the lower portion remained wedged in the sand under the

surf. Since he was still inside her, he chose their present position as the

only practical one to try. He was afraid that his weight would be too much for

her, but she wiggled her body into the submerged sand until she was nestled in

a shallow pit. With his legs and arms supporting his weight, the position

worked. She squealed and chittered in delight as he thrust into her body with

long hard strokes. She especially loved the feel of his hairs tickling her

vulva, something a dolphin rarely experienced.

 On the flip side, slamming away on a smooth

hairless body was both exciting and unnerving, as it had lolita-like

undertones.  He was pounding away and she loved it so much that his

worries stopped there. They both came again, her internal contractions

squeezing his fluids out in a manner most forceful.

A large wave came crashing to

shore, unexpectedly causing them to pull apart.

Roseroar let out an unhappy

grunt and tried to reposition herself. Jon-Tom just wasn't going to be ready

again that quickly, leastwise not this time. "Roseroar, let's give it a

break. Maybe you can try something land based? It might make it easier on


She chattered at him,

"Maybe, Maybe. But if I chose you have to agree."

 He didn't see where he had much choice.

"OK, I agree."

She sat there floating on the

surf, thinking about what she wanted to be next.  She rose and fell with

the swells, thinking ever longer. For an animal as impetuous as the dolphin,

she was taking her time. She finally piped up. "You know, I can't think

right now. How about if I just switch back to being me."

"I agree. A tiger would be

very nice."

The huge cat was standing in

the surf, bits of sea-foam stuck to her legs. "You know Jon-Tom, this is

fun, but I can begin to see some downsides." He was too politic to


She climbed up on shore and

plopped down in the sun-warmed sand. He followed her and reclined beside her.

She propped up on one elbow and gazed at him. "I was acting a bit flighty

out there, wasn't I"

"Yes you were. It seems

the normal for dolphins, for I have encountered them before. They have

attention spans the size of a grain of sand."

She nodded silently.

"These bodies are fun, but if it's alright with you, I think I had better

stick to something closer to home." He agreed, extracting a promise from

her that there would be no more changes today. She was noncommittal about it.

"After all, sugah, I can't change unless you agree to it!"

They sat absorbing the sun's

rays, chewing on snake jerky and telling each other tales. He wasn't certain

what she wanted; truth or fable. Given the choice she chose the latter. He had

to think. There were many stories from many cultures in his world, but most

centered on humans. But wait, that wasn't true. There were the Egyptians! He

had audited a history class in the vain attempt to hook up with one of the

girls on campus. He remembered some of it. He hoped it would be enough.

"You know, I have heard

about magic from all corners of the world here, but I have never heard about

gods or goddesses."

 She cocked her head. "That's old magic,

assuming that any of those stories are even true. Some say that they were

merely powerful magicians who craved followers and glory."

Jon-Tom understood. "Well,

centuries ago there was a beautiful goddess named Bastet. She was in control of

the sun and the moon. She was a lovely black cat, adorned with gold and jewels.

The people of her land adored her, and she adored them in return. They held

great festivals in her honor. This went on for thousands of years but

eventually the people forgot about her. She may still be there, watching and

waiting for their return."

"Bastet is a good

name," declared the tigress, rolling the name over her tongue. "There

was a similar deity here, so they say, also many centuries ago. Her name was

Silef. She was not black but white as unblemished alabaster, with blue eyes

deep as the ocean. She had the body of a lioness, with the soft fur of a snow leopard.

She had a glow about her like the sheen of the most perfect pearl."

Jon-Tom was taken in by the

story. "She sounds beautiful...not that I'm saying you're not"

She snorted in amusement.

"I take no offense. As a goddess, she had to be beautiful."

He had to know more. "Was

she a real person or just a fabrication?"

Roseroar rumbled deep down.

"I can't say. There are stories that there was once a tribe of white lions

in the northern hills. No one has ever seen one in modern times, leastwise not

that I've heard of. If they did exist, it would be an honor to meet one, or

even better, be one."

Jon-Tom was listening idly,

more absorbed in his own imaginations of what they looked like than what she

was saying. He absentmindedly agreed with her. "Yes, I suppose that would

be nice."

When the prickle of magic ran

up his neck, he sighed and closed his eyes. Damn her, he thought. She tricked

him. He forced himself to open them when she called out to him, in a voice like


"What do you think

Jon-Tom?" Standing there was a breathtaking beauty, her white fur

immaculate, her blue eyes blazing. Only her nose was black, a distinct

counterpoint to the rest. He was beyond words. He found some anyway, and they

were stupid.

"Does this mean that the

lions are real?"

"Sugah, I still don't

know. But here I am, and do I look fantastic or what?" There was no doubt

about that. She was everything she had described in her tale.

She was on her feet, performing

a flowing pirouette. While not as flexible as the little otter, this form

flowed with an innate gracefulness. As she spun, her head took the lead while

the rest of her body followed. In one complete turn her head and tail covered

three hundred and sixty degrees. She was agile enough to not step outside the

bounds of a few inches of sand. All at once she leaped away, bounding over the

dunes like a rabbit. In no time she was out of sight. Jon-Tom stared out over

the crested sand, waiting for her to return. He knew she would, but each time

she changed, he had no idea what she was going to do. This was no exception.

So intent was he on catching a

glimpse of her in the distance that he failed to notice her standing next to

him. She had doubled back behind the dunes and had silently approached him from

the rear. When she cleared her throat, he nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Dammit, Roseroar you about scared me half to death."

Amusement danced in her eyes.

 "I know sugah. I couldn't help myself.

This here body is very near perfect in every way." It has about every

talent a cat can have; speed, agility, strength, and beauty!"

Jon-Tom added one more. "it

also has you."

She pushed him down on the sand

and sat on top of him. "Why yes it does sugah. I think we need to test out

all of its abilities, don't you?"

He wasn't surprised that sex

came up again. He was unsure if she was normally this predatory (pun intended)

or if it was all of the forms she was trying out. He found it hard to believe

that they all could be this sensual, but evidence dictated otherwise. Of

course, it wasn't merely sex; it was love. It certainly didn't matter to him

what form she was in.

"I'm willing to do

anything for you, Roseroar, " he said with a sparkle in his eye.

"Especially when it means getting physical!"

She purred seductively, rubbing

her long softly furred tail across his legs. She spread herself down on the

ground, motioning for him to follow. He hesitated, taking the time to inspect

her body. He made a quick decision and instead of joining her the way she was

expecting, he flipped so that his legs we straddling her neck and head.

She started to protest.

"Sugah, just what do you think you're doing? ah ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh...."

His tongue had gone to work on her clitoris. Never in her life had she

encountered oral sex. For his part, he found her sweet musky taste to be

intoxicating. He slid open her tight lips, and immediately began working his

tongue over the exposed pink surfaces.

For her part, she grabbed his

head and held it in place, guiding him to where it felt the best. H hardly

needed the guidance. Her hips came off the ground every time he gently sucked

at her clit. They had never discussed this particular aspect of sex. For all he

knew, it was a purely human invention. The fact was obvious that she certainly

liked it. She was enthralled with the feeling. Having had Jon-Tom's cock inside

her more times than she could count already, this was an entirely different experience.

It was as if he had magically focused her sexual energies in one spot and was

continuously activating them. She was nearly losing control of herself, but had

to fight to keep her claws sheathed. She didn't want to accidentally harm him,

especially since he was working so hard to please her. With one particular load

moan, her tongue came out and reflexively lapped at the air.

Instead of air it encountered

flesh. Jon-Tom's scrotum to be exact. He wasn't expecting it so he naturally jumped

a little. She came away with the mild taste of salt, both his and the ocean's,

mixed with his own, particular scent. The tongue came out again and curled

around his balls. The feeling of it to him was both smooth and rough. It was

well lubricated but had tiny bumps across its surface. He swore he could feel

every one. She licked again, and again. She tried to reach his cock, but

couldn't quite make it. With a gentle heave, she arched her back, reducing the

amount of space between their bodies, allowing him to stay where he was, and

yet permitting her a chance to reciprocate. She knew she had to be careful. A

feline like herself was designed for eating flesh, not playing with it. She

kept her motion limited to her tongue. She occasionally lost control when he

worked a bit too vigorously on sensitive spots. On the other hand, he now knew

when to back off a little.

Her licking was driving him

crazy, and in no time he blew his load. However, at that exact time she had his

cock fully in her mouth, cautiously working the length with her tongue. He

never meant to cum down her throat, but it's exactly what he did. She could

feel him explode, his contractions easily palpable on her tongue. She was

unsure how to handle this. In the time it took her to wonder, it was too late.

She felt his fluids rushing into her mouth. She was half expecting the flavor

to be awful, but what touched her taste buds wasn't nearly what she expected.

She hardly had time to think about it. Jon-Tom's ministrations were bringing

her over the top, and in no time she was too preoccupied to care. She came so

hard it hurt. He finally stopped when she unconsciously started crushing his

head between her legs. He carefully removed himself from his position until her

spasms diminished to mere shakes.

As she settled down, he

snuggled up close beside her. She reeled him in with one big paw, brought

around the other one and gave him a hearty, loving hug. She said nothing,

largely because she was still gasping for breath. They lay together unmoving

until they both fell asleep. This lasted long enough for them to rest and

recharge. He awoke to the deep chesty rumbling of her purring. Her eyes were

open, deep pools of ocean blue. "Just what do you call that, that, whatever

it was you did to me?"

"Where I come from its

call foreplay."

She wrinkled her nose.

"Four what?"

"Fore, as in before. And

play, as in "not quite the real thing. Foreplay. It's sort of a warm up

for sex."

"Warm up? Sugah, you had

me on fire! I didn't know such magic existed."

"I'm glad you liked it.

Believe it or not, it was a lot of fun for me too!"

"I'll believe ya sugah.

Y'all could have lost an important body part though when you really let me have


He had been a little nervous

about that, but she had handled herself well. She continued. "I could tell

you were going to let loose. You taste pretty good!"

"And so do you,


"Well honey, if your

foreplay was merely an appetizer, I think I'm ready for the main course."