Blackie and the Liver Chestnut

Story by Blacksnip on SoFurry

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Blackie and the Liver Chestnut.

By Blacksnip the Thoroughbred.

Copyright, Blacksnip the Thoroughbred, 2009. Not to be reproduced elsewhere without the author's permission.

Blackie raised his head from grazing, hrrrummphed to clear his nose, and snorted. Although it was mid-spring, and a few of his mares had been in oestrus, he hadn't had much action lately. He rested a hindhoof, lowered his head and started daydreaming. A week or so ago, a very nice dun mare had been in heat. Very much in heat. In fact, red hot heat. They had mated ten times during that fabulous twenty four hours, and by the end of it, the black Thoroughbred had felt his balls thoroughly drained, and the mare's hindquarters and tail were well slicked with his semen. The thought of it caused an extremely familiar stirring in his sheath, and he lowered his pelvis slightly and rearranged his hindlegs as smooth black skin began to peek out of the opening of his sheath. In his current sex-deprived state it didn't take much to get him aroused. He thought of the dun's wet, slightly gaping vulva, and the repeated flashing of her clitoris, and his long cock started to descend from his sheath, the shiny skin unrolling around the shaft as it did so.

He could almost smell her, that musky, slightly metallic scent of a mare in heat. His thirty inch long penis, fully descended now, jerked as he started to get erect. He really could swear that oestrus mare scent was getting stronger. He slapped his cock up against his belly, striking the glans against his hairy skin. He whickered under his breath. Oh, that felt good. He contracted the muscles in his groin again, and the rock hard cock slapped up into his belly. This time he thrust his pelvis forward slightly, rubbing the expanding glans forward through the hair. As the long, thick organ swung down to a forty-five degree angle with the ground, a dribble of pre-ejaculatory fluid issued from his urethra. He rarely brought himself to ejaculation this way, just in case a better use for his fluids could be found, but he was very tempted this morning. Just as he was about to belly slap again he heard a soft thud or two on the ground behind him, and suddenly the soft sensitive skin of his scrotum was caressed by a wet tongue.

He squealed and startled in shock, and turned to look at his hindquarters. There stood a liver-chestnut mare, of similar build and height to himself, with a prominent white stripe down her face and a somewhat tousled, long mane. He had never seen this mare before, but now he certainly did know where the oestrus mare odour came from. It was wafting powerfully from this mare's back end. He spun round, his hooves causing clouds of dust to billow up from the dry ground, and sniffed her muzzle, reading the scents in her saliva, as she did the same to him. Simultaneously, they squealed, the mare striking out a foreleg and Blackie, very used to this typical oestrus mare behaviour, expertly shied out of range, setting his semi-erect cock swinging crazily between his hindlegs. He raised his head and sniffed her again; this time there was only a soft squeal from the mare. The scent wafting from her hindquarters was intense, powerful. Blackie's cock slapped up against his belly, a plume of pre-ejaculatory fluid signalling his arousal.

The mare walked forward to place her hindquarters directly in front of his nose, and elevated her tail. The slit beneath her tight round anus gaped, the pink clitoris winking out. This mare needed sex as badly as Blackie, it would seem. The stallion raised his muzzle, protruded his large pink tongue, and swept it down the wet, swollen vulval lips. The mare squealed in surprise and pleasure at his touch, and the slit flashed open, the clitoris pushing against Blackie's tongue. Oestrus vaginal fluid seeped into the stallion's mouth. His cock was jerking with every beat of his great heart now, and every few jerks he slapped it up against his belly. There was no doubt what the mare wanted. Just as the stallion started to gather himself up to mount, the mare raised her tail even further and squatted. Her vulva gaped open, and a stream of cloudy oestrus urine, quickly becoming a torrent, poured forth. The horse, revelling in the wonderful burst of sex smell, dipped his muzzle in the stream, then raised it to perform the flehmen behaviour. This mare was overcome, physiologically and mentally, with the need for sex.

As if reinforcing her desperation for mating, still pissing, she barged her squatting hindquarters against the stallion's shoulders. The hot urine splashed his right shoulder, soaking the shining, jet black hair. Blackie did not mind; the smell and her behaviour sent his mind into sexual overdrive. Throwing himself back on his haunches, he reared, then threw his forelegs over the mare's buttocks. His massively erect penis swung through the urine stream, the splashing fluid hot on his shaft. Dancing on his hindlegs, he stepped sideways, to bring his hindquarters directly behind his mare. She squealed softly in anticipation, and squatted even further under his weight, her vulva gaping in readiness for cock, the urine flow issuing from it slowing. With a grunt, Blackie hauled himself up the mare's back, and thrust his hindquarters forward. His glans slapped against the lower portion of her vulva, and lubricated by the fluids issuing from urethra and vulva, it shot down the crack of her buttocks, the glans coming to rest under her teats. Grunting with frustration, he drew his pelvis back, and thrust forward again. His cock swung through the gap between the male and female horses' hindquarters, abruptly halting when the cock head slammed hard into the mare's anus. She whickered at the pressure on her sensitive tail hole; and actually humped back into the pressure, as if to welcome an anal intrusion. Blackie had humped enough of both to know the difference between a stallion and a mare though, and wanted to make a foal with this mare. Nothing was going to be conceived in her rectum! The stallion drew his hindquarters back again, and thrust forward, using his experience in breeding to help aim his cock.

This time the swelling glans, wet with dribbling pre-cum, slapped against the wet vulva, the bulbous tip parting the lips slightly. Recognising the warm, yielding wetness on his cockhead, Blackie grunted triumphantly and bucked his hips forward. With a wet squelch, the large glans forced its way through the vulva, followed by six inches of hard cock shaft. The mare squealed in pleasure at the forceful penetration of her genitals. The stallion grabbed her crest in his glistening incisors, and thrust hard again, his raised tail billowing out behind him. Stallion and mare grunted as the rock hard penis, with its crown of belling glans, was driven deep into the vagina, accompanied by wet farting sounds from the junction of horse vulva and entering shaft. One more mighty thrust drove the remaining fourteen inches of thick, rigid, vein sculptured horse cock through the vulva into the vagina. Blackie stepped his hindlegs right up behind the penetrated mare's and thrust mightily again, bringing soft grunts of delight from the skewered mare, as the root of his penis slapped against her vulva, driving the stretched sheath skin through it, the balls, drawn up tight against cock base, only inches from slapping into it. Feeling the entire length of his shaft embedded in the mare's warm, wet vagina, Blackie's brain went into full mating mode.

He started throwing his pelvis forward in violent, huge repeated thrusts, ramming his huge penis deep into the mare's willing vagina, perfectly meeting the rearward hunches of her hindquarters which were keeping her upright against the violence of his humping. At the end of each thrust he quickly drew back his hips, pulling six inches of glistening rock hard horse cock root out of the vulva, only to ram it back through the distended lips with jackhammer force. As he drove himself forward to orgasm a constant chant of whickers and grunts escaped his throat. These were joined by the liver chestnut's own grunts, as the pummelling and stretching of her sensitive vagina started to bring her own climax closer. Saliva from the stallion's gaping, grasping maw, clamped tight on the mare's mane, stained her crest with dark rivulets. At the other end of his body, his long black tail was held high in the air like a banner, the tail hole, clenched tightly with the exertion of the thrusting, clearly exposed below.

The stallion's grunts started to become throatier and more frantic as he felt the sperm thrashing in his balls as if boiling, desperate for release in the race to fertilise a new equine life. Deep within his hindquarters, near the root of his huge penis, he could feel a fantastic tingling, as his Cowper's and prostate glands started to fill and distend with his thick seminal fluids. At the other end of his cock, the glans started expanding. He knew that the ecstasy of cumming was getting very close! Incredibly, he started humping the mare even harder, throwing increasingly violent thrusts into her. The mare was not complaining! As she felt her stallion's humps pounding her stretched vagina, his glans thudding against her dilated cervix, his grunts and groans ringing in her ears, she felt herself approaching the edge of her own climax. Suddenly, Blackie delivered one huge final thrust, as if trying to push his entire hindquarters through the vulva, and held himself there, straining his hindlegs against the ground to keep his groin hard against her buttocks and his cock deep in her vagina. She heard him catch his breath, and then felt the glans rammed hard against her cervix rapidly flare and the protruding urethra penetrate her cervix . She came on this; her vaginal muscles clamping down hard on the enormous rigid penis within.

Half a second later, a huge plume of watery semen, full of sperm, exploded violently from the stallion's urethra, splattering against the far wall of her uterus. Blackie grunted, felt his penis kick violently in the mare's orgasmically spasming vagina, and another huge gush of cum erupt from his glans. His eyes dilated, unseeing, his brain full of the utter ecstasy of stallion orgasm, as his great tail flagged down against his buttocks, his anus clenching, as the entire length of his urethra, the root of his penis, his internal sex glans, all contracted in climactic spasm, and a third huge jet of thin semen spewed from his glans. He groaned, his mouth opening and letting go of the mare's crest, his pink tongue lolling in his mouth, as his cock jerked inside her, his asshole clenching under his flagging tail, his urethral process gaping as a torrent of thicker ejaculate spurted powerfully out. The next jet to spew from his distended glans was even thicker, full of viscous seminal gel. The mare stood still, humped up into the stallion's groin, maximising the penetration of her vagina and cervix by the jerking, spurting cock within, grunting quietly in the orgasmic chant of the mare, savouring the feeling of her stallion, her new harem stallion's, semen spewing deep into her. Blackie's head lowered down her neck, his ears directed towards his hindquarters, the pumping within the source of almost unbearable pleasure. He groaned and bucked his hips feebly, as urethra and sex glands clenched, sweeping a huge torrent of thick cum rapidly along his cock to gush from the opening in the hugely distended glans. Yet again his tail flagged as he continued to ejaculate, grunting as each orgasmic contraction forced successive, plentiful, ever more viscous jets of semen through his cock; feeling the sensation of passage of each wonderful, pumping spurt with incredible intensity, revelling in the spewing of his precious sexual fluids from his sensitive glans deep into his new mare's uterus.

For her part the mare stood there, grunting in a whole body orgasm, cumming, her flanks shivering with each pumping gush of stallion semen, feeling her uterus fill with the weight of his hot thick fluid. Blackie lay totally draped over her hindquaters and back, head low, saliva drooling from his slack mouth, eyes glazed, as his tail continued to jerk, the anus underneath it clenching and relaxing, as he ejaculated final long ropes of thick cum, full of seminal gel, having the purpose of filling the mare's vagina with an almost impenetrable barrier against the passage of any other horse's sperm. Eventually, ejaculation over, he lay still, engulfed in endorphin-fuelled post-orgasmic glow, feeling his penis lose its rigidity and become flaccid, feeling the sensation of his thick semen seep past his softening, flared glans, forced out of the uterus by the pressure of the humping and the sheer volume of fluids within, fluids of stallion and mare.

The mare's whicker roused him, as she gently stepped forward, the motion drawing his flaccid penis gently from her vagina with a sucking sound, the space left being flooding with stallion cum. When the large, hugely distended yet soft glans was drawn through the vulva there was a wet popping sound, and a torrent of thick seminal fluid poured from the gaping lips, joined by the viscous nature of the fluid to thick rope of cum which hung from the glistening, dangling horsecock. As the Thoroughbred stallion's forefeet hit the ground this dropped onto the grass, shortly to be replaced by the reappearance of another string of ejaculate from the glans, as the semen remaining in the urethra was squeezed out as the stallion's cock was slowly drawn back up into his sheath. Blackie whickered as the mare turned around, thick strands of semen still oozing out between her vulval lips, raised her muzzle to his ascending cock, and licked the string of cum from the glans. Blackie lowered his head to the puddle of thick, ropey cum, beside the deep impressions their hind hooves had made on the ground, sniffed the intense musky aroma of his own ejaculate, mixed with vaginal juices, and performed flehmen. He then lowered his head into the hot, clinging puddle, and drank deep of his own semen, savouring the slightly bitter yet sweet taste of the fluid which only a minute ago had been deep within his body. He raised his muzzle, a thick string of cum connecting his upper lip to the puddle, to see his mare joining him there. She whickered before lowered her head and opening her muzzle to also drink of his ejaculate, swallowing the thick nutritious fluid with relish. He whickered back. As her uterus and vagina were full of his semen, so would her stomach be. She was truly his mare.

Copyright, Blacksnip the Thoroughbred, 2009. Not to be reproduced elsewhere without the author's permission.

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