Domination and Submission Chapter 6: Deception

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Wel this is the most I've written so far. It may take me a little while to get out chapter 7, but belive me, it's going to be worth it. Just check out my website for any updates about the series or any of my other stories.

This chapter is yet another piece of this puzzle called Tomas, Markillian, and Dontae. There is less obvious use of magik in this chapter than the other ones, but it is definatley there. This chapter (along with chapter 5) is soo deep, I can't tell you any more of the great Drama that arises. I hope you have as much fun reading it as I have writing it.

Warning: This chapter was produced in a factory that also produces peanuts. If you have any food allergies, please consult a doctor before use. It also contains various bits of moral wrongness not suitable for furs under the age of 18.

Instructions: 1)Insert flap C into slot 379/23. 2)Turn counter clockwise using special bolt 7 (not included). 3)While using screwing rod AD12 (the 8 inch, not the 20cm) to depressurize gasket 563.N.09.98.F, adjust Lever H to the 83.03 degree position. 4) Enjoy ^.^


Domination and Submission

Chapter 6: Deception

by~ Neptune Wolf


The fox knocked on the door three times before someone answered.

"Who is it?" a voice yelled through the thick door.

"It's . . . it's your brother . . ." Tomas' voice staggered when he spoke. It had been a long time since they last spoke. Tom heard the door's locks click and the door opened. A swift black and tan paw grabbed the Fox by his collar and pulled him into the room and quickly shut the door behind him. The German Shepard pushed the fox against the closed door rather roughly and put his paw on the fox's muzzle.

"Shhhh! Don't say that shit so loud!" The Shepard said softly, only wearing a pair of thin boxers. He then gave a short kiss to the back of his paw which was covering the Fox's muzzle, making a 'mock kiss'. It was a tradition in their family to kiss everyone, but guys had to cover their lips with their paw when kissing another guy. "Tomas!" The Shepard said in his normal voice, smiling as much as he could.

Tomas hugged his brother. "Mark!" He said hugging him tightly, but the Shepard quickly broke up the hug when he heard a noise behind him.

"Who is that, Mark?" A groggy voice called from one of the beds.

"It's a friend of mine I haven't seen in a while." Mark said looking back with the same wide smile. The furred figure under the covers waved to the fox and turned back around to go back to sleep. Tom's red, almost silky tail swished back and fourth as he looked into his brother's eyes but he then held his tail still once he saw the stone-like look in his eyes.

"You know you are not supposed to be here, right? It was one of the conditions Dean Sanders set. We both could get kicked out and you mom won't like that and . . ." Markillion was cut off by his brother's tongue as it entered his muzzle. They held a long kiss before Tom said,

"Who are you kidding, bro? You are as happy to see me as I am. Who is Dean Sanders to tell us we can't see each other?" Mark smiled and kissed his brother again.

"So what do you want . . ." Mark asked after a long silence.

"You remember when we were little? We had a babysitter named Dontae."

". . . oh I remember him." The German Shepard said. For some reason his memory had been foggy every since he moved out of his brother's dorm room.

"He's upstairs! He's my new roommate!" Tom said with excitement. His tail began to swish back and fourth again along with Markillian's.

"So, did he give you one of his 'special treats' again?" mark asked. Tom only smiled wider.

"It was a whole lot more fun than when we were little . . . but . . ."

"But what?"

"I don't trust him. He's very odd and he's reading this book called 'The Art of the Blue: The Darcia Method'."

"The art of the Blue!?!? Are you telling me that he could be a Blue!?!?!?" Mark yelled. The figure in the bed shuffled a bit and threw a pillow at Mark and went back to sleep.

"I don't know if he's really a Blue or not . . . but . . . what if he is?"

"Oh shut up Tom! Yeah right! Like Dontae Black could ever be a Blue."

"Seriously! Just think about it. He's a good friend of ours. Maybe he's not like what the legends say." The young fox said. Even though Mark and Tom were the same age, Tom seemed a lot younger, like a kid, especially in his voice.

"Yeah right. Those stories scared the hell out of you when we were little. You even pissed in the bed once." Mark laughed. Tom blushed and looked down at the floor. "The legends are not real to begin with! Dontae is just pulling you tail. It's probably just one of those fake witch craft books." Mark continued with a wide grin. When he saw that his brother was still looking at the floor, the German Shepard pulled him into a warm hug. The fox was so cute and child-like it just felt so heartbreaking to not see him smile. Tom liked Mark's nose and smiled.

"If you want, I can come check up on Dontae when he's in the hallways and stuff. We can do it together."

"But what about Dean Sanders?" Tomas asked.

"As long as we're discreet about it, we'll have nothing to worry about." Mark said as he hugged the fox tighter. There was a stirring in his sheath and his hardening canine member pressed against the light fabric of his boxers. Mark looked up at the ceiling when he felt a warm paw grasp his sheath and stroke it through the fabric. Mark stopped his brother.

"That's what got us into this mess in the first place, and besides, my roommate is right behind us." Mark said. They broke the hug they both felt cold as their warm bodies separated. Tom told Mark to meet him in the main lobby at nine that night and kissed him before he left. Tomas knew that Dontae usually leaves the dorm room at around nine on Saturdays to be in the lobby for band practice.

That night, Mark was dressed in his usual blue and white uniform with the blue euro tie, coat with school emblem, the school regulated shoes, and his long overcoat also with the school emblem over his heart. This was what every student in the school had to wear at all times and it had to be pressed, polished, and neat when they are around professors.

The young fox was leaning on a marble pillar next to a potted palm tree in the lobby reading a newspaper when Mark spotted him from a balcony. The German Shepard slowly made his way around the crowded lobby of the Wayne Academy. To get into the lobby, you had to walk down a grand marble staircase, as if everyday was a ritzy Ball at the Wayne Academy. The Lobby itself was three stories tall and was three times as lavishly decorated compared to everything else in the Academy. It was crowded on Saturday nights because no one was allowed to leave the Academy and the Lobby acted as a sort of social club for the students. There was drinks and food and the student orchestra playing in the background. The orchestra that plays at the weekend Ball played a collection of classical, new symphonic, jazz, and occasionally played popular music. They were really world-class musicians.

Markillian approached Tomas silently as if he were spy and said hi. Tom kept his face hidden since he knew Dean Sanders always had an eye on him at these little get-togethers.

"Dontae is the one on the right, first trombone." Tom said. Mark looked towards the orchestra and saw the black wolf in a black suit putting a cup mute into his trombone and then playing a solo.

"He has black fur now!" Mark said with his tongue having out half-way and panting. Tom nodded and shifted the newspaper. The German Shepard was mesmerized by the black wolf. When they were younger, Tom spent the most time with Dontae and got the most attention and now, here at the Wayne Academy, Tom got to share a room with the sexy wolf.

"The Orchestra usually stops playing at around ten. I don't know when he goes after that. I want you to walk around for a little while and meet me here in 55 minutes." Tomas said as he folded the paper up and tucked it under his arm and walked away into the less lit area near the corner of the huge room. His long over coat flowed elegantly as he walked briskly. Every student in the academy had to go through finishing school. In finishing school, they learned how to become classic British gentlemen and it showed when Tomas walked. His tail stayed down except for the tip which was arched just right to hold the long overcoat off the ground. Mark shook his head "He watches too many spy movies."

Mark mingled in the crowd of furs but all the while could not stop thinking about the wolf, Dontae, and what he did to him and his brother it felt so weird to be in the same building with the wolf. How did I forget about the wolf that took my innocence? Mark asked himself and felt rage, but the thought quickly melted away when he saw Dontae up on the stage. He only glanced in Mark's direction for a second but Markillian's rage was subdued and replaced by a sort of pleasure, the same pleasure he felt when Dontae would baby-sit him. Mark smiled to himself.

The Orchestra had finished and the Conductor, a Coyote named Robert, announced the three soloists who stood up and took a bow. Everyone cheered and a few furs in the crowd yelled out the name of their favorite. Mark saw looked around and saw Tomas approach the marble pillar he was at before, the newspaper still in his paws. Dean Sanders appeared in front of the lobby and walked up to the stage with a microphone in his left paw. He was wearing his typical faculty uniform but with a special badge over his heart. To Mark, he always seemed somewhat intimidating when he showed up at the weekend Ball. He tapped the microphone to get everyone's attention even though it was not necessary since the faculty's uniforms were yellow and white which contrasted the student's blue and white ones. Dean Sanders formally announced the newest faculty member, Mr. Dontae Black.

"Mr. Black is a recent graduate from the Solomon University, which is one of the most elite private universities in the nation, and he is here to teach you fine young students Academic Writing and The History of Dragon Kind, but I am also pleased to say that he is a very accomplished musician, sitting first chair Trombone and assistant conductor. Stand up, Mr. Black." The black wolf did as he was told and Dean Sanders gave him the microphone and asked him to say a few words. The crowd applauded.

"Well, I'm glad to be here at the Wayne Academy, but I am sad to say that I am here for a limited time." A few furs in the audience, and a few in the orchestra, who were in his classes sighed. They were very fond of their new teacher. "I will be staying until my superiors call me back to the Solomon University's history department. But believe me when I say that is one of the best experiences of my life, you are all great students. Hopefully I will be back to visit soon." Dontae's voice had a non-threatening tone to it, as if he were talking to crowd of preschoolers.

"You sound like you are leaving tonight, Mr. Black." Dean Sanders said to the black wolf off to the side.

"Well, they could call me back at anytime, tonight or a year from now." The black wolf said out loud on the microphone. The few furs in the crowd sighed again as if Dontae were their best friend. "But until then, I'll teach you all I can." He said then gave the microphone back to the dean. The crowd applauded again and Dean Sanders told them to carry on as they were. The director gave the signal for everyone to file off the stage. Mark quickly made his way to Thomas.

"Did you see that?!?" The fox asked with outrage. "He was only here less than a month! Either he a damn good teacher or there's something up." Tom continued. Mark shook his head and crossed his arms. Had being away from me made him that crazy? Mark asked himself. "What?" Tom asked.

"You need a break from this academy. Just you and me go somewhere . . . one day." Markillian said holding the fox's paw, staring deep into his green eyes. Mark really loved the fox and wanted to be with him more than anything else in the world. He moved in closer and put a paw on the fox's lower back and the other behind the fox's head to kiss his brother on the lips, but then a yellow and white uniform bumped into him. It was Mr. Holiday, a middle aged kangaroo who taught the upper-class advanced-placement math. He only taught AP calculus, Physics, quantitative analysis, and was the weight-lifting instructor on the side. His muscles were barely contained by his perfectly pressed yellow faculty uniform. He was known to have a rough attitude and Mark and Tom knew they were in trouble.

The large kangaroo looked down at the two young furs; his muscular arms crossed making the uniform moan and stretch. Tom swallowed hard and the tall roo smiled a bit, enjoying how his presence made students sweat.

"You are Tomas Grey and Markillian Grey, am I right?" The roo said in his rough voice. Tom nodded, but Mark only looked down to the floor. "I have orders from the dean to keep you two away from each other, 'personal reasons', he said." Mr. Holiday looked at his expensive gold watch. The faculty at the academy was paid very generously. "I want you two in my office pronto to discuss what should be done about this." he said with an unnerving smile. He grabbed the two by their collars and guided them to the nearest exit. They struggled, but it was futile against the much older kangaroo's strength. Tom managed to look over at the stage. The orchestra was filing out, but Dontae flashed a smile at the young fox.

Mr. Holiday's office was cold, in both temperature and style. The walls were white and had no pictures unlike all the other teachers' offices. The small room had a window that had a view of the open field next to the school which had a view of a softly illuminated brick-paved path that lead to somewhere none of the students ever saw. Mark was fixated on the softly lit pathway as the kangaroo behind the cheap metal and faux-wood desk droned on and on about polices and respect, but then the word 'gay' came out of Mr. Holiday's muzzle. This snapped the German Shepard out of his daze.

"This school has an astounding number of gay students. According a study I've done over the last 15 years, one in every three students here at this academy is homosexual. If you two were homosexual then Dean Sanders would have said so in the report about you two." The intimidating roo said with an unnecessary snarl. He paused for a moment and flipped through the things on his cluttered desk and pulled out a manila folder with Tom and Mark's pictures paper-clipped to the front. He handed it to Mark who opened it promptly and flipped though it. The muscular, tan roo continued, "Dean Sanders only said that it was some 'personal issue' that you two should not be together and that you two should be expelled if this restraining order be violated. Now tell me Markillian, Thomas, what is this personal reason?" The two looked at each other and said nothing. Mr. Holiday picked up the phone on his desk, "Well I guess I'll just let the Dean handle this then?"

"Why the hell do you want to know, if you don't mind me asking, Mr. Holiday?" Mark demanded with defiance.

"I was considering giving you two a break and letting this slip if this 'personal issue' wasn't so bad."

"Well, I'm sorry but it's personal." Mark said and threw the file on top of a pile of other folders on the kangaroo's desk and crossed his arms.

"MARK!" Tomas yelled. Mark looked over at the fox and flattened his left ear. It was their sign that meant 'trust me'. Mark really did not want to be at the academy anymore, even though their parents would kill them, and he knew that since the file only said it was a 'personal issue' and nothing else, if they were to be expelled it would look really bad for the school. There was nothing in the file about incest or even about them being brothers. Tom calmed down when he got the signal. With Mark's last little outburst, the burly roo sighed and put a paw on his forehead, clearly in need of a cigarette.

"Look kid. I'm trying to be the nice one here," Mr. Holiday pointed to the German Shepard with two fingers. "and if you want to be a dumb ass and get expelled, it's your damn fault! This school is quite expensive to attend and your parents wouldn't be too happy if their money was wasted. Now you two tell me, or you can pack you bags and a taxi will be waiting outside in 10 minutes." Mr. Holiday was stressed about something. It was in some way imperative that he knew what 'personal issues' meant in the file. The roo turned on the computer on his desk. "I'm going to look up both your parent's phone numbers to tell them. You have until then to tell me."

Tom started to shake. He's going to know that we are brothers! He screamed at himself, hoping his brother could somehow tell what he was thinking.

"You tell us why you want to know, and I'll tell you what personal issue we have." Markillian said as calmly as he could. The older roo had his paws on the keyboard but didn't type anything.

"It's for research. Anything you say in here stays in here." He said with a smile. He was doing a research for a book he was writing along with two other teachers called, The 66 Percent. It was about the differences between same sex private schools and regular co-ed private schools. Tom looked at Mark again. He nodded and the roo smiled wide.

"Tomas and myself are brothers and Dean Sanders caught us doing something personal. . ." Mr. Holiday's smile got even wider. He typed in Markillian's name into the school's database and checked the information. It was true. Markillian had been adopted by the owner of Grey's Chemicals at a young age. It was even better than he expected. Mr. Holiday leaned back in his chair and folded his arms, making the yellow fabric moan.

"You know I can make a deal with you. You can do . . . things around my office and it can have positive effects on your grade point average, maybe even enough to boost your overall rating." The tan kangaroo said slyly. Each student has a rating which was basically a file on how 'obedient' the student is. A student could do small services to the academy to boost there rating, but the ones with the highest ratings were the athletes and those who were on the student board of directors. Tom really wanted to be in the top ten percent and eagerly said, "What do we have to do?" The muscular roo's smile widened.

"So you will take my offer? Do what I say or get expelled?" Mr. Holiday asked.

"Like we have a choice." Markillian said. It couldn't be too bad; just some extra chores, maybe leak information to faculty about certain students, easy stuff. Mark though to himself with a grin.

"Good! Now get down on your knees!" he said calmly with his same wide smile and in the same laid back position in his chair. Neither boy moved. Mr. Holiday frowned and stood up. "I'll have to teach you boys some discipline!" He opened the file cabinet next to him with a set of keys on a huge ring. What he pulled out made both students squirm. It was 'the wood'. Tomas and Markillian had both heard horror stories from some of the athletes about 'getting wood' from their coach. It was wooden boat ore with all but seven inches of the wide handle cut off. It looked like it weight about five pounds and it had hole drilled into it. Mr. Holiday hit a small button on his desk and then there was a short 'click' sound from the door. The much older roo held the wood in his paws like a baseball bat and did a few mock swings.

The small fox trembled and began to sweat. How could I let myself get into this?!?! I'm so naïve! Tom thought to himself. But little did he know it was his naïveté that attracted so many other furs to him. He acted so young and his small, 5 foot 1 inch frame only made him more attractive. His bouncy attitude mixed with his child-like eager-to-please attitude made him irresistible to dominate furs.

Mark's tail lifted from the ground and went around his leg. He stood more erect when the door clicked behind him in the small office.

"Get on your knees!" The muscular Mr. Holiday yelled. Tom didn't know what to do. His brother wasn't moving at all. It was as if Mark was in a daze. The German Shepard couldn't believe what was happening. Tom began to pant as he got up from the chair and down to his hands and knees in front of the desk. Mark slowly did the same. Mr. Holiday walked to the other side of his desk and examined the two furs at his feet. He smacked the wood across his paw once and it made a resounding 'Slap'.

"You two boy ever play 'King and Servant'?"

Mark wanted to kick the bodybuilder in his balls, but for some reason the thought of his adopted parents came into his mind. They were extremely strict in all aspects of the two boys' life. There was nothing the kangaroo could do to them that Mr. and Mrs. Grey and Dontae Black had not done before. He looked over to his little brother. He was shaking. It was obvious to the dog that the fox wasn't taking the situation as well as he was. Mark wanted to calm him down, hug him, caress him, and show him his love. He managed to whisper with a tear in his brown eyes, "I swear I'll make it up to you . . . someday." Then Mr. Holiday unleashed the five pound paddle across his tailhole with a resounding 'Crack'. The German Shepard abruptly fell forward on his stomach, not expecting the blow to his tailhole.

"Answer me when I ask you a question!" The roo said. The young fox panted hard. This is not happening! The fox yelled to himself. Mr. Holiday hit Tomas with the same force as his brother and he fell to his stomach with a laud groan.

Tomas had not been spanked since he lived at home with his parents. It was for leaving his bike in the driveway. Not only did his bike get destroyed, he got punished for it. When his father put the young fox over his knee and pulled down his pants that day, the first thing Tom felt was his father tender touch as he caressed his rump to prim him for the punishment. It was rare that his father would touch him at all for anything except for a spanking. But this time, he took his dear sweet time. It made the young fox feel good, that is until the first blow.

Why am I thinking of this now? The fox asked himself and he instinctively got back onto his hands and knees. There was a stirring in his sheath.

"King and Servant is a game I created a while ago. It's just a fancy way of saying 'do as I say'." The large kangaroo said. He put his boot in front of the German Shepard who had gotten back onto his hands and knees. "Lick it clean, boy!" he said with his rough, smoker's voice. Mark was reluctant at first but then he realized how easily it would be for him to loose his front row of teeth. He lapped at the tan, suede boot with his long, rough, canine tongue. It wasn't dirty at all since the faculty had to endure the same standards of cleanliness as the students. "Good boy! I'll let you clean me up after we're done here." Mr. Holiday took off his yellow jacket and undershirt as the two brother faced the cheap desk. They could hear him throw it to the floor. Tomas looked back at the large roo. His muscles were even more defined than he thought. He was a mountain of muscle covered in short tan fur. His thick tail lay calmly on the floor.

"Like what you see, Foxie?" Mr. Holiday said with a chuckle when he looked back. Tom quickly turned back around and started to tremble even more than before. He did like what he saw. It was enough to make a bulge in his pressed blue slacks. "See, when I'm coaching the weightlifting, I never have a shirt on. Hell, most of the time I only wear a pair of boxers to see how they react! The boys won't admit, but their bodies sure do show their appreciation." He continued with a chuckle that increased into a strong smoker's cough. "Take off your clothes, Foxie." He said as he rested his boot on Tom's rear and pushed him forward. His head hit the leg of the desk, just hard enough to hurt. Tomas brushed his soft, red headfur with his paw and did as he was told. When he was undressed, he folded the uniform neatly and put it in the chair. The fox's young sleek, nude form never escaped the roo's watchful eye. Tom stood up in front of Mr. Holiday and looked down at the floor, his red cock was almost completely out of its sheath and he couldn't look the older fur in the face. He tried to cover it up but Mr. Holiday stopped him.

"Well look at what we have here! It seems the fox wants to be fucked more than I thought he did." Mark looked back at his brother who tried to hide his red cock behind his paws. The roo made him get down on his hands and knees again next to the German Shepard. The fox was shivering as though he was afraid but his 6 inches of fox meat was dripping watery pre cum on the floor beneath him. Markillian couldn't believe his brother. He knew that Tom was more subdominant than anything, but this was still too much. The German Shepard had a bulge in his uniform as well.

Mr. Holiday took off his pants and underwear and got down on his knees behind the fox. He caressed the soft red fur on his back and moaned slightly. His 8-inches of kangaroo cock were at full staff. The roo pulled him in closer until the tip of cock was at the entrance to the young fox's tailhole. He held him by his waist as he slowly began to enter the tight virgin tailhole. Tomas moaned and cried as he felt the tip of the kangaroo's cock begin to enter him. Mark stood up.

"Stop this shit!" he said with defiance. Mr. Holiday stopped what he was doing for a second.

"Don't worry, you'll get your turn." He said unmoved by the Shepard's words. The lights flickered a few times and the roo stopped again. A swift flash of black smoked poured into the room from a single crack in the door. The roo violently pushed Tom off of his cock and reached for his underwear. Mark stepped back and shielded his eyes against the swirling back smoke that filled the room. It began to condense into a form; a wolf. Dontae! Tomas said to himself. The smoke stopped swirling once it made the form of the black wolf. It looked like a dark shadow but no one was causing it. It had what looked like a Wayne academy uniform on. The muscular roo crawled to the other side of his desk to put on his underwear but the dark shadow stopped him. The wolf shadow reached out towards the older kangaroo and with quick gesture, the shadow's arm elongated and reached into the roo's chest and gripped. Mr. Holiday made sharp, cut off scream; a croak, and then went limp. Blood poured out of his muzzle. Tomas screamed and Mark ran over to him. The wolf's shadow looked at the young naked fox and winked. "Dontae!" he yelled, but the black smoke dissipated into nothing. Mark was speechless until he looked over at the dead body behind the desk. He ran over to the chair that Tom's clothes were placed on and grabbed them.

"Quick! Put them on!" he said. The fox sloppily put on the uniform. "Let's get the hell out of here!" Markillian said as he pushed the small button on the desk. There as a familiar 'click' sound. The two furs ran for the door but once they stepped through something strange happened. They were each in their own room and in bed. Tomas got up and shook his head. "What the Fuck was that!" he said out loud. It was Saturday morning and the sun was up. He pulled the covers off of him and quickly realized he was in his pajamas. He began to pant hard and ran to the bathroom to throw up. It couldn't have been a dream! He thought to himself. But like a dream, be quickly begun to fade from his memory and he started to calm down. Dontae! He thought to himself. He rinsed his mouth out and went back into the room. The bed across from his was empty and made up as if no one had slept in it at all. He felt his head hurt.

There was a knock at the door.

The fox reluctantly answered it. It was Dean Sanders.

"I'm having a meeting downstairs in the fifth floor forum at 9am. Be there on time." The dean said somewhat calmly then left. Tom watched him go to the next dorm room and knock at the door and say the same thing.

At 9am, the fox was in the fifth floor forum. The forum had auditorium blue seats and he sat in the third row. He looked for his brother, Markillian but couldn't fin him in the crowd. The Dean walked up on the stage and made an announcement that the Fox would never forget.

"Last night, at around 10:30pm right after the short blackout, Mr. John Holiday, head of the math department and coach of the weightlifting team, was found dead in his office. They say it was a heart attack . . ." The dean said. He went on to have a brief history of the kangaroo's life. He never marred and he had been with the Wayne academy since he graduated college. There was a moment of silence and a few prayers said and some talk about a memorial for him in the school's Hall of Remembrance. Tom didn't care too much about it. He still had snap shots of his dream, like a flashback or a lost memory that was evoked every time the name Mr. Holiday was spoken. Being at a gathering, being in an office, being on his knees . . . the black smoke; it was all too blurry to make sense anymore.

After the assembly, the dean called Tomas into his office. Was my dream a vision of the future? The gathering, the office . . . Tomas thought to himself. He suddenly felt uneasy.

When he entered the deans lavishly decorated office, his brother Mark was already sitting down in front of the dean's desk. Tomas took a seat next to him.

"I have called you two here today to give you some . . . not so pleasant news." The dean stumbled in his wording. "I got a phone call last night . . . right after . . . the . . . incident. It was from the police. I don't know how to quite say this right but . . . your parent's were killed . . . during a robbery. They . . . they burned the house down with everyone inside." Dean sanders managed to say. His white fur ruffled a bit. The rabbit seemed as sad as they were.

The two furs in front of him were stunned. Tomas began to cry and Markillian held him close to him.

"The funeral is a couple of days from now, next Tuesday. You can be excused from your classes for the next two weeks." The rabbit dean said solemnly. Tear began to form in the German Shepard's brown eyes while next to him; tears flowed freely from the smaller fox. This was just too much and the fox could barely breathe. He put his head between his knees and took several short breaths. Mark's paws were around his brother, trying to keep him composed.

"Don't worry man, it'll be ok, it'll be ok." Mark said while painfully trying to hold back his own tears.

". . . I can have a taxi outside in 30 minutes if you like. I . . . I know how it feels to lose your parents. Mine died when I was 12, back when I lived in Liverpool." The white rabbit with tears in his eyes. "There is a good counselor down the hall, Ms. Gail. She can help you two out."

The two furs were heartbroken. To lose both parents and all of your worldly possessions is too much for anyone to take. Mark stood up, holding up his brother as well.

". . . why?" The fox whispered to his brother. "WHY?"

Mark guided his brother out of Dean Sanders' office and to the elevator. They got off on seventh floor, Tomas' room.

Dean Sanders knew the two personally; their family included. He made a few phone calls to announce that they would be returning, not to their destroyed home but to their aunt's house. He called a taxi to take them to the airport. The Grey family lived two states away. Dr. Henri Sanders personally made the arrangements for the next flight out and paid for it with his own credit card. He hung up the phone on his desk and sighed.

He knew the boys since they were young. He attended every social event the Grey family had at their house during the holidays. He and Mr. Grey played golf together in the summer and went on trips with the Grey family. It was no problem getting Mr. Grey's sons into the Wayne Academy for boys. Yes, he knew them very well . . . he knew that Grey's Chemicals, the multi-million dollar company that the two boys were heirs to, was loosing astronomical amounts of money over the past 10 years. There was probability less than a thousand dollars left in the Grey's bank account, but they still lived richly . . . always in dept. The last 2 years at the Wayne academy was paid by the Dean himself.

Dean Sanders put his head on his crossed arms on his desk. He looked forward at the closed, mahogany door and sighed. He slowly got up and walked over to a closet in his office. The door was unlocked. On the floor was a box. He picked it up and walked back to his desk. The white rabbit rummaged through it, throwing some items away in a basket next to his desk. He finally found what he was looking for; a set of about 20-string bound letters from Tomas and Markillian's parents . . . that he never gave them.

He started to cry a little more. There was a knock at the door. He quickly composed himself and put the box under his desk and hit the small red button to unlock the massive door. It was Mr. Hayes from the attendance department.

"Have you seen Mr. Black? He was supposed to teach his History of Dragons class over 30 minutes ago." Mr. Hayes, a dark-brown furred coyote said from the doorway. The office itself intimidated him. Even though Dean Sanders was one of the nicest guys he knew, the way his office was decorated always made him think he was waking into the devil's throne room.

"Uh, no. Did you call him? Check his room?"

"Yes. His phone is out of service and no one answered in his room."

"You check the band department?" The white rabbit asked while looking down at a few papers on his desk as if he had been in the middle of something.

"No one has seen him since last night. I've checked the whole building." Mr. Hayes paused for a moment. "You think he got called back last night?"

"It is possible . . . but I doubt that he would have left without saying anything. He was really adored by his students." Dr. Sanders said with a sigh.

* * *

The two furs opened the door to Tomas' dorm room. Mark helped him pack his stuff into a suitcase. As Tom walked into the bathroom, Mark looked over at the empty bed across from his brother's. Donate wasn't here at all last night. Mark thought to himself. He walked over to the bed and examined it closely. There was a large rectangular indentation under the pillow. Tom walked back into the room and startled the German Shepard.

"He's not here." Tom said simply with his arms folded and tears in his eyes. "People come and go everyday it seems. First you, then Dontae, then mom and dad." He started to cry again.

Mark came back over next to his younger brother.

"I am here and I won't ever leave again, no matter who tries to break us apart." Mark said while hugging the fox so tightly it hurt. He then whispered into Tomas' ear, "And don't you forget it." Of all the phenomena in the world, brotherly love was the most phenomenal.

There was a deep vibration throughout the building that was about the same frequency as the German Shepard's inner ear, causing him to lose his balance shortly. The lights blinked on and off in the room. It flickered just twice then went off. You could hear every fur in the building moan when the power didn't come back on.

"What was that?" Tom asked. Mark didn't answer. He just held the fox tightly in his arms.

"A sign to get out of here and go back home." Mark said after a long pause. He let the young fox go to finish packing his bags. He looked over at the bed again and couldn't remember his last train of thought. He shook his head but he couldn't let it go. He hated to forget things. As Tom packed his bags, he heard his brother ask, "Did you have a roommate after I was kicked out of this room by Dean Sanders?" the fox didn't hesitate to say,

"Of course not. I've been in this room all alone since you left." He said calmly still packing his bags. His sorrow and flow of tears was slowly ebbing.

** *

Mr. Hayes was walking down then hall when the building shook and the power went out. He was slightly disoriented and forgot where he was going. Oh yeah, attendance office! He thought to himself with a smile, not at all concerned about the power outage. He opened the door to the office where three vixens were behind a desk. One of them said,

"The power is out again, Hayes."

"Yeah, I know."

"Before it went out, I got your message that Mr. Mueller was absent today and to cancel his History of Dragon Kind class." The over-weight vixen in a yellow and white uniform said, leaning her chair back and relaxing now that her computer was out. Mr. Hayes stopped a moment.

"Yeah, yeah, just send someone to tell them they have the day off."

The power came back on and the Wayne academy continued as efficiently as it always had. No one had any memory of the Black Wolf that had spent a month at the Academy as both a teacher and musician.

** *

Tomas and Markillian went down to the third floor to Mark's room. He packed quickly, only grabbing a few nick-knacks and uniforms to put into his suitcase. Tomas felt odd as if something was missing but then the school's bell rang. It wasn't just a regular bell; it was 12 elaborate church bells in a tower that played various tunes every hour. They both looked out the window towards the bell tower on the other side of the Wayne Academy campus. It was time to go.

They met Dean Sanders in the main lobby. He had the taxi waiting. All of the students were in the middle of class and there was no chatter to be heard, no goodbyes to be said.

"You two be careful, ok." He said while the driver loaded their things into the trunk. The two furs nodded.

"Why aren't you going?" Markillian asked.

"I will be there next Tuesday. . ." he trailed off at the end. The two furs got into the yellow taxi. The bells still playing the heavenly tune as the taxi drove away; its rich bellowing sounds surrounding a 2 mile radius with beautiful music. Dean Sanders looked up at the tower. He thought he saw a figure on the pointed roof but he couldn't tell due to the blinding morning sun. He shielded his eyes but he still couldn't see. He just let it be and slowly walked back to the building. The white rabbit, wearing his yellow and white uniform with the Wayne Academy emblem over the heart, heard a strange omnipresent chanting, like whispers, but surrounding him. He stopped and looked around but no one was there. The bells music still played loudly, seeming to get more and more intense by the moment. The World started to swirl around the white rabbit. The chants got louder but he couldn't understand what they were saying. He fell to his knees as a he felt a pain his head. "NO" he yelled as loudly as he could but it was stopped abruptly, like a yelping dog being roughly picked up by the scruff of its neck. Then there was a splatter. His head exploded into a hundreds of pieces like a melon being crushed by a sledge. The bells stopped playing and rang once for every hour; 11 times while a black figure stood over the headless corpse laughing. His black fur waved in the wind and the thick leather-bound book in his paws burst into flames and turned to dust.

* * *

So. There you have it. This is how Dontae bacame a Blue, but trust me, you ain't seen nothing yet!

Well this is all I have for right now. I hope you really enjoy the story so far. I'm trying to make it into an epic. The next few chapters will deal with a lot of Magic, yiff, spells, fights, yiff, adventure, action, yiff, dragons, an unexpected love triange, yiff, and maybe (just maybe) some yiff.

Please send any comments, criticism (of all kinds), concerns, and any new and exiting new computer virus (j/k) to [email protected] and check out my website for any sneak peaks at future chapters.\_life