Jungle Love

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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I love wild women. She's based on a pic by Dr. Comet.


Kimoni: Nauta.

The woman: Me.

She looked down at the campsite from the safety of the trees, cocking her head at the stranger who had been in her neck of the woods for the last few months. She had done well to remain hidden from him, but now she finally had a use for him.

The slightly plump maleherm cheetah was busy outside his tent, studying some of the artifacts he'd collected. He was wearing his usual clothes, thankful his build kept his belly small, though the swell was visible through his shirt and shorts. He'd been unaware of his pregnancy six months ago when he came to the jungle, but even with his research nearly complete, he didn't know how close he was to birthing his boyfriend's child...it could have been any day now. What a surprise he'd have in store for him when he returned.

She crept along the branches, circling him slowly, watching him intently. He was a gorgeous specimen...muscular, handsome, and the bulge in his middle notwithstanding, he was perfect for her.

Kimoni sat on the ground cross-legged, taking notes and brushing off the small statue he'd found. He felt the child wiggle inside of him, and he sighed, patting his belly. "Quiet down there, it won't be long," the cheetah purred, flicking his tail and trying to stretch out some.

While he was seated, she leapt down, landing with barely a sound to his side. She was like nothing he had ever seen, some kind of...hyena? Hyena mix? Though with distinctly abnormal pink fur. She was also naked, her full breasts and agile body for all to see.

Kimoni blinked and looked up at her, quietly observing her body. His own masculinity couldn't deny her appearance, despite his accidental impregnation, and while the kitten kicked and squirmed he brushed down his shirt, trying not to appear intimidating. "Hello...?" he asked, tilting his head, not having seen a single other anthro the months he'd been there.

She smiled at him, walking (or more accurately loping on all fours) closer, growling sultrily. Her tail flicked slightly as she sniffed the air around him, shivering at his masculine scent.

The cheetah leaned back and purred, spreading his legs slightly as his cock swelled slowly, beginning to bulge out his briefs. "Mmm, do you have a name?" he asked her, his pecs also a touch soft under his shirt and his nipples larger, but luckily his testosterone kept him from developing large breasts.

She looked down at his bulging crotch, her eyes widening in anticipation. She circled around him and rubbed her body against his until her hind end was facing him, and he could see her sex: it was red and puffy, and giving off an exquisitely strong scent.

Kimoni purred again, his tail lashing. He growled softly and leaned forward, gently placing a paw on the back of her rump, taking a deep sniff the smell coming from her, and his cock leaked some pre into his briefs. She may not have been able (or unwilling) to speak to him, but she seemed to know how to tease a man. "Mmmf, what're you up to...?" he said quietly.

She looked over her shoulder at him and turned around, leaning in and rubbing her muzzle against his cock and sniffing it, growling again.

The maleherm sat up a bit as she nuzzled his crotch, pushing his bulge against her muzzle and moaning a little as he leaned over her back, stroking it gently. For a first contact, this was going quite well, he thought, his leaking shaft staining his pants slightly.

All the pheromones going through his system made him fail to notice a quivering in his belly, almost like a squeezing. She murred quietly and licked his clothed crotch, confused as to why she couldn't taste flesh.

Kimoni gasped and shivered as he pressed against her tongue more firmly, kneading her strong shoulders and back as she licked his shorts, panting and spreading his legs to give her better access but also press his cock harder against the cloth, more pre leaking out in the process.

The scent was so strong...what was this covering his body? That simply would not do! She reached up and started clawing at his pants, ignorant of the injury that she could cause should she scratch his cock.

"Ack, hey, careful!" he gasped, pulling back and looking down to inspect his shorts, his cock still rock hard and leaking pre into the underwear.

"Grrr," she growled. She wanted him, now! She hunched down and pounced on top of him, pinning him on his back.

Perhaps from the jarring impact, perhaps not, he felt another squeeze in his belly. The cheetah grunted, falling on his back, panting and squirming under her while he held her close, her breasts and body pressed against his chest and belly as he winced at the squeezing, not really considering he might be in labor already but trying to pay attention to this strange but very randy female on top of him. "Oof, you're pretty rough...careful, I'm pregnant."

She, not understanding a thing he said, clawed at his shirt, raking her nails dangerously close to his chest. It was obvious to him that if he didn't do something, she would cut his clothes off him.

Kimoni growled and sat up, starting to pin her down and sit on her body, bracing her arms back and panting at her as he straddled her body with his bulk and strength. "Okay, you're gonna have to stop doing that, these are my only clothes that fit me..." he grinned, eyeing her as he pinned her.

She growled up at him threateningly, but the wide smile on her face told him what she was really thinking, her legs reaching up and wrapping around his hips.

He felt something in his belly give slightly...like something popped inside him. His female parts started becoming damp. The cheetah moaned a little as his crotch rubbed against her own, his head dipping down to nuzzle along her neck and chest, licking at her breasts while he felt his groin moistening. That was odd, considering his male side was in full control here, in the presence of such a lusty female. He ground his crotch against her sex harder, straining the damaged shorts some.

She groaned, pulling against his back with her legs...jeez she was strong for such a build as hers. She squirmed to flip on her stomach, raising her tail and looking back at him with her tongue hanging out.

He watched her turn over to lay on her belly, grinning a bit and sliding down her body to hug her from behind, but he couldn't resist an offer like that. He pulled down the ripped shorts and underwear to let his thick cock spring out, rubbing it against her rumpcheeks, leaving a smear of pre on her fur and his shorts and briefs around his thighs.

She wriggled her hindquarters against him, trying to find his cock with her very wet sex, panting lustily.

Meanwhile, he felt the dripping pick up a little, like the hole in the pit of his stomach had gotten bigger...he sure felt a lot of pressure on his crotch. "Ooof, hehe, you're making me really randy, girl," he said as he slid his cock up against her sex, pushing in slowly, the flared tip and slight barbs vestigial of his nonanthro brethren rubbing against her walls as he felt some dripping from his cunt, down his balls and thighs, tickling his fur and starting to dampen his briefs.

She let out a long growl, gripping handfuls of dirt and clenching him hard...seemed her feral strength extended to her vaginal muscles as well.

The cheetah leaned over her body, his belly rubbing against her back as he fucked her hard, grunting and growling in pleasure as his thick rigid cock was bathed in her juices, pre squirting out inside of her. Pregnancy wasn't even a concern for him, as she was simply a wild female he got to fuck, what likelihood was there he would even see her again or she would even care? He bit the back of her neck ferally and kept humping into her.

He was pressing all the right buttons, spurring on her feral mating, as she growled and barked with each thrust, her breasts and sex being ground in the ground. Her heated sex squeezed and milked his cock, demanding his seed.

As he fucked her, he felt his womb squeeze gently. Barely more than a cramp, but it went on. "Unnnf, this was so much easier before I got knocked up," he gasped and held her hips, pushing his cock harder and harder into her cunny before he let out a roar, arching back and gasping as he came hard, flooding her fertile womb. "Ooooooh yesss!" he panted, filling her with his seed.

She barked at feeling his cum in her, her muscles greedily slurping it to her cervix.

Upon cumming, he felt the cramp in his womb intensify, squeezing his child's head against his cervix. The cheetah gasped quietly and pumped the last of his seed inside her, sitting up with a gasp and feeling his belly, his nethers wet from more than just his arousal. "Ohhh...ow..." he groaned, trying to shift a bit.

The hyena took a little while to catch her breath, then looked over her shoulder and arched her back up to point her sex at him, growling again...seemed she wasn't finished.

The maleherm gasped, starting to soften and pull up his shorts, which felt damp to him. That was odd.... "Mmm, you want some more?" he asked, looking at her wet, red pussy.

She growled again, barking quietly and backing against him so her pussy was right on him.

He moaned a little as he zipped up his shorts, leaning down to finger her sex and gently kiss her forehead. "Want some cheetah tongue?" he asked, still not convinced he was in labor.

She yipped as his finger entered her. That was definitely not what she had expected...she had masturbated, sure, but why would a male help her when he could cum in her? But...it felt so good....

Kimoni crouched down to roll her over gently and lap at her pussy, sliding his tongue and muzzle into her snatch and caress her belly and thighs with his rough muscle, tail flicking behind as he was slowly coming off his climax high.

She yowled at this entry. Fingers were nice, but his tongue...was exquisite. She spread her legs into an almost perfect split and pounded the ground as she gasped with each lash of his rough tongue.

He felt another squeeze in his belly...which made him wonder. This sudden outburst of sexual energy, was that causing his labor? The cat growled and lapped at her, not about to let his body deny these pleasures to him, and he tried to put less pressure on his belly as he ate her out, paws gripping her thighs. He knew his way around both men and women, hot breath bathing her sex lips while he enjoyed her taste, his cock starting to grow hard again.

Her toes curled and uncurled, her head shaking back and forth as her hands squeezed her breasts and nipples.

The cheetah's belly squeezed harder before his muscles slowly let go of his child. Kimoni's muzzle spread her a little wider, a bit deeper as he slurped and snorted, grunting and panting while fully hard again, trying to ignore the cramps that signaled he'd be squatting in labor soon enough after finishing her off.

From deep within her came a loud, animalistic bellow, her walls spasming around his muzzle and tongue, her girlcum spilling on his face and chin. Her back arched almost impossibly far...she was truly a wild thing.

"Mmmmm," he gasped, slurping her girlcum up and moaning softly. If he wasn't near dropping this child, he'd love to take her home with him...or maybe she could take him home with her? Oh, if only.... He slurped up what he could and lifted his head, panting and grunting, hoping perhaps his labor had actually been false.

She looked at him with lidded eyes over her breasts, panting hard. That was incredible...but had some of his cum gotten out of her in the process? Unacceptable too! She reached down to her sex and pushed her fingers in, trying to work his cum deeper inside.

The cheetah sat up and watched her with wide eyes at her determination, stroking over his belly idly as he did. "Hey...mmm, you trying to get pregnant?" he asked as he watched, purring softly.

Truthfully, she was, but she couldn't understand him, so once she felt she had gotten all in her she could, she looked at his hand on his belly curiously. "Rr?" She knew her baby would grow in there, only in her...was he expressing interest in it?

The baby in Kimoni's belly gave a hard kick, feeling squeezed too tight. Kimoni growled quietly and smiled at her, wincing at his belly and standing up, eyeing her. "Yes...can you speak my language?" he asked, leaning over and reaching a hand to pet along her face and muzzle.

She licked at his hand, looking up at him and moving onto her hands and feet and then standing up. "..." She looked down at his stomach, having seen it move.

Another cramp came, causing the baby to kick again. The cheetah winced, looking down at his belly too and then up to her, stroking her tummy, flat and supple, leaning in to nuzzle her cheek and neck. "Mmmm, my pretty wild girl...."

She nuzzled him back, licking at his ear affectionately. She then placed her hand on his, looking down at her belly, and then looking at him with a little smile.

Kimoni flicked his ear and smiled, nuzzling and licking her neck as he pressed his belly to hers, small rips in his shirt exposing a nipple, and his belly a little. "Mmmm, you wanna get knocked up, don't you, pretty?" he panted.

Taking his affection as meaning he was interested in her as a mate, she gave his muzzle a lick and lay back down, spreading her legs and pawing at her cunny, smiling pleadingly.

The cheetah looked down at her, confused a bit. Did she want him to mate her again? He crouched slowly, stroking her lower belly and slit.

She groaned and lay on her back, murring and looking at him expectantly, submitting completely.

He felt a spurt of fluid leak from his cunt at the position, the baby being squeezed by another cramp...they were getting harder. Kimoni groaned as his balls got wetter, stretching his body out and licking over her belly and navel, into her slit and making him gasp, holding his belly off the ground a bit. He turned his body to straddle hers, his backside and crotch over her head, as he nuzzled and licked her belly and crotch.

She reached down and rubbed his ears, wrapping her legs around his head. This may not have been her first heat, but it was the first with a male...and it was absolutely wonderful! She took the waistband of his shorts and briefs in her hands and tore it apart, letting his cock out.

Kimoni felt his cervix stretching, painfully. He groaned and tried to sit up but as she restrained his head, he just kept nuzzling and licking, straddling her face as he moaned and whimpered, panting softly at the strain. "Ohhh, hon...somethin's happening!" he mumbled into her body, starting to panic.

She, thinking his vocalizations were signs of excitement, reached up and nuzzled and licked at his penis, unable to conceive of why he wouldn't cum in her body...but if this was how he took his mates, so be it. Purrgrowling, she flexed her thighs against his head as the pain in Kimoni's sex eased up to a dull ache.

The dangly cheetah gasped and moaned again, arching his back some to relieve the pressure on his belly, crouching down on all fours and lapping down her lower belly and sex. "Mmmm, that's nice...."

She was not used to having to hold back orgasms, and felt her very sensitive sex beginning to spasm already, juice leaking around his tongue as she, trying to be creative, took him in her mouth and sucked on him, finding the taste of his precum to be delicious.

Kimoni panted and grunted, pushing his cock into her muzzle and squirming around as he murred and shuddered, his cock growing thick in her mouth, leaking his pre while he rubbed his belly against her breasts.

She moaned around his cock, trying to resist biting down as she reached up and squeezed his balls, not noticing yet that there was something else behind his balls...which was soon to be used as another hard cramp along with strong pressure showed.

"Ohhh," he said, trying to lift his head out of her legs' death grip as he squatted over her face, feeling his heavy sac being played with, slick with birthing fluid that had trickled down his sac and now that he was bottomless, let her tease his bits openly.

With a grunt, her legs tightened their grip around his head almost painfully, a burst of her girlcum on his face once again.

He could feel his cervix stretching again, further this time...and a deadening painful pressure in the pit of his stomach. "Ohhh...God...hon!" he grunted and felt the baby pushing down a little bit, dribbling into his shorts which she'd been licking, slurping at her cunt and closing his eyes tightly to let the pain pass and hope she would let him go soon.

She eventually relaxed her grip, still sucking on his dick as the baby started to make its way down...but it felt that something was coming ahead of most of the mass, like a leg or arm.

The cheetah panted as she nursed his dangly cock, feeling himself growing closer to orgasm with each passing moment, squatting a little more and sitting up while the baby began to slip down. "Oooh...do you have a tribe or something...we could get to?" he asked her, panting softly.

Again, she took no notice to his indisposition, thinking he was voicing his pleasure as she rolled onto her hands and knees and kept sucking, murring and trying to get him to cum on her, thinking that was how he marked his mate. Meanwhile, the baby continued its way down.

"Hon, the...ohhh, yes!" he gasped as the baby began to press on his prostate, making his little staying power useless as he came hard, spraying a load of cream into her muzzle as he gasped and squirmed, losing his stability on his knees. "Unnnf, ooh!"

She let him cum onto her face, closing her eyes and wagging her tail slowly as she licked off what she could reach with just her tongue, thinking that she was now his mate.

He felt something reach his cuntlips, starting to emerge. The cheetah panted and smiled, his cock hanging out of his shorts while he kneeled in front of her. "Oh, hon...we have to go somewhere...now..." he said softly, trying to tuck his penis into his shorts somehow.

She looked up at him curiously. "Mrr?" Why was he in such a hurry? Didn't he want to cum in her again, just to be sure?

His shorts started to press outward, what felt like a limb sticking out as the bulk of the baby's mass started to squeeze his prostate.

The cheetah murred, and he sat up again, trying to keep his cock from flopping around as he sat up. "Damn it, help me..." he groaned, straining against the birthing baby.

Now she was a little afraid...was he in pain? Did she do something wrong? She leaned her face up to nuzzle and lick his, mindless of the seed on her fur.

He held her close, panting and purring softly as he strained, growling. She kept nuzzling his face, trying to support him in whatever pain he was feeling. The baby's hooves, yes hooves, were trying to make a bigger hole in his underwear and shorts to get out now. Kimoni gasped and strained, the tear in his shorts and briefs starting to spread back to expose his ballsack, and slowly towards the emerging baby, his boyfriend being a rather well-hung gazelle named Roscoe.

She whimpered quietly. Now this was getting a little scary...what had she done? She was still ignorant of the emerging baby, which was coming up to the waist, the widest part.

He growled and squatted, straining to push the baby out and felt it tearing his already ruined clothing, while he nuzzled her and licked her face of his cum, trying to distract himself from the labor.

She licked him back, feeling it helped calm him down, as the hooves ripped a bigger hole in his clothes, the head stretching his cunny at once delightfully and painfully wide.

The cheetah gasped and howled, holding onto her for support as he labored, pushing and panting in pain and effort to birth the child, wondering if she was even aware what was going on. "Oooh...help me!"

She yipped quietly, her ears swiveling back as she moved to try to see what was wrong with him...and barking in surprise when she saw what was happening between his legs. She tried to move back in fear, but his hands on her shoulders made him move with her.

The cheetah groaned, letting her go as he squatted, feeling under him to try to catch the child as it emerged.

She looked on in a mix of amazement and shock. How...how was he doing this?! This just was not done! But...if he could bear them offspring too...so much the better....

The baby slipped out to its shoulders in a gush of fluid, the aching stretching dulling slightly. "Ohhhh, God..." he panted quietly and felt the child, kneeling and panting, tearing off his clothing to expose himself, and his bulging tummy. "Fuck, how am I gonna get this kid home...?"

She stared at him, and then slowly edged closer. This was very...curious.

The baby was stopped for now, waiting for another contraction to fully emerge. Kimoni looked at her, panting softly. "Mmm...what, you don't like me now?"

She leaned down, her head right next to the baby, and sniffed it. ...Yes, it was real.

A sudden surge in his tummy muscles made him push down, the whole baby coming out in a sudden gush. The cheetah gasped, trying to grab it, but the slippery chezelle fell to the ground. It was uninjured, since it was rather a sturdy animal, but mewled and reached blindly for its mother. "Oohhh, fuck!" he gasped, crouching down to grab it.

She continued to sniff and inspect it curiously as the odd mix squirmed in his grasp, upset that the first thing it felt was the ground instead of warm flesh.

The cheetah grunted and held it close, the slimy messy baby against his fine furred body, and his large, slightly soft nipples leaking a bit of milk at the baby's touch.

She started licking it to clean it off, curious why he wasn't doing the same but feeling obligated to care for her mate's young.

He panted a bit from the birthing, letting her clean it, and smiling a little. "Mmm...you like taking care of it...? Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to stay here...."

It squirmed as she licked it, grabbing onto Kimoni's chest and mouthing it, wanting to nurse. Kimoni held the infant to his chest, letting the baby suckle from him.

She wagged her tail slowly, her flared-up maternal instincts being stoked by the newborn, and she murred gently as she nuzzled its cheek as it suckled.

Kimoni stroked his mate's head, supposing that now he had a family here of his own...and didn't need to return to his home.

Nocturnal Love

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